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The Early History of Tremolite


Abstract and Figures

Tremolite, Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2, is a calcic amphibole commonly found in greenschist-facies to amphibolite-facies calc-silicate and in low-grade ultrabasic rocks. In the new IMA nomenclature of amphiboles (Leake et al., 1997) tremolite forms part of the tremolite-actinolite-ferro-actinolite series: Whereas usually the dividing line between two species in a continuous solid solution series is set at the 50% point (Nickel and Grice, 1998), tremolite occupies only a narrow range. It is defined as having a Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) ratio ≥ 0.9; actinolite has a ratio of 0.5-0.9 and ferro-actinolite has a ratio of less than 0.5. These limits are designed to satisfy the strong desire, expressed especially (but not solely) by metamorphic petrologists, to retain the distinction of green actinolite from colorless tremolite (Leake et al., 1997). Another reason is that tremolite is an important mineral in the definition of metamorphic zones (see below), and the diagnostic color distinction so useful in the field is entrenched in the literature; a change in the definition of the mineral would have complicated the application of important previously published studies.
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Axis, Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
The Early History of Tremolite
Philippe Roth
Ilanzhofweg 2
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Minerals first described in the 18th century, at the dawn of the science
of mineralogy, often have a muddled history of nomenclatures and
type localities. Tremolite is such a species. Only a careful reading of
the early mineralogical books, reports and letters can puzzle out the
correct priority for this common metamorphic mineral.
Tremolite, Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2, is a calcic amphibole commonly found in greenschist-facies to
amphibolite-facies calc-silicate and in low-grade ultrabasic rocks. In the new IMA nomenclature of
amphiboles (Leake et al., 1997) tremolite forms part of the tremolite–actinolite–ferro-actinolite series:
Whereas usually the dividing line between two species in a continuous solid solution series is set at the
50% point (Nickel and Grice, 1998), tremolite occupies only a narrow range. It is defined as having a
Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) ratio 0.9; actinolite has a ratio of 0.5–0.9 and ferro-actinolite has a ratio of less than
0.5. These limits are designed to satisfy the strong desire, expressed especially (but not solely) by
metamorphic petrologists, to retain the distinction of green actinolite from colorless tremolite (Leake et
al., 1997). Another reason is that tremolite is an important mineral in the definition of metamorphic
zones (see below), and the diagnostic color distinction so useful in the field is entrenched in the
literature; a change in the definition of the mineral would have complicated the application of important
previously published studies.
Tremolite was first described as a new species in the late 18th century. It is the earliest of the still-
valid species for which the type locality is in Switzerland. The name of the species is etymologically
derived from the Val Tremola, a valley in the canton Tessin. However, tremolite has never been found
in that valley. A study of the early literature and of the specimens preserved in old collections has
clearly shown that the true type locality is the Triassic dolomite of Campolungo, Tessin (Stalder et al.,
1998) (see Fig. 1), an area also famous for the large corundum crystals first found there in the mid-19th
century (e.g. Rovetti et al., 1994). Figure 2 shows the location of both Val Tremola and Campolungo,
and traces the limits of the possible occurrence of tremolite in the carbonate rocks of the region (after
Trommsdorff, 1966), the degree of metamorphism progressively increasing from north to south until it
reaches a peak north of the so-called Insubric Line. As can be seen from Figure 2, the small Tremola
Valley lies to the north of this line of first occurrence, confirming the local field observations that
tremolite does not occur there.
While the absence of tremolite in the Tremola Valley is generally accepted, a considerable amount
of confusion exists regarding who first introduced the mineral name into the mineralogical community.
Whereas a few authors mention de Saussure (1796) (e.g. Stalder et al., 1998), some quote Höpfner
(1790) (e.g. Nickel and Nichols, 2003; Strunz and Nickel, 2001) while others, the majority, attribute the
origin to Pini (1781) or Pini (1784) (Dana, 1896; Studer, 1863; Koenigsberger, 1919; Gübelin 1939 or
Carozzi, 1990) or even Pini in de Saussure (Dana and Brush, 1872; Clark, 1993; Blackburn and
Dennen, 1997).
