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Desire for control : its effect on need satisfaction and self-determined motivation



The present study intends to examine how Desire for Control (DC) could be an antecedent of autonomous motivation. At the beginning of their first year in university, 196 students were to fill in questionnaires to assess DC, satisfaction of the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. One month and a half later, their autonomous motivation toward studies was assessed. Multiple mediation analysis procedure showed that the link between DC and autonomous motivation was mediated by competence need satisfaction. Theoretical implications and future direction of these results are further discussed in this report.
Camille Amoura et al.
Presses univ. de Grenoble | Revue internationale de psychologie sociale
2013/2 - Tome 26
pages 55 à 71
ISSN 0992-986X
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Pour citer cet article :
Amoura Camilleet al., « Desire for control: Its effect on needs satisfaction and autonomous motivation »,
Revue internationale de psychologie sociale, 2013/2 Tome 26, p. 55-71.
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Desire for control: Its effect on needs satisfaction
and autonomous motivation
Le désir de contrôle : ses effets sur la satisfaction des besoins
et la motivation autodéterminée
Camille Amoura*
Sophie Berjot*
Nicolas Gillet**
RIPS / IRSP, 26 (2), 55-71 © 2013, Presses universitaires de Grenoble
The present study intends to exam-
ine how Desire for Control (DC)
could be an antecedent of autono-
mous motivation. At the beginning
of their first year at the university,
196 students were to fill in ques-
tionnaires to assess DC, satisfaction
of the psychological needs of
autonomy, competence, and relat-
edness. One month and a half later,
their autonomous motivation
toward studies was assessed.
Multiple mediation analysis proce-
dure showed that the link between
DC and autonomous motivation
was mediated by competence need
satisfaction. Theoretical implica-
tions of these results and future
directions of research are discussed.
Cette présente étude se propose
d’examiner dans quelle mesure le
Désir de Contrôle (DC) est un anté-
cédent de la motivation autodéter-
minée. Au début de leur première
année à l’Université, 196 étudiants
ont renseigné un questionnaire
mesurant le DC et la satisfaction des
besoins fondamentaux d’autono-
mie, de compétence et d’affiliation.
Un mois et demi plus tard, la moti-
vation autodéterminée dans les
études a été mesurée. Une analyse
de médiation multiple révèle que la
satisfaction du besoin de compé-
tence médiatise le lien entre le DC
et la motivation autodéterminée.
Les implications théoriques de ces
résultats sont discutées et des pers-
pectives de recherche sont propo-
Desire for control,
psychological need
Désir de contrôle,
satisfaction des besoins
Cette recherche a été en partie financée dans le cadre du dispositif CIFRE, convention ANRT
/ Puzzle Concept (François-Régis Lenoir), 51140 Muizon, France.
*Laboratoire Cognition Santé Socialisation EA 4298, Université de Reims Champagne-
Ardenne, URCA, UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Bâtiment 13, RDC haut, R238, 57 rue
Pierre Taittinger, 51096 Reims Cedex. E-mail:; sophie.
**Laboratoire Psychologie des Ages de la Vie EA 2114, Université de Tours, UFR d’Arts et
Sciences Humaines, 3 rue des Tanneurs, Bâtiment F, étage 4, Bureau 412, 37 041 Tours
Cedex 1. E-mail :
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What kind of students achieves more in their studies? Who is
likely to perform better? Countless scientific studies in
social psychology have answered in various ways to these ques-
tions. A part of the answer highlights students’ motivation and its
determinants, and in particular autonomous motivation (Deci &
Ryan, 2000). Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985,
2012) identified three forms of motivation: autonomous motiva-
tion (i.e., engaging in an activity for pleasure and/or volition and
choice), controlled motivation (i.e., engaging in an activity for
internal or external pressure), and amotivation (i.e., relative
absence of motivation). Conditions and processes that foster
autonomous motivation (e.g., general causality orientations,
satisfaction of the psychological needs of autonomy, compe-
tence, and relatedness) have been largely described in the SDT
literature (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2008; Vallerand, Carbonneau, &
Lafrenière, 2009). However, too few studies have focused on
personality variables as predictors of autonomous motivation
(Deci & Ryan, 2008; Kasser & Ryan, 1996; Vansteenkiste, Simons,
Lens, Sheldon, & Deci, 2004). This is the case of the Desire for
Control (Burger, 1992; Burger & Cooper, 1979) that is nonethe-
less, according to Burger (1992), a significant determinant of
intrinsic motivation (i.e., a form of autonomous motivation).
