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Trend of the effects of four varieties of yoga bhastrika
pranayama on physical efficiency index
Rajeev Choudhary1ABCD, Leslaw Kulmatycki2DE, Tilak Raj Meena1BC
1 Department of Physical Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 Department of Physical Education, University School of Physical Education, Wroclaw, Poland
Source of support: Departmental sources
Received: 21 November 2012; Accepted: 14 May 2012; Published online: 30 June 2012
The objective of the study was to find out the Trend of the effects of four varieties of dynamic yogic breathing call
as Bhastrika Pranayama on physical efficiency measured by Harward Step Test. The study was design to find out
significant difference between measures of performance (Physical Efficiency Index) for four treatments (four ver-
ities of Bhastrika pranayama). Also to find out interaction between particular trials and treatments (linear, qua-
dratic & cubic component for overall trend).
Total of 40 students were selected as subjects. Age of the Subjects was ranged from 17 to 25 years. All the subjects
were divided randomly in to four groups i.e. 10 in each group. Practice of Bhastrika Pranayama was considered as
Independent variables and Physical Efficiency Index was considered as dependent variables. To find out the trend
of the effects of four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama on Physical Efficiency Index, trend analysis with multiple
treatments was used at 0.05 level of Significance.
Insignificant difference was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for treat-
ments), between trials and treatments interaction and between cubic component for overall trends (all p>0.05).
Significant difference (p<0.05) was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for
trials), also between linear component for overall trends (p<0.05) and between quadratic component for overall
Study revealed that all the four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama practices proved to be equal in bringing out change
in Physical Efficiency Index.
Key words:
yoga practices • Bhastrika Pranayama • Physical Efficiency Index
Author’s address:
Leslaw Kulmatycki, Department of Physical Education, Wroclaw’s University School of Physical Education,
Rzezbiarska 4 Str., 51-629 Wroclaw, Poland; e-mail:
Classical Indian yoga provides the earliest, compre-
hensive account of relaxation and its broader connec-
tion to mind-body states. It is a set of practical meth-
ods based on the experience of individual practitioners.
These practices may be directed to various parts of the
human body, or they may involve the muscles, breath,
energies, emotions, or the mind in general. In practice,
yoga relies on a specific, step-by-step approach [1].
There have been many studies on physical yoga and
its effects on physical function but only few related to
pranayama, the breathing exercises [2–7]. According
to Hathapradipika of Svatmarama [8], there are eight
Varieties of Pranayama, of which Bhastrika is one. In
Sanskrit, Bhastrika means bellows. This Pranayama is
called Bhastrika because it is characterized by inces-
sant and quick expulsions of breath in all its varieties,
imitating the actively hissing belloes of a village smith.
Whether in these expulsions both the nostrils are used
and Study Aim:
Authors’ Contribution:
A Study Design
B Data Collection
C Statistical Analysis
D Manuscript Preparation
E Funds Collection
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as in the first two varieties, or only one nostril is used as
in the last two varieties, is all immaterial, quick succes-
sion of forceful expirations is the most prominent fea-
ture of every type of Bhastrika. Hence, the name. Swami
Kuvalayananda [1] described four varieties of Bhastrika
Pranayama. These are as follows: First variety – The first
part of this variety is identical with Kapalabhati. After
a number of exhalations, this number being determind
by the strength of the individual. The second part of
this variety, deepest possible Puraka is made as air is
inhaled through both the nostril. It is desirable that
the process of Puraka should cover at least eight sec-
onds. Puraka is followed by Kumbhaka. Rechaka is be
done through left nostril. Second variety – This variety
is considered in its two parts separately. Starting with
the first part which corresponds to Kapalbhati. In sec-
ond part of this variety, Puraka is done through always
from the right nostril, Puraka is followed by Kumbhaka,
whereas that to be used for exhalation is invariably the
opposite one. Third variety – It is desirable to consid-
er the variety in two parts, the first part correspond-
ing to Kapalabhati.In this variety Kapalabhati is done
from one nostril only (right nostril). In second part the
deep inhalation is to be done through the right nostril
in every odd round and through the left nostril in every
even round, Puraka is followed by Kumbhaka, the deep
exhalation being effected invariably through the oppo-
site nostril. Fourth variety- In this variety, the first part
differs from others. The technique may be as; quick in-
spiration through the right nostril is immediately fol-
lowed by quick expiration through the left nostril. This
is followed by the deepest possible inspiration through
the right nostril, the necessary retention of breath and
the final expiration through the left nostril, which com-
pletes the second part of that round and also the round
itself. Then the second round commences with quick
inspiration through left nostril and expiration through
the right nostril.
