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Jurassic palynology in Southwest Germany-State of the art

  • SFB Geological Consulting & Services


The development of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages during the Jurassic of southwest Germany is outlined. A range chart of 153 species has been established using the data of 57 palynological studies and personal observations. The supplements compiled include 1. all palynological studies from the Jurassic of southwest Germany, 2. the outcrops and wells, and 3. all the genera and species first described from southwest Germany. Three typical assemblages of the Middle Jurassic are illustrated.
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... regalis, which we previously established in the lower and middle parts of the Parkinsoni Zone (Mitta et al., 2017 and in the Garantiana Zone (Mitta et al., 2021) of the Upper Bajocian of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River Basin. The first appearance of Meiourogonyaulax valensii was recorded in the terminal part of the Lower Bajocian (Humphriesianum Zone) of Southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992;Feist-Burkhardt and Götz, 2016) and the Bajocian stratotype in Normandy, Western France (Feist-Burkhardt and Monteil, 1997). ...
... Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis also appears in the Humphriesianum Zone of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt, Wille, 1992;Feist-Burkhardt and Götz, 2016). The first appearance of Carpathodinium predae is recorded at the base of the Niortense Zone at the Lower-Upper Bajocian boundary of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992). ...
... Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis also appears in the Humphriesianum Zone of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt, Wille, 1992;Feist-Burkhardt and Götz, 2016). The first appearance of Carpathodinium predae is recorded at the base of the Niortense Zone at the Lower-Upper Bajocian boundary of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992). ...
The results of the study of microfossils of the Strenoceras niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of Karachay-Cherkessian Republic are presented. The zone is represented mainly by dark gray silty-sandy clays, with nodules scattered in the stratum, often forming interbeds, and belongs to the lower part of the upper subformation of the Djangura Formation. The systematic composition and distribution of foraminifera, ostracods, dinoflagellate cysts, and myospores in the section have been established. The volume of biostratigraphic subdivisions for foraminifera, ostracods, and dinocysts has been specified; they were compared with the ammonite scale. According to benthic foraminifers, these are beds with Ophthalmidium caucasicum, comparable with the entire Niortense Zone and most of the Garantiana Zone. The beds with Globuligerina dagestanica established by planktonic foraminifera are compared with the entire studied interval from the Niortense zone to the Lower Bathonian, inclusive. In the middle-upper part of the Niortense Zone (Rostovtsevi and Baculatum Subzones), beds with ostracods Palaeocytheridea (Malzevia) subtilis were established for the first time. Beds with dinocysts Carpathodinium predae, Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis, Meiourogonyaulax valensii are understood within the volume of the Niortense and Garantiana Zones and the lower part of the Parkinsoni zone, inclusive. Images of characteristic taxa of microfauna and dinocysts are given.
... regalis, which we previously established in the lower and middle parts of the Parkinsoni Zone (Mitta et al., 2017 and in the Garantiana Zone (Mitta et al., 2021) of the Upper Bajocian of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River Basin. The first appearance of Meiourogonyaulax valensii was recorded in the terminal part of the Lower Bajocian (Humphriesianum Zone) of Southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992;Feist-Burkhardt and Götz, 2016) and the Bajocian stratotype in Normandy, Western France (Feist-Burkhardt and Monteil, 1997). ...
... Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis also appears in the Humphriesianum Zone of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt, Wille, 1992;Feist-Burkhardt and Götz, 2016). The first appearance of Carpathodinium predae is recorded at the base of the Niortense Zone at the Lower-Upper Bajocian boundary of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992). ...
... Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis also appears in the Humphriesianum Zone of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt, Wille, 1992;Feist-Burkhardt and Götz, 2016). The first appearance of Carpathodinium predae is recorded at the base of the Niortense Zone at the Lower-Upper Bajocian boundary of southwestern Germany (Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992). ...