Axis, Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
De Saussure, in his famous Voyage dans les Alpes (1796), does indeed describe tremolite; he even
mentions five different varieties, but the great Geneva scholar refers in his description to a book by
Berthoud van Berchem and Struve: Principes de Minéralogie (1795). Berthoud van Berchem and
Struve, Dutch and Swiss mineralogists respectively, had traveled the Alps and assembled a collection of
St. Gotthard and Mont Blanc minerals. Between 1787 and 1789 they were in Freiberg, listening to A.G.
Werner's lectures, translating into French his famous and influential Von den äusserlichen
Kennzeichnen der Fossilien (1774) (Guntau, 1981-1982), and having Werner, the most renowned
mineralogist of the time, identifying part of their Alpine collection (Studer, 1863). The translation was
finished in 1789 but because of the great political troubles in Europe and especially in France, it did not
reach print until 1795 in Paris. Although Werner's original 1774 treatise did not include tremolite, the
Principes de Minéralogie, which is not a pure translation but an updated adaptation with additions by
Werner's former student, D.L.G. Karsten, does include a description of three different tremolite
Should Berthoud van Berchem and Struve therefore be considered the authors of the first official
description of tremolite? No, because several treatises and magazine articles had used the name before
1795. A (probably incomplete) list of early references to the name “tremolite” is given is Table 1 (the
designation for the mineral, the locality and the host rock, respectively are added):
Table 1. Early references to the name “tremolite.”
(1794) Johann Friedrich Wilhelm WIEDENMANN’s Handbuch des oryctognostischen Theils der
Mineralogie. “Tremolit” – “Valle Tremola” and Transsylvania – fine grained limestone.
(1793) Ludwig August EMMERLING’s Handbuch der Mineralogie. “Tremolith” – close to “Val
Tremola,” “Urserthal” and Transylvania – coarse limestone.
(1792) Louis Benjamin FLEURIAU DE BELLEVUE’s “Sur le marbre élastique du St. Gothard.”
Journal de physique, 41, 86-91. “Trémolithe” – “Campo-Longo” – marble.
(1791) Johann Frierich BLUMENBACH’s Handbuch der Naturgeschichte (4th ed.). “Tremolit” –
“Thal Tremola” – sand-like marble earth.
(1791) Abraham Gottlob WERNER’s Ausfuehrliches und sistematisches Verzeichnis des Mineralien-
Kabinets des weiland kurfuerstlich saechsischen Berghauptmans Herrn Karl Eugen Pabst von
Ohain. “Tremolith” – Switzerland – fine grained limestone.
(1790) Johann Friedrich GMELIN’s Grundrisse der Mineralogie. “Tremolit” – “Thal Tremola.”
(1790) Johann Georg Albrecht HÖPFNER’s letter to the editor published in Crell's Chemische Annalen,
1790(1), 54-57. “Tremolith” – “Gotthardt.”
(1789) Johann Jakob FERBER’s Drey Briefe mineralogischen Inhalts, an Freyherrn von Racknitz.
Mylius, Berlin. “Tremolit” resp. “Höpfnerit” – :Valle Tremola.”
(1789) Johann Georg Albrecht HÖPFNER’s I. “Ueber die Klassifikation der Fossilien in einem
Schreiben des Herausgebers an Herrn Dr. Karsten in Halle.” II. “Versuch einer neuen
Classifikationsmethode der Stein und Erdarten, nach den neuesten chemischen Erfahrungen.” In:
Magazin für die Naturkunde Helvetiens, 4, 255-332. “Tremolith” – “Gotthard.”
Despite the fact that his name is so commonly associated with tremolite, no work of Pini appears in
this list. Ermenegildo Pini (1739–1825) was an Italian priest and Professor of Mathematics and Natural
History at the San Alessandro College in Milan and the official scientific delegate for mining in what
was then Austrian Lombardy. He had traveled the Gotthard area for the first time in 1780 and published
his observations one year later in his Osservazioni mineralogiche sulla montagna di S. Gottardo. This
work, incidentally, contains the first description of “adularia,” now considered to be a more or less
transparent variety of orthoclase.
