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Brief introduction to Basic Structures of Matter theory and derived atomic models


Abstract and Figures

Our vision about the physical reality might be distorted if the currently adopted concept about vac- uum is not correct. This may refer to processes in the micro world - beyond the limit of detection, and in the macro world - events of cosmological time scale. The thesis titled Basic Structures of Matter (BSM) presents a theory based on one alternative concept about the vacuum space that has not been studied in history of phys- ics. The suggested concept provides a reference point allowing separation of space from time parameters in the analysis. This gives a possibility for theoretical study of complex physical phenomena in three dimension- al space and unidirectional time scale with strongly observed principles of objective reality, causality and log- ical understanding. Analysing physical phenomena from a new point of view allows shedding a light on the relations between different physical fields and forces. An interdisciplinary study based on suggested concept leads to unveiling of hidden structural features of the elementary particles and atomic nuclei. The obtained physical models of the atoms exhibit the same energetic levels as the Quantum Mechanical models; however, the parameters and positions of the quantum orbits are strictly defined by the nuclear configuration. The de- rived models open a new possibility for analysis of sub-molecular and sub-atomic processes. The new concept allows finding logic behind quantum mechanical and relativistic phenomena. It logically leads also to a dif- ferent hypothesis about the Universe, challenging the theory of Big Bang.
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... Proceedings of the IX International Scientific Conference August, 7-11, 2006, Saint-Petersburg, Russia ...
... 11. The broken trend Space, Time, Gravitation Proceedings of the IX International Scientific Conference August, 7-11, 2006, Saint-Petersburg, Russia coincides with the appearance of magnetic field in planets or moons, whose physical explanation from a new point of view is discussed in Chapter 10. The square of the ratio between the E IFM and the orbital kinetic energy of a planet of the solar system is depends only on  for a case of optimal confined electron motion (13.6 eV). ...
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The Basic Structures of Matter -Super Gravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG) unveils the relation between the forces in Nature by adopting the following framework: -Empty Euclidian space without any physical properties and restrictions -Two fundamental particles of superdense matter with parameters associated with a Planck's scale -A Fundamental law of Super Gravitation (SG) -an inverse cubic law valid in pure empty space. An enormous abundance of these two particles, with vibrational energy beyond some critical level, is able to congregate into self-organized hierarchical levels of geometrical formations, based on the fundamental SG law. A self-organized process leads deterministically to creation of space with quantum properties (known as physical vacuum) and a galaxy as observable matter. All known laws of Physics are embedded in the underlying structure of the physical vacuum and the structure of the elementary particles. The fundamental SG law is behind the gravitational, electric and magnetic fields and governs all kinds of interactions between the elementary particles in the space of physical vacuum. Introduction. The contemporary theoretical Physics is plagued of problems, affecting the fields of Particles Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Theory of Relativity and Cosmology. Most of the physical models in different fields are more mathematical, than physical. When trying to connect them together, they are contradictable, so they barely give the real picture of the microcosmos and Universe. The Big Bang model also has numerous problems, indicating that the galactic redshift might not be of Doppler type. One of the recent proofs is the distribution of the quasars showing that they are not at the "edge" of the observable Universe [1]. The main reason for all these problems is in the concept of the space, known as a physical vacuum, adopted 100 years ago.
... The theory was first published on-line in 2001, archived in 2002 in the National Library of Canada [2] and published as a book in 2005 [3]. Related articles are published in peer reviewed journals [4,5] and conference proceedings. According to this theory the matter possesses hierarchical levels of organization from a simple to complex forms, while the energy is indispensable feature in all these forms. ...
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According to the BSM- Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG), the energy is indispensable feature of matter, while the matter possesses hierarchical levels of organization from a simple to complex forms, with appearance of fields at some levels. At the fundamental level, where the primary energy source exists, the matter is in its primordial form, where two super-dense fundamental particles (FP), with parameters associated with Planck scale parameters, exist in a classical pure empty space (not a physical vacuum). This primordial form of matter exists in the super-heavy black holes located in the center of each well formed galaxy. The next upper level of matter organization includes the underlying structure of the physical vacuum, called a Cosmic Lattice. It contains two forms of Zeropoint energy: Static (enormous) and Dynamic (weak). The Static energy is directly related to the Newtonian mass by the Einstein equation E=mc2 and it is a primary source of the nuclear energy. The Dynamic energy is responsible for the existence of the electric and magnetic fields, the constant speed of light and the quantum mechanical properties of the physical vacuum. The next upper energy level is the dynamical energy of excited atoms and molecules. At this level hidden energy wells exist, such as the internal energy of the electron and the internal energy of atoms with more than one electron. The next upper energy level is at some organic molecules and particularly in the biomolecules that contain ring atomic structures. In such a structure, some quantum states are not emitted immediately, but rotating in the ring. While in organic molecules the energy stored in such a ring is released by a chemical process, in the long chain molecule of proteins and DNA the stored energy can be released simultaneously by specific triggering. The released energy by DNA molecule is a sequence of entangled photons carrying the genetic information encoded by the cordons. This mechanism, predicted in BSM-SG theory, is very important for intercommunication between the cells of the living organism. The next upper level of energy organization may exist in the brain since it contains billions of atomic rings. The next hypothetical upper level of energy organization, predicted in BSM-SG is an information field that is connected to the brain but may physically exist outside of it. This field might be localized in a finite volume so it differs from the EM field we use for communication. According to the BSM-SG theory, the energy conversion from the primary energy source to the complex upper levels of matter and field organization is a permanent syntropic process based on complex forms of spatial resonance interactions.
