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Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice
Guns in America: National Survey on
Private Ownership and Use of Firearms
by Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
National Institute of Justice
Jeremy Travis, Director May 1997
• Methods of, and reasons for, firearms
• Storage and carrying of guns.
• Defensive use of firearms against crimi-
nal attackers.
Gun ownership
Prevalence. According to conventional
wisdom, about half of American house-
holds own guns, a belief affirmed by a
long series of national polls dating back
to 1959.1 Yet data from the 1994 tele-
phone survey (National Survey of Private
Ownership of Firearms—NSPOF) indi-
cate that just 35 percent (plus or minus
1.3 percent) of households own guns.
This estimate may be somewhat off the
mark but not by much. Conventional wis-
dom appears out of date.
The best available survey series on gun
ownership is the General Social Survey
(GSS), conducted by the National Opin-
ion Research Center. Its estimates have
been lower than some others, in the range
of 40 to 43 percent during the 1990s. In
particular, the GSS estimate for 1994 was
just 41 percent. Another telephone sur-
vey in 1994 produced a still lower esti-
mate for gun ownership, 38 percent of
The United States is unique among
wealthy nations in its vast private inven-
tory of firearms. The nearly 200 million
guns in private hands are used in part for
recreation, mostly hunting and target
shooting. But what engenders the most
public controversy over firearms is their
use against people during either the com-
mission of or defense against crime.
Gun advocates regard firearms as an im-
portant crime deterrent and source of
protection, while control advocates de-
nounce guns for the damage they do in
the hands of criminals. What both groups
can agree on is that widespread owner-
ship of firearms has an important impact
on the quality of life in America.
To learn more about the role of firearms,
the National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
sponsored—through a grant to the Police
Foundation—a nationally representative
telephone survey in 1994 on private own-
ership and use of firearms by American
adults (see "Firearms Survey Methodol-
ogy"). This Research in Brief reports
some of the survey's more important find-
ings, including the following:
• Size, composition, and ownership of the
Nation's private gun inventory.
Issues and Findings
Discussed in this Brief: Results of
a nationally representative tele-
phone survey (1994) on private
ownership and use of firearms by
American adults. The survey pro-
vides the most complete data avail-
able on the private stock of
firearms in the United States.
Key issues: With nearly 200 mil-
lion guns in private hands, firearms
have an important impact on the
quality of life in America. What is
the size and composition of the
Nation's private gun inventory?
What are the methods of, and rea-
sons for, acquiring firearms? How
are firearms stored? How fre-
quently are guns used against
criminal attackers?
Key findings: The survey data and
analysis yielded the following results:
In 1994, 44 million Americans
owned 192 million firearms, 65
million of which were handguns.
Although there were enough guns
to have provided every U.S. adult
with one, only 25 percent of adults
actually owned firearms; 74 per-
cent of gun owners possessed two
or more.
The proportion of American
households that keep firearms ap-
pears to be declining.
Sixty-eight percent of handgun
owners also possessed at least one
rifle or shotgun.
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
uted across the population, as is evident
from exhibit 2. Most striking is the gen-
der gap: 42 percent of men but just 9 per-
cent of women owned guns at the time of
NSPOF. (The gap is even wider when the
focus is on whether the respondent ever
owned a gun.) With respect to race,
whites were substantially more likely to
own guns than blacks (27 versus 16 per-
cent), and blacks more likely than His-
panics (16 versus 11 percent). But for
handguns alone, the ownership rates
among blacks and whites were nearly
equal (13.1 versus 16.5 percent).
Gun ownership (and handgun ownership)
was highest among middle-aged,5 college-
educated people of rural and small-town
America. But one of the best predictors of
gun ownership was the presence of fire-
arms in the respondent's childhood home.
People whose parents possessed guns
were three times as likely as others to
own one themselves. In fact, 80 percent
of all current gun owners reported that
their parents kept a firearm in the home.
Motivations. The most common motiva-
tion for owning firearms was recreation.
As shown in exhibit 3, about 35 percent
of gun owners (15 million people, 8 per-
cent of the adult public) hunted in 1994,
and about an equal percentage engaged
Concentration. Despite enough guns in
private hands to provide every adult in
America with one, only one-quarter of
adults actually own firearms. Those who
have one gun usually have several: 74
percent possessed two or more in 1994.
Gun ownership is quite concentrated but
not more so than for other durable goods.
In marketing circles, the "80/20 rule"
suggests that the top fifth of all consum-
ers of a product typically account for
four-fifths of all purchases by value.
NSPOF data indicate that the top 20 per-
cent of firearm owners possessed 55 per-
cent of privately owned firearms.3 Of gun
owners in 1994, 10 million individuals
owned 105 million guns, while the re-
maining 87 million guns were dispersed
among 34 million other owners.
Persons owning several guns tended to
have varied collections, including rifles,
shotguns, and handguns.4 We find that 68
percent of handgun owners also owned at
least one rifle or shotgun, suggesting
some experience and interest in the
sporting uses of guns. Exhibit 1 provides
additional data on the composition of pri-
vate gun collections.
Demographic patterns. In 1994 gun
ownership was far from uniformly distrib-
Gun ownership was highest
among middle-aged, college-
educated people of rural small-
town America. Whites were
substantially more likely to own
guns than blacks, and blacks more
likely than Hispanics.
The most common motivation
for owning firearms was recre-
ation. Forty-six percent possessed a
gun primarily for protection against
There were 13.7 million firearm
transactions in 1993–1994, includ-
ing 6.5 million handguns. About
60 percent of gun acquisitions in-
volved federally licensed dealers.
About 211,000 handguns and
382,000 long guns were stolen in
noncommercial thefts in 1994.
Slightly more than half of all pri-
vately owned firearms were stored
unlocked; 16 percent of firearms
were stored unlocked and loaded.
In 1994, about 14 million adults
(approximately one-third of gun
owners) at least once carried a fire-
arm in their vehicles or on their
person for protection.
Evidence suggests that this sur-
vey and others like it overestimate
the frequency with which firearms
were used by private citizens to de-
fend against criminal attack.
Target audience: Criminal justice
and public health researchers and
practitioners. Legislators and policy-
makers at all levels of government.
Issues and Findings
Exhibit 1. Composition of Gun Ownership (1994) a
a. There were 44 million gun owners in 1994.