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Figure 1. The impressive fold of Triassic dolomite at Campolungo, seen from the east. Photo by N. Meisser.
Pini made a second trip to the area a year later and again published his observations, in 1783 (see
Table 2). Both works were translated into German. He further wrote a supplement a year after. None of
these works contains the name tremolite. In his reports Pini complains about the bad weather that
prevented him from visiting more places; Campolungo is not a locality he mentions or otherwise
describes in his memoires. In a later work published in 1786 (see Table 2), Pini for the first time
published a few lines on a new unnamed mineral which, based on this short description, appears to have
been tremolite. In 1790, by which time the term “tremolite” had started to gain acceptance (see above),
he more thoroughly described the Campolungo dolomite outcrops and clearly identified tremolite
among their constituent minerals. However, he designates tremolite as scerlo bianco, "white schörl,"
and gives only a vague locality designation as Valle Maggia (see map in Figure 2).
Table 2. Early works by Ermenegildo Pini.
(1781) “Osservazioni mineralogiche sulla montagna di S. Gottardo.” In: Opuscoli scelti sulle scienze e
sulle arti 4.
(1783) Memoria mineralogica sulla montagna e sui contorni di S. Gottardo. Milano, Marelli.
(1784) Mineralogische Beobachtungen über den St. Gothard. German translation by Adolf Beyer,
Schneeberg of the 1781 work.
(1784) Ueber den S. Gotthardsberg und seine umliegenden Gegenden. German translation published in
Vienna of the 1783 work.
(1785) “Supplemento alle osservazioni sulla montagna di S. Gottardo.” In: Opuscoli scelti sulle scienze
e sulle arti 7, 124-128. Supplement to the 1783 work.
(1786) “Osservazioni sui feldspati ed altri fossili singolari dell'Italia.” In: Memorie di matematica e
fisica della Società italiana, 3, 688-717.
(1790) Di alcuni fossili singolari della Lombardia Austriaca e di altre parti d'Italia. Milano, Marelli.
Axis, Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
Figure 2. Map of the northern part of canton Tessin. The degree of Alpine metamorphism
progressively increases from north to south to reach a maximum north of the Insubric Line. Tremolite
only occurs south of the thick green line. The Tremola Valley lies north of this line. The localities
mentioned in the early literature as tremolite localities are marked in red. Modified after Trommsdorff
As seen from Table 1, the 1789 article by Höpfner contains the earliest mention of tremolite. Johann
Georg Albrecht Höpfner (1759–1813) (Fig. 3) was a pharmacist and later a journalist and owner of a
reading cabinet in Berne. He was the publisher of the Magazin für die Naturkunde Helvetiens. With a
call for comments (Preisfrage) on the origins of basalt, he was highly instrumental in stimulating the
great debate between neptunists and plutonists. Having studied Alpine geology and petrography and
made his own observations, he despised to a certain degree the overwhelming authority of Werner (who
had never visited the Alps). This attitude, in turn, was vehemently criticized by a few Wernerian
scholars. In an answer to these critics, and to illustrate that all rocks were probably not already known
as Werner had claimed, he mentions in his 1789 work that:
On the one hand, the five new fossils [=minerals] we found last summer on the
Gotthard and the rock in which the tremolite occurs give good reasons to expect even
other, yet unknown rocks to be found.
Höpfner (1789), Magazin für
die Naturkunde Helvetiens,
4, p. 268.[All quotations are
the translations of the author]
Axis, Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
Figure 3. Miniature portrait of Johann Georg Albrecht Höpfner
(1759–1813), date and artist unknown; private collection.
Burgerbiliothek Bern, Neg. 5590.
In his own classification of minerals, comprising the second part of this article, Höpfner lists
tremolite from the Gotthard area and gives the results of a chemical analysis performed by Struve. One
year later, in 1790, in a letter to Crell, the publisher of the Chemische Annalen, Höpfner again quotes
tremolite from the Gotthard area and presents the Struve analysis as well as a new one by Klaproth. He
writes that:
I can communicate a few mineralogical news items, provisionally, as the
fifth volume of the Magazine [=Magazin für die Naturkunde Helvetiens] will contain
the external [=physical] description and complete analysis of the new fossil
[=mineral] species, which my local friends and I have discovered on the Gotthard
and on other mountains in Switzerland. [...] Besides this oryctognostic description
and the mineralogical analyses, the story of the discovery of each fossil [=mineral
species] as well as its birthplace will be added. Höpfner (1790), Chemische
Annalen 1790(1), p. 54 & 57.
