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Changing Classroom Designs: Easy; Changing Instructors' Pedagogies: Not So Easy…


Abstract and Figures

Technology-rich student-centered classrooms such as SCALE-UP and TEAL are designed to actively engage students. We examine what happens when instructors adopt the classroom but not the pedagogy that goes with it. We measure the effect of using socio-technological spaces on students' conceptual change and compare learning gains made in groups using different pedagogies (active learning vs. conventional instruction). We also correlate instructors' self-reported instructional approach (teacher-centered, student-centered) with their classes' normalized FCI gains. We find that technology-rich spaces are only effective when implemented with student-centered active pedagogies. In their absence, the technology-rich classroom is not significantly different from conventional teacher-centered classrooms. We also find that instructors' self-reported perception of student-centeredness accounts for a large fraction of the variance ( r 2 = 0.83 ) in their class' average normalized gain. Adopting student-centered pedagogies appears to be a necessary condition for the effective use of technology-rich spaces. However, adopting a new pedagogy seems more difficult than adopting new technology.
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Changing Classroom Designs: Easy;
Changing Instructors’ Pedagogies: Not So Easy…
Nathaniel Lasry*§, Elizabeth Charles˜§, Chris Whittaker ˜, Helena Dedic§ and
Steven Rosenfield§
* Department of Physics, John Abbott College, Montreal Canada H9X 3L9 and
˜ Department of Physics, Dawson College, 3040 Rue Sherbrooke O, Montreal Canada H3Z 1A4
Department of Physics, Vanier College, Montreal, Canada H4L 3X9 and
§ Center for the Study of Learning and Performance, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada H3G 2V8 ˜
Abstract. Technology-rich student-centered classrooms such as SCALE-UP and TEAL are designed to actively
engage students. We examine what happens when instructors adopt the classroom but not the pedagogy that goes
with it. We measure the effect of using socio-technological spaces on students’ conceptual change and compare
learning gains made in groups using different pedagogies (active learning vs. conventional instruction). We also
correlate instructors’ self-reported instructional approach (teacher-centered, student-centered) with their classes’
normalized FCI gains. We find that technology-rich spaces are only effective when implemented with student-
centered active pedagogies. In their absence, the technology-rich classroom is not significantly different from
conventional teacher-centered classrooms. We also find that instructors’ self-reported perception of student-
centeredness accounts for a large fraction of the variance (r2=0.83) in their class’ average normalized gain.
Adopting student-centered pedagogies appears to be a necessary condition for the effective use of technology-rich
spaces. However, adopting a new pedagogy seems more difficult than adopting new technology.
Keywords: Classroom design, architecture, SCALE-UP, TEAL, technology, pedagogy.
PACS: 01.10.Fv, 01.30.Cc,, 01.40.-d, 01.40.Fk,, 01.40.jh, 01.50
Traditional classroom settings are teacher-centered.
They place instructors at the front of the classroom
with all students facing the instructor. This traditional
classroom architecture is implicitly based on a
‘transmission’ model of learning: an expert transmits
knowledge to attentive novices. Much of the physics
education literature has been devoted to developing
student-centered pedagogies1 that are shown to be
more effective than traditional teacher-centered
approaches such as lecturing2, 3. Classroom lectures
have been particularly criticized, at least since Blight’s
1972 book: What’s the use of Lectures?4 Initially
constrained to teacher-centered class architectures,
pedagogical approaches were developed to enable
student-centered learning in these settings. For
instance, approaches such as Peer Instruction3, 5-7 were
developed to engage students in a lecture hall and
enable them to co-construct knowledge by pairing and
sharing their conceptions. These student-centered
active-learning approaches are quite effective, despite
being constrained to teacher-centered classroom
architectures. Classrooms can be redesigned to fully
support student-centered active collaboration. Among
designs that have been well documented to support
student centered pedagogies are Student-Centered
Activities for Large Enrollment Undergraduate
Programs (SCALE-UP)8, 9 at North Carolina State
University and Technology Enabled Active Learning
(TEAL) at MIT10, 11. We choose not to distinguish
between SCALE-UP, TEAL and the implementation
of the classroom design that we studied. We focus on
the similarities between these architectures and
collectively call these designs socio-technological
spaces because the technology facilitates social
collaboration and the co-construction of knowledge.
