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We examined hope as a potential resiliency factor for the daily strains of raising children with disruptive behavior disorders. In light of the motivational component of hope theory, initiating and sustaining effort toward goals (i.e., agency), we were interested in hope's relation to constructs addressing self-esteem, familial functioning, and stress. Two hundred, fifty-two parents of children with externalizing disorders completed self-report questionnaires. Significant associations were foundamong hope and parental and familial functioning indices (e.g., warm and nurturing parenting styles, cohesive and active family environment, adaptive coping strategies). Considering their conceptual overlap, we tested the unique predictive power of hope and optimistic attributions on indices of psychological functioning. Separate regressions indicated that hope significantly predicted psychological functioning beyond what was accounted for by social desirability, the severity of child symptoms, and optimistic attributions. Hope agency compared to hope pathways (i.e., perceived ability to generate strategies to obtain goals) accounted for the vast amount of variance in regression models. In contrast, optimistic attributions failed to predict any of the variables of interest. Treatment and prevention strategies are suggested with an integrated focus on both the disruptive behaviors of children and parental character traits.
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... The issue at hand is that to date, researchers have employed limited and varied therapeutic and counseling interventions to enhance the well-being of this specific group of parents, such as interventions based on positive psychology, mindfulness, and self-compassion training (Kashdan et al., 2002), positive thinking training (Mousavi et al., 2015), and parental behavior training (Amiri & Pour Hossein, 2016). Therefore, due to the lack of similar and related research in the field of coaching psychology, this study aimed to present and implement a program to enhance the well-being of parents with preadolescents exhibiting externalizing disorder symptoms. ...
... DeYoung et al. (2023) demonstrated that self-help parenting programs are effective for parents of children with externalizing behaviours (DeYoung & Tiberius, 2023). Kashdan et al. (2002) explored hope and optimism as human strengths in parents of children with externalizing disorders, finding a significant relationship between hope and parenting and family functioning indices (e.g., warm and nurturing parenting styles, cohesive and active family environments, adaptive coping strategies) (Kashdan et al., 2002). Suarez and Baker (1997) and Donenberg and Baker (1993) also showed that externalizing behaviours impact several family functioning criteria (Donenberg & Baker, 1993;Suarez & Baker, 1997). ...
... DeYoung et al. (2023) demonstrated that self-help parenting programs are effective for parents of children with externalizing behaviours (DeYoung & Tiberius, 2023). Kashdan et al. (2002) explored hope and optimism as human strengths in parents of children with externalizing disorders, finding a significant relationship between hope and parenting and family functioning indices (e.g., warm and nurturing parenting styles, cohesive and active family environments, adaptive coping strategies) (Kashdan et al., 2002). Suarez and Baker (1997) and Donenberg and Baker (1993) also showed that externalizing behaviours impact several family functioning criteria (Donenberg & Baker, 1993;Suarez & Baker, 1997). ...
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Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an integrative coaching psychology intervention program on the well-being of parent with preadolescent with symptoms of externalizing disorders. Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study utilized a mixed between-within subjects design, including one experimental group and one control group, with random assignment and pre-test, post-test, and two-month follow-up assessments. The participants were parents of preadolescent diagnosed with symptoms of externalizing disorders, selected through purposive sampling. The intervention involved a 10-week integrative coaching psychology program. Data were collected using the PERMA well-being questionnaire and the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Data analysis included descriptive statistics and two-way repeated measures ANOVA to evaluate the impact of the intervention. Findings: The results indicated a significant improvement in the well-being scores of the experimental group from pre-test to post-test and follow-up stages (p < .01), with no significant difference between post-test and follow-up scores, indicating the stability of the intervention's effects. The experimental group also showed significantly lower scores in negative emotions and loneliness, and higher scores in overall happiness, health, and well-being compared to the control group. The control group did not exhibit significant changes across the stages. Conclusion: The integrative coaching psychology intervention program was effective in enhancing the well-being of parent with preadolescent with symptoms of externalizing disorders. The program led to significant improvements in positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment, while reducing negative emotions and loneliness.