However, because of emerging financial problems (Fankhauser, 1920) and probably also because of
the unexpected intensity of the controversy and polemics he had triggered, a fifth volume of the
Magazin was never published and Höpfner's promise was never fulfilled. Johann Jakob Ferber, the
famous Swedish mineralogist and indefatigable traveler, happened to be in Switzerland at that time. He
met Höpfner in Bern. In a letter to von Racknitz (Ferber, 1789) he sheds some light on the discovery :
Axis, Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
Herr Höpfner had acquired from the crystal diggers at the Gotthard what, based on its
external appearance, looked to be a coarse amianth from the Valle Tremola which he
wanted to call tremolite, and his friends höpfnerite, and which prof. Klaproth, based on
the ratio of its constituents, had found in his analysis to be different from the other
Ferber (1789), Drey Briefe
mineralogischen Inhalts, an
Freyherrn von Racknitz, p. 22.
Figure 4. Label accompanying a tremolite specimen from Campolungo in
the Struve collection, now in the Musée Cantonal de Géologie in Lausanne.
Photo by S. Ansermet, courtesy of N. Meisser
Figure 5. Tremolite specimen from the type locality in
the Struve collection, Musée Cantonal de Géologie in
Lausanne. Photo by S. Ansermet, courtesy of N. Meisser
Axis, Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
From all this we can conclude that not Pini, nor de Saussure but Höpfner introduced the name
“tremolite” into the literature. Whether the Gotthard strahlers deliberately misled their clients by giving
an erroneous locality in order to keep secret the true source (as was later done for milarite, named after
the Val Milar but actually found in the Val Giuv; Moore, 2004) is unknown, but does not seem
probable, owing to the large quantity of available material in Campolungo. One can also speculate
about the identity of the friends who traveled with Höpfner and who are mentioned both by Höpfner
himself and by Ferber. It is tempting to consider that they might have been Struve (who performed one
of the first two analyses of tremolite) and Berthoud van Berchem.
We do not know what ultimately became Höpfner’s mineral collection. Höpfner was most probably
forced to sell it because of his financial problems. No specimen in the Natural History Museum in
Berne can be traced back to him (H. A. Stalder and B. Hofmann, personal communications, 2006). On
the contrary, the collection of Henri Struve is preserved in the Cantonal Geology Museum in Lausanne,
where Struve’s specimens are still identifiable as such (N. Meisser, personal communication, Fig. 4 and
5). The tremolite specimens are accompanied by labels written by Struve himself and are
unambiguously tremolite. Therefore, there is no doubt that Höpfner’s and Struve’s tremolite is the same
mineral as the one we know today under this name. De Saussure’s collection is also preserved, in the
Natural History Museum in Geneva, and contains what is considered until now to be the type specimen
of the species (CTMS, 2004).
The relative inaccuracy of 18th century chemical analyses and the high proportion of impurities
included in the tremolite crystals from Campolungo (already noticed by the early authors) can explain,
at least in the case of Struve's analysis, the difference with modern results, as shown in Table 3, which
compares Struve's and Klaproth's analyses of Campolungo tremolite with two modern analyses by
Bianconi (1971). Recent, not yet published investigations performed in Lausanne by Thomas Müller, a
PhD student, have shown the Campolungo tremolite to contain considerable amounts of fluorine,
replacing OH. The last column on Table 3 shows the average of 39 point-analyses performed, eight of
which are in the field of the potentially new fluorine analog of tremolite, called “fluortremolite” by
Valley et al. (1982). The structural formulae for the high fluorine (fluortremolite) and the high hydroxyl
(tremolite) analyses are (Ca1.99Mg5.00)Si7.85Al0.13O22[F1.06(OH)0.94] and (Ca2.01Mg5.55Na0.13)Si7.55Al0.14O22-
[(OH)1.19F0.80], respectively.
