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Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development 1
Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM
Why Play = Learning
Temple University, USA
University of Delaware, USA
(Published online October2008)
Our children from their earliest years must take part in all the more lawful forms of play,
for if they are not surrounded with such an atmosphere they can never grow up to be well
conducted and virtuous citizens. --Plato, The Republic 1
The study of play has a long history. From Plato to Kant, from Froebel to Piaget,
philosophers, historians, biologists, psychologists, and educators have studied this
ubiquitous behavior to understand how and why we play. Even animals play. This fact
alone leads researchers like Robert Fagan,2 a leader in the study of animal play, to
speculate that play must have some adaptive value given the sheer perilousness and
energy cost to growing individuals. Researchers suggest that play is a central ingredient
in learning, allowing children to imitate adult behaviors, practice motor skills, process
emotional events, and learn much about their world. One thing play is not, is frivolous.
Recent research confirms what Piaget3 always knew, that “play is the work of childhood.”
Both free play and guided play are essential for the development of academic skills.4, 5
Despite the many treatises on play, scholars still find the term elusive. Like
Wittgenstein’s definition of game, the word play conjures up multiple definitions.
Researchers generally discuss four types of play although in practice these often merge:
(a) Object play, the ways in which children explore objects, learn about their properties,
and morph them to new functions; (b) pretend play (either alone or with others),
variously referred to as make-believe, fantasy, symbolic play, socio-dramatic play, or
dramatic play, where children experiment with different social roles; (c) physical or
rough-and-tumble play, which includes everything from a 6-month-old’s game of peek-a-
boo to free play during recess6; and (d) guided play7 where children actively engage in
pleasurable and seemingly spontaneous activities under the subtle direction of adults.
Whether play is with objects, involves fantasy and make believe, or centers on physical
activity, researchers generally agree that from the child’s point of view, eight features
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM
characterize ordinary play. Play is (a) pleasurable and enjoyable, (b) has no extrinsic
goals, (c) is spontaneous, (d) involves active engagement, (e) is generally engrossing, (f)
often has a private reality, (g) is nonliteral, and (h) can contain a certain element of make-
believe.8, 5, 9 Even these criteria for judging play have some fuzzy boundaries.
Key Research Questions
A looming question is whether free play and guided play promote learning or whether
they are simply a matter of releasing pent-up energy for young children. And, if play is
related to learning, is one form of play more advantageous than another? These issues
have dominated the research landscape in the past decade.
Research Context
The findings suggest that both free play and guided play are indeed linked to social and
academic development. For example, Pellegrini10 finds that elementary-aged children
who enjoy free play during recess return to the classroom more attentive to their work.
These children, especially boys, do better in reading and mathematics than do children
who did not have recess. Physical play has also been associated with areas of brain
development (the frontal lobes) that are responsible for behavioral and cognitive control.1
Indeed, a recent study used guided play throughout a school day to help preschoolers
learn how to hold back impulsive behaviors and responses. The so-called executive
function skills (attention, problem solving, and inhibition) nurtured in the guided play
conditions were related to improvements in mathematics and reading.11
Recent Research on Academic Enhancement Through Play
Academically, then, play is related to reading and math as well as to the important
learning processes that feed these competencies. More specifically, there are direct
studies connecting play to literacy and language, and to mathematics. By way of
example, 4-year-olds’ play—in the form of rhyming games, making shopping lists, and
“reading” story books to stuffed animals—predicts both language and reading
readiness.12 Research suggests that children demonstrate their most advanced language
skills during play, and that these language skills are strongly related to emergent
literacy.13, 14 Finally, a review of 12 studies on literacy and play allowed Roskos and
Christie15 to conclude that “play provides settings that promote literacy activity, skills,
and strategies . . . and can provide opportunities to teach and learn literacy.”
Play and playful learning also supports the burgeoning mathematician. A naturalistic
experiment by Seo and Ginsburg16 found that 4- and 5-year-old children build
foundational mathematical concepts during free play. Regardless of children’s social
class, three categories of mathematical activity were widely prevalent: pattern and shape
play (exploration of patterns and spatial forms), magnitude play (statement of magnitude
or comparison of two or more items to evaluate relative magnitude) and enumeration play
(numerical judgment or quantification). Children’s free play contains the roots of
mathematical learning 46% of the time. A recent study by Ramani and Siegler 17
demonstrated that guided play in the form of playing a board game like Chutes and
Ladders also fostered diverse mathematical tasks among lower income preschoolers.