Although the theoretical link has been mentioned, it has never
been confirmed with published data and no mediators of this
relation have been highlighted. The aim of the present research
is to examine the role of DC as a potential antecedent of autono-
mous motivation and the potential mediating role of needs
satisfaction in this relationship.
Self-Determination Theory
According to SDT, autonomous motivation depends on the satis-
faction of the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and
relatedness (Deci & Ryan, 2012; Ryan & Deci, 2000). The need for
competence refers to the need to feel competent and efficient in
what one undertakes (Skinner, 1995; White, 1959) and describes
a general affective experience of effectiveness (Van den Broeck,
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Vansteenkiste, De Witte, Soenens, & Lens, 2010)1. The need for
autonomy refers to the need people have to make choices and
to act in a volitional way (DeCharms, 1968; Deci, 1975). Finally,
the need for relatedness refers to the need to get consideration
from others and to feel connected to them (Baumeister & Leary,
1995). Prior studies have shown that the satisfaction of these
needs leads to autonomous motivation, which in turn predicts
positive outcomes (Gillet, Vallerand, Amoura, & Baldes, 2010;
Hardré & Reeve, 2003; Lavigne, Vallerand, & Miquelon, 2007). For
instance, Standage, Duda, and Ntoumanis (2006) have shown
among a sample of physical education students that an autonomy-
supportive climate was positively related to the satisfaction of the
psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness,
which were all significant predictors of autonomous motivation.
In this study, competence need satisfaction was the main
predictor of autonomous motivation. Similar results were
reported by Ferrer-Caja and Weiss (2000) as well as Ntoumanis
Moreover, need satisfaction has been found to play a mediating
role between social factors (e.g., the interpersonal style of a
teacher/supervisor/coach) and autonomous motivation (see
Vallerand et al., 2009, for a review). It is nevertheless interesting
to verify if a personality variable (here the DC) can also be an
antecedent of autonomous motivation through the mediating
effect of psychological need satisfaction.
Desire for Control
According to Burger (1992), individuals can vary in their motive
to control events that happen in their environment and the
desire to control events over their life is tantamount to acting in
a volitional way. This is then an individual trait, quite stable in
time that may influence motivation as well as close variables such
as the perception of control (Skinner, Wellborn, & Connell,
1990). According to Burger, people high in DC are highly moti-
1. Self-efficacy is an acquired cognition to one’s capacities to achieve in a specific future task
(Bandura, 1997) while the satisfaction of the need for competence is a feeling that one has
mastered one’s environment based on past experience.
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vated to make their own decisions, take on leadership roles in
group settings, and react strongly if they perceive that their
control is threatened (Burger, 1990). People’s attempts to control
their environment are made in order to be at the origin of their
actions (DeCharms, 1968). However, DC differs from the Locus of
Control (Rotter, 1966), which is internal or external according to
the bipolar evaluation individuals make of what happens to them,
and from the Perceived Locus of Causality (Ryan & Connell,
1989), which refers to the degree to which people believe to be
responsible for their own behavior.
The DC has been shown to be related to a) psychological need
satisfaction and b) autonomous motivation. First, Brouillard,
Lapierre, and Alain (1999) have shown that the DC was signifi-
cantly related to autonomy (r = .58, p < .001), competence (r =
.44, p < .001), and relatedness (r = .35, p < .001) need satisfac-
tion. Second, the DC has been shown to be significantly related
to autonomous motivation. In an unpublished study (cited in
Burger, 1992, p. 95), Burger showed a significant positive correla-
tion between DC and autonomy orientation (r = .18, p < .05)
and a negative correlation between DC and impersonal orienta-
tion (r = -. 28, p < .001). Similar correlations were reported by
Thompson (1990). In another unpublished study (Burger, 1992,
p. 94), Burger has shown a significant correlation between the
DC and the Mastery2 subscale (r = .51, p < .05) of the Work and
Family Orientation Questionnaires (Spence & Helmreich, 1983).
In addition, Legrain, Paquet, D’Arripe-Longueville, and Philippe
(2011) have shown that novice athletes with a high DC, when
paired with a low DC tutor (i.e., coach), are intrinsically moti-
vated. In the same context, the concept of adaptive perfectionism
(Frost, Heimberg, Holt, Mattia, & Neubauer, 1993), which is
closed to the DC in the way that it entails a self-oriented tendency
to set high personal standards and achievement strivings, has
been shown to be related to autonomous motivation (Longbottom,
Grove, & Dimmock, 2012; Miquelon, Vallerand, Grouzet, &
Cardinal, 2005; Stoeber & Eismann, 2007). Finally, Müller, Palekcic,
Beck and Wanninger (2006) have shown that conscientiousness,
which is strongly linked to DC (Burger, 1992), explains a large
2. For Burger, and this is debatable, the Mastery subscale is equivalent to intrinsic motivation.
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part of variance of autonomous motivation for learning (β = .41,
p < .05).
