
The Unified Modeling Language User Guide

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... Association is a concept that represents when one class uses the functionalities of another class. Aggregation is a relationship where a child object can exist independently of the parent object, while the child object cannot exist independently of the parent object in a composition relationship [7,10,32]. Irrespective of how simple the definitions of these concepts are, and the notation used to represent them is, first-year Bachelor of Computer Information Systems (BCIS) students are normally challenged by aggregation and composition, as some of the concepts that they (students) are taught and are linked to the UML diagrams. As such, it may be important to make attempts to understand what is going on in the heads (i.e., minds) of students when they learn the stated concepts. ...
... In trying to understand concepts related to aggregation or composition, participants tend to recall information [12,31] that relates to real-life examples taught in class. For example, if a pregnant mother dies, so does the child [7,10,32]. In this regard, P10 affirmed: "I was taught that there is composition ─ If the mother can die, the kid will also die if the kid is inside the mother. ...
... It was also noteworthy to see the findings highlighting the pragmatic value of class examples in helping students recall information related to UML examples seen previously in class [7,10,32]. Additionally, it was key to see the significance that participants placed in knowing the name or type of diagram, as it serves as a crucial anchor for recalling associated information (memory). This underscores the importance of providing clear categorisation and labelling in UML diagrams to facilitate students' comprehension and retention of related concepts. ...
Conference Paper
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Understanding UML concepts like aggregation, composition, and association is typically straightforward, both in definition and notation. However, first-year Bachelor of Computer Information Systems (BCIS) students often find these definitions and notations challenging when presented in UML diagrams. Therefore, it is essential to explore the cognitive processes of students as they grapple with these concepts. Exploring cognition in this context helps instructors understand how students transform received information into actual knowledge. This study aimed to achieve two objectives: first, to uncover the cognitive processes that students employ when learning or tackling problems related to UML concepts such as aggregation and composition, and second, to leverage this understanding to propose better ways of teaching these concepts to BCIS students. Employing an integrated methodological approach, data was gathered through asking questions (individual semi-structured interviews), artefacts, and observations. Thematic analysis of the data revealed key elements of the cognitive processes that participants found instrumental in helping them better understand UML diagram concepts, particularly aggregation and composition. Building upon these insights, practical recommendations were formulated to enhance the teaching of UML-related concepts, specifically aggregation and composition.
... Salah satu pendekatan yang sering digunakan adalah Unified Modeling Language (UML), yang merupakan metode pemodelan visual untuk merancang sistem perangkat lunak berbasis objek. UML telah diakui sebagai alat yang efektif dalam memodelkan proses bisnis serta mendokumentasikan kebutuhan sistem secara komprehensif [3]. ...
... Unified Modeling Language (UML) telah menjadi standar internasional dalam perancangan sistem perangkat lunak berbasis objek. Booch et al. [3] menjelaskan bahwa UML memungkinkan pengembang perangkat lunak memodelkan kebutuhan sistem secara terstruktur, termasuk alur kerja penggajian. Zhang et al. [4] mencatat bahwa penerapan UML dalam pengembangan sistem dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses hingga 30% dibandingkan metode konvensional. ...
An efficient and accurate payroll system is essential for small businesses to ensure employee satisfaction while maintaining smooth operational processes. This study aims to design and develop a payroll system based on Unified Modeling Language (UML), specifically tailored for small businesses with 50–100 employees. The system includes processes such as employee data collection, salary calculation, validation, approval, payment, and reporting. UML design is utilized to model the system workflow, including use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. The implementation results demonstrate that the system can reduce calculation errors by up to 90% and improve data processing time by 50%. Additionally, the system provides transparent reporting features to support financial decision-making. With its development flexibility, the system can be adapted for further integration, such as attendance modules or tax reporting. This study makes a significant contribution to enhancing the efficiency and professionalism of payroll management in small businesses.
... The components of the natural tangent stiffness matrix are the derivatives of the natural forces with respect to the natural displacements, as given by eq. (8), which leads to integral expressions that depend on the tangent modulus (not shown here). These components are evaluated with the same integration scheme of Fig. 2. ...
... The implementation of the elasto-plastic material model required some OOP classes of the NUMA-TF program to be modified, and others to be added. In order to provide a general overview of the new code architecture, Fig. 3 presents the Class Diagram of the program following the UML (Unified Modeling Language) format [8]. The organization of the new classes and methods were inspired by the works of Menétrey and Zimmermann [3] and Commend and Zimmermann [4]. ...
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This work presents the development of a numerical solver for nonlinear analyses of plane frame structures using the corotational formulation to take into account geometric nonlinearity and considering an elasto-plastic constitutive model. A one-dimensional rate-independent plastic model with isotropic hardening was implemented, and the cross-sections of beam-column elements were subdivided into layers to simulate plastification. The goal is to discuss the computational implementation aspects of the inelastic material behavior in an object-oriented framework for nonlinear finite element analysis of frame structural models. A numerical example is presented to highlight the influence of the inelastic behavior in the equilibrium path of structures.
... Use Case Diagram adalah jenis diagram dalam UML yang menggambarkan interaksi antara aktor eksternal dan sistem untuk mendefinisikan fungsionalitas yang disediakan oleh sistem tersebut (Booch et al., 1999). Pada sistem ini melibatkan 3 aktor meliputi admin, pemilik, dan kasir. ...
... Activity Diagram adalah diagram UML yang memodelkan alur kerja sistem, menunjukkan urutan aktivitas dan aliran kontrol di antara aktivitas tersebut (Booch et al., 1999). Diagram ini dibuat berdasarkan perancangan use case yang telah disusun sebelumnya. ...
