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Low phosphorus status might contribute to the onset of obesity


Abstract and Figures

Overweight and obesity are becoming global health problems. Although genetics certainly plays a role, weight gain is ultimately the result of a failure in the balance between energy expenditure and energy intake. Obesity during the past few decades was paralleled with several changes in dietary habits favouring low phosphorus consumption. This is believed to compromise adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production that is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism. Ingestion of high‐carbohydrate–low phosphorus food is known to increase insulin release, to simultaneously stimulate peripheral uptake of phosphorus and the phosphorylation of many compounds. This creates a competition for phosphorus that compromises its availability for ATP production, possibly translated into low diet‐induced thermogenesis. Moreover, reduced hepatic ATP production is believed to be transmitted through neural afferents to the central nervous system, resulting in an increase in food intake. On the other hand, the positive relation between phosphorus and red blood cell 2,3‐diphosphoglycerate, which reduces oxygen affinity to haemoglobin, would be expected to reduce the capacity for physical activity. In line with that, plasma phosphorus status was reported to be inversely related to body weight. Adequate intakes of phosphorus are thus potentially protective against rising obesity epidemic across the globe.
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Etiology and Pathophysiology
Low phosphorus status might contribute to the onset
of obesity
O. A. Obeid
Department of Nutrition and Food Science,
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences,
American University of Beirut. Beirut, Lebanon
Received 15 January 2013; revised 8 March
2013; accepted 22 March 2013
Address for correspondence: Professor OA
Obeid, Department of Nutrition and Food
Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Food
Sciences, American University of Beirut,
Beirut 1107 2020, PO Box 11-0236, Lebanon.
Overweight and obesity are becoming global health problems. Although genetics
certainly plays a role, weight gain is ultimately the result of a failure in the balance
between energy expenditure and energy intake. Obesity during the past few
decades was paralleled with several changes in dietary habits favouring low
phosphorus consumption. This is believed to compromise adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) production that is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism. Inges-
tion of high-carbohydrate–low phosphorus food is known to increase insulin
release, to simultaneously stimulate peripheral uptake of phosphorus and the
phosphorylation of many compounds. This creates a competition for phosphorus
that compromises its availability for ATP production, possibly translated into
low diet-induced thermogenesis. Moreover, reduced hepatic ATP production is
believed to be transmitted through neural afferents to the central nervous system,
resulting in an increase in food intake. On the other hand, the positive relation
between phosphorus and red blood cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, which reduces
oxygen affinity to haemoglobin, would be expected to reduce the capacity for
physical activity. In line with that, plasma phosphorus status was reported to be
inversely related to body weight. Adequate intakes of phosphorus are thus poten-
tially protective against rising obesity epidemic across the globe.
Keywords: ATP, obesity, phosphorus.
obesity reviews (2013) 14, 659–664
Obesity and increased body adiposity are rapidly emerging
global health problems (1–4). While genetics certainly plays
a role, weight gain is ultimately the result of a failure to
balance energy expenditure and energy intake (food
intake). Overweight and obesity are spread in both high-
and low-income countries and are associated with urbani-
zation and westernization of diets, especially among low-
income urban groups (2). The increases in obesity during
the past few decades have paralleled modernization (indus-
trialization, globalization of food markets, etc.) and several
changes in dietary habits. These are mainly related to the
dramatic increase in the consumption of refined cereals
(where refinement reduces phosphorus content by about
70%) and oils, sugars, and sweeteners such as high fructose
corn syrup (HFCS) which contain negligible amounts of
phosphorus (1–4). These commodities contribute to more
than 50% of the food supply (kcal/capita/day) in most
countries (5), not including the contribution of starchy
foods (e.g. potatoes) that are also low in phosphorus. The
contribution of low phosphorus commodities to total
energy intake is known to be inversely related to income,
especially among urban populations (2). On the other
hand, phosphorus content of major raw (non-refined)
foods (e.g. cereals, pulses, meat) is around 1 mg P/kcal. It
can be predicted that a person consuming a diet of mainly
raw, unprocessed foods with a 2,500 kcal daily energy
obesity reviews doi: 10.1111/obr.12039
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intake would consume about 2.5 g of phosphorus, which is
lower than the 4 g d-1upper limit of intake (6). Such a diet
is believed to have been consumed by our ancestors before
the industrial advancement. Current daily phosphorus
intake is about 1.4 g d-1(7), although concern has been
raised regarding the contribution of phosphorus containing
additives, cola beverages (~16 mg/100 mL), etc., as well as
the bioavailability of phosphorus from different sources
(8). This intake is lower than the predicted intake when
consuming a diet with 1 mg P/kcal, but is above the present
recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 700 mg. It should
be mentioned that RDA is based on the lower end of the
normal adult serum inorganic phosphate (Pi) and that this
would have been 2,100 mg if it had been based on the
middle of the normal range (6). On the other hand, food
habits are known to vary according to socioeconomic
status, with high energy dense-nutrient poor foods highly
consumed by people of low socioeconomic status, mainly
because of their high energy density (kcal g-1food) and
low energy cost ($US0.1–$US1/1,000 kcal) (1–4,9). Such
dietary habits were proposed to be one factor behind the
high prevalence of obesity among people of low socioeco-
nomic status (9), and this may implicate phosphorus in this
process due to the fact that these foods are known to be low
in phosphorus. Thus, given the increased prevalence of
obesity among people consuming high quantities of food
containing low levels of phosphorus, it is reasonable to
postulate that low phosphorus intake may be involved in
the development of obesity.
