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Effect of Pracchardana and Vidharna on Negative Breath Holding Capacity


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of the study was to study the comparative trend of pracchardana and vidharna effect on negative breath holding capacity of school going children before and after experimentation. A total of 30 subjects with age ranging from 13 to 17 years were selected. Practice of pracchardana and vidharna were considered as independent variables and negative breath holding capacity was considered as dependent variables. Time series research design was adapted for the purpose of the study in which observations were taken on eight occasions before and after activation of independent variables. Practice was given 5 days a week, 45 minutes for each day. Three sets of practice were performed in each session. Trend analysis (trial means: one standard condition) was performed. It was concluded that: (1) insignificant trend (1.418, p >0.05) was found before experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children; (2) linear (2.919, p >0.05) and quadratic (0.113, p > .05) trend before experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children were found insignificant; (3) significant trend (248.066, p <0.05) of the effect of experimental treatment was found on negative breath holding capacity of school going children; (4) linear trend (455.431, p <0.05) during experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children was found significant; (5) quadratic (0.856, p >0.05) trend during experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children was found insignificant; (6) cubic (4.380, p <0.05) trend during experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children was found significant; (7) significant trend (65.072, p <0.05) was found after experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children; (8) linear (111.9, p <0.05) trend after experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children was found significant; (9) quadratic (0.227, p>0.05) trend after experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children was found significant.
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Journal of Advances in Developmental Research 2 (2) 2011 : 253-256
Effect of Pracchardana and Vidharna on Negative
Breath Holding Capacity
Rajeev Choudhary*, Akhil Mehrotra and Shalendra Narayan
*Corresponding author, Department of Physical Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P., INDIA,
The purpose of the study was to study the comparative trend of pracchardana and vi dharna
effect on negative breath holding capacity of school going children before and after experimentation.
A total of 30 subjects with a ge ranging from 13 to 17 years were selected. Practice of
were considered as independent variables and negative breath holding capacity was
considered as dependent variables. Time series research design was adapted for the purpose of the
study in which observations were taken on eight occasions before and after activation of independent
variables. P ractice was given 5 days a week, 45 minutes for each day. Three sets of practice were
performed in each session. Trend analysis (trial means: one standard condition) was performed. It
was concluded that: (1) insignificant trend (1.418, p >0.05) was found before experimental treatme nt
on negative breath holding capacity of school going children; (2) linear (2.919, p >0.05 ) and quadratic
(0.113, p > .05) trend be fore experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school
going children were found insignificant; (3) significant trend (248.066, p <0.05) of the effect of
experimental treatment was found on negative breath holding capacity of scho ol going children; (4)
linear trend (455.431, p <0.05) during experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of
school going children was found significant; (5) quadratic (0.856, p >0.05) trend during experimental
treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children was found insignificant; (6)
cubic (4.380, p <0.05) trend during experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of
school going children was found significant; (7) significant trend (65.072, p <0.05) was found after
experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going children; (8) linear (111.9,
p <0.05) trend after experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity of school going
children was found significant; (9) quadratic (0.227, p>0.05) trend after experimental treatment on
negative breath holding capacity of school going children was found significant.
Key wo rds:
and negative breath holding capacity.
is expulsion;
retention. The expulsion and the retention of the
breath are supposed to be one of the means of
bringing about composure of mind. The mind may
also be calmed by expulsion and retention of the
To study the trend of effect of pracchardana
and vidharna on Negative breath holding
capacity of school going children.
To study the trend before experimental
treatment on negative breath holding
capacity of school going children.
Research Article
Available online at
Journal of Advances in Developmental Research
ISSN: 0976-4704 (Print), e-ISSN: 0976-4844 (Online)
J.Adv.Dev.Res. Volume 2, No.2, December 2011
254 R. Choudhary, A. Mehrotra and S. Narayan
To study the trend in linear curve trend of
effect of pracchardana and vidharna on
negative breath holding capacity of school
going children.
To study the trend in quadratic curve trend
of effect of pracchardana and vidharna on
negative breath holding capacity of school
going children.
To study the trend in cubic curve trend of
effect of pracchardana and vidharna on
negative breath holding capacity of school
going children.
To study the trend after experimental
treatment on negative breath holding
capacity of school going children.
A total of 30 subjects with age ranging from
13 to 17 years were selected from The Aryan
International School, Varanasi. All the subjects
were selected randomly.
