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The effects of strength training and endurance training order on running economy and performance

Canadian Science Publishing
Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism

Abstract and Figures

This study examined the acute effect of strength and endurance training sequence on running economy (RE) at 70% and 90% ventilatory threshold (VT) and on running time to exhaustion (TTE) at 110% VT the following day. Fourteen trained and moderately trained male runners performed strength training prior to running sessions (SR) and running prior to strength training sessions (RS) with each mode of training session separated by 6 h. RE tests were conducted at baseline (Base-RE) and the day following each sequence to examine cost of running (CR), TTE, and lower extremity kinematics. Maximal isometric knee extensor torque was measured prior to and following each training session and the RE tests. Results showed that CR at 70% and 90% VT for SR-RE (0.76 ± 0.10 and 0.77 ± 0.07 mL·kg–0.75·m–1) was significantly greater than Base-RE (0.72 ± 0.10 and 0.70 ± 0.11 mL·kg–0.75·m–1) and RS-RE (0.73 ± 0.09 and 0.72 ± 0.09 mL·kg–0.75·m–1) (P < 0.05). TTE was significantly less for SR-RE (237.8 ± 67.4 s) and RS-RE (275.3 ± 68.0 s) compared with Base-RE (335.4 ± 92.1 s) (P < 0.01). The torque during the SR sequence was significantly reduced for every time point following the strength training session (P < 0.05). However, no significant differences were found in torque following the running session (P > 0.05), although it was significantly reduced following the strength training session (P < 0.05) during the RS sequence. These findings show that running performance is impaired to a greater degree the day following the SR sequence compared with the RS sequence.
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The effects of strength training and endurance training order on
running economy and performance
Kenji Doma and Glen Bede Deakin
Abstract: This study examined the acute effect of strength and endurance training sequence on running economy (RE) at 70%
and 90% ventilatory threshold (VT) and on running time to exhaustion (TTE) at 110% VT the following day. Fourteen trained and
moderately trained male runners performed strength training prior to running sessions (SR) and running prior to strength
training sessions (RS) with each mode of training session separated by 6 h. RE tests were conducted at baseline (Base-RE) and the
day following each sequence to examine cost of running (C
), TTE, and lower extremity kinematics. Maximal isometric knee extensor
torque was measured prior to and following each training session and the RE tests. Results showed that C
at 70% and 90% VT for SR-RE
(0.76 ± 0.10 and 0.77 ± 0.07 mL·kg
) was significantly greater than Base-RE (0.72 ± 0.10 and 0.70 ± 0.11 mL·kg
) and RS-RE
(0.73 ± 0.09 and 0.72 ± 0.09 mL·kg
)(P< 0.05). TTE was significantly less for SR-RE (237.8 ± 67.4 s) and RS-RE (275.3 ± 68.0 s)
compared with Base-RE (335.4 ± 92.1 s) (P< 0.01). The torque during the SR sequence was significantly reduced for every time point
following the strength training session (P< 0.05). However, no significant differences were found in torque following the running
session (P> 0.05), although it was significantly reduced following the strength training session (P< 0.05) during the RS sequence. These
findings show that running performance is impaired to a greater degree the day following the SR sequence compared with the RS sequence.
Key words: concurrent training, running gait, maximal voluntary contraction, neuromuscular fatigue.
Résumé : Cette étude analyse l’effet a
`court terme d’un entraînement séquentiel a
`la force et a
`l’endurance sur l’économie de la
course (RE) réalisée a
`70 % et 90 % du seuil ventilatoire (VT) et sur le temps de course jusqu’a
`épuisement (TTE) a
observé le lendemain. Quatorze sujets masculins bien entraînés et moyennement entraînés participent aux séances
d’entraînement a
`la force avant les séances de course (SR) et aux séances de course avant les séances de force (RS); dans chacune
des modalités, 6 h s’écoulent entre les séances d’entraînement. On évalue RE au début de l’expérimentation (Base-RE) et le jour suivant
chacune des séances; on calcule le coût de la course (C
), le TTE et on réalise la cinématique des membres inférieurs. On mesure le
moment de force isométrique maximal des extenseurs du genou avant et après chaque séance d’entraînement et les tests RE. D’après
les observations pour la séquence SR-RE, C
`70 % et 90 % VT (0,76 ± 0,10 et 0,77 ± 0,07 mL·kg
) est significativement plus élevée
comparativement a
`Base-RE (0,72 ± 0,10 et 0,70 ± 0,11 mL·kg
) et RS-RE (0,73 ± 0,09 et 0,72 ± 0,09 mL·kg
)(P< 0,05). Le TTE
est significativement inférieur pour SR-RE (237,8 ± 67,4 s) et RS-RE (275,3 ± 68,0 s) comparativement a
`Base-RE (335,4 ± 92,1 s) (P< 0,01).
Le moment de force durant la séquence SR est significativement plus faible a
`chaque moment d’évaluation réalisée après la séance
d’entraînement a
`la force (P< 0,05). Toutefois, on n’observe aucune différence significative des moments de force générés après la
séance de course (P> 0,05), mais ces moments de force sont significativement plus faibles après la séance d’entraînement a
`la force
(P< 0,05) durant la séquence RS. D’après ces observations, la performance a
`la course le jour suivant l’entraînement dans la séquence
SR est diminuée comparativement a
`la séquence RS. [Traduit par la Rédaction]
Mots-clés : entraînement combiné, cinématique de la course, contraction maximale volontaire, fatigue neuromusculaire.
Incorporating both strength and endurance training sessions in
the one training program, known as concurrent training (Hickson
1980), is common owing to its convenience. However, studies have
shown that concurrent training can induce suboptimal strength
and (or) endurance adaptations (Gergley 2009;Glowacki et al.
2004). Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the
interference of strength development, including alterations of
neural recruitment (Dudley and Djamil 1985), fibre-type transfor-
mation (Dudley and Fleck 1987), and disturbance of protein syn-
thesis (Rennie and Tipton 2000). However, factors associated with
suboptimal endurance adaptation as a result of concurrent train-
ing have received little attention.
Given that strength training has been shown to impair muscle
force generation capacity from 24 to 48 h post training (Hakkinen
et al. 1988), strength training may interfere with the quality of
subsequent endurance training sessions. Indeed, studies have
shown that strength training impaired running economy (RE),
running time-to-exhaustion, and running time-trial performance
8h(Palmer and Sleivert 2001),6h(Doma and Deakin 2012), and
24h(Marcora and Bosio 2007) post training, respectively. Subse-
quently, concurrent training may cause difficulty in optimizing
endurance adaptation if strength training continually compro-
mises the ability to perform optimally during endurance training
sessions as a result of residual fatigue.
Chtara and colleagues (2005) examined the effect of strength
and endurance training sequence on endurance adaptation fol-
lowing a 12-week concurrent training program. The results
showed that the improvement in 4 km running time-trial perfor-
mance was greater for the group that performed endurance train-
ing prior to strength training than the group that performed
strength training prior to endurance training. The authors sug-
gested that residual fatigue resulting from strength training may
have affected the quality of later endurance sessions and, there-
Received 23 September 2012. Accepted 3 December 2012.
