Content uploaded by Warren B Young
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All content in this area was uploaded by Warren B Young
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The author is with the School of Human Movement and Sport Sciences, University of Ballarat, Bal-
larat, Victoria 3353 Australia.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2006;1:74-83
© 2006 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Transfer of Strength and Power Training
to Sports Performance
Warren B. Young
The purposes of this review are to identify the factors that contribute to the
transference of strength and power training to sports performance and to pro-
vide resistance-training guidelines. Using sprinting performance as an example,
exercises involving bilateral contractions of the leg muscles resulting in vertical
movement, such as squats and jump squats, have minimal transfer to performance.
However, plyometric training, including unilateral exercises and horizontal
movement of the whole body, elicits signifi cant increases in sprint acceleration
performance, thus highlighting the importance of movement pattern and contrac-
tion velocity specifi city. Relatively large gains in power output in nonspecifi c
movements (intramuscular coordination) can be accompanied by small changes in
sprint performance. Research on neural adaptations to resistance training indicates
that intermuscular coordination is an important component in achieving transfer to
sports skills. Although the specifi city of resistance training is important, general
strength training is potentially useful for the purposes of increasing body mass,
decreasing the risk of soft-tissue injuries, and developing core stability. Hyper-
trophy and general power exercises can enhance sports performance, but optimal
transfer from training also requires a specifi c exercise program.
Key Words: resistance training, sprinting performance, neuromuscular factors,
specifi city, plyometrics
The ability to generate relatively high forces against large resistances (strength)
and to produce a high work rate (power) is important for various sports. As such,
resistance training has become an integral component of the physical preparation
for enhancement of sports performance, and strength and conditioning training has
become a specialization within sports training. A key issue for athletes and coaches
at all levels is effi ciency of training, that is, achieving the greatest gains in perfor-
mance for a given amount of work effort. Therefore, the concept of maximizing
the transfer of training to performance is paramount.
Transfer may be conceptually expressed as being a function of the following:
gain in performance/gain in trained exercise (modifi ed from Zatsiorsky1). For
example, using the data of Wilson et al,2 8 weeks of strength training with the squat
exercise produced a 21% gain in the one-repetition-maximum (1RM) squat. This
Transfer of Strength and Power Training 75
change was accompanied by an improvement in vertical-jump (VJ) performance
of 21% and 40-m sprint performance of 2.3%. This example shows that training
to improve leg strength as measured by a 1RM squat has excellent transference
to VJ performance but considerably less to sprinting performance. Key issues
involve determining the factors responsible for attaining high levels of transfer
and whether appropriate training guidelines have been identifi ed. This article will
address these issues.
Central to the concept of transfer is the well-accepted training principle of
specifi city, which states that adaptations are specifi c to the nature of the train-
ing stress. If this principle is followed to the extreme, all training would simply
mimic competition demands. Although such an approach may be expected to yield
a good transfer to performance in the short term and in experienced athletes, it
might also be expected to produce negative outcomes such as overtraining, muscle
imbalances, increased injury risk, and boredom in the long term.3 If only specifi c
training were used by athletes, many popular resistance-training modalities would
never be used.
Approximately 60 years ago, coaches acknowledged that there was a role for
general or nonspecifi c training to provide a “foundation” of fi tness.4 More recently,
general training has come to be thought valuable because it allows the development
of a balanced neuromuscular system and serves as a base from which to train more
specifi cally at later stages.3 Beginner athletes can achieve good transfer from general
training, whereas experienced athletes attain specifi c adaptations.1,5 This suggests
that the principle of specifi city of training becomes more relevant according to the
levels of training experience and performance.6
The remainder of this review will examine previous research to understand
the transfer of strength and power training to sports performance, discuss a physi-
ological basis for transfer, and suggest training implications. It is beyond the scope
of this article to explore all aspects of sports performance, so I will use sprinting,
which is a fundamental component of many sports, as an example.