Phosphorus, adenosine triphosphate and
energy balance
The production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), including
hepatic ATP, depends upon adequate sources of phospho-
rus (P) (10,11), and this is coupled with two other factors.
First, only limited quantities of free phosphate are stored
within cells, and most tissues depend upon extracellular
fluid (ECF) Pifor their metabolic phosphate, and under low
ECF Pilevels, cellular dysfunction follows. Second, there is
virtually constant fractional phosphorus absorption across
a broad range of intakes (6), suggesting a lack of an adap-
tive mechanism that improves phosphorus absorption at
low intakes, as can occur with some other micronutrients.
Therefore, phosphorus availability in food becomes an
important factor that governs phosphorus levels in the
circulation and in turn its availability for ATP production.
Thus, low phosphorus intake would be expected to reduce
ATP production, which is believed to affect food intake and
energy expenditure.
The physiological regulation of food intake, which acts
principally at the central level, is believed to be partially
governed by signals originating from the liver via the
hepatic postprandial metabolism involving ATP production
(12,13). Evidence supports a relationship between declin-
ing hepatic ATP levels and increasing food intake; this
decline is thought to transduce changes in hepatic energy
status into neural signals or hepatic vagal afferent activity
that is transmitted to the central nervous system (12–17).
Moreover, there are controversial data on the difference in
diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) between lean and obese
subjects (18–23), with a large number of studies showing
reduced DIT in obesity (19–23), that seems to be normal-
ized upon losing weight (22,23), indicating that DIT is not
a causal factor for obesity. However, reduced DIT of dia-
betic as compared to non-diabetic obese subjects (24) may
implicate insulin in this process (25). The reduction in DIT
of obese diabetic subjects, with both increased and reduced
insulin response (24), implies that this reduction is not
related to insulin per se, but rather to its function. Insulin
resistance is known to be inversely related to peripheral
uptake of glucose (impaired glucose tolerance) and phos-
phorus, implicating the latter in this process, especially that
peripheral uptake is known to be reduced with the progres-
sion of insulin resistance to impaired glucose tolerance and
diabetes (26).
In addition, plasma phosphorus is known to be posi-
tively related to red blood cell (RBC) ATP and 2,3 diphos-
phoglycerate (2,3-DPG) concentration, which is known
to decrease the oxygen affinity to haemoglobin (27–31).
Reduced 2,3-DPG would be expected to decrease oxygen
availability for oxidation, which in turn would contribute
to lowering the capacity for physical activity resulting in a
reduction in energy expenditure.
Thus, it is the hypothesis that low phosphorus status may
contribute to the development of obesity through its role in
the regulation of food intake, thermogenesis and capacity
for physical activity. (Fig. 1).
Dietary habits, phosphorus and body weight
Several dietary factors are known to compromise phospho-
rus availability for ATP production. Ingestion of a high
carbohydrate-low phosphorus meal is known to induce a
marked reduction in plasma Pistatus (32–34) mainly due to
the stimulation of insulin release, which is known to
increase phosphorus uptake by peripheral tissues (mainly
muscles) (35) and phosphorylation of many compounds
(e.g. protein, carbohydrate, etc.). This creates competition
for phosphorus between ATP production and the phospho-
rylation of other compounds.