Significance of the study
The present study has been undertaken to examine the
effects of bhastrika pranayama on the Physical Efficiency
1. To find out significant difference between measures
of performance (Physical Efficiency Index) for four
treatments (Four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama).
2. To find out significant difference between four tri-
als resulting from four treatments (four verities of
Bhastrika Pranayama).
3. To find out interaction between trials and treatments.
4. To find out Linear, Quadratic and Cubic components
for overall trend.
5. To find out Linear, Quadratic and Cubic components
of the group X trial interaction.
1. There shall not be any significant difference be-
tween measures of performance (Physical Efficiency
Index) for four treatments (Four varieties of Bhastrika
2. There shall not be any significant difference between
four trials resulting from four treatments (four vari-
eties of Bhastrika Pranayama).
3. There shall not be any significant interaction between
trials and treatments.
4. There shall not be any significant Linear, Quadratic
and Cubic components for overall trend.
5. There shall not be any significant Linear, Quadratic
and Cubic components of the group X trial interaction.
Material and Methods
Forty students were selected as subjects. Age of the
Subjects was ranged from 17 to 25 years. All the sub-
jects were divided randomly in to four groups i.e. 10 in
each group. Practice of Bhastrika Pranayama was con-
sidered as Independent variable and Physical Efficiency
Index was considered as dependent variable. Physical
Efficiency Index was measured by Harward Step Test.
Subjects stepped up and down 30 times per minute on
the bench of 20 inches height. The stepping exercise
continued for 5 minutes. After the completion of step-
ping, pulse rate was counted between 1–1.5, 2–2.5, 3–3.5
minutes after the exercise. Score of Physical Efficiency
Index was computed using the formula:
PEI = Duration of Exercise in seconds ×100
2 × Sum of Pulse Counts in Recovery
Experimental design
The randomized block design (special case of random-
ized block design i.e. repeated measures design) was used
for the study. Bhastrika Pranayama was treated as inde-
pendent variable. Physical Efficiency Index was treated
as dependent variable. Varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama
were treated as blocking variable. For the purpose of
the study four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama were
included. The experiment treatment was conducted for
56 Days (8 weeks). Observations were taken after ev-
ery two weeks treatment. Study was done according
the Department of Physical Education, Benares Hindu
University ethical rules. The students-volunteers were
informed about the study.
Classical Indian yoga –
yoga is the name of one of
the six hindu traditional
orthodox philosophical
schools, but in our article
we refer to Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali – widely regarded
as the compiler of the formal
Pranayama – the specific
yogic breathing exercises
meaning extension of the life
force. The word is composed
of two Sanskrit words, prāna
means life force, or vital
energy or the breath, and
ayāma, means to extend or
draw out.
Bhastrika – a kind of yogic
pranayama, a breathing
technique through the nose,
where breathing is forcible
and with equal time for
inhalation and exhalation.
Kapalabhati – the yogic
system of body cleansing
techniques, the technique
of Kapalabhati involves
short and strong forceful
exhalations and inhalation
happens automatically.
Harvard Step Test – a
type of cardiac stress test
developed by Brouha et al.
(1943) in the for detecting
and/or diagnosing fitness,
and ability to recover after
a strenuous exercise after
steps for 5 minutes or until
Dynamic suryanamaskar
– Surya Namaskara is an
ancient system of Indian
exercise and depends of level
of practice it includes the
regular routine of twelve
physical yogic poses or
prayer of twelve yogic poses
known as Sun Salutation.
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Experimental treatment (Bhastrika Pranayama)
Statistical analysis
In our study we have applied statistics and we especial-
ly intended to find out significant difference between: –
measures of performance (Physical Efficiency Index), –
four treatments (four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama),
– four trials resulting from four treatments, – trials and
treatments interactions (Tables 1, 2). Also to find out
linear component for overall trend, quadratic compo-
nent for overall trend and cubic component for over-
all trend, to find out linear components of the group
X trial interaction, quadratic components of the group
X trial interaction and cubic components of the group
X trial interaction [9–11]. Trend analysis with multi-
ple treatments was applied at 0.05 level (Figures 1, 2).
