Our vision about the physical reality might be distorted if the currently adopted concept about vac- uum is not correct. This may refer to processes in the micro world - beyond the limit of detection, and in the macro world - events of cosmological time scale. The thesis titled Basic Structures of Matter (BSM) presents a theory based on one alternative concept about the vacuum space that has not been studied in history of phys- ics. The suggested concept provides a reference point allowing separation of space from time parameters in the analysis. This gives a possibility for theoretical study of complex physical phenomena in three dimension- al space and unidirectional time scale with strongly observed principles of objective reality, causality and log- ical understanding. Analysing physical phenomena from a new point of view allows shedding a light on the relations between different physical fields and forces. An interdisciplinary study based on suggested concept leads to unveiling of hidden structural features of the elementary particles and atomic nuclei. The obtained physical models of the atoms exhibit the same energetic levels as the Quantum Mechanical models; however, the parameters and positions of the quantum orbits are strictly defined by the nuclear configuration. The de- rived models open a new possibility for analysis of sub-molecular and sub-atomic processes. The new concept allows finding logic behind quantum mechanical and relativistic phenomena. It logically leads also to a dif- ferent hypothesis about the Universe, challenging the theory of Big Bang.
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