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Abstract and Figures

Habitat degradation and species introductions are two of the leading causes of species declines on a global scale. Invasive species negatively impact native species through predation and competition for limited resources. The impacts of invasive species may be increased in habitats where habitat degradation is higher due to reductions of prey abundance and distribution. Using stable isotope analyses and extensive measurements of resource availability we determined how resource availability impacts the long term carbon and nitrogen assimilation of the invasive red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) and a native, threatened species, the red-bellied turtle (Pseudemys rubriventris) at two different freshwater wetland complexes in Pennsylvania, USA. At a larger wetland complex with greater vegetative species richness and diversity, our stable isotope analyses showed dietary niche partitioning between species, whereas analyses from a smaller wetland complex with lower vegetative species richness and diversity showed significant dietary niche overlap. Determining the potential for competition between these two turtle species is important to understanding the ecological impacts of red-eared slider turtles in wetland habitats. In smaller wetlands with increased potential for competition between native turtles and invasive red-eared slider turtles we expect that when shared resources become limited, red-eared slider turtles will negatively impact native turtle species leading to long term population declines. Protection of intact wetland complexes and the reduction of introduced species populations are paramount to preserving populations of native species.
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Stable Isotopes of C and N Reveal Habitat Dependent
Dietary Overlap between Native and Introduced Turtles
Pseudemys rubriventris
Trachemys scripta
Steven H. Pearson
*, Harold W. Avery
, Susan S. Kilham
, David J. Velinsky
, James R. Spotila
1 Drexel University, Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 2 Drexel Unive rsity, Department of
Biology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Habitat degradation and species introductions are two of the leading causes of species declines on a global scale. Invasive
species negatively impact native species through predation and competition for limited resources. The impacts of invasive
species may be increased in habitats where habitat degradation is higher due to reductions of prey abundance and
distribution. Using stable isotope analyses and extensive measurements of resource availability we determined how
resource availability impacts the long term carbon and nitrogen assimilation of the invasive red-eared slider turtle
(Trachemys scripta elegans) and a native, threatened species, the red-bellied turtle (Pseudemys rubriventris) at two different
freshwater wetland complexes in Pennsylvania, USA. At a larger wetland complex with greater vegetative species richness
and diversity, our stable isotope analyses showed dietary niche partitioning between species, whereas analyses from a
smaller wetland complex with lower vegetative species richness and diversity showed significant dietary niche overlap.
Determining the potential for competition between these two turtle species is important to understanding the ecological
impacts of red-eared slider turtles in wetland habitats. In smaller wetlands with increased potential for competition between
native turtles and invasive red-eared slider turtles we expect that when shared resources become limited, red-eared slider
turtles will negatively impact native turtle species leading to long term population declines. Protection of intact wetland
complexes and the reduction of introduced species populations are paramount to preserving populations of native species.
Citation: Pearson SH, Avery HW, Kilham SS, Velinsky DJ, Spotila JR (2013) Stable Isotopes of C and N Reveal Habitat Dependent Dietary Overlap between Native
and Introduced Turtles Pseudemys rubriventris and Trachemys scripta. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62891. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062891
Editor: David L. Roberts, University of Kent, United Kingdom
Received December 7, 2012; Accepted March 27, 2013; Published May 13, 2013
Copyright: ß 2013 Pearson et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: Funding for this research has come from three sources: PA Fish and Boat Commission SWG Project T-38, DuPont Clear into the Future Student
Fellowship to Steven Pearson, The Betz Chair of Environmental Science at Drexel University. The funders at the PA Fish and Boat Commission and at DuPont Clear
into the Future had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publis h, or preparation of the manuscript. The Betz Chair of Environmental
Science at Drexel University was involved in study design, data analysis, and preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
Habitat degradation is the leading cause of extinction and
population declines worldwide [1]. Species richness and species
diversity generally decrease as habitat availability is reduced and
rates of disturbance increase [2,3]. For species in the same guild of
an ecological community, decreases in resource availability can
lead to increases in resource overlap and a narrowing of niche
breadth [4,5] leading to increased risk of resource competition [6].
Competition for shared resources between species often negatively
impacts the growth rates, fecundity rates and/or survivorship of at
least one of the competing species [7]. Disturbed habitats are
susceptible to the establishment of introduced species due to
alteration of community structure with open niches that can be
filled by non-native species [8,9].
Today, naturally evolved and established ecological communi-
ties are being disrupted at unprecedented rates through habitat
degradation and species introductions [1], leading to alterations in
resource availability and changes in community structure [2].
Native species are negatively impacted by introduced species
through predation and competition [10]. Introduced predators
can cause the severe collapse of native faunas that do not adapt
quickly enough to increased predation rates [11,12]. Introduced
competitors cause decline of native species by increasing rates of
exploitative and interference competition [7,13]. When competi-
tion occurs for limited resources the species that more efficiently
utilizes resources will competitively exclude the less efficient
species [14,15]. Co-existence between competing species can
occur if inferior competitors disperse more rapidly or utilize
resources that shift in space and time [16]. Competition between
species may result when dietary resources are not partitioned and
will cause reduced fitness levels of one or all competing species [7].
Ecological studies of diets have historically relied on short term
dietary intake through observations of feeding and/or the
collection of stomach contents through fecal collection, stomach
flushing or dissection [17–19]. Long term diets of organisms have
been studied through the analyses of carbon 13 and nitrogen 15
stable isotopic fractions (d
C and d
N) [20–22]. Naturally
occurring isotopic fractions of nitrogen (d
N) and carbon (d
indicate an organism’s trophic level and the source of carbon
assimilated from its diet, respectively [23]. The premise of all
stable isotope studies of animals is that isotopes of the same
element are incorporated at different rates into tissue through
nutrient assimilation by an organism during digestion or other
PLOS ONE | 1 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62891
physiological processes [24,25]. Factors affecting d
C and d
isotope assimilation include tissue metabolism, trophic level,
temperature, C:N ratios in items consumed, taxonomy, body size,
and an organism’s form of eliminating nitrogenous waste [25,26].