The Present Research
As Bains (1983) states, a motive can be strong enough as to influ-
ence and distort the way individuals perceive events in their
world. This predisposition to prefer control may then lead them
to autonomous forms of motivation, the locus
of causality being perceived as internal (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000).
So, based on the SDT predictions, the present research proposes
to consider, among a sample of first year psychology students, 1)
one possible personality variable as a direct antecedent of auton-
omous motivation (i.e., DC) rarely studied in the SDT framework
although originally and theoretically linked to it (Burger, 1992)
and 2) to explore the process explaining this relation. Our first
hypothesis is that DC is positively linked to autonomous motiva-
tion toward studies (a direct effect) and our second hypothesis is
that the satisfaction of the needs of autonomy, competence, and
autonomy will mediate this relation between DC and autono-
mous motivation. Based on the literature in the educational
context, competence need satisfaction might have a stronger
influence on autonomous motivation than the two other needs
(Ferrer-Caja & Weiss, 2000, 2002; Ntoumanis, 2001; Standage et
al., 2006).
Participants and Procedure
After a month of social psychology lessons (Time 1, during fixed
group tutorials), participants were asked by an unknown experi-
menter to fill out an anonymous questionnaire-package containing
measures of their DC and needs satisfaction. At Time 1, 199
French students (40 males and 156 females, 3 did not report their
gender) voluntarily participated in a study about ‘students’ feel-
ings during their studies’. Mean age was 19.34 years (SD = 2.66).
One month and a half later, 97 participants (15 males and 81
females, 1 did not report his/her gender) remained voluntary for
filling out a questionnaires on their motivation toward studies,
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which was presented as being the second part of the study about
students’ feelings during their studies. Mean age was 19.41 years
(SD = 3.05).
Desire for Control
DC was assessed with the French version of the Desire for
Control Scale (Alain, 1989; Burger & Cooper, 1979). It contains 20
statements that refer to the individuals’ motive for control in
various domains (e.g., “I enjoy making my own decisions”, “I
care to check each piece of my car (or my luggage) before
leaving for a long journey”; a = .72). Participants were asked to
indicate the extent to which each statement described them on a
7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (this sentence does not
describe me) to 7 (this sentence greatly describes me). Results
from past studies (Garant & Alain, 1995; Legrain et al., 2011)
provided good support for the psychometric properties of this
French version.
Needs satisfaction
Satisfaction of the needs for autonomy (a = .77), competence
(a = .86), and relatedness (a = .86), was assessed using the
‘Échelle de Satisfaction des Besoins Fondamentaux en Contexte
Sportif ” (Gillet, Rosnet, & Vallerand, 2008) adapted to the educa-
tional setting. Following the stem “In my studies at the
University…”, students rated items on a 7-point Likert scale
ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 7 (completely agree). A
factor analysis run with an oblique rotation revealed three factors
explaining 63.38% of variance. Items of each subscales loaded on
their respective dimension with loading ranging from .59 to .78
for the need of autonomy, from .73 to .83 for the need of compe-
tence, and from .71 to .89 for the need of relatedness, without
any cross loadings.
Academic motivation
Students’ motivation was assessed with the French version of the
Academic Motivation Scale for College (Vallerand, Blais, Brière, &
Pelletier, 1989). This 28 item-scale assesses intrinsic motivation,
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extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. Internal consistency of the
different subscales was satisfactory (between .69 and .88). All
items were assessed on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1
(does not correspond at all) to 7 (corresponds exactly). The
seven subscales were combined into a Relative Autonomy Index
(RAI; Grolnick & Ryan, 1987; Ryan & Connell, 1989). The higher
the score is, the more autonomous motivation is. This scale has
been found to be reliable and valid (Brault-Labbé & Dubé, 2010;
Vallerand, Pelletier, Blais, Brière, Sénécal, & Vallières, 1993).