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Pengelolaan toko kelontong sering menghadapi berbagai tantangan, terutama dalam mencatat transaksi, mengelola stok, dan menangani layanan tambahan seperti BRILink, terutama jika dilakukan secara manual. Proses manual ini tidak hanya memakan waktu, tetapi juga berisiko tinggi terhadap kesalahan pencatatan yang dapat berdampak negatif pada kinerja operasional toko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi pengelolaan toko kelontong dengan memanfaatkan Google Apps Script (GAS) sebagai backend dan Spreadsheets sebagai basis data. Sistem yang dirancang dapat mengotomatiskan berbagai proses penting, termasuk pencatatan transaksi penjualan, pengelolaan data barang, serta pengolahan transaksi BRILink, pembayaran PDAM dan listrik, serta pengelolaan hutang. Dengan otomatisasi ini, diharapkan dapat mengurangi beban kerja manual dan meningkatkan akurasi dalam pengelolaan data. Antarmuka pengguna dikembangkan dengan menggunakan HTML, CSS, dan Bootstrap untuk memastikan tampilan yang responsif dan mudah digunakan, sehingga pengguna dari berbagai latar belakang dapat mengakses sistem dengan nyaman. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode black box testing, yang menunjukkan bahwa semua fitur utama berfungsi sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan, tanpa adanya kesalahan signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi yang dikembangkan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, transparansi, dan memudahkan pemantauan aktivitas toko secara real-time, sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengelolaan toko kelontong secara efektif dan memberikan nilai tambah bagi pemilik usaha.
... There are specific ontology editing and visualization tools but often ontologies are defined in textual sematic languages like Turtle and transformed into JSON-LD or other formats such as RDF/XML or OWL. As vocabularies and ontologies are based on modelling classes and properties software modelling tools supporting UML (Booch et al., 1999) classes are often used to draft those and then implemented with semantic tools. However, there are some fundamental semantic differences between UML and OWL models that need to be considered. ...
... The metadata model for the DaCapo DPP is visualised as a Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram (Booch et al., 1999) in Figure 20. All entities with the notation <<DPP entity>> carry the On-line counterfeiting info information such as ID and visibility class. ...
Technical Report
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In this DaCapo D2.3 deliverable titled “Data sharing protocols and Digital Product Passport conceptualization”, the main features relevant to the DPP deployment are presented. These features aim to boost circular economy (CE) and especially the implementation of R-strategies in the middle-of-life (MoL) phase of the product. The first chapter introduces the main DaCapo task T2.4 “Data sharing strategies to enable implementation of new R-cycles”, contributing to this deliverable. Also, the concepts of a circular economy and requirements for digital product passport (DPP) are briefly introduced. The second chapter considers value creation from two viewpoints. How does the deployment of DPP support companies' sustainability and transformation towards a circular economy? The other viewpoint considers the actors needed to develop, deploy and maintain a DPP system, i.e. what a functional DPP ecosystem can be like. The third chapter deals with the data management technologies relevant to DPP. In DaCapo DPPs the data sharing is implemented via data spaces where the dataspace protocol and connectors enable trusted information sharing between companies in the manufacturing value chain. The primary DaCapo data carrier (end-user access point to DPP) is the QR code, which points to the DPP landing page. Identity and access management (IAM) is provided via an open-access solution, Keycloak. The fourth chapter dives into metadata models. The concepts, methods and description languages for semantic interoperability are introduced, as well as several relevant metadata models for the DPP of the manufacturing industry. The DaCapo DPP metadata model is based on both existing DPP data models and the information needs of DaCapo DPP use case pilots. Because of this, the alignment of ontologies is needed to create a federated DaCapo DPP ontology. In addition to the DaCapo DPP metadata model visualised by a UML class diagram, an RDF schema and the mapping to Asset Administration Shell (AAS) submodels of Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA) are presented. The fifth chapter introduces the three pilot DPP cases of DaCapo: battery health DPP (Fairphone); Blade repair DPP (GKN Aerospace) and TR wagon (a device of a warehouse) maintenance DPP (Pesmel). The DaCapo pilot DPP use cases are selected to support especially the MoL phase R-strategies such as reuse, repair, remanufacture, and recycle. Circular economy (CE) matrix interviews, a DPP viewpoint survey and several working meetings with pilots were conducted to identify requirements for pilot DPP cases. The pilot DPP cases are described with use case diagrams. The user groups and access rights are considered especially against the selected use cases. Finally, the minimum viable solution containing the technical elements for the data flow needed for DaCapo DPP implementation, demonstrated in June 2024, is briefly described. Finally, the conclusion summarises this deliverable.
... Tinjauan pustaka dilakukan dengan menelaah berbagai jurnal, artikel ilmiah, dan buku terkait penyakit jantung dan penerapan sistem pakar menggunakan metode Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). Kajian literatur ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa penelitian memiliki dasar teoritis yang kuat dan selaras dengan studi sebelumnya dalam topik yang sama (Booch et al., 1996;Siau & Cao, 2001). Selain kajian literatur, penelitian ini juga melibatkan wawancara langsung dengan beberapa responden di lingkungan sekitar penulis. ...
... Use case untuk pengguna umum mencakup akses ke menu home, proses diagnosa, informasi penyakit, dan daftar penyakit. Diagram ini memastikan bahwa sistem dapat menangani setiap kemungkinan interaksi dengan pengguna secara efektif dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan (Booch et al., 1996). ...
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In the era of modernization, technological advancements are developing rapidly and play an essential role in various aspects of life, including healthcare. Technology enables people to easily access information in fields such as business, education, and health. In the medical field, computer-based expert systems assist professionals in diagnosing diseases and solving specific problems. This study focuses on developing an expert system application for diagnosing heart diseases using the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) method, implemented as a web-based system with PHP and MySQL. The heart, a vital organ responsible for pumping blood, is slightly larger than a fist (around 200–425 grams). According to Dr. Helmanu Kurniadi and Ulfa Nurrahmani, S.Kep., smoking is identified as one of the contributing factors to heart disease. The developed application consists of five primary elements, with several menus such as the homepage, user data, disease information, disease list, and login page. Based on black box testing, the application has been thoroughly tested to ensure it functions correctly and is free from coding errors. Additionally, acceptance testing was conducted eight times, resulting in a 100% accuracy rate, aligning with the intended design. Thus, the application is ready to be deployed and is expected to assist both the public and healthcare professionals in diagnosing heart diseases effectively.