Stable isotopes have been used in determining the C and N
sources in organisms’ diets [27], trophic position in food webs [28]
and in comparative studies of species feeding ecology between
study sites [29–31].
We used stable isotope analyses to quantify the diets and extent
of resource overlap between the native red-bellied turtle (Pseudemys
rubriventris) and the introduced red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys
scripta elegans) in two southeastern Pennsylvania wetland complexes
that differed in ecological characteristics. Red-eared slider turtles
have been introduced globally and negatively impact basking
behavior and growth rates of European pond turtles (Emys
orbicularis galloitalica) and the Spanish terrapin (Mauremys leprosa)
under experimental and natural conditions [32,33]. We relate the
results of stable isotope analyses to wetland characteristics and the
potential for competition between red-bellied turtles and red-eared
slider turtles.
Study Sites
We carried out our research at two wetland complexes that
differed in size, extent of connectivity, and the species richness and
diversity of vegetative communities. One wetland complex was
located at the Silver Lake Nature Center (SLNC), Bristol, PA and
consisted of two lakes each greater than nine hectares which were
connected by a creek and surrounded by protected lowland forest
and parkland. The second wetland complex was at Fort Mifflin
(FM), Philadelphia, PA and consisted of three small wetlands, each
less than 0.8 hectares separated by steep banks and paved roads,
and surrounded by mowed lawns and narrow patches of forest
(Table 1).
Materials and Methods
Ethics Statement
We collected all animals and tissue samples under the Drexel
University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
approved protocol # 18487 and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
Commission Scientific Collecting Permits # 121 issued to HWA
and #345 issued to SHP. Permission to collect at SLNC and FM
was granted by the land managers.
Calculation of Wetland Size
We calculated wetland size using ArcGIS 9.3 by digitizing
aquatic habitat boundaries using aerial photographs. Digitized
boundaries were converted into polygons and area was calculated
using Hawths Tools [34,35]. We summed the total area of
individual wetlands to calculate the total amount of aquatic habitat
available for turtles to use within study sites.
Availability of Vegetation Resources
We determined vegetative community composition through
monthly vegetation surveys performed between June and Septem-
ber 2010. We used a hybridized quadrat-belt transect sampling
technique [36]. At each wetland within a wetland complex we
chose 10 littoral zone transect sites by randomly selecting
10 points along the wetland’s perimeter using ArcGIS software.
We located survey points using handheld Garmin GPS units and
then determined final location randomly [37,38]. Each transect
was 3 m long and ran perpendicular to the wetland edge. Along
each transect, three 0.5 m
quadrats were sampled with 1.5 m
center spacing. This sampling technique enabled determination of
species composition in each quadrat and an estimate of percent
cover for terrestrial plants and submerged, emergent and floating
macrophytes across a 3 m gradient of water depth. We used these
data to determine species richness and species diversity of riparian
vegetation at each wetland studied. Species diversity was
determined using the Shannon Wiener Diversity Index in which
H is the diversity
index, s = the number of species and Pi = the proportion of total
samples belonging to the i
species [39].
Sampling for Stable Isotopes
Sample Collection –Turtles. We captured turtles by hand,
basking traps and baited hoop net traps and took tissue samples
from individual sexually mature adult turtles during the active
season (June through September) over a three year period
(2008,2009,2010). Red-eared slider turtles are sexually dimorphic
so we sampled sexually mature male red-eared slider turtles
greater than 100 mm straight plastron length (SPL) and females
greater than 175 mm SPL [40,41]. Red-bellied turtles exhibit less
pronounced sexual dimorphism so all turtles sampled were greater
than 175 mm SPL [40,42]. Tissues included blood drawn from the
forelimb [43], tail tissue from the posterior most 3 mm of the
turtle’s tail and shell filings collected during ID code notching.
Stable isotope sample sizes are presented in Table 2. We stored
blood on ice or in a freezer for up to 12 hours until we separated
blood plasma and red-blood cells by centrifugation. We took
samples of tail tissue with sterile scalpel blades. Using clean half
round files, we produced shell filings and collected them in sealable
plastic bags. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of blood tissue
for red-eared slider turtles have a turnover rate of 3–6 months [44]
and are representative of short term nutrient assimilation. Shell
and tail tissue turnover rates are unknown for adult turtles but we
assume that isotopic composition of these tissues represent diet
assimilation over many years.
Sample Collection Plants. We collected each plant species
encountered during the monthly vegetative resource availability
Table 1. Wetland characteristics at the Silver Lake Nature Center (SLNC) and Fort Mifflin (FM), Pennsylvania, USA.
Wetland Wetland Area Species Richness Shannon- Wiener Diversity Index
SLNC 0.21 km
51 1.348
FM 0.04 km
30 0.93
Species richness and diversity of vegetation was greater at Silver Lake Nature Center than at Fort Mifflin.
Habitat and Stable Isotopes of Two Turtle Species
PLOS ONE | 2 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62891
surveys described above. We also collected vegetation opportu-
nistically throughout the season to ensure that we sampled all of
the potential dietary items. Plants analyzed were processed as
whole plants, flowers or fruits.
Sample Preparation and Processing. We processed turtle
tissues (Table 2) following techniques described by Seminoff et al.