Descriptive statistics
Results concerning the means, standard deviations, and relations
between our variables are displayed in Table 1. Autonomy,
competence, and relatedness need satisfaction was significantly
correlated to the RAI (respectively, r = .22, p < .05; r = .41, p <
.001; r = .21, p < .05). DC was also correlated to autonomy (r =
.28, p < .01), competence (r = .30, p < .001), and relatedness (r
= .28, p < .001) need satisfaction, and to the RAI (r = .25, p <
table 1:
Means. standard
deviations and
correlations for study
variables (n = 97).
M SD 1 2 3 4
1. Desire for control 4.66 0.59
2. Need for autonomy 4.85 0.93 .28**
3. Need for competence 3.81 0.94 .30** .49***
4. Need for relatedness 4.57 1.05 .28** .33*** .46***
5. Autonomous motivation 6.45 3.30 .25* .22* .41*** .21*
Note. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001
Main analysis
To test for the link between DC and autonomous motivation as
well as for the role of the need satisfaction as mediator of the
relation between DC and motivation, a multiple mediation anal-
ysis procedure was run (Preacher & Hayes, 2004, 2008). Advantage
of performing this type of analysis rather that three separates
simple mediation analyses (Baron & Kenny, 1986) allows to test
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for an overall mediation effect and to determine the unique
mediating effect that a specific variable has with a single model,
controlling for the presence of other mediators. Moreover, as
stated by Preacher and Hayes (2008), this type of analysis also
permits to enhance statistical power and decreases the proba-
bility of Type I errors.
table 2:
Multiple mediation
estimates for
Variables b t p
DC to mediators
Need for autonomy .42 2.86 < .01
Need for competence .41 2.98 < .01
Need for relatedness .46 2.80 < .01
Direct effects of mediator on autonomous motivation
Need for autonomy -.05 -.13 = .90
Need for competence 1.45 3.15 < .01
Need for relatedness .03 .09 = .93
Total effect of DC on autonomous motivation
DC 1.38 2.51 < .02
Remaining direct effect of DC on autonomous motivation
DC .79 .93 = .16
Partial effect of gender on autonomous
motivation .58 1.74 = .52
bCIlower CIupper p
Indirect effects of DC on autonomous motivation via mediators
(bootstrap results)
Total indirect effects .59 .01 1.68 n.s.
Need for autonomy -.02 -.49 .36 n.s.
Need for competence .60 .11 1.58 < .01
Need for relatedness .01 -.30 .56 n.s.
Note. Confidence interval are bias controlled and accelerated; Bootstrap resamples = 5000;
n = 97 for all tests.
DC had a significant impact on autonomous motivation (b =
1.38, p = .02; see Table 23). Moreover, DC was significantly linked
to autonomy (b = .42, p < .01), competence (b = .41, p < .01)
and relatedness (b = .46, p < .01) need satisfaction. However,
only competence need satisfaction was linked to autonomous
motivation (b = .60, p < .01) after controlling for DC. Indeed,
results showed that autonomous motivation was significantly
mediated only by the satisfaction of the need for competence.
3. Analyses were conducted with gender as covariate.
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The link between DC and autonomous motivation was reduced
from 1.38 (see total effects of DC, the c path in Preacher & Hayes,
2008) to .79 (see remaining direct effect on DC, the c’ path) by
the set of three mediator variables (the needs for autonomy, relat-
edness, and competence). However, only the need for
competence significantly accounts for these mediational effects
(.60 of the total .59, see indirect effects of DC on autonomous
motivation, confidence intervals being respectively of CI.99: .11,
1.58 and .01, 1.684) and the effect of DC disappears when this
need is controlled for (b =.79, p = .16). So, only the competence
need satisfaction deserves to be elected as a total mediator
because it follows the 4 steps described by Baron and Kenny
4. Note that whenever zero is not contained with the bootstrap confidence interval, can we
conclude that the effect is significantly different from zero.
b = .41,
p < .01
Need for
Need for
Need for
b = .42, p < .01
b = -.02, n.s.
b = 1.38, p = .02
b = .79, p = .16
b = .60, p < .01
b =- .05, p = .90
b = 1.45,
p < .01
b = .01, n.s.
b = .46, p < .01 b = .03, p = .93
Total Effect of
Indirect Effect
of DC via
Direct Effect
of DC
figure 1:
Multiple mediation
bootstrap analysis of
relationships between
Desire for Control (DC)
and autonomous
motivation (RAI) as
mediated by
competence need
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The main purpose of the present research was to highlight the
role of DC as an antecedent of autonomous motivation. First, we
hypothesized that DC was significantly linked to autonomous
motivation measured by the RAI. Second, according to SDT (Deci
& Ryan, 1985), we postulated that the psychological need satisfac-
tion would mediate these links.