Fructose is known to have a ‘phosphate-sequestering’
capacity, where fructose 1-phosphate accumulates in the
liver because, unlike for glucose, there is no feedback
mechanism for fructose phosphorylation. This makes
phosphorus unavailable to participate in other essential
metabolic reactions, including the regeneration of ATP
(10,15,36,37). Therefore, under high fructose or high
660 Phosphorus and obesity O. A. Obeid obesity reviews
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glucose/low phosphorus conditions, competition for phos-
phorus occurs between ATP production and phosphoryla-
tion of other compounds.
Studies looking at the relation between phosphorus
intake and body weight have reported conflicting findings
(38,39). While those looking at serum phosphate were
consistently reported to be inversely related to body weight
(40–49) (Table 1), hypophosphatemia was proposed to be
involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome,
including increased body mass index (BMI) (50). The simi-
larity in phosphate fractional excretion rate between lean,
overweight and obese subjects implied that the reduction in
serum phosphate was mainly attributed to a reduction in
dietary intake rather than to problems with excretion (42).
It is therefore possible to suggest that phosphorus is
involved in the regulation of body weight.
Many studies are in support of a role for phosphorus or
hepatic ATP in the regulation of body weight and food
intake. Several abnormalities in hepatic ATP were reported
in animal and human experiments on obesity (50–52). In
humans, liver ATP status was reported to be affected by
fructose consumption (53) and infusion (51). In addition,
hepatic ATP stores (52) and recovery from hepatic ATP
depletion (using fructose infusion) (51) were inversely
related to BMI. Moreover, an analysis of metabolic data
using the Knowledge Discovery in Databases concluded
that ATP deficiency or decreased energy levels were
strongly linked to the development and sustenance of
obesity by driving overeating and conserving energy (54).
Thus, human studies indirectly support a potential role for
hepatic ATP in energy and body weight regulations (52,53).
In line with that, we have recently found that the addition
of 500 mg P to different carbohydrate preloads caused a
substantial reduction in ad libitum subsequent energy
intake (27–33%) (55).
There is also evidence in support of phosphorus involve-
ment in thermogenesis. Addition of phosphorus to orange
juice was reported to increase postprandial thermogenesis
of obese but not lean subjects (56,57), and phosphorus
supplementation of obese subjects, in a weight reducing
program, was shown to increase resting metabolic rate
(58,59). It is thus believed that phosphorus supplementa-
tion may have exerted its effect through an increase in
peripheral phosphorus (as well as glucose) uptake, espe-
cially that P is known to stimulate insulin sensitivity
(26,40,60). Pointing to the capacity of P for inducing
physical activity, there are limited and inconsistent data on
RBC 2,3-DPG concentration of obese subjects (57,61,62).
Nevertheless, the magnitude of increase in RBC 2,3-DPG
concentration following phosphate loading (27,30,57) was
reported to be higher in obese as compared to lean subjects,
and this was accompanied with higher energy expenditure
in the former (57). Along the same lines, obesity was
reported to be associated with chronic fatigue syndrome
(63) and physical fatigue (64), and phosphate loading (up
-1) has been used for different durations to improve
physical performance (65).
Phosphorus may provide a link between different observa-
tions associated with increased body weight or energy
intake. The phosphate-sequestering capacity of fructose
may be involved in the synergetic relation between HFCS
intake and obesity (66). The high phosphorus content of
protein may be implicated in the reduction of energy intake
under conditions of increased protein intake (67,68), as
well as in the decrease in body weight and fat mass under
an isocalorically high-protein diet (69). In addition, the
high phosphorus content of milk may partially explain the
inverse association between dairy product intake and body
weight, especially given that calcium failed to clarify such
an association (70–72). In fact, increased calcium intake
from both diet and supplements is known to reduce phos-
phorus absorption (73), and calcium carbonate in high
doses is used as phosphate binder. Moreover, the inverse
relationship between increased intake of whole grains and
the risk of the different components of metabolic syndrome
(74,75) may be partially explained by their richness in
phosphorus, as added cereal fibre failed to induce such an
High CHO-Low P
High Insulin release
Increased P uptake and phosphorylation
Liver Muscle
Low hepatic ATP production Low ATP production
Low thermogenesis
Increased efficiency of weight gain
Competition for phosphorus
Weight gain Obesity
Figure 1 Proposed interaction among phosphorus, adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) production and obesity.
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effect and was proposed to be a marker of other compo-
nents of whole grains that impart health advantages (76).
