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Ultrasonography of the liver and kidneys of healthy camels (Camelus dromedarius)


Abstract and Figures

This study describes the ultrasonography of the liver and kidneys of healthy camels (Camelus dromedarius). Images of the liver were obtained from the 11th to 5th intercostal spaces (ICSs). The distance between the dorsal liver margin and the midline of the back was shortest (39.1 ± 7.4 cm) at the 11th ICS and increased cranially to 5th ICS. The size of the liver was largest at the 9th ICS and smallest at the 5th ICS. In 6 camels the right kidney was visualized from the 10th and 11th ICSs and upper right flank and in the 10th and 11th ICSs in the remaining 16 camels. In all camels, the left kidney was imaged from the caudal left flank. In 21 camels, the differentiation between the renal cortex and medulla was clearly visible in the ultrasonograms. Ultrasonographic description of the liver and kidneys provides a basic reference for diagnosing hepatic and renal disorders in camels.
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CVJ / VOL 53 / DECEMB ER 2012 1273
Ultrasonography of the liver and kidneys of healthy camels
(Camelus dromedarius)
Mohamed Tharwat, Fahd Al-Sobayil, Ahmed Ali, Sébastien Buczinski
Abstract — This study describes the ultrasonography of the liver and kidneys of healthy camels (Camelus
dromedarius). Images of the liver were obtained from the 11th to 5th intercostal spaces (ICSs). The distance between
the dorsal liver margin and the midline of the back was shortest (39.1 6 7.4 cm) at the 11th ICS and increased
cranially to 5th ICS. The size of the liver was largest at the 9th ICS and smallest at the 5th ICS. In 6 camels the
right kidney was visualized from the 10th and 11th ICSs and upper right flank and in the 10th and 11th ICSs in
the remaining 16 camels. In all camels, the left kidney was imaged from the caudal left flank. In 21 camels, the
differentiation between the renal cortex and medulla was clearly visible in the ultrasonograms. Ultrasonographic
description of the liver and kidneys provides a basic reference for diagnosing hepatic and renal disorders in
Résumé — Échographie du foie et des reins de chameaux en santé (Camelus dromedarius). Cette étude décrit
l’échographie du foie et des reins de chameaux en santé (Camelus dromedarius). Des images du foie ont été obtenues
du 11e au 5e espace intercostal (EIC). La distance entre le bord marginal du foie dorsal et la ligne médiane du dos
était la plus courte (39,1 6 7,4 cm) à la 11e EIC et a augmenté cranialement jusqu’au 5e EIC. La taille du foie
était la plus importante au 9e EIC et la plus petite au 5e. Chez 6 chameaux, le rein droit a été visualisé du 10e et
du 11e EIC et du flanc droit supérieur et aux 10e et 11e EIC chez les 16 chameaux restants. Chez tous les chameaux,
le rein gauche a été imagé à partir du flanc gauche caudal. Chez 21 chevaux, la différentiation entre le cortex rénal
et la médulla était clairement visibles dans les échogrammes. La description échographique du foie et des reins
fournit une référence de base pour le diagnostic des troubles hépatiques et rénaux chez les chameaux.
(Traduit par Isabelle Vallières)
Can Vet J 2012;53:1273–1278
Although dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) are a
common domestic species in Africa and Asia, they are
also found in the northern hemisphere. Hepatic and renal dis-
eases are relatively common (1,2), and many of these diseases
are not diagnosed because the signs are vague or nonspecific.
Hematology and serum biochemistry may be unhelpful (3),
and ancillary tests may be required (2,3). An ultrasonographic
examination of the liver and kidneys can give detailed informa-
tion on the size, position, and parenchymal pattern of the liver
and kidneys (4,5).
Ultrasonography is a useful tool for the diagnosis of many
liver and renal diseases in cattle (4,5). In cows, liver tumors (6),
thrombi in the caudal vena cava (CVC) (7), focal and diffuse
fatty liver (4,8), and hepatic abscesses (4) are best imaged by
ultrasonography. Ultrasonography has also been used to diagnose
embolic nephritis (9), pyelonephritis (5,10), and renal cysts and
urolithiasis in cattle (11). Thus, ultrasonography might be a
valuable aid for the diagnosis of liver and kidney diseases in the
dromedary camel. However, since no specific study has described
normal ultrasonographic findings, it is important to i) ultrasono-
graphically characterize the localization, visible boundaries, and
appearance of the liver, CVC, and portal vein (PV) in healthy
camels; and ii) determine the best positions for imaging right
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia (Tharwat,
Al-Sobayil, Ali); Clinique ambulatoire bovine, Département des
Sciences Cliniques, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université
de Montréal, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebéc, Canada (Buczinski).
Address all correspondence to Dr. Sébastien Buczinski; e-mail:
Dr. Tharwat’s current address is Department of Animal
Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University,
Use of this article is limited to a single copy for personal study.
Anyone interested in obtaining reprints should contact the
CVMA office ( for additional
copies or permission to use this material elsewhere.
12 74 CVJ / VOL 53 / DECE MBE R 2012
and left kidneys, and characterize which of the renal structures
can be visualized ultrasonographically.
Materials and methods
Animals, history, and physical examination
Details of this study design have been reported recently
(12). Briefly, 22 camels (Camelus dromedarius) (mean age:
8.8 6 3.8 y), determined to be free of hepatic and renal diseases
on the basis of thorough physical and laboratory examinations,
were examined at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Qassim
University, Saudi Arabia. Two of the camels were males and 20
were females, 5 of which were 2 to 3 months pregnant. The
camels were selected on the basis of absence of any disease. The
camels were then examined (13), paying special attention to
their liver and kidneys. The camels were excluded if they had any
clinical signs of illness such as fever, inappetance, or anorexia.