K. Doma and G.B. Deakin. Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, James Cook University, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science Building DB043, Townsville, QLD 4811.
Corresponding author: Kenji Doma (e-mail:
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 38: 651–656 (2013) Published at on 25 January 2013.
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For personal use only.
fore, attenuated optimal training stimuli for endurance adapta-
tion. While these findings indicate that endurance adaptation
may be influenced by the timing in which modes of exercises are
prescribed, the acute effects of strength and endurance training
sequence on running performance was not examined.
A study conducted by Deakin (2004) investigated the acute se-
quence effect of strength and endurance training on submaximal
cycling performance. In this study, strength and endurance exer-
cises were performed 3 h apart in randomized order with a sub-
maximal cycling performance test conducted 3 h following the
last training session of each exercise sequence. The results
showed that the physiological cost of cycling was greater 3 h after
the sequence of strength–endurance training than after the se-
quence of endurance–strength training. These findings suggest
that the strength–endurance sequence may have generated cu-
mulative effects of fatigue. However, Deakin (2004) examined
training sequence on endurance performance on the same day. Fur-
thermore, the recovery period between strength and endurance
training was only 3 h, with endurance performance measures lim-
ited to physiological cost of cycling prescribed at a single intensity on
the same day. It is unknown whether the sequence of strength and
endurance training sessions would have an impact on subsequent
endurance performance the following day when the recovery period
between each mode of training session is greater than 3 h. Such
investigation would better represent a typical concurrent training
day where one mode of training session is performed in the morning
and the other in the afternoon. Furthermore, examining the se-
quence of strength and endurance training sessions the following
day will shed light on the inter-day fatigue and recovery dynamics of
a typically prescribed concurrent training program.
To date, the investigation of strength and endurance training se-
quence, separated by 6 h, on submaximal (i.e., RE) and maximal (i.e.,
time to exhaustion) running performance the following day has not
been conducted as far as the authors are aware. Furthermore, the
impact of strength and endurance training sequence on running
kinematics has not been examined. Determining the sequence effect
of training on running performance the following day may shed light
on the recovery dynamics during daily concurrent training sessions.
The purpose of the current investigation was to systematically
examine the acute effects of strength and endurance training se-
quence on RE, running time to exhaustion (TTE), and lower extrem-
ity running kinematics the following day. It was hypothesized that
running performance will be impaired to a greater degree the fol-
lowing day when strength training precedes endurance training as
opposed to endurance training followed by strength training.
Fourteen trained and moderately trained runners (mean ± standard
deviation: age, 23.3 ± 6.1 years; height, 1.8 ± 0.1 m; body mass, 74.6 ±
8.0 kg; maximal oxygen uptake (V
), 62.0 ± 6.0 mL·kg
) took
part in the study. The trained runners were middle to long dis-
tance runners (1500–10 000 m), and all had run a 10 000 m time
trial faster than 37 min during the last 6 months. The moderately
endurance trained runners were undertaking 3 to 4 moderate to
high intensity endurance training sessions per week and had var-
ious sporting backgrounds during the last 6 months. The partici-
pants did not undertake any lower extremity strength training
exercises for at least 2 months prior to the study. Each participant
completed an informed consent before taking part in any testing
procedures, which were approved by the Institutional Human
Research Ethics Committee and were run in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki.
Research design
The study was conducted across 5 weeks with the first week
consisting of a familiarization session and maximal oxygen con-
sumption (V
) test. The familiarization session allowed par-
ticipants to familiarize themselves with the protocols and
equipment and to carry out a 6 repetition maximum (6RM) assess-
ment. The V
test was a continuous incremental protocol that
has been used previously (Doma et al. 2012a). The 6RM assess-
ments were conducted as described previously (Baechle and Earle
2008) for incline leg press (Maxim MF701, Australia), leg exten-
sion, and leg curls (Avanti, B253 Olympic Bench, Australia). Dur-
ing the second week, the participants undertook 2 RE tests that
were separated by at least 2 days for familiarization purposes as
well as to provide a baseline for comparisons. The data collected
during the second RE test was used as baseline (Base-RE). During
the third week, 2 strength sessions were conducted as a washout
period to standardize possible early onset of neuromuscular ad-
aptations, since the use of the repeated bout effect (via the use of
a second strength training session) has been shown to reduce the
negative influence of a single strength training session on run-
ning performance (Burt et al. 2013). During the fourth and fifth
week, participants undertook a running session 6 h following a
strength session (SR sequence) and a strength session 6 h follow-
ing a running session (RS sequence) in randomized order, with
7 days of recovery in between the 2 sequences (Fig. 1). A RE test was
conducted 24 h following the strength session for the SR sequence
(SR-RE) and 24 h following the running session for the RS se-
quence (RS-RE). The running sessions that were performed either
prior to or following the strength sessions were treated as endur-
ance training sessions, which were separate from the RE tests and
were used to examine the acute sequence effect of strength and
endurance (i.e., running session) training on running perfor-
mance (i.e., RE test). Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) tests
were conducted prior to and following the strength sessions, run-
ning sessions, and RE tests for the SR and RS sequences. Technical
and biological variations were controlled by calibrating all mea-
surement equipment, requiring subjects to maintain their train-
ing intensity and volume during the course of the study,
conducting the RE tests at the same time of day, subjects wearing
the same shoes for every test, refraining from high intensity phys-
ical activity for at least 24 h prior to testing, and refraining from
caffeine and food intake for at least 2 h prior to testing.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram demonstrating the progression of the sessions from the baseline running economy test (Base-RE), the strength session
(ST) and running session (END), and the running economy tests during the strength–running sequence (SR-RE) and running–strength sequence (RS-RE).
652 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 38, 2013
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Strength session
The exercises were performed in the order of incline leg press
with 6 sets of 6 repetitions and leg extension and leg curls with
4 sets of 6 repetitions for each exercise. The exercises were per-
formed in an order that would replicate a common procedure
during strength training sessions where larger muscle groups are
exercised first. A 3 min recovery period was provided between
each set and between each of the strength training exercises.
Running session
Prior to the running session, a progressive warm-up was con-
ducted on the treadmill, walking at 5 km·h
and then jogging at
8, 10, and 12 km·h
for 1 min, respectively. The running session
was a 3-stage discontinuous incremental protocol, which was con-
ducted on a treadmill and was similar to the RE test with the first
2 stages set at 70% and 90% of VT
for 10 min. However, the last stage
consisted of intervals with work-to-rest ratios of approximately 1:1 at
110% of VT
(Fig. 2). Specifically, there were 4 intervals with a rest
period of 1.5 min between the first, second, and third interval, and
2 min of rest between the third and fourth interval. There were also
2 min of rest between the 3 incremental stages.
