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Analysis of the Report "Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons"



The report was written based on research undertaken to determine if there was any empirical evidence supporting or refuting the media's various negative claims about the supposed harmful effects on those who participate in the cooperative, social, recreational activity of role-playing gaming using the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) game system, and if playing the game leads to players having higher levels of alienation. Hypotheses Among other claims, the media has published repeatedly the belief that participating in the recreational game of D&D causes participants to become increasingly detached from "real life", distanced from family and society, and even claims that it can lead players to become suicidal or even homicidal. If the claims by the media were true, proper evaluation techniques using industry standard questionnaires should find a strong correlative difference between players versus non-players in their Page 1 of 13
Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
Analysis of the report
by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson
Psychological Report, 1990, 66, 1219-1222. O Psychological Reports 1990
Analysis and commentary by W.A. Hawkes-Robinson
Original version 2011-05-09
Revised 2011-12-09
The report was written based on research undertaken to determine if there was any empirical
evidence supporting or refuting the media's various negative claims about the supposed harmful effects
on those who participate in the cooperative, social, recreational activity of role-playing gaming using
the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) game system, and if playing the game leads to players having higher
levels of alienation.
Among other claims, the media has published repeatedly the belief that participating in the
recreational game of D&D causes participants to become increasingly detached from “real life”,
distanced from family and society, and even claims that it can lead players to become suicidal or even
homicidal. If the claims by the media were true, proper evaluation techniques using industry standard
questionnaires should find a strong correlative difference between players versus non-players in their
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Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
levels of alienation. At the time of this 1990 study, there had been only a handful of studies, and none
of them found any significant correlations supporting any negative effects of D&D participation that
would substantiate the media's claims, and only a little hard data available to refute these claims.
Though this type of study would be unable to determine causality, potential correlative results
could generate guidance on relevant variables to test for potential future research studies to attempt
determination of causality.
The research study selected 70 volunteer participants. Half of the volunteers had never
participated in Dungeons & Dragons, so were used as the control group. The control group members
were from the general psychology course at the university participating in the study for credit towards
their class. The other half of the research subjects were recruited from the local campus role-playing
game club.
Research subjects completed a series of questionnaires attempting to determine their levels of
alienation and other factors using a series of different established tests; the Strole 1956 Anomia Scale to
test overall levels of alienation, the Middleton 1963 Alienation Scale to measure six types of alienation,
and the Rotter 1966 Internal-External Locus of Control Scale used to determine how much control the
subject has over events that have an effect on them.
Most of the data did not find any significant correlation in differences between gamers and non-
gamers and the relevant tested variables, though there were a few significant exceptions in the areas of
meaninglessness and cultural estrangement, and some correlation between commitment level to D&D
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and these two specific variables.
On the one hand a moderate correlation relating to meaninglessness was found in the opposite
direction of the media claims. 46% of the non-players (16 subjects) scored high on meaninglessness
feelings, whereas only 17% of the players (6 subjects) indicated such feelings. The other variable with
correlative significance was on specific cultural estrangement based on how much the participant
reported interest in mainstream media from television, magazines, movies, etc. 49% of gamers versus
23% of non-gamers indicated a lack of interest in such media. However the test was unable to
determine if this difference was because of participation in the game, or because of being previously
uninterested prior to ever participating in the game, and if any changes in interest level occurred after
becoming regularly involved with the game.
Gamer commitment level did show some correlation to increased general alienation, money
=.47, and a slightly stronger correlation with meaninglessness, money = .61, time = .42, level = .45.
However the study was unable to determine if the subject reporting these higher levels of estrangement
and meaninglessness had different levels prior to involvement with the game, or if they may have had
higher levels previously and were drawn to the social interaction of playing in a group to attempt to
alleviate previously high levels of alienation and meaninglessness.
Conclusions of the paper
The paper concludes that there is not any solid empirical evidence supporting the media claims
that D&D is harmful to those who participate in this cooperative, social, recreational activity. It does
point out some possible areas to consider for further research to determine if the correlations between
the narrowly defined areas of meaninglessness and alienation, versus commitment levels, shows any
causality from game participation.
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Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a game product series used for the cooperative, social,
recreational, shared narrative, activity known as role-playing gaming (RPGing) first created in 1974.