Considerable research has indicated signifi cant correlations between sprinting
performance over various distances and a range of measures of strength7-10 and
power.8-12 Signifi cant relationships between strength and power and sprint perfor-
mance imply that the muscle function assessed by strength and power tests has some
commonality with performance. This might suggest that improvement in strength
and power may lead to improvement in sprint performance, but because correlation
does not indicate cause and effect, it is necessary to examine longitudinal studies
involving resistance-training programs.
Sprint performance can be considered to contain 3 independent components:
acceleration, maximum speed, and speed maintenance.13 Statistical analysis of
100-m sprint running has confi rmed this classifi cation.14 Squats and jump squats
(JS, loaded vertical jumps) are popular exercises for training strength and power,
respectively, and have also been used in training studies. High-resistance weight
training of the leg-extensor muscles is effective for improving maximum strength
in a squat test, but this has not transferred to sprint speed.15-16 For example, Harris
et al16 reported that 9 weeks of training with various squat and pulling exercises
76 Young
produced an approximately 10% gain in squat strength, but this was associated
with no change in 30-m sprint performance. One study2 was able to demonstrate
statistically signifi cant gains in 40-m sprint performance after 8 weeks of squat
training. To achieve a 2.2% gain in sprint performance, however, a 21% improve-
ment in squat strength was required.
Although sprint performance may be more related to power than to strength,
similar fi ndings have been reported for power training. Training with either JS or
plyometric exercise has been shown to produce signifi cant gains in jump tests of leg
power with small and nonsignifi cant changes in sprint performance.15-18 Experienced
male sprinters who trained with various weight-training machines that involved hip
and knee extensors and fl exors were able to improve their 1RM squat by 12.4%.19
The corresponding improvements in acceleration and maximum speed, however,
were only 4.3% and 1.9%, respectively. One study15 required subjects to perform
JS with the load that yielded maximum power output over a 10-week period. The
mean improvement in JS height using a 4-kg bar was 16.8%, but this was associated
with only a 1.1% change in 30-m sprint time. In all of these studies,15-18 the power
training consisted of exercises involving VJ performed bilaterally.
The poor transfer of power training could relate to a lack of movement specifi c-
ity to sprinting, which involves unilateral contractions of the leg extensors resulting
in total body movement in a horizontal direction. This suggestion is consistent
with the fi ndings of Rimmer and Sleivert,20 who reported that 8 weeks of plyo-
metric training including some unilateral/horizontal exercises induced signifi cant
improvements (2.6%) in sprint time to 10 m. Furthermore, a 9-week sprint and
plyometric program including both unilateral and horizontal exercises improved
sprint performance to 10 m signifi cantly more than sprinting alone, and, interest-
ingly, the improved 10-m performance did carry over to 100-m performance.14 In
these plyometric training studies,14,20 however, the benefi ts to short sprints did not
extend to maximum speed.
The ability of some plyometric exercises to transfer to sprinting might par-
tially refl ect the contraction velocity specifi city. Bounding exercises have been
found to possess ground-contact times very similar to those of the acceleration
phase of sprinting.21-22 In contrast, even low-resistance JS involve push-off times
that are relatively long, such as >0.7 second.15 This point is worthy of elaboration.
The rationale for using relatively light loads in resistance exercises is to produce a
combination of contraction force and movement velocity that approximates maxi-
mum power output.15-16 Cronin et al23 conducted a study with nonresistance-trained
females who performed bench-press throws with 60% of the predicted 1RM for 6
weeks. This load is considered “light” because in untrained women, 20 bench-press
repetitions can be performed with this load.24 Bench-press throws with 60% of 1RM
allowed a mean bar velocity of 0.4 m/s to be generated.23 When the same subjects
executed a maximum-effort netball pass, the average ball speed generated was 11.4
m/s.23 In this example, the “light load/high speed” resistance exercise produced a
movement speed representing only 3.5% of the speed attained in the netball pass.