[44]. All tissues were dried at 60uC for 24 to 48 hours. Vegetation
samples (Table 3) were rinsed with water to ensure that animal
material was removed and dried at 60uC for 24 hours. We did not
extract lipids or mathematically normalize d
C values because of
the relatively low lipid content in the tissues we analyzed. Turtle
blood has a low lipid content compared to birds for which lipid
extraction of blood has been determined to be unnecessary
[27,45,46]. Furthermore, we determined the percent lipid of tail
tissue by lipid extraction with dichloromethane to be below the 5%
threshold that Post et al. (2007) suggest lipid extraction or
mathematical normalization of d
C be performed on [47]. All
samples were sealed and stored frozen until prepared for mass
Table 2. Mean d
C and d
N values and sample sizes for all tissues collected from red-bellied turtle (Pr) and red-eared slider
turtles (Ts) between 2008 and 2010 at the Silver Lake Nature Center (SLNC) and at Fort Mifflin (FM).
Wetland Year Tissue Type
C(%) Mean d
Pr Ts Pr Ts Pr Ts
Plasma 12 5 218.19 225.92 6.91 9.49 0.002 0.03
SLNC 2008 RBC 10 6 219.18 226.63 5.56 8.33 0.0002 0.004
Tail 14 7 218.26 224.88 6.57 9.80 0.00007 0.00007
Plasma 76227.28 226.20 11.50 12.03 0.11 0.65
FM 2008 RBC 95226.66 225.80 10.31 9.53 0.18 0.23
Tail 96226.44 224.88 10.14 10.81 0.018 0.43
Filings 76226.67 225.35 11.27 10.37 0.004 0.26
SLNC 2009 Plasma 15 4 219.52 224.10 7.34 11.60 0.029 0.001
RBC 12 6 220.33 224.30 5.97 9.98 0.001 0.0009
Plasma 16 15 226.45 226.90 9.74 10.55 0.42 0.22
FM 2009 RBC 10 14 227.14 226.42 9.74 9.26 0.21 0.35
Tail 10 12 225.65 226.91 9.63 11.12 0.026 0.001
SLNC 2010 Plasma 10 10 218.46 223.80 8.25 11.14 0.0002 0.0003
FM 2010 Plasma 10 9 221.43 224.87 10.85 11.62 0.19 0.5
P-values below the 0.05 significance level are highlighted in bold.
Table 3. Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotope values for vegetation at Fort Mifflin (FM) and Silver Lake Nature Center (SLNC) during
Wetland Complex Species Common Name Mean d
Peltandra virginica Arrow Arum 228.50 5.15
Lemna minor
Duckweed 227.85 10.09
Myriophyllum spp.
Water milfoil 216.50 2.24
Nuphar advena
Spatterdock 226.86 1.03
Wolffia spp Watermeal 223.64 7.27
Amorpha fruticosa False Indigo 227.13 0.20
Hibiscus moscheutos Swamp Rosemallow 227.09 8.26
Lemna minor
Duckweed 226.49 10.08
Myriophyllum spp.
Water milfoil 224.73 9.20
Nuphar advena
Spatterdock 226.25 6.10
SLNC Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper 228.24 5.67
Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet Nightshade 228.24 10.53
Viburnum dentatum. Arrowwood 226.76 5.39
Vitis vulpina Frostgrape 226.47 7.45
Lyngbia spp. Filamentous Algae 219.92 11.02
The values presented are the mean value for all tissue sampled from these plant species. Plants species that were sampled at both wetlands are in bold.
Habitat and Stable Isotopes of Two Turtle Species
PLOS ONE | 3 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62891
spectrometry. We pulverized dried samples into a homogenous
powder with an agate mortar and pestle, with a glass stirring rod
or with a liquid nitrogen SPEC Certiprep freezer mill. Pulverized
samples weighing 0.6 mg to 1 mg for turtle tissues and 1 mg to
1.5 mg for vegetation samples were placed in 3.565 mm and
569 mm pressed tin capsules respectively, sealed and analyzed at
the Patrick Center for Environmental Research, the Academy of
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, using a Finnigan Delta Plus
coupled to a NA2500 Elemental Analyzer (EA-IRMS). Cross
contamination was avoided by cleaning all processing equipment
before and after each sample. Samples were run in duplicate or
triplicate and analytical variability was generally less than 3%
RSD. Multiple in-house standards were analyzed for each run to
assess comparability over time. Samples were reported in the
standard d (%) notation:
dX~ Rsample
where X is either
N and R is either
The d
N standard was air (d
N = 0), and the d
C standard was
the Vienna PeeDee Belemnite (VPDB) limestone that was assigned
a value of 0.0%. Analytical accuracy was based on standardization
of scientific grade N
and CO
used for continuous flow-IRMS
with International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) N-1, N-3, and
USGS 26 for nitrogen and IAEA’s sucrose, National Institute of
Standards and Technology’s (NIST) NBS 19, and NIST’s NBS 22
for carbon, respectively.
Data Analysis
We analyzed results of stable isotope analysis by first averaging
C and d
N values for individual samples with replicated
tissues. Averaged values were then used for all subsequent
analyses. We analyzed isotopic values within year and by tissue
in R using standard t-tests (unequal variance assumed) with species
as the grouping factor. We accepted statistical significance at the
p = 0.05 level. In this study, a significant difference between species
within a year was representative of isotopic niche partitioning. We
analyzed isotopic values between years and by tissue using fixed
effect ANOVAs with year as the treatment and isotopic means as
the response variable with program R [48]. All comparisons
between years were significantly different and we did not combine
data between years. Significant differences between years may not
be representative of dietary shifts due to the temporal variations in
C and d
N signatures of aquatic vegetation [49].