In this study, a socio-technological space was
presented to instructors as a classroom architecture
that facilitates collaborative approaches and more
generally student-centered pedagogies. However, a
number of instructors that adopted the socio-
technological classroom did not effectively adopt the
pedagogy it was designed to support. We examine
what happens when instructors adopt the technology-
rich classroom but not the student-centered pedagogy
it supports.
We compare two classroom architectures used with
two types of pedagogy. Classrooms were either
redesigned socio-technological spaces (e.g. TEAL) or
traditional teacher-centered classrooms. Pedagogies
were either student-centered or conventional teacher-
centered. Researchers assisted a few classes from each
of the six participating instructors to determine
whether the pedagogies used were conventional or
student-centered. The six participating instructors were
also asked to complete a self-report instrument on how
teacher-centered or student-centered their instruction
was. This instrument, the Approaches to Teaching
Inventory (ATI)12 is composed of 22-items that can be
broken down into two sub-scales (1) conceptual
change/student focused (CCSF) and (2) information
transmission/teacher focused (ITTF). Each subscale
comprises 11 items. ATI results were used along with
researchers’ observations to establish where teachers
might be positioned along a continuum of teacher-
centered to student-centered.
Students participating in this study were enrolled in a
first semester introductory mechanics course.
Students’ conceptual learning was assessed using the
Force Concept Inventory13 during the first and last
week of the term. We then calculated average
normalized gains for each section2. We also performed
a complementary analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
to determine whether groups differed in FCI scores at
the end of the semester (post-test), taking their
incoming (pre-test) scores as a covariate. FCI data
from three years were aggregated - F08, F09 and F10.
In total we collected data from 214 students in the four
groups examined (see Table 1). Finally, we examine
the relationship between the ATI (instructors’ self-
reported student-centeredness and teacher-
centeredness) and the normalized gain for each
instructor’s group.
TABLE 1. Number of students in four groups studied
We begin by comparing the average normalized gains
obtained by students in Active Learning versus
traditional teacher-centered instruction. As expected2,
we find that Active Learning pedagogies produce
statistically greater learning gains than traditional
teacher-centered pedagogies. When comparing
classroom designs, we find no statistical difference
between the average normalized gains obtained by
students in socio-technological classrooms and the
gains obtained in conventional classrooms settings.
However, an interaction seems to be present. Socio-
technological classrooms architectures yield both the
greatest and smallest average normalized gains.
Indeed, the largest normalized gains are found in
socio-technological classrooms that use Active
Learning pedagogies; The smallest normalized gains
are found in socio-technological spaces that use
traditional teacher-centered instruction. Socio-
technological spaces are not effective in of themselves.
They effectively support Active Learning pedagogies
but are ineffective at best when used with traditional
teacher-centered instruction.
FIGURE 1. Active Learning pedagogies produce larger
normalized gains, regardless of classroom design. Classroom
designs do not significantly differ from each other. Largest
gains are found in socio-technological designs that use
Active Learning. Smallest normalized gains are found in
socio-technological designs that use traditional teacher-
centered pedagogies.
We also analyze the correlation between instructors
self-reported ATI subscales (CCSF and ITTF scales)
and the average FCI gain for their class. We find a
surprisingly high correlation between the student-
centeredness scale (CCSF) and the average FCI
normalized gain for their class (r = 0.91). In contrast,
instructors’ perceived teacher-centeredness (ITTF
scale) correlates weakly with FCI gains (r = 0.33).
These results suggest that a large part of the variance
(R2=0.83) in average FCI gain for a class can be
explained by the instructor’s perception of student-
FIGURE 2. Instructors’ self-reported student-centeredness
(CCSF) is strongly correlated (r = 0.91) to their class’
average FCI gain.
However, the instructors’ degree of teacher-
centeredness does not seem to impact students’
conceptual change. Indeed, the instructors (self-
reported) ITTF score accounts for a small amount of
variance (r2 = 0.11) in their class’ average FCI
normalized gain.
When designing technology-rich classrooms, teachers
and administrators often assume that the technology
will enhance students’ learning. Empirical studies of
technology-rich student-centered spaces have shown
benefits such as more meaningful construction of
knowledge and deeper understanding8, 10. These
studies document the use of technology-rich
classrooms with the student-centered pedagogies they
have been designed to support. To our knowledge, no
studies have explored the use of socio-technological
spaces in the absence of the student-centered pedagogy
they are designed to support.