The results of liver and kidney function tests on ethylenedi-
amine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) blood samples collected from
the jugular vein were within the reference ranges for camels. All
camels had free access to feed and water. The body condition
score (BCS) of each camel was assessed (14) based on a scale of
1 (very thin) to 5 (fat); the average was 3.4 6 0.3. All camels
were maintained under the Laboratory Animal Control Guidelines
of Qassim University, which conform to the Guide for the Care
and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health
in the USA (NIH publication No. 86-23, revised 1996).
Ultrasonographic examination
The foreleg of each camel was flexed and tied at the carpal
joint. The head was then held and the animal pushed to sternal
recumbency. The fore and hind legs were then tied near the
carpal and hock joints, respectively. Both sides of the thorax
and abdomen were clipped and the skin shaved. The animals
were lightly sedated using intravenous xylazine (10% Bomazine;
Bomac Laboratories, Manukau City Auckland, New Zealand),
0.02 mg/kg body weight (BW). Ultrasonographic examination
was carried out using 3.5 MHz sector and 7.5 MHz linear trans-
ducers (SSD-500; Aloka, Tokyo, Japan). Machine gain settings
were fixed throughout the experiment. After the application of
transmission gel to the transducer, the liver was examined begin-
ning at the right paralumbar fossa and extending forward to the
5th intercostal space (ICS). Each ICS was examined dorsally to
ventrally with the transducer held parallel to the ribs. Initially,
the hepatic texture, hepatic and PVs, and visceral and diaphrag-
matic surfaces were examined. The position of the dorsal and
ventral liver margins, the CVC and the PV were measured in
relation to the dorsal midline. Measurements of distance from
the dorsal midline were taken afterwards using ultrasound to
identify the pertinent inner points (15).
The right and left kidneys were examined at the upper right
and caudal left paralumbar fossa. The transducer was directed
perpendicularly when examining the right kidney and caudally
when examining the left kidney. The right and left kidneys were
also examined in the 11th ICS and middle left paralumbar fossa
through the so-called hepatic and splenic windows, respectively.
The distances between the body surface and kidneys, the verti-
cal and horizontal diameters and the diameter of the cortex,
medulla, and sinuses were determined. The left kidney was
also imaged longitudinally and in a cross-sectional view, and
transrectally with the 7.5 MHz linear transducer. Transmission
gel was applied to the transducer which was then placed in a
plastic rectal glove before being introduced into the rectum.
The transducer was placed ventrally, laterally, and dorsally to
the left kidney. At the end of the examination, all camels were
slaughtered and thoroughly examined.
Statistical analysis
The data are presented as means 6 standard deviation (SD) and
the analysis was conducted using a computer program (SPSS
Version 16.0, 2007; SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, USA). Differences
between the dimensions of the right and left kidneys were ana-
lyzed using Student’s t-test. The level of significance was set at
P , 0.05.
Ultrasonography of the liver
Images of the liver were obtained in the camels via the 11th to
6th ICSs. Additionally, in 4 camels, the hepatic parenchyma was
visible at the 5th ICS. The parenchymal pattern of the normal
liver consisted of numerous medium echoes uniformly distrib-
uted over the entire liver (Figure 1). The portal and hepatic veins
could be seen within the normal texture. The lumens of these
vessels were anechoic. The PVs could be positively differentiated
from the hepatic veins in the area of the portal fissure because
the PVs in this region were characterized by stellate ramifications
(Figure 1). The bile ducts could not be identified and imaged
in any of the camels.
Table 1 shows the distances between the dorsal midline and
the proximal and distal liver margins from the 11th to 5th ICSs.
Figure 1. Ultrasonogram of the portal vein in a healthy camel.
The portal vein could be positively differentiated from the hepatic
vein in the area of the portal fissure because the portal vein
in this region was characterized by stellate ramifications. The
image was taken at the right 10th intercostal space. 1 — hepatic
parenchyma; 2 — portal vein; 3 — lung shadow; 4 — caudal
glandular sacs; DS — dorsal; VT — ventral.
CVJ / VOL 53 / DECEMB ER 2012 1275
The proximal margin of the liver was positioned in parallel to
the border of the lungs in a cranioventral to caudodorsal direc-
tion. The distance between the proximal liver margin and the
dorsal midline was shortest (39.1 6 7.4 cm) at the 11th ICS
and increased cranially to the 5th ICS. Similarly, the distance
between the ventral liver margin and the dorsal midline was
shortest (50 6 6.8 cm) at the 11th ICS and increased cranially
to the 5th ICS. The size of the liver was largest at the 9th ICS
and smallest at the 5th ICS. The depth of the CVC and PV
from the body surface and hepatic capsule and the diameters of
these vessels at the different ICSs are summarized in Table 1.
The CVC was consistently situated dorsally and medially to
the PV. The CVC was imaged as a triangle (Figure 2). In all
camels, the CVC was visible at the 11th and 10th ICSs and its
distance from the hepatic capsule to the body surface was simi-
lar at both locations. The diameter of the CVC was largest at
the 10th ICS (3.8 6 0.4 cm). The PV was imaged at the 11th,
10th and 9th ICSs and was round on cross-sectional view. Its
distance from the hepatic capsule was largest at the 11th ICS
and smallest at the 10th ICS. The size of the PV was largest at
the 9th ICS and was smaller, but similar, at the 11th and 10th
ICSs. Compared to the echogenic wall of the PV, the hepatic
vein wall appeared to be hypoechoic to anechoic (Figure 3).