Own 1
Own 1
Own 2+
Own Both
Own 2+
Own Long 
Guns Only 
Own 
Handguns 
Only 
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
moral," or otherwise objectionable.
The remaining one-third were at least
open to the possibility of obtaining
firearms and might do so if their finan-
cial condition or motivation became
stronger. For many, the needed moti-
in sport shooting other than hunting.
Given the substantial overlap between
the two groups, about half (23 million)
of the Nation's 44 million gun owners
participated in a gun sport during
1994. Of those who owned only hand-
guns in 1994, 40 percent used them
recreationally, almost entirely for sport
shooting other than hunting.
Another reason cited for firearm own-
ership was self-protection. Overall, 46
percent of gun owners possessed fire-
arms (usually handguns) primarily for
protection against crime (41 percent
for males; 67 percent for females). Al-
most three-quarters of those who
owned only handguns kept them pri-
marily for self-protection. Of course,
some people seek the protection of a
gun because they may be dispropor-
tionately likely to lead risky lives or
associate with violent people.6 Those
who had been arrested for nontraffic
offenses were more likely to own fire-
arms (37 percent compared to 25 per-
cent in the general population).
But most persons do not own guns, and
the NSPOF included several items to
find out why. In 1994, about two-thirds
of gunless adults were actively opposed
to having guns in their homes because
they viewed guns as dangerous, "im-
Exhibit 2. Gun Ownership Patterns (NSPOF Estimates, 1994)
Exhibit 3. Recreational Use of Firearms—Percentage of Gun Owners Who
Hunt, Do Other Sport Shooting, Do Neither
Note: The average number of days hunters said they spent hunting in 1994 was 16.4 days.
The average number of days sport shooters said they spent sport shooting in 1994 was
18.6 days.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
More Than High School
High School Diploma
Less Than High School
11 9 20
13 3 16
10 8 18
15 9 24
19 10 29
23 13 36
17 10 27
16 7 23
21 11 32
26 16 42
Parents Had Gun in Home?
Percentage of Respondents Owning Guns
Percentage Owning
Handguns (Whether or
Not Owning Long Guns As Well)
Owning Long 
Guns Only Total Percentage
of Gun Owners
Both Hunting
and Other Sport
Only 
Shooting Only
(Other Than
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
Firearms Survey Methodology
he NIJ-sponsored National Survey
of Private Ownership of Firearms (NSPOF)
was conducted by Chilton Research Ser-
vices of Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, during
November and December 1994. Data col-
lected by the survey were analyzed by the
authors of this Research in Brief.
The telephone survey employed a list-
assisted random-digit-dial sampling
method, in which every residential tele-
phone number had the same likelihood of
being selected. Each household selected
in this fashion was scheduled for as many
calls as needed (up to a maximum of six)
to make contact with the appropriate per-
son and complete the interview. When a
household was first contacted, the inter-
viewer asked to speak with the adult in
the household who had the most recent
birthday. Because this method random-
izes the selection of respondents from
among the adults living in the household,
the NSPOF was a probability sample of
adults in the United States.*
Minimums were established for the num-
ber of completed interviews with racial
minorities and gun-owning households.
Such households were more likely than
others to be included in the final sample.
Sampling weights were calculated to ad-
just for this design feature and for other
sociodemographic differences between
the sample and the U.S. adult population.
Although these adjustments improved
the quality of population estimates based
on the NSPOF, some types of estimates
may still be biased. As in every survey,
some sample members refused to coop-
erate and others were never home when
the interviewer called. The concern is that
these nonrespondents may tend to differ
from the general population (and the
completed sample) in relevant ways. The
scope of that potential problem is usually
indicated by the response rate.
In the absence of a single accepted defini-
tion of "response rate," two reasonable
1994 National Survey of Private Ownership of Firearms (NSPOF)
Objectives: Provide national estimates for:
Adult ownership of guns, by gun type.
Sources and motivations for gun acquisition.
Firearm safety and storage.
Defensive use of firearms.
Attitudes toward gun control.
Sample: Probability sample of 2,568 noninstitutionalized adults aged 18 and over who are fluent in English or Spanish and
live in households with a telephone.
Method: Telephone interview with one randomly selected adult from each household.
Population estimates: Weighted averages of relevant responses. Standard errors for estimates of population-prevalence
rates range up to 1.4 percentage points, somewhat higher for prevalence estimates within subpopulations.
definitions yield figures of 44 and 59 per-
cent for the NSPOF. Thus, nonresponse
bias in our estimates is a real possibility.
Nonetheless, the response rate for this
survey is no lower than for other well-
executed telephone surveys, and there
is no reason to believe that this survey used
a less representative sample than others.**
Most of the estimates contained in this
Research in Brief rely on the responses of
those who personally owned firearms.
The estimates do not rely on the reports
of those who did not personally own a
gun but lived in a gun-owning house-
hold because our analysis of the NSPOF
data suggests that the survey respond–
ents were often unwilling or unable to
report on guns owned by other adults in
the household. For example, we find
that in households headed by married
couples, women were much less likely to
report a gun in the house (which in most
cases would belong to their husbands)
than were men.
* For details about the GENESYS method employed by Chilton or other survey issues, see Brick, J.M., J. Waksberg, D. Kulp, and A. Starer, "Bias in List-
Assisted Telephone Samples," Public Opinion Quarterly, 59:218–235. Also: Waksberg, J., "Sampling Methods for Random Digit Dialing," Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 73:40–46, 1978.
** Kleck, G., and M. Gertz, "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense With a Gun," Journal of Criminal Law and Criminol-
ogy, 86(1):150–187, Fall 1995. They reported a response rate of 61 percent for their national telephone survey of gun ownership and defensive gun use. In
calculating this response rate, they excluded all sample members whom they were unable to contact. By their definition, the NSPOF response rate would be
higher than 61 percent.
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
vation may have come from an in-
creased concern about crime: nearly 5
percent of respondents reported that
they planned to obtain a gun for pro-
tection against crime within a year.
The stock of guns in private
The NSPOF-based estimate for the to-
tal number of privately owned firearms
is 192 million: 65 million handguns,
70 million rifles, 49 million shotguns,
and 8 million other long guns (exhibit
4). Of the handguns, 48 percent were
revolvers, 40 percent semiautomatics,
and 12 percent were reported as "some
other type of handgun" by respondents.