Preschoolers who played the game four times for 15- to 20-minute sessions within a 2-
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM
week period were better at numerical magnitude (which is bigger), number line
estimation, counting, and numeral identification. Finally, Gelman18 found that even
children as young as 2.5 and 3 years of age can demonstrate an understanding of the
cardinal counting principle--that the last number counted in a set is the amount the set
contains. But this skill is only manifest when children are engaged in a playful task.
Recent Research on Social Enhancement Through Play
Free play and guided play are also important for fostering social competence and
confidence as well as for self-regulation, or children’s ability to manage their own
behavior and emotions. In free play children learn how to negotiate with others, to take
turns, and to manage themselves and others.19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Play is essential for
learning how to make friends and how to get along.
Barnett and Storm28 also find that play serves as a means for coping with distress. Indeed,
Haight, Black, Jacobsen, and Sheridan29 demonstrated that children who have been
traumatized can use pretend play with their mothers to work through their problems.
Taken together, social competencies such as friendship and coping serve as building
blocks for school readiness and academic learning. Raver23 concluded that “from the last
two decades of research, it is unequivocally clear that children’s emotional and
behavioral adjustment is important for their chances of early school success.” It is
through play that children learn to subordinate desires to social rules, cooperate with
others willingly, and engage in socially appropriate behaviorbehaviors vital to
adjusting well to the demands of school.
The datas are clear. Play and guided play offer strong support for academic and social
learning. In fact, comparisons of preschools that use playful, child-centered approaches
versus less playful, more teacher-directed approaches reveal that children in the child-
centered approaches do better in tests of reading, language, writing, and mathematics.30
More engaging and interesting environments for children foster better learning well into
elementary school.31, 30
Given the findings linking play and learning, it is perhaps shocking that play has been
devalued in our culture. Play has become a 4-letter word that often represents the
opposite of productive work. A recent report from Elkind32 suggests that in the last few
years, 30,000 schools have dropped recess to make more room for academic learning.
From 1997 to 2003, children’s time spent in outdoor play fell 50%. In the last 20 years,
children have lost over 8 hours of discretionary playtime per week. Why? Because many
do not realize that play and learning are inextricably intertwined. When children play
they are learning. Children who engage in play and playful learning do better in academic
subjects than do their peers who play less. The work cementing this relationship,
however, is just beginning to emerge and, at this point, relationships between play and
learning are largely based on correlational evidence. In the next decade, we must do more
to compare the relationship of play to the learning of academic and social outcomes in
controlled and empirical ways.
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM
Play is, thus, central for school readiness and school performance. It might also play an
important role in preparing children for the global world beyond the classroom. Business
leaders suggest that in the knowledge age, success will depend on children having a
toolkit of skills that include collaboration (teamwork, social competence), content (e.g.,
reading, math, science, history), communication (oral and written), creative innovation,
and confidence (taking risks and learning from failure). Each of these “Five Cs” is
nurtured in playful learning.
In sum: Play = Learning. As children move from the sandbox to the boardroom, play
should be the cornerstone of their education. The research is clear: Playful pedagogy
supports social-emotional and academic strengths while instilling a love of learning.
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3. Piaget, J. Play, Dreams, andImitation in Childhood. Gattegno C, Hodgson FN,
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10. Pellegrini AD. Recess: Its Role in Development in Education. Mahwah, NJ:
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11. Diamond A, Barnett WS, Thomas J, Munro S. Preschool program improves
cognitive control. Science 2007;318(5855):1387-1388.
12. Bergen D, Mauer D. Symbolic play, phonological awareness, and literacy skills at
three age levels. In: Roskos KA, Christie JF, eds. Play and Literacy in Early
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM
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13. Christie JF, Enz B. The effects of literacy play interventions on preschoolers' play
patterns and literacy development. Early Education and Development 1992;3(3):
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15. Roskos K, Christie J. Examining the play-literacy interface: A critical review and
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16. Seo KH., Ginsburg HP. What is developmentally appropriate in early childhood
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DiBiase AM, eds. Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early
Childhood Mathematics Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
17. Ramani GB, Siegler RS. Promoting broad and stable improvements in low-
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Child Development 2008;79(2):375-394.
18. Gelman R. Young naturalnumber arithmeticians. Current Directions in
Psychological Science 2006;15(4):193-197.