Ultrasonography of the kidneys
Both kidneys were successfully imaged in all camels. The right
kidney was visualized at the 10th and 11th ICSs and the upper
right flank in 6 camels. In the other 16 animals, it was visible at
the 10th and 11th ICSs. The left kidney was imaged from the
caudal left flank in all camels. In 21 camels, the differentiation
Table 1. Dimensions (means 6 SD) of the liver parenchyma, caudal vena cava, and portal vein obtained at the 5th through 11th right
intercostal spaces in 22 healthy camels as estimated by ultrasound examination
Intercostal space
11th 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th 5th
Distance (cm) from proximal margin 39.1 6 7.4 44.9 6 8.2 50.8 6 7.5 56 6 6.3 61.1 6 4.4 64.9 6 6.4 67 6 2.0
to midline
Distance (cm) from ventral margin 50.0 6 6.8 59.9 6 8.0 68.9 6 6.9 73.7 6 6.2 75.1 6 4.3 75.4 6 5.1 76.5 6 3.5
to midline
Thickness (cm) 13.6 6 4.0 14.1 6 4.3 16.5 6 6.3 12.9 6 4.6 13.2 6 3.3 10.2 6 3.7 9.5 6 3.5
Caudal vena cava
Distance (cm) from hepatic capsule 9.9 6 1.9 9.9 6 2.5
Distance (cm) from body surface 11.6 6 1.6 12.9 6 2.3
Diameter (cm) 3.1 6 0.5 3.8 6 0.4
Portal vein
Distance (cm) from hepatic capsule 9.3 6 1.7 7.8 6 2.2 8.2 6 2.4
Distance (cm) from body surface 9.9 6 2.6 9.2 6 2.5 10.0 6 1.6
Diameter (cm) 3.3 6 0.5 3.3 6 0.6 3.8 6 0.9
Figure 2. Ultrasonogram of the caudal vena cava in a healthy
camel. In this animal, the imaged vein was triangular. The image
was taken at the right 11th intercostal space. 1 — hepatic
parenchyma; 2 — lung shadow; 3 — caudal vena cava;
DS — dorsal; VT — ventral.
Figure 3. Ultrasonogram of the hepatic vein in a healthy camel.
The vein wall appeared to be anechoic. The image was taken
at the right 9th intercostal space. 1 — hepatic parenchyma;
2 — lung shadow; 3 — hepatic vein; DS — dorsal; VT — ventral.
1276 CVJ / VOL 53 / DECEMBER 2012
between the renal cortex and medulla was clearly visible in
the ultrasonograms. This differentiation was not possible in
1 animal. The echogenicity of various renal structures varied.
The renal cortex was relatively hyperechoic compared with the
renal medulla in all camels. In both kidneys, the hyperechogenic
renal sinus was more differentiated than the cortex and medulla.
The right and left renal parenchyma were less echogenic than
the neighboring hepatic and splenic parenchyma. The medul-
lary pyramids had a conic triangular appearance and were less
echogenic than the remaining parenchyma. The renal hilus could
be imaged when the transducer was placed in the paralumbar
fossa and rotated about its longitudinal axis (Figure 4). However,
the renal artery and vein and the ureter could not be accurately
identified, probably due to the lack of Doppler effect in the
device we used. Ultrasonography via the hepatic (Figure 5) and
splenic (Figure 6) windows also resulted in good images of the
right and left kidneys, respectively. When examined transrectally,
the left kidney was accessible in all camels. In 18 animals, the
entire left kidney was evaluated and the cranial pole could be
reached (Figure 7). However, in the other 4 camels the entire
kidney could not be reached and imaged. The left kidney
could also be easily imaged transrectally in all camels in a cross-
sectional view (Figure 8).
Figure 4. Ultrasonogram of a longitudinal section of the
right kidney in a healthy camel. The image was taken from the
upper right flank. RH — renal hilus; DS — dorsal; VT — ventral;
C — cortex; M — medulla; RS — renal sinus.
Figure 5. Ultrasonogram of a longitudinal section of the right
kidney in a healthy camel. The image was taken at the right
10th intercostal space though the hepatic window. DS — dorsal;
VT — ventral.
Figure 6. Ultrasonogram of a longitudinal section of the left
kidney in a healthy camel. The image was taken from the middle
left flank though the splenic window. DS — dorsal; VT — ventral.
Figure 7. Transrectal ultrasonogram of the cranial pole of the left
kidney in a healthy camel. C — cortex; M — medulla; RS — renal
sinus; RW — rumen wall.
CVJ / VOL 53 / DECEMB ER 2012 1277
Table 2 shows the measurements of the right and left kid-
neys, including the distance to the body surface, the thickness
of the cortex, medulla, and renal sinus, and the vertical and
horizontal diameters of both kidneys. The distance between the
body surface and the left kidney was greater than that for the
right kidney. There were no statistically significant differences
between the thicknesses of the cortex, medulla or renal sinus
in both kidneys. The vertical diameter of both kidneys was sig-
nificantly smaller than the horizontal diameter. The horizontal
diameter of the left kidney was smaller than that of the right
kidney; however, the vertical diameter was not significantly
different between both kidneys.
Ultrasonography has not been employed as an aid to the diag-
nosis of hepatic and renal pathology in camels. In many cases,
the diagnosis of such conditions cannot be made before either
an exploratory laparotomy or necropsy is performed. Diagnostic
ultrasonography enables the clinician to non-invasively obtain
an accurate assessment of the liver and renal parenchymas. In
cattle, sheep and goats, hepatic and renal ultrasonography is a
well-established procedure (15,16–19).
From the findings of this study, the liver can be effectively
visualized in at least 6 successive ICSs, extending 10 to 17 cm
within each ICS. In cattle, the liver is best viewed more caudally
at the 10th through to the 12th ICS (15); in sheep, more cau-
dally at the 9th through to the 10th ICS (17); and in goats more
cranially at the 7th through to the 9th ICS (19). In this study,
the liver was seen at the 5th ICS in only 4 out of the 22 camels.