... Next to the concept of optimism is the concept of hope as a positive trait. Hope is defined as an interpersonal characteristic that shows a personal approach to life [48,49]. A high level of this trait enables an individual to have a more favourable social position, improves their level of self-confidence, and reduces negative psychological effects such as anxiety [50,51]. ...
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The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting students’ satisfaction with their class community by measuring the contributions of “positive” resources: either the socio-demographic and individual characteristics of students, or common characteristics of the class community. The research was conducted anonymously using multiple questionnaires on a sample of 267 students attending the higher grades (5th–8th grades) of primary schools from an urban area of the city of Split. It was determined that social cohesion and prosocial behaviour within the class community were the strongest determinants and were also the most important positive resources of satisfaction with the class community. Individual psychological characteristics (especially self-esteem and hope) and the socio-demographic characteristics of students also played a significant role in explaining satisfaction with the class community, but their relative contribution was much weaker than social relations within the class community. The three types of psychological characteristics of the students were positively related to the degree of satisfaction with the class community, but this association was at a low level. More than half of the students were not completely satisfied with their class community. Furthermore, based on the five fundamental dimensions of intrinsic (IM) and extrinsic motivation (EM) within PE motivation, four types of students with different motivational characteristics were determined: the very low type; moderate type; very high IM and low EM type; and extremely high type. It is recommended that experts continue researching the relationship between psychological and social variables in class communities, as well as investigating the effectiveness of possible interventions aimed at the development and improvement of social relationships in the educational and sports talent development environment.
... Existing literature has found that hope is positively associated with psychological wellbeing (Gallagher et al., 2021;Kashdan et al., 2002). Hope supports positive outcomes for both physical and mental health (Alarcon et al., 2013;Gallagher & Lopez, 2009) and is inversely correlated with depression (Chang et al., 2013;Mathew et al., 2014). ...
... The fourth is enhancing hope. Hope is seen by some researchers to be positively correlated with parenting skills (Kashdan, Pelham, Lang, Hoza, Jacob, Jennings, et al., 2002). "Connecting an isolated parent with one or two other parents as a strategy to increase involvement at home or school may be a promising avenue for schools that desire greater connections with families" (Sheldon, 2002, p. 313). ...
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The absence of parents from schools is seen as an important factor related to the significant number of adolescents at risk of school failure. Effective parenting is known to be a key protective factor for adolescents at risk for school failure and other maladaptive developmental outcomes. While evidence-based parent management training models exist, their use has been limited by problems regarding recruitment and retention when services are offered through traditional means. We review the literature on parent involvement in schools, the effectiveness of parent education programs, and mutual aid activities. Logistical barriers to parent participation in parent management training programs and other school-related activities are examined, and a strategy using twenty-first-century technology will be described as a means to increase parent involvement in schools.
... This adaptive coping reinforces their optimism and emotional and financial support from other family members. It is then necessary to note that parents raising children who tend to be oppositional, defiant, and non-compliant, those who can set clear goals, believe that they are obtainable, and persevere despite the obstacles are likely to obtain good outcomes (Kashdan et al., 2002) The negative reaction characterized by worrying due to confusion and unclear understanding of ADHD consequently leads to maladaptive coping. Denial as maladaptive coping is a temporary relief from the burden of thinking too much about their child's condition or catastrophizing about it. ...