Microfossils of the Strenoceras niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of the Karachay-Cherkessian Republic are studied. The zone is represented mainly by dark gray silty-sandy clays, with scattered nodules often arranged in interbeds, and belongs to the lower part of the upper subformation of the Djangura Formation. The taxonomic composition and distribution of foraminifera, ostracods, dinoflagellate cysts, and miospores in the section has been identified. The ranges of biostratigraphic units based on foraminifera, ostracods, and dinocysts are emended and these units are correlated with the ammonite scale. The distribution of benthic foraminifers indicates that these are Beds with Ophthalmidium caucasicum, comparable with the entire Niortense Zone and most of the Garantiana Zone. The Beds with Globuligerina dagestanica established using planktonic foraminifera are correlated with the entire studied interval from the Niortense Zone to the Lower Bathonian, inclusive. In the middle-upper part of the Niortense Zone (Rostovtsevi and Baculatum Subzones), the Beds with ostracods Palaeocytheridea (Malzevia) subtilis were recognized for the first time. The beds with dinocysts Carpathodinium predae, Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis, Meiourogonyaulax valensii are correlated with the range of the Niortense and Garantiana Zones and the lower part of the Parkinsoni Zone, inclusive. Characteristic taxa of microfauna and dinocysts are illustrated.
... Lower Jurassic research based on palynology have largely been studied particularly in northwest Europe (Bjaerke 1980, 2003, Davies 1983, 1985, Davey & Riley 1978, Feist-Burkhardt & Wille 1992, Koppelhus & Hansen 2003, Morbey 1978, Poulsen & Riding 2003, Riding 1984a, 1984b, Riding & Ioannides 1996, Wille & Gocht 1979, Williams & Bujak 1985, Woollam & Riding 1983. In this region, the Jurassic dinoflagellate cyst zonation is well known in comparison to the same period in Morocco. ...
... In association with this marker, we find the species: Luehndea cirilliae (Plate I/3a, b, c), Mancodinium semitabulatum (Plate I/8) and Mendicodinium microscabratum (Plate I/5-6). The first has never been found in the Boreal domain, its known to range within the Pliensbachian-Toarcian interval in the Tethyan realm (Bucefallo- , 2002, Chahidi et al. 2016; the second is distributed between the early Pliensbachian (Feist-Burkhardt & Wille 1992;Poulsen 1996), and the Bajocian, (Bucefallo-Palliani & Riding 2003) and it also characterizes the late Pliensbachianearly Toarcian interval with a large geographical distribution: Boreal, Sub-Boreal, transitional (Boreal/Tethyan) and Tethyan (Brideaux et al. 1975, Helden 1977, Bucefallo-Palliani et al. 2002, Prauss 1996, Woollau & Riding 1983, Correia et al. 2018. It is known to be a Tethyan species, whether in the northern Tethys (Greece, Bucefallo Palliani et al. 1999) or in the southern Tethys (Morocco, Chahidi et al. 2016 and the present study); this species is recorded from the early Toarcian. ...
... The lower Toarcian, middle and upper Toarcian assemblages recognized in the Amellagou section are comparable with those recorded in the Sub-Boreal (Riding & Thomas 1992, Feist-Burkhardt & Wille 1992 and the Tethyan realms (Bucefalo- Palliani et al. , 1999Palliani et al. , 2002Palliani et al. , 2003. ...
... The taxa Ctenidodinium cornigerum, Gonyaulacysta jurassica subsp. adecta (Gonyaulacysta adecta in Riding et al., 2022) and Pareodinia ceratophora, are more abundant in the Bathonian and Callovian, but may also occur through the Upper Jurassic, especially in the Oxfordian (Borges et al., 2011;Correia et al., 2019;Feist-Burkhardt & Wille, 1992;Jan du Chêne et al., 1985;Riding et al., 2022;Smelror, 2021;Riding & Thomas, 1992). ...