The millions of guns in private hands in-
cluded everything from cheap .22-caliber
"snubbies" to finely made high-powered
rifles worth thousands of dollars. The va-
riety of firearm designs reflects the multi-
plicity of uses for which they are intended
and also influences the weapons' capaci-
ties for harm. Firearm regulations place
special restrictions on commerce in short-
barreled guns (because they are easily
concealed and disproportionately used in
crime) and on large-capacity magazines.
From our analysis, we find that the
magazine capacity of one-fifth of all
handguns was 10 or more rounds (ex-
hibit 4B). The barrel of about one in
six handguns was 3 inches or shorter
(exhibit 4C).7 Comparing handguns ac-
quired in 1993 or 1994 with those ac-
quired prior to 1993 permitted
examination of changes in the demand
for different kinds of handguns over
time. Handguns acquired more re-
cently were more likely to have large
magazine capacities (37.8 versus 14.1
percent held 10 or more rounds) and
were less likely to be of small caliber,
defined as .32 or under (28.6 versus
38 percent). (See exhibit 4D.)
Acquisitions. To date, little informa-
tion has been available about gun
flows in the United States. The poten-
tial importance of this information is
its use in evaluating regulation of fire-
arms commerce. For example, the Gun
Control Act of 1968 restricts interstate
shipments to federally licensed firearm
dealers (FFLs), who in turn are re-
quired to follow laws regulating retail
transfers. Transactions not involving
FFLs, known as the "secondary mar-
ket," typically do not require
recordkeeping and are exempt from the
Federal requirement (for handguns) of a
waiting period and criminal record
check.8 Moreover, secondary market
transactions are not subject to regula-
tory oversight. Thus, knowing the vol-
ume of informal transfers that do or do
not involve FFLs would be useful.
The average firearm in circulation in
1994 was acquired by its present
owner in 1981, with the average hand-
gun having been acquired in 1983.
Persons owning handguns in 1994 ac-
quired about 28 percent of them in
1993–1994, compared with 20 percent
of long guns. An estimated 13.7 million
transactions occurred during 1993–
1994, including 6.5 million involving
handguns. Sixty percent of long guns
and 68 percent of handguns were new
at the time of acquisition by their 1994
owners during the 1993–1994 period.
4A. Estimates of Number of Guns
Number in
Revolvers 31
Semiautomatics 26
Other 8
Total 65
Semiautomatics 28
Other 42
Total 70
Shotguns 49
Other long guns 8
Total All Guns 192
4B. Magazine Capacity of Handgun
Stock a
Number of of Handgun
Rounds Stock
1–9 rounds 79%
10 or more rounds 21%
a. The average number of rounds is 8.1.
How do people typically acquire fire-
arms? As shown in exhibit 5, almost all
guns acquired during 1993 and 1994
were either purchased by the respondent
(73 percent) or received as a gift (19 per-
cent). The remaining 8 percent were ob-
tained through inheritance, a swap of
some kind, or other means.
4C. Length of Barrel
Percentage of Percentage of
All Handgun Handguns With
Stock Caliber .32 or Under b
1–3 inches 17% 37%c
4–5 inches 38% 31%c
6 or more inches 45% 38%c
b. The percentage of all handgun stock having a caliber .32 or under is 34 percent.
c. These percentages are not of all guns but only of those identified in the middle column.
Exhibit 4. Gun Stock Characteristics
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
The predominant sources of guns,
unsurprisingly, were stores (60 per-
cent). Other important sources in-
cluded family members and
acquaintances. The 3 percent of re-
spondents who indicated that they ob-
tained guns "through the mail" (which
is illegal for all but FFLs) may have
misremembered or may have referred
to a mail-order purchase arranged
through an FFL.
The average gun obtained in 1993 and
1994 was worth $392 at the time of
transfer, with little difference between
handguns and long guns. Fewer than 1
in 20 guns acquired during those 2
years were valued at less than $100.
Fifty-seven percent of firearms were
obtained from stores, pawnshops, or
other sources that the respondents were
certain to have been federally licensed
firearm dealers. Some respondents
were not sure about whether the source
was an FFL. Others indicated that the
source was an FFL but then reported
that the transaction was a trade rather
than a cash sale or that the source was
an acquaintance or family member. If
those cases are included, the propor-
tion increases to 64 percent.
We conclude that approximately 60
percent of gun acquisitions involved
an FFL and hence were subject to
4D. Magazine Capacity and Barrel Length by Time of Acquisition
Handguns Acquired Handguns Acquired
Prior to 1993 in 1993 or 1994
(N=234) (N=91)
Percentage of All Percentage of All
Magazine Capacity dHandguns Handguns
1–9 rounds 85.9% 62.2%
10 or more rounds 14.1% 37.8%
Percentage of Percentage With Percentage of Percentage With
Length of Barrel eHandgun Stock Caliber .32 or Under Handgun Stock Caliber .32 or Under
1–3 inches 17.6% 40.8% 17.4% 33.7%
4–5 inches 35.9% 30.5% 41.6% 31.1%
6 or more inches 46.5% 43.4% 41.0% 22.6%
d. The average number of rounds for guns acquired before 1993 is 7.6. For guns acquired in 1993 or 1994 it is 9.5.
e. The percentage of all handguns acquired prior to 1993 having a caliber .32 or under is 38 percent. The percentage of all handguns
acquired in 1993 or 1994 having a caliber .32 or under is 28.6 percent.
Exhibit 5. Methods and Sources for Gun Acquisition in 1993 and 1994 (NSPOF Estimates)
Percentage for Long Guns Percentage for Handguns Percentage for All Guns
(N=121) (N=128) (N=251)
What Best Describes How
You Obtained Your Gun?
Bought it 69 77 73
Received it as a gift 22 16 19
Traded something for it 3 2 3
Inherited it 5 4 5
From What Source Did You
Obtain This Gun?
Gun store 33 55 43
Pawnshop 5 8 6
Other store 18 3 11
Gun show or flea market 4 4 4
Through the mail 3 3 3
Member of the family 22 12 17
Friend or acquaintance 12 13 12
Other 5 3 4
Exhibit 4. Gun Stock Characteristics (1994) (continued)
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
Federal regulations on such matters as
out-of-State sales, criminal history
checks, and recordkeeping. A some-
what higher percentage of handgun ac-
quisitions than long gun acquisitions
involved FFLs. The remaining acquisi-
tions, amounting to about 2 million per
year, were off-the-books transfers in
the secondary market.
