The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of padded hosiery caused a significant reduction in planter pressures measured at the sock-shoe interface compared to a control sock, when initially fitted and after 8 weeks of continuous wear. Testing was conducted on eight healthy subjects under the following conditions: a nonpadded control sock, a wash-only padded sock, and a padded test sock. Pressure data were collected within the shoe for the three conditions using the EMED Mikro system (NOVEL Gmbh, Munich, Germany) on the initial day of fitting and after 8 weeks of wear. Data were also collected on the test sock at the time of initial donning and again after 4 hours of activity. The results indicate that padded hosiery can significantly decrease forefoot plantar pressures when initially donned, after wearing for 4 hours of activity, and over a period of g weeks of wear. The pressure reductions that were found, however, were not uniform across the entire forefoot.