Running economy test
The RE tests were conducted following a warm-up identical to
that of the running session. The RE protocols consisted of 3 incre-
mental stages running at 70%, 90%, and 110% of the second venti-
latory threshold (VT
), respectively (Doma et al. 2012a). The
participants ran for 10 min during the first 2 stages and then to
exhaustion during the last stage to determine TTE. There were
2 min of passive rest between each stage. The VT
for each subject
was determined from the V
test by ascertaining the inflec-
tion point of ventilation (VE) with respect to carbon dioxide pro-
duction on a scatter diagram (Neder and Stein 2006). The VT
used because of its high reliability (Neder and Stein 2006). The
was used to indicate RE where V
is expressed in millilitres
per kilogram to the power of 0.75 per metre (mL·kg
). This
particular expression for C
was selected, as it has been reported
to minimize between-subject variability (Doma et al. 2012a). The
was averaged during the last 5 min of the first 2 stages to
ensure that the subjects reached steady-state running, which was
defined as <10% change in V
per minute (Reeves et al. 2004).
Values for rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were also collected
on the 9th minute of the first 2 stages and every minute during the
last stage (i.e., TTE). The RPE of the middle time points during the
shortest TTE of a given RE test was used for comparisons (e.g., if
the TTE for a given participant was 5 min for SR-RE, then the RPE
for the third minute of SR-RE was compared with the third minute
of Base-RE and RS-RE). The RPE collected during the 3 stages are
expressed as RPE 1, RPE 2, and RPE 3, respectively, for the subse-
quent sections of the paper.
Kinematic analyses
Running gait was captured at 9 min 30 s of the first 2 stages of
the Base-RE, SR-RE, and RS-RE tests. At least 10 strides of kinematic
data were recorded for each motion captured at 100 Hz using a
3-dimensional 8-camera optical motion analysis system (VICON
Motion Systems, Oxford, UK). Static calibrations for the optical
cameras were completed for each testing session and ensured an
image error of <0.15 pixels. The measuring volume covered 1.5 m ×
3m×2m(width, length, height). Body segments that were cap-
tured included the pelvis, thighs, shank, and feet using 16 retro-
reflective markers (14 mm diameter) that were placed by a single
well-trained investigator (Nexus Plug-in Gait Model, Oxford, UK).
Running gait parameters included ankle range of motion (A
maximum knee flexion during swing (KF
), maximum knee flexion
after foot strike (KF
), and hip range of motion (H
) in the sagittal
plane. Raw kinematic data were filtered using Woltring filtering
routing. The mean-squared error was set to 20 mm
in accordance
with a detailed residual analysis (Winter 2008). Kinematic analysis
during the last stage was not conducted because of its lesser reliabil-
ity than the first 2 stages (Doma et al. 2012b).
Maximal voluntary contraction test
A custom-built dynamometer chair (James Cook University,
Australia) was used to conduct the maximal isometric contrac-
tions of the knee extensor muscles. There were 3 contractions
with each contraction held for 6 s and 1.5 min rest between each
contraction (Doma and Deakin 2012). Torque was measured by
positioning the knee joint at 110° with a force transducer secured
superior to the medial and lateral malleoli. The dynamometer chair
was calibrated by placing a known weight on the force transducer.
Torque was calculated by averaging the values over the 6 s contraction,
with the largest torque being reported among the 3 contractions.
Sample size
Following a pilot study on the reliability of the RE test and MVC
test used in the current study, the within-subject coefficients of
variation (CV) for C
, RPE, TTE, and torque production among
trained and moderately endurance trained men (n= 14) were 2.5%,
3.6%, 9.2%, and 8.3%, respectively (Doma et al. 2012a). According to
a nomogram for the estimation of measurement error with the
use of CV (statistical power of 90%) (Atkinson and Nevill, 2006), the
percentage worthwhile differences for the current sample size
(n= 14) for C
, RPE, TTE, and torque production were found to be
3%, 4.5%, 11%, and 10%, respectively. These percentage differences
are smaller than previous reports that have shown significant
differences in the oxygen cost of running (Palmer and Sleivert
2001), RPE (Doherty et al. 2004), TTE (Esposito et al. 2012), and
torque production (Palmer and Sleivert 2001) as a result of a par-
ticular intervention.
Statistical analysis
The measure of centrality and spread for all data are expressed
as mean ± standard deviation. A one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) with one between-subject factor, exercise order, was
used to determine differences in C
, RPE, and TTE between Base-
RE, SR-RE, and RS-RE. A 2-way ANOVA (time × sequence) with one
between-subject factor, exercise order, was then used to deter-
mine differences in torque production for within and between the
SR and RS sequences. Post hoc tests with Bonferroni’s pairwise
adjustments were then used to locate the difference. The level
Fig. 2. A schematic demonstrating the protocol of the running session with solid and dashed lines denoting running and rest, respectively.
Doma and Deakin 653
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was set at 0.05. All data were analysed using the Statistical Pack-
age for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 18, Chicago, Illinois).
The C
was significantly greater for SR-RE (0.76 ± 0.10 and 0.77 ±
0.07 mL·kg
) compared with Base-RE (0.72 ± 0.10 and 0.70 ±
0.11 mL·kg
) and RS-RE (0.73 ± 0.09 and 0.72 ±
0.09 mL·kg
) during stages 1 (P= 0.013, 0.047) and 2 (P= 0.014,
0.022), although no differences were found during stage 3 (P= 0.73)
(Fig. 3). RPE 2 and RPE 3 were significantly greater for SR-RE com-
pared with Base-RE (P= 0.002, 0.003), and RPE 2 and RPE 3 were
significantly greater for RS-RE compared with Base-RE (P= 0.017,
0.030) (Fig. 4). The TTE was significantly less during SR-RE (237.8 ±
67.4 s) and RS-RE (275.3 ± 68.0 s) compared with Base-RE (335.4 ±
92.1 s) (P= 0.003, 0.008) (Fig. 5). The H
was significantly less for
SR-RE compared with Base-RE during stages 1 and 2 (P= 0.044, 0.019),
and KF
was significantly less for SR-RE compared with Base-RE dur-
ing stage 2 (P= 0.026) (Fig. 6).
For the torque production, there was a significant effect of time
(P= 0.001); however, no significant interaction effect was found
for sequence (P> 0.05) (Fig. 7). Post hoc comparison showed that
torque was significantly reduced for every 5 time points measured
following the strength training session during the SR sequence
(P= 0.001). For the RS sequence, no differences were found follow-
ing the running session (P> 0.05); however, a significant reduc-
tion was measured for the 3 time points following the strength
trainings session (P= 0.003, 0.002, 0.001). For the other perfor-
mance variables no significant differences were found between
the RE tests and between the other time points for torque
(P> 0.05). Regarding cross randomization, no effect of exercise
order was found for any of the variables measured (P> 0.05).
The current study showed that C
was significantly greater and
that H
and KF
was significantly lower during SR-RE compared
with Base-RE. However, TTE was significantly less and RPE was
significantly greater during both SR-RE and RS-RE compared to
Base-RE. These findings support the hypothesis that strength
training before endurance training will impair running perfor-
mance the following day to a greater degree compared to endur-
ance training before strength training.