This shortcoming highlights the diffi culty of achieving sport-specifi c movement
velocities with many resistance-training exercises.
Alternatives to exercises such as JS or bench-press throws with barbells are
plyometric exercise (discussed above) and the performance of the sport skill with
added load. An example of the latter is sprinting while pulling a loaded sled. A study
Transfer of Strength and Power Training 77
that compared unresisted and sled-resisted sprinting25 indicated that a sled load of
12.5% of body mass produced a running velocity that was 90% of the unresisted
velocity over 15 m. The authors concluded that this load would be suitable for train-
ing because it produced minimal disruption to sprint mechanics but still provided the
necessary overload. Furthermore, it appears that achieving movement and velocity
specifi city is easier with this mode of resistance training. A recent study26 evaluated
the effects of sled sprint training with a 5-kg load (about 7% of body mass) on sprint
performance. Eight repetitions of 20- to 50-m sprints performed over an 8-week
period produced a signifi cant 2.0% gain in running velocity over the fi rst 20 m,
but no improvement in maximum speed was attained. These fi ndings are expected
because sprinting mechanics using a sled are more similar to the acceleration phase
(eg, more forward lean) than the maximum-speed phase of sprinting.26
Resisted sports movements such as sled sprinting could potentially hinder
sports performance if the skill is dramatically changed. This concern is probably
unfounded for 2 reasons. First, the greater the additional load used in sled sprinting,
the greater the modifi cation to the unresisted sport skill.25,27 Therefore, the use of a
relatively light load, such as the 12.5% of body mass recommended by Lockie et
al,25 should ensure minimal alteration of the correct mechanics. Second, the volume
of this type of resistance training would be far less than the quantity of unresisted
sprint training, which would further minimize any expected biomechanical disrup-
tion over time. Nevertheless, more longitudinal research concerning the potential
benefi ts of many resisted-sprinting methods is needed.
Physiological Basis of Transfer
Strength and power production in sport are infl uenced by a range of neuromuscular
factors. In simple terms, muscle performance is determined by a combination of
muscle cross-sectional area and the extent to which the muscle mass is activated,
that is, neural factors.28-30 Sprinting is infl uenced by neuromuscular function, and,
because of its complexity, many different muscles must be activated at the appro-
priate times and intensities to maximize speed.13
Because muscle cross-sectional area is related to voluntary strength,31 hypertro-
phy training methods potentially increase force and power output in a sports move-
ment. With regard to enhancing sports performance, an important consideration
with hypertrophy training is the concept of optimum muscle and total body mass.
Gains in muscle size are associated with gains in body mass, and such changes may
or may not enhance sports performance, depending on the needs of the individual.
For example, hypertrophy methods might be appropriate for a shot-putter seeking
gains in absolute strength and power, but they could reduce the power:weight ratio
of a high jumper and therefore inhibit high-jump performance.32
According to Carroll et al,33 the physiological adaptations associated with
resistance training can potentially produce either positive or negative transfer to
sports performance. Negative transfer could occur if there is increased coactivation
of antagonist muscles because this would produce force that opposes the intended
movement direction.28 For example, Baratta et al34 showed that knee-fl exion training
produced greater knee-fl exion activation during a knee-extension strength test. This
observation indicates that the training of the hamstrings caused this muscle group to
78 Young
produce greater antagonistic coactivation during the knee-extension task. Positive
transfer can occur if resistance training reinforces the optimum muscle-activation
patterns that are required in the execution of the sport skill.33 This could be achieved
by either increased excitatory neural activation of muscles that contribute to skill-
ful performance and/or by inhibition of muscles that can degrade performance.33
Apart from decreased cocontraction of antagonists, transfer might be enhanced by
improved interaction between synergists.30 Generally, the improved coordination of
muscles involved in a sports movement has been termed intermuscular coordina-
tion35 and is considered important for sprint performance.13
The importance of intermuscular coordination for achieving transfer from
training to athletic performance is demonstrated by 2 studies involving different
methodologies. In the fi rst study, Bobbert and Van Soest36 used a computer simula-
tion of VJ performance from input of force produced over time by 6 lower extremity
muscles. First, the model was optimized to maximize jump height using parameters
similar to those recorded from well-trained volleyball players. When only muscle
force was increased to simulate increased muscle strength, it was found that jump
height decreased. For example, a 20% increase in knee-extensor force in isolation
produced a 9-cm decrease in jump height. When the model was reoptimized using
this enhanced muscle force, jump height was improved by 3 cm beyond the original
performance. This fi nding indicates that jump performance could be impaired by
altered intermuscular coordination, despite increased force output from individual
muscles. The authors concluded that to improve jumping performance, a precise
tuning of the control of muscle properties must be achieved.