Results confirmed our first hypothesis and for the first time, DC
formally appeared to be a relevant personality variable that is
positively related to autonomous motivation assessed six weeks
later. Although Burger and Cooper (1979) postulated that “the
desire to control events in one’s life therefore also seems to be
closely tied to the concept of intrinsic motivation” (p. 382), no
published studies had supported it yet. Remedying this lack, our
results showed that students who were motivated to control
events in their life were more likely to present autonomous moti-
vation toward their studies. Moreover, our study showed that this
link, coherently with SDT’s predictions and past results found in
educational settings (Ferrer-Caja & Weiss, 2000, 2002; Ntoumanis,
2001; Standage et al., 2006), was mediated by the satisfaction of
the need for competence.
If many studies performed in the educational context highlighted
the role of the need for competence in the motivational process,
SDT generally predicts that the satisfaction of all three needs has
a significant influence on autonomous motivation. Our results
partially confirmed our second hypothesis; only the competence
need satisfaction mediated the relation between DC and autono-
mous motivation, autonomy and relatedness need satisfaction
were not linked to autonomous motivation. However, if all of the
three needs nourish autonomous motivation, each of them can
be more or less easily satisfied according to the contexts, and
differently contribute to autonomous motivation (Deci & Ryan,
1985; Gillet, Berjot, & Rosnet, 2009; Vallerand, 1997). The satis-
faction of the need for competence of our high DC’s students
might have been particularly important to contribute to and
explain their autonomous motivation toward their studies as
their knowledge of the discipline is quite low in the beginning of
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their studies. That is why feeling effective and competent is
important to them. This was not the case for autonomy and relat-
edness need satisfaction.
Even if the statistical procedure we used is quite complex and
demanding in its simulation of a causal relation, precautions must
be kept as to the conclusion we can draw from a correlational
design. Replications of this study are desirable, and experimental
designs could also be interesting. Future research could for
instance test for the conjoint effects of DC and perception of
control (Paulhus, 1983; Paulhus & Van Selst, 1990) on autono-
mous motivation. Indeed, DC and perception of control have
been found relevant to predict psychological well-being and
happiness (Brouillard et al., 1999; Garant & Alain, 1995), but no
studies have been conducted on autonomous motivation.
In sum, our results highlight the fact that DC is quite a strong
predictor of autonomous motivation in this educational setting.
Burger (1992, p. 94) assumed that DC as a personality variable
appears to be very similar to Deci’s notion of self-determination
(Deci, 1980; Deci & Ryan, 1985) and that high DC people should
have a stronger need to demonstrate to themselves that they are
masterful manipulators of their environment. According to
Burger’s hypotheses, our study provides an explanation for the
similarity between the DC and autonomous motivation. Indeed,
autonomous motivation occurs, at least among university
students, when the need for competence is satisfied (Deci, 1975;
White, 1959).
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York: W. H. Freeman.
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Medical students enter medical school with varied backgrounds and learning expectations. Tensions arise between medical students’ expectations and expectations of the teachers and program, which impacts motivation. In self-determination theory people are motivated by satisfaction of three psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which enhance self-determination, but when hindered decrease motivation and well-being. The purpose of this study was to explore medical students' perspectives of their self-determination during medical school by exploring medical students’ perspectives of autonomy-supportiveness, competence-supportiveness, and relatedness with their teachers in their medical education program, and the impact on their learning. I used mixed methods design with two phases. In Phase I, medical students from a single institution completed three surveys all derived from self-determination theory, which investigated causality orientation, autonomy-supportiveness of teachers, and motivation to engage in learning. In Phase II, two World Café events were held at two sites. Medical students’ discussed their perspectives of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in their medical education. I used deductive content analysis to organize the findings into themes. In Phase I, 178 students responded (57% female). Survey scores were compared by gender, year in program, years of university before medical school, and distributed program site. The results indicated that medical students were autonomously oriented. Females were more autonomy-oriented than males, and engaged in learning for more autonomous reasons. Students in the distributed site perceived their teachers to be less autonomy supportive. In Phase II, 64 students attended two World Café events. Themes were categorized according to psychological need. The students identified several teacher actions and curricular structures that supported and hindered their self-determination. The themes across distributed sites were consistent; however, students in the distributed site perceived lower autonomy and less relatedness with their teachers. This study used qualitative methods to explore students’ perspectives of self-determination, which is unique to the self-determination literature. Educators often emphasize teaching methods to maximize cognitive and motivational outcomes. However, medical students emphasized specific teacher actions and curricular supports as most important for establishing the motivational context for learning. This research will help medical teachers to intentionally create appropriate motivational contexts for learners.