(1st Variety of Bhastrika)
(2nd Variety of Bhastrika)
(3rd Variety of Bhastrika)
(4th Variety of Bhastrika)
1st day Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 1st Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(3 rounds × 3 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 2nd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(3 rounds × 3 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 3rd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(3 rounds × 3 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 4th Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(3 rounds × 3sets)
Relaxation Posture
5 minutes
10 minutes
5 minutes
Same schedule was repeated for two weeks
15th day Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 1st Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 3 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 2nd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 3 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 3rd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 3 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 4th Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 3 sets)
Relaxation Posture
5 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
Same schedule was repeated for two weeks
29th day Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 1st Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 2nd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 3rd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 4th Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(4 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
5 minutes
20 minutes
5 minutes
Same schedule was repeated for two weeks
43th day Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 1st Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(5 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 2nd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(5 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 3rd Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(5 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
Preliminary Yogic Exercises
Practice of 4th Variety of
Bhastrika Pranayama
(5 rounds × 4 sets)
Relaxation Posture
5 minutes
25 minutes
5 minutes
Same schedule was repeated for two weeks
Choudhary R et al – Trend of the effects of four varieties of yoga…
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Trend analysis (Trial means with different
It is evident from Table 3 that the four treatment means
(Bhastrika 1, Bhastrika 2, Bhastrika 3, Bhastrika 4) did
not differ significantly since F value of.161 was found
lower than the required value with 3, 36 df at 0.05 lev-
el of significance.
Table 4 revealed that the four trials means (T1, T2, T3,
T4) was found significant since F value of 192.135 was
found higher than the required value with 3, 108 df at
0.05 level of significance.
It is revealed from Table 5 that interaction between tri-
als and treatments was found insignificant since F val-
ue of.416 was found lower than the required value with
9, 108 df at 0.05 level of significance.
Linear component for overall trend
Table 6 revealed that linear component for overall trend
was found significant since F value 275.791 was found
higher than the required value with 1, 36 df at 0.05 lev-
el of significance.
Quadratic component for overall trend
Table 6 revealed that quadratic component for over-
all trend was found significant since F value 5.824 was
found higher than the required value with 1, 36 df at
0.05 level of significance.
Cubic component for overall trend
Table 6 also revealed that cubic component for over-
all trend was found insignificant since F value.724 was
found lower than the required value with 1, 36 df at
0.05 level of significance.
Linear components of the trends for the treatment
Table 7 revealed that linear components of the trends for
the four treatment groups was found insignificant since
the F value of.559 was found lower than the required val-
ue with 3,36 df at 0.05 level of significance (No linear
component of the group X trial interaction was found).
Trials Treatments N Mean Std. deviation Minimum Maximum
Trial One
Bhastrika Variety One 10 85.8000 4.93964 80.00 93.00
Bhastrika Variety Two 10 86.2000 5.22388 76.00 93.00
Bhastrika Variety Three 10 86.1000 7.06242 76.00 97.00
Bhastrika Variety Four 10 86.7000 4.32178 79.00 92.00
Total 40 86.2000 5.27792 76.00 97.00
Trial Two
Bhastrika Variety One 10 87.5000 4.64878 81.00 95.00
Bhastrika Variety Two 10 88.2000 4.87169 79.00 95.00
Bhastrika Variety Three 10 87.8000 6.84430 78.00 99.00
Bhastrika Variety Four 10 88.8000 3.99444 82.00 94.00