Table 3. Analyses of tremolite.
Struve in
Klaproth in
SiO2 55.75 65 58.0 54.0
CaO 10.25 18 13.2 11.9 13.0
MgO 13.5 10.3 22.1 18.2 24.5
FeO 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.1
Al2O3 8.5 3.1 9.8 0.7
Na2O 0.5 1.4 0.5
K2O 0.1 0.2 01
Others 1.0 3.7 2.1
H2O & losses 12.0 6.5 1.8 1.3 5.8
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.7 100.0
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Figure 6. Tremolite colored in green by inclusions of chlorite particles,
from Val Maighels, Grisons, Switzerland. Photo by T. Schüpbach.
Höpfner was not aware of the correct locality for his new mineral. As already mentioned, the first
complete description of the Triassic dolomite locality of Campolungo was given by Pini in 1790, even
if he only vaguely spoke about Valle Maggia (see map in Fig. 2). Detailed and geographically correct
descriptions of the tremolite type locality later appeared in Fleuriau de Bellevue (1792) and in de
Mechel (1795) (see Table 1), the latter with a map of the area by Exchaquet and a catalog of the
Gotthard minerals by Berthoud van Berchem and Struve.
To be complete, we need to add that, for mineral species discovered before the 20th century, the
first scientist to have described a new mineral is often not the person with whom we associate the
species today. This happens when the earliest description employs a name for the mineral which is not
recognized today. Such is the case for tremolite: Johann Ehrenreich von Fichtel had already described
tremolite from Sebeşu de Jos, Transsylvania, Romania in 1782. However, he named the mineral
Säulenspath and Sternspath (Fichtel, 1782). The introduction of the currently accepted mineral name,
however, is the one that counts, and in the case of tremolite we have shown here that the correct
reference is Höpfner (1789).
Special thanks go to Dr. Nicolas Meisser, curator of the Cantonal Geology Museum in Lausanne, and to
Prof. Dr. Hans Anton Stalder, former curator of the Natural History Museum in Berne for incentive
discussions and rich iconographical material. I am very grateful to Dr. Marc Weidmann, Dr. Eric
Asselborn, Dr. Beda Hofmann, Thomas Schüpbach and Dr. Filipo Bianconi who all provided useful
information or photographs and to Thomas Müller and Dr. Nicolas Meisser for the permission to
publish the electron micropobe results. I am also very grateful to Wendell Wilson for the thoughtful
Axis, Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
FOLLOW-UP NOTE, January 2008
The attention of the author was recently drawn to a paper published in 1809 by the famous German
geologist Leopold von Buch. Von Buch described occurrences of tremolite in northern Europe, and
opened his article with a paragraph which sheds an interesting light on the naming of the species. Von
Buch wrote as follows, 20 years after Höpfner’s first mention of the name tremolite:
When, about twenty years ago, tremolite was found in the high, almost inaccessible rock
cliffs of Campo Longo, opposite to the Gotthardt pass, such a fossil [= mineral] was little
known from other localities. People were delighted about and amazed by the beauty of the
new product, and the demand it triggered was high. This raised the wish of the discoverer,
probably a farmer in Airolo or in Fontana, to remain in the exclusive possession of its
sales and when one asked the specimen dealer Vizard in Berne through whom at that time
the fossils from the Gotthardt were made popular where the new fossil came from, he
would mention the Val Tremola as its birthplace. Thus the name tremolite was adopted,
irrespective of the fact that no trace of the mineral exists in Val Tremola. However, the
regions of the Gotthardt were soon explored more thoroughly; mineralogists scaled the
cliffs of Campo Longo themselves; and tremolite was also found in other European
Von Buch L. (1809): Der Gesellschaft naturforschender
Freunde zu Berlin Magazin für die neuesten
Entdeckungen in der gesammten Naturkunde, 3, p. 172
This indicates that the farmer/Strahler indeed deliberately specified an erroneous locality in order to
protect "his" true source and the associated financial revenues (this could not last long however, owing to
the easily recognizable appearance of the sugary dolomite matrix and to the abundance of tremolite in
Campolungo). Höpfner, who bought tremolite specimens either in Berne or, more probably, in the region
of Campolungo, was misled, naming the new species in 1789 on the basis of this erroneous indication.