On the other hand, the ability of phosphate depletion to
simulate glucose intolerance, probably through the stimu-
lation of hepatic glucose production and reduced insulin
level (77) that requires ATP for its release by pancreatic
b-cells (78), is supported by several observations. For
example, increased serum phosphate and phosphorus
intake of non-diabetic subjects were reported to be syner-
gistically related to improvement in glucose tolerance
(32,40) and insulin sensitivity (26,32,40,47,60). Thus,
reduced phosphorus status would favour the development
of obesity, as postprandial glycaemia is known to be impli-
cated in the development of chronic metabolic diseases
such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular
disease (79). Such a process can be further aggravated
by the development of obesity that is characterized by
insulin resistance, which predisposes to the development
of impaired glucose tolerance that is known to decrease
peripheral uptake of both glucose and phosphorus (26),
therefore reducing the capacity of ATP synthesis that would
be translated into a reduction in thermogenesis (26,80).
In summary, ATP production, which is dependent on
phosphorus availability, is essential for many processes
including eating behaviour and energy expenditure.
Increased consumption of refined cereals, potatoes, sugars
(fructose) and oils, which are characteristics of the modern
diet, would negatively impact phosphorus availability.
Insulin release stimulates the phosphorylation of many
compounds and this may compromise phosphorus avail-
ability for ATP production, especially given that ATP seems
to act as a phosphate donor (37). Thus, increased insulin
release under low phosphorus diet exacerbates the situa-
tion. Moreover, reduced phosphorus peripheral uptake due
to impaired glucose tolerance was postulated to affect ther-
mogenesis (26,80). It is also reasonable to postulate that
boosting the status of phosphorus in food would amelio-
rate such metabolic changes. This can be accomplished by
fortification (e.g. white flour) and/or the establishment of a
carbohydrate to phosphorus ratio comparable to that of
carbohydrate to thiamine or energy to thiamine.
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664 Phosphorus and obesity O. A. Obeid obesity reviews
© 2013 The Author
obesity reviews © 2013 International Association for the Study of Obesity14, 659–664, August 2013
... Therefore, it is possible to hypothesize that phosphorus plays a role in controlling body weight. Numerous studies back up the idea that phosphorus or hepatic ATP play a role in controlling body weight and food intake (Obeid, 2013). ...
... Furthermore, there is evidence that P from animal sources is more efficiently absorbed than that from plants [108]. There is a theory that lower P intake leads to compromised adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, which in turn is associated with overweight and obesity [109,110]. Additionally, P is a building element in genetic information (nucleotides) and cellular structures (glycerophospholipids). The element is mainly presented (80%) in the body as calcium phosphate crystals (apatite), which are building substances in bones and teeth [110]. ...
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A large portion of the world’s population has lactose intolerance. Fundamentally, this condition occurs when the small intestine does not produce enough of the lactase enzyme, which digests the disaccharide lactose in milk. Lactose avoiders might unconsciously decide to limit or exclude milk and dairy products from their diets. This group includes people with lactose intolerance, people with an allergy to milk protein, vegans, and those expressing personal preferences. Lactose avoiders are often self-reported as being milk intolerant. In this review, specific amounts of lactose in different types of milk and milk products are presented. The amounts of micro- and macronutrients in them are compared with the daily requirements established by accepted sources. Foods are suggested that can play vital roles in permanently avoiding lactose-containing dairy products, for example, brussels sprouts, as a good source of vitamin B1; kale, as a source of vitamin K; and cereals at breakfast for vitamin B6. Attention is paid to mature cheeses as they are extremely beneficial for health due to their rich vitamin and elemental compositions, and they are also suitable for people with lactose intolerance due to their low lactose content. This information is rarely provided on packaging. In addition, the current state of labeling for the presence of lactose in food and pharmaceutical products is discussed. The term “hidden lactose” is introduced to include added lactose in unexpected foods, drinks, and even medicines.
... Calcium supplementation could reduce body weight gain in children and adolescents and increase body weight loss in adult men and premenopausal women but not in postmenopausal women [42]. On the other hand, a previous study [43] reported that phosphorus status inversely related to body weight and waist circumference. The mechanisms by which phosphorus affected body weight may have been related to its involvement in food intake control and/or energy metabolism. ...
... Therefore, it is possible to hypothesize that phosphorus plays a role in controlling body weight. Numerous studies back up the idea that phosphorus or hepatic ATP plays a role in controlling body weight and food intake [48]. ...