Practice of
were considered as independent variables and
negative breath holding capacity was considered
as dependent variables.
Experimental Design
Time series research design1 was adapted
for the purpose of the study in which observations
were taken on eight occasions before and after
activation of independent variables.
O1 O2 O3 X O4 X O5 X O6 O7 O8
O = Observation, X = Treatment
All the 30 subjects were participated in the
pr acchardan a
an d
fo r 6 wee k s.
Observations were taken eight times i.e. three
observations before the treatment and five after
treatment application. All the observations were
recorded at two weeks interval time.
Practice was given 5 days a week, 45
minutes for each day. Three sets of practice were
performed in each session. After each repetition of
was performed for 10
seconds as shown below.
1st set Rest 2nd set Rest 3rd set
13 min. 3 min. 13 min. 3 min. 13 min.
Statistical Analysis
To study the trend of
before experimental treatment, in the
linear curve, quadratic curve, cubic curve and after
the experiment, on negative breath holding capacity
of school going children, trend analysis (trial means:
one standard condition) was applied2,3. The level of
significance was set at 0.05 level.
Results and Discussion
In descriptive statistics, mean, standard
deviation, skewness, standard error of skewness,
kurtosis and standard error of kurtosis were
calculated. In case of age, when numerical value of
skewness was compared with twice the standard
error of skewness and included the range from
minus twice the standard error of skewness to plus
twice the standard error of skewness. The value of
skewness lies within this range. This shows that
data or degree of skewness is not significantly
skewed or skewness is considered not seriously
violated. The same numerical process was used to
check the normal distr ibution in relatio n to
kurtosis. Again a range of normality by multiplying
the standard error of kurtosis by 2 was constructed
fr o m mi n u s va lue to pl u s th at value. This
distribution is also significantly normal in terms of
It is evident from Table -2 that insignificant
trend was found before experimental treatment on
negative breath holding capacity of school going
Li n ear and quadratic tr en d before
experimental treatment on negative breath holding
capacity of school going children were also found
insignificant (Table 3).
On the other hand significant trend of the
effect of experimental treatment was found on
negative breath holding capacity of school going
children (Table 4).
Li n ear and cubic trend s dur i n g
experimental treatment on negative breath holding
cap acity of school going children were found
signif ican t wh erea s quad rati c trend du r ing
experimental treatment on negative breath holding
capacit y of school go ing childre n was found
nonsignificant (Table 5).
It is evident from Table -6 that significant
trend was found after experimental treatment on
negative breath holding capacity of school going
children. After treatments application linear trend
was found significant but quadratic trend was
Journal of Advances in Developmental Research 2 (2) 2011 : 253-256 255
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of age and eight observations on negative breath holding capacity
Mean SD Skewness SE skewness Kurtosis SE kurtosis
Age 15.7 1.022 - 0.378 0.427 - 0.878 0.833
Observation 1 24.058 11.017 2.579 0.427 9.024 0.833
Observation 2 24.625 10.843 2.394 0.427 8.336 0.833
Observation 3 24.888 10.891 2.518 0.427 9.067 0.833
Observation 4 27.377 11.111 2.468 0.427 8.627 0.833
Observation 5 30.455 11.004 2.524 0.427 8.858 0.833
Observation 6 32.59 11.010 2.414 0.427 8.323 0.833
Observation 7 33.083 11.145 2.509 0.427 8.961 0.833
Observation 8 33.515 11.092 2.516 0.427 8.998 0.833
Table 2. Trend before experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity
Trials 2 10.777 5.388 1.418
Subjects 29 20814.284 717.734
Subjects x trials 58 220.400 3.800
Table 3. Linear and Quadratic trend before experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity
Among means Linear 1 10.317 10.317 2.919
Quadratic 1 0.46 0.460 0.113
Within group Linear 29 102.506 3.535
Quadratic 29 117.894 4.065
Table 4. Treand of effect of
on negative breath holding capacity during
Trials 3 1033.004 344.335 248.066*
Subjects 29 28607.940 986.481
Subjects x trials 87 120.762 1.388
*significant at 5%
Table 5. Linear, Quadratic and Cubic trends during treatment on negative breath holding capacity
Among Means Linear 1 1028.534 1028.534 455.431*
Quadratic 1 0.942 0.942 0.856
Cubic 1 3.528 3.528 4.380*
Within Groups Linear 29 65.493 2.258
Quadratic 29 31.912 1.100
Cubic 29 23.358 0.805
*significant at 5%
Table 6. Trend after experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity
Trials 2 12.844 6.422 65.072*
Subjects 29 10679.732 368.267
Subjects x trials 58 5.724 0.099
*significant at 5%
Table 7. Linear and Quadratic trend after experimental treatment on negative breath holding capacity
Among Means Linear 1 12.825 12.825 111.9*
Quadratic 1 0.019 0.019 0.227
Within Group Linear 29 3.324 0.115 0
Quadratic 29 2.400 0.083
*significant at 5%
256 R. Choudhary, A. Mehrotra and S. Narayan
nonsignificant (Table 7). Trends between breath
holding capacity and observations before, during
and after experimental treatments are shown in
Figures 1, 2 and 3.