The article by von Buch shows that the error was already known and publicly reported in 1809.
However, 200 years later a few treatises and databases still designate Val Tremola as the tremolite type
I wish to thank Eric Asselborn, who directed my attention to von Buch’s article, and to Wendell
Wilson for accepting this addendum to my original text.
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... To address this question, thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (TG/ DSC) was used to study the thermal behavior of twelve tremolite samples from different locations. Samples were chosen because they are (1) monomineralic, (2) quarried for commercial purposes, (3) and are the subject of many important mineralogical and biomedical studies [15,[43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61]. Specimens include tremolite from the following locations: San Severino Lucano (southern Italy), Val Malenco (northern Italy), Maryland (USA), Praborna (northern Italy), Monastero di Lanzo (northern Italy), Val d'Ala (northern Italy), Reventino (southern Italy), Verrayes (northern Italy), Bracchiello (northern Italy), Caprie (northern Italy), Fowler (USA), Campolungo (Switzerland). ...
... The literature data confirm our observations. Samples from San Severino, Maryland, Val Malenco, Monastero, Bracchiello, Praborna and Reventino are considered exclusively asbestiform [37, 43-45, 47-51, 56, 58, 61-68], whereas Caprie, Fowler and Campolungo samples are considered non-asbestiform (prismatic) [15,52,53,59]. Both morphologies were noted in the Verrayes and Ala samples [44,60]. ...
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Tremolite asbestos is classified as a carcinogenic substance because it can cause a number of diseases when inhaled. The tremolite breakdown temperature reported in the literature varies by about 280 °C and has not been fully characterized from a thermal perspective. In order to address this gap in the scientific literature, a systematic study of the thermal behavior was conducted of twelve tremolite samples using thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (TG/DSC) supplemented by PXRD, SEM/EDS, EPMA/EDS and TEM/EDS. Tremolite samples from different locations (i.e., Italy, Switzerland and USA) were selected for their social, health, economic and industrial relevance. Data reveal that the breakdown of tremolite occurs in a temperature range of about 200 °C. The implications of this finding are discussed in light of chemical and morphological data. Variations in the breakdown temperature are mainly ascribed to the morphology of the studied tremolite samples. This study suggests that thermal analysis could be a new method for effectively distinguishing between asbestos and non-asbestos tremolite samples. The thermal oxidation of iron in the various tremolite samples occurs at different temperatures, and hence reduction of tremolite reactivity through the thermal oxidation of iron should be planned on a sample-by-sample basis. Given the different temperatures recorded for tremolite breakdown, the effectively detecting the presence of tremolite in bulk natural samples by thermal analysis can only be carried out if a thermogram of that specific sample is available. This is an important issue, especially in areas with a natural occurrence of asbestos outcrops. Graphical Abstract
... This paper will explore varieties of amphiboles from different sources to demonstrate differences between the mineralogically predetermined habit of elongate particles. We used tremolite mineral samples as one of the most representative examples of amphiboles, which occurs in a variety of habits [10][11][12]2,3,13,7]. In particular, Cavariani [14] noted that the non-asbestiform variety of tremolite is "predominant" in the earth's crust, though asbestiform tremolite can also be found "almost everywhere" in the world. ...
