
Sexualidad en hombres y mujeres envejeciendo

  • National Society of History of Medicine of Venezuela
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Hemos querido desarrollar éste tema apasionante debido a los multiples factores que inciden en el desempeño de la sexualidad en hombres y mujeres envejeciendo. Las Sociedades contemporaneas viven un hedonismo entendido como doctrina filosófica basada en la búsqueda del placer y la supresión del dolor como objetivo o razón de ser de la vida. Y en ésta búsqueda la sexualidad-intimidad es quizás el aspecto mas importante, por lo cual se exige del hombre envejeciendo, el mismo desempeño de hombres más jóvenes y sanos y esto es imposible de llevar a cabo. Las enfermedades usuales que acompañan al hombre envejeciendo, serán de gran importancia en el mal desempeño sexual. En éste estudio trataremos de abarcar todos los aspectos, tanto en hombres como en mujeres, que deterioran su desempeño sexual y además mencionaremos aspectos sociales, de pareja, que inciden en el ámbito de la sexualidad. Al final mencionaremos reflexiones que son inherentes al tema de gran profundidad y con un gran contenido humano

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Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is a condition that affects an estimated 10% of men aged >50 years and up to 20% of men aged >60 years. Characterized by a measurable deficiency in serum testosterone levels, LOH is sometimes referred to as testosterone deficiency, or androgen deficiency in the ageing male (ADAM). There are a number of distinct physical, psychological, and sexual symptoms associated with LOH. The diagnosis of LOH is made on the basis of these presenting symptoms, accompanied by the biochemical establishment of low serum testosterone levels. Symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, short-term memory loss, changes in body composition, irritability, depression, a decrease in libido, and erectile dysfunction can compound to adversely affect patient quality of life and health status. This paper describes how to recognize and diagnose LOH and considers its short-term impact on patient health and well-being.
To investigate morbidity in the partners of patients with benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) by developing and validating a disease-specific questionnaire. Phase 1 of the study comprised preliminary interviews with 15 patients who had newly diagnosed BPE, and with their partners, to determine the relevant issues for the partners. In phase 2, using these issues, a questionnaire was produced and tested on the 15 partners. In phase 3 the questionnaire was completed by 90 further partners, 50 at interview and the next 40 by post. As part of the validation process, the partners were also asked to complete the Short-Form-36 questionnaire, and the patients the Internation Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and the ICSmale questionnaires. In phase 1 all 15 of the partners were affected by the patients' disease and nine issues were identified. In phase 2, of the 90 partners, only one had no morbidity from the patient's symptoms; 71% were worried that the patient may have cancer and 69% concerned that the patient may require an operation. Only six partners were present at the patients' urological consultation. The partners' questionnaire scores were related significantly to the Mental Health and Vitality domains of the SF36 and with the patients' IPSS. The study confirmed the presence of significant morbidity in the partners of patients with BPE. The degree of partner morbidity was related to the severity of the patients' symptoms. Many of the questionnaire issues can be addressed in the consulting room by open discussion with patient and partner.
A large component of women's sexual desire is responsive rather than spontaneous. Therefore, women's motivation and ability to find and respond to sexual stimuli to experience sexual arousal and subsequent sexual desire is crucial, but complex. In ongoing relationships, a woman's motivation appears to be largely influenced by her emotional intimacy with her partner and her wish to enhance it. Drugs (including androgen replacement therapy) aimed at increasing women's spontaneous sexual wanting (less characteristic of women in long-term relationships) or their arousability may have a role if other psychologic factors affecting arousability are addressed in tandem. A woman's sexual arousal is composite and complex, correlating well with how mentally exciting she finds the sexual stimulus and its context and poorly with objective genital blood flow changes. Drugs aimed at increasing the latter, including phosphodiesterase inhibitors, may have a role if there is prior careful enquiry as to whether genital engorgement is present but not attended to or is physically absent. Psychophysiologic studies to date suggest the former is common in women presenting with arousal disorder.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), which are often caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), and sexual dysfunction are common in older men, with an overall prevalence of >50% in men aged > or =50 years. Men with LUTS have been reported to experience sexual dysfunction, including ejaculatory loss, painful ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between LUTS and sexual problems in aging men. A large-scale, multinational survey was conducted in the US and six European countries to systematically investigate the relationship between LUTS and sexual dysfunction in older men. Detailed questionnaires were mailed to a national representative sample of men aged 50 to 80 years in each country. Selection was made on the basis of age, occupation, geographic region, and population density. LUTS and sexual function were assessed by validated symptom scales, including the International Prostate Symptom Score, the Danish Prostatic Symptom Score, and the International Index of Erectile Function. Subjects also completed a health and demographics questionnaire. A total of 34,800 surveys were mailed out, 14,254 were completed and returned, and 12,815 were deemed evaluable and included in the analysis. Results were consistent from one country to another. Although 90% of the men had LUTS, only 19% had sought medical help for urinary problems and only 11% were medically treated. Sexual activity was reported by 83% of the sample, with 71% reporting at least one episode of sexual activity during the previous 4 weeks. Sexual disorders and their bothersomeness were strongly related to both age and severity of LUTS. The relationship between sexual problems and LUTS is independent of comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiac disease, and hypercholesterolemia. Sexual activity is common in a majority of men over age 50 and is an important component of overall quality of life. The presence and severity of LUTS are independent risk factors for sexual dysfunction in older men. These results highlight the clinical importance of evaluating LUTS in patients with sexual dysfunction, and the need to consider sexual issues in the management of patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy.