Our results show the primacy of pedagogy: active
learning pedagogies produce larger normalized gains
than teacher-centered pedagogies, regardless of the
classroom architecture. Socio-technological classroom
architectures are designed to enhance the effect of
student-centered pedagogies. Hence, the effective use
of these socio-technological environments requires the
adoption of student-centered active learning
approaches. Instructors and administrators interested
in adopting technology-rich spaces must be aware of
the need to adopt active learning pedagogies. This
finding can be viewed in light of past findings on
educational technology, namely that technology itself
is not a surrogate for good pedagogy14, 15. For instance,
Peer Instruction has been implicitly associated with the
use of wireless clickers in classrooms. Yet, Peer
Instruction works equally well without clickers, using
flashcards for instance14. When used in support of
learners’ effort and not merely to present content,
recent meta-analyses show that technology can be an
effective learning tool 16.
When used with a teacher-centered pedagogy, socio-
technological environments yield the smallest
normalized gains of all four groups. This result might
be explained by the mismatch between the classroom
architecture and the implicit instructional model it
supports. Lecture-halls are designed to support
teacher-centered lecturing. Socio-technological spaces
are designed to support student-centered pedagogies.
One may have expected that socio-technological
spaces would be more effective than lecture halls even
for lectures because of the many affordances offered
by the technology. We find that traditional classrooms
are better suited (albeit marginally) for lectures. This
somewhat counter-intuitive result can be explained by
the uncanny observation made by one of the
researchers. Our socio-technological spaces feature
workstations organized in round pod-like
configuration seating four students, with one computer
for every two students. Being seated in circular
arrangements, students are no longer facing the ‘front’
of the classroom. On one occasion, a researcher was
observing a student asking a teacher-centered
instructor a question. Although the question was
pertinent to the entire group, the instructor moved to
the former front of the classroom and began to address
the group as a whole. However, being seated in
circular arrangements, most of the students were no
longer facing the instructor and were therefore
unaware of a possible learning opportunity. Together
with the data shown in Figure 1, this suggests that
socio-technological environment may hurt students if
used with teacher-centered pedagogies.
Survey results for the six participating instructors on
the ATI12 revealed interesting findings concerning
their self-reported perceptions of how information
transmission/teacher focused (ITTF) and how
conceptual change/student focused (CCSF) their
rWorld rEffort eMediate
% of total coded statments
Student's Epistemic Beliefs AL group
instruction was. We find a surprisingly high
correlation (r = 0.91) between normalized gain and
self-reported student-centeredness (CCSF) but not so
large (r = 0.33) with teacher-centeredness (ITTF). Our
first surprise is that instructors do not view teacher-
centeredness and information-transfer as orthogonal to
being student-centered conceptually-focused. What is
more striking is the finding that a self-reported
instrument correlates with a measure, not of the
teachers themselves but of their students’ learning. We
find this result interesting and would welcome
Instructors and administrators are often attracted to the
newest educational technologies. However, for an
educational technology to be adopted effectively, the
pedagogical model it supports should also be adopted.
Our results show that socio-technological classroom
architectures are only effective when implemented
with student-centered active-learning pedagogies.
Much support should be offered to instructors adopting
new socio-technological environments because
adopting the newest educational technology may be
easier than adopting the pedagogy it is designed to
This study was supported by a Quebec Ministère de
l’Education Loisirs et Sports grant through the
Programme d’Aide a la Recherche sur l’Enseignement
et l’Apprentissage (PAREA, grant# PA 2009-005).
Individual researchers also acknowledge support from
their institutions John Abbott and Dawson Colleges as
well as support from the Center for the Study of
Learning and Performance.
1. L. McDermott and E. Redish, American Journal of
Physics 67, 755 (1999).
2. R. R. Hake, American Journal of Physics 66 (1),
64-74 (1998).
3. E. Mazur, Peer instruction : a user's manual.
(Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1997).
4. D. Blight, (Harmondsworth, England: Penguin,
5. N. Lasry, E. Mazur and J. Watkins, American
Journal of Physics 76 (11), 1066-1069 (2008).
6. C. Crouch, J. Watkins, A. Fagen and E. Mazur, in
Reviews in Physics Education Research, edited by
E. F. Redish and P. J. Cooney (2007).
7. C. Crouch and E. Mazur, American Journal of
Physics 69 (9), 970-977 (2001).