Participants typically sit around a table using paper, pencil, dice, rulebooks, and optional maps with
miniatures representing their imaginary “player characters” (PCs), while using verbal communication
for the advancement of the game.
There have been hundreds of other RPG systems and companies since D&D, but it was the first
and continues to have the best selling single RPG product series with an estimated market share
between 10-20 million people in the United States alone. D&D specifically, and role-playing games in
general, experienced exponential growth through the 1970's and 1980's, peaking around the mid to late
1980's, then began a steady decline possibly due to the media's ongoing unsubstantiated claims creating
a social stigma against those who participate in such games. Meanwhile competing products such as
card games like Magic the Gathering, and improving computer-based RPGs and online Massively
Multiplayer Online Games (MMORPGs) like World of Warcraft (WoW) and Dungeons & Dragons
Online (DDO) have generally grown.
In the late 1970's and early 1980's, D&D specifically, and role-playing gaming in general was
an increasingly mainstream activity without social stigma, as illustrated in the 1982 Steven Spielberg
movie E.T. The media in its complicity with Patricia Pulling, who blamed her son's participation in
D&D as the cause for his committing suicide, along with others began developing in the early 1980's a
negative narrative about players of D&D that reached the zenith of media hype in the late 80's and
early 90's in conjunction with much of the “satanic panic” of that time period.
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The study “Alienation and the Game Dungeons & Dragons”, as most other studies on this topic,
still does not establish causality, at best only some correlative information, most of it actually
indicating possible positive benefits, which directly refutes the media hype. Based on the results of this
study it may be that those who already feel alienation were drawn to D&D as a means to improve their
social connections and reduce their feelings of estrangement.
If there is any causal relationship to playing D&D and increased feelings of alienation, it may
be from the media distortion and cultural acceptance of the media distortion, leading to people
condemning gamers, rather than anything to do with the social recreational activity itself causing
alienation. The previous causal theory could be tested over time with a longitudinal research project,
but might not be able to factor out the latter issues of external social condemnation having an effect,
unless a cultural group or locale could be found where their peers, parents, teachers, media, etc. did not
have any established predisposition towards a negative view of D&D and role-playing gaming. Then a
longitudinal study could be performed to see if alienation levels increased, decreased, or remained the
Personal Perspective
I was first introduced to RPGs (through D&D) in 1979 by a cousin (I was 9 years old). I played
it intermittently until I met a new friend in the neighborhood around 1983 or so, and we began gaming
weekly. Later I advertised and developed multiple gaming groups, join the Role-playing Game
Association (RPGA), and hosted some gaming conventions myself.
Prior to my regular involvement with RPGs, I spent a lot of time working various labor jobs
during school holidays, engaging in various physical hobbies like skiing, hiking, martial arts,
swimming, archery, horseback riding, etc, and also enjoying writing software programs. Most of these
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hobbies were usually solo activities. All of these activities continued to various degrees when I began
to game more, especially taking on the role of DM/GM (Dungeon Master/Game Master), was an
extremely social activity, that developed stronger skills in social relationships, dispute resolution,
learning to “read” people better, etc.
I have participated in scores of recreational activities in my lifetime, but none has provided a
better sense of reducing feelings of social alienation than participating in role-playing games, except for
the stigma that later developed from the media and misinformed non-gamers. Even as an adult I
sometimes still feel hesitant to mention to anyone my enjoyment of RPGs, if I do not think they are
already a gamer.
Prior to 1981, I do not recall feeling alienated at all about playing D&D and other RPGs, it was
“just another game”. But by 1982 or so, people started harassing me and my friends, especially other
students at school and at those who attended local religious institutions. These people claimed that
D&D caused people to go insane, commit suicide, become homicidal, that it was the tool of Satan, and
other ridiculous accusations. This only worsened over the years. For years we used to have many game
sessions at libraries, but some of the librarians began banning D&D groups after the Donahue show and
60 Minutes perpetuated these ongoing myths, directly quoting those shows as the reasons why they
banned the gaming groups from using their facilities anymore.