Physiological changes associated with yoga
training caused improvements in ventilatory
functions of the lungs including a prolongation of
breath holding times4. Changes in cardiorespiratory
an d meta bo l ic in t e n s ity by th e practice of
pranayamas and meditation were also reported5-7.
Increase in vital capacity increase and chest
circumference concludes that yoga training has a
strong effect on ou r respiratory system and
ventilatory functions. A smaller proportion of lipids
wa s metaboli zed durin g meditation practice
compared with rest8. In the present study change
in ne g ative br e ath hol d ing capa c i ty due to
pracchardana and vidharna practice might be due
to change in oxygen uptake (VO2) and the carbon
dioxide output (VCO2).
1. Verma JP. 2000.
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John Wiley and Sons, New York
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4. Makwana K, Khirwadkar N and Gupta HC. 1988.
Effect of short term yoga practice on ventilatory
function tests.
Indian Journal of Physiology and
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5. Stec K and Choudhary, R. 2009. Effect of dynamic
surya nam as ka r on neg at ive brea th ho ld in g
ca p a city of p hysi c a l educat i o n s t u d e nts.
Wellness: Journal of Health, Physical Education
and Sports
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6. Choudhary R and Stec K. 2008. Effect o f dynamic
suryan amaskar on vital ca pa city of ph ysical
education students.
Indian Journal of Physical
Education, sports medicine and exercise science
8(2): 11-20.
7. Joshi LN, Joshi VD and Gokhale LV. 1992. Effect of
short term ‘Pranayama ’ practice on breathing
rate and ventilatory functions of lung.
Jo u r nal of Ph y siol og y and Pha rm acol o g y
8. Danucalov MAD, Simoes RS, Kozasa EHand Leite
JR 2 0 08. Ca rdi o res pira tory and me tab o l i c
cha nges during
yog a
sessions: the effe cts of
respiratory exercises and meditation practices
Figure:1- Trend Before Experimental Treatment
1 2 3
Obse rvations
N e g ati v e B r e a t h H o ld i n g
C a p a c i ty
(i n se c o n d s )
Figure:2- Trend During Experimental Treatment
1 2 3 4
N e g a t i v e B r e a t h H o l d i n g
C a p a c i t y
( i n s e c o n d s )
Figure: 3- Trend After Experimental Treatment
1 2 3
Obse rvations
N e g a t i v e B r e a t h H o l d i n g
C a p a c i ty
(i n s e c o n d s )
... There have been many studies on physical yoga and its effects on physical function but only few related to pranayama, the breathing exercises [2][3][4][5][6][7]. According to Hathapradipika of Svatmarama [8], there are eight Varieties of Pranayama, of which Bhastrika is one. ...
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Background and Study Aim: The objective of the study was to find out the trend of the effects of four varieties of dynamic yogic breathing call as Bhastrika Pranayama on physical efficiency measured by Harward Step Test. The study was design to find out significant difference between measures of performance (Physical Efficiency Index) for four treatments (four verities of Bhastrika pranayama). Also to find out interaction between particular trials and treatments (linear, quadratic & cubic component for overall trend). Material and Methods: Total of 40 students were selected as subjects. Age of the Subjects was ranged from 17 to 25 years. All the subjects were divided randomly in to four groups i.e. 10 in each group. Practice of Bhastrika Pranayama was considered as Independent variables and Physical Efficiency Index was considered as dependent variables. To find out the trend of the effects of four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama on Physical Efficiency Index, trend analysis with multiple treatments was used at 0.05 level of significance. Results: Insignificant difference was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for treatments), between trials and treatments interaction and between cubic component for overall trends (all p > 0.05). Significant difference (p < 0.05) was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for trials), also between linear component for overall trends (p < 0.05) and between quadratic component for overall trends. Conclusions: Study revealed that all the four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama practices proved to be equal in bringing out change in Physical Efficiency Index.