To determine the prevalence of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) among US women by reproductive status and age and to explore the correlates of sexually related distress. The Women's International Study on Health and Sexuality questionnaire was mailed to a national sample of US women in 2000. The survey included validated questionnaires: the Short Form-36, which measures overall health status; the Profile of Female Sexual Function, which assesses sexual desire; and the Personal Distress Scale, which measures distress caused by low desire. Four groups of women were studied: surgically postmenopausal, aged 20 to 49 years and 50 to 70 years; premenopausal, aged 20 to 49 years; and naturally postmenopausal, aged 50 to 70 years. Clinically derived cutoff Profile of Female Sexual Function and Personal Distress Scale scores were used to classify women with HSDD and determine its prevalence. The relations between sexual desire and frequency of sexual activity or relationship satisfaction were assessed. Overall health status of HSDD women and women with normal desire were compared. The prevalence of HSDD ranged from 9% in naturally postmenopausal women to 26% in younger surgically postmenopausal women. The prevalence of HSDD was significantly greater among surgically postmenopausal women, aged 20 to 49 years, than premenopausal women of similar age, whereas there were no significant differences in the prevalence between surgically postmenopausal women, aged 50 to 70 years, and naturally postmenopausal women. For many women, HSDD was associated with emotional and psychological distress as well as significantly lower sexual and partner satisfaction. HSDD was also associated with significant decrements in general health status, including aspects of mental and physical health. HSDD is prevalent among women at all reproductive stages, with younger surgically postmenopausal women at greater risk, and is associated with a less active sex life and decreased sexual and relationship satisfaction.
The Hypogonadism in Males study estimated the prevalence of hypogonadism [total testosterone (TT) < 300 ng/dl] in men aged > or = 45 years visiting primary care practices in the United States. A blood sample was obtained between 8 am and noon and assayed for TT, free testosterone (FT) and bioavailable testosterone (BAT). Common symptoms of hypogonadism, comorbid conditions, demographics and reason for visit were recorded. Of 2162 patients, 836 were hypogonadal, with 80 receiving testosterone. Crude prevalence rate of hypogonadism was 38.7%. Similar trends were observed for FT and BAT. Among men not receiving testosterone, 756 (36.3%) were hypogonadal; odds ratios for having hypogonadism were significantly higher in men with hypertension (1.84), hyperlipidaemia (1.47), diabetes (2.09), obesity (2.38), prostate disease (1.29) and asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1.40) than in men without these conditions. The prevalence of hypogonadism was 38.7% in men aged > or = 45 years presenting to primary care offices.
We evaluated the effects of extended-release alfuzosin HCl 10 mg once daily (q.d.) on sexual function in men with lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of men aged > or = 50 years, after a 28-day placebo run-in period, patients were randomized to receive alfuzosin 10 mg q.d. or matching placebo for 28 days. The mean change from baseline (day 1) in sexual function on day 29 was assessed using the Danish Prostate Symptom Score Sex (DAN-PSSsex) questionnaire. A total of 372 patients were randomized to receive alfuzosin (n=186) or placebo (n=186), with 355 completing the study. At baseline, 64% of the patients reported erectile dysfunction (ED) and 63% reported ejaculatory dysfunction (EjD). For the 320 patients who completed the DAN-PSSsex, alfuzosin treatment was associated with a significant improvement in the mean change from baseline in erectile function on day 29 compared with placebo (P=0.02). No significant difference was observed between the two treatment groups in the mean change from baseline in ejaculatory function on day 29. For patients with ED at baseline, a marginal improvement in erectile function was demonstrated with alfuzosin treatment (P=0.09 vs placebo). For patients with EjD at baseline, the mean change from baseline in ejaculatory function with alfuzosin was comparable to that with placebo. Dizziness was the most common adverse event with alfuzosin treatment (5 vs 0% with placebo), with other adverse events reported with comparable frequency in both treatment groups. After 1 month of treatment, alfuzosin 10 mg q.d. significantly improved erectile function in men with lower urinary tract symptoms/ benign prostatic hypertrophy and had no adverse effect on ejaculatory function.