In the long run, I think it became a somewhat self-fulling prophecy that only “freaks and geeks”
play role-playing games. I suspect the alienation is artificially induced by individuals like Patricia
Pulling and the media providing them with a megaphone to spread their misinformation, and not
because of the game itself. Since the game is by nature a purely social cooperative activity, alienation
would be the complete opposite effects of participation in the activity.
Some other points on the research report, noting the demographics information on the ratio of
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men to women for the experienced gamers, 30 men and only 5 women, a ratio of 6 men to 1 woman.
This actually seems about typical in my experiences of RPG groups, there is definitely a noted dearth
of female participants.
Further Analysis
The paper takes a little time defining some very rudimentary mechanic variables of D&D,
without very well defining how the game is actually played. The paper also provides some odd
extraneous statements about having their player character (PC) needing to reach certain levels before
the player can become the Dungeon Master (DM - referee and story teller), that really has nothing to do
with how the game is played, and how different people assume different roles in this shared narrative. It
is true that you want someone experienced with playing the game to act in the role of Game Master
(GM), but there are no hard and fast rules to when someone is allowed to become the GM/DM. It
appears the researchers gathered that misinformation from one of the rule books suggestions, without
ever actually experiencing the game themselves, or else having a strange approach to playing the game
if they did.
As the article indicates, the gaming participants tested showed significantly more “meaning”
than the non-gamers. Only 17% (less than one-fifth) of the gamers showed a “meaningless” result,
compared to 46% of the non-gamers (nearly half). The article conjectures this may be a result of the
selection method they used by recruiting these gamers from the local gaming club. It could be argued
however, since the very nature of D&D is a cooperative social group activity that it would be very
likely for similar results from other gamers recruited elsewhere. Of course this should actually be tested
for validity. The very nature of D&D participation is playing as part of a group and working together
and supporting each other through trials and tribulations, so it would seem very possible that this may
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not be an anomaly for D&Ders in general.
49% of the gamers did however experience CULTURAL estrangement, compared to only 23%
for the non-gamers. Again, see my argument about that being because of the media-based impact on
cultural misinformation about the game and those who play it, and not a result of the actual game
participation itself. One possible explanation is avoidance of the negative media “bashing” their
activity. But what would be more interesting to ascertain is if the players already would score this way
before they ever started playing. As the paper suggested, it is possible those who scored with stronger
feelings of meaninglessness and alienation, may have had high levels prior to engaging in D&D and
sought the social activity as a means to reduce those high levels. This research did not establish
causality, only correlation. I also wonder if the media cultural estrangement testing took into account
less mainstream sources like hobby magazines, alternative media, etc., or if it phrased the questions in
such a way as to negate those other sources as being of interest.
There are currently documented to be nearly 100 studies on various psychological aspects of
role-playing gamers and gaming, many of them D&D specific, with results that are almost all
correlative. The few that attempt to ascertain causality are very small in scale and duration. All of the
empirical studies come to much the same conclusion as this project did, that the media's claims about
the harmfulness of D&D specifically, and role-playing gamers in general, are unfounded.
The report rightly points out that all the data is just correlative, does not establish causality, and
that further research should be undertaken to ascertain if the higher meaningless correlations for level,
game time, and monetary commitment were for individuals who previously had higher levels of
meaninglessness prior to the game, and that engaging in the game activity helped lower or increase
those feelings of estrangement and meaninglessness, or if there is a “sweet spot”, as has been recently
found with video game participation, where participants achieve the maximal benefits of stronger
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Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
meaning in their lives, while minimizing the feelings of alienation by avoiding exceeding a certain
level of commitment. This could be done with trials of different commitment levels of participants and
comparing their scores over months or years between more and less intensive gaming time, monetary
investment, or other measures of commitment level, to see if any causality could be established and set
some recommended maximum healthy guidelines. By adjusting the independent variables of hours
game time per week, and dollars spent, then observing any changes in the dependent variables of
meaninglessness and estrangement (since the other areas did not show any significant variance in this
study), then more useful judgments could be made about the ideal amount of game commitment level
on average for maximal benefit and minimal deficit, thereby establishing how much game commitment
time and money equates to the lowest levels of meaningless and alienation.
It should also be noted that the study did not use a very diverse selection method for test
subjects, using mostly just college students in a narrow age range and location, providing very little in
the variety of demographics.