Wetland Size, Vegetative Species Richness and
Vegetative Species Diversity
Aquatic habitat at SLNC was 5.75 times larger than that at FM.
Plant species richness at SLNC was 1.26 times greater than at FM
and plant species diversity using the Shannon-Wiener Diversity
Index was 1.45 times greater at SLNC (Table 1). After four
monthly surveys the cumulative number of species surveyed at FM
had leveled off while at SLNC the number of species was still
increasing (Figure 1). Species documented at each wetland are
presented in Table S1.
Stable Isotope Values
At SLNC there were significant differences between species for
C and d
N values for all turtle tissues representing short term
and long term diets (Table 2). At FM no significant differences in
C and d
N values existed for turtle tissue that represented
short term diets (Plasma/RBC) (Table 2). In 2008 and 2009 there
were significant differences in d
C values in turtle tissues that
represented long term diets (tail/shell filings), with red-eared slider
turtles having significantly higher d
C values in 2008 and
significantly lower values in 2009. In 2009 there was a significant
difference in d
N values from turtle tissues that represented long
term nitrogen assimilation with red-eared slider turtles having
significantly higher d
N values (Table 2). At FM d
C values of
plant tissue ranged between 228.5% and 216.5% and d
Figure 1. Species accumulation curves of aquatic vegetation for the two study sites in 2010. After 4 months of vegetative surveys the
number of new species being found at Fort Mifflin (FM) had leveled off while at Silver Lake Nature Center (SLNC) the number of new species had not
leveled off. Additional sampling at FM would likely not have found many new species while at SLNC additional sampling would likely result in higher
species richness.
Habitat and Stable Isotopes of Two Turtle Species
PLOS ONE | 4 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62891
values ranged between 1.03% and 10.09 % (Table 3). At SLNC
C values of plant tissue ranged between 228.24% and
219.92% and d
N values ranged between 0.20% and 11.02%
(Table 3).
Lipid Values
Percent lipids of tail tissue were found to be low, with a mean of
1.24%, lipid for all samples, n = 6. Red-bellied turtles had a mean
of 1.32% and standard deviation of 1.06, n = 3, while red-eared
slider turtles had a mean percent lipid of 1.15% and a standard
deviation of 0.62, n = 3. A two-tailed t-test showed no significant
difference between species (p = 0.8).
Potential for competition in different wetlands
To our knowledge this is the first study comparing the isotopic
niches of native and introduced species at different sites with
measured differences in ecological characteristics. At our study
sites anthropogenic impacts resulted in different habitat patch
sizes. Historically, both of our study sites were either tidal creeks/
floodplains (SLNC) or associated tidal wetlands of the Delaware
River (FM). However, anthropogenic activities created impound-
ments and protected habitat at SLNC while they degraded the
wetlands at FM to remnant impounded patches. These anthro-
pogenic impacts may be the driving force behind our findings that
at SLNC the d
C and d
N niches of red-bellied turtles and red-
eared slider turtles did not overlap while the d
C and d
N niches
did overlap at FM. In anthropogenic altered habitats, shifts in the
N niche of sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna ) led to reduced
growth rates in the altered habitat [29].
At SLNC the potential for competition for dietary resources was
low as the extent of dietary resource overlap was low. The
partitioned d
C and d
N niches were likely a factor of larger
wetland size, greater vegetative species richness and greater
vegetative species diversity which enabled a wider niche base for
species to partition. Another potential factor impacting the isotopic
niches may have been invertebrate species richness and diversity.
We recognize that animal matter is important to turtle diets but
red-bellied turtles and red-eared slider turtles are primarily
herbivorous and are known to feed on animal matter opportunis-
tically [40,50]. Higher d
N levels (Figure 2) of red-eared slider
turtles at SLNC may have indicated that animal matter was an
important driver of the dietary niche partitioning found at SLNC.
Fecal sample examination from both species indicated a tenfold
increase in the percent volume of animal matter in the diets of red-
eared slider turtles compared to red-bellied turtles at SLNC
(Pearson, unpublished data). The higher volume of animal matter
in red-eared slider turtle diets is reflected by the significantly
greater d
N values compared to red-bellied turtles at SLNC
(Table 2/Figure 2, SLNC).
At FM the potential for competition in the short term was
greatly increased as the d
C and d
N niche axes did not
significantly differ between species. Whether or not red-bellied
turtles are weaker competitors than red-eared slider turtles for
limited resources is yet to be determined. However, when a shared
dietary resource between red-bellied turtles and red-eared slider
turtles becomes limiting, competition will occur and the species
better suited to obtain that resource will negatively impact the
growth, fecundity or survivorship of the weaker competitor [7].
Our study showed that under certain conditions (i.e. in smaller
wetlands) the potential for competition between red-bellied turtles
and red-eared slider turtles did exist. If overlap for resources
occurs over extended periods of time it is likely that these species
will compete for resources and that this competition will have
negative impacts on long term population growth of one of the
species [6].
Figure 2. d
C (x-axis) and d
N (y-axis) results for blood plasma sampled from red-bellied turtles (closed squares) and red-eared
slider turtles (open squares) at the Silver Lake Nature Center (SLNC, bottom row) and Fort Mifflin (FM, top row) for the years 2008,
2009 and 2010. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. At SLNC there were significant differences for d
C and d
N across all three
years. At FM no significant differences were found in d
N values and in 2008 and 2009 no significant differences in d
C values were found.