8. R. J. Beichner, J. M. Saul, D. S. Abbott, J. Morse,
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9. R. J. Beichner and E. R. I. Center, Introduction to
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13. D. Hestenes, M. Wells and G. Swackhamer, The
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... A more recent and still growing trend in the active learning literature has focused on learning environments (Beichner et al. 2000;Brown and Lippincott 2003;Hill and Epps 2010;Jamieson et al. 2000;Lasry et al. 2013;Whiteside, Brooks, and Walker 2010). Researching learning environments in general is a fairly new endeavour, and the idea of matching pedagogical styles to room styles is still an emerging notion (Lasry et al. 2013;Temple 2008). ...
... A more recent and still growing trend in the active learning literature has focused on learning environments (Beichner et al. 2000;Brown and Lippincott 2003;Hill and Epps 2010;Jamieson et al. 2000;Lasry et al. 2013;Whiteside, Brooks, and Walker 2010). Researching learning environments in general is a fairly new endeavour, and the idea of matching pedagogical styles to room styles is still an emerging notion (Lasry et al. 2013;Temple 2008). Below, we consider the SCALE-UP example in order to demonstrate the successes achieved when designating a learning environment for a specific pedagogy, rather than simply resorting to a one-size-fits-all classroom or teaching style. ...
... Without the option of sitting in the back of the room, students can be seen (and engaged) equally, potentially leading to closing the gap in achievement. It has been demonstrated that the classroom space itself matters, too-SCALE-UP is successful only when classroom environment and pedagogy are matched (Lasry et al. 2013). ...
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Active learning has experienced a recent resurgence with the advent of specialized active learning classrooms. While the fundamental theory behind active learning is anything but new, a relatively recent finding is that active learning pedagogies thrive in suitable active learning classrooms. To date, studies of active learning have focused on outcomes such as student performance. The quasi-experimental study described in this article investigated self-ratings of student engagement as an outcome of active learning in active learning classrooms using a novel instrument that accounts for known factors of engagement in addition to the contribution of the learning environment—the classroom. We delineated the relative contributions of instructor, classmates, and classroom to self-rated student engagement through student surveys in both a traditional classroom and an active learning classroom in two highly similar courses with the same instructor. Our findings were that the configuration of the classroom had a direct influence on self-ratings of student engagement above and beyond instructor contributions. In this article, we describe these findings and how, with careful consideration of course design and a classroom that fits the instructor’s pedagogy, optimal levels of perceived student engagement can be achieved. This knowledge is important to future educational policy on construction and scheduling, as the resurgence of active learning in higher education increasingly reveals deficiencies in physical learning environments.
... El componente cuantitativo del estudio se centró en la recopilación de datos a través de encuestas aplicadas a los estudiantes. Estas encuestas incluyeron preguntas estructuradas que permitieron evaluar la percepción general sobre el uso de Padlet en el aula y su influencia en la motivación, participación y comprensión de los conceptos tratados en Ciencias Naturales (Lasry et al., 2013). El uso de encuestas fue fundamental para obtener una visión amplia del impacto de la herramienta en un grupo significativo de estudiantes, proporcionando datos que se pueden analizar de manera estadística para identificar tendencias y patrones comunes. ...
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Este estudio evaluó el impacto de Padlet, una herramienta tecnológica interactiva, en el aprendizaje de Ciencias Naturales en estudiantes de Educación Básica Superior. El enfoque mixto permitió analizar tanto datos cuantitativos, obtenidos a través de encuestas, como cualitativos, mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Los resultados mostraron que la implementación de Padlet incrementó significativamente la motivación y participación de los estudiantes, quienes utilizaron la plataforma de manera frecuente y percibieron mejoras en su comprensión de los contenidos científicos. El 85% de los estudiantes reportó que Padlet facilitó la organización y comprensión de conceptos complejos, mientras que el 90% indicó un aumento en su motivación para participar en las actividades de clase. Los docentes también destacaron el papel de Padlet en la creación de un entorno colaborativo, donde los estudiantes interactuaban activamente con el contenido y con sus compañeros. Aunque se presentaron desafíos relacionados con el acceso desigual a dispositivos y la curva de aprendizaje tecnológica, tanto estudiantes como docentes lograron adaptarse a la plataforma, superando estas barreras iniciales. Padlet demostró ser una herramienta eficaz para mejorar el aprendizaje y la participación en Ciencias Naturales, ofreciendo un enfoque dinámico y colaborativo. Su potencial de aplicación se extiende a otras áreas del currículo, contribuyendo al desarrollo de competencias clave para el siglo XXI, como la colaboración, la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico.