... The presented above considerations served as a starting point for development of a hypothesis called Basic Structures of Matter (BSM) 13 , associated to the class of the unified theories. According to the BSM concept 14 the Super Gravitation (SG) force, F IG , between two objects comprised of same type of intrinsic matter put in a classical void space is proportional to the product of their intrinsic masses and the Super gravitational constant and inverse proportional to the cube of the distance. ...
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A physical model of the electron is suggested according to the basic structures of matter (BSM) hypothesis. BSM is based on an alternative concept about the physical vacuum, assuming that space contains an underlying grid structure of nodes formed of superdense subelementary particles, which are also involved in the structure of the elementary particles. The proposed grid structure is formed of vibrating nodes that possess quantum features and energy well. It is admitted that this hypothetical structure could account for the missing "dark matter" in the universe. The signature of this dark matter is apparent in the galactic rotational curves and in the relation between masses of the supermassive black hole in the galactic center and the host galaxy. The suggested model of the electron possesses oscillation features with anomalous magnetic moment and embedded signatures of the Compton wavelength and the fine-structure constant. The analysis of the interactions between the oscillating electron and the nodes of the vacuum grid structure allows us to obtain physical meaning for some fundamental constants.
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The proteins have amazing properties of guiding the energy along their long chains and preserving own three-dimensional structure in proper environments. These features cannot obtain satisfactory explanations by the quantum mechanical models of the atoms. A wide range interdisciplinary study, using a different theoretical approach, indicates that the quantum mechanical models do not describe the full physical features of the real atoms. Based on an alternative concept about the physical vacuum, a recently developed Basic Structures of Matter (BSM) theory allows unveiling the physical structures of the elementary particles and their spatial arrangement in the atomic nuclei. The obtained physical models of the atoms exhibit the same energy levels as the quantum mechanical models, while the positions of the electron orbits are defined by the nuclear structure. The derived atomic models allow studying the physical conditions behind the structural and bond restrictions of the atoms connected in molecules. The existing data base about the atomic structural compositions of the organic and biomolecules provides an excellent opportunity for test and validation of the derived physical models of the atoms. The presented article demonstrates a new original method for theoretical analysis of biomolecules. The analysis of DNA molecule, leads to a formulation of hypotheses about an energy storage mechanism in proteins and a possible involvement of DNA in cell cycle synchronization. The analysis of tRNA molecule leads to formulation of hypothesis about a binary decoding mechanism behind the 20 flavors of the complex of the aminoacyle-tRNA synthetases with tRNA. Keywords: Structure of biomolecules, secondary structure of proteins, molecular structure of DNA, Levinthal's paradox, C-value paradox, twenty flavors, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
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Under the hypothesis that ordinary matter is ultimately made of subelementary constitutive primary charged entities or partons'' bound in the manner of traditional elementary Planck oscillators (a time-honored classical technique), it is shown that a heretofore uninvestigated Lorentz force (specifically, the magnetic component of the Lorentz force) arises in any accelerated reference frame from the interaction of the partons with the vacuum electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF). Partons, though asymptotically free at the highest frequencies, are endowed with a sufficiently large bare mass'' to allow interactions with the ZPF at very high frequencies up to the Planck frequencies. This Lorentz force, though originating at the subelementary parton level, appears to produce an opposition to the acceleration of material objects at a macroscopic level having the correct characteristics to account for the property of inertia. We thus propose the interpretation that inertia is an electromagnetic resistance arising from the known spectral distortion of the ZPF in accelerated frames. The proposed concept also suggests a physically rigorous version of Mach's principle. Moreover, some preliminary independent corroboration is suggested for ideas proposed by Sakharov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 177, 70 (1968) [Sov. Phys. Dokl. 12, 1040 (1968)]) and further explored by one of us [H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. A 39, 2333 (1989)] concerning a ZPF-based model of Newtonian gravity, and for the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass as dictated by the principle of equivalence.
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The masses of supermassive black holes correlate almost perfectly with the velocity dispersions of their host bulges, M(BH) ~ sigma^alpha, where alpha =4.8 +/- 0.5$. The relation is much tighter than the relation between M(BH) and bulge luminosity, with a scatter no larger than expected on the basis of measurement error alone. Black hole masses estimated by Magorrian et al. (1998) lie systematically above the M(BH)-sigma relation defined by more accurate mass estimates, some by as much as two orders of magnitude. The tightness of the M(BH)-sigma relation implies a strong link between black hole formation and the properties of the stellar bulge. Comment: ApJ, 539, L9. Rutgers Astrophysics Preprint Series No. 274 This version is slightly modified to fit within the ApJL page limits
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Recently Van Flandern concluded from astrophysical data that gravity propagates faster than light. We demonstrate that the data can be explained by current theory that does not permit superluminal speeds. We explain the origin of apparently instantaneous connections, first within EM, and then within strong-field GR.