Introduction Amphiboles are a class of minerals that are abundantly present in the environment. Amphiboles may exist in several habits, with asbestiform particles behaving like typical amphibole asbestos and non-asbestiform (or massive) reported to be less biologically active. Materials and methods The available dimensional information for 16 testing sets (8 asbestiform and 8 non-asbestiform types of tremolite) was combined. In addition, three validation sets (an asbestiform sample from Eastern New York and non-asbestiform samples from Quebec and Falls Village, Connecticut) were tested by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to determine dimensional distribution. Mathematical modeling was utilized to determine the classification method for amphiboles with various habits. Results The decision boundary method was developed to distinguish asbestiform vs. non-asbestiform samples (with error rate of 0 % for single-sourced tremolite and 3 % for potentially mixed samples). All validation datasets were correctly classified. A new empirical dimensional coefficient of carcinogenicity (DCC) was proposed, with DCC = 1 - exp(-0.11 Surface Area /(1000width³ + 1)). For several mineral types (crocidolite, amosite, Libby amphiboles, anthophyllite, chrysotile, and erionite), it was demonstrated that mesothelioma potency factors can be predicted based on DCC and biosolubility with a high level of accuracy (R=0.98, R²=0.96, p < 0.006). It was demonstrated that modeled mesothelioma potency correlates with relative potency for pleural instillation in Wistar rats, and correlates inversely with membranolytic toxicity index HC50. Mesothelioma potency was demonstrated to be negligible in all non-asbestiform sets. Conclusions The habit of amphibole particles is predictive of biological behavior that can be estimated from the dimensional data for the particles.
... The official formula from the IMA Master List for tremolite is Ca 2 It is an end member of the tremolite-ferroactinolite series. The term used is tremolite when the ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe 2+ ) ≥ 0.90, actinolite when the ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe 2+ ) is between 0.50 and 0.90, and ferroactinolite when the ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe 2+ ) < 0.50 [39,48,49]. The FT-IR results indicated that the weak reflection peak at around 3670 cm −1 is due to the bending modes of the OH group [33]. ...
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Greyish-purple tremolite jade has become well known in the past few years, and the origin of its color has attracted the attention of gemologists. In this study, FT-IR spectra, EPMA, EPR spectra, micro-XRF, UV–Vis–NIR spectra, and LA-ICP-MS in situ mapping were analyzed to investigate the chromophore elements. The study sample was chosen from the Sanchahe mine, Qinghai Province, NW China, which has the typical characteristics of a gradual color change. The FT-IR and EPMA results revealed that the mineral composition of the dark and light greyish-purple regions of the sample are primarily composed of tremolite. UV–Vis–NIR spectra demonstrated that the greyish-purple color is mainly due to strong absorptions at 560 nm and 700 nm and weak absorption at 745 nm in the visible range. The EPR spectra presented ~3400 G six hyperfine lines resulting from the hyperfine interactions of the unpaired electron with the Mn2+ nucleus in the octahedral site. The UV–Vis–NIR and EPR spectra analyses demonstrated that Mn2+ is the origin of the purple color. A comparison of the major elements in the light and dark regions indicated that the chromogenic elements have strong positive correlations with Mn, Cu, and Fe. LA-ICP-MS mapping used to analyze the first transition metals indicated possible positive correlations between the greyish-purple color and the trace chromogenic elements. This suggested that the Mn, Cu, and Fe contents are significantly high in the dark band region. Combining in situ LA-ICP-MS mapping of trace elements, UV–Vis spectra, and EPR analysis results, it was suggested that Mn, Cu, and Fe are the major contributors to the greyish-purple color. This study provides a reference for the specific experimental methods to determine chromophores and the origin of color in tremolite jades.
... It is an end-member of the tremoliteferroactinolite series. Term tremolite is used when the ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe 2+ ) ≥ 0.90, actinolite when the ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe 2+ ) is between 0.50 and 0.90, and ferroactinolite when the ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe 2+ ) < 0.50 [10,11]. ...
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The aim of this study is to identify the infrared absorption band suitable for quantifying tremolite in three powdered samples (fine, medium, and large size classes) coming from a quarry of ophiolitic friable rocks in the western part of the Calabria region of Italy. Three IR bands were considered: OH stretching band between 3700 and 3650 cm −1 , the stretching bands of the Si-O-Si linkage between 1200 and 900 cm −1 , and the absorbance band at 756 cm −1 attributable to tremolite. The amount of tremolite in the test samples was quantified by using the curve parameters of the three analytical bands. The quantitative analysis of tremolite using the band due to OH stretchings (3700–3650 cm −1 ) and the bands attributed to the Si-O-Si stretchings (1200–900 cm −1 ) showed high values for all test samples. Their use overestimated the tremolite amount because both bands were affected at the interfering mineral silicates such as talc, kaolinite, chlorite, and serpentinites. The abundant presence of antigorite in studied samples mainly in medium size class sample had a key role in our findings. The band at 756 cm −1 was not affected at the interfering minerals and can be used for quantitative analysis of tremolite in sample coming from ophiolitic deposits.