Total 40 88.0750 5.01990 78.00 99.00
Trial Three
Bhastrika Variety One 10 89.3000 4.47338 83.00 96.00
Bhastrika Variety Two 10 90.4000 5.37897 80.00 97.00
Bhastrika Variety Three 10 89.9000 6.29727 79.00 100.00
Bhastrika Variety Four 10 90.9000 3.81372 87.00 97.00
Total 40 90.1250 4.91563 79.00 100.00
Trial Four
Bhastrika Variety One 10 91.8000 4.91709 87.00 99.00
Bhastrika Variety Two 10 93.2000 4.58984 84.00 99.00
Bhastrika Variety Three 10 92.2000 5.97774 83.00 104.00
Bhastrika Variety Four 10 93.9000 3.47851 89.00 99.00
Total 40 92.7750 4.70944 83.00 104.00
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of Physical Eciency Index (in seconds) in relation to four dierent trials and four dierent
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Trial 1
Measures BP-V1 BP-V2 BP-V3 BP-V4
Skewness .454 –.937 .077 –.519
Std. Error of Skewness .687 .687 .687 .687
Kurtosis –1.461 .443 –.983 –.395
Std. Error of Kurtosis 1.334 1.334 1.334 1.334
Trial 2
Measures BP-V1 BP-V2 BP-V3 BP-V4
Skewness .415 –.469 –.110 –.143
Std. Error of Skewness .687 .687 .687 .687
Kurtosis –.941 .029 –.546 –1.050
Std. Error of Kurtosis 1.334 1.334 1.334 1.334
Trial 3
Measures BP-V1 BP-V2 BP-V3 BP-V4
Skewness .144 –.720 –.215 .517
Std. Error of Skewness .687 .687 .687 .687
Kurtosis –1.189 –.129 –.297 –1.354
Std. Error of Kurtosis 1.334 1.334 1.334 1.334
Trial 4
Measures BP-V1 BP-V2 BP-V3 BP-V4
Skewness .494 –.824 .504 .105
Std. Error of Skewness .687 .687 .687 .687
Kurtosis –1.512 .177 .649 –1.413
Std. Error of Kurtosis 1.334 1.334 1.334 1.334
Table 2. Statistics Showing Normality of Data [Physical Eciency Index (PEI)] in Four Varieties (V1, V2,V3, V4) of Bhastrika
Pranayama(BP) in Relation to Four Trials.
Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
factor1 954.669 3 318.223 192.135* .000
Error (factor1) 178.875 108 1.656
Table 4. Signicant dierence between four Trials (Signicant trend for trials)
* Signicant at 0.05 level; F-Value required to be signicant at 3, 108 df=2.69.
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Treatment Fac tor 48.819 3 16.273 .161* .922
Error 3642.625 36 101.184
Table 3. Signicant dierence between measures of performance for four treatments (signicant trend for treatments).
* Insignicant at 0.05 level; F-Value required to be signicant at 3, 36 df=2.87.
Choudhary R et al – Trend of the effects of four varieties of yoga…
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Scores Scores Scores Scores
Scores Scores Scores Scores
80.0084.00 88.0092.00
Scores Scores Scores
85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 84.00 91.00 98.00 105.00
80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00
Scores Scores Scores Scores
80.0085.00 90.00 95.00 100.00
87.50 90.00 92.50 95.00 97.50
80.0085.00 90.0095.00 100.00
80.0085.00 90.0095.00 100.00
90.00 95.00 100.00
80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00100.00
75.00 80.00 85.0090.00 95.00
75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00
75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00
75.00 80.00 85.00 90.0095.00 100.00 105.00
75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00
BPV1 - T1 BPV2 - T1 BPV3 - T1 BPV4 - T1
BPV1 - T2 BPV2 - T2 BPV3 - T2 BPV4 - T2
BPV1 - T3 BPV2 - T3 BPV3 - T3 BPV4 - T3
BPV1 - T4 BPV2 - T4 BPV3 - T4 BPV4
Figure 1. Graphical Representations of Normality of Data [Physical Eciency Index (PEI)] in Four Varieties of Bhastrika
Pranayama (BPV1, BPV2, BPV3, BPV4) in Relation to Four Trials (T1, T2, T3, T4).
Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean S quare F Sig.
Factor1 * Treatments 6.206 9 .690 .416* .924
Error (factor1) 178.875 108 1.656
* Insignicant at 0.05 level; F-Value required to be signicant at 9, 108 df=2.69.
Table 5. Interaction between Trials and treatments.
Source factor1 Type III Sum of
Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Linear 948.301 1 948.301 275.791* .000
Quadratic 6.006 1 6.006 5.824* .021
Cubic .361 1 .361 .724 .400
Linear 123.785 36 3.438
Error (factor1) Quadratic 37.125 36 1.031
Cubic 17.965 36 .499
Table 6. Linear, quadratic and cubic component for overall trend.
* Signicant at 0.05 level; F-Value required to be signicant at 1, 36 df=2.87.
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Quadratic components of the trends for the
treatment groups
Table 7 also revealed that quadratic components of the
trends for the four treatment groups was found insig-
nificant since the F value of.038 was found lower than
the required value with 3,36 df at 0.05 level of signifi-
cance (No quadratic component of the group X trial in-
teraction was found).