19. Connolly JA, Doyle AB. Relations of social fantasy play to social competence in
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20. Howes C, Matheson CC. Sequences in the development of competent play with
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21. Howes C. The Earliest Friendships. In: Bukowski WM, Newcomb AF, Hartup
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22. Hughes C, Dunn J. Understanding mind and emotion: Longitudinal associations
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23. Raver CC. Emotions matter: Making the case for the role of young children’s
emotional development for early school readiness. SRCD Social Policy Report
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24. Singer DG, Singer JL. Imagination and Play in the Electronic Age. Cambridge,
MA; Harvard University Press; 2005.
25. Smith PK. Play and peer relations. In: Slater A, Bremner G, eds. An Introduction
to Developmental Psychology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing; 2003:311–
26. Bodrova E, Leong DJ. Tools of the Mind: The Vygotskian Approach to Early
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27. Krafft KC, Berk LE. Private speech in two preschools: Significance of open-
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Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM
28. Barnett LA, Storm B. Play, pleasure, and pain: The reduction of anxiety through
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29. Haight W, Black J, Jacobsen T, Sheridan K. Pretend play and emotion learning in
traumatized mothers and children. In: Singer D, Golinkoff RM, Hirsh-Pasek K,
eds. Play=Learning: How Play Motivates and Enhances Children’s Cognitive
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30. Lillard A, Else-Quest N. Evaluating Montessori education. Science
31. Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL. Teaching for Successful Intelligence: to Increase
Student Learning and Achievement. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press;
32. Elkind D. Can we play? Greater Good Magazine 2008;IV(2):14-17.
To cite this document:
Hirsh-Pasek K, Golinkoff RM. Why play=learning. In: Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, eds.
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early
Childhood Development and Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Child Development; 2008:1-6.
Available at: Accessed
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... Since the 1960s, play's role in children's acquisition of life skills has been increasingly well recognized. Scholars argue that play can increase children's ability to regulate their emotions and behaviour; it can enhance children's self-efficacy, self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of mastery and well-being; help in coping with distress and can foster hope, optimism, and social cohesion; and play can help teach honesty, teamwork, fair play, and respect for oneself and others (Duncan & Lockwood, 2008;Fiorelli, 2011;Hammer & Baluja, 2012;Hirsh-Pasek & Michnick Golinkoff, 2008;Farné, 2005;Marantz Henig, 2008;Miller & Almon, 2009;Ratey, 2008). While play is recognized as critical for development in early childhood, research on the potential for play across all life cycles remains limited. ...
... Meaningful participation can support young people to have the opportunity to engage in critical leadership roles with their peers and community. Additionally, children can build critical thinking skills and generate ideas of their own while exercising imagination through play (Colucci 2012;Hirsh-Pasek & Michnick Golinkoff, 2008). Academic literature is limited by universalistic and normative assumptions of children that often generalize children as identical across time and space, and fail to reflect the multiple ways of knowing of young people (Graham, 2011). ...
Despite play’s recognition in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and evidence that play is beneficial to children’s development, and a vehicle to support realization of other children’s rights, it is one of the most neglected rights of the child. An overarching devalue of play has implications on its relationship with children’s participation rights and correspondingly the realization of young people’s meaningful participation. This article explores the interplay between the right to play and children’s participation rights. Drawing upon a participatory play-based research qualitative study with young people at a youth-driven child rights workshop entitled XXXX and interviews with adults, the article considers the role of play in relational development for meaningful participation, as well as the devalue of play across young people and adults. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of findings and provides recommendations for the role of play to co-create transformative participatory environments in research, policy, and programs.
... Developmental science has demonstrated the value of multiple types of play (Elkind, 2007;Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 2008), with the most common type being the free play that occurs during recess. ...
This study investigates the claim that in states where elementary education (ELED) and early childhood education (ECED) licenses share the same grades, the preponderance of generalist teachers in the early grades hold ELED rather than ECED licenses. We investigated this question by sending information requests to 43 states where stand-alone, generalist ECED and ELED licenses overlap in Grades K, 1, 2, and/or 3. Responses from the 25 states that supplied this information indicate that a high percentage of teachers in overlapping grades in these states hold ELED licenses only in kindergarten (77%), 1st grade (76%), 2nd grade (79%), and 3rd grade (82%). Further, states with overlaps in grades 1–2 and 1–3 had substantially higher percentages of teachers with ECED licenses than states with K-3 overlaps: 32% more in 1st grade and 28% more in 2nd grade. The current results support calls for states to restrict the early grades to teachers with ECED licenses only and to base their credentialing standards on developmental science.
