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Sobre os materiais utilizados na talha da época barroca do noroeste de Portugal -primeiros resultados


Abstract and Figures

Resumo Com o objectivo de contribuir para o conhecimento da talha portuguesa do período barroco apresentam-se os primeiros resultados de um estudo de 18 retábulos pertencentes à cidade do Porto. Pretendeu-se identificar os materiais e as técnicas usadas nas camadas de gesso, de bolo e de douramento, usando microscopia óptica e microscopia electrónica de varrimento. Identificou-se anidrite e gesso com baixo teor de impurezas, bolo de boa quali-dade e ligas metálicas com concentração de ouro quase sempre superior a 90%. Os dados obtidos até ao momento sugerem que as recomendações dos docu-mentos da época terão sido seguidas na maioria dos casos. Palavras-chave: Retábulo; talha dourada; gesso; bolo; folha de ouro; microsco-pia óptica; microscopia electrónica de varrimento. Abstract Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of Portuguese gilded wood from the Baroque, the first results of a study of 18 retables belonging to Oporto are presented. In order to identify the materials and the techniques used in gesso, bole and gold leaf layers, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used. Anhydrite and gypsum with low concentration of impurities, bole of good qua-lity and gold alloys with a concentration of gold usually above 90% were iden-tified. The results suggest that recommendations found in historical documents have been followed in the majority of the cases.
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... Thus, by using on-line gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) and by comparison with modern reference fats, researchers can now distinguish different animal fats (dairy and several ruminant and non-ruminant species) by plotting the 13 C value for palmitic acid against that for stearic acid [15,16]. Using the available analytical methodologies, researchers have identified several commodities used during the Neolithic period in different parts of the world, including milk [17][18][19][20][21][22][23], animal fat [24,25], fish [26], and resins [27,28]. ...
... GC-MS is a separation technique that allows the identification of the organic compounds present in the ceramic samples. The sample preparation included the previous cleaning of the ceramic to eliminate handling contamination, sample collection, extraction with a chloroform/ methanol mixture, derivatization with N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide + 1% trimethylchlorosilane (BSTFA) [28] and further injection in the GC-MS system. ...
... The studies that have been published on the organic content of Neolithic ceramics have been done on materials excavated in settlement sites [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28], while the Zambujeiro ceramics come from a funerary context. ...
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Painter Alfredo Volpi (1896-1988) was one of the most important Brazilian artists of recent years. His extensive work was characterized mainly by chromatic compositions and geometric abstractions. He attributed great importance to craft and materials, developing his own systematic way of working, making his own canvas, paint, and pigments with naturally occurring earth pigments. The current study, making use of complementary non-destructive analytical techniques, sought to study the chromatic and elemental composition characteristics of his paintings while gathering information on the technical procedures the artist may have used, in the belief that these are key elements for a deeper understanding of his work. Two tempera paintings on canvas were analyzed, both finished around 1950-1960, a period when the artist’s work underwent a major transformation, from figurativism to abstraction, from the use of industrial oil-based paints to the medieval technique of tempera. Techniques of visual examination based on ultraviolet, visible, and infrared photography were used to gather information about the artist’s creative process. These techniques also helped to detect past interventions and to identify pigments. A spectrophotometer was used to measure the color based on the reflectance spectrum and numerical reference coordinates within a uniform color space while X-ray fluorescence was used for elemental characterization of the materials. The integration of these techniques made it possible to identify a part of the rich palette of Volpi’s paintings and to document the present aspects of the colors and the current condition of the works under study. We were also able to recognize or give indications of pigment and ground compositions and to shed light on parts of each of the works’ backgrounds, such as the presence of sketches, covered earlier paintings and brushstrokes. The techniques used have proven useful in characterizing the paintings, revealing new information about the artist’s work. The resulting information may be the beginning of a database of his oeuvre.
... Thus, by using on-line gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) and by comparison with modern reference fats, researchers can now distinguish different animal fats (dairy and several ruminant and non-ruminant species) by plotting the 13 C value for palmitic acid against that for stearic acid [15,16]. Using the available analytical methodologies, researchers have identified several commodities used during the Neolithic period in different parts of the world, including milk [17][18][19][20][21][22][23], animal fat [24,25], fish [26], and resins [27,28]. ...
... GC-MS is a separation technique that allows the identification of the organic compounds present in the ceramic samples. The sample preparation included the previous cleaning of the ceramic to eliminate handling contamination, sample collection, extraction with a chloroform/ methanol mixture, derivatization with N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide + 1% trimethylchlorosilane (BSTFA) [28] and further injection in the GC-MS system. ...
... The studies that have been published on the organic content of Neolithic ceramics have been done on materials excavated in settlement sites [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28], while the Zambujeiro ceramics come from a funerary context. ...
... Its main component was identified as being hematite (red ochre), sometimes mixed with carbon black or a light ochre/orange color (goethite and anatase being identified). The presence of Ti (anatase) can be related with the geological origin of the clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) contained in the bole layers (Barata et al., 2011; Costa, 1986; Grygar et al., 2003). Clays with similar characteristics to the traditional Armenian Bole can be also found in Portugal (Barata et al., 2011; Costa, 1986), being known in publications from XVI-XVIII th centuries as a high quality bole. ...