... HFSMs have mainly been used to model reactive systems that transition according to non-chosen external inputs (e.g., hand-watch moving the minute-watch one click after 60 seconds has passed), see e.g., [14], [19], [22], with applications including model checking [1]- [3], [16], modelling non-human agents in games [19], and implementing high-level controllers in robotics [22]. HFSMs are also widely used tool in the Unified Modelling Language [6]. Here, we instead use HFSMs to model control systems, i.e., systems where an agent can choose control inputs to alter the system. ...
We consider optimal planning in a large-scale system formalised as a hierarchical finite state machine (HFSM). A planning algorithm is proposed computing an optimal plan between any two states in the HFSM, consisting of two steps: A pre-processing step that computes optimal exit costs of the machines in the HFSM, with time complexity scaling with the number of machines; and a query step that efficiently computes an optimal plan by removing irrelevant subtrees of the HFSM using the optimal exit costs. The algorithm is reconfigurable in the sense that changes in the HFSM are handled with ease, where the pre-processing step recomputes only the optimal exit costs affected by the change. The algorithm can also exploit compact representations that groups together identical machines in the HFSM, where the algorithm only needs to compute the optimal exit costs for one of the identical machines within each group, thereby avoid unnecessary recomputations. We validate the algorithm on large systems with millions of states and a robotic application. It is shown that our approach outperforms Dijkstra's algorithm, Bidirectional Dijkstra and Contraction Hierarchies.
... The implementation required some classes to be modified or added. Figure 3 provides a general overview of the new code architecture with a Class Diagram, developed according to the UML (Unified Modeling Language) format [15] and adapted from Cavalcanti et al. [16]. ). ...
Conference Paper
Classical softwares to perform structural analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM) considers the Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams theories. However, these theories may not provide stress results with sufficient accuracy. Therefore, this study presents the expansion of an open-source object-oriented framework for structural analysis of frame structural models considering the Reddy beam model. Also, is presented a 3D Reddy formulation to perform linear and nonlinear geometric analysis. The computational implementation evidence the importance of use object-oriented frameworks, and open-source codes. The developed examples clearly shows the improvements in the shear stress prediction when considering higher order beams formulations in a frame element, and clarify for graduate and undergraduate students the differences between the most usual beams formulations.
... So the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that is normally used for the description of object oriented software system has been chosen. It is a language for visualizing specifying constructing, documenting the artifacts of a software intensive system [32]. ...
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WBEM allows the management of any element in a standard and inter-operable manner. We have added enhanced WBEM architecture for heterogeneous network management. The work is based on research analysis conducted for dissertation.Intended for network professionals, research scholars,as well as strategic administrators this fascinating book can be well relied upon as the essential reference to the standards, software tools and technologies of WBEM today. We hope that this book will help you to learn Web Based Enterprise Management. Key Features: • Focus on object oriented WBEM enabled solution for heterogeneous network management • Lucid , simple and user friendly language • Enhanced content added • Completely explains established and emerging standards like xml, exi, binary xml, wbem • Updated and expanded coverage of network management • Extensive references throughout the text • Coverage of advanced systems and techniques • Presents graphical notation and methodology independent of any particular programming language
... Atualmente existem vários modelos conceituais de dados que diferem basicamente quanto ao formalismo conceitual e relacional, sendo que neste trabalho utilizou-se o modelo OMT convencional (Object Modeling Technique) de RUMBAUGH et al. (1991), devido à sua capacidade de representar os aspectos semânticos de uma aplicação, em função de adotar a abordagem de orientação a objetos e ao seu amplo uso na modelagem. Atualmente existem várias linguagens para especificação de diagramas de classes segundo o formalismo da orientação a objetos, neste caso decidiu-se por usar a notação gráfica do diagrama de classes UML -Unified Modeling Language (BOOCH et al. 1998, FURLAN 1998 através do software StarUML TM The Open Source UML/MDA Platform Versão O modelo conceitual do banco de dados (Figura 1) foi projetado partindo-se de conceitos técnicos básicos na área de aplicação, tendo seu projeto lógico e sua estrutura física construída utilizando o aplicativo Microsoft Access 2007 ® (Figura 2). ...
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Sistemas de informação são capazes de armazenar dados importantes de modo que estes possam ser consultados e analisados para os mais diversos usos e aplicações. A maneira como os dados são armazenados em um banco de dados facilita a organização, a consulta e a atualização das informações. A modelagem conceitual tem sido aplicada com sucesso na construção de bancos de dados permitindo representar, de maneira abstrata, formal e não ambígua, a realidade da aplicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi projetar e implementar uma estrutura de um banco de dados por meio de modelagem conceitual para aplicações na área da Ciência do Solo através do modelo OMT, visando à organização, sistematização e gerenciamento da informação disponível sobre este recurso natural, por meio de um sistema gerenciador de banco de dados objeto relacional - SGBD. O DATASOLOS_SC reúne dados gerais, físicos, químicos e morfológicos de perfis modais de solos de Santa Catarina, além de uma biblioteca de amostras de solo (banco físico). A versão inicial do banco de dados estará disponível para acesso no endereço eletrônico
... • the need to establish ab initio the use of a modelling language, UML [15], (in particular, use-cases) with corresponding modelling, validation, and requirements management tools. ...
Objectives: Grid-based technologies are emerging as potential solutions for managing and collaborating distributed resources in the biomedical domain. Few examples exist, however, of successful implementations of Grid-enabled medical systems and even fewer have been deployed for evaluation in practice. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the use in clinical practice of a Grid-based imaging prototype and to establish directions for engineering future medical Grid developments and their subsequent deployment. Method: The MammoGrid project has deployed a prototype system for clinicians using the Grid as its information infrastructure. To assist in the specification of the system requirements (and for the first time in healthgrid applications), use-case modelling has been carried out in close collaboration with clinicians and radiologists who had no prior experience of this modelling technique. A critical qualitative and, where possible, quantitative analysis of the MammoGrid prototype is presented leading to a set of recommendations from the delivery of the first deployed Grid-based medical imaging application. Results: We report critically on the application of software engineering techniques in the specification and implementation of the MammoGrid project and show that use-case modelling is a suitable vehicle for representing medical requirements and for communicating effectively with the clinical community. This paper also discusses the practical advantages and limitations of applying the Grid to real-life clinical applications and presents the consequent lessons learned.