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Compelling evidence supports the foundational importance of early self-regulation (SR). It also supports parents in the home environment as having the foremost influence on early development. Yet, prevailing approaches to support early SR growth have tended to leverage early education and clinical settings. Partners in Play (PiP) was developed as a sustainable approach for parents to learn how and when to support children through experiences of self-regulation challenges in the home learning environment. This study reports the first randomised control trial evaluation of the PiP program, with 21 parent–child dyads (consisting of twelve girl–mother dyads, eight boy–mother dyads, and one boy–father dyad; mean child age = 4.12 years, SD = 0.65). Dyads were randomised to a PiP intervention group (n = 10), which entailed four online parent information sessions and four out-of-home guided practice dyadic play sessions across 8 weeks, or an active control group (n = 11). The primary outcome was parent autonomy support, and the secondary outcome was child SR. Results indicated a significant increase in parents’ use of autonomy support and a non-significant but moderate-sized effect on child SR. This innovative proof-of-concept program and evaluation provides a roadmap for effecting change in parental support during children’s play, to the prospective benefit of important abilities such as child SR. Analyses show promise for a parent-based model toward parent behaviour change and child SR improvement.
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Rapidly developing technological advances have raised new questions about what makes us uniquely human. As data and generative AI become more powerful, what does it mean to learn, teach, create, make meaning, and express ourselves, even as machines are trained to take care of these tasks for us? With youth, and in the context of literacy and media education, we embrace this moment to broaden our social imaginations. Our collaboration with journalists ages 14–25 from 2019 to 2023 has yielded a corpus of over 30 multimodal compositions constructed with and/or about AI reaching audiences in the millions. On the basis of these youth texts – produced within our participatory research at YR Media, a national STEAM learning center and platform for emerging BIPOC content creators – we developed the conceptual framework presented here: Humanizing Data Expression (HDE). The key role of expression in HDE distinguishes the human from the machine through the lens of storytelling. Analysis of this corpus (podcasts, web‐based interactives, videos, radio features, online posts, social media assets) revealed four literacy practices of YR Media authors as they made sense of AI: (1) contextualize : try out AI‐powered features, reveal how it works; (2) unveil authorship : introduce AI creators and processes; (3) grapple : explore tensions and paradoxes; (4) play : hack, mess with, outsmart, exaggerate AI. From these insights, we end with implications of HDE as a framework for learning and teaching AI literacy, including its potential for critically transforming data literacy practice and pedagogy across schools, teaching, and teacher education.
Background: The importance of play for children and its potential for learning are widely recognized. However, it is contested whether teachers should guide play, particularly pretend play, and how guided pretend play supports children's agency and learning. In this study, pretend play is employed in (unplugged) digital education and the teacher's guidance and children's involvement are examined to answer the following questions: what roles do teachers take on during guided pretend play and how do they enable children's learning about digi-talization and digital transformation? Aims: This qualitative study examines how teachers guide pretend play in ways that support learning, focusing on the topic of digitalization and digital transformation. Sample: Fifteen teachers took part in the study and implemented the pretend play suggestions in their kindergartens with children aged from four to six years. Method: The pretend play was filmed. The video data were structured and sequences of teachers joining in the pretend play and guiding from within were selected. These sequences were analysed in-depth using multimodal interaction analysis. Results: The results indicate that teachers guide pretend play from within by taking on different roles (play leader or co-player). Teachers model within pretend play, for example, by assigning tasks or thinking aloud, and provide scaffolding, encouraging children's learning about digitalization and digital transformation. Conclusion: Through co-playing and leading, teachers support a prolonged and in-depth joint focus, as well as the agency of the children. Such guided play is termed "sustained shared playing" and has great potential for learning.
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When a social-emotional learning (SEL) intervention is implemented in an early childhood classroom, it often involves play. Some interventions even list play as its main component. However, the advocates of play arguing for the return of play in early childhood education (ECE) classrooms still have difficulty convincing the proponents of more rigorous academic instruction. These proponents cite research pointing to the insufficient evidence of the positive effect of play on children’s short- and longer-term social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes as well as their overall well-being. We believe that there are multiple issues with play-based interventions’ design, implementation, and evaluation that might account for this insufficient evidence. In our paper, we discuss the numerous ways play does (or does not) feature in SEL interventions and how it might affect the outcomes of these interventions. We also examine the methodological challenges of having child-controlled play as a component of an SEL intervention. While we are not proposing a specific protocol for re-evaluation of the results of existing interventions, we outline some ways such re-evaluation can be possible in the future, along with the development and evaluation of new play-based SEL interventions.