The significant increase in C
during SR-RE with no differences
found during RS-RE compared with Base-RE demonstrates that
strength and endurance training sequence had an effect on run-
ning performance the following day. While Deakin (2004) exam-
ined strength and endurance training sequence on cycling
performance on the same day, it was reported that the physiolog-
ical cost of submaximal cycling was greater 3 h following
strength–cycling compared with cycling–strength sequences. In
light of the findings from the current study and that by Deakin
(2004), strength training may be the primary mode of exercise
contributing to the accumulation effect of fatigue responsible for
impaired endurance performance. Previous reports have shown
that the physiological cost of submaximal running (Palmer and
Sleivert 2001) and cycling (Deakin 2004) increased 8 and 3 h, re-
spectively, following strength training.
It has been reported that venous blood oxygen saturation de-
creases during isometric contraction of the forearm (Barcroft et al.
1963), suggesting that oxygen extraction increases with sustained
muscle contraction. Further, Yamada and colleagues (2008)
showed a significant relationship between reduction in muscle
activity and changes in muscle oxygenation during submaximal
isometric contractions. From these previous findings, it is assum-
able that C
in the current study may have increased because of
Fig. 3. The cost of running (C
) for baseline running economy (Base-
RE), running economy for the strength–running sequence (SR-RE),
and running economy for the running–strength sequence (RS-RE)
during Stages 1, 2, and 3. *, significantly greater than Base-RE at
P< 0.05; **, significantly greater than RS-RE at P< 0.05.
Fig. 4. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) for the baseline
running economy (Base-RE), running economy for the
strength–running sequence (SR-RE), and for the running–strength
sequence (RS-RE) during Stages 1 (RPE 1), 2 (RPE 2), and 3 (RPE 3).
*, significantly greater than Base-RE at P< 0.05; **, significantly
greater than Base-RE at P< 0.01.
Fig. 5. The time-to-exhaustion (TTE) recorded for the baseline running
economy (Base-RE), running economy for the strength–running
sequence (SR-RE), and running economy for the running–strength
sequence (RS-RE). *, significantly less than Base-RE at P< 0.01.
654 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 38, 2013
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greater oxygen extraction from the muscles of the lower extrem-
ity compared with running in a non-fatigued state. Furthermore,
changes in oxygen metabolism may have occurred because of ineffi-
cient neural recruitment patterns, as indicated by alterations in
lower extremity kinematics due to pre-existent local muscle fatigue
from previous strength and endurance training sessions.
Given thata6hrecovery period was incorporated between
strength and endurance training in the current study, the endur-
ance training session may have been performed in a pre-
exhausted state due to residual fatigue from the preceding
strength training session. This is supported by the significant re-
duction in MVC prior to the running session during the SR se-
quence. However, MVC returned to baseline values 6 h following
the running session during the RS sequence, suggesting that pos-
sible residual effects of fatigue generated from the running ses-
sions may have been eliminated prior to the strength training
session. Consequently, an accumulation effect of fatigue appears not
to have occurred during the RS sequence over the 2-day testing pe-
riod. Indeed, studies have reported that strength training reduces
MVC from 24 to 48 h, with the reduction being attributed to deple-
tion of muscle glycogen (Green 1990), muscle soreness, and muscle
damage (Skurvydas et al. 2011). Alternatively, it has been shown that
MVC is not affected 24 h following 60 min of moderate to high
intensity endurance training (Bentley et al. 2000). Subsequently, en-
durance training performed following strength training may aug-
ment the physiological responses induced by strength training (e.g.,
muscle glycogen depletion, muscle soreness and muscle damage)
and thereby attenuate RE the following day.
The TTE was significantly reduced for both SR-RE and RS-RE,
demonstrating that running at maximum effort is impaired the
day following strength and endurance training regardless of
the sequence of the mode of training. However, no differences
were found in C
during stage 3 between Base-RE, SR-RE, and
RS-RE. These findings indicate that the participants’ physiological
state was similar at exhaustion despite differences in TTE. Subse-
quently, the rate of increase in fatigue may have been greater
during SR-RE and RS-RE than Base-RE and, therefore contributed
to terminating their running earlier. Interestingly, the difference
in TTE between SR-RE and RS-RE was 10%, which is in proximity to
the worthwhile differences (i.e., 11%) for TTE determined for the
RE protocol with the current sample size (n= 14). In addition, RPE
3 was significantly greater during SR-RE, although no significant
differences were found in RPE for this particular time point dur-
ing TTE. As a result, the subjects in the current study appeared to
perceive running to be harder midway through TTE during SR-RE
compared with RS-RE, indicating a sequence effect above VT
While a reduction in MVC may have contributed to an increase in
during SR-RE in the present study, no significant relationship was
found between the percentage differences in C
and MVC for the SR
and RS sequences. These findings confirm that of Chen et al. (2007)
where MVC remained reduced for 5 days following downhill run-
ning, although RE was impaired for only 2 days. Palmer and Sleivert
(2001) also found no effect on MVC 8 h following strength training,
yet RE was impaired. This lack of relationship between MVC and C
would be expected, as reports have shown that RE was impaired
following strenuous exercises with an increase in muscle soreness
and muscle damage (Chen et al. 2007), elevation in level of perceived
exertion, and alterations in running kinematics (Bonacci et al. 2010).
Subsequently, the physiological process contributing to the decre-
ment in RE appears to be complex, involving various mechanisms. In
addition, running is performed dynamically, requiring multiple
muscle groups to contract repetitively in short bursts while perform-
ing various contraction types (e.g., concentric, eccentric, and isomet-
ric contractions). Thus, it is difficult to directly relate running
performance measures to a single 6 s isometric contraction of one
muscle group. Nonetheless, given that the effect of strength and
endurance training sequence was similar between C
and MVC, the
impaired properties of the muscle may in part have contributed to
an increase in C
in the present study.
In addition to an increase in C
, significant reductions were found
in H
and KF
during SR-RE, although no significant differences
were found in the selected kinematic parameters during RS-RE, sug-
Fig. 6. The angular displacements of the hip range of motion (H
knee flexion during swing phase (KF
), knee flexion after foot strike
), and ankle range of motion (A
) for the baseline running
economy test (Base-RE) and running economy tests for the strength–
running sequence (SR-RE) and the running–strength sequence (RS-RE)
during Stages 1 (a)and2(b). *, significantly less than Base-RE at P< 0.05.
Fig. 7. The torque production at time points prior to (1) and following
(2) the strength training session, prior to (3) and following (4) the
endurance training session, and prior to (5) and following (6) the
running economy test for the SR sequence, and prior to (1) and
following (2) the endurance training session, prior to (3) and following
(4) the strength training session, and prior to (5) and following (6) the
running economy test for the RS sequence. *, significantly less than
time point 1 at P< 0.05; †, significantly less than at time point 1 at
P< 0.01; ‡, significantly less than time point 3 at P< 0.01.