The horizontal topographic anatomy of the liver in camels might
explain why it was possible to visualize the hepatic parenchyma
in at least 6 successive ICSs, which is more than in cattle, sheep,
and goats. In cattle, sheep, and goats, the parenchymal pattern
of the normal liver consists of numerous weak echoes uniformly
distributed over the organ (15,17,19). In the present study,
the parenchymal pattern of a normal camel’s liver consisted of
numerous medium echoes uniformly distributed over the entire
liver. This difference may be due to the camel’s liver containing
higher amounts of interlobular connective tissue, leading to a
firmer consistency than seen in other domesticated animals (20).
As shown in other ruminant studies (15,17,19), the CVC
appeared to be triangular. Generally, congestion of the systemic
circulatory system results in dilatation of the CVC (4). Causes
include right-sided heart failure, thrombosis of the CVC, and
compression of the CVC in the thorax or sub-phrenic region by
space-occupying lesions (7). The ultrasonographic appearance
of the CVC is a substantial aid in diagnosing congestion of the
systemic circulation. In cases with congestion of the CVC, a
change in the cross-sectional shape of the vein is important for
making a reliable diagnosis. In cows, the CVC loses its normal
triangular shape when occluded by a thrombus and becomes
round to oval on ultrasonograms (4). At the same time, the
diameter of the vein increases. In cattle, hepatic veins and even
jugular veins are always dilated and the CVC is oval when there
is congestion of the systemic circulation (4).
In this study, the PV, which transports nutrient-rich blood
from the intestine to the liver, was circular on cross-sectional view
and had stellate ramifications into the liver parenchyma, similar
to previous findings in cattle, sheep, and goats (15,17,19). In
contrast to the CVC, the PV was seen at the 9th to 11th ICSs.
Similar to findings in other ruminants, the wall of the intrahe-
patic PV was more echoic than that of the hepatic vein. The
echogenic wall of the PV was attributed to the connective tissue
that surrounds the vein, whereas little or no connective tissue
surrounds the hepatic veins (15). The PV is characterized by a
star-shaped ramification and can be easily differentiated from the
hepatic vein. This star shape might be attributed to the division
of the PV into right and left branches, upon entering the porta
hepatis (15).
Manifestations of diseases of the urinary system in camels
may be subtle (3), and renal diseases are often misdiagnosed
as a cause of illness. Most veterinary practitioners use the gross
appearance of urine, an evaluation of abnormal urine constitu-
ents based on multiple reagent test strips, and signs found upon
physical examination as indicators of urinary tract disease (5).
Vague illnesses that originate in the urinary system may require
Table 2. Dimensions (means 6 SD) of the right and left kidneys
imaged by ultrasound, from the upper right and caudal left
paralumbar fossa in 22 healthy camels
Right kidney Left kidney P-value
Distance (cm) from body surface 1.8 6 0.5a 2.5 6 0.6b 0.03
Cortex (cm) 1.7 6 0.6a 1.7 6 0.3a 0.6
Medulla (cm) 2.7 6 0.6a 3.0 6 1.0a 0.2
Renal sinus (cm) 3.0 6 0.7a 3.6 6 0.9a 0.1
Vertical diameter (cm) 8.4 6 1.4a 9.8 6 1.9a 0.06
Horizontal diameter (cm) 18.1 6 2.6a 14.5 6 3.0b 0.005
Values with different letters in the same row differ significantly.
Figure 8. Transrectal ultrasonogram of a cross-sectional view
of the left kidney in a healthy camel. C — cortex; M — medulla;
RS — renal sinus; RC — renal capsule.
1278 CVJ / VOL 53 / DECEMBER 2012
more ancillary data in the form of complete urinalysis, serum
electrolytes and chemistry, and complete blood counts for a
diagnosis (9). In cattle, ultrasonography is a useful aid in the
diagnosis of renal diseases (5,10), and is also used to obtain renal
tissue specimens (21).
In this study, the right kidney was best imaged ultraso-
nographically from the 10th and 11th ICSs and the upper
right flank. In addition, ultrasonography via the liver window
provided good images of the right kidney. The best images for
determining the vertical and horizontal diameters of the right
kidney and its cortex, medulla, and sinus were achieved when
the transducer was placed on the upper right flank. The right
kidney was always imaged longitudinally from this position. The
renal hilus could always be visualized from the right paralumbar
fossa, with the transducer rotated about its longitudinal axis.
The results of this study indicate that the left kidney can
also be easily examined and imaged either transcutaneously
from the caudal left flank or transrectally. The splenic window
also provided good ultrasonographic images of the left kidney
in the camels. In cattle, examination of the left kidney is always
performed transrectally by using a special transducer (18). The
splenic window cannot be used in most cows due to interference
by gas contained by the ruminal dorsal wall. In this study, the
left kidney was accessible transcutaneously from the caudal left
paralumbar fossa by the same technique as used for the right
kidney. The cortex and medulla cannot be ultrasonographically
differentiated in cattle (16); but, in the present study, they could
easily be differentiated in most of the camels.
In conclusion, the ultrasonographic description of the hepatic
and renal parenchyma in this study provides the basic refer-
ences for diagnosing hepatic and renal disorders in dromedary
camels. The procedure is a useful aid in clinical examination
and is an important tool for the diagnosis of such conditions.
This imaging modality is a unique method for the non-invasive,
patient-side evaluation of the hepatic and renal parenchyma and
their blood vessels, and the renal cortex, medulla, and sinus. The
diagnosis of hepatic and renal diseases in camels is difficult, and
may be overlooked on many occasions; thus, ultrasonography
provides a means of detecting hepatic and renal pathology more
reliably in dromedary camels.