Since the publication of that 1990 study, there have been a number of other studies, also pretty
much unable to substantiate the media claims, and finding some correlations to some potential
beneficial possibilities that call for more research. One theme that does recur, as with almost any
activity, is a theme of balance being the best approach, and that taking role-playing gaming too far, as
with most other recreational activities, could have some detrimental effects similar to reading too
much, watching too much television, sleeping too much, and other activities.
Again, not showing causality, but rather probably personality distinctions in those drawn to the
activity initially, that likely would have shown up in other activities in similar manner if RPGing had
not been available to them. It is also possible that due to the social and interactive nature of the game,
that they were actually far better off participating in RPGs than if they had retreated to excessive
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Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
“escapist” material like books, TV watching, etc.
Additional Resources
The RPG Research Project
Hawkes-Robinson, W.A. “The Battle Over role-playing Gaming”. Other Minds
Magazine. Vol I, Issue 1 (2007, February): 6-8.
History and Therapeutic Aspects of role-playing Gaming. RPG Research Website
documents/HistoryAndTherapeuticAspectsOfRPG20040930a.pdf >
Viewed November 19th, 2008.
60 Minutes: Dungeons & Dragons. Host Edward Rudolph Bradley. Jr. ABC. 15 Sep. 1985.
Bay-Hinitz, April K.; Peterson, Robert F.; and Quilitch, H. Robert.
“Cooperative games: a way to modify aggressive and cooperative behaviors in young children.”
Analysis, 27(3). (1994, Fall): Journal of Applied Behavior 433-446
Brunvand, Jan Harold, and Hickman, Randy. Encyclopedia of Urban Legends.
New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2002
Cardwell, Paul, Jr. “The Attacks on Role-playing Games: While Diminishing
in Frequency, attacks on role-playing games are still popular with The Defamation of Role-
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Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
playing Gaming and Gamers the mass media”.
(Winter): 157-165. Skeptical Inquirer. Vol. 18, No. 2 (1994, 10)
Cowper, R.G., Young, M. Joseph, Cardwell, Paul, The Christian Gamers Guild Frequently
Asked Questions.
< >
Viewed November 17th, 2008.
Dear, William. The Dungeon Master. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
DeRenard, Lisa A. and Kline, Linda Mannik. “Alienation and the game
Dungeons and Dragons.” Psychological Reports, 66, (1990): 1219-1222.
Gray, Wilbur. Colonel. A Short history of Wargames.
< >
On The Northwest Historical Miniature Gaming Society.
Viewed November 17th, 2008.
Gribble, Cyndi, and Pat Legako. Deliverance: Rescuing God's People.
Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing & Enterprises L.L.C., July 2007.
Kestrel, F.M., Gwendolyn. “Working Hard At Play”. March 2005.
< >
Accessed November 17th, 2008.
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Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
Kim, John H.
Last modified Sun Mar 15 10:58:20 2008
Viewed November 15th, 2008.
Lanning, Kenneth. Satanic, Occult, Ritualistic Crime: A Law Enforcement
Perspective. Behavorial Science Instruction and Research Unit,
Academy. Quantico: June 1989, FBI
Molitor, Darren. Dungeons and Dragons, Only a Game? 1986.
Viewed November 14th, 2008
Phillips, David, Brian. Ph.D., C.H. “Role-Playing Games in the English as
a Foreign Language Classroom.” 1993.
< > Accessed November 15th, 2008.
Pulling, Patricia. Interviewing Techniques for Adolescents. B.A.D.D.
Leaflet distributed by Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons. 1988.
The Devil's Web: Who is Stalking Your Children for Satan? Lafayette,
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Analysis of the Report “Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons”
Schnoebelen, Willliam. Should a Christian Play Dungeons & Dragons?
Viewed/Accessed: November 15th, 2008.
Statsky, Jessica. “Children Need to Play, Not Compete.” Beyond
Fundamentals – Exposition, Argumentation, and Narration. A Custom
Text and Reader for Eastern Washington University Tenth Edition.
Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. New York: Longman, 2006. 156-159 Pearson
UberGoober, A Film About Gamers. Written and directed by Steve Metze. Scum Crew LLC. 2004
Watters v. TSR, Inc., 904 F.2d 378. 6th Cir. 1990
Uber Goober looks at role-playing, Gamers' World Revealed.
Movie Review. The Daily Campus. Chris Whetstone staff
writer. Viewed 20081206. Published 20050427
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... Three studies have explored negative aspects that could be linked to playing D&D: criminality (Abyeta & Forest, 1991), depression, including suicidal ideation (Carter & Lester, 1998), alienation, reclusiveness, and perceiving one's own life as meaningless (DeRenard & Kline, 1990). Abyeta and Forest (1991) found no significant link between the game and selfreported criminality, when players were compared to a non-playing control group. ...
... Similarly, Carter and Lester (1998) found no meaningful differences between D&D players and a sample of undergraduate students at the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck et al., 1961), which measures depression severity and suicidal ideation. However, DeRenard and Kline (1990) found higher rates of players feeling alienated and not interested in mainstream media, when compared to a control sample. But this did not translate to more players feeling that their lives were meaningless, as hypothesized. ...
... None of the reviewed studies could find any meaningful differences between the compared groups that would indicate that D&D was utilized as a maladaptive coping attempt. The only significant results by DeRenard and Kline (1990) hinted toward feelings of alienation and disinterest regarding mainstream culture that was common among D&D players. ...
Full-text available
With an increasing public interest in the roleplaying game ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ (D&D) comes the claim it holds psychological benefits. While the therapeutic roleplay is empirically well established, the evidence surrounding D&D is unclear. The current study aims to summarize the literature pertaining to this topic and present possible avenues for the implementation of D&D in psychological interventions. A Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) was conducted following the standards by the Center for Evidence-Based Management. Relevant search strings were entered into seven databases (e.g., PsycArticles, PsycInfo, Child Development & Adolescent Studies). Only papers published in the English language till September 2020 were considered and their quality appraised. The thematic analysis of 13 studies yielded four themes: No unified personality type of D&D players, stakeholders’ attitude about D&D, lack of maladaptive coping associated with D&D, and potential psychological benefits of D&D. The results appear promising, but preliminary. Practical implications are contextualized with the wider literature.
... Since then, RPGs have time and again been blamed for suicidal, homicidal, and antisocial behavior. Moreover, it has been claimed that RPGs separate players from their families and society and that RPGs support engagement in criminal and occult behavior (DeRenard & Kline, 1990). ...
... Moreover, no differences in personality were found between players who play often and those who play less frequently (Carroll & Carolin, 1989). Also, there has been no evidence of differences between gamers and non-gamers with respect to depression, suicidal ideation, psychoticism, extraversion, or neuroticism (Carter & Lester, 1998) or with respect to alienation or locus of control (DeRenard & Kline, 1990). Instead, subsequent research has supported the notion that playing RPGs is associated with creativity (Chung, 2013;Meriläinen, 2012), and qualitative research has suggested that RPGs may be suitable for fostering knowledge acquisition, strengthening team building, and supporting personal development (Daniau, 2016). ...
... Overall, the stereotypes that gamers are antisocial (DeRenard & Kline, 1990) as claimed by the media from the 1980s and 1990s to the present day (Curran, 2011) were not supported. Instead, the present results fit into the RPG literature that portrays RPG gamers as empathetic and socially skilled (Curran, 2011;Meriläinen, 2012). ...
Full-text available
The popularity of miniature wargames (MWGs) has recently been on the rise. We aimed to identify the personality characteristics of people who play MWGs. Whereas the popular media have suspected that fantasy role-playing and war-related games cause antisocial behavior, past research on tabletop role-playing has shown that gamers are creative and empathetic individuals. Previous studies have investigated pen-and-paper tabletop games, which require imagination and cooperation between players. Tabletop MWGs are somewhat different because players compete against each other, and there is a strong focus on war-related actions. Thus, people have voiced the suspicion that players of this type of game may be rather aggressive. In the present study, 250 male MWG players completed questionnaires on the Big Five, authoritarianism, risk-orientation, and motives as well as an intelligence test. The same measures were administered to non-gamers, tabletop role-playing gamers, and first-person shooter gamers. Results indicated that according to self-reports, MWG players are more open, more extraverted, and have a higher need for affiliation than non-gamers. Further, high scores on reasoning and low scores on authoritarianism were typical of MWG players, and MWG players were similar to other gamers on these characteristics. All in all, our findings show that despite their penchant for (re)-enacting war scenes, MWG players seem to be open, nonauthoritarian individuals. Future research may add to these findings by using observer reports and longitudinal research to better understand whether intelligent and nontraditional people are attracted to MWGs or whether the setting of MWGs supports the development of such traits.