Habitat and Stable Isotopes of Two Turtle Species
PLOS ONE | 5 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62891
Differences in Wetland Characteristics
At SLNC stable isotope signatures indicated that red-eared
slider turtles and red-bellied turtles did not utilize the same dietary
resources on either a short term or long term basis. This was
consistent between years for all tissues sampled. The high
vegetative species richness enabled these species to partition diets
by consuming different plants at SLNC. At FM stable isotope
signatures revealed no significant differences between diets of the
two turtle species on a short term basis but indicated differences on
a long term basis. These differences between wetland complexes
can be due to several factors. One explanation could be that the
range of available carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes at FM was
narrower. However, this was not the case as the breadth of stable
isotope values at FM was not collapsed in comparison to SLNC
(Table 3). For the same set of plant species the widest breadth of
carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values was found for vegetation
sampled from FM. A second explanation could be differences in
wetland size. Aquatic habitat available at SLNC was 5.75 times
the size of aquatic habitat at FM (Table 1). Smaller habitat size
reduces space available to forage which can increase the likelihood
that two species will consume the same resources. At FM the
depressed niche differentiation between species may have been
due in part to a reduction in available habitat. A third possibility
for differences in long term dietary niche overlap between wetland
complexes could have been differences in dietary resources
available. Adult red-bellied turtles and red-eared slider turtles
are primarily herbivorous but will eat available animal material
[40]. At FM the overlap for diets was due in part to FM having
fewer plant species to partition (Table 1) while at SLNC the red-
eared slider turtles added invertebrates to their diet causing a
greater separation in dietary niches between the species.
Our research occurred at two wetland complexes that
represented different disturbance histories. We recognize that we
did not replicate these studies in other wetlands with similar sizes
and ecological characteristics. However, our results are valid as an
example of how wetland characteristics can impact the assimila-
tion of an introduced species into native communities with
different disturbance histories. This ‘‘natural experiment’’ [3,51]
was designed to determine how wetland characteristics relate to
dietary niche overlap between red-eared slider turtles and red-
bellied turtles. An increase in vegetative species richness, like that
seen at SLNC, may enable red-bellied turtles and red-eared slider
turtles to partition dietary resources while a narrower resource
base, like that seen at FM, may lead to an increase in dietary
resource overlap. Our findings are similar to those of Luiselli et al.
who report that differences in diets of the west African mud turtle
(Pelusios castaneus) and the west African black turtle (Pelusios niger)at
a pristine site and an oil-polluted site in the Nigeria Delta are due
to a change in dietary resource availability at the disturbed site
[52]. Similarly, Kamler et al. report that diets of swift foxes (Vulpes
velox) are altered based on resource availability in continuous and
anthropogenically altered prairie habitats [53].
Long-term Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Niche
Partitioning at FM
Over the three year period of our study, red-bellied turtles and
red-eared slider turtles at FM consistently overlapped in short term
diets but their long term diets differed in the d
C and d
N values.
These data suggest that the turtle populations may be highly
transient. This is consistent with findings of inter-wetland
movement by marked animals from FM [54]. Since short term
C and d
N values overlapped but long term did not, these
species were feeding on similar resources while at FM but had
different diets while in other wetlands. Due to the small size of
these wetlands it is likely that turtles did not reside in these
wetlands for their full lifetime. Therefore, the d
C and d
represent long term net diet assimilated from other habitats. Our
study site at FM was adjacent to the Delaware River which may
have provided access to a broader watershed for immigrating
turtles to find the site or for emigrating turtles to disperse. In
addition to the Delaware River acting as a source or sink of turtles
for our study site there was a mosaic of remnant wetlands dotting
the landscape between our study site and the John Heinz National
Wildlife Refuge [54]. These wetlands may also have acted as a
source or sink for turtles to/from our study site.
Alternate explanations are that red-eared slider turtle long term
diet assimilation may be representative of a history of living in
captivity or different responses to high protein ephemeral
resources. If the red-eared slider turtles that we sampled were
released pets we would expect their long term stable isotope
signatures to reflect the higher protein signature of domestic turtle
food or human food rather than that of wild turtle populations. If
red-eared slider turtles respond more rapidly to ephemeral protein
sources such as carrion or fluxes of insect larvae their long term
isotopic signatures would also reflect a higher protein diet. As seen
in Table 2 the nitrogen signature for tail tissue of red-eared slider
turtles was higher than those for red-bellied turtles indicating
greater rates of protein consumption by these turtles.
Conservation Implications
The potential for competition between species can increase as
anthropogenic impacts become more severe [4–6]. When compe-
tition occurs between species the negative impacts are not
immediate [55] and in long lived species, such as turtles, would
likely result in reduced growth rates and decreased body condition
[33]. Shifts in growth rates and body condition of turtles can lead
to delayed maturity and decreased lifetime fecundity [56–58], in
turn negatively affecting population size and growth [59,60]. If
red-eared slider turtles negatively impact red-bellied turtles in
Pennsylvania or native species elsewhere, then their introduction
may have long term consequences on the structure of turtle
communities worldwide. The continued introduction of red-eared
slider turtles may lead to decreased population size or extirpation
of native turtle species. As a cautionary measure the sale and
release of red-eared slider turtles should be prohibited outside their
native range while pre-existing owners should be required to
register existing pets to further reduce the number of released
animals. If continued introductions of red-eared slider turtles are
prevented, then targeted control programs may be successful at
stemming this species continued invasion.
Supporting Information
Table S1 Plant species documented during the 2010 resource
availability surveys. Plant species found only at FM and SLNC are
on the left and right, respectively, while species found at both
wetlands are in the center. We documented 31 species at FM and
51 species at SLNC.
We thank Robert Mercer, Lorraine Skala of SLNC and Wayne Irby of FM
for facilitating research on the properties that they manage. We thank M.