Doma and Deakin 655
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gesting that the sequence effect of strength and endurance training
was also present in running kinematics. The current study is the first
to examine the effect of strength and endurance training sequence
on running gait patterns, as far as the authors are aware. Subse-
quently, directly comparing the kinematic results from the current
study with those in the literature is at present difficult. However,
given that MVC was consistently reduced during the SR sequence,
neuromuscular fatigue may have caused inefficient motor unit re-
cruitment patterns thereby altering running kinematics. Various
studies have shown reductions in lower extremity joint range of
motion during running as a result of neuromuscular fatigue follow-
ing resistive-type exercises (Chen et al. 2007;Paschalis et al. 2007). It
has been postulated that lower extremity range of motion may be
compromised owing to delayed onset of muscle soreness, inefficient
neural recruitment patterns, and decreased ability to use the stretch-
shortening cycle (Chen et al. 2007;Braun and Dutto 2003). The reduc-
tion in KF
in the current study may have caused an increase in hip
flexor torque due to greater moment of inertia. These biomechanical
modifications reduce the efficiency of movement, thus increase the
energy expenditure required for running. Subsequently, alterations
in running kinematics may have contributed to the increased C
during SR-RE in the current study.
In summary, strength training performed prior to endurance
training causes greater attenuation in running performance as-
sessed 24 h later than does endurance training performed prior to
strength training. This sequence effect was also evident for alter-
ations in lower extremity running kinematics. This phenomenon
may occur owing to endurance exercises augmenting the dura-
tion of fatigue generated by preceding strength training sessions.
The current study showed that the SR sequence increased C
submaximal intensities with a concomitant reduction in MVC and
alterations in running kinematics. The increase in the physiological
cost of running as a result of performing strength and endurance
training would hinder performance during a running session and
impair optimum stimulus for training adaptation. From a practical
view, running sessions at submaximal intensities should be per-
formed the day after the RS sequence as opposed to the SR sequence.
However, given that TTE was significantly less during both SR-RE and
RS-RE, a recovery period of more than 1 day may be required follow-
ing strength and endurance training regardless of the sequence of
the mode of training when performing a high intensity running
session. While the current study demonstrated the sequence effect of
strength and endurance training on running performance the fol-
lowing day, future research could examine this phenomenon over
multiple days (e.g., 48 and 72 h post training) to enhance the under-
standing of fatigue and recovery dynamics as a result of concurrently
training each mode of training session.
The authors would like to thank Lucy Keast and Heidi Jenninson
for their assistance with data collection and to Marian Dohma for
her assistance with editing this manuscript.
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... However, there was a disparity in the duration of attenuation between run-up speed (i.e., 24 h post-exercise) and average ball speed (i.e., 48 h post-exercise), suggesting that factors other than run-up speed may influence changes in ball speed during periods of EIMD. Indeed, studies have reported impaired running economy for several hours-todays following a single bout of traditional resistance exercises with alterations in running gait patterns [30,31]. The authors [30,31] speculated that runners might have exhibited movement compensation in order to limit muscular discomfort experienced during periods of DOMS, thereby increasing the cost of running. ...
... Indeed, studies have reported impaired running economy for several hours-todays following a single bout of traditional resistance exercises with alterations in running gait patterns [30,31]. The authors [30,31] speculated that runners might have exhibited movement compensation in order to limit muscular discomfort experienced during periods of DOMS, thereby increasing the cost of running. Thus, we suspect that the bowlers changed their bowling kinematics as compensation to reduce symptoms of EIMD, leading to decreases in sport-specific performance. ...
... Thus, we suspect that the bowlers changed their bowling kinematics as compensation to reduce symptoms of EIMD, leading to decreases in sport-specific performance. However, the comparison between the current study, and those by Doma and Deakin [30,31], should be taken with caution, as running economy is performed at sub-maximal intensities, whilst the protocols in the current study were performed as maximum effort. Further research is necessary to determine whether bowling kinematics are altered meaningfully during periods of EIMD, following traditional resistance exercises. ...
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To examine the repeated bout effect (RBE) following two identical resistance bouts and its effect on bowling-specific performance in male cricketers. Male cricket pace bowlers (N = 10), who had not undertaken resistance exercises in the past six months, were invited to complete a familiarisation and resistance maximum testing, before participating in the study protocol. The study protocol involved the collection of muscle damage markers, a battery of anaerobic (jump and sprint), and a bowling-specific performance test at baseline, followed by a resistance training bout, and a retest of physical and bowling-specific performance at 24 h (T24) and 48 h (T48) post-training. The study protocol was repeated 7–10 days thereafter. Indirect markers of muscle damage were lower (creatine kinase: 318.7 ± 164.3 U·L−1; muscle soreness: 3 ± 1), whilst drop jump was improved (~47.5 ± 8.1 cm) following the second resistance training bout when compared to the first resistance training bout (creatine kinase: 550.9 ± 242.3 U·L−1; muscle soreness: 4 ± 2; drop jump: ~43.0 ± 9.7 cm). However, sport-specific performance via bowling speed declined (Bout 1: −2.55 ± 3.43%; Bout 2: 2.67 ± 2.41%) whilst run-up time increased (2.34 ± 3.61%; Bout 2: 3.84 ± 4.06%) after each bout of resistance training. Findings suggest that while an initial resistance training bout reduced muscle damage indicators and improved drop jump performance following a second resistance training bout, this RBE trend was not observed for bowling-specific performance. It was suggested that pace bowlers with limited exposure to resistance training should minimise bowling-specific practice for 1–2 days following the initial bouts of their resistance training program.
... Therefore, the understanding that the ability to increase our physical and competitive performance, in general, is dependent and better explained by its determining variables [5][6][7]. In the case of long-distance running, economy of movement, a variable expressed by the balance between submaximal oxygen consumption and the energy expended at a given stable velocity, appears to be the most relevant component for sporting success [8][9][10][11]. However, endurance or short-duration running itself also has a close relationship with the velocity indexes associated with the occurrence of VO2Max [7], anaerobic energy pathways [12] and strength production capacity [13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. ...
... The importance of strength training for the development of running performance is reasonably understood in the literature [8][9][10]13]. When combined with running, it appears to reflect significant adaptations, which in turn would positively influence running economy and muscular power factors [11]. ...