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Chemical analyses are given for fluorphlogopite(2), fluortremolite(3) and norbergite from Grenville marbles near Balmat, New York. The high F contents correlate inversely with Fe solid solution, but do not affect the stable isotope fractionation of H. At 650oC and 6 kbar, the estimated range of fugacities of eight C-O-H-F fluid components is: log fH2O = 2.47 to 3.37, log fCO2 = 4.52 to 4.22, log fCH4 = 0.25 to 2.35, fCO = 2.07 to 1.92, log fH2 = 0.34 to 1.39, log fO2 = -18.01 to -18.31, log fHF = -1.27 to -0.37 and log fF2 = -34.19 to -33.43.-K.A.R.
We are pleased to present the first update to the Encyclopedia of Mineral Names (The Canadian Mineralogist, Special Publication 1). The entries listed below largely consist of new species of minerals that have appeared in the literature since mid-1997, the date of publication of the Encyclopedia. A copy of this update will be supplied free of charge on demand to those who already own the Encyclopedia, and will be included with all copies of the first edition of the Encyclopedia sold henceforth. The information presented below is presented in five separate lists. First is the listing of new mineral species discovered since the Encyclopedia appeared two years ago. The second list shows the new species defined as a result of decisions summa"rized in the IMA report on micas (Can. Mineral. 36,905, 1998). Thirdly, we present the listing of new species defined as a result of decisions summarized in the IMA report on zeolite-group minerals (Can. MineraL 35, I 571 , 1997). Fourthly, we present a short list of mineral species discovered long ago that were omitted from the first edition of the Encyclopedia. Lastly, we present minerals already rn the Encyclopedia that have been discredited as valid species since 199'7, or that were misspelled. We acknowledge the assistance of many readers who took the trouble to offer corrections, not only to the names of mineral species, but also to names of localities All these coffections have been made on the master listing, and will be reflected in the next edition.
An author wishing to introduce a new mineral name into the literature, or to redefine, discredit or rename an existing mineral, must obtain prior approval of the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names. This paper outlines the procedure to be followed in the preparation and submission of a proposal for approval, and describes how such proposals are handled by the Commission. The paper also gives general guidelines on mineral nomenclature and provides a list of nomenclature changes approved since 1987.Autoren, die einen neuen Mineralnamen in die Literatur einfhren, oder einen solchen neu definieren, abschaffen oder ein schon bekanntes Mineral mit einem neuen Namen belegen wollen, mssen dafr vorher die Zustimmung der IMA Commission of New Minerals and Mineral Names einholen. In dieser Arbeit wird die empfohlene Vorgangsweise fr die Vorbereitung und Einreichung eines Antrages dargestellt. Ebenso wird die Vorgangsweise der Kommission, die sich mit solchen Antrgen befat, in bersicht gebracht. Weiters geben wir allgemeine Hinweise zur Nomenklatur von Mineralen und geben eine Liste von Nomenklatur-nderungen vor, die seit 1987 genehmigt worden ist.
Geschichte der physischen Geographie des Schweiz bis 1818. Bern and Zurich
  • B Studer
STUDER, B. (1863) Geschichte der physischen Geographie des Schweiz bis 1818. Bern and Zurich, 696 p.
Geologia e petrografia della regione del Campolungo
  • F Bianconi
BIANCONI, F. (1971) Geologia e petrografia della regione del Campolungo. Mat. Carta Geol. Svizzera, Nuova Ser. 142, 237 p.
  • A Rovetti
  • I Rovetti
ROVETTI, A., ROVETTI, I., and PACCIORINI, M. (1994) Campolungo, Schweiz: Neufund der größten Korund-Kristalle der Alpen. Lapis 19(9), 35-40.
Strunz mineralogical tables
  • H Strunz
  • E H Nickel
STRUNZ, H., and NICKEL, E.H. (2001) Strunz mineralogical tables. 9 th ed. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 870 p.