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Background: Obesity currently stands as one of the prevailing and widespread endocrine disorders globally, it has evolved into a worldwide epidemic over the last five decades. Adipose tissue, identified as an endocrine organ within the body, plays a role in certain obesity-related conditions including insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis. Adipose cytokines are among the factors derived from adipose tissue and act as hormones. Vaspin, among these adipocytokines, is generated by both visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissues, it serves to regulate the metabolism of adipose tissue and stimulates processes such as the maturation and differentiation of adipocytes. Materials& Methods: أعلى النموذج The individuals who participated in this study were 90 women between (18-50) years old. The research encompassed 45 healthy women with regular menstrual cycles, serving as an age-matched control group. In contrast, the second group comprised 45 obese women who had previously been diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency. Results: The results showed that there was a significant increase at (P≤ 0.01) in the level of Vaspin, Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and Osteopontin (OPN) in the group2 compared to the control group, while there was a significant decrease at (P≤ 0.01) in Vitamin D3 (VD3), Vitamim K2 (VK2), Phosphorus(P) and Calcium(Ca+2) in group2 compared to the control group. Conclusion: This study found that vaspin, osteopontin, and PTH show an inverse association with vitamin D3. While vitamin K2, calcium, and phosphorus show a positive association with vitamin D3.
... Помогает полноценно усваиваться прочим микроэлементам, в том числе кальцию и витамину B3, улучшает работу нервной системы и способствует укреплению и росту костной ткани. Резкие перепады настроения, депрессии, судороги и боли в мышцах, размягчение костных тканей (остеомаляция) [3] , избыточный вес [4] , частые простуды -все эти симптомы могут свидетельствовать о нехватке фосфора в организме.  Яблочная кислота (762 мг). ...
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Черешневый сок — вкусный и полезный напиток, который обязательно стоит ввести в сезонное меню. Этот яркий витаминный фреш поможет организму в короткие сроки полноценно восполнить все недостающие полезные вещества и микроэлементы, а также защитит от многих болезней, начиная от проблем с желудочно-кишечным трактом и заканчивая онкологическими заболеваниями.
... Regulates acid-base balance and improves digestion, affects the functioning of muscles and the brain (reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease [5] ), strengthens bones. A lack of a microelement in the body can cause problems with cognitive functions, affect changes in appetite and weight [6] , and in babies, lead to a delay in growth and development.  Magnesium (17 mg). ...
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Сок маракуйи — вкусный и чрезвычайно полезный экзотический напиток, который непременно, хотя бы периодически, стоит включать в рацион семьи. Такой фреш поможет полноценно укрепить иммунитет, предупредить развитие многих опасных болезней (от атеросклероза до рака и диабета) и даже вернуть радость жизни не хуже аптечных антидепрессантов. HTML версия статьи
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Obesity is a prominent and widespread endocrine disorder on a global level. It has transformed into a pervasive pandemic over the last five decades. The roots of obesity are intricate, with complex interactions among genetics, hormones, and environmental factors. Noteworthy is the fact that adipose tissue, serving as the largest active endocrine gland, secretes important hormones such as visfatin, leptin, adiponectin, omentin, and various others. The individuals participated in this study was 90 women between 18-55 years old. For comparison, the study included 45 healthy women with regular periods, who are suitable for age and weight with Body Mass Index (BMI) (22.40±1.41) as a control group. 45 Obese women with BMI (38.81±3.98) Kg/m2 and had already been diagnosed with deficiency of vitamin D as group2. The findings indicated that there was a significant decrease in BMI, Omentin, K2, Phosphorus and Calcium in group2 compared to the control group. on the other side, it was observed that there was an increase in the level of the PTH and Osteopontin in the group2 compared to the control group. The current study involved estimation of Omentin hormone in obese women with Vitamin D deficiency, in addition to comprehending how this hormone interacts with other hormones; PTH, Osteopontin as so as the level of vitamin K2, Phosphorus and Calcium. Introduction In the early twentieth century, Vitamin D's discovery was crucial to the successful prevention and treatment of epidemic rickets [1]. One of the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin D, is best conceptualized as a pro-hormone, with its primary metabolite, 25(OH)2 cholecalciferol, serving as a major steroid hormone responsible for regulating the body's mineral ion homeostasis. This characterization arises from the ability of the body to naturally synthesize vitamin D under normal physiological conditions, and its mode of action closely mirrors that of steroid hormones, especially when the body receives a sufficient amount [2]. The term of vitamin D includes ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) [3]. Obesity is a condition characterized by an excess accumulation of body fat, often accompanied by a cluster of associated disorders. These disorders include hyperglycemia, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases. Beyond its primary function of energy storage in the form of triglycerides, adipose tissue serves as an endocrine organ. It secretes polypeptides known as adipokines or adipocytokines, which include leptin, adiponectin, visfatin, chemerin, vaspin, omentin-1, resistin, and apelin. These adipokines play crucial roles in metabolism and energy balance. Moreover, adipose tissue contributes significantly to the regulation of adipocyte biology, food intake, growth, inflammation,