... There have been many studies on physical yoga and its effects on physical function but only few related to pranayama, the breathing exercises234567. According to Hathapradipika of Svatmarama [8], there are eight Varieties of Pranayama, of which Bhastrika is one. ...
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Background and Study Aim: The objective of the study was to find out the Trend of the effects of four varieties of dynamic yogic breathing call as Bhastrika Pranayama on physical efficiency measured by Harward Step Test. The study was design to find out significant difference between measures of performance (Physical Efficiency Index) for four treatments (four verities of Bhastrika pranayama). Also to find out interaction between particular trials and treatments (linear, quadratic & cubic component for overall trend). Material/Methods: Total of 40 students were selected as subjects. Age of the Subjects was ranged from 17 to 25 years. All the subjects were divided randomly in to four groups i.e. 10 in each group. Practice of Bhastrika Pranayama was considered as Independent variables and Physical Efficiency Index was considered as dependent variables. To find out the trend of the effects of four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama on Physical Efficiency Index, trend analysis with multiple treatments was used at 0.05 level of Significance. Results: Insignificant difference was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for treatments), between trials and treatments interaction and between cubic component for overall trends (all p>0.05). Significant difference (p<0.05) was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for trials), also between linear component for overall trends (p<0.05) and between quadratic component for overall trends. Conclusions: Study revealed that all the four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama practices proved to be equal in bringing out change in Physical Efficiency Index.
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Purpose. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of dynamic Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) on the differential chest circumference of selected physical education students at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Basic procedures. The subjects for this study were selected from the Department of Physical Education at Banaras Hindu University. A total of 20 male subjects were selected and used as one practicing group. Dynamic Surya Namaskar was considered the independent variable and differential chest circumference was considered the dependent variable. The test was for differential chest circumference. The Repeated Measures Design was used for this study. Only one group of 20 participants was created. Tests were administered at regular intervals of two weeks. The tests started four weeks prior to the dynamic Surya Namaskar (DSN) treatment and took place every two weeks, three times. Thereafter, tests took place every two weeks during the treatment and after the completion of the treatment, they were continued for the following four-week period. Main findings. To determine the effect of dynamic Surya Namaskar on physiological and anthropometric variables of selected physical education students at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, one way ANOVA was used at .05 level of significance. Conclusions. In relation to differential chest circumference, a significant (p < 0.05) effect of dynamic Surya Namaskar was found.
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The novelty of this study was to investigate the changes in cardiorespiratory and metabolic intensity brought about by the practice of pranayamas (breathing exercises of yoga) and meditation during the same hatha-yoga session. The technique applied was the one advocated by the hatha-yoga system. Nine yoga instructors-five females and four males, mean age of 44+/-11, 6, were subjected to analysis of the gases expired during three distinct periods of 30 min: rest, respiratory exercises and meditative practice. A metabolic open circuit computerized system was applied (VO2000, MedGraphics-USA). The oxygen uptake (VO(2)) and the carbon dioxide output (VCO(2)) were statistically different (P <or= 0.05) during meditation and pranayama practices when compared with rest. The heart rate also suffered relevant reductions when results at rest were compared with those during meditation. A smaller proportion of lipids was metabolized during meditation practice compared with rest. The results suggest that the meditation used in this study reduces the metabolic rate whereas the specific pranayama technique in this study increases it when compared with the rest state.
Thirty three normal male and forty two normal female subjects, of average age of 18.5 years, underwent six weeks course in 'Pranayam' and their ventilatory lung functions were studied before and after this practice. They had improved ventilatory functions in the form of lowered respiratory rate (RR), and increases in the forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume at the end of 1st second (FEV1%), maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV), peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR-lit/sec), and prolongation of breath holding time.
Twentyfive normal male volunteers undergoing a ten weeks course in the practice of yoga have been studied by some parameters of ventilatory functions tests. The observations recorded at the end of ten weeks of the course have shown improved ventilatory functions in the form of lowered respiratory rate, increased forced vital capacity, FEV1, maximum breathing capacity and breath holding time, while tidal volume and %FEV1, did not reveal any significant change. Thus, a combined practice of yoga seems to be beneficial on respiratory efficiency.
Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vakils, Feffer and Simons Ltd
  • He Garrett
Garrett HE. 1981. Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vakils, Feffer and Simons Ltd.: Bombay.