... Alternative teaching strategies that are designed to improve student engagement have many benefits including allowing students to work as a team, communicate with others, problem solve, and think critically (Affoo et al. 2020). Using active learning techniques, compared to solely using traditional lecture format, has many benefits including deeper learning (Lizzio & Wilson 2004), improved knowledge of concepts (Laws et al. 1999;Redish et al. 1997), better student performance (Baepler & Walker 2014;Lasry et al. 2013), as well as improved connectedness, satisfaction, and flexibility among students (Allsop et al. 2020). Chickering and Gamson (1987), in their seminal work, include active learning techniques as one of the seven important aspects of undergraduate education. ...
Hands-on laboratory experience that allows for manipulation of realistic and relevant materials in course curricula has been shown to improve students' learning, understanding, and critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the experiences of students who engaged in laboratory coursework using a virtual dissection (VD) table as part of an undergraduate course in anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing. Undergraduate students enrolled in an anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing course at a single university for the fall 2021 semester consented to participate. Nine students, divided into two focus groups, were encouraged to describe their experiences and perspectives about the VD table and corresponding laboratory assignments. Following verbatim transcription of the data, the authors conducted a thematic analysis. Five themes emerged from the body of data: (1) using the VD table, (2) completing the VD lab assignments, (3) preparation for laboratory sessions, (4) suggested modifications, and (5) enriched learning. Students believed using the VD table aided in a better understanding of course material than traditional methods. Moreover, they surmised that this method of learning, particularly for speech-language pathologists, may be superior to learning through models and cadavers.
... Thus, newer approaches to learning that stress effective, meaningful communication and learning through active and critical engagement are required. Research indicates that active learning has a lot of benefits such as critical thinking development (Kwon & Woo, 2017), higher performance (Lasry et al., 2013), and more motivation and engagement among learners (Slavich & Zimbardo, 2012). Theoretically, active learning is a broad term that "involves students doing things and thinking about the things they are doing" (Bonnell & Eison, 1991, p. 2). ...
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There is a limited number of existing literature exploring the nuanced relationship between online learning, academic performance and mental health among Chinese students in the COVID-19 epoch (Chi X, Liang K, Chen S, Huang Q, Huang L, Yu Q, Jiao C, Guo T, Stubbs B, Hossain M, Yeung A, Kong Z, Zou L Int J Clin Health Psychol 21:100218, 2020). The limited amount of available research prompts the development of this chapter, where the author systematically reviews, evaluates and summarises relevant studies, for the purpose of presenting a broad understanding of how the digitalisation of learning approaches is associated with Chinese students’ academic and psychological performance. As per the framework of this systematic review, existing literature focusing on (1) digital learning, (2) academic performance and (3) mental health in Chinese contexts during the outbreak of the pandemic is exclusively examined. Since 30 January 2020, China has been one of the first countries to apply school closures and massification of digital learning (Ma Z, Idris S, Zhang Y, Zewen L, Wali A, Ji Y, Pan Q, Baloch Z, BMC Pediatrics 21:1–8, 2021). Thus, understanding if the digital pedagogies result in positive outputs regarding Chinese students’ development would be conducive to shedding light on whether a similar digitalisation process in academic settings should be delivered in contexts beyond China. In this chapter, the author explores available Chinese literature that assesses the nuanced relationship between digital learning, academic performance and mental health during the pandemic. He analyses how Chinese students undertaking e-learning are, positively and negatively, impacted by digital, non-face-to-face education. In addition, the author suggests interventions on how the design and delivery of digital education can be modified or improved, and how social support can be better arranged, in order to optimise Chinese students’ academic and psychological development.
... In univariate contrasts, neither primary nor secondary subscales of the ATI significantly related to one another, in agreement with prior studies [88]. Surprisingly, the two subscales of the ALCP did not significantly correlate to one another or any of the other faculty scales. ...