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The objective was to establish the capacity of absolute maximum strength and relative to body mass (BM) in the Deadlift (DL) and Squat (SQ) exercises to estimate the maximum anaerobic running performance (MART) and maximum aerobic power (VPeak), among individuals stratified into high (HS) vs. low strength score (LS). The sum of workloads (DL+SQ) was also analyzed and cross-validation was tested. Thirty-four students performed 5 visits in the first phase. In the first three visits were performed: sample characterization and consistency analysis of the maximum repetition (RM) for DL and SQ. Participants were stratified based on DL and SQ relativized by BM (DL/BM and SQ/BM). In the last two visits, MART and VPeak were tested. Linear regression for HS participants was not predicting MART for all strength measures. In contrast, the regressive model was significant for DL (R2=0.482; p=0.002), DL/BM (R2=0.764; p<0.001), SQ (R2=0.357; p=0.011) and SQ/BM (R2=0.644; p<0.001) in LS participants, compared to MART performance. For VPeak, linear regression also did not demonstrate an association for all strength measures in HS participants. However, SQ (R2=0.309; p=0.021), DL/BM (R2=0.343; p=0.013) and SQ/BM (R2=0.618; p<0.001), they were able to predict VPeak. The prediction from the sum of the DL+SQ produced an association for MART (R2=0.451; p=0.003) and VPeak (R2=0.273; p=0.031) in LS participants. In the second phase of the study, 17 participants performed cross-validation by testing the prediction equations. The same methodological procedures were performed for this phase, but only LS participants were tested. The Wilcoxon test compared real MART vs. predicted for DL (p=0.02) and SQ (p=0.043), showing differences, but not for DL/BM (p=0.051) and SQ/BM (p=0.093). Wilcoxon also showed differences for real VPeak vs. predicted for DL/BM (p=0.002), SQ (p=0.019) and SQ/BM (p=0.05). The MART predictive equation based on the DL+SQ did not show differences (p=0.148), but the same did not occur for VPeak based on the DL+SQ (p=0.008). Maximum strength did not show predictive capacity in HS participants. However, it was significant for LS participants. DL showed greater predictive prominence for MART. In contrast, for VPeak, SQ/BM satisfactorily explained the variations in running performance (61%). The predictive
... Possibly, an MS session may temporarily induce a deterioration in muscular function and a higher activation of anaerobic metabolism during a subsequent constant speed swimming training set. Moreover, a deterioration in running technique (hip range of motion, knee flexion during swing phase) was reported during a progressively increasing speed treadmill running test following an MS session (Doma & Deakin, 2013. Nevertheless, any effect of dryland ME and MS sessions on swimmers' technique should be examined not only during a subsequent swimming endurance session but also in a sprint swimming session. ...
... In agreement with the present findings, previous studies during running reported significant deterioration in performance accompanied with increased energy cost (Doma & Deakin, 2013. It is likely that the applied ME session activated anaerobic metabolism to a higher level compared to MS session because of the longer duration of each set (Fyfe et al., 2014). ...
The study examined acute effects of dryland muscular endurance (ME) and maximum strength (MS) sessions on performance, physiological, and biomechanical variables during a subsequent sprint swimming session. Twenty-seven swimmers (16.5 ± 2.6 yrs) completed three experimental conditions including: i) ME, 55% of 1-repetition maximum, ii) MS, 90% of 1-repetition maximum, and iii) control (CON, no dry-land). Twenty minutes following ME, MS and CON sessions swimmers performed a 10-s tethered swimming sprint, four by 50-m (4 × 50-m), and a 100-m front crawl sprints. Performance time, blood lactate, heart rate (HR), stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL), stroke index (SI), and stroke efficiency (ηF) were measured during 4 × 50-m and 100-m. Hand grip strength (HG), and shoulder muscles isometric strength (ISO) were measured after each session. Mean 4 × 50-m time increased in ME compared to CON by 1.7 ± 2.7% (p = 0.01), while 100-m time was similar among conditions (p > 0.05). ISO was lower after dry-land training in all conditions (p = 0.01). Tethered force, HG, HR, SR, SL, SI, and ηF were no different between conditions (p > 0.05). Dryland ME session decrease swimming performance; however, ME and MS sessions did not affect technical ability during a subsequent maximum intensity swimming. ARTICLE HISTORY
... The reduction in maximal voluntary contraction with a concomitant impairment in vertical jump and running economy is in line with several previous studies (7,11,23). It has also been suggested that EIMD may attenuate running economy because of a compromise in optimal neural recruitment (10), reduced stretch-shortening cycle mechanics (10), and impaired proprioceptive feedback, which may perturb running kinematics (16). Thus, these physiological and biomechanical responses may subside after the second muscle-damaging bout, allowing performance of vertical jump and running economy similar to premuscle-damaging levels. ...
... Thus, the subtle increase in the level of EIMD remaining after the second muscle-damaging bout in the studies by Doma et al. (23) and Verma et al. (56) may have been sufficient to impair running performed at high intensities. Indeed, other studies have also reported greater decrements in running performance measures at high intensities during periods of EIMD (11,16,17). Given that type 2 muscle fibers are more susceptible to EIMD than type 1 muscle fibers (27), it is plausible to assume that running performed at high-intensity (greater than anaerobic threshold) may elicit further impairment due to greater recruitment of type 2 muscle fibers (1). ...
This systematic review and meta-analysis compared muscle damage markers and physical performance measures between 2 bouts of multiarticular exercises and determined whether intensity and volume of muscle-damaging exercises affected the outcomes. The eligibility criteria consisted of (a) healthy male and female adults; (b) multiarticular exercises to cause muscle damage across 2 bouts; (c) outcome measures were compared at 24-48 hours after the first and second bouts of muscle-damaging exercise; (d) at least one of the following outcome measures: creatine kinase (CK), delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), muscle strength, and running economy. Study appraisal was conducted using the Kmet tool, whereas forest plots were derived to calculate standardized mean differences (SMDs) and statistical significance and alpha set a 0.05. After screening, 20 studies were included. The levels of DOMS and CK were significantly greater during the first bout when compared with the second bout at T24 and T48 (p , 0.001; SMD 5 0.51-1.23). Muscular strength and vertical jump performance were significantly lower during the first bout compared with the second bout at T24 and T48 (p # 0.05; SMD 5 20.27 to 20.40), whereas oxygen consumption and rating of perceived exertion were significantly greater during the first bout at T24 and T48 (p , 0.05; SMD 5 0.28-0.65) during running economy protocols. The meta-analyses were unaffected by changes in intensity and volume of muscle-damaging exercises between bouts. Multiarticular exercises exhibited a repeated bout effect, suggesting that a single bout of commonly performed exercises involving eccentric contractions may provide protection against exercise-induced muscle damage for subsequent bouts.
... Other studies presented the intervention as a ST session, in which one used plyometrics combined with ST [25], five performed the intervention with combined training (combined strength exercises in the same session with aerobics) [26][27][28][29][30] and seven used a traditional ST session [31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. The summary of the characteristics of the studies included in the review is described in Table 2. ...
... The time to exhaustion (TTE) was analyzed in four studies. In three studies [29,30,32] (traditional ST protocols), there was a reduction in time for the experimental group, whereas in one study [24] there were no significant differences. As for running speed (km/h), two studies [22,28] evaluated this variable and in only one study [22] there was a significant change for the experimental group (Pre 13.9 ± 1.7-Post 13.6 ± 1.7 km/h). ...
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Background Strength training (ST) is commonly used to improve muscle strength, power, and neuromuscular adaptations and is recommended combined with runner training. It is possible that the acute effects of the strength training session lead to deleterious effects in the subsequent running. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to verify the acute effects of ST session on the neuromuscular, physiological and performance variables of runners. Methods Studies evaluating running performance after resistance exercise in runners in the PubMed and Scopus databases were selected. From 6532 initial references, 19 were selected for qualitative analysis and 13 for meta-analysis. The variables of peak torque (P T ), creatine kinase (CK), delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), countermovement jump (CMJ), ventilation (VE), oxygen consumption (VO 2 ), lactate (La) and heart rate (HR) were evaluated. Results The methodological quality of the included studies was considered reasonable; the meta-analysis indicated that the variables P T ( p = 0.003), DOMS ( p < 0.0001), CK ( p < 0.0001), RPE ( p < 0.0001) had a deleterious effect for the experimental group; for CMJ, VE, VO 2 , La, FC there was no difference. By qualitative synthesis, running performance showed a reduction in speed for the experimental group in two studies and in all that assessed time to exhaustion. Conclusion The evidence indicated that acute strength training was associated with a decrease in P T , increases in DOMS, CK, RPE and had a low impact on the acute responses of CMJ, VE, VO 2 , La, HR and submaximal running sessions.