... The presence of Ti (anatase) can be related with the geological origin of the clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) contained in the bole layers (Barata et al., 2011; Costa, 1986; Grygar et al., 2003). Clays with similar characteristics to the traditional Armenian Bole can be also found in Portugal (Barata et al., 2011; Costa, 1986), being known in publications from XVI-XVIII th centuries as a high quality bole. Animal glue was identified in the ground layers and also in the bole layer for the gilded samples. ...
The research results presented in this paper are part of a larger study on the materials and techniques used in polychrome altarpieces of gilded woodcarving decoration ("talha dourada") in Portugal. The paper focuses on a narrative Portuguese Altarpiece from Miranda do Douro, considered one of the masterpieces of "talha dourada" among all the retables of the Iberian Peninsula in XVII(th) and XVIII(th) centuries. Although on the Portuguese territory, the altarpiece was made by artists from the Royal Spanish school of Valladolid, under a mannerist style. Thus the study opens a window on the artists' circulation between Spain and Portugal and influences of the Spanish schools in Baroque epoch on the Portuguese "talha". During its history this altarpiece underwent several transformations and extensive conservation treatments in 1989. On this occasion more than 50 samples were collected and analyzed using an interdisciplinary multi-technique methodology. 27 of these samples are chosen for this study in order to investigate the chromatic palette, the materials and techniques used in the polychromy of the retable. A novel protocol of investigation using different conventional and unconventional analytical techniques (OM + fluorescent staining tests on cross-sections, Raman microscopy, XRD, XRF, X-ray micro-CT, SEM-EDX, MALDI-TOF-MS and LC-MS/MS) was established within an innovative research project ( and applied on these samples. This protocol is necessary to confirm the results obtained in the 1989 campaign and to have further insight into the gilding and polychrome decoration materials and techniques and the additional information reported in the historical documents. The material and technical history of this important altarpiece will be thus re-documented from a scientific perspective, meant to confirm and bring new information on the decorative technique used in the creation of this complex Portuguese monument.
... Its main component was identified as being hematite (red ochre), sometimes mixed with carbon black or a light ochre/orange color (goethite and anatase being identified). The presence of Ti (anatase) can be related with the geological origin of the clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) contained in the bole layers (Barata et al., 2011;Costa, 1986;Grygar et al., 2003). Clays with similar characteristics to the traditional Armenian Bole can be also found in Portugal (Barata et al., 2011;Costa, 1986), being known in publications from XVI-XVIII th centuries as a high quality bole. ...
... The presence of Ti (anatase) can be related with the geological origin of the clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) contained in the bole layers (Barata et al., 2011;Costa, 1986;Grygar et al., 2003). Clays with similar characteristics to the traditional Armenian Bole can be also found in Portugal (Barata et al., 2011;Costa, 1986), being known in publications from XVI-XVIII th centuries as a high quality bole. ...
... A constatação da presença de estrôncio (Sr) nas camadas de preparação à base de "gesso",em pinturas retabular antigatem sido observada por alguns autores (Harrison et al. 2008; Barata et al. 2012Barata et al. , 2013.Porém, esta constatação, nunca foi objecto de estudo particular no sentido de perceber a presença deste mineral nas preparações de gesso em pinturas sobre madeira. ...
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This article describes the conservation and restoration treatments as well as the historical and analytical study carried out on four reliquary busts from the former Monastery of Madre de Deus, in Lisbon, currently the National Azulejo Museum. These reliquaries belong to a collection composed of forty-five reliquary busts, which represent a unique and practically intact set and has dated busts from the late 16th century until late 17th century. The analytical results obtained suggest that the four busts were produced according to the art treatises of the time and the identified materials meet the materials that would be used in that period.
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Uma disputa entre cinco dos melhores pintores douradores de Évora deu origem à realização de uma extensa documentação sobre a técnica, os materiais e os preços em vigor em Évora, no ano de 1729. A rivalidade entre o mestre Filipe de Santiago, responsável pelo douramento do conjunto de talha da Igreja da Misericórdia, e a equipa liderada por Manuel da Maia que executou o douramento do retábulo da capela-mor da Igreja da Cartuxa, obrigou os comitentes a redigirem os contratos com um rigor inusual, já que ambos os mestres não aceitavam a possibilidade de serem examinados pelo oponente. A caracterização físico-química do douramento e das camadas de policromia de ambos os altares, realizada no âmbito do projecto GILT-Teller (, permite-nos uma aproximação à cultura pictórica do período. Como é reportado nos contratos, o douramento da talha dourada foi enriquecido com carnações, estofado e “regraxos”. Estas técnicas foram utilizadas de maneira muito semelhante em ambos os conjunto da Igreja da Misericórdia e no Convento de Scala Coeli dos monges cartuxos de Évora. Os resultados documentais e analíticos dessa investigação confirmam a existência de uma cultura comum e pouco diferenciada entre as principais oficinas de Évora.