Thefts. A major theme highlighted in
a 1986 survey of incarcerated felons
was that theft was an important means
of obtaining firearms for those with
criminal intentions: 32 percent of sur-
veyed felons had stolen their most re-
cently acquired handgun.9
Based on the NSPOF, an estimated 0.9
percent of all gun-owning households
(269,000) experienced the theft of one
or more firearms during 1994. About
211,000 handguns and 382,000 long
guns were stolen in noncommercial
thefts that year, for a total of 593,000
stolen firearms. Those estimates are
subject to considerable sampling error
but are consistent with earlier esti-
mates of about half a million guns sto-
len annually.10
Gun safety
Gun storage. Of 1,356 accidental
deaths by gunshot in 1994, 185 in-
volved children 14 years old and
younger.11 For each such fatality, there
are several accidental shootings that
cause serious injury. Guns were also
the means of destruction in 19,590
suicides, 210 involving children 14 or
younger. For these reasons, safe han-
dling and storage of firearms have at-
tracted the attention of the public
health community.
We found that 20 percent of all gun-
owning households had an unlocked,
loaded gun in the home at the time of
the survey. This figure was substan-
tially higher among handgun-owning
households than among households
with long guns only—30 percent ver-
sus 7 percent.
Slightly more than half of firearms of
either type were stored unlocked, but
handguns were much more likely to be
loaded. Reflecting their predominant
use in self-defense, handguns were
likely to be stored in bedrooms or ve-
hicles of owners or even on their per-
son, while most long guns were kept in
gun closets or other out-of-the-way
places (exhibit 6).
Although training programs usually in-
clude suggestions on how to store guns
safely, it does not appear that trainees
are paying attention. More than half
(56 percent) of owners had received
some form of "formal" training from
the military, law enforcement, National
Rifle Association, National Safety
Council, or other source. As a group,
owners who received such training
were no less likely than others to keep
guns loaded and unlocked. This sur-
prising result is consistent with other
recent studies.12
However, a more detailed analysis of
NSPOF data that examined the effects
of different formal training programs
separately indicated one exception:
training programs such as those of-
fered by local affiliates of the National
Safety Council were associated with a
significant reduction in the likelihood
of keeping a gun unlocked and loaded.
This result speaks well of that training,
the trainees, or both.
Carrying a gun outside the home, es-
pecially in an urban area, is problem-
atic because the public is at risk if the
carrier is reckless or inclined to vio-
lence. For that reason, carrying a fire-
arm in a vehicle or on the person is
subject to a variety of State and local
regulations. In most States, carrying a
concealed gun is prohibited or re-
stricted to those who have obtained a
special license. At the same time, many
States have reacted to public concerns
about crime by enacting laws under
which most citizens can usually obtain a
Exhibit 6. Storage Method and Location of Firearms (NSPOF Estimates)
Percentage for Long Guns Percentage for Handguns Percentage for All Guns
(N=437) (N=352) (N=789)
Storage Method/Location
Gun loaded 11 55 26
Gun loaded and unlocked 7 34 16
Where Gun Kept
Bedroom 17 37 24
Gun closet 53 26 44
Other closet 19 11 17
In vehicle or on person 1 16 6
Other 10 8 10
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
concealed-carry permit. Currently, 31
States have passed such laws.
About 14 million adults (approxi-
mately one-third of gun owners) car-
ried firearms for protection at least
once during the 12 months preceding
NSPOF. Four million of them indicated
that they carried guns for protection "in
connection with work." Two-thirds who
carried guns kept them in their ve-
hicles, while the others sometimes car-
ried them on their person.
The occupations of respondents who re-
port carrying guns in connection with
work are quite diverse. Somewhat sur-
prisingly, only a quarter of this group
were employed in the protective service
field. The questionnaire does not dis-
tinguish between those who are re-
quired by their employers to carry
firearms as part of their occupational
duties and those who do so on their own
initiative. In any event, an estimated 3
million adults who were not in law en-
forcement or security carried firearms
for protection on the job in 1994.
The majority (56 percent) of those who
carried firearms outside of work did so
fewer than 30 days per year, but a sub-
stantial minority (22 percent) rarely
left home without a gun. On any given
day, 1.1 million people were carrying
guns on their person outside the work-
place, while another 2.1 million stored
guns in their cars or trucks.
Some correlates of gun carrying are
worth noting. Males who carried guns
in 1994 were about 21/2 times as likely
to have been arrested for a nontraffic
offense as other men (15 percent ver-
sus 6 percent). And a disproportionate
share of gun carriers resided in the
South, where the prevalence of carry-
ing guns was almost double that of the
rest of the Nation.
Defensive gun uses
NSPOF estimates. Private citizens
sometimes use their guns to scare off
trespassers and fend off assaults. Such
defensive gun uses (DGUs) are some-
times invoked as a measure of the
public benefits of private gun owner-
ship. On the basis of National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS) data, one
would conclude that defensive uses
are rare indeed, about 108,000 per
year. But other surveys yield far higher
estimates of the number of DGUs.
Most notable has been a much publi-
cized estimate of 2.5 million DGUs,
based on data from a 1994 telephone
survey conducted by Florida State
University professors Gary Kleck and
Mark Gertz.13 The 2.5 million figure
has been picked up by the press and
now appears regularly in newspaper
articles, letters to the editor, editorials,
and even Congressional Research Ser-
vice briefs for public policymakers.
The NSPOF survey is quite similar to
the Kleck and Gertz instrument and
provides a basis for replicating their
estimate. Each of the respondents in
the NSPOF was asked the question,
"Within the past 12 months, have you
yourself used a gun, even if it was not
fired, to protect yourself or someone
else, or for the protection of property at
home, work, or elsewhere?" Answers
in the affirmative were followed with
"How many different times did you use
a gun, even if it was not fired, to pro-
tect yourself or property in the past 12
months?" Negative answers to the first
DGU question were followed by "Have
you ever used a gun to defend yourself
or someone else?" (emphasis in origi-
nal). Each respondent who answered
yes to either of these DGU questions
was asked a sequence of 30 additional
questions concerning the most recent
defensive gun use in which the respond-
ent was involved, including the
respondent's actions with the gun, the
location and other circumstances of
the incident, and the respondent's re-
lationship to the perpetrator.