... The implementation required some classes to be modified or added. Figure 3 provides a general overview of the new code architecture with a Class Diagram, developed according to the UML (Unified Modeling Language) format [15] and adapted from Cavalcanti et al. [16]. ). ...
Conference Paper
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Classical structural analysis software based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) typically considers the Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories. However, in some cases, these theories may not provide stress results with sufficient accuracy. Therefore, this study presents the extension of an open-source object-oriented framework for structural analysis of frame models to incorporate the Reddy beam model, as well as a proposed modified Reddy element. The latter enables discretizing the structural members with just one element. The computational implementation evidences the importance of developing object-oriented codes. The presented examples clearly show the improvements in shear stress prediction when high-order beams formulations are considered for the frame elements. Furthermore, the results also clarify some differences between the most usual beam formulations.
... A criação e inclusão desta nova classe não alterou a organização estrutural do código já existente. A Figura 4 apresenta o diagrama de classes no padrão UML [4] da versão atual do programa LESM, considerando as contribuições apresentadas neste trabalho. ...
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Convencionalmente, em modelos reticulados, idealiza-se a conexão entre os elementos como sendo rotuladas ou perfeitamente rígidas. Entretanto, muitas ligações em estruturas reais apresentam um comportamento intermediário. Neste contexto, é possível considerar uma rigidez numérica associada à rotação relativa entre barras, tornando a ligação flexível. Esse tipo de ligação é chamado de semirrígido, podendo ter comportamento linear ou não linear. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma metodologia de implementação de ligações semirrígidas em modelos reticulados, incluindo pórticos planos e espaciais, e grelhas. Foi adotado o paradigma de Programação Orientada a Objetos (POO) em ambiente MATLAB, como extensão do programa LESM (Linear Elements Structure Model).
... Tal metodologia é utilizada por Del Sávio [3], porém é mais complexa de ser estendida a análises mais avançadas, como a inclusão de efeitos não lineares. [4], utilizado para modelagem de projetos de software, do programa LESM após a inclusão da nova classe (destacada em negrito). Observa-se que a classe desenvolvida foi agregada à classe Elem. ...
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This work presents the implementation of a methodology to simulate semi-rigid joints in two and three-dimensional framed models using the Direct Stiffness Method. The idea is to add a linear-elastic rotational spring to the structure by inserting new degrees of freedom to the system of equilibrium equations to account for the spring rotations. This implementation was incorporated to the LESM (Linear Elements Structure Model) program, which is an educational open-source program. This program is based on the Object Oriented Programming (OOP), which was used in order to handle the problem in a generic fashion. A new class in the context of the OOP was created to simulate the behavior of semi-rigid joints.
... The new sub-class would be responsible for implementing the formulation of the new model. Figure A.1 shows the diagram of super-classes implemented in DEMLab following the standards of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [24]. ...
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Granular materials, ranging from soils and food grains to construction aggregates and pharmaceutical powders, are prevalent in both natural and industrial contexts. Their complex physical behavior, which can exhibit both solid- and fluid-like properties depending on several external and internal factors, arises from their discrete composition, characterized by intricate particle interactions. This complexity is further amplified by thermal effects, which explains the current gaps in achieving a comprehensive understanding of the thermomechanics of granular matter. This thesis explores the thermomechanical behavior of granular media from different perspectives, including numerical and experimental analyses. In particular, two key thermal effects are addressed throughout the research, namely, heat generation from mechanical energy dissipation and thermal expansion in confined systems. In the physical experiments, the heat generation phenomenon is studied for granular mixing operations using two widely-used industrial devices: a rotating drum and a bladed mixer. In both setups, the temperature rise of granular flows is measured under varying operational conditions. Regarding numerical investigations, two approaches are developed. An efficient Discrete Element Method (DEM) framework is used to investigate heat generation mechanisms and provide insights into the thermomechanical behavior of granular flows. Additionally, a novel multiscale numerical framework is developed, coupling continuous and discrete methods through a machine-learning-based surrogate model, to efficiently simulate thermal expansion in confined granular media. In both strategies, the underlying objective is to reduce the high computational cost of simulating granular media, allowing for large-scale analyses in terms of both time and space.
... Unified modeling language (UML) [31,32] is a standardized software modeling language that has gained considerable popularity during the past few decades. Although very rich in concepts pertaining to the modeling and design of the systems' functionalities, it does not inherently address NFRs. ...
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To date, unquestionable efforts have been made, both in academia and industry, to facilitate the development of functional requirements (FRs) throughout the different phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). Functional requirements are understood to mean the users’ needs pertaining to the services to be rendered by a software system. For example, semi-formal or graphically based approaches such as UML, and mathematically based or formal approaches such as Z and related tools have all been developed with the intention of addressing FRs. In the same vein, most of the proposed software methodologies, for instance, agile software development and model-driven software development, primarily target functional requirements. Considering the importance and even the criticality of non-functional requirements describing the quality of software systems and the constraints upon them, similar progress would be expected for their development. However, it appears that making headway with NFRs has been more challenging due to the complexity of the requirements. In this regard, the main purpose of this work is to unveil (from the academic perspective) the current state of development of NFRs through the review of publications carefully selected from five online databases.
... Концепция MDE представляет собой совокупность методических подходов к автоматизированному построению сложных программных систем на основе предварительно разработанных моделей [22]. В качестве универсального средства описания предметных областей предлагается язык UML [6,7,14]. В настоящее время разработаны подходы, где в качестве средства описания предметной области предлагаются онтологии [1,2,12,16,17]. ...
В статье представлен методический подход, позволяющий средствами метапрограммирования автоматизировать построение интегрированной графической среды для компьютерного моделирования трубопроводных систем энергетики различного типа. Автоматизированное построение интегрированной графической среды выполняется в рамках концепции Model-Driven Engineering на основе компьютерной модели трубопроводной системы и онтологий.