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Learner-centered classrooms encourage critical thinking and communication among students and between students and their instructor, and engage students as active learners rather than passive participants. However, students, faculty, and experts often have distinct definitions of learner-centeredness, and the paucity of research comparing perspectives of these different groups must be resolved. In the current study, our central research question was how do student, faculty, and expert observer perceptions of learner-centeredness within biology classrooms compare to one another? We sampled 1114 students from fifteen sections of a general biology course for non-majors, and complete responses from 490 students were analyzed. Five valid and reliable tools (two faculty; two student; and one expert observer) evaluated the learner-centeredness of each participating section. Perceptions of learner-centered instructors often aligned with those of expert observers, while student perceptions tended not to align with either group. Interestingly, students perceived learner-centered instructors as less learner-centered if they taught at non-traditional times and/or in large-enrollment sections, despite their focus on student learning. Perceptions of learner-centeredness in the biology classroom are complex and may be best captured with more than one instrument. Our findings encourage instructors to be cognizant that the approaches they employ in the classroom may not be interpreted as learner-centered, in the same manner, by students and external observers, particularly when additional course factors such as enrollment and scheduling may encourage negative perceptions of learner-centered practices.
... Using a space such as the SCALE UP classroom with traditional teacher-centred delivery methods (lecturing) seems, according to Lasry et al, 2013, to produce worse than usual results. This may be because the round tables, the very design element which facilitates group work and collaborative learning, cause many students to be facing away from the lecturer. ...
An innovative classroom design pioneered in the US, which aims to facilitate greater student engagement, has been piloted in a UK University for the first time. This case study reflects on some of the advantages and the challenges of this technology rich learning space and considers its impact on curriculum design in a module which aims to develop academic, research and digital skills in first year students on an undergraduate Health and Social Care course.
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India has a large population of educated youth, but India ranks 132 out of 191 countries on the World Human Capital Index. This trend can be reversed if educational institutions focus more on skill enhancement than rote memorization. This research aimed to develop creative thinking in graduates by implementing a differentiated assessment pattern based on the ACER creative thinking framework. The age of rapid automation and AI poses a threat to low-skilled labour, therefore educational institutions must focus more on developing skills that machines cannot replicate. The exploratory case study over a longitudinal period of six months concluded that science fiction writing and white paper projects develop higher-order thinking skills in graduate learners. This study was also able to quantify data from the case studies, which could be used in transcripts to indicate skill progress.
With the ever-growing advances in digital learning technologies, the need to explore the impact of implementing new modes of digital media for instructional and assessment purposes is required more than ever. Also, there has been a significant rise in online education since the pandemic, which has made the evolution of online education faster than in previous decades. The main aim of this chapter is to propose an instructional technology task design model via interactive media and show how it can positively impact learning. A model called RECIPE (Reflection, Engagement, Collaboration, Interaction, Production, and Evaluation) is introduced, and its theoretical applications and practical implications are discussed. This chapter also discusses how this model could maximize critical instructional, assessment, and learning factors leading to active, meaningful learning with technology in online and blended higher education courses. This chapter provides significant guidelines and insights for promoting an engaging learning experience through interactive media tasks in online and blended courses in higher education in the postpandemic era. Moreover, this chapter guides further research in designing more cognitively and socially engaging tasks and courses in online and blended higher education.KeywordsOnline learningInstructional technology designInteractive mediaHigher education
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Effective Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) requires appropriate pedagogies that engage learners in transformative learning. These pedagogies include reflective and active learning, involving experiential, collaborative and learner-centred activities. This paper discusses student experiences and perceptions of an interdisciplinary social science ESD course at a UK university that incorporated reflective and active learning by using a ‘flipped classroom’ (FC) design and innovative assessments. FC creates time in class for reflective and active learning by moving content acquisition to pre-class study. Adoption of the flipped classroom in social sciences is rare and literature on use of FC for ESD is very scarce; hence this paper offers valuable insights into the design of a flipped social science ESD course, and participants' responses. Results of two surveys demonstrate very positive student perceptions of the course, and illustrate several benefits of the FC design. Over 90% of respondents agreed that in-class active learning exercises made the classes more engaging and the material more memorable than usual, offering useful opportunities to put information/learning into practice, with most students expressing strong agreement. In-class mini-lectures were nevertheless also appreciated, as were reflective practices. A large majority of the students considered the workload reasonable. Findings also reveal the importance of incentivising pre-class preparation using graded assessments such as quizzes, which additionally helped students understand/remember content, and gave confidence about contributing in class. It is clear that the active and reflective learning that FC facilitates engages students in ESD. The paper concludes by offering recommendations for successfully implementing this approach.