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The work of Rafael Bluteau (1638-1734) entitled Vocabulario Portuguez e Latino is a large encyclopaedia (published, in 10 volumes, between 1712 and 1728) with detailed information about what is described by each Portuguese word or expression. Consequently, it presents useful information regarding the painting's materials employed in the beginning of the 18th century. However, until now, this data remains underused, although other detailed original documentary sources about the subject, namely technical treatises, are not known for that period. Here, the information extracted from that work is systematically presented in an organised way. In the first place, the colours mentioned by Bluteau, that is, the pigments and the dyes used by painters, are listed and described with their words and, where archaic or obscure names were used, they are discussed and an identification is proposed. In a second part, other materials employed in paintings and polychrome sculptures and also some tools of the painter's workshop, cited by Bluteau, are mentioned and its use is described in relation to the relevant technical procedures. Concerning the pigments, the volumes of Bluteau show a diversity of materials greater than the one disclosed through scientific analysis of works of art and also show some uses and disuses of several pigments that can be interpreted as signs of archaism.
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O trabalho desenvolvido pretende fornecer uma nova perspectiva ao estudo dos retábulos Barrocos portugueses, incidindo na caracterização elementar do ouro utilizado no douramento e na identificação de elementos característicos na sua composição. Neste sentido foram analisados os retábulos-mor das igrejas de São Bento da Vitória, Santa Clara e São Francisco, localizados na cidade do Porto. As análises qualitativas e semi-quantitativas foram efectuadas por microscopia óptica (OM) e microscopia electrónica de varrimento com difracção de raios-X (SEM-EDS). A análise dos resultados permitiu identificar uma liga de ouro/prata/cobre e a presença de ouro de grande pureza, entre 22 e 23 quilates.
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Clay minerals and iron oxides are intimately related in the process of their natural formation. Their mineralogical composition and physical properties correspond to the physical–chemical conditions of weathering, sedimentation and alteration processes by means of which these minerals are associated giving different types of laterites, ferrolites, ochres, and coloured clays and soils. Very early in human history, these and other clay materials were adopted as mineral pigments. Their structural and mineralogical features are directly related with their natural genesis and provenance and help us in the study of historical painting techniques and materials. This paper gives general information about geological sources and their characteristics, the literary evidence of use of different forms of earthy pigments on historical paintings, about analytical methods suitable in their identification within the ground and colour layers of the painting, and handling with the samples of works of art. The examples focused preferentially on the period of European mediaeval and baroque painting.
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During the second half of the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century, Portugal experienced a rising altarpiece production and an increased taste for gold application in church decoration. Some examples of this tendency can be found in the northwest of Portugal, particularly in the baroque altarpiece productions of Porto, Braga, Vila Real and Viana do Castelo. Porto was the first area studied and three gilded wood-carved altarpieces from different churches were selected: São Bento da Vitória (SB), Santa Clara (SC) and São Francisco (SF). Qualitative and semi-quantitative analyses of the samples were performed by optical microscopy (OM) of the cross-section using reflected and polarised light, and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in combination with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The main advantages and disadvantages of the use of SEM-EDS were discussed and the results regarding the presence of major and trace elements compared.
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Sixteen samples of orange-red and yellow Fe-oxide earthy pigments mainly from bole grounds of Baroque paintings were studied by elemental and phase analysis and voltammetry. Fe, K, and Ti content were found to be suitable for further classification of those earthy pigments. According to the chemical and phase composition the yellow grounds were natural yellow ochres formed by intense chemical weathering in a moderate climate. Very similar phase and elemental composition of part of the orange-red boles indicated their similar geological origin or even their formation by calcination of yellow ochres. Part of the orange-red boles differed significantly from the yellow boles, especially in their increased content of Ti, indicating their relation to end products of intense weathering, e.g. laterites formed in a tropical climate. Analogous materials with a correspondingly large Ti content are not currently commercially available and their geological origin (provenance) is not clear. In several orange-red boles the intentional addition of rather coarse-grained haematite to natural ochre by the painters was assumed on the basis of Fe oxide content and crystallinity.
The surviving baroque gilded and polychrome wooden altarpieces in Portuguese churches offer an opportunity for the study of the relationship between historical documentary sources and physical evidence. This project involved four research elements. The first considered written documents surviving from the 17th and 18th centuries - ecclesiastical account books and contracts made between the Portuguese Church and the artists they employed. From these, detailed information was extracted about the materials used in the gesso grounds of the altarpieces. The second concentrated on extensive analysis of gesso grounds of gilded samples from those objects. The third concentrated on experimental work on gilded wood simulations which revealed physical and mechanical aspects of these gesso grounds. Finally, a comparison of these three elements, together with supplementary research on the trade, economy, geology and history of the period, and on the physical/mechanical behaviour of materials, has led to new understandings. This study aimed to shed light on such areas as the artists’ materials and practices, the relationship between artists and allied artisans, production and trade patterns of materials, the chemical meaning of the terms used historically, as well as important understanding of how the materials and practices employed in making the gesso grounds produced exceptionally durable gilded surfaces.
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  • Maria Cardoso
  • F P Isabel
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  • Le Gac
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  • Carlos M D Campos
  • Caracterização
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