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This study on the “lived” parenting experiences of the mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder revolved on the challenges experienced by the mothers with an ADHD child; their initial responses after diagnosis; their coping strategies; its impact on their well-being and on family relationship; the protective factors to their well-being; and their needs. Consensual qualitative research methodology was used in the study. Ten mothers were the study's participants, chosen by the purposive sample approach. In-depth interview was used and data were evaluated to identify the categories and domains. According to the findings, the mother's biggest struggles are dealing with the child's scholastic issues, physical aggression, stubbornness, and financial troubles. The variety of experiences can be explained by the psychological process that begins when their child is given an ADHD diagnosis. The mothers’ appraisal of their child may be positive or negative, depending on the psychological processes. Healthy coping, optimism, improved family relationships, positive well-being, and early acceptance of their child are all influenced by parents' favorable assessments of their child's condition. Negative appraisal causes harmful coping mechanisms, frustration, poor mental and physical health, and limited social interaction. A psychoeducational intervention anchored from the Positive Psychology framework was proposed to enhance adaptive coping strategies.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı afet sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinde psikolojik iyi oluşun, belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük, umut ve demografik değişkenlere göre yordanıp yordanmadığını incelemektir. Bu araştırmada nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada ölçme aracı olarak “Psikolojik iyi oluş ölçeği”, “Belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük ölçeği” , “Sürekli umut ölçeği” ve kişisel bilgi formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu İstanbul’daki Vakıf ve Devlet üniversitelerinde okuyan 150’si kadın (62,2), 91’i erkek (37,8) toplam 241 üniversite öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Veriler Google form aracılığıyla toplanmış ve verilerin analizinde Bağımsız Örneklem t-testi, One Way Anova, Pearson Korelasyon analizi ve Regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bağımsız değişkenler psikolojik iyi oluşun %49’unu açıklamaktadır. Standardize edilmiş regresyon katsayısına göre, yordayıcı değişkenlerin psikolojik iyi oluş üzerindeki göreli önem sırası; sürekli umut, gelir düzeyi, belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük, cinsiyet, afet sürecini TV/sosyal medya üzerinden takip etme sıklığı, olası bir afete hazır olma durumu, algılanan ebeveyn tutumudur. Regresyon katsayılarının anlamlılığına ilişkin t-testi sonuçları incelendiğinde; belirsizliğe tahammülsüzlük, umut ve gelir düzeyinin anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmektedir.
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This study aimed to discover the experiences and explored the unheard love (dungngo) language of 'fathers' toward developing parenting programs to increase fathers' involvement in the family.
Parenting provides daily opportunities for growth. Hopeful thinking provides many of the skills that parents need to successfully navigate parenting challenges. Hopeful parents think intentionally about parenting goals, create pathways to reach these goals, and find ways to stay motivated to use the pathways when challenges arise. Research suggests that high hope parents report better psychological adjustment to parenthood than low hope parents. They also engage in more active coping with parenting stressors and show high levels of emotional connection to their children. To date, research on hope and parenting is limited with the literature primarily focusing on parents of children with developmental disabilities and behavioral issues. This article reviews the literature on hopeful parenting, hope based parenting interventions, and the development of domain specific measurement of hope for parenting. Limitations of the existing literature and future directions for research are discussed.
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The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of parenting training based acceptance and commitment (ACT) and filialtherapy on oppositional defiant disorder in pre-school children in Shahrekord and life satisfaction of their mothers. The statistical population of the study consisted of all mothers of pre-school children in Shahrekord, of whom 48 were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group (each group was 16). The research instrument was Oppositional Defiant Disorder Questionnaire (Swanson et al., 2001) for children and Life Satisfaction (Diner et al., 1985) for mothers which were completed during three pre-test , post-test and 3-month follow-up stages. Data were analyzed using analysis repeated measure ANOVA. The results showed that intervention methods were effective on children and mothers' variables (P< .01). The results also showed that parenting training based ACT and filialtherapy was effective in reducing oppositional defiant disorder (P<0.01). At the same time, it was found, only that parenting training based ACT was effective in improving life satisfacion of the mothers (P <0.01). It was concluded that both interventional methods, especially parenting training based ACT, are effective for children's emotional behavioral problems and improving the life satisfaction of mothers.
Based on the conservation of resources theory and social learning theory, this study looked into the impact of parental childhood maltreatment (CM) history on their children’s aggressive behavior (CAGG) by examining the sequential mediation effect of parental psychological capital (PPC) and harsh parenting (HP). A total of 471 Chinese parents with preschool children reported on CM, psychological capital, and harsh parenting. Besides, children’s aggression was reported by their mothers. The results illustrated that parental CM is related to children’s aggressive behavior through the sequential mediation of psychological capital and harsh parenting. Interventions that reduce harsh parenting and increase parental psychological capital may prevent deleterious effects of parental childhood maltreatment history on child aggressive behavior.