... In addition, most of the publications referenced in the reply (Borges et al., 2011;Correia et al., 2019;Jan du Chêne et al., 1985;Riding et al., 2022;Riding & Thomas, 1992;Smelror, 2021) do not contain any record of C. cornigerum in the Oxfordian. It is important to highlight that C. cornigerum is considered a typical species of Bajocian-Bathonian transition (Correia et al., 2019;Feist-Burkhardt & Monteil, 1997;Feist-Burkhardt & Wille, 1992;Jan du Chêne et al., 1985;Riding & Thomas, 1992;Wiggan et al., 2017) or Callovian (Borges et al., 2011(Borges et al., , 2012, in addition to two occurrences in the Callovian according to the software Palynodata Inc and White (2008). Thus, the dinocyst association common to the Callovian is corroborated by the LO of C. cornigerum (Borges et al., 2011(Borges et al., , 2012 as well as by the distribution of calcareous nannofossils, here considered not to be younger than Callovian. ...
... Forms of Systematophora occur in the Bathonian/Callovian interval, but confident species assignments are usually possible only in the Upper Jurassic (Borges et al., 2011;Feist-Burkhardt & Wille, 1992;Riding & Thomas, 1992;Smelror, 2021). The holotype of Systematophora penicillata is of late Oxfordian age, so the presence of this species is more indicative of a Late, rather than Middle, Jurassic age. ...
... Phallocystean dinoflagellate cysts (= family Heterocapsaceae) show enormous radiation around the early/late Toarcian boundary and are prominent and dominant in later Toarcian and Aalenian assemblages. This change in general composition of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages has been reported e.g. by Wille (1982), Prauss (1989), Prauss et al. (1991), Feist-Burkhardt (1992) Feist-Burkhardt and Wille (1992) and others. ...
... The species is well known from the literature to occur in often high abundances in the late Pliensbachian Margaritatus and Spinatum zones and the earliest Toarcian Tenuicostatum Zone (e.g. Riding, 1987;Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992;Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 1999a, 1999bBucefalo Palliani et al., 2002;van de Schootbrugge et al., 2005; Baranyi et al., 2016;Correia et al., 2017aCorreia et al., , 2017b. It is acknowledged as an excellent stratigraphic marker species for this time interval and is widely used for palynobiostratigraphy (e.g. ...
... At the beginning of the Falciferum (Serpentinum equivalent) Zone, concurrent with the main negative (CIE), a major phytoplankton turnover was recorded in different areas of the Boreal and Tethyan Realm (Fig. 3) (Prauss and Riegel, 1989;Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992;Bucefalo Palliani et al., 2002;Baranyi et al., 2016;Correia et al., 2017aCorreia et al., , 2017bCorreia et al., , 2018. In southwest Germany, the first bituminous beds of the Falciferum Zone are marked by the disappearance of most dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs, an enormous surge in Spheripollenites, and the relatively high abundance of prasinophytes. ...
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The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE; ~ 183 Ma) represents an episode of marine anoxia that lasted for several hundred thousand years. Abiotic factors contributing to the formation of the T-OAE, such as global warming, changes in weathering intensity, or sea-level change, are associated with a marked change in carbon cycling. While these factors are well studied, detailed palynological data, including marine and terrestrial palynomorphs, is still missing. Here we present comprehensive palynological data from the sedimentologically and geochemically well constrained T-OAE section in Dormettingen (SW Germany). Palynological assemblages prior to the T-OAE reflect a mixed gymnosperm-pteridophyte vegetation on land. They also include unseparated spore tetrads and sporomorphs with darkened walls indicative of environmental stress. During the early stage of the T-OAE, gymnosperms decline and only pteridophytes are recorded in the palynological assemblages, terrestrial vegetation recovery commenced before the end of the T-OAE. Contrastingly, dinoflagellate cyst diversity declines significantly in the first stage of the T-OAE and is reduced to zero towards the end of the T-OAE. Our data shows that the terrestrial ecosystems reacted early to the abiotic disturbances reflected in carbon isotope data even before the T-OAE.
... The taxa Ctenidodinium cornigerum, Gonyaulacysta jurassica subsp. adecta (Gonyaulacysta adecta in Riding et al., 2022) and Pareodinia ceratophora, are more abundant in the Bathonian and Callovian, but may also occur through the Upper Jurassic, especially in the Oxfordian (Borges et al., 2011;Correia et al., 2019;Feist-Burkhardt & Wille, 1992;Jan du Chêne et al., 1985;Riding & Thomas, 1992;Riding et al., 2022;Smelror, 2021). It is well established that Meiourogonyaulax and Sentusidinium occur from the Bajocian onwards, and various species span the later Mesozoic (Riding & Thomas, 1992;Smelror, 2021;Wood et al., 2016). ...
