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Simple Mathematical Models With Very Complicated Dynamics



First-order difference equations arise in many contexts in the biological, economic and social sciences. Such equations, even though simple and deterministic, can exhibit a surprising array of dynamical behaviour, from stable points, to a bifurcating hiearchy of stable cycles, to apparently random fluctuations. There are consequently many fascinating problems, some concerned with delicate mathematical aspects of the fine structure of the trajectories, and some concerned with the practical implications and applications. This is an interpretive review of them.
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© Nature Publishing Group1976
... In this case, u = 3 (period 3) and i = r, indicating that X (r) , after three iterations, returns to itself. Additional superstable curves are highlighted in Fig. 2(a), labeled as [2] [4] r , and [4] m . It is noteworthy that all these curves are within a periodic region with high negative values of λ. ...
... In this case, u = 3 (period 3) and i = r, indicating that X (r) , after three iterations, returns to itself. Additional superstable curves are highlighted in Fig. 2(a), labeled as [2] [4] r , and [4] m . It is noteworthy that all these curves are within a periodic region with high negative values of λ. ...
... In Fig. 4(a), we observe some superstable curves such as the curve [3] r , embedded within a red region (periodic region). This curve, on both sides (left and right), is followed by two superstable curves [4] r . On the left of them, we notice two superstable curves, [1] m and [2] m , heading toward the same red region (periodic region). ...
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This study focuses on the analysis of a unique composition between two well-established models, known as the Logistic–Gauss map. The investigation cohesively transitions to an exploration of parameter space, essential for unraveling the complexity of dissipative mappings and understanding the intricate relationships between periodic structures and chaotic regions. By manipulating control parameters, our approach reveals intriguing patterns, with findings enriched by extreme orbits, trajectories that connect local maximum and minimum values of one-dimensional maps. This theory enhances our perception of structural organization and offers valuable perceptions of the system behaviors, contributing to an expanded understanding of chaos and periodicity in dynamic systems. The analysis reveals Complex Sets of Periodicity (CSP) in the parameter space, characterized by superstable curves that traverse their main bodies. The exploration of different combinations of parameters shows cascades of CSP structures with added periods and are organized based on extreme curves. This investigation offers valuable discoveries of the dynamics of dissipative mappings, opening avenues for future explorations in chaotic systems.
... Exploring the impact of time delay on nonlinear systems is crucial. Chaotic encryption leverages chaotic maps, which can be divided into two categories: continuous chaotic systems such as Ross and Chen's system [35,36], and discrete chaotic systems like Tent, Logistics map [37], etc. In continuous chaotic systems, the introduction of time delay adds an infinite number of dimensions to the system. ...
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Federated Learning (FL) is a machine learning framework that effectively provides multiple organizations with data usage and model training while meeting the requirements of privacy protection, data security and government regulations. However, the leakage of parameters frequently occurred in the process of their exchange. Existing parametric encryption algorithms, such as differential privacy and homomorphic encryption, can significantly elevate privacy protection levels but always bring negative effect to the convergence performance of the final model or huge time consuming for practical application. Therefore, this paper propose a new encryption and decryption algorithm based on the hyperchaotic system, called bit and parameter correlation permutation (BCP), which helps to protect the parameters through the upload and download process, and such algorithm is compatible with any hyperchaotic map. With this method, we could guarantee the security without any sacrifices of model accuracy in a shorter period of time. Finally, the proposed algorithm achieves a time complexity of O(N2N^2) and offers a 0.69 reduction in loss for FL when compared with the differential privacy, while both ensure high security. Additionally, BCP can yield a difference of 105010^{50} orders of magnitude, even with inputs differing by only 101110^{-11}.
... replacing the logistic equation (1) with the quadratic recurrence equation: ...
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This paper presents the generation of dynamic chaotic-like signals using Generative Adversarial Networks.
... This approach only requires analyzing a single trajectory of the non-resetting dynamics, thereby avoiding the complex calculations of linear responses to infinitesimal perturbations and the averaging over numerous resetting trajectories. In practice, we work out the example of the celebrated logistic map which is an archetypal illustration of the onset of chaos [62][63][64][65]. It is defined as ...
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We study how spatiotemporal chaos in dynamical systems can be controlled by stochastically returning them to their initial conditions. Focusing on discrete nonlinear maps, we analyze how key measures of chaos -- the Lyapunov exponent and butterfly velocity, which quantify sensitivity to initial perturbations and the ballistic spread of information, respectively -- are reduced by stochastic resetting. We identify a critical resetting rate that induces a dynamical phase transition, characterized by the simultaneous vanishing of the Lyapunov exponent and butterfly velocity, effectively arresting the spread of information. These theoretical predictions are validated and illustrated with numerical simulations of the celebrated logistic map and its lattice extension. Beyond discrete maps, our findings offer insights applicable to a broad class of extended classical interacting systems.