... School-based concurrent training is effective for strength and endurance gains in school-aged children, but different organizational forms and training methods, durations, and sequences can affect the training bene ts [9]. Regarding the effectiveness of different sequences of simultaneous training, Dudley et al. found that endurance training preceded resistance training within the same session to obtain more optimal training effects [13], whereas the opposite might lead to fatigue caused by strength exercises within short intervals [14]. On the contrary, Doma et al. [15] proposed an alternative perspective, suggesting that the order of concurrent training is the opposite in terms of the performance and running economy effectiveness of long-distance runners. ...
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This study investigated the effects of different 8-week concurrent training sequences on the maximal strength and explosive power of lower extremities in male college students. Forty male students from sports colleges were divided into four groups, following the same training content and load over an 8-week period and prioritizing different types of training: resistance-training (GCOM1 RT + ET), endurance-training (GCOM1 ET + RT), two-session resistance-training (GCOM2 RT + ET), and two-session endurance-training (GCOM2 ET + RT) priority groups. The one-repetition maximum (1RM) deep squat score improved significantly after different training sequences (F = 12.240, p < 0.001, ES = 0.238). Post hoc two-by-two comparisons showed that the effect size was significantly lower in the GCOM1 RT + ET (p < 0.05), GCOM2 RT + ET (p < 0.05), and GCOM2 ET + RT (p < 0.05) groups. The 1RM hard pull improved significantly after different training sequences (F = 3.674, p = 0.021, ES = 0.234). Post hoc two-by-two comparisons showed that the degree of variables was significantly lower in the endurance-first group than in the two-session strength-first group (p < 0.05) and the two-session endurance-first group (p < 0.05). Squat jumps improved significantly after different training sequences (F = 12.405, p < 0.001, ES = 0.508). Post hoc two-by-two comparisons showed that the degree of variables was significantly higher in the strength-first exercise group during the same session than in the endurance-first exercise group during the same session (p < 0.05), two-session strength-first exercise group (p < 0.05), and two-session endurance-first exercise group (p < 0.05). Squat jumps improved after different training sequences without significant differences (F = 0.495, p = 0.688, ES = 0.004). The GCOM2 training sequence was more effective than the GCOM1 sequence in improving the maximum strength of the lower limbs. The RT + ET training sequence was more effective in improving the countermovement jump height using the GCOM1 training sequence. Future research should consider factors such as training pattern and intensity.
... In a training sequence, Makhlouf et al. (2016) found that the strength prior to endurance training could improve the dynamic strength of muscles more than the opposite training sequence, which may be related to endurance training, leading to fatigue that affects neuromuscular activation and reduces muscle firing frequency. Doma and Deakin (2013) reported that long distance runners have more advantages in improving performance and running economy after endurance training prior to strength training, with the sessions separated by 6 h. Moreover, 12 weeks of strength training after highintensity intervals training (HIIT) can better improve 4-km running performance and VO 2max than the reverse training sequence (Chtara et al., 2005). ...
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The aim of this study is to compare the effects of concurrent strength and endurance training sequences on VO2max and lower limb strength performance to provide scientific guidance for training practice. We searched PubMed, EBSCO, Web of Science (WOS), Wanfang, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases up to December 2022. The included articles were randomized controlled trials that allowed us to compare the strength–endurance (S-E) sequence and endurance–strength (E-S) sequence on VO2max, maximum knee extension strength, maximum knee flexion strength, and lower limb power. The Cochrane bias risk tool was used to evaluate the methodological quality of the included literature, and Stata 12.0 was used for the heterogeneity test, subgroup analysis, draw forest map, sensitivity analysis, and publication bias evaluation. The results have been presented as standardized mean differences (SMDs) between treatments with 95% confidence intervals and calculations performed using random effects models. Significance was accepted when p < 0.05. The studies included 19 randomized controlled trials (285 males and 197 females), 242 subjects in S-E sequence, and 240 subjects in E-S sequence in the analyses. No difference changes between S-E and E-S sequences has been observed on VO2max in the overall analysis (SMD = 0.02, 95% CI: −0.21–0.25, p = 0.859). The S-E sequence shows a greater increase in lower limb strength performance than does the E-S sequence (SMD = 0.19, 95% CI: 0.02–0.37, p = 0.032), which was manifested in the elderly (p = 0.039) and women (p = 0.017); in training periods >8 weeks (p = 0.002) and training frequencies twice a week (p = 0.003); and with maximum knee flexion (p = 0.040) and knee extension strength (p = 0.026), while no difference was found in lower limb power (p = 0.523). In conclusion, the effect of VO2max will not change with different concurrent training sequences. The S-E sequence improves lower limb strength more significantly, mainly in the improvement of knee flexion and knee extension. This advantage is more related to factors such as age, gender, training period, and training frequency.
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Purpose This study examined the repeated bout effect of two resistance training bouts on cycling efficiency and performance. Methods Ten male resistance-untrained cyclists (age 38 ± 13 years; height 180.4 ± 7.0 cm; weight 80.1 ± 10.1; kg; VO2max 51.0 ± 7.6⁻¹.min⁻¹) undertook two resistance training bouts at six-repetition maximum. Blood creatine kinase (CK), delayed-onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), counter-movement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ), submaximal cycling and time-trial performance were examined prior to (Tbase), 24 (T24) and 48 (T48) h post each resistance training bout. Results There were significantly lower values for DOMS (p = 0.027) after Bout 2 than Bout 1. No differences were found between bouts for CK, CMJ, SJ and submaximal cycling performance. However, jump height (CMJ and SJ) submaximal cycling measures (ventilation and perceived exertion) were impaired at T24 and T48 compared to Tbase (p < 0.05). Net efficiency during submaximal cycling improved at Bout 2 (23.8 ± 1.2) than Bout 1 (24.3 ± 1.0%). There were no changes in cycling time-trial performance, although segmental differences in cadence were observed between bouts and time (i.e. Tbase vs T24 vs T48; p < 0.05). Conclusion Cyclists improved their cycling efficiency from Bout 1 to Bout 2 possibly due to the repeated bout effect. However, cyclists maintained their cycling completion times during exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) in both resistance training bouts, possibly by altering their cycling strategies. Thus, cyclists should consider EIMD symptomatology after resistance training bouts, particularly for cycling-specific technical sessions, regardless of the repeated bout effect.