... The presence of these genera without species-level recognition assessment indicates only that the section is no older than Bajocian. Forms of Systematophora occur in the Bathonian/Callovian interval, but confident species assignments are usually possible only in the Upper Jurassic (Borges et al., 2011;Feist-Burkhardt & Wille, 1992;Riding & Thomas, 1992;Smelror, 2021). The holotype of Systematophora penicillata is of late Oxfordian age, so the presence of this species is more indicative of a Late, rather than Middle, Jurassic age. ...
... Durotrigia daveyii has never exceeded the late Bajocian in several localities (Bailey, 1987;Feist-Burkhardt and Monteil, 1997;Fensome et al., 1993;Riding and Thomas, 1992;Riding et al., 1991;Wiggan et al., 2017). The cosmopolitan species Dichadogonyaulax sellwoodii was recorded within the late Bajocian ( Fig. 4) (Herngreen and De Boer, 1984;Riding et al., 1991;Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992;Riding and Thomas, 1992;Fenton et al., , 1995Fensome et al., 1996;Feist-Burkhardt and Monteil, 1997). It has been recorded in the early-late Bajocian transition at the top of S. humphriesianum Ammonite Zone in the southwest of Germany (Wiggan et al., 2017). ...
... Despite their low occurrences in this interval (1 to 3 specimens), these species are known to characterize the late Bajocian. They were recognized in the late Bajocian of northwest Europe, such as in France, Germany and England (Fauconnier, 1995;Feist-Burkhardt and Wille, 1992;Poulsen, 1998;Riding and Thomas, 1992;Williams et al., 1993). This interval contains few long-ranging species, such as Pareodinia ceratophora, Gonyaulacysta jurassica, Meirougonyaulax spp., Ctenidodinium spp. ...
The Bajocian-Bathonian transition has been identified for the first time in the Skoura syncline of the folded Middle Atlas of Morocco based on dinoflagellate cyst and palynofacies analysis of the Ich Timellaline/Bou Akrabene Formation carbonates. This palynological study involved 109 samples of marls and limestones whose organic content yielded diverse and well-preserved dinoflagellate cyst assemblages comprising 68 taxa including strati-graphic marker taxa. Two association biozones have been defined for the late Bajocian-early Bathonian interval. The Cribroperidinium crispum-Ctenidodinium cornigerum (CC/CC) biozone is defined between the base of the Recifa Formation (Upper Bajocian) and the Ich-Timellaline / Bou Akrabene Formation (Upper Bajocian-Lower Bathon-ian). The second association biozone of Ctenidodinium combazii and Dichadogonyaulax sellwoodii (CC/DS) corresponds to the upper interval of the FD section (top of the Ich-Timellaline / Bou Akrabene Formation and the base of the El Mers I Formation). These two biozones were correlated with the late Bajocian-early Bathonian biozones defined in the Sub-Boreal (northwest Europe), Tethyan, and Australian domains. Close similarity between the Moroccan Middle Atlas, the Tethyan, and the Sub-Boreal domain associations has been noted. Quantitative analysis of organic matter constituents has allowed the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the late Bajo-cian-early Bathonian. The organic residues of the studied samples recorded an increased land-derived phyto-clasts dominance compared to amorphous organic matter and palynomorphs, indicating a proximal oxic shelf de-positional environment with high terrestrial and freshwater influx during the late Bajocian-early Bathonian. During the Late Bajocian, the depositional environment corresponds to a proximal continental shelf with fluctuations from a distal to a marginal/stagnant environment. Below the Upper Bajocian-Lower Bathonian boundary, a significant marine incursion, or rather a transgression , is recorded in the studied sediments attested by an important marine fraction and dinoflagellate cysts abundance , which probably corresponds to the last Bajocian Maximum flooding surface (MFS). During the early Bathonian, the depositional environment evolved towards a distal continental shelf with an increasing marine fraction including dinoflagellate cysts and high species diversity. This may be related to the rising sea level which corresponds to the first Bathonian eustatic elevation. The proximal /marginal conditions are restored at the uppermost part of the section.