Forty-five respondents reported a de-
fensive gun use in 1994 against a per-
son (exhibit 7). Given the sampling
weights, these respondents constitute
1.6 percent of the sample and repre-
sent 3.1 million adults. Almost half of
these respondents reported multiple
DGUs during 1994, which provides
the basis for estimating the 1994 DGU
incidence at 23 million. This surpris-
ing figure is caused in part by a few
respondents reporting large numbers
of defensive gun uses during the year;
for example, one woman reported 52!
Exhibit 7. Defensive Gun Use (DGU) Estimates for 1-Year Recall Period
(1994)—Comparison of NSPOF with Kleck and Gertz Estimates
NSPOF Estimates Kleck and Gertz
All DGUs DGUs Meeting
Against Kleck and Gertz
Persons Criteria*
1 Year (N=45) (N=19) (N=66)
Estimated number of
defenders (in millions) 3.1 1.5 2.5
Estimated number of
DGUs (In millions) 23.0 4.7 n/a
*In their 1995 DGU study, Kleck and Gertz presented estimates based on only the DGU
reports that met certain criteria (see text).
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
A somewhat more conservative NSPOF
estimate is shown in the column of ex-
hibit 7 that reflects the application of
the criteria used by Kleck and Gertz to
identify "genuine" defensive gun uses.
Respondents were excluded on the ba-
sis of the most recent DGU description
for any of the following reasons: the re-
spondent did not see a perpetrator; the
respondent could not state a specific
crime that was involved in the inci-
dent; or the respondent did not actu-
ally display the gun or mention it to
the perpetrator.
Applying those restrictions leaves 19
NSPOF respondents (0.8 percent of
the sample), representing 1.5 million
defensive users. This estimate is di-
rectly comparable to the well-known
estimate of Kleck and Gertz, shown in
the last column of exhibit 7. While the
NSPOF estimate is smaller, it is statis-
tically plausible that the difference is
due to sampling error. Inclusion of
multiple DGUs reported by half of the
19 NSPOF respondents increases the
estimate to 4.7 million DGUs.
Some troubling comparisons. If
the DGU numbers are in the right
ballpark, millions of attempted as-
saults, thefts, and break-ins were
foiled by armed citizens during the 12-
month period. According to these re-
sults, guns are used far more often to
defend against crime than to perpe-
trate crime. (Firearms were used by
perpetrators in 1.07 million incidents
of violent crime in 1994, according to
NCVS data.)
Thus, it is of considerable interest and
importance to check the reasonable-
ness of the NSPOF estimates before
embracing them. Because respondents
were asked to describe only their most
recent defensive gun use, our compari-
sons are conservative, as they assume
only one defensive gun use per de-
fender. The results still suggest that
DGU estimates are far too high.
For example, in only a small fraction
of rape and robbery attempts do vic-
tims use guns in self-defense. It does
not make sense, then, that the NSPOF
estimate of the number of rapes in
which a woman defended herself with
a gun was more than the total number
of rapes estimated from NCVS (exhibit
8). For other crimes listed in exhibit 8,
the results are almost as absurd: the
NSPOF estimate of DGU robberies is
36 percent of all NCVS-estimated rob-
beries, while the NSPOF estimate of
DGU assaults is 19 percent of all ag-
gravated assaults. If those percentages
were close to accurate, crime would be
a risky business indeed!
NSPOF estimates also suggest that
130,000 criminals are wounded or
killed by civilian gun defenders. That
number also appears completely out of
line with other, more reliable statistics
on the number of gunshot cases.14
The evidence of bias in the DGU esti-
mates is even stronger when one re-
calls that the DGU estimates are
calculated using only the most re-
cently reported DGU incidents of
NSPOF respondents; as noted, about
half of the respondents who reported a
DGU indicated two or more in the pre-
ceding year. Although there are no de-
tails on the circumstances of those
additional DGUs, presumably they are
similar to the most recent case and
provide evidence for additional mil-
lions of violent crimes foiled and per-
petrators shot.
Exhibit 8. Defensive Gun Uses Compared to Total Crime Counts (1994)
Rape and
Attempts Robbery
(In Thousands)
Aggravated 
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
False positives. Regardless of which
estimates one believes, only a small frac-
tion of adults have used guns defensively
in 1994. The only question is whether
that fraction is 1 in 1,800 (as one would
conclude from the NCVS) or 1 in 100
(as indicated by the NSPOF estimate
based on Kleck and Gertz's criteria).
Any estimate of the incidence of a rare
event based on screening the general
population is likely to have a positive
bias. The reason can best be explained
by use of an epidemiological frame-
work.15 Screening tests are always sub-
ject to error, whether the "test" is a
medical examination for cancer or an
interview question for DGUs. The er-
rors are either "false negatives" or
"false positives." If the latter tend to
outnumber the former, the population
prevalence will be exaggerated.
The reason this sort of bias can be ex-
pected in the case of rare events boils
down to a matter of arithmetic. Sup-
pose the true prevalence is 1 in 1,000.
Then out of every 1,000 respondents,
only 1 can possibly supply a "false
negative," whereas any of the 999 may
provide a "false positive." If even 2 of
the 999 provide a false positive, the
result will be a positive bias—regard-
less of whether the one true positive
tells the truth.
Respondents might falsely provide a
positive response to the DGU question
for any of a number of reasons:
• They may want to impress the inter-
viewer by their heroism and hence ex-
aggerate a trivial event.
• They may be genuinely confused due
to substance abuse, mental illness, or
simply less-than-accurate memories.
• They may actually have used a gun
defensively within the last couple of
years but falsely report it as occurring
in the previous year—a phenomenon
known as "telescoping."
Of course, it is easy to imagine the
reasons why that rare respondent who
actually did use a gun defensively
within the time frame may have de-
cided not to report it to the inter-
viewer. But again, the arithmetic
dictates that the false positives will
likely predominate.