This study was supported by the Deanship for Scientific
Research (SR-D-011-602), Qassim University, Saudi
Arabia. English was revised at
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... Liver parenchyma in camel are composed of abundant, moderate echoes regularly spread throughout the hepatic tissue. The hepatic blood vessels included portal, hepatic and caudal vena cava are imaged within the parenchyma (Tharwat et al. 2012e). ...
... Sonography of the right kidney is usually performed in camels at right paralumbar fossa and at 10 th to 11 th intercostal spaces. On the left side, the left kidney is scanned at the caudal region of the left paralumbar fossa; it can also be accessed transrectally (Tharwat et al. 2012e). It is possible to differentiate Sonographically among the corex, medulla and renal pelvis; the cortex is hyperechogenic versus medulla and the renal pelvis is echogenic and could be easily distinguished from other renal parts (Tharwat et al. 2012e). ...
... On the left side, the left kidney is scanned at the caudal region of the left paralumbar fossa; it can also be accessed transrectally (Tharwat et al. 2012e). It is possible to differentiate Sonographically among the corex, medulla and renal pelvis; the cortex is hyperechogenic versus medulla and the renal pelvis is echogenic and could be easily distinguished from other renal parts (Tharwat et al. 2012e). ...
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AB S T RA C T This review focuses on the principles of diagnostic ultrasound in dromedary camel medicine. The first section of the review concentrates on scanning of the abdominal cavity of both sick and sound ones including sonography of the gastrointestinal tract and physical feedbacks followed by the implementation in different belly diseases. The second part of the review will focus on hepatic scanning of both sound and unhealthy camels including hepatic sonography in camels and natural results, evaluation of the liver echotexture, size and positioning and evaluation of the hepatic veins. It will be also followed by the application of ultrasound in some hepatic disorders in camels. The third section of this review will discuss renal imaging in sound and unhealthy camels including renal sonography and detected results. Parallel, it will be followed by application in different renal disorders. The last section of this article will emphasize thoracic imaging of both sound and unhealthy ones including procedures of pulmonary ultrasonography and findings in healthy camels and echocardiographic protocol and findings. Using sonography in detecting thoracic disorders such as myocardial degeneration, pneumonia, pulmonary abscessation, pulmonary emphysema, pleural effusion, pleurisy and pleuropneumonia will be followed.
... Ultrasonography of the thorax and abdomen was carried out using a 2.5 to 5 MHz curvy linear transducer (Esaote My lab 1 portable ultrasound system) after applying ultrasound gel and as per standard protocols (Braun 2009, Venkatesan et al. 2019. Heart, pericardium, reticulum, spleen, and thoracic examinations were carried out on the left side from the 4 th to 8 th intercostal space on the right side of the abdomen kidney, intestine, omasum (Braun, 1998), liver and gall bladder (Braun 2005, Mohamed et al. 2021 were examined by beginning from the right paralumbarfossa and extending forward to the 8 th intercostal space both in dorsal and ventral aspects. Fecal samples were processed by both sedimentation and floatation methods. ...
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The present study included a total of 128cross-bredJersey cows presented to the Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu, Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu with a history of jowl edema and voiding foul-smelling diarrhea during the period January to December 2020. Breed-wise distribution of paramphistomosis infestation was higher in Jersey crossbred (59.37%) followed by Holstein Friesian Cross-bred (25%), nondescript breed (10.93%) and Kangayam (4.68%). Older aged dairy cows (>4 years, 28.3%), were found to have a higher infection with paramphistomosis. On clinical examination, increased / normal body temperature , heart, respiratory rate, slight pale to congested conjunctival mucous membranes, and jowledema were noticed in the animals. Microscopic examination of fecal samples of animals and micrometry confirmed that 151 x 72 μmsize oval-shaped eggs with distinct operculum as amphistome eggs. The animals were treated with Oxyclozanide@ 18.7mg/ kg body weight orally for 2 days subsequently along with supportivetherapy, improvements were noticed in the health status of the animals after treatment. Further examination of fecal samples from these animals did not show any ova of endoparasites on the 15 15th day after treatment. This study describes the occurrence and management of Paramphistomosis in cattle from the Cauvery Deltaregion of Tamil Nadu.
... In dromedary camels, the application of ultrasound has been used on a large scale over the last years in sound (El-Tookhy and Tharwat 2012;Tharwat et al. 2012a,b,c;Tharwat, 2013a), or unhealthy camels (Tharwat et al. 2012d,e;Tharwat et al. 2018a,b;Tharwat, 2019;Tharwat, 2020a,b,c;Tharwat and El-Tookhy, 2021;Tharwat, 2021a;Tharwat, 2024;Sadan et al. 2024). The effectiveness of thermography has been reported also in camel beauty shows through detection of different cosmetic procedures Tharwat and Al-Hawas 2023). ...
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AB S T RA C T This study was designed to retrospectively report and analyze different cosmetic methods detected for tampering in dromedary camels that were presented for the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival (KACF). The medical records of 53090 camels (Camelus dromedarius) were retrospectively evaluated from February 4 th , 2019 to January 12 th , 2023 during the events of the 3 rd to 7 th seasons of the beauty shows of the KACF. Camels having different forms of tampering were examined by inspection primarily. Following, suspected camels were screened by diagnostic imaging including ultrasound, thermography and radiography, and by laboratory evaluation of testosterone and growth hormones. During the 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , 6 th , and 7 th KACF seasons, 11912, 11526, 4635, 12634, and 12385 camels were respectively examined and 4 main methods for tampering were detected. It included injection of cosmetic fillers, stretching and binding of lips and injection of hormones. The pattern of filler injection was increased from counted 0.126 % camels in the 3rd season to reach 0.606% camels during the 7th KACF activities and showed significant difference among various seasons (χ2 Value=111.258; P<0.001). Stretching of lips was also increased from only 0.034% cases at the 3rd to 2.212% camels at the 7th season (χ2 Value=526.355; P<0.001). In a similar pattern, binding of lips was increased from 0.025% camels during the 3rd to 0.525% camels during the 7th season (χ2 Value=129.906; P<0.001). Uses of hormones were also increased sharply from 0.008% camels at the 3rd to 0.129% camels during the 7th season. Collectively, overall tampering methods were increased from counted 0.193% camels in the 3 rd season to reach 3.496% camels during the 7 th KACF activities and showed significant difference among various seasons (χ 2 Value=508.898; P<0.001). In conclusion, a dramatic increase in tampering ways in dromedary camels presented to the KACF were noted. Therefore, a great challenge should be paid to the diagnosis of these methods that harm this creature, and even may cause undesirable permanent complications. Attention should also be paid to the new cosmetic methods that are discovered annually in camel beauty contests.