... The standard approaches for modeling and specifying oo systems are the Unified Modeling Language (uml) [7], with for example the Unified Process (up) [23] as process description and Java Modeling Language (jml) [24] as language to specify behavior. Our approach connects to the uml design class model, practically the final model in a uml design process. ...
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To improve the quality of programs we provide an approach to guidance in the process of program development. At the higher level the various activities and their dependencies to structure the process are identified. At the lower level, detailed, practical rules are given for the decision-making in the development steps during these activities. The approach concentrates on structure and behavior of a single class. It includes design and specification and is compatible with methodologies for programming in the large. Informal specifications are introduced to help develop correct and robust code as well as corresponding tests. A strict distinction is made between external design and specification on one hand and internal design and specification on the other hand, which helps in keeping control over complexity. The approach also exploits the separation of success and failure scenarios. A worked-out example is provided.
... O diagrama de atividades UML (Linguagem de Modelagem Unificada) foi utilizado para apresentar as ações realizadas em cada cena e o funcionamento de cada módulo. Além disso, um diagrama de atividades é uma estrutura de um processo computacional e que é importante para modelar as funções de um sistema (BOOCH; RUMBAUGH; JACOBSON, 1999). A Figura 38 representa o diagrama do jogo Kimotopia, cujos retângulos representam atividades a serem realizadas e as setas transições de uma atividade para a outra. ...
... В целом диаграммы компонентов -мощный инструмент для моделирования и визуализации архитектуры ПО, который помогает разработчикам и архитекторам лучше понять систему и её компоненты [8]. ...
Данная статья посвящена подготовке к процессу разработки программного обеспечения построения карт эмоций для организации аффективного поиска по медиаконтенту. Приведено описание предметной области и разрабатываемого программного обеспечения для построения карт эмоций в пространстве валентности и возбуждения, для оценки медиаконтента и организации аффективного медиапоиска. Для подготовки к разработке ПО были построены модели и диаграммы методологий IDEF0, DFD и UML для описания различных аспектов ПО и приведены описания построенных моделей и диаграмм. В результате работы определены процессы, выполняемые программой, входные и выходные данные ПО, смоделированы сценарии использования.
... ▪ Use Case Diagram Fungsi Use Case Diagram adalah untuk menggambarkan fungsionalitas sistem dari sudut pandang pengguna (aktor) dan interaksi mereka dengan sistem. Diagram ini membantu dalam memvisualisasikan berbagai skenario yang melibatkan pengguna dan sistem, serta menjelaskan bagaimana pengguna berinteraksi dengan fungsi-fungsi tertentu dalam sistem(Booch, 2017).AssociationAbstraksi dari penghubung antara aktor dengan use case.ExtendMenunjukkan bahwa suatu use case merupakan tambahan fungsional dari use case lainnya jika suatu kondisi terpenuhi.Gambar 1. Use Case Diagram Aplikasi Pengelolaan Surat Masuk dan Surat KeluarPada Use Case Diagram di atas, terlihat bahwa Admin memiliki akses penuh terhadap semua aktivitas dalam aplikasi, termasuk memasukkan data, melihat, serta mengunduh surat masuk dan surat keluar. Sementara itu, pengguna biasa (user) hanya memiliki akses terbatas untuk menggunakan aplikasi tersebut tanpa kemampuan untuk menambahkan atau menghapus data.Gambar 2. Activity Diagram From LoginPada form login, terlihat bahwa Admin dapat langsung mengakses aplikasi dengan memasukkan Username dan Password yang benar.Gambar 3. Activity Diagram Form Surat MasukPada Form surat masuk, terlihat bahwa Admin dapat menginput data surat masuk dan mendownload surat masuk yang sudah ada apabila diperlukan.Gambar 4. Activity Diagram Form Surat KeluarPada Form surat keluar, terlihat bahwa Admin dapat menginput data surat keluar dan mendownload surat keluar yang sudah ada jika diperlukan.▪ ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Surat Masuk dan Surat Keluar (Simsumaker) berbasis digital di Kantor Kecamatan Tuhemberua, Kabupaten Nias Utara, guna meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pengelolaan surat-menyurat yang sebelumnya dilakukan secara manual. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Waterfall, meliputi analisis, desain, implementasi, dan pengujian sistem. Aplikasi berbasis web ini dirancang dengan tiga level akses: Administrator, Operator OPD, dan Operator Bagian, untuk memfasilitasi pengelolaan surat secara aman dan terstruktur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Simsumaker mampu mempercepat proses administrasi surat, mengurangi risiko kehilangan dokumen, serta meningkatkan kemudahan akses dan pengarsipan. Aplikasi ini juga memberikan fleksibilitas karena dapat diakses dari berbagai perangkat yang terhubung ke internet. Namun, tantangan terkait resistensi pengguna terhadap teknologi baru dan masalah teknis, seperti konektivitas jaringan, memerlukan solusi berupa pelatihan dan peningkatan infrastruktur. Secara keseluruhan, Simsumaker berhasil meningkatkan efisiensi pengelolaan surat-menyurat di lingkungan pemerintahan dan dapat diadopsi di instansi lain.
... a. Use Case Use Case Diagram is used to describe the interaction between users (actors) and the system [9]. ...
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English lexicon dominance is one of the imperative viewpoints in dialect learning at the Kindergarten (TK) level. Be that as it may, ordinary strategies utilized in lexicon learning are frequently less curiously and less successful in spurring understudies to memorize. The foundation of this think about is the require for a more interactive learning framework that's in understanding with innovative advancements to back the educating and learning handle at TK Al Amanah. The issue confronted is how to plan a lexicon learning framework that can increment students' intrigued and understanding successfully. As a arrangement, this consider proposes the improvement of a web-based English lexicon learning framework utilizing the Fast Application Advancement (RAD) strategy. The RAD strategy was chosen since it is able to create quick models and include clients in each organize of improvement, so that the coming about system can be more in agreement with the requirements of clients, in this case understudies and instructors at TK Al Amanah. The framework developed includes highlights such as intelligently works out, advanced flashcards, and tests planned to create it simpler for understudies to memorize and get it lexicon. The investigate strategy includes needs examination, framework plan, model advancement, testing, and assessment. The trial comes about appear that this framework isn't only able to extend understudy inspiration and interest, but too gives comfort for instructors in conveying learning materials. Hence, this web-based learning framework offers an innovative solution that can bolster the method of educating English lexicon at the kindergarten level
... It incorporates thirteen diagramming techniques to depict the problem domain from various angles [42]. These include sequence diagrams, state diagrams, activity diagrams, and use-case diagrams, each serving a unique purpose in describing system behaviors, interactions, and functionalities [43]. ...