The second study37 required subjects to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions of
an isokinetic knee-extension and -fl exion exercise at 100°/s for 6 weeks. After 6
weeks of training each leg unilaterally, the mean gain in quadriceps and hamstrings
isokinetic strength assessed at the training velocity was between 7% and 11.8% and
was statistically signifi cant for the quadriceps. Improvements in standing long-jump
performance were more modest (2.3%) and not signifi cant, despite the fact that this
activity signifi cantly involves the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Because the
subjects in this study did not practice jumping during the training period, it could
be speculated that the intermuscular coordination was not optimal and may have
limited the transfer from the training. The relatively poor transfer might also be
explained by a violation of the specifi city principle. Sale and MacDougall38 sug-
gested that training should be specifi c in terms of movement pattern, contraction
velocity, contraction type, and contraction force. The training exercise differed
from the standing long jump with regard to all of these factors.
Intermuscular coordination refers to the interaction between muscles that
control a movement, but neural adaptations confi ned to a single muscle might
also explain performance enhancement from training and have thus been termed
intramuscular coordination.35 These include such factors as increased motor-unit
recruitment, fi ring rates, and synchronization, as well as refl ex potentiation30,35 and
decreased inhibition from eccentric loads during stretch–shorten cycle contractions
to optimize musculotendinous stiffness.39
Although the measurement of these individual mechanisms is complex,
changes in neural activation as recorded by surface electromyography (EMG)
have been clearly demonstrated in resistance-training studies.18,29,40 Yet despite
signifi cant gains in the neural activation of individual muscles, transfer to specifi c
Transfer of Strength and Power Training 79
sports movements can be limited. For example, McBride et al18 reported that
subjects who trained for 8 weeks with JS using 80% of their 1RM squat achieved
an increase of greater than 60% in the average EMG output of the vastus lateralis
while performing JS. This was accompanied by a smaller 10% gain (statistically
signifi cant) in peak power output while jumping and no improvement in jump
height or sprinting performance. This fi nding indicates that intramuscular coor-
dination factors might be relatively less infl uential than intermuscular factors
and reinforces the importance of movement-pattern specifi city for transfer to
jumping and sprinting performance.
The Role of General Resistance Training
The specifi city of resistance training for transfer to sports performance has been
highlighted. Therefore, what is the role, if any, for general or nonspecifi c resistance
training? First, general strength training has been shown to transfer to performance
in skills such as VJ5 and baseball-throwing velocity.41 For example, strength train-
ing using bench-press and pull-over exercises for 8 weeks produced a 22.8% gain
in 6RM strength, and this was accompanied by a signifi cant improvement (4.1%)
of baseball-throwing velocity.42 The subjects in this study had a mean age of 18.6
years and no previous experience in resistance training. It is not clear whether
similar gains could occur from general strength training in highly strength-trained
baseball players.