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Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is a painful and potentially lethal genetic disease caused by a mutation in aldolase B resulting in accumulation of fructose-1-phosphate (F1P). No cure exists for HFI and treatment is limited to avoid exposure to fructose and sugar. Using aldolase B deficient mice, here we identify a yet unrecognized metabolic event activated in HFI and associated with the progression of the disease. Besides the accumulation of F1P, here we show that the activation of the purine degradation pathway is a common feature in aldolase B deficient mice exposed to fructose. The purine degradation pathway is a metabolic route initiated by adenosine monophosphate deaminase 2 (AMPD2) that regulates overall energy balance. We demonstrate that very low amounts of fructose are sufficient to activate AMPD2 in these mice via a phosphate trap. While blocking AMPD2 do not impact F1P accumulation and the risk of hypoglycemia, its deletion in hepatocytes markedly improves the metabolic dysregulation induced by fructose and corrects fat and glycogen storage while significantly increasing the voluntary tolerance of these mice to fructose. In summary, we provide evidence for a critical pathway activated in HFI that could be targeted to improve the metabolic consequences associated with fructose consumption.
Phosphorus (P) nutrition status was found to be inversely related to obesity and metabolic syndrome in observational studies and this is thought to be mediated through an effect of P on liver metabolism (Obeid, 2013). This study thus aims at investigating whether P diet supplementation prevents the metabolic abnormalities associated with diet induced obesity in a controlled animal study. Thirty Sprague‐Dawley adult male rats (mean weight = 201±3g) were allocated into 3 equal groups receiving either a balanced diet (control), high fat diet with regular P concentration of 0.3% (HF) or high fat, high P (0.9%) diet (HFHP). Study lasted for 12 weeks, during which body weight and food intake were measured biweekly and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) was performed at the beginning (week2) and end (week 11) of the study. Rats were then sacrificed after 10‐hour fast, abdominal fat and liver were collected and weighed and serum samples were isolated from venous blood drawn from the inferior vena cava. Serum insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides as well as liver enzymes (ALP and ALT) were measured. High fat diet resulted in a significantly higher body weight gain, food intake and liver weight compared with control, irrespective of P supplementation. HF group had higher abdominal fat (0.44±0.12g) compared to control (0.21±0.06g) but this was not observed in HFHP group (0.29±0.10g). IPGTT results at week11 showed similar baseline glucose among groups but significantly ( p =0.05) higher glucose at 2 hours post glucose injection in HF group (127±4.2mg/dl) vs. control (113±5.2 mg/dl) indicating glucose intolerance. P supplementation normalized glycemia at 2 hours in HFHP group (113±5.4 mg/dl). Fasting insulin increased significantly ( p =0.008) in HF (2.8±0.4ng/ml) vs. control (1.2±0.4ng/ml) but was not different in HFHP group (2.2±0.5ng/ml). High fat induced obesity significantly (p<0.05) increased serum cholesterol, triglycerides and ALP in HF group (46.1±3.9mg/dl, 38.8±4.4mg/dl and 192.8±55.9U/l, respectively) compared to control (19.8±2.7mg/dl, 26.0.1±3.7mg/dl and 76.6±7.3U/l, respectively) but P supplementation in HFHP prevented this increase. In conclusion, high P diet appears to protect against lipid and glucose abnormalities and liver toxicity associated with diet induced obesity in rats. We suggest that P increases hepatic ATP, which drives the shift from lipid synthesis to glycogen and protein synthesis. Further analysis on the liver tissues will help in identifying the exact mechanisms. Support or Funding Information The study was funded by the Lebanese American University
Interpreting laboratory results from large animals is challenging owing to a lack of detailed reference ranges by age, sex, season, and breed. This study determined reference ranges for bovine serum chemistry and complete blood cell count (CBC) according to Holstein milking-cow age. Seventy-two healthy Holstein calves and cows (<1 week to milking age) were grouped: 1 ( n = 7, <1 week), 2 ( n = 10, 1 month), 3 ( n = 13, 3 months), 4 ( n = 13, 6 months), 5 ( n = 10, 1 year, nulliparous), and 6 ( n = 19, milking cows, parous). Fresh blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein between 10:00 and 12:00 AM in the winter; serum chemistry and haematologic profiles were assessed. Serum chemistry and CBC differed significantly by age. Age-related differences were observed for albumin, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine phosphokinase, creatinine, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, total protein, triglyceride, blood-urea nitrogen, non-esterified fatty acid, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid levels. Age differences in creatinine and C-reactive protein were not noticeable. Among CBC parameters, age-related differences were observed for white-blood-cell, lymphocyte, red-blood-cell, and platelet counts; hemoglobin level; haematocrit; mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular-hemoglobin concentration. Therefore, age-dependent variations should be considered when interpreting cattle laboratory results.