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Background: Play is an essential component of children’s development. Children with intellectual disability tend to have poor socioemotional abilities and impaired play. This study examined the effects of a medical/therapeutic clowning play intervention on the playfulness of children with intellectual disability. Method: Two medical clowns facilitated a play intervention in a preschool classroom setting with a total of 52 children with intellectual disability. We compared before and after two groups that received the intervention: group 1 met the medical clowns once a week for six months (long-intervention group) and group 2 for three months (short intervention group). Children’s functioning was assessed using the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Children’s playfulness was scored using the Test of Playfulness observational assessment. A teachers’ focus- group was used to gather additional information on the clowns’ work. Results: Children’s playfulness increased significantly at the end of the intervention, whereas the improvement in the playfulness scores of group 1 was significantly larger than those of group 2 (t50 = -4.82, p < .001). The teachers’ focus group revealed additional benefits of the medical clowns’ work. Conclusion: The results shed light on the play and playfulness of children with intellectual disability and the possible contribution of a clowning play intervention to their development.
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Play-based learning is an approach used in early childhood education that is well supported by research on its varieties and effectiveness for young children’s learning. Play-based learning meets the developmental needs of young children, but new research presented in this paper suggests that teenagers learn through play too. The experience of 25 Year 10 students in three Western Australian government schools was drawn upon to generate grounded theory about how students experience their teachers’ expectations of them, which included findings that playful learning approaches communicated high teacher expectations. The students were shadow-studied in their classrooms and interviewed at the end of each day. Teachers were appraised as having high expectations when they included a playful learning approach, characterised as creative, exploratory, hands-on, fun and non-didactic . The students reflected that this led to increased motivation and academic success. A foundation for conceptualising play in teenagers’ education is provided, suggesting how secondary school educators can harness play and communicate high expectations for learning through their pedagogical approach.
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Students’ participation and motivation are of great importance in their learning process. The decrease in attendance and difficulties in stimulating students’ activity makes it necessary to find new methodologies that can solve these problems. The use of game mechanics in non-ludic environments (Gamification) has begun to be of great interest in research, since it could increase the motivation and therefore the activity of the students. This study tries to verify if there is an existing relationship between gamification and a possible increase in student activity or between the cessation of gamification and student activity. In addition, it evaluates whether a greater student activity corresponds to a greater learning improvement. In the obtained results, no significant differences were found between the methodology or the activity with a learning improvement. According to the study, the simple use of gamified elements does not necessarily imply a solution to the problems posed. The students’ activity in a course of these characteristics does not imply a better learning improvement, the importance lies in the quality of the activity generated and not in the quantity.
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An explanation to account for play behaviors which reflect the reenactment of an unpleasant event has been derived from the view that playful experiences serve to reduce anxiety. It has been suggested that play serves as a neutralizing medium by which young children manipulate a traumatic or anxiety‐inducing situation in an attempt to gain mastery over the event. Observations of young children at play have provided some anecdotal evidence, but as yet there has been no systematic investigation of the hypotheses drawn from the psychoanalytic paradigm. The present study induced a conflict situation in preschool children and compared their subsequent play behavior to a matched neutral group. Pre‐ and post‐physiological and behavioral measures of anxiety and emotional displeasure were taken, and durations of categories of play related to the source of the conflict were recorded. Results supported the view that play provides for the expression, and hence reduction, of an unpleasant event, in that the conflict group showed a reliable decrease in anxiety after play, and the play was related significantly more to the source of the anxiety than was the play of the neutral control group.