... (DeRenard & Kline 1990), improved child behavior & attitudes (Bay-Hinitz 1994), & catharsis (Hughes 1988). Also development of many other skills as well as potentially significant therapeutic benefits (Kestrel 2005), a suicide rate of TRPG players 1/8th that of non-gamers (Blackmon 1994), use of RPG in the self-treatment of clinical depression (John Hughes 1988), lower levels of meaninglessness & alienation (Derenard & Kline 1990, Hawkes-Robinson 2011, & a study by Abyeta, Suzanne & Forest, James (1991, December) indicating that gamers are lower in criminal tendencies than rest of population, however, psychoticism, which was higher in the non-gamers, did predict criminality. ...
Full-text available
This tersely written paper includes background information and a few example program plan overviews from the Therapeutic Recreation / Recreation Therapy (TR) perspective, utilizing both regular & adapted versions of all 4 role-playing game formats: tabletop (TRPG), live-action (LARP), solo adventure Choose Your Own Adventure books (CYOA), & computer-based (CRPG). Standard & non-adapted uses of RPGs for various populations are covered, & specifically adapted forms to better achieve targeted goals, or the adaptation needs of specific disabilities. The full-length (120 minutes) presentation on which this paper is based, & other details here: The paper was rejected for the academic track. The separate (but related) non-peer-reviewed slideshow and video presentation that was accepted for the non-academic track can be found here: the slideshow files here:
Objective Role-playing games (RPGs) are a ludic and essentially cooperative activity performed in groups and characterized by verbal dramatization of fictional characters. The aim of this study was to identify the sociodemographic profile of tabletop RPG players and to examine the relationship between pathological game patterns among tabletop RPG players and sociodemographic characteristics, game habits, and psychopathological symptoms. Previously, research investigated the occurrence of psychopathological symptoms in RPG players, but none have investigated the relationship between pathological game patterns and psychosocial characteristics in tabletop RPG players. We hypothesize that a pathological relationship with the game is related to the players’ personal and social characteristics. Methods One hundred fifteen subjects, ages 16 to 55 years old, 92.2% male and 7.8% female, were accessed, and 70 participants completed self-report questionnaires on gaming behaviours and preferences, sociodemographic characteristics, and psychological symptoms. Results Having no emotional support, parents who were not interested in RPG and performing the role of player in the game were related to the high-risk group ( P <0.05). No independent variables were identified for the low-risk group. All subjects in the high-risk group were also positive on the anxiety scale ( P <0.05). Conclusions Personal characteristics such as having no emotional support and parents who are not interested in RPG seems to play a more important role regarding the establishment of a pathological relationship to tabletop RPG playing. Therefore, this subgroup should be carefully evaluated. Objectif Les jeux de rôle (JDR) sont une activité ludique et essentiellement coopérative pratiquée en groupe et caractérisée par la mise en scène verbale de personnages fictifs. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier le profil sociodémographique des joueurs de JDR sur table et d’examiner la relation entre les habitudes de jeu pathologiques chez les joueurs de JDR sur table et les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les habitudes de jeu et les symptômes psychopathologiques. Des recherches ont déjà été menées sur l’apparition de symptômes psychopathologiques chez les joueurs de JDR, mais aucune n’a étudié la relation entre les habitudes de jeu pathologiques et les caractéristiques psychosociales des joueurs de JDR sur table. Nous émettons l’hypothèse qu’une relation pathologique avec le jeu est liée aux caractéristiques personnelles et sociales des joueurs. Méthodes Cent quinze sujets, âgés de 16 à 55 ans, 92,2% d’hommes et 7,8% de femmes, ont été recrutés et 70 participants ont rempli des questionnaires d’auto-évaluation sur les comportements et les préférences en matière de jeu, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les symptômes psychologiques. Résultats L’absence de soutien émotionnel, le manque d’intérêt des parents pour le JDR et le fait de jouer le rôle de joueur dans le jeu étaient liés au groupe à haut risque ( P <0,05). Aucune variable indépendante n’a été identifiée pour le groupe à faible risque. Tous les sujets du groupe à haut risque étaient également positifs sur l'échelle d’anxiété ( P <0.05). Conclusion Les caractéristiques personnelles telles que l’absence de soutien émotionnel et le manque d’intérêt des parents pour les JDR semblent jouer un rôle plus important dans l'établissement d’une relation pathologique avec les JDR sur table. Par conséquent, ce sous-groupe devrait être soigneusement évalué.