In line with the theory that many DGU
reports are exaggerated or falsified, we
note that in some of these reports, the
respondents' answers to the followup
items are not consistent with respon-
dents' reported DGUs. For example, of
the 19 NSPOF respondents meeting
the more restrictive Kleck and Gertz
DGU criteria (exhibit 7), 6 indicated
that the circumstance of the DGU was
rape, robbery, or attack—but then re-
sponded "no" to a subsequent ques-
tion: "Did the perpetrator threaten,
attack, or injure you?"
The key explanation for the difference
between the 108,000 NCVS estimate
for the annual number of DGUs and
the several million from the surveys
discussed earlier is that NCVS avoids
the false-positive problem by limiting
DGU questions to persons who first re-
ported that they were crime victims.
Most NCVS respondents never have a
chance to answer the DGU question,
falsely or otherwise.
Unclear benefits and costs from
gun uses. Even if one were clever
enough to design a questionnaire that
would weed out error, a problem in in-
terpreting the result would remain.
Should the number of DGUs serve as a
measure of the public benefit of pri-
vate gun possession, even in prin-
ciple? When it comes to DGUs, is
more better? That is doubtful, for two
kinds of reasons:
• First, people who draw their guns to
defend themselves against perceived
threats are not necessarily innocent
victims; they may have started fights
themselves or they may simply be mis-
taken about whether the other persons
really intended to harm them. Survey
interviewers must take the respondent's
word for what happened and why; a
competent police investigation of the
same incident would interview all par-
ties before reaching a conclusion.
• Second and more generally, the
number of DGUs tells us little about
the most important effects on crime of
widespread gun ownership. When a
high percentage of homes, vehicles,
and even purses contain guns, that
presumably has an important effect on
the behavior of predatory criminals.
Some may be deterred or diverted to
other types of crime. Others may
change tactics, acquiring a gun them-
selves or in some other way seeking to
preempt gun use by the intended vic-
tim.16 Such consequences presumably
have an important effect on criminal
victimization rates but are in no way
reflected in the DGU count.
The NSPOF provides the most com-
plete data available on the private
stock of firearms in the United States,
including the kinds of guns owned, by
whom they are owned, and for what
purpose they were acquired. When
asked, handgun owners usually gave
self-protection as their primary motive
for owning guns, while long-gun own-
ers mentioned hunting or target shoot-
ing. Other findings support the
conclusion that handguns are much
more likely than long guns to be kept
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
unlocked and ready for use in the
home and to be carried in public; they
are much less likely to be used in
sporting activities. Despite those dif-
ferences, demographic and socioeco-
nomic patterns of firearm ownership in
1994 were similar for handguns and
long guns; in fact, most handgun own-
ers also owned one or more long guns.
A fair conclusion is that the more fun-
damental divide is not between hand-
gun and long-gun owners but between
those who own guns and those who do
not. Those who like guns, have some
experience with them, and have the
means to obtain them tend to keep sev-
eral for various purposes. But most of
the adult public turns elsewhere for
recreation and protection against crime.
Over time, the relative importance of
self-protection and sport as motiva-
tions for gun acquisition and use has
changed. Perhaps as a result of the in-
creasing urbanization of America, the
overall prevalence of gun ownership
appears to be declining, as is partici-
pation in hunting. Proportionately
fewer households owned firearms in
1994 than was true in the 1960s and
1970s, and the younger cohorts are en-
tering into gun ownership at slower
rates than previous ones. When people
do acquire guns now, the motivation is
more likely self-defense than in the
past: The mix of new firearms sold in
1994 was equally divided between
handguns and long guns, whereas 25
years earlier twice as many long guns
were sold.17
The NSPOF does not provide much
evidence on whether consumers who
buy guns for protection against crime
get their money's worth. The NSPOF-
based estimate of millions of DGUs
each year greatly exaggerates the true
number, as do other estimates based
on similar surveys. Much debated is
whether the widespread ownership of
firearms deters crime or makes it more
deadly—or perhaps both—but the
DGU estimates are not informative in
this regard.
For other purposes, the NSPOF is a re-
liable reference. Such information is
vital to the evaluation of the ongoing
debate over government regulation of
gun transactions, possession, and use.
1. For example, the December 1993
Gallup Poll estimated that 49 percent
of households possessed a gun.
2. Kleck, G., and M. Gertz, "Armed
Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence
and Nature of Self-Defense With a
Gun," Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology, 86(1):150–187, Fall 1995.
3. For a discussion of the "80/20"
rule, see Clotfelter, C.T., and P.J.
Cook, Selling Hope: State Lotteries in
America, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Harvard University Press, 1989. It is
possible that if one could adjust for the
value of guns, the degree of concentra-
tion would be still greater and better
fit the rule.
4. Fifty-five percent of all individuals
who owned four or more guns had at least
one in each of these three categories.
5. The NSPOF offers evidence that
gun ownership is declining. Not only
were middle-aged people more likely
to own a gun in 1994 than those under
age 40, but they were also more likely
to have acquired a gun by age 21.
6. Surveys of juvenile delinquents and
adult felons confirm the importance of
self-defense as a motive for gun posses-
sion by active criminals. For juvenile de-
linquents, see Sheley, J.F., and J.D.
Wright, Gun Acquisition and Possession
in Selected Juvenile Samples, Research
in Brief, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice, National Institute of Jus-
tice, December 1993. For adult felons,
see Wright, J.D., and P. Rossi, Armed
and Considered Dangerous, Hawthorne,
New York: Aldine, 1986.
7. Of some interest, given the contro-
versy over the "Saturday Night Spe-
cial," is that most short-barreled
handguns were not .22 caliber; two-
thirds were in excess of .32 caliber, the
same as for longer barreled handguns.
8. Cook, P.J., S. Molliconi, and T.B.
Cole, "Regulating Gun Markets,"
Journal of Criminal Law and Crimi-
nology, 86(1):59–92, Fall 1995.
9. Wright and Rossi, 1986, 183.
10. The standard error for this point
estimate is about four-tenths of a per-
centage point. Thus, the 95-percent
confidence interval ranges from
around 0.1 percent to 1.7 percent of
gun-owning households. Cook,
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Molliconi, and Cole, 1995, use data
from the National Crime Victimization
Survey for the period 1987–1992 to
estimate 511,000 stolen guns per
11. Monthly Vital Statistics Report,
Department of Health and Human
Services, 45(3S), September 30, 1996.
Table 16.