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It is well established that exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) has a detrimental effect on endurance exercise performed in the days that follow. However, it is unknown whether such effects remain after a repeated bout of EIMD. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of repeated bouts of muscle-damaging exercise on sub-maximal running exercise. Nine male participants completed baseline measurements associated with a sub-maximal running bout at lactate turn point. These measurements were repeated 24-48 h after EIMD, comprising 100 squats (10 sets of 10 at 80 % body mass). Two weeks later, when symptoms from the first bout of EIMD had dissipated, all procedures performed at baseline were repeated. Results revealed significant increases in muscle soreness and creatine kinase activity and decreases in peak knee extensor torque and vertical jump performance at 24-48 h after the initial bout of EIMD. However, after the repeated bout, symptoms of EIMD were reduced from baseline at 24-48 h. Significant increases in oxygen uptake [Formula: see text], minute ventilation [Formula: see text], blood lactate ([BLa]), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), stride frequency and decreases in stride length were observed during sub-maximal running at 24-48 h following the initial bout of EIMD. However, following the repeated bout of EIMD, [Formula: see text] [BLa], RPE and stride pattern responses during sub-maximal running remained unchanged from baseline at all time points. These findings confirm that a single resistance session protects skeletal muscle against the detrimental effects of EIMD on sub-maximal running endurance exercise.
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The primary aim of the present study was to examine the effect of eccentric exercise-induced (100 submaximal eccentric contractions at an angular velocity of 60° s–1, with 20-s rest intervals) muscle damage on peripheral and central fatigue of quadriceps muscle in well-trained long-distance runners, sprint runners, volleyball players, and untrained subjects. We found that (i) indirect symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage (prolonged decrease in maximal voluntary contraction, isokinetic concentric torque, and electrically induced (20 Hz) torque) were most evident in untrained subjects, while there were no significant differences in changes of muscle soreness and plasma creatine kinase 48 h after eccentric exercise between athletes and untrained subjects; (ii) low-frequency fatigue was greater in untrained subjects and volleyball players than in sprint runners and long-distance runners; (iii) in all subjects, electrically induced (100 Hz) torque decreased significantly by about 20%, while central activation ratio decreased significantly by about 8% in untrained subjects and sprint runners, and by about 3%–5% in long-distance runners and volleyball players. Thus, trained subjects showed greater resistance to exercise-induced muscle damage for most markers, and long-distance runners had no advantage over sprint runners or volleyball players.
Abstract Strength training has been shown to cause acute detrimental effects on running performance. However, there is limited investigation on the effect of various strength training variables, whilst controlling eccentric contraction velocity, on running performance. The present study examined the effects of intensity and volume (i.e. whole body vs. lower body only) of strength training with slow eccentric contractions on running economy (RE) [i.e. below anaerobic threshold (AT)] and time-to-exhaustion (TTE) (i.e. above AT) 6 hours post. Fifteen trained and moderately endurance trained male runners undertook high-intensity whole body (HW), high-intensity lower body only (HL) and low-intensity whole body (LW) strength training sessions with slow eccentric contractions (i.e. 1:4 second concentric-to-eccentric contraction) in random order. Six hours following each strength training session, a RE test with TTE was conducted. The results showed that HW, HL and LW sessions had no effect on RE and that LW session had no effect on TTE (P≥0.05). However, HW and HL sessions significantly reduced TTE (P<0.05). These findings demonstrate that a 6-hour recovery period following HW, HL and LW sessions may minimize attenuation in endurance training performance below AT, although caution should be taken for endurance training sessions above AT amongst trained and moderately endurance trained runners.
While the reliability of running economy (RE) has been widely established, limited investigation has been carried out into the reliability of various performance variables during a RE test. Subsequently, the purpose of the current study was to examine the reliability of time-to-exhaustion (TTE) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during a RE test among trained runners and moderately endurance-trained men. Absolute VO2 (mL/minute), VO2 relative to body mass (mL/kg/minute), oxygen cost of running (CR) defined as VO2 relative to body mass raised to the power of 0.75 per meter (ml kg (-0.75)/m), heart rate (HR), ventilation (V-E), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio and RPE were measured while treadmill running on two occasions at three discontinuous incremental speeds corresponding to 70%, 90%, and 110% of the second ventilatory threshold (VT2). The duration of the last increment was measured as TTE. The reliability was determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and 95% ratio limits of agreement. The intraindividual variability was examined using the coefficient of variation (CV). There were no significant differences between the two RE trials for absolute VO2, relative VO2, CR, V-E, VCO2, respiratory exchange ratio and RPE (p >= 0.05) except for the differences in RPE during the first increment and the TTE (p < 0.05). The reliability was high for absolute VO2, relative VO2, CR, HR and TTE and was moderate for V-E and RPE. Small intraindividual variability was found for absolute VO2, relative VO2, CR, HR and RPE. The findings will enable sport scientists to incorporate a variety of performance variables when examining RE. Copyright (c) 2012, The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness. Published by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.
Whilst various studies have examined lower extremity joint kinematics during running, there is limited investigation on joint kinematics at steady-state running and at intensities close to exhaustion. Subsequently, the purpose of this study was to determine whether the reliability of kinematics in the lower extremity and thorax is affected by varying the running speeds during a running economy test. 14 trained and moderately trained runners undertook 2 running economy tests with each test incorporating 3 intensity stages: 70-, 90- and 110% of the second ventilatory threshold, respectively. The participants ran for 10 min during each of the first 2 stages and to exhaustion during the last stage. Kinematics of the ankle, knee, hip, pelvis and thorax were recorded using a 3-dimensional motion analysis system. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), limits of agreement (LOA) and coefficient of variation (CV) were used to calculate reliability. The ICC, LOA and CV of the lower extremity and thoracic kinematic variables ranged from 0.33-0.97, 1.03-1.39 and 2.0-18.6, respectively. Whilst the reliability did vary between the kinematic variables, the majority of results showed minimal within-subject variation and moderate to high reliability. In conclusion, examining thoracic and lower extremity kinematics is useful in determining whether running kinematics is altered with varying running intensities.
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of acute passive stretching on cycling efficiency during an exercise of heavy intensity. After maximum aerobic power (V̇O(2max) ) assessment, nine active males (24 ± 5 years; stature 1.71 ± 0.09 m; body mass 69 ± 7 kg; mean ± standard deviation) performed tests at 85% of V̇O(2max) (Ẇ(85) ) until exhaustion, with and without pre-exercise stretching. During the tests, we determined the gas exchange, metabolic and cardiorespiratory parameters. With stretching, no differences in V̇O(2max) occurred (3.64 ± 0.14 vs 3.66 ± 0.07 L/min for stretching and control, respectively). During Ẇ(85) , pre-exercise stretching (i) decreased time to exhaustion (t(lim) ) by 26% (P<0.05); (ii) increased average V̇O(2) by 4% (3.24 ± 0.07 and 3.12 ± 0.07 L/min in stretching and control, respectively; P<0.05); and (iii) reduced net mechanical efficiency (e(net) ) by 4% (0.185 ± 0.006 and 0.193 ± 0.006 in stretching and control, respectively; P<0.05). Although acute passive stretching did not have an effect on V̇O(2max) , t(lim) and e(net) during heavy constant load exercise were significantly affected. These results are suggestive of an impairment in cycling efficiency due to changes in muscle neural activation and viscoelastic characteristics induced by stretching.