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The primary goal of the SCALE-UP Project is to establish a highly col -laborative, hands-on, computer-rich, interactive learning environment in large-enrollment physics courses. We know from extensive educational research that students should collaborate on interesting tasks and be active -ly involved with the material they are learning. The physics department at North Carolina State University has had considerable success with small classes taught this way and is now searching for the best way to "scale-up" the innovations so that students taking our large enrollment engineering physics courses can benefit. We are folding together lecture and lab with multiple instructors in a way that should provide an economical alterna -tive to traditional lecture-oriented instruction. The project involves the development, evaluation and dissemination of new curricular materials that will support this type of learning. In comparisons to traditional instruction we have seen significantly improved performance in problem solving, increased conceptual under -standing, improved attitude and much higher success rates for females and minorities. This was accomplished at little or no additional expense. Because of these successes, we believe the SCALE-UP Project has the potential to radically change the way science, engineering and mathemat -ics are taught at large colleges and universities. Project Status There have been three phases to the SCALE-UP project. The first phase was conducted in a traditional lecture hall with long narrow tables and fixed seating. We are currently in our Phase 2 implementation in a renovated room that seats 54. Construction of a 99-seat Phase 3 classroom will commence soon. Preliminary blueprints for a new Physical Sciences Instructional Lab Building also include space for two SCALE-UP classrooms.
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This research study employs a second-order meta-analysis procedure to summarize 40 years of research activity addressing the question, does computer technology use affect student achievement in formal face-to-face classrooms as compared to classrooms that do not use technology? A study-level meta-analytic validation was also conducted for purposes of comparison. An extensive literature search and a systematic review process resulted in the inclusion of 25 meta-analyses with minimal overlap in primary literature, encompassing 1,055 primary studies. The random effects mean effect size of 0.35 was significantly different from zero. The distribution was heterogeneous under the fixed effects model. To validate the second-order meta-analysis, 574 individual independent effect sizes were extracted from 13 out of the 25 meta-analyses. The mean effect size was 0.33 under the random effects model, and the distribution was heterogeneous. Insights about the state of the field, implications for technology use, and prospects for future research are discussed.
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The purpose of this Resource Letter is to provide an overview of research on the learning and teaching of physics. The references have been selected to meet the needs of two groups of physicists engaged in physics education. The first is the growing number whose field of scholarly inquiry is (or might become) physics education research. The second is the much larger community of physics instructors whose primary interest is in using the results from research as a guide for improving instruction.
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SCALE-UP is an extension of the highly successful IMPEC project (Integrated Math, Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry), one of NC State's curricular reform efforts undertaken as part of the SUCCEED coalition. Basically, we are utilizing the interactive, collaboratively based instruction that worked so well in smaller class settings and finding ways to economically accommodate classes of up to 100 students. Relative to students taught in traditional classes, SCALE-UP students are better problem solvers, achieve nearly four times the gain on some conceptual tests, have better attitudes toward science, and report greater satisfaction with their instruction. Failure rates for females are half those in regular classes. For minorities, the failure rate drops by a factor of four. Technology is used to provide a phenomenological focus for students, allowing data collection, analysis, mathematical modeling, and advanced simulations. As student attention is drawn into analyzing different physical situations, teachers circulate around the room and engage students in Socratic dialogs. Lecturing is minimal, primarily for motivation and to provide an overview of topics. The main objectives of the course will be presented, along with a discussion of some of the instructional techniques we employ.
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We compare the effectiveness of a first implementation of peer instruction PI in a two-year college with the first PI implementation at a top-tier four-year research institution. We show how effective PI is for students with less background knowledge and what the impact of PI methodology is on student attrition in the course. Results concerning the effectiveness of PI in the college setting replicate earlier findings: PI-taught students demonstrate better conceptual learning and similar problem-solving abilities than traditionally taught students. However, not previously reported are the following two findings: First, although students with more background knowledge benefit most from either type of instruction, PI students with less background knowledge gain as much as students with more background knowledge in traditional instruction. Second, PI methodology is found to decrease student attrition in introductory physics courses at both four-year and two-year institutions. © 2008 American Association of Physics Teachers.