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The physical models of a successful unified theory about the Universe must operate in different phase of matter evolution and different fields of physics. The attempts to build such wide range theory as a bunch of theories developed for different fields of physics are not quite successful. The accumulated knowledge from experiments and observations leads to a conclusion that some of the adopted postulates in the modern physics are not absolutely fundamental, as considered so far. A new approach for building of unified model of the Universe suggests resurrection of the principles of causality and logical understanding for any kind of physical phenomena. It is successfully applied in a new theory titled Basic Structures of Matter, which provides fundamentals for a unified theory about the Universe. The new approach leads to different physical models for the elementary particles and the atoms and also to a different concept about the Universe. In the same time the suggested models exhibit the same interaction energies as obtained by the Quantum mechanics and experiments. The analysis of the physical phenomena from a new point of view allows deeper understanding of the relations between the basic physical attributes: mass, energy, space, time, gravitation and inertia.
The history of vacuum concepts is reviewed, noting that no way is known to physically produce a true void. Even at absolute zero, a pattern of electromagnetic wave fluctuations are still present. The fluctuations are called zero-point radiation (ZPR). To be invariant to Lorentz transformation, ZPR has a spectral intensity proportional to the cube of each frequency. ZPR does not change in response to compression and produces a force between objects that is inversely proportional to the 4th power of the separation distance. The ZPR scale value has been measured to be one-half of the Planck constant, and is the measure of the energy of a harmonic oscillator, such as the electron, in a vacuum. Finally, since gravitational accelerations always occur in the physical space, a minimum thermal radiation can also be found for the vacuum, implying that a fixed relationship exists between thermal radiation and the classical vacuum.
Molecular hydrogen in interstellar clouds absorbs ultraviolet radiation in lines of the Lyman and Werner systems. The subsequent fluorescence leads to dissociation or to the population of excited rotational-vibrational levels of the ground electronic state. The rotational-vibrational levels decay by means of quadrupole transitions which result in the emission of infrared photons and the population of excited rotational levels of the lowest vibrational state. An additional input into the cascade is provided by the formation of molecules on grain surfaces. A concise tabular description of the rotation-vibration cascade is presented. Calculations of the infrared emission spectrum of H2 are given for an illustrative cloud model which includes the processes of fluorescence and hot molecule formation. In favorable circumstances, some of the infrared lines may have detectable intensities. Due to the distribution of lines, it may prove possible to detect interstellar H2 using narrow-band filter photometry at a wavelength of 2.4 microns.
One of the largest ¡ £ ¢ rotation curve data bases of spiral galaxies currently available is that provided by Persic and Salucci (PS) [1], which has been derived by them from unreduced rotation curve data of 965 southern sky spirals obtained by Mathewson, Ford and Buchhorn (MFB) [2]. Of the original sample of 965 galaxies, the observations on 900 were considered by PS 1995 to be good enough for rotation curve studies, and the present analysis concerns itself with these 900 rotation curves. The present analysis shows that the rotation velocity, ¤ , at any radial displacement, ¥ , in the optical disc of any given spiral galaxy satsifies the law ¤ ¥ ¢ © ¤ ¥ ¢ , where ¥ and ¤ are given as approximate functions of the galaxy's absolute magnitude and surface brightness whilst is an unidentified function of other galaxy parameters – of which the most significant ones will be the relative proportions of the disc, bulge and halo mass-components. It is this latter function which provides the opportunity for a dark-matter modelling process which is independent of any particular dynamical theory.
This paper gives the 2002 self-consistent set of values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) for international use. Further, it describes in detail the adjustment of the values of the subset of constants on which the complete 2002 set of recommended values is based. Two noteworthy additions in the 2002 adjustment are recommended values for the bound-state rms charge radii of the proton and deuteron and tests of the exactness of the Josephson and quantum-Hall-effect relations KJ=2eh{K}_{\mathrm{J}}=2e∕h and RK=he2{R}_{\mathrm{K}}=h∕{e}^{2}, where KJ{K}_{\mathrm{J}} and RK{R}_{\mathrm{K}} are the Josephson and von Klitzing constants, respectively, e is the elementary charge, and h is the Planck constant. The 2002 set replaces the previously recommended 1998 CODATA set. The 2002 adjustment takes into account the data considered in the 1998 adjustment as well as the data that became available between 31 December 1998, the closing date of that adjustment, and 31 December 2002, the closing date of the new adjustment. The differences between the 2002 and 1998 recommended values compared to the uncertainties of the latter are generally not unreasonable. The new CODATA set of recommended values may also be found on the World Wide Web at
A fundamental relation between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies, No. 0006053 v
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