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Background In Jordan, the confluence of traffic congestion and overcrowding in public hospitals poses a significant challenge for patients to collect their medications timely. This challenge was further intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing this issue, the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Electronic Health Solutions (EHS) intend to establish a Medication Delivery System (MDS), designed to provide patients with home delivery of medications and ensure proper treatment. This paper outlines a comprehensive framework to guide requirements engineers in devising an effective MDS framework, with a focus on expediting the development and testing processes and mitigating the risks associated with constructing such a system. Method The proposed methodology entails a robust, structured approach to requirements development for an MDS that integrates an electronic health record system, billing system, pharmacy application, the patient-oriented My Hakeem app, and a delivery tracking system. The requirements elicitation and analysis processes were undertaken by a multidisciplinary committee from MOH and EHS teams, ensuring a diverse understanding of stakeholder needs and expectations. The requirement specifications were meticulously documented via a data dictionary, unified modeling language (UML), and context diagrams. The quality and accuracy of the requirements were verified through an extensive validation process, involving thorough review by various EHS teams and the MOH committee. Results The MDS was implemented across numerous MOH facilities within a timeline that was a third of the original projection, leveraging the same level of resources and expertise. Post the requirements development phase, there were no changes requested by any stakeholders, indicating a high level of requirement accuracy and satisfaction. Conclusion The study illustrates that our proposed methodology significantly results in a comprehensive, well-documented, and validated set of requirements, which streamlines the development and testing phases of the project and effectively eliminates requirement errors at an early stage of the requirements development process.
... Although these methods employ a similar set of steps, i.e., sampling, data collection, and analysis, how these steps are performed varies between the two methods. To illustrate this idea, we employed the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [63], to describe a metaphor taking survey as an abstract class with two child concrete classes composed of abstract classes, such data collection and analysis methods, as described in Fig. 1. Below, we describe how the steps may vary according to the type of survey. ...
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Qualitative surveys are emerging as a popular research method in software engineering (SE), particularly as many aspects of the field are increasingly socio-technical and thus concerned with the subtle, social, and often ambiguous issues that are not amenable to a simple quantitative survey. While many argue that qualitative surveys play a vital role amongst the diverse range of methods employed in SE there are a number of shortcomings that inhibits its use and value. First there is a lack of clarity as to what defines a qualitative survey and what features differentiate it from other methods. There is an absence of a clear set of principles and guidelines for its execution, and what does exits is very inconsistent and sometimes contradictory. These issues undermine the perceived reliability and rigour of this method. Researchers are unsure about how to ensure reliability and rigour when designing qualitative surveys and reviewers are unsure how these should be evaluated. In this paper, we present a systematic mapping study to identify how qualitative surveys have been employed in SE research to date. This paper proposes a set of principles, based on a multidisciplinary review of qualitative surveys and capturing some of the commonalities of the diffuse approaches found. These principles can be used by researchers when choosing whether to do a qualitative survey or not. They can then be used to design their study. The principles can also be used by editors and reviewers to judge the quality and rigour of qualitative surveys. It is hoped that this will result in more widespread use of the method and also more effective and evidence-based reviews of studies that use these methods in the future.
... Many software practitioners are familiar with the Universal Modeling Language, usually abbreviated as UML [Booch 1999]. UML is a diagramming system to describe large, complex, software systems, and is used extensively across industry. ...
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We present a modeling language designed to address large, complex systems whose structures change over time. The systems in question include technical components, procedural components, informational components, human components , social components, and more. Thus, the language covers more aspects of a system than prior work, which has focused on a subset of aspects to the exclusion of others. The language works by leveraging concepts from programming languages in a broader context, enabling the incorporation of programming language theory into the study of large systems. The efficacy of the language is demonstrated as example case studies in three complex application domains: interactive, animated graphics; nation-state cyberattacks; and digital business transformations of large enterprises. The language successfully identifies ways the transformations in these case studies could have been improved.
... While there exist many different DSLs that have their own benefits (e.g. HDLs or Behavioural Trees), the industry domain focused on using general-purpose modelling languages, such as the Unified Modelling Language (UML) [20] and System Modelling Language (SysML) [68]. One reason for modelling IDCS using these languages is the wide range of well-known diagrams (such as activity, requirement, sequence, and state machine diagrams) and more importantly the integration of software and hardware. ...
Nowadays, safety-critical manufacturing processes are often controlled by Industrial Distributed Control Systems (IDCS) employing an event-based execution paradigm. The necessity to react to events as soon as they occur counteracts the predictability of strictly scheduled real-time software and adds to the complexity. This leads to the necessity to ensure real-time behaviour in IDCS for safe and efficient operation despite the event-based approach. Following a correct-by-construction development process, such as contract-based design, allows to provide certificates about the correct system behaviour and to mitigate the costs for design cycle re-iterations. This requires in depth knowledge about the overall system behaviour at design time. However, conventional modelling languages for IDCS often abstract the intricacies of the network communication process away. This abstraction can significantly impact execution behaviour, particularly considering the increasing complexity of network configurations over time. The main contribution of this thesis is the extension to the modelling language IEC 61499 tailored for IDCS to enhance the modelling flow of distributed control systems with focus on guaranteeing the required timing behaviour. This extension aims to model the logical messages transmitted over physical channels. The novel modelling elements, message and channel, serve as the foundation for the correct-by-construction design approach. By explicitly mapping messages to channels, developers can systematically design their industrial distributed control following a component-based refinement resulting in valid mappings that guarantee adherence to timing requirements. Due to typical network complexity, network configuration itself is rather error-prone. Thus, it is a risk to leave this critical step as an independent unit of the development process. Accordingly, this thesis suggests to utilise the additional information provided within the proposed modelling language enhancement to automate the network configuration saving development time, reducing potential errors and, thereby, preserving the timing specification. The evaluation demonstrates that the modelling enhancement supports several IEC 61499 applications, the examined timing properties arising in such scenarios are utilised for validating the proposed configuration flow, and the overall proposed design flow facilitates the application of verification and validation techniques. Moreover, the evaluation examines the limitations of the proposed approach specifically showcasing arising challenges regarding scalability, due to technological constraints. This becomes an issue considering reconfiguration efforts, which is addressed in the field of scheduling techniques for network communication protocols. Accordingly, the evaluation highlights the applicability of the proposed approaches and points out possible future enhancements. To conclude, this thesis promotes a systematic and certifiable design approach for distributed control systems, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of real-world manufacturing processes.