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A developmental model of antisocial behavior is outlined. Recent findings are reviewed that concern the etiology and course of antisocial behavior from early childhood through adolescence. Evidence is presented in support of the hypothesis that the route to chronic delinquency is marked by a reliable developmental sequence of experiences. As a first step, ineffective parenting practices are viewed as determinants for childhood conduct disorders. The general model also takes into account the contextual variables that influence the family interaction process. As a second step, the conduct-disordered behaviors lead to academic failure and peer rejection. These dual failures lead, in turn, to increased risk for depressed mood and involvement in a deviant peer group. This third step usually occurs during later childhood and early adolescence. It is assumed that children following this developmental sequence are at high risk for engaging in chronic delinquent behavior. Finally, implications for prevention and intervention are discussed.
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We developed a multidimensional coping inventory to assess the different ways in which people respond to stress. Five scales (of four items each) measure conceptually distinct aspects of problem-focused coping (active coping, planning, suppression of competing activities, restraint coping, seeking of instrumental social support); five scales measure aspects of what might be viewed as emotion-focused coping (seeking of emotional social support, positive reinterpretation, acceptance, denial, turning to religion); and three scales measure coping responses that arguably are less useful (focus on and venting of emotions, behavioral disengagement, mental disengagement). Study 1 reports the development of scale items. Study 2 reports correlations between the various coping scales and several theoretically relevant personality measures in an effort to provide preliminary information about the inventory's convergent and discriminant validity. Study 3 uses the inventory to assess coping responses among a group of undergraduates who were attempting to cope with a specific stressful episode. This study also allowed an initial examination of associations between dispositional and situational coping tendencies.
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Directions for explicating relations among stress, support, and adaptational outcomes are suggested. Attention is drawn to the distinctiveness of marriage as a source of stress and support in adult life. In addition, the literature on marital and family therapy points to the potentially deleterious effects of overinvolvement in close relationships. If research and theory on social support are to become relevant to clinical intervention, the current emphasis on the benefits of perceived social support needs to be balanced by (a) consideration of the costs and constraints of participating in social relationships and (b) a concern for how such perceptions arise.
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Parenting and family stress treatment outcomes in the MTA study were examined. Male and female (579), 7–9-year-old children with combined type Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), were recruited at six sites around the United States and Canada, and randomly assigned to one of four groups: intensive, multi-faceted behavior therapy program alone (Beh); carefully titrated and monitored medication management strategy alone (MedMgt); a well-integrated combination of the two (Comb); or a community comparison group (CC). Treatment occurred over 14 months, and assessments were taken at baseline, 3, 9, and 14 months. Parenting behavior and family stress were assessed using parent-report and child-report inventories. Results showed that Beh alone, MedMgt alone, and Comb produced significantly greater decreases in a parent-rated measure of negative parenting, Negative/Ineffective Discipline, than did standard community treatment. The three MTA treatments did not differ significantly from each other on this domain. No differences were noted among the four groups on positive parenting or on family stress variables. Results are discussed in terms of the theoretical and empirically documented importance of negative parenting in the symptoms, comorbidities and long-term outcomes of ADHD.
The relations of dispositional hope to various self-reported cancer-related coping activities were examined in 115 college women. Dispositionally high- as compared to low-hope women were more knowledgeable about cancer, and this relationship remained when the shared variances due to previous academic achievement, experience with cancer among family or friends, and positive and negative affectivity were removed. Additionally, high- as compared to low-hope women reported more hope-related coping responses in four separate imagined phases of cancer (prevention/risk, detection, temporal course, and impact), and these relationships remained when shared variances related to previous academic achievement, knowledge about cancer, experience with cancer, and negative affectivity were removed. Hope is discussed as means of maintaining a “fighting spirit” for coping with cancer.