Full-text available
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a popular fantasy tabletop role-playing game (RPG) that has been enjoyed by millions of players since its creation in the 1970s. The game is played by a group of players, each of whom takes on the role of a character in a fantasy world. The players work together to complete quests, overcome obstacles, and defeat monsters while a "Dungeon Master" (DM) manages the story and controls the non-player characters (NPCs). In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in using D&D and other tabletop RPGs as a form of mental health therapy. This is because the game can provide a safe and supportive environment for players to explore and express their emotions, work on personal issues, and build social skills. Tabletop RPGs can help foster personal growth in several ways: Problem-solving, Decision-Making, Emotional Intelligence, Communication, Creativity, Self-Esteem, and even Confidence. Mental health professionals have begun incorporating Tabletop RPGs into their sessions as a way to engage their clients in a fun and interactive way and it should be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment.
We all know those stories that are too bizarre to be true—roasted babies, vanishing hitchhikers, scuba divers in trees—but have you heard about the ice man or the bullet baby? Do you know the urban legends from Holland, Scotland, France, or Australia?
The media has speculated about negative effects of the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons on players of the game. This study examined differences in feelings of alienation between 35 active players and 35 nonplayers. Fewer players expressed feelings of meaninglessness and more players expressed feelings of cultural estrangement than nonplayers. Other feelings of alienation between players and non-players were not different. Also, more committed players--those who spent more money on the game and played the game more frequently--expressed greater feelings of alienation.
We investigated the effects of competitive and cooperative games on aggressive and cooperative behaviors of 70 children (4 to 5 years old) from four classes in three preschools. The experimental design included both multiple baseline and reversal components. Behaviors were measured during game conditions and in subsequent free-play periods. Results showed that cooperative behavior increased and aggression decreased during cooperative games; conversely, competitive games were followed by increases in aggressive behavior and decreases in cooperative behavior. Similar effects were also found during free-play periods.
Should a Christian Play Dungeons & Dragons?
  • Willliam Schnoebelen
Schnoebelen, Willliam. Should a Christian Play Dungeons & Dragons? Viewed/Accessed: November 15th, 2008.
Interviewing Techniques for Adolescents. B.A.D.D. Leaflet distributed by Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons
  • Patricia Pulling
Pulling, Patricia. Interviewing Techniques for Adolescents. B.A.D.D. Leaflet distributed by Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons. 1988.
The Battle Over role-playing Gaming
  • Rpg Additional Resources The
  • Researchwww
  • W A Hawkes-Robinson
Additional Resources The RPG Research Project Hawkes-Robinson, W.A. " The Battle Over role-playing Gaming ". Other Minds Magazine. Vol I, Issue 1 (2007, February): 6-8.
A Short history of Wargames
  • Wilbur Gray
  • Colonel
Gray, Wilbur. Colonel. A Short history of Wargames. < > On The Northwest Historical Miniature Gaming Society.
Working Hard At Play
  • F M Kestrel
  • Gwendolyn
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The Christian Gamers Guild Frequently Asked Questions
  • R G Cowper
  • M Young
  • Joseph
  • Paul Cardwell
Cowper, R.G., Young, M. Joseph, Cardwell, Paul, The Christian Gamers Guild Frequently Asked Questions.
Role-Playing Games in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom
  • David Phillips
  • Brian D Ph
Phillips, David, Brian. Ph.D., C.H. "Role-Playing Games in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom." 1993.