... Furthermore, the findings of [37] contradict the aforementioned statement, since they reported different extension ranges in various animals, namely 10 th -12 th ribs in cattle, 9 th -10 th ribs in sheep, 7 th -9 th ribs in goats, and 6 th -11 th ribs in camels. ...
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Local breed cattle's liver, reddish-brown, occupies the right hypochondriac region with 35.2 ± 3.24 cm long and 5.5 ± 0.5 kg weight. Connected by left and right triangular ligaments; and falciform ligaments with the diaphragm, and hepatorenal ligament with the right kidney. While the coronary ligament encompassing the caudal vena cava divides into dorsal and ventral branches, enclosing the nuda region. The round ligament connects the umbilical fissure to the umbilicus. The lesser omentum on the liver's visceral surface connects the stomach and duodenum through hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments, respectively. The liver has, parietal and visceral surfaces; right, left, ventral, and dorsal borders; and left, right, caudate, and quadrate liver lobes that are not clearly separated, except for the caudate. The gallbladder has a dark green color and pear-shaped morphology, measures 16 ± 1.5 cm, and is located in a shallow cystic fossa. Consisting of the neck, forms an inverted funnel shape, body, and fundus. The diameters were 2 ± 0.3, 6 ± 1.2, and 4 ± 1.3 cm, respectively. The biliary tract consists of extrahepatic and intrahepatic ducts. The extrahepatic ducts have a left duct of 3 ± 0.5 cm and a right duct of 2 ± 0.25 cm. Converging to form a common hepatic duct 8 ± 0.5 cm. The cystic duct is 3± 0. cm, joins with the common hepatic duct ventrally. The intrahepatic ducts consisted of primary, secondary, tertiary, interlobular, intralobular, and intercalated ducts. The left hepatic duct received 9 ± 1 of dorsal primary ducts and 8 ± 2 ventral primary ducts. The right hepatic duct receives 4 ± 1 dorsal ducts and 2 ± 1 ventral ducts.
... Tampering is usually detected either by clinical examination methods, ultrasound examination or by thermography (Tharwat and Al-Hawas, 2021;Tharwat et al., 2021a,b;Tharwat and Al-Hawas 2023). Ultrasonography was proved to be effective in examining camels either in healthy (El-Tookhy and Tharwat 2012; Tharwat et al. 2012a,b,c;Tharwat 2013a;Tharwat 2023) or diseased (Tharwat et al. 2012d,e;Tharwat 2013b;Tharwat, 2019;Tharwat 2020a,b,c;Tharwat 2021a,b;Tharwat and El-Tookhy 2021;Tharwat 2023) camels. Sonography of dromedary camels supposed to lip fillers is a beneficial methodology that can carefully detect an injected material and further mark the site and magnitude of skin residues. ...
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AB S T RA C T The camel festival beauty show is hold annually in Saudi Arabia where camels are examined from different countries worldwide. Owing to the huge awards given to the owners of the most beautiful camels in this contest, some camel owners therefore try to alter the look of their animals through different cosmetic methods of tampering. Current review is written to focus on the topic of cosmetics in dromedary camels. It will especially focus firstly on beauty standards in camels followed by tampering in camels and methods and materials used. It will also discuss the methods for detection of tampering, especially clinical detection by ultrasound and thermography. Only experienced people can detect tampering in camels. Because there are new ways to be discovered daily for tampering with camels, discovering these methods constitute a great challenge even for experienced practitioners in this field. The visual examination is one of the most important ways to detect tampering in camels, which is later confirmed by a clinical test such as ultrasound and thermal camera examination, or by laboratory tests such as estimating the level of hormones in the blood. In recent years, cosmetic medicine has rapidly grown in camels in Saudi Arabia. Finally, it can be said that the organizers of the camel beauty festivals must set strict controls in order to combat tampering with this creature, prevent its harm, and provide a full and equal opportunity for all competitors.
... This study found the location of the camel's kidneys were between the right and left kidney, which was similar to detections of other researchers' findings in camels, bovine, and small ruminants (19). Still, a topographical study noticed that the right kidney extended from lumbar vertebrae 2 to 4 lumbar vertebrae (20,21). The left kidney was movable and unstable depending on the status condition of the rumen. ...
... This study found the location of the camel's kidneys were between the right and left kidney, which was similar to detections of other researchers' findings in camels, bovine, and small ruminants (19). Still, a topographical study noticed that the right kidney extended from lumbar vertebrae 2 to 4 lumbar vertebrae (20,21). The left kidney was movable and unstable depending on the status condition of the rumen. ...