This study investigates how to direct and assemble the sales force for new product selling. In a first step, the authors draw on self‐determination theory to explore and empirically test a threefold conceptualization of motivation. Results provide insights into why sales force steering works differently in the new product selling context. Specifically, results show that for new products’ financial performance, internalized new product selling motivation is more important than intrinsic and controlled motivation. In a second step, the authors show how firms can motivate different sales reps to achieve higher financial performance of new products. In doing so, they examine the interaction effects of sales reps’ predispositions and widespread firm steering instruments on new products’ financial performance. Results reveal that the new product sales orientation of the bonus strengthens the positive relationship between sales reps’ performance predisposition and new product financial performance but weakens the relationship between sales reps’ learning predisposition and financial new product performance. Moreover, results reveal that the new product sales orientation of the periodic review strengthens the positive relationship between sales reps’ learning predisposition and financial new product performance. A post hoc analysis shows that a differentiated steering approach that matches appropriate steering instruments with sales reps’ varying predispositions substantially enhances reps’ financial new product performance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Desirability for Control (DC) would influence young coaches’ discourse and same age athletes’ intrinsic motivation during peer tutoring interaction in a sport setting. Fifty-six participants were selected according to their high vs. low DC score. The following formula (mean ± 0.75* standard deviation) was used to match participants in similar or dissimilar DC same-sex dyads in which a coach was asked to teach a technical skill to a novice athlete. Coaches’ instructional style (support autonomy vs. control behaviors) was assessed through categorization of verbalizations and behaviors. Athletes’ intrinsic motivation and their perception of the coach’s intrinsic motivation were also assessed. Results of qualitative analyses showed that high DC coaches expressed higher scores on controlling style of instruction and demonstrations than low DC coaches. Controlling style of interactions was also higher for athletes who displayed a high DC. In addition high DC athletes were less exposed to coaches’ demonstrations and controlling verbalizations when they were paired with low DC coaches. Finally, high DC athlete - low DC coach dyads entailed the highest scores in the athletes’ intrinsic motivation and in their perceptions of the coach’s intrinsic motivation. The need to consider desire for control with regards to pairing young coaches and same-age athletes and supervising what they say and act is ighlighted.
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In this article, we attempt to distinguish between the properties of moderator and mediator variables at a number of levels. First, we seek to make theorists and researchers aware of the importance of not using the terms moderator and mediator interchangeably by carefully elaborating, both conceptually and strategically, the many ways in which moderators and mediators differ. We then go beyond this largely pedagogical function and delineate the conceptual and strategic implications of making use of such distinctions with regard to a wide range of phenomena, including control and stress, attitudes, and personality traits. We also provide a specific compendium of analytic procedures appropriate for making the most effective use of the moderator and mediator distinction, both separately and in terms of a broader causal system that includes both moderators and mediators. (46 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
I: Background.- 1. An Introduction.- 2. Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.- II: Self-Determination Theory.- 3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Perceived Causality and Perceived Competence.- 4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Interpersonal Communication and Intrapersonal Regulation.- 5. Toward an Organismic Integration Theory: Motivation and Development.- 6. Causality Orientations Theory: Personality Influences on Motivation.- III: Alternative Approaches.- 7. Operant and Attributional Theories.- 8. Information-Processing Theories.- IV: Applications and Implications.- 9. Education.- 10. Psychotherapy.- 11. Work.- 12. Sports.- References.- Author Index.
Self-determination theory maintains and has provided empirical support for the proposition that all human beings have fundamental psychological needs to be competent, autonomous, and related to others. Satisfaction of these basic needs facilitates people's autonomous motivation (i.e., acting with a sense of full endorsement and volition), whereas thwarting the needs promotes controlled motivation (i.e., feeling pressured to behave in particular ways) or being amotivated (i.e., lacking intentionality). Satisfying these basic needs and acting autonomously have been consistently shown to be associated with psychological health and effective performance. Social contexts within which people operate, however proximal (e.g., a family or workgroup) or distal (e.g., a cultural value or economic system), affect their need satisfaction and type of motivation, thus affecting their wellness and effectiveness. Social contexts also affect whether people's life goals or aspirations tend to be more intrinsic or more extrinsic, and that in turn affects important life outcomes.