The electron beam and impulse corona discharge technology of air flow purification from SO2 and NOx are investigated now in many countries (Leonhardt et al. 1984; Svedchikov et al. 1988; Tokunaga et al. 1981; Baranchicov et al. 1990). One of the main problems considerably influenced on a perspective of practical using of this method is the reduction of oxidation energy cost. In this work it is shown that the energy cost weakly depends on current density j, if j < 10-4 A/cm2 and equals 10 eV/molecule. In this case, for example, it is necessary to use one hundred twenty 100-kW accelerators for gas stream (0.1% SO2) purification of a 300 MW electric power plant. That is why the realization of this project is very difficult for this energy cost of purification. This paper is dedicated to a new chain gas-cluster oxidation mechanism with theoretical investigation of this one realization. The results of experiments realized for the verification of this mechanism are presented here. The role of droplet-phase effect there are also presented.