Schafer and L. Zaoudeh for help with determining the percent lipids and
A. Byrne, S. Brooks, M. Cunningham and numerous other staff and
volunteers for assistance in completing this research. In addition, we thank
the reviewers whose comments greatly improved our original manuscript.
Habitat and Stable Isotopes of Two Turtle Species
PLOS ONE | 6 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62891
Author Contributions
Drafted part of manuscript: DJV. Provided edits and assistance: SSK DJV
JRS HWA. Conceived and designed the experiments: SHP SSK DJV JRS
HWA. Performed the experiments: SHP. Analyzed the data: SHP SSK
DJV JRS HWA. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SHP DJV
JRS HWA. Wrote the paper: SHP.
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Habitat and Stable Isotopes of Two Turtle Species
PLOS ONE | 7 May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e62891

Supplementary resource (1)

... SIA requires tissue collection, which can be non-lethal, with low invasiveness, particularly if only nail samples are collected . Analyses of multiple tissue types can reveal dietary shifts over time (McClellan et al., 2010;Pearson et al., 2013), because elemental turnover rates differ among consumer tissues (Brenna et al., 1997;Tieszen et al., 1983). Plasma, red blood cells and whole blood track recent diet history (ranging from weeks to months, respectively) and so provide an idea of current and recent diet, while nails track diet over months to a year (Seminoff et al., 2007;Tieszen et al., 1983), indicating a more long-term diet. ...
... One was cooled 'as is' for later whole-blood SIA, and the other microtube was centrifuged in the field (Portable Centrifuge, Sigma-Aldrich, Sydney, NSW, Australia), separating blood into plasma and red blood cell components. À18 C (Pearson et al., 2013). Nail tissue was also clipped (2-3 mm), from the right or left rear foot of each individual (Van Dyke et al., 2013), with nails frozen for analysis. ...
... Blood samples were dried at 60 C for 48 h, and nail clippings cleaned of algae and dirt. Crustacean exoskeletons were removed to standardize tissues used in each stable isotope sample (flesh only), and macrophyte samples were washed with distilled water (Pearson et al., 2013). All samples were dried at 60 C for 48 h. ...
Full-text available
Australian freshwater turtles are declining, reflecting global turtle trends. Understanding variation in turtle diets and habitat requirements can guide protection and restoration of ecosystems. Diet and niche overlap were investigated in three co‐existing species of turtle—the broad‐shelled turtle Chelodina expansa , the eastern long‐necked turtle C. longicollis and the Macquarie turtle Emydura macquarii , in three rivers in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia, in relation to environmental variables. Dietary variation in relation to water quality (salinity) and macrophyte cover was investigated using stable isotope analyses (δ ¹⁵ N and δ ¹³ C) of turtle tissues (plasma, red blood cell, whole blood and nail) representing food assimilation over different antecedent periods. These stable isotope results were consistent with current dietary understanding based on stomach flushing, indicating that isotope analyses are a non‐invasive method for obtaining dietary information. There were temporal dietary differences, with strong shifts between spring and summer sampling periods, particularly in the blood plasma. Intraspecific variation in diets reflected in δ ¹⁵ N and δ ¹³ C related to body size. There was evidence of high dietary overlap among the three species, potentially creating competition, particularly when they co‐occur or resources might be limited. Continued degradation of turtle habitats and water quality affects turtle diet and reduces habitat availability, forcing the three species of turtle to co‐exist in diminishing refugia, increasing interspecific competition for food. Protecting and restoring freshwater ecosystems, including maintaining freshwater refugia, is essential to conserve already declining populations of the three Australian freshwater turtle species.
... Stable isotope ratios from animal tissue allow for a quantitative estimate of niche overlap between syntopic turtle species and can partially explain if and how species partition available resources (Lara et al. 2012;Balzani et al. 2016;Micheli-Campbell et al. 2017). Because the degree of isotopically defined niche overlap between chelonian taxa can vary across sites (Pearson et al. 2013;Suriyamongkol et al. 2022), investigations of the degree of niche overlap should be replicated throughout the known distribution of relevant species to develop a more complete characterization of resource use, the intensity of competition, and potential resource partitioning. ...
... Therefore, even among only these 3 sites, there is considerable variability in the direction and degree of isotopic niche space shared by these 2 species. Such differences among riverine systems are likely a function of differential composition, abundance, and diversity of available prey taxa, as has been demonstrated with the northern red-bellied cooter (Pseudemys rubriventris) and introduced T. s. elegans in Pennsylvania, USA (Pearson et al. 2013). ...
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The Rio Grande cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi) is an imperiled freshwater turtle native to the southwestern United States and northeastern Mexico. Previous studies investigating P. gorzugi diet have focused on the population occupying the Black River drainage in southeastern New Mexico, while Texas populations have remained unexamined. During the summer and fall of 2020, we studied the dietary habits of P. gorzugi and the syntopic red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) at San Felipe Creek, Texas, USA using fecal content and stable isotope analyses. We also compared the isotopic niches of these 2 co-occurring turtle species. Filamentous algae were, volumetrically, the most important food item for male, female, and juvenile P. gorzugi. Stable isotope mixing models indicated that lotic and lentic filamentous algae had the greatest proportional contribution to P. gorzugi and T. s. elegans diets, respectively. Stable isotope dietary mixing models also indicate T. s. elegans had a more carnivorous diet, composed mostly of red-rimmed melania (Melanoides tuberculata) and red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Carnivory in this species was further supported by enriched δ15N values and higher trophic position estimates. Pseudemys gorzugi and T. s. elegans had δ13C and δ15N signatures that significantly differed, and the 2 species showed little overlap in isotopic niche space, suggesting a low likelihood of intense resource competition. Our results demonstrate that the diet of P. gorzugi, and the isotopic niche overlap between P. gorzugi and T. s. elegans at San Felipe Creek differ from that in the Black River drainage of New Mexico. The information provided here contributes toward a more complete understanding of P. gorzugi ecology, is useful for identifying suitable habitat worthy of conservation, and can help guide the development of feeding regimes for captive assurance colonies.