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This study explores the dynamics of a Darwinian–Cushing population model, focusing on both one- and two-parameter bifurcations. We conduct a thorough analysis of the conditions required for uniform persistence of solutions and the asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium. The investigation covers codimension-one bifurcations, such as Neimark-Sacker and period-doubling bifurcations, along with codimension-two bifurcations, including 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 resonances. Numerical simulations are provided to validate the theoretical findings and illustrate the complex and intricate dynamics characteristic of the model.
Bifurcations of chaotic mappings have been widely applied in computer sciences, such as digital image processing and communication systems. In this paper, we theoretically study the dynamic properties of a discrete chaotic system with rational fraction. Firstly, we use complete discrimination system theory to give a topological classification for the fixed points of the system. Secondly, by employing the center manifold theorem and bifurcation theory, we study all codimension 1 bifurcations and prove that the system produces pitchfork bifurcations, flip bifurcations and Neimark–Sacker bifurcations at different fixed points. Thirdly, we prove that the system can process codimension 2 bifurcations, including 1:2 and 1:3 resonances. Furthermore, using Takens’s theorem and the equivalence between the mappings and the time 1 mappings of flows, we present all the bifurcation phenomena when the parameters vary near the 1:2 and 1:3 resonance points, respectively. Finally, a numerical simulation to all the codimension 1 and 2 bifurcations of the system is given, which shows that there is a chaotic attractor near the 1:3 resonance point.
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In this paper, we give a class of one-dimensional discrete dynamical systems with state space N +. This class of systems is defined by two parameters: one of them sets the number of nearest neighbors that determine the rule of evolution, and the other parameter determines a segment of natural numbers Λ = { 1 , 2 , … , b }. In particular, we investigate the behavior of a class of one-dimensional maps where an integer moves to an other integer given by the sum of the nearest neighbors minus a multiple of b ∈ N +. We find the coexistence of fixed points and periodic cycles. Two single parameter families of maps are introduced and their dynamics in the segment of natural sequence Λ. Furthermore, an order of the numbers of the set Λ − b is given by these families. Last, we present a connection of the N + generated by the orbits of a particular case.
In this chapter, we shall present various definitions and theorems useful for the understanding of the dynamics of the asymmetric interaction among objects (or nodes) which is observed in many fields of science as introduced in Chap. 1.
Mathematical theories of populations have been derived and effectively used in many contexts in the last two hundred years They have appeared both implicitly and explicitly in many important studies of populations: human populations as well as populations of animals, cells and viruses. Several features of populations can be analyzed. First, growth and age structure can be studied by considering birth and death forces acting to change them. In particular, the long time state of the population and its sensitivity to changes in birth and death schedules can be determined. Another population phenomenon which is amenable to analysis is the way various individual traits are propagated from one generation to the next. An extensive theory for this has evolved from the first observations of inheritance by Gregor Mendel. In addition, the spread of a contagious phenomenon, such as disease, rumor, fad or information, can be studied by means of mathematical analysis. Of particular importance in this area are studies of the dependence of contagion on parameters such as contact and quarantine rates. Finally, the dynamics of several interacting populations can be analyzed. Theories of interaction have become useful with recent studies of ecological systems and economic and social structures. The most direct approach to the study of populations is the collection and analysis of data. However, serious questions arise about how this should be done. For one thing, facilities can be swamped by even simple manipulation and analysis of vast amounts of data. In addition, there are the questions: Which data should be collected? Which data adequately describe the phenomenon, in particular which are sensitive indicators for detecting the presence of a phenomenon? A study of the population's underlying structure is essential for answering these questions, and mathematical theories provide a systematic way for doing this. Many techniques for analyzing complicated physical problems can be applied to population problems. In addition, many new techniques peculiar to these problems must be developed. Several population problems will be analyzed here which illustrate these methods and techniques. The monograph begins with a study of population age structure. A basic model is derived first, and it reappears frequently throughout the remainder. Various extensions and modifications of the basic model are then applied to several population phenomena, such as stable age distributions, self-limiting effects and two-sex populations.
This paper is concerned with certain qualitative aspects of the sensitivity problem in relation to small variations of a parameter of a system, the behaviour of which can be described by an autonomous recurrence relation: Vn+1 = F(Vn, λ) (1) V being a vector, λ the parameter. The problem consists in the determination of the bifurcation values λ0 of λ, i.e. values such that the qualitative behaviour of a solution of (1) should be different for λ = λ0 ± ε where ε is a small quantity. Bifurcations that correspond to a critical case in the Liapunov sense, and the crossing through this critical case, are considered. Examples of bifurcations, not connected with the presence of a critical case, and which correspond to a large deformation of the stability domain boundary of an equilibrium point, a fixed point of (1), under the effect of a parameter variation, are given where V is a two dimensional vector.