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Global energy imbalances and related obesity levels are rapidly increasing. The world is rapidly shifting from a dietary period in which the higher-income countries are dominated by patterns of degenerative diseases (whereas the lower- and middle-income countries are dominated by receding famine) to one in which the world is increasingly being dominated by degenerative diseases. This article documents the high levels of overweight and obesity found across higher- and lower-income countries and the global shift of this burden toward the poor and toward urban and rural populations. Dietary changes appear to be shifting universally toward a diet dominated by higher intakes of animal and partially hydrogenated fats and lower intakes of fiber. Activity patterns at work, at leisure, during travel, and in the home are equally shifting rapidly toward reduced energy expenditure. Large-scale decreases in food prices (eg, beef prices) have increased access to supermarkets, and the urbanization of both urban and rural areas is a key underlying factor. Limited documentation of the extent of the increased effects of the fast food and bottled soft drink industries on this nutrition shift is available, but some examples of the heterogeneity of the underlying changes are presented. The challenge to global health is clear.
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Phosphate infusion under euglycemic conditions have been reported to influence insulin sensitivity, with an increased rate of glucose disposal (1). While hypophosphatemia was found to be associated with insulin insensitivity and impaired glucose tolerance (2). It was also reported that healthy non-diabetic individuals with low serum phosphate levels tend to have elevated blood glucose levels and reduced insulin sensitivity in the 2 h postprandial period (3). The rise in insulin levels is known to reduce serum phosphate due to the shift of extracellular phosphate to the intracellular region. In view of the increased intake poor dietary P (refined cereals, sugar and sweeteners), it became questionable whether phosphate can affect the postprandial glycaemia. The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of phosphate on postprandial glycaemia, insulinemia and insulin sensitivity in an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Eight healthy male subjects of normal BMI were recruited. Each subject was exposed in random order to two experimental solutions: (1) glucose solution containing 75 g glucose; (2) glucose and phosphate solution, containing 75 g glucose and 500 mg P. Blood samples were collected at fasting, and after drinking the solutions at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 min. Serum insulin, glucose, total phosphate and inorganic phosphate were measured. Homoeostatic model assessment (HOMA) was calculated to determine insulin sensitivity.
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Background: It is currently unclear whether altering the carbohydrate-to-protein ratio of low-fat, energy-restricted diets augments weight loss and cardiometabolic risk markers. Objective: The objective was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that compared energy-restricted, isocaloric, high-protein, low-fat (HP) diets with standard-protein, low-fat (SP) diets on weight loss, body composition, resting energy expenditure (REE), satiety and appetite, and cardiometabolic risk factors. Design: Systematic searches were conducted by using MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials to identify weight-loss trials that compared isocalorically prescribed diets matched for fat intake but that differed in protein and carbohydrate intakes in participants aged ≥18 y. Twenty-four trials that included 1063 individuals satisfied the inclusion criteria. Results: Mean (±SD) diet duration was 12.1 ± 9.3 wk. Compared with an SP diet, an HP diet produced more favorable changes in weighted mean differences for reductions in body weight (−0.79 kg; 95% CI: −1.50, −0.08 kg), fat mass (FM; −0.87 kg; 95% CI: −1.26, −0.48 kg), and triglycerides (−0.23 mmol/L; 95% CI: −0.33, −0.12 mmol/L) and mitigation of reductions in fat-free mass (FFM; 0.43 kg; 95% CI: 0.09, 0.78 kg) and REE (595.5 kJ/d; 95% CI: 67.0, 1124.1 kJ/d). Changes in fasting plasma glucose, fasting insulin, blood pressure, and total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol were similar across dietary treatments (P ≥ 0.20). Greater satiety with HP was reported in 3 of 5 studies. Conclusion: Compared with an energy-restricted SP diet, an isocalorically prescribed HP diet provides modest benefits for reductions in body weight, FM, and triglycerides and for mitigating reductions in FFM and REE.