12. Hemenway, D., S.J. Solnick, and
D. Azrael, "Firearm Training and Stor-
age," Journal of the American Medical
Association, 273(1):46–50, 1995.
13. Kleck and Gertz, 1995.
14. In 1994 about 17,000 people were
shot dead in criminal assaults and
justifiable homicides. Given what we
know about the case fatality rate,
fewer than 100,000 nonfatal gunshot
woundings were known to the police.
(See Cook, P.J., "The Case of the
Missing Victims," Journal of Quantita-
tive Criminology, 1985). Presumably,
the true number of justifiable shootings
was just a fraction of this total.
15. Hemenway, D., "Survey Research
and Self-defense Gun Use: An Expla-
nation of Extreme Overestimates,"
Harvard Injury Control Center Dis-
cussion Paper, 1996.
Philip J. Cook, Ph.D., is ITT/
Sanford professor of public policy
studies, Duke University, and Jens
Ludwig, Ph.D., is assistant profes-
sor of public policy, Georgetown
The national survey was supported
under grant number 93–IJ–CX–
0017, awarded to the Police Foun-
dation by the National Institute of
Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
U.S. Department of Justice.
This Research in Brief is available
online at the Justice Information
Center home page (http:// and available
through fax-on-demand (800–851–
3420 or 301–251–5518; ask for
document number 1026). The full-
length report, as submitted to NIJ
by the authors and on which this
Research in Brief is based, may be
obtained through interlibrary loan
or, for a fee, as a photocopy from
the National Criminal Justice Ref-
erence Service (call 800–851–3420
for cost and other information).
The Police Foundation has pub-
lished Guns in America: Results of
a Comprehensive National Survey
on Firearms Ownership and Use,
which is based on the full-length
report submitted to NIJ by the
authors. For ordering information,
call 202–833–1460 or write to the
Police Foundation, Attn: Publications,
1001 22nd Street N.W., Washing-
ton, D.C. 20037.
Findings and conclusions of the research re-
ported here are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the official position or poli-
cies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The National Institute of Justice is a com-
ponent of the Office of Justice Programs,
which also includes the Bureau of Justice
Assistance, Bureau of Justice Statistics,
Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency
Prevention, and the Office for Victims of
NCJ 165476
16. Cook, P.J., "The Technology of
Personal Violence." In M. Tonry (ed.),
Crime and Justice: A Review of Re-
search (Vol. 14), Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1–71, 1991.
17. Cook, P.J., "Notes on the Avail-
ability and Prevalence of Firearms,"
American Journal of Preventive Medi-
cine, 9 Supp:33–38, May/June 1993.
... These restrictions have narrowed scholars' ability to study firearms as a multifaceted sociolegal issue rather than simply as a criminal issue (Carlson and James 2022). Even for basic demographics and attitudes of firearms owners, we rely primarily on a series of research projects conducted by academics (see generally Smith and Uchida 1988;Cook and Ludwig 1997;Smith 2001;Braman and Kahan 2003;Hepburn et al. 2007;Mencken and Froese 2019), and partial information obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests (Shapira, Jensen, and Lin 2018) or other available data (McDowall and Loftin 1983). These efforts lack standardization, leading to issues such as two research efforts called the "National Firearms Survey" both being conducted in 2021, each using different questions. ...
... So perhaps it is not surprising that the law did not fundamentally alter respondents' views since it had such a small effect on their day-to-day lives. female gun ownership range from a low of 9 percent (Cook and Ludwig 1997) to a high of 11 percent (Hepburn et al. 2007). ...
... The biggest departure from national statistics is that all of my respondents who provided a race were White, whereas estimated rates of African American gun ownership range from 16 percent (Cook and Ludwig 1997) to 21.6 percent (Smith 2001). However, research has shown that approximately 7 percent of upstate New York residents are African American (Denton, Friedman, and D'Anna n.d.), compared with 13.6 percent nationally (U.S. Census Bureau 2023). ...
This article explores the legal consciousness of legal gun owners in upstate New York using a qualitative, grounded theory approach. Respondents’ accounts reveal that their experiences cause them to respect and support the law in certain contexts but feel oppressed by it in other contexts. These perceptions stem from engagement with law, and especially the passage of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, in which they see legal actors behaving in ways that violate their beliefs about how law is supposed to operate. Respondents believe themselves to be at a legal disadvantage due to distinctive features of New York politics, particularly the belief that New York City residents have an outsized role in statewide politics. These findings offer insights into how gun owners engage with the law and, more generally, into the conditions under which groups feel engaged with—or disconnected from—legal and political processes.
... A study estimated that handguns accounted for 44 % of all the firearms stock in the United States (Berrigan et al., 2022). Accordingly, several studies indicate that offenders seek high-quality and powerful revolvers or handguns that are easily concealable (Cook & Ludwig, 1997;Sheley & Wright, 1993;Webster et al., 2002). Our suggest that industrially produced handguns are relatively rare on Quebec illicit markets. ...
Purpose. Based on the crime script approach, the main objective of this study was to identify steps involved in firearms trafficking in the Province of Quebec, Canada. Our analysis focused on actions performed by actors, facilitating conditions, obstacles and errors for each step of the firearms trafficking process. Method. A deductive thematic analysis was conducted to build the firearms trafficking script with 76 investigation files, conducted between 1996 and 2020, that were provided by the Quebec State Police. Results. Firearms trafficking included six steps: (1) preparation; (2) acquisition of firearms; (3) storage of firearms; (4) search for customers; (5) transaction; and (6) exit. Since each step can be completed with different actions, a total 1,200 combinations of actions could be used to traffic firearms. Results also indicated that several actors were involved at different steps of the script such as suppliers, middlemen, and vendors. Unregulated tools (e.g., hydraulic press, mold), materials and components (e.g., steel sheets, barrels) facilitated the fabrication of private firearms, while advertising firearms on social media was an error made by some suspects. Conclusion. The dynamic and sequential nature of firearms trafficking was highlighted by our script analysis. Crime script analysis also proved to be a useful approach to predict potential crime displacement, plan program evaluation and implementation, and prioritize prevention measures involving multiple agencies.
... Notably, the figures cited above for hunting and sport shooting are similar to the 1994 National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (NSPOF), where 52% of gun owners indicated that they engage in hunting, sport shooting, or both (Cook & Ludwig, 1997). Likewise, Gallup data shows that from 2000 to 2021, the percentage of gun owners who reported owning a firearm for target shooting increased from 67 to 70% (+3%) and declined from 59% to 56% for hunting (-3%). ...