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Educational technology supports meaningful learning and enables the presentation of spatial and dynamic images, which portray relationships among complex con-cepts. The Technology-Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) Project at the Massachu-setts Institute of Technology (MIT) involves media-rich software for simulation and visualization in freshman physics carried out in a specially redesigned classroom to facilitate group interaction. These technology-based tec learning materials are especially useful in electromagnetism to help students conceptualize phenomena and processes. This study analyzes the effects of the unique learning environment of the TEAL project on students ’ cognitive and affective outcomes. The assessment of the project included examining students ’ conceptual understanding before and after studying electromagnetism in a media-rich environment. We also investigated the effect of this environment on students ’ preferences regarding the various teaching methods. As part of the project, we developed pre- and posttests consisting of conceptual questions from standardized tests, as well as questions designed to assess the effect of visualizations and experiments. The research population consisted of 811 undergraduate students. It consisted of a small- and a large-scale experimental groups and a control group. TEAL students improved their conceptual understanding
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A survey of pre/post-test data using the Halloun–Hestenes Mechanics Diagnostic test or more recent Force Concept Inventory is reported for 62 introductory physics courses enrolling a total number of students N6542. A consistent analysis over diverse student populations in high schools, colleges, and universities is obtained if a rough measure of the average effectiveness of a course in promoting conceptual understanding is taken to be the average normalized gain g. The latter is defined as the ratio of the actual average gain (%post%pre) to the maximum possible average gain (100 %pre). Fourteen ''traditional'' (T) courses (N2084) which made little or no use of interactive-engagement IE methods achieved an average gain g T-ave 0.230.04 std dev. In sharp contrast, 48 courses (N4458) which made substantial use of IE methods achieved an average gain g IE-ave 0.480.14 std dev, almost two standard deviations of g IE-ave above that of the traditional courses. Results for 30 (N3259) of the above 62 courses on the problem-solving Mechanics Baseline test of Hestenes–Wells imply that IE strategies enhance problem-solving ability. The conceptual and problem-solving test results strongly suggest that the classroom use of IE methods can increase mechanics-course effectiveness well beyond that obtained in traditional practice. © 1998 American Association of Physics Teachers.
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A growing number of physics teachers are cur-rently turning to instructional technologies such as wireless handheld response systems —colloquially called clickers. Two possible rationales may explain the growing interest in these devices. The first is the presumption that clickers are more effective instructional instruments. The second rationale is somewhat reminiscent of Martin Davis' declaration when purchasing the Oakland Athletics: "As men get older, the toys get more expensive." Although personally motivated by both of these rationales, the effectiveness of clickers over inex-pensive low-tech flashcards remains questionable. Thus, the first half of this paper presents findings of a classroom study comparing the differences in stu-dent learning between a Peer Instruction group using clickers and a Peer Instruction group using flash-cards. Having assessed student learning differences, the second half of the paper describes differences in teaching effectiveness between clickers and flashcards. About Peer Instruction Peer Instruction (PI) is a student-centered instruc-tional approach developed at Harvard by Eric Mazur. 1 The method has been welcomed by the science com-munity and adopted by a large number of colleges and universities due, among other reasons, to its common sense approach and its documented effectiveness. 1,2 A schematic description of the PI method used in this study is shown in Fig. 1. In PI, the progression of any given class depends on the outcome of real-time student feedback to Con-cepTests: multiple-choice conceptual questions. In the early 1990s, students displayed their answer to Con-cepTests using a show of hands and later flashcards. Instructors would then count or estimate the number of students holding each alternative conception. Due to the tediousness of counting flashcards in large en-rolment courses, flashcards were replaced with wired classroom communication systems 3 and later with wireless clickers.
I. OVERVIEW. 1. Introduction. 2. Peer Instruction. 3. Motivating the Students. 4. A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing for a Peer Instruction Lecture. 5. Sample Lecture. 6. Epilogue. II. RESOURCES. 7. Mechanics Baseline Test. 8. Force Concept Inventory. 9. Questionnaire Results. 10. Reading Quizzes. 11. Concept Tests. 12. Conceptual Exam Questions. Appendix: Disk Instructions. Index.
"The Importance of Graphs in Undergraduate Physics" by Christopher Deacon (TPT, 1999, 37, 270)"Quibbles, Misunderstandings, and Egregious Mistakes" by Clifford Schwartz et. al. (TPT, 1999, 37, 297) Keywords (Audience): High School / Introductory Chemistry