... Teaching UML [6] design is an important activity in Software Engineering (SE) courses since it represents the de-facto standard for software modeling [22] and it is very useful to understand the SE basic concepts [25]. However, UML is complex and it is hard to grasp for novice students who are always prone to make the same mistakes [7]. ...
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The increase in industrialization and urbanization processes has directly affected the quality of water resources worldwide, generating impacts on public health and aggravating the availability of clean water. This study presents AQUA, a mobile application designed as a monitoring tool for urban rivers using colorimetric chemical tests. AQUA enables the analysis and storage of georeferenced data on pollutant levels across specific areas. Tests for ammonia (NH3-N), orthophosphate (PO43--P), iron, and nitrite (NO2-N) were miniaturized and submitted to analytical validation, reaching satisfactory values according to the National Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology (INMETRO) guidelines, and presenting results comparable with the classic methodologies using UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The limit values of quantification were below the maximum thresholds established by Brazilian law for surface water quality. Nine urban rivers in Foz do Iguaçu (a city in the State of Paraná) were assessed, with high NH3-N and NO2-N levels, likely indicating untreated sewage discharges. The generated georeferenced pollution map provides a valuable tool for water quality control in local communities. Overall, this strategy enables participatory water quality monitoring in a cost-effective, flexible, and accessible manner, contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 6 by promoting water availability and sustainable management.
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Abstrak: Sulawesi Utara yang terletak di wilayah timur Indonesia, memiliki kekayaan alam dan budaya yang melimpah, termasuk tradisi berharga seperti batik dan tenun yang perlu dilestarikan. Sistem Informasi berfungsi sebagai alat penting untuk mengelola, menganalisis, dan memvisualisasikan data berbasis lokasi, menawarkan akses interaktif kepada pengguna melalui platform berbasis situs web. Penerapan Sistem informasi berbasis web dalam konteks ini menghasilkan banyak manfaat, meliputi pelestarian budaya, pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemberdayaan masyarakat, serta dukungan pendidikan dan penelitian. Sistem Informasi kain daerah Sulawesi Utara, yang dapat diakses melalui situs web, memadukan teknologi modern dengan tradisi budaya, sehingga memperkuat warisan khas daerah tersebut. Pengguna dapat menentukan lokasi di peta untuk mengakses informasi rinci tentang produksi batik, sejarah, dan warisan budaya terkait, yang berpotensi mendorong pembangunan ekonomi. Khususnya, pengujian black box memberikan hasil yang sempurna, menunjukkan kegunaannya dalam menilai kualitas sistem dari sudut pandang pengguna dan memandu upaya pengembangan produk di masa depan. Metode pengujian seperti itu sangat berharga untuk upaya pengembangan produk yang berorientasi pada pengguna. Abstract: North Sulawesi, located in the eastern region of Indonesia, boasts abundant natural and cultural treasures, including valuable traditions such as batik and weaving that need to be preserved. Information Systems serve as crucial tools for managing, analyzing, and visualizing location-based data, offering interactive access to users through web-based platforms. The implementation of web-based Information Systems in this context yields numerous benefits, including cultural preservation, economic growth, community empowerment, and support for education and research. The Information System for North Sulawesi regional fabric, accessible through a website, integrates modern technology
Several total and partial photoionization cross section calculations, based on both theoretical and empirical approaches, are quantitatively evaluated with statistical analyses using a large collection of experimental data retrieved from the literature to identify the state of the art for modeling the photoelectric effect in Monte Carlo particle transport. Some of the examined cross section models are available in general purpose Monte Carlo systems, while others have been implemented and subjected to validation tests for the first time to estimate whether they could improve the accuracy of particle transport codes. The validation process identifies Scofield's 1973 non-relativistic calculations, tabulated in the Evaluated Photon Data Library(EPDL), as the one best reproducing experimental measurements of total cross sections. Specialized total cross section models, some of which derive from more recent calculations, do not provide significant improvements. Scofield's non-relativistic calculations are not surpassed regarding the compatibility with experiment of K and L shell photoionization cross sections either, although in a few test cases Ebel's parameterization produces more accurate results close to absorption edges. Modifications to Biggs and Lighthill's parameterization implemented in Geant4 significantly reduce the accuracy of total cross sections at low energies with respect to its original formulation. The scarcity of suitable experimental data hinders a similar extensive analysis for the simulation of the photoelectron angular distribution, which is limited to a qualitative appraisal.
Conference Paper
As the number of developers around the world continues to grow, there is a noticeable trend towards the reuse of code components. One interesting development in this area is the rise of graphical or block languages, which allow users to piece together programs by simply dragging and dropping pre-made components, much like a puzzle. While many of these languages may be seen as niche tools by the larger programming community, there are already examples of their practical applications. One standout example is App Inventor, a visual tool developed at MIT that is specifically designed to be a user-friendly introduction to programming for children. This platform enables users to easily create Android applications in a web-based environment. What sets App Inventor apart is its robust set of teaching materials, created by the developers themselves, as well as the contributions made by students and external persons who have developed problem-oriented case studies using the platform. This collaborative approach to learning and programming highlights the potential of graphical languages in bridging the gap between developers and non-developers in the creation of useful applications. In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive dataset containing 95 open-source graphical programs designed for App Inventor. We then suggest an approach for automatically analyzing this dataset with augmentation, aimed at detecting prevalent patterns found within these programs. This analysis serves as a pioneering effort in the evaluation of graphic programs and their corresponding metrics. Our study primarily relies on clustering methods and Markov chains to achieve this analysis.