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This study has been conducted to determine the anatomical and histological structures of the kidneys using different anatomical techniques, including topographical dissection, corrosion casting technique, and radiology, in addition to routine and special stains for histology study. Ten healthy adult kidneys of one-humped camels were chosen for different purposes of this study. Consequently, the camel kidney's anatomical features showed a multilobar kidney type in camel. Externally, kidneys were smooth and bean in shape. In contrast, internal kidneys were divided into main layers: a thin external cortex layer dark in color, which was internally extended and attached into a thick inner medulla layer pale. In addition, the renal medulla was occupied by renal pyramids, renal sinuses, and columns drained to the renal pelvis of the kidney via minor calyces and major calyx and continued with the ureter. Moreover, many measurements of the right and left kidneys were detected, including the different kidney parts. The morphometric averages of the right kidney were higher than the left kidney in most regions, confirming the right kidney's critical role in this animal. Also, the kidneys' right and left renal arteries and vein branches were determined using a corrosion casting technique and a radioactive artery for the renal artery. Results displayed that the renal branched into interlobar, arcuate, and interlobular branches and converted into small units, including arterioles. Histological findings identified typical cortex, medulla, and delicate kidney structures. Additionally, renal corpuscles were recognized, and, importantly, renal space around glomeruli was very thin and narrow. Overall, this study concluded that the type of the camel kidney, depending on the cortex and medulla, is a multilobar kidney type, and there is a significant similarity in the figure and blood supply of the left and right kidneys. Also, camel kidneys' appearance and histology structures are similar to different species in humans, small ruminants, and carnivores, but then again, the renal capsule was very thick. In contrast, the space of renal corpuscles was narrow around the glomeruli, and the renal capsule's glomeruli displayed a large amount of collagen fibers.
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Background Camels are subjected to a wide variety of nutritional deficiencies as they are largely dependent upon grazing desert plants. As a consequence, the syndrome of pica or depraved appetite is occasionally seen in dromedary camels. The condition is manifested as chewing or eating abnormal things such as wood, dirt, bones, stones, clothes, plastics, mud, sand, or other inanimate objects. Aim This study was designed to investigate the clinical, ultrasonographic, and postmortem findings in dromedary camels with pica or depraved appetite. Methods Twenty-five camels of 5 days to 15 years were examined. Owner complaints included depraved appetite, loss of body condition, regurgitation of stomach content, and partial or complete absence of feces. Symptoms described were present for a period varying between 3 days, up to 12 months. The stomach compartments and small and large intestines were scanned using ultrasonography from the right and left sides of the abdomen. Necropsy was carried out on six female and three male camels where the thoracic and abdominal organs were examined with special attention to the digestive system. Results The affected animals had a history of gradual loss of body conditions, eating foreign objects, decreased or total absence of feces, and regurgitation of stomach content. Using ultrasound, the foreign body was imaged occluding completely or partially the intestines. Foreign bodies within the rumen could not be visualized with ultrasound. In cases where the rumen is impacted by sand, small pin-points revealing acoustic enhancement were imaged. Foreign bodies were removed from the rumen at exploratory rumenotomy (n = 11), laparotomy (n = 3), or at necropsy (n = 8) in the form of plastics, cloths, sand, mud, wool balls, robes, glasses, or even metallic objects which may be blunt or sharp. Sixteen (64%) of the camels were recovered while the remaining 9 (36%) did not survive. Conclusion The syndrome of pica or depraved appetite is an important condition in dromedary resulting in the ingestion of objects other than normal feed. Substantial economic losses are expected as a result of this syndrome. Ultrasonography of the digestive system may help the clinician in some cases to localize of occluding foreign bodies in the intestines, while in the transabdominal scanning of the stomach is valuable only in cases of sand impaction.
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AB S T RA C T This clinical report describes the clinical, ultrasonographical, hematological, biochemical, and pathological findings in a 2-year-old male dromedary camel (Camelus dromedaries) with abdominal pedunculated leiomyoma. Case history included a decreased appetite and gradual loss of body weight. Ultrasonography of left abdomen revealed echogenic deposits with anechoic areas among the left kidney, spleen, and abdominal wall. A large hypoechoic highly vascularized mass was detected directly below the left kidney and spleen. Exploratory laparotomy revealed tumor masses affecting the wall of left abdomen. Histopathological findings revealed torsade pedunculated leiomyoma with hemorrhagic infarction, thick-walled blood vessels and wide areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first clinical report describing an abdominal pedunculated leiomyoma in dromedary camels.
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AB S T RA C T This study was carried out to investigate the ultrasound findings in sheep and goats with hepatic disorders and its correlation with postmortem findings. Twenty-three female sheep (n=9) and goats (n=14) of 1-5 years were examined. They were refereed because of gradual loss of body condition, inappetence, anorexia, and abdominal distension. Ten clinically healthy female animals were used as a control group. The right side of the diseased and control animals were scanned by ultrasonography. None of the control animals showed any sonographic abnormality on hepatic imaging. Diseased animals were classified into 7 groups. Hepatic sonography in group 1 (gallstones) showed dilated bile ducts within the hepatic parenchyma and calculus in the gall bladder. In group 2, the cholecystitis group; the thickening of the gall bladder wall was remarkable on ultrasonography. In group number 3, stones in the bile duct, the calculus in the bile duct appeared sonographically as acoustic enhancement with a distal acoustic shadowing. In group 4 with fatty liver, hepatic imaging showed increased hepatic echogenicity (bright liver appearance) which was intense in 5 animals where blood vessels were difficult to be seen and moderate in the remaining 6. In group 5 affected with Cysticercus tenuicolis, hepatic sonography showed a coarse hyperechogenic pattern of the liver tissue. Unfortanately, both animals in groups 6 and 7 were not examined by sonography and only the postmortem findings were obtained. In conclusion, most of the sheep and goats examined in this study were admitted with nonspecific symptom. It is believed that without hepatic ultrasonography in diseased cases, it will be difficult to reach an antemortem diagnosis. The sonographic findings were parallel almost in all cases with postmortem findings.