... MacKenzie et al. 2011, Madigan et al. 2017) and identifying diets and niche positions (e.g. Haubrock et al. 2020, Pearson et al. 2013. Previous studies have explored stable isotope tools to distinguish between wild and captive animals with success, including, but not limited to: short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus) (Brandis et al. 2018); wolves (Canis lupis) (Kays and Feranec 2011); African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) (Alexander et al. 2019, Symes et al. 2017; reticulated pythons (Python reticulatus) (Natusch et al. 2017); and crocodile lizards (Shinisaurus crocodilurus) (van Schingen et al. 2016, Ziegler et al. 2018. ...
... As a consequence, T. s. elegans have established nearly 200 identified breeding populations worldwide (Kikillus et al. 2010). They are a significant threat to biodiversity, as they compete with native turtles for food and shelter (Pearson et al. 2013, Balzani et al. 2016) and carry exotic diseases including Ranavirus and Chlamydia spp. (Johnson et al. 2007, Mitura et al. 2017). ...
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The illegal pet trade facilitates the global dispersal of invasive alien species (IAS), providing opportunities for new pests to establish in novel recipient environments. Despite the increasing threat of IAS to the environment and economy, biosecurity efforts often lack suitable, scientifically-based methods to make effective management decisions, such as identifying an established IAS population from a single incursion event. We present a proof-of-concept for a new application of a stable isotope technique to identify wild and captive histories of an invasive pet species. Twelve red-eared slider turtles ( Trachemys scripta elegans ) from historic Australian incursions with putative wild, captive and unknown origins were analysed to: (1) present best-practice methods for stable isotope sampling of T. s. elegans incursions; (2) effectively discriminate between wild and captive groups using stable isotope ratios; and (3) present a framework to expand the methodology for use on other IAS species. A sampling method was developed to obtain carbon (δ ¹³ C) and nitrogen (δ ¹⁵ N) stable isotope ratios from the keratin layer of the carapace (shells), which are predominantly influenced by dietary material and trophic level respectively. Both δ ¹³ C and δ ¹⁵ N exhibited the potential to distinguish between the wild and captive origins of the samples. Power simulations demonstrated that isotope ratios were consistent across the carapace and a minimum of eight individuals were required to effectively discriminate wild and captive groups, reducing overall sampling costs. Statistical classification effectively separated captive and wild groups by δ ¹⁵ N (captive: δ ¹⁵ N‰ ≥ 9.7‰, minimum of 96% accuracy). This study outlines a practical and accessible method for detecting IAS incursions, to potentially provide biosecurity staff and decision-makers with the tools to quickly identify and manage future IAS incursions.
... Elemental and isotopic signature analyses are routine in the biological and environmental sciences, being used as indicators of diet [1,2], ecotoxicology [3], pollution [4], soil sciences [5] and animal movement studies [6,7]. Current analytical techniques include stable isotope analysis (SIA), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-S), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and neutron activation (NAA) among others [8]. ...
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Portable x-ray fluorescent (pXRF) technology provides significant opportunities for rapid, non-destructive data collection in a range of fields of study. However, there are sources of variation and sample assumptions that may influence the data obtained, particularly in animal samples. We used representative species for four taxa (fish, mammals, birds, reptiles) to test the precision of replicate scans, and the impact of sample thickness, sample state, scan location and scan time on data obtained from a pXRF. We detected some significant differences in concentration data due to sample state, scanning time and scanning location for all taxa. Infinite thickness assumptions were met for fish, reptile and mammal representatives at all body locations. Infinite thickness was not met for feathers. Scan time results found in most cases the 40, 60 and 80 second beam scan times were equivalent but significantly different to 20 second beam scan times. Concentration data across replicate scans were highly correlated. The opportunities for the use of pXRF in biological studies are wide-ranging. These findings highlight the considerations required when scanning biological samples to ensure the required data are suitably collected and standardised while reducing radiation exposure to live animals.
... s'agit principalement d'espèces exotiques (Foglini et Salvi, 2017), la plus répandue en Europe étant la tortue de Floride Trachemys scripta elegans, considérée comme l'une des 100 espèces les plus envahissantes sur le continent (DAISIE, 2012). Le caractère envahissant des tortues exotiques fait l'objet d'évaluations dans différents espaces urbains du monde, qu'il s'agisse de leur capacité à proliférer en dehors de leur répartition naturelle (Standfuss et al., 2016), de leur impact sur les écosystèmes (Pearson et al., 2013) ou encore des risques sanitaires qu'ils peuvent faire encourir (leptospirose) dans des lieux urbains fréquentés (Dezzutto et al., 2017). La réalité des invasions biologiques a engendré une réflexion sur le statut juridique des espèces exotiques en général (Valéry et al., 2008 ;Colautti et MacIsaac, 2004). ...