Understanding energy and macronutrient metabolism is critical to the understanding of obesity, especially etiology, relationship between genetic and environmental influences, and approaches to prevention and treatment. The importance of fat balance to obesity is emphasized, and this is first established by an analysis of energy and macronutrient balance based on known human physiology and then backed up by clinical studies. The known metabolic risk factors for body weight gain are briefly summarized, and the emerging pattern of their relationships with weight gain is described. The metabolic responses to weight loss are also examined, along with the question of possible metabolic adaptation to a hypocaloric diet. Since the fat balance concept has major implications for the prevention and treatment of obesity, some overall directions for these areas are presented.
A marked reduction in red cell glucose utilization, lactate production, and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and adenosine triphosphate concentration occurred in a patient with intractable diarrhea during a period of hypophosphatemia induced by parenteral nutrition with hypertonic glucose and protein hydrolysate. During the period of hypophosphatemia the patient's hemoglobin had an increased affinity for oxygen. Restoration of plasma phosphate to normal in vivo or in vitro corrected the metabolic abnormalities of the patient's erythrocytes. During normophosphatemia hemoglobin-oxygen affinity was decreased in keeping with the increase in red cell organic phosphates associated with anemia. Therefore, severe hypophosphatemia in man can produce significant limitations on red cell metabolism, resulting in a curtailment of glycolysis, reduction of organic phosphates, and an inefficient relationship between hemoglobin and oxygen. Tissue oxygen delivery could be impaired under such circumstances. Furthermore, adenosine triphosphate levels can reach concentrations that threaten the survival of the red cell. These observations also provide support for the critical role of extracellular inorganic phosphate concentration in the maintenance and modulation of red cell metabolism in vivo.
Objective Although obesity-associated fatty liver disease is emerging as one of the most common diseases in hepatology practice, it is unclear why liver disease prevalence increases with obesity. Because impaired energy homeostasis enhances the susceptibility of hepatocytes to injury, the aim of this study was to determine whether increased body mass index (BMI) is associated with decreased basal hepatic adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stores or impaired recovery from fructose-induced hepatic ATP depletion.
. Obesity is characterized by insulin resistance which predisposes to the development of impaired glucose tolerance. It is postulated that in addition to its role in carbohydrate metabolism, insulin is the mediator of feecling-related increases in thermogenesis (the thermic effect of food and dietary-induced thermogenesis). The development of insulin resistance and/or deficiency is postulated to result in a decrease in feecling-related, insulin-mediated thermogenesis. As a consequence of this thermogenic defect there is an increase in efficiency of weight gain which accelerates the development and facilitates the maintenance of the obese state. Abnormalities in the insulin axis are thus not only involved in the pathogenesis of the carbohydrate intolerance of obesity but are also proposed as having a central role in a dysregulation of energy balance which contributes to the pathogenesis of obesity.
High serum phosphorus is linked to poor health outcome and mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients before or after the initiation of dialysis. Dietary intake of phosphorus, a major determinant of serum phosphorus, seems to be systematically underestimated using the available software tools and generalized nutrient content databases. Several sources of dietary phosphorus including the addition of phosphorus ingredients in food processing, and phosphorus content of vitamin and mineral supplements and commonly used over-the-counter or prescription medications are not fully accounted for by the nutrient content databases and software programs in current clinical use or used in large population studies. In this review, we explore the many unknown sources of phosphorus in the food supply to identify all possible contributors to total phosphorus intake of Americans that have escaped inclusion in past intake estimates. Our goal is to help delineate areas for future interventions that will enable tighter control of dietary phosphorus intake, a critical factor to maintaining health and quality of life in CKD and dialysis patients.
ABSTRACT Serum inorganic phosphate was determined in 752 men born in 1926. An inverse correlation was found between serum inorganic phosphate levels and body weight. Other parameters of possible relevance to this finding, such as serum calcium, serum albumin, serum γ-glutamyltransferase, and the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal disorders were analysed, and no correlations to the phosphate level were detected.