... Maturodinium inornatum has previously been considered to be restricted to the Upper Pliensbachian (e.g. Morgenroth 1970;Feist-Burkhardt and Wille 1992); however, the species occurs rarely in the mid and Upper Toarcian in Portugal (Correia et al. 2018). In the North Sea, the FDO of the taxon occurs in the basal Toarcian. ...
An updated, integrated biozonation scheme for the Jurassic (Hettangian) – lowermost Cretaceous (Upper Berriasian) of the North Sea Basin incorporates 49 palynology biozones plus subzones (based on dinocysts, spores and pollen) and 27 microfaunal zones plus subzones (based on foraminifera, radiolaria and ostracods), to provide the essential chronostratigraphic calibration of the defined sequences. The biozonation scheme is tied to standard ammonite zonal chronostratigraphy wherever possible. Parts of the biozonation scheme are also applicable to onshore UK (boreholes and outcrops), onshore Denmark (boreholes) and to offshore Netherlands.
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Forty-eight cuttings samples from the Middle-Late Jurassic Bahrein and Khatatba formations in the East Faghur-1Well, Western Desert were investigated palynologically. The 37 dinoflagellate cyst species identified from the investigated deposits led to the recognition two palynological zones: The Dichadogonyaulax sellwoodii-Adnatosphaeridium caullery; Assemblage Zone of Bathonian • Early Callovian age, and the Wanaea digitata • Gonyaulacysta jurassica Assemblage Zone of late Callovian· Early Oxfordian age. Two transgressive-regressive phases are detected from the study of the populations of the identified dinoflagellate cysts and poIlen1spores. These two minor and major transgressive phases were separated by an altarnated regressive period. The Bahrein Formation in the East Faghur-l Well was deposited in a deltaic to lagoonal environment, under humid tropical to subtropical climatic conditions. The Khatatba Formation is interpreted to have been deposited in a shallow marine, low-salinity environment under warm climatic conditions.
—Until recently, the sedimentary cover age and composition of the marginal North Kara Basin (northern part of the Kara Sea, Russian Arctic) remained uncertain because of the absence of direct data from parametric and exploration wells. Taking into consideration the absolute importance of these issues for understanding the regional geology of the Arctic shelf and evaluating its petroleum potential, Rosneft Oil Company, together with AO RosGeo, drilled ten shallow stratigraphic wells in fall 2020 using the research vessel (RV) Bavenit to reveal the complete stratigraphic range of the North Kara Basin. The ultrahigh-resolution (UHR) seismic survey was carried out by the RV Kapitan Voronin to adjust the well site locations and integrate the well sections into the regional geological model based on 2D seismic data during the drilling campaign. As a result, 300 m core was recovered from 11 Paleozoic and two Mesozoic stratigraphic units, previously investigated by 2D seismic and outcrop studies of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago. Lab analyses (biostratigraphy, lithology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and other types of core analysis) were performed at Lomonosov Moscow State University. We present obtained lab results confirming that the main part of the North Kara Basin section belongs to the Paleozoic; late Cambrian–Late Devonian rock ages have been derived. Several Paleozoic units tend to be older than those in previously published models. Core samples include mainly terrigenous rocks with insignificant carbonate presence. Paleozoic units are overlain by a thin Mesozoic terrigenous section dated from Middle Triassic to Middle Jurassic above a distinct angular unconformity. After a thorough analysis of all the lab results, we will obtain data on the ages of sedimentary units, as well as their lithology and depositional environments, and establish elements of the hydrocarbon system (source rocks, reservoirs, and seals) to evaluate the North Kara Basin petroleum potential with lesser uncertainty. We suppose that our results will significantly contribute to establishing a stratigraphic framework, reconstructing the basin history, and evaluating the petroleum potential of the whole Arctic region.
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