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Examined the relation of social fantasy play to several indices of social competence in 91 preschoolers, aged 35–69 mo, enrolled in daycare centers. Naturalistic observations of the frequency and complexity of social fantasy play during free-play periods were collected. Competence measures included teacher ratings of social competence, popularity, social role-taking skills, and observations of social behavior. Multiple regression procedures were used to analyze the prediction of social competence from the fantasy measures, independent of age, sex, IQ, and frequency of social activity. Results indicate that the amount and complexity of fantasy play significantly predicted 4 of the competence measures: teacher rating of peer social skill, popularity, affective role taking, and a behavioral summary score reflecting positive social activity. Fantasy play was also more positive, sustained, and group oriented than was nonfantasy play. Implications of these findings on the role of fantasy play and peer–peer activity in social-skill acquisition are discussed. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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In Study 1, 48 children participated in a longitudinal study of peer play development, from infancy through preschool. Children developed play forms in the expected sequence and at the expected ages. Children showed stability in both proportion and emergence of complex play. Children's pattern of play form emergence and proportion of time in more complex play forms related to subsequent indexes of social competence. In Study 2, the peer play of children aged 10–59 mo was assessed. One sample ( n = 259) attended minimally adequate child-care centers. The other sample ( n = 48) attended a model child-care center. Children in the model center showed complex play form emergence at earlier ages and engaged in greater proportions of complex play than children in the minimally adequate centers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The relation of social fantasy play to several indices of social competence was examined in a sample of 91 preschoolers, aged 35 months to 69 months. Naturalistic observations of the frequency and complexity of social fantasy play during freeplay periods were collected. Competence measures included teacher ratings of social competence, popularity, social role-taking skills, and observations of social behavior. Multiple regression procedures were used to analyze the prediction of social competence from the fantasy measures, independent of age, sex, IQ, and frequency of social activity. The results indicated that the amount and complexity of fantasy play significantly predicted four of the competence measures: teacher rating of peer social skill, popularity, affective role taking, and a behavioral summary score reflecting positive social activity. Fantasy play was also found to be more positive, sustained, and group oriented than was nonfantasy play. Implications of these findings on the role of fantasy play and peer-peer activity in social-skill acquisition are discussed. Fantasy play during the preschool years has been hypothesized to exercise a leading role in the young child's growth and development (Bruner, 1972; Singer, 1973; Vygotsky, 1966). It has also been suggested that fantasy play in the context of a social interaction may lead to the development of socially relevant cognitive skills and a repertoire of competent social behaviors (Garvey, 1977; Smilansky, 1968). According to this view, participation in fantasy play with another child requires a high level of complex cognitive and social abilities. Sharing and cooperation, self-regulation of affect, and an appreciation of cognitive and behavioral role reciprocity are all important underlying skills. Social fantasy play is a unique
The past decade has witnessed growing interest in the role of play in child development, prompting numerous research studies on the effects and correlates of playful behavior. This paper reviews these studies in an attempt to assess the current status of this important area of inquiry. The paper begins with a discussion of the role of play in major developmental theories. Next, a number of experimental and correlational studies are reviewed. These studies are classified in terms of their major correlates or dependent variables: (a) creativity, (b) problem solving, (c) language development, (d) logical skills, and (e) social knowledge. The designs of the studies are critically examined, and problems of internal and external validity are noted. Recommendations are made for future research.
we want to help children get ready for school and succeed there. We know that children—especially low-income, minority children—often have difficulty with school mathematics and science, usually beginning around the third grade. Perhaps intensive early mathematics education can provide the "basics" that can help prepare them to achieve at an acceptable level. At the same time, we do not wish to pressure young children, to subject them to harsh forms of instruction, and to impose on them material they are not ready to learn. We do not want a "push down curriculum" forcing young children to engage in developmentally inappropriate forms of written drill and practice in mathematics. Our desire to prepare children for school success (and to avoid school failure) thus clashes with our reluctance to impose inappropriate forms of teaching on young children. This conflict then raises several basic questions: Are there approaches to early mathematics instruction that are developmentally appropriate for young children and that can help prepare them for school? Can these approaches be both enjoyable and effective for all children—including low-income minority children?
When preschoolers count to check their arithmetic predictions, their counts are better than when they simply count a set of items on count-only tasks. This is so even for 2 1/2- and 3-year-olds dealing with small values. Such results lend support to the view that learning about verbal counting benefits from a nonverbal count-arithmetic system and challenge theories that place understanding of verbal counting at 4 1/2 or 5 years. That preschoolers readily engage in predicting-and-checking number tasks has implications for educational programs.
This study investigated the effects of two types of intervention on preschoolers' play patterns and literacy development. Theme-related literacy materials were added to the dramatic play areas used by 32 children in one teacher's morning and afternoon preschool classes. The two classes were randomly assigned to different treatments: (a) Materials Only, in which literacy materials were available in play areas, but no attempt was made by the teacher to encourage children to use the materials in their play; and (b) Materials Plus Adult Involvement, in which the teacher used suggestions and modeling to encourage children to incorporate the literacy materials into their dramatic play. Before and after the 20-week treatment period, assessments were made of the children's free play behavior and literacy development. Six months later, the literacy assessments were administered for a third time. Quantitative and qualitative play observations revealed that the Materials Plus Involvement treatment was more effective in encouraging literacy-related play than the Materials Only intervention. Analysis of the literacy assessments indicated that, while both groups made significant gains over time, there were no significant between-group differences.