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The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic picture of the gastrointestinal tract in healthy camels (Camelus dromedarius). For this purpose, 22 camels were examined. The rumen and its glandular sacs were filling most of the left side of the abdomen. The rumen wall was smooth and echogenic. The ventral part of the reticulum could be best imaged in 17 (77%) camels from the left and right paramedian region just behind to the sternal pad. The reticulum in these animals had a thick wall (1.17±0.27 cm) that appeared as a half-moon-shaped structure with a biphasic contraction. The omasum was best viewed through the right 8th to 6th intercostal spaces in 18 (82%) camels. In the remaining 4 (18%), it was visualized through four consecutive intercostal spaces (right 9th to 6th). It had a wall thickness of 1.1±0.7 cm and a transverse diameter of 8.74±3.4 cm. The abomasum could be best visualized from the right 9th and 8th intercostal spaces in 14 (64%) camels, while it was observed in the 9th intercostal space in 3 (14%) animals and in the 8th and 7th intercostal space in 5 (22%) camels. Small intestinal structures were best seen low in the right paralumbar fossa. It was thin-walled (0.43±0.14 cm) and had a diameter of 2.62±0.47 cm. The cecum was imaged chiefly in the caudal right flank. It was thin-walled (0.37±0.05 cm), had a diameter of 13.8±1.6 cm. The proximal loop of the large colon appeared as thick, echogenic, continuous and slightly curved lines. It was thin-walled (0.51±0.08 cm) and had a diameter of 3.5±0.8 cm. The spiral colon was confined in all camels to the caudal ventral half of the abdomen. It appeared as structures with thick echoic lateral walls with a number of echogenic arched lines next to each other. Free peritoneal fluid pockets were imaged in two locations in 19 (86%) camels. Ultrasound-guided abdominocentesis was successful in 15 (68%) of the examined camels. This study provides the ultrasonographic appearance of the normal gastrointestinal tract in healthy camels that could be used as a reference for the interpretation of suspected digestive abnormalities.
REBHUN'S DISEASES OF DAIRY CATTLE, 2nd Edition is your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. With thorough, up-to-date coverage of differential diagnosis methods, surgical and therapeutic treatment options, and prevention strategies, it provides vital information for battling bovine diseases in both dairy and non-dairy cattle. The book is organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, and this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and problems affecting whole herds. Individual case presentations provide a valuable tool for differential diagnosis. Practical overviews for procedures such as blood transfusion, abdominal paracentesis, and ECG give you reliable support for some of the most common procedures in bovine care. Body systems organization makes diagnosis easier and more effective by isolating system-specific diseases and conditions. Full-color design and over 200 new photographs depict disease processes in realistic clarity and ensure the most accurate diagnosis and treatment. Emphasis on herd health addresses the dairy industry's increased concern over population medicine. Expanded coverage of lameness highlights key problem areas in bovine feet. Revised drug usage recommendations and legal considerations present the most current information in these critical areas to help you prevent dangerous or costly errors. Additional public health/safety considerations identify diseases that pose a substantial public threat and detail special measures for related care of dairy cattle. New, innovative DVD features real-time videos of neurologic case studies, ultrasound and endoscopy procedures, and imaging techniques that familiarize you with the latest technological equipment and protocols. Features coverage of the latest treatment innovations including antibiotic residue testing, care of individual metabolic disease, troubleshooting, and much more.
To characterize the localization, visible extent (ie, measurement of selected dimensions), and appearance of the liver, caudal vena cava, portal vein, and gallbladder during ultrasonography in healthy goats. 27 female Saanen goats. A 5.0-MHz linear transducer was used to ultrasonographically examine the localization, visible extent of various dimensions, and appearance of the liver, caudal vena cava, portal vein, and gallbladder from the right side of each goat. Images of the liver were obtained in all goats. The dorsal margin of the liver extended in a cranioventral to caudodorsal direction parallel to the caudal margin of the lungs. The greatest visible extent of the liver was evident at the seventh and eighth intercostal spaces (mean value, 15.9 cm), and width was evident at the 10th intercostal space (mean value, 5.2 cm). The caudal vena cava had a triangular shape on cross section; the maximum width in cross section, circumference, and surface area ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 cm, 4.8 to 5.2 cm, and 0.8 to 1.1 cm², respectively. The portal vein was round on cross section (diameter, 0.8 to 1.7 cm) with stellate ramifications into the liver parenchyma. The gallbladder was pear-shaped and variable in size; it extended beyond the ventral margin of the liver to a variable degree depending on the amount of bile. Results provided information regarding the ultrasonographic appearance of the liver, caudal vena cava, portal vein, and gallbladder in healthy goats; these data may be useful during examination of goats with suspected liver disease.
Ultrasonography is a helpful diagnostic tool in cattle with urinary tract disorders. It can be used to diagnose pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, renal cysts, renal tumors, amyloidosis, cystitis, bladder paralysis, bladder rupture, bladder neoplasms, and, occasionally, nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, and embolic nephritis. This article describes the anatomy, scanning technique, indications, limitations, normal and pathologic sonographic appearance of the bovine urinary tract. References from horses and humans are included, especially when the sonographic findings in these species may complement the understanding of similar diseases reported in cattle.
Ultrasonography is an ideal diagnostic tool for investigating gastrointestinal disorders in cattle. In animals with traumatic reticuloperitonitis, inflammatory fibrinous changes and abscesses can be imaged. Ultrasonography can be used to assess the size, position, and contents of the abomasum. This article describes the ultrasonographic techniques used for examination of the reticulum, rumen, omasum, abomasum, small intestine, and large intestine. The normal findings are presented followed by a description of the most important diseases of these organs.