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تعد الإدارة الفعالة لمشاريع التخرج أمرًا بالغ الأهمية للمؤسسات الأكاديمية مثل كلية الحاسبات وتقنية المعلومات بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز. سلطت الأبحاث السابقة الضوء على مشكلات مهمة تتعلق بالوضع الحالي، والنهج الحالي من الأجزاء المتناثرة من العمليات والمعلومات غير الآلية لإدارة مشاريع التخرج، بما في ذلك التحديات المتعلقة بتخصيص الموارد، والتواصل، وصنع القرار. تقترح هذه الدراسة معالجة هذه المشكلات من خلال مقترح تطوير ونشر نظام متكامل لإدارة المشاريع يعمل على مركزية المعلومات وأتمتة المهام الإدارية الرئيسية، لتحقيق أهداف الدراسة اعتمد الباحث على المنهج التطبيقي، وتتلخص المنهجية التطبيقية لتطوير نظام إدارة معلومات مشاريع التخرج بكلية الحاسبات وتقنية المعلومات لقسم نظم المعلومات بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز في تحليل المتطلبات، تصميم معماري متكامل للنظام، التنفيذ التدريجي باستخدام نهج التطوير المرحلي، وضمان الجودة والأمن، إضافة إلى توثيق متطلبات ومخططات النظام، وذلك لتطوير نظام إداري متكامل وقابل للتطوير، تم إجراء هذه الدراسة في العام الدراسي 1446ه / 2024م، وفي ضوء ما توصل له البحث يقدم النموذج المقترح نموذج حديث لإدارة مشاريع التخرج بشكل منظم وفعال، وتسهيل التواصل والتنسيق بين الأطراف المعنية، ومتابعة التقدم في المشاريع والتقييم، وإدارة الملفات والوثائق المرتبطة بها، وتوفير واجهة مستخدم بسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام، وفي ضوء ذلك يوصي الباحث بالاستثمار في تحديث وتطوير البنية التحتية التكنولوجية، بما يتوافق مع أهداف رؤية 2030.
تعد الإدارة الفعالة لمشاريع التخرج أمرًا بالغ الأهمية للمؤسسات الأكاديمية مثل كلية الحاسبات وتقنية المعلومات بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز. سلطت الأبحاث السابقة الضوء على مشكلات مهمة تتعلق بالوضع الحالي، والنهج الحالي من الأجزاء المتناثرة من العمليات والمعلومات غير الآلية لإدارة مشاريع التخرج، بما في ذلك التحديات المتعلقة بتخصيص الموارد، والتواصل، وصنع القرار. تقترح هذه الدراسة معالجة هذه المشكلات من خلال مقترح تطوير ونشر نظام متكامل لإدارة المشاريع يعمل على مركزية المعلومات وأتمتة المهام الإدارية الرئيسية، لتحقيق أهداف الدراسة اعتمد الباحث على المنهج التطبيقي، وتتلخص المنهجية التطبيقية لتطوير نظام إدارة معلومات مشاريع التخرج بكلية الحاسبات وتقنية المعلومات لقسم نظم المعلومات بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز في تحليل المتطلبات، تصميم معماري متكامل للنظام، التنفيذ التدريجي باستخدام نهج التطوير المرحلي، وضمان الجودة والأمن، إضافة إلى توثيق متطلبات ومخططات النظام، وذلك لتطوير نظام إداري متكامل وقابل للتطوير، تم إجراء هذه الدراسة في العام الدراسي 1446ه / 2024م، وفي ضوء ما توصل له البحث يقدم النموذج المقترح نموذج حديث لإدارة مشاريع التخرج بشكل منظم وفعال، وتسهيل التواصل والتنسيق بين الأطراف المعنية، ومتابعة التقدم في المشاريع والتقييم، وإدارة الملفات والوثائق المرتبطة بها، وتوفير واجهة مستخدم بسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام، وفي ضوء ذلك يوصي الباحث بالاستثمار في تحديث وتطوير البنية التحتية التكنولوجية، بما يتوافق مع أهداف رؤية 2030.
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Gamification in education integrates game elements into non-game contexts to boost student engagement and motivation, improving learning outcomes across disciplines. Sunway University's American Degree Transfer Program (ADTP) recently hosted an "Escape Room" event to enhance student participation by making learning enjoyable and interactive. Students worked in teams to complete 15-minute activities, applying their knowledge and problem-solving skills. The Escape Room featured diverse tasks: creating activity diagrams from pseudocode, recognizing universal facial expressions, solving math problems through charades, answering U.S. history questions, matching types of energy to diagrams, and solving engineering crosswords. These activities fostered critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. Post-event analysis showed that second-year and science-major students performed better, highlighting their advanced knowledge and the need for differentiated instruction. The study revealed the effectiveness of the "Mathematics Charade Challenge" and the difficulty of the "Universal Emotions Recognition Challenge" task, suggesting activity variation based on student strengths. Overall, gamification, exemplified by the Escape Room, creates a dynamic learning environment that enhances critical thinking, collaboration, and motivation, leading to better knowledge retention. The tailored activities demonstrated the value of engaging students in interactive, subject-relevant tasks, promoting efficient problem-solving and continuous learning.
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Software Architecture is a fundamental aspect in software development, influencing the structure, scalability, and maintainability of applications. This article considers the evolution of software architecture, emphasizing key patterns, trends, and best practices that have emerged over time. From monolithic architectures to microservices and from client-server to cloud-native approaches, various architectural paradigms are examined alongside their advantages and challenges. Additionally, the article discusses emerging trends such as serverless computing, event-driven architecture, and containerization, showcasing their impact on modern software systems. Best practices for designing resilient, scalable, and flexible architectures are presented, stressing the importance of modularity, decoupling, and automation. By understanding the evolution of software architecture and embracing current trends and best practices, developers can construct robust, adaptable, and future-proof software systems.
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