Cubic components of the trends for the treatment
Table 7 also revealed that cubic components of the
trends for the four treatment groups was found insig-
nificant since the F value of.216 was found lower than
the required value with 3,36 df at 0.05 level of signifi-
cance (No cubic component of the group X trial inter-
action was found).
Makwana K et al. [12] conducted a study with the ob-
jective to find out the effect of short term yoga prac-
tice on ventilator function tests. Physiological changes
associated with yoga training caused improvements in
ventilator functions of the lungs including a prolonga-
tion of breath holding times. Joshi LN et al. [13] con-
ducted a study with the objective to find out the effect
of short term ‘Pranayama’ practice on breathing rate
and ventilatory functions of lungs. Changes in cardio-
respiratory and metabolic intensity by the practice of
pranayamas and meditation were reported. Choudhary R
and Stec K [14] conducted a study to find out the effect
of dynamic suryanamaskar on vital capacity. Dynamic
Suryanamaskar practice proved to be effective in the
improvement of vital capcity. Stec K and Choudhary R
[15,16] conducted a study to find out the effect of dy-
namic suryanamaskar on negative breath holding capac-
ity. The results indicate that in the beginning, at least
two intervals (two weeks each) together are sufficient
to bring change in Negative Breath Holding Capacity.
Stec K & Choudhary R [16] conducted a study to find
out the effect of dynamic suryanamaskar on physical
efficiency index. Experimental treatment found effec-
tive for the improvement of PEI. Choudhary R & Saggu
GSS [17] conducted a study on the trend of effect of
pracchardana and vidharna on Positive Breath Holding
Capacity. Significant trend of the effect of experimen-
tal treatment was found on positive breath holding ca-
pacity. Stec K, Choudhary R & Kulmatycki [18] con-
ducted a study with the objective to determine the
85 Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4
Bhastrika Variaty One
Bhastrika Variaty Two
Bhastrika Variaty Three
Bhastrika Variaty Four
Physical eciency index
Figure 2. Trend of the Eects of Four Experimental Treatments (Four Varities of Bhastrika Pranayama) in Relation to
Physical Ecienty Index.
Source factor1 Type III Sum of
Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
factor1 * Treatments
Linear 5.764 3 1.921 .559 .646
Quadratic .119 3 .040 .038 .990
Cubic .324 3 .108 .216 .884
Linear 123.785 36 3.438
Error(factor1) Quadratic 37.125 36 1.031
Cubic 17.965 36 .499
Table 7. Linear, quadratic and cubic components of the group X trial interaction (dierences among the linear, quadratic
and cubic components of the trends for the treatment groups).
Choudhary R et al – Trend of the effects of four varieties of yoga…
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effects of Dynamic Surya Namaskar (sun salutations)
on Differential Chest Circumference. the study shows
that the effect of dynamic Surya Namaskar remains
for two weeks even after a pause in treatment but the
achieved performance decreases significantly after four
weeks of rest (mean difference =1.525). Choudhary R,
Mehrotra A, Narayan S [19] conducted a study with
the objective to study the trend of effect of pracchar-
dana and vidharna on Negative breath holding capacity.
Significant trend of the effect of experimental treatment
was found on negative breath holding capacity. Present
study revealed that all the four varieties of Bhastrika
Pranayama practices proved to be equal in bringing out
change in Physical Efficiency Index (Insignificant dif-
ference was found between measures of performance,
p>0.05). Linear component was found significant in
bringing out change in Physical Efficiency Index (linear
trend was found significant, p<0.05). Quadratic compo-
nent also proved to be effective in bringing out change
in Physical Efficiency Index (Quadratic trend was found
significant, p<0.05). Cubic trend was found insignifi-
cant (p>0.05). Present study also supports the earlier
conducted studies.
Insignificant difference (p>0.05) was found between
measures of performance for treatments (significant
trend for treatments).
Significant difference (p<0.05) was found between
measures of performance for treatments (significant
trend for trials).
Insignificant (p>0.05) Interaction between Trials and
treatments was found.
Significant difference (p<0.05) was found between lin-
ear component for overall trends.
Significant difference (p<0.05) was found between qua-
dratic component for overall trends.
Insignificant difference (p>0.05) was found between
cubic component for overall trends.
Insignificant difference (p>0.05) was found between
linear components of the trends for treatment groups.
Insignificant difference (p>0.05) was found between
quadratic components of all the trends for the four
treatments groups.
Insignificant difference (p>0.05) was found between
cubic components of the trends for treatment groups.
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