Cited By (since 1996):1, Export Date: 18 June 2013, Source: Scopus
The paper presents fundamentals of the djffusjon processes occurrjng jn jnterconnectjons
produced by means of djffusjon solderjng. The stages jnyolyed jn the formatjon of the
interconnection are descrjbed for the Al-Ni system as an example. The growth of the formed
jnterrnetalljc phases is the mostjmportant step from the kjnetic
... [Show full abstract] pojnt of yiew because jt determjnes
the rate of the whole process. If the growth-controlling factor js bulk diffusjon, then the solutjon of
the djffusion problem leads to Wagner's jntegral jnterdiffusion coefficient. To solye Wagner's
equation jt js necessary to deterrnine the growth constant kp. The procedure leading to a proper
determination of kp from a plot of the interrnetallic layer thjckness as function of time js described in
details. Fjnally, examples of kinetic calculatjons for the intermetallic phase growth in the Al-Ni,
Cu-Sn, Cu-In and Cu-In-Sn systems are presented.