... Many of President Trump's biggest fans are also conservative supporters of the right to bear arms (Arkin, 2021). One survey of gun ownership in the United States, based on a sample size of over 2,500 individuals, found that 46% of gun owners own them for protection against criminals and that gun owners tend to be older white males (Cook & Ludwig, 1997). These findings have tended to remain fairly consistent in contemporary surveys; Anderson (2017) found similar statistics but with a bit more specificity such that gun ownership was more likely in individuals who were over 45 years of age, non-Hispanic White, typically high in conservatism, and from the Midwestern and Southern United States. ...
Full-text available
We administered measures of attitudes about life during the presidency of Donald Trump, gun beliefs, opinion of Donald Trump, and celebrity admiration to participants from two American universities and one college. The results revealed a relationship between celebrity admiration and gun beliefs. Results also revealed relationships among opinion of Donald Trump, opinion of life in the United States during his presidency and gun beliefs. However, our findings did not reveal a relationship between celebrity admiration and opinion of Donald Trump. Controlling for the other measures in the study, only the opinion of life during his presidency was predictive of one's opinion of Donald Trump. The implications of these results are discussed.
... Firearm transactions in the United States are governed by federal and state laws. Federal law requires firearm dealers to perform background checks before selling firearms; however, there is some variation in the way in which the law is enforced across states (Cook and Ludwig, 1997). Federal law also requires that firearm dealers keep records of sales, make these records available to law enforcement agents, and track firearms that are lost or stolen from their inventory (Legal Information Institute, Act 922, 2017a). ...
... The shift has included incorporating different materiality, with focal market offerings shifting from long arms (i.e., rifles and shotguns) used for hunting to handguns used for self-defense (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 2022). By 2017, 72% of U.S. residents who owned firearms reported owning a pistol or handgun (Parker et al. 2017), up from 64% in 1994 (Cook and Ludwig 1997). As a percentage of privately held firearms, handguns increased from an estimated 34% in 1994 to 42% in 2015 (Turkewitz and Griggs 2016)-a dramatic rise given the durability of long arms. ...
In recent decades, U.S. gun rights lobbying groups, politicians, courts, and market actors have sought to responsibilize U.S. consumers to use firearms to address the societal problem of crime. These efforts center an interpretation of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment as an entitlement for individuals to practice armed self-defense. Using interview and online discussion data, this research investigates consumers’ responses to responsibilization for this morally fraught set of behaviors, and the role of consumers’ various understandings of the right to bear arms in these responses. Findings show that consumers consider multiple, specific armed protection scenarios and accept responsibilization in only a portion of these scenarios while rejecting it for the remainder. Acceptance is determined by their appraisals of the morality of consumer responsibilization subprocesses. Consumers’ understanding of the constitutional right serves as a heuristic in these appraisals, with some understandings leading consumers to accept responsibilization across a much larger proportion of scenarios than others. Contributions include illustrating response to consumer responsibilization as a proportionality; illuminating consumers’ active role in appraising responsibilizing efforts; and demonstrating how some consumers come to understand a responsibilized behavior as a moral entitlement.
Most homicides in the United States are committed using a handgun, but little research examines gun carrying over critical stages of the life course and changing contexts of violence. Notably, although most of the handgun homicides are committed by adults, most research on concealed gun carrying focuses on adolescents in single cohort studies. Using more than 25 years of longitudinal multicohort data from Chicago, 1994–2021, we show that pathways of concealed gun carrying are distinct between adolescence and adulthood. Adolescent carrying is often age-limited and responsive to direct exposure to gun violence (witnessing and victimization), while adult carrying is a persistent behavior that is less tied to direct exposure. The onset of concealed carry is also a strong predictor of later gun use (shooting or brandishing), and we find distinct patterns of gun use between individuals who first carry in adolescence versus adulthood. We discuss the implications of these dual pathways for research and policies on firearm use.
Full-text available
The article presents sport shooting in Poland against a socio-political background. First, Polish society after the anti-communist breakthrough is diagnosed as a country lacking social capital and social trust in particular. In this context, membership in sport clubs, treated as a form of social involvement, is very desirable, as it expands the network of social cooperation. However, being a sport shooter is also associated with access to weapons, which is always controversial, even if Poland has low rates of access to firearms for citizens. The authors conducted research (CAWI, N = 253) on sport shooters in Poland. The results (opinions of sport shooters) are analyzed in three contexts: possession of a weapon and attitude towards a weapon (motivation to engage in sport shooting), sport shooting clubs (analysis of sport shooting organizations in Poland), and the image of a sport shooter (assessment of sport shooters’ image in Polish society). A basic problem that emerges from the empirical analysis is the heterogeneous interpretation of sport shooting by the shooters themselves. Shooting can be seen in terms of sport (an activity aimed at self-improvement and competition) as well as an activity with out-of-sport goals (patriotic, educational, and defensive). Different definitions of joint activity may lead to interpretative (of meaning) tensions and ultimately to conflicts within the examined category of people
To determine the extent of firearm training among gun owners, how gun owners currently store their weapons, and the relationship between gun training and gun storage. A national random telephone survey of gun owners conducted from May through June 1994. A total of 800 adult gun owners residing in the United States. Number of gun owners who received firearm training and number who store a firearm loaded and unlocked. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine factors associated with firearm training and gun storage practices. A total of 451 (56%) of gun owners have received firearm training. A total of 170 (21%) of gun owners keep a firearm both loaded and unlocked in the home. Factors associated with an increased likelihood of storing guns loaded and unlocked included owning a gun for protection (odds ratio [OR], 2.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.62 to 3.54), owning a handgun (OR, 3.31; 95% CI, 1.85 to 5.95), and having received firearm training (OR, 1.71; 95% CI, 1.10 to 2.67). Length of firearm training and how recently training was received have little effect on storage practices. It has been suggested that many homicide, suicide, and accidental firearm injuries might be prevented if ready access to lethal weapons was reduced, in part through appropriate storage of guns. Although increased training has been advocated as the prime method to improve gun storage practices, our results cast doubt on whether firearm training, at least as currently provided, will substantially reduce the inappropriate storage of firearms.