Another proposed benefi t of general strength training is a reduction in the
risk of sports injuries such as damage to soft tissues. As such, a signifi cant por-
tion of an athlete’s time in physical preparation might be devoted to this goal. For
example, eccentric strength training for the hamstrings has been recommended for
the prevention and rehabilitation from hamstring strains43 and has been shown to be
effective for injury reduction using a prospective randomized controlled research
design.44 General strength training of the muscles of the lower extremity has also
been shown to be just as effective45 or more effective46 than balance training for
enhancing balance and proprioception. Because balance capabilities have been
linked to sports-injury risk,47 strength training might have a prophylactic benefi t.
The development of core stability has also become a focus of many strength
and conditioning programs, especially in junior athletes.48 Core stability is thought
to be important for sprint-running effi ciency.49 Research using a prospective design50
indicated that hip-abduction and external-rotation strength were signifi cantly lower
in athletes who were subsequently injured during a season and led the authors to
conclude that core stability has an important role in injury prevention. However, 6
weeks of core-stability training in recreational athletes has been shown to enhance
measures of core stability, without signifi cant transfer to running economy or
Although a strong connection between core-stability training and injury
prevention is yet to be established by researchers, 2 key issues for strength and
conditioning professionals have emerged. The fi rst is determining the proportion
of the program devoted to injury prevention and general training compared with
specifi c training designed to maximize transfer to sports performance directly. The
second is the appropriate ways in which to develop core stability, as there is a large
range of exercise possibilities.52
80 Young
Conclusions and Practical Applications
General strength training might be benefi cial for athletes because of the potential
to enhance the force-generating capabilities of muscle, increase total body mass,
reduce the risk of sports injuries, and improve core stability. However, direct transfer
to improve sports performance might be limited by such training in experienced
athletes. Although nonspecifi c resistance training can induce neural adaptations
and increase the power production of individual muscles, it appears that to maxi-
mize transfer to specifi c sports skills, training should be as specifi c as possible,
especially with regard to movement pattern and contraction velocity. This type of
training can be expected to enhance intermuscular coordination and ensure that
muscles are “tuned” to any newly acquired force-generating capacity. Adding a
load to a sports movement would seem to be a suitable strategy to achieve this
specifi city, although the amount and direction of added resistance would need to
be considered. The potential benefi t of resisted sports movements such as sprinting
requires further research.
Ultimately, a combination of general and specifi c resistance-training methods
can be recommended to develop all the neuromuscular factors contributing to
sports skills requiring strength and power.23,41,53 The way in which these methods
are integrated over time is an issue of periodization that must be considered3 and is
likely to depend on the needs and developmental level of the individual athlete. A
developing athlete might be advised to emphasize core stability, muscle hypertrophy
(if increased body mass is advantageous), and intramuscular coordination. Provided
a solid foundation has been developed, a highly resistance-trained athlete might be
expected to benefi t more from training intermuscular coordination.
It may be useful to think of training an athlete to improve sprinting perfor-
mance by using an analogy of a competitive sports car (Table 1). General training
Table 1 Strategies for Developing Power in a Sprinter Based on
Neuromuscular Factors Using an Analogy of a Race Car
performance Sprinting
Example of
factors Training methods
↑ engine capacity ↑ muscle cross-
sectional area ↑ muscle cross-
sectional area
Hypertrophy with
↑ engine power
output, eg, opti-
mum timing of all
↑ intramuscular
coordination of
involved muscles
↑ motor-unit
recruitment, fi ring
rates, synchroniza-
tion, refl ex poten-
Jump squats
with load that
maximizes power
↑ conversion of
power from engine
to road, eg, effec-
tive transmission
↑ intermuscular
coordination ↑ activation of
↓ cocontraction of
Resisted sprints,
tal plyometrics, eg,
speed bounding
Transfer of Strength and Power Training 81
may include hypertrophy to increase the force-generation capacities of important
muscles, as well as strengthening core muscles (not shown). The second training
strategy is to develop the “neural activation capacity” of the relevant muscles.
Although these combined approaches might build a powerful athlete, maximization
of transfer to sports performance requires the “conversion” of powerful muscles
to a coordinated sports skill.
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