Full-text available
The threats to biodiversity lead us to reflect on the meaning we give to the invasive potential of exogenous species and to their management. The disconnection of urban dwellers from nature complicates the human - nonhuman relationships that we invite to think in terms of multispecific anthropology. The latter questions the forms of living together and leads us to examine how societies deal with the reception or the exclusion of species considered invasive. We studied exotical turtles found in two parks of Strasbourg with a double naturalistic and ethnological approach. More than 60 individuals from eight exotic turtle species have been contacted during the summers of 2017 and 2018. The shared opinions on the relevance of their presence reveal a certain embarrassment of the 87 informants. Turtles represent a factor of attraction and reconnection with nature but their exoticism questions or worries. This exotism invites us to confront the values attributed to them in order to reconsider the methods used to manage our environments. Once informed by the investigator about the origin and the invasive potential in the natural environment, the majority of users recommend the extraction of the turtles towards dedicated places, but the idea of their destruction is globally rejected. The carefull analysis of discourses points out to nuanced or perplexed postures on the legitimacy of humans to govern nature. More broadly, the relationship between city dwellers and the Nature or even Otherness is questions by these exotical turtles in our urban green parks.
... s'agit principalement d'espèces exotiques (Foglini et Salvi, 2017), la plus répandue en Europe étant la tortue de Floride Trachemys scripta elegans, considérée comme l'une des 100 espèces les plus envahissantes sur le continent (DAISIE, 2012). Le caractère envahissant des tortues exotiques fait l'objet d'évaluations dans différents espaces urbains du monde, qu'il s'agisse de leur capacité à proliférer en dehors de leur répartition naturelle (Standfuss et al., 2016), de leur impact sur les écosystèmes (Pearson et al., 2013) ou encore des risques sanitaires qu'ils peuvent faire encourir (leptospirose) dans des lieux urbains fréquentés (Dezzutto et al., 2017). La réalité des invasions biologiques a engendré une réflexion sur le statut juridique des espèces exotiques en général (Valéry et al., 2008 ;Colautti et MacIsaac, 2004). ...
Full-text available
The threats to biodiversity lead us to reflect on the meaning we give to the invasive potential of exogenous species and to their management. The disconnection of urban dwellers from nature complicates the human - nonhuman relationships that we invite to think in terms of multispecific anthropology. The latter questions the forms of living together and leads us to examine how societies deal with the reception or the exclusion of species considered invasive. We studied exotical turtles found in two parks of Strasbourg with a double naturalistic and ethnological approach. More than 60 individuals from eight exotic turtle species have been contacted during the summers of 2017 and 2018. The shared opinions on the relevance of their presence reveal a certain embarrassment of the 87 informants. Turtles represent a factor of attraction and reconnection with nature but their exoticism questions or worries. This exotism invites us to confront the values attributed to them in order to reconsider the methods used to manage our environments. Once informed by the investigator about the origin and the invasive potential in the natural environment, the majority of users recommend the extraction of the turtles towards dedicated places, but the idea of their destruction is globally rejected. The carefull analysis of discourses points out to nuanced or perplexed postures on the legitimacy of humans to govern nature. More broadly, the relationship between city dwellers and the Nature or even Otherness is questions by these exotical turtles in our urban green parcs.
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Point 1: Portable x-ray fluorescent (pXRF) technology provides significant opportunities for rapid, non-destructive data collection in a range of fields of study. However, there are sources of variation and sample assumptions that may influence the data obtained, particularly in biological samples. Point 2: We used representative species for four taxa (fish, mammals, birds, reptiles) to test the precision of replicate scans, and the impact of sample thickness, sample state, scan location and scan time on data obtained from a pXRF. Point 3: We detected significant differences in concentration data due to sample state, scanning time and scanning location for all taxa. Infinite thickness assumptions were met for fish, reptile and mammal representatives at all body locations when samples were thawed, but not dried. Infinite thickness was not met for feathers. Scan time results found in most cases the 40, 60 and 80 second beam times were equivalent. Concentration data across replicate scans were highly correlated. Point 4: The opportunities for the use of pXRF in biological studies are wide-ranging. These findings highlight the considerations required when scanning biological samples to ensure the required data are suitably collected, while maintaining minimal radiation exposure to live animals.
Full-text available
Aquatic turtles represent important biotic components of freshwater ecosystems. The Pecos River watershed is inhabited by six freshwater turtle species, including the widespread Trachemys scripta (Red-eared Slider) and a species of conservation concern, Pseudemys gorzugi (Rio Grande Cooter). Here, we assessed isotopic niche widths of Rio Grande Cooter and niche overlap where it co-occurs with Red-eared Slider in the Pecos River tributaries, New Mexico, USA. We used carbon (d 13 C) and nitrogen (d 15 N) stable isotope analyses of two different tissue types: blood and claw. Our results showed niche partitioning among different populations of P. gorzugi and among sex classes within a population. At the sites where both species occur, we documented niche overlap, especially for d 15 N values. Stable isotopes showed similar ellipse area overlap (SEA B) of T. scripta and P. gorzugi among populations (~20% 2), but little to no overlap of standard ellipse areas for small sample sizes (SEA C). The distribution of prey items in the diets of P. gorzugi and T. scripta revealed the differences in resource selection. We observed that differences in the diets of P. gorzugi among populations correspond to local resource availability, suggesting opportunistic foraging behavior of P. gorzugi. Our study aids in understanding the ecology and natural history of P. gorzugi, one of the least studied freshwater turtles in the USA. Moreover, our study provides insights to interspecific relations of T. scripta in their native range.
Understanding patterns of resource use is an important aspect of the conservation and management of animal populations. We used stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen from nail samples of Western Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) to examine isotopic niches for individuals in an urban population. Western Painted Turtles are omnivorous, so we predicted that there would be little isotopic niche variation by sex, location, or age class. In contrast to our prediction, isotopic niche size varied up to three times among groups; females inhabiting marsh habitat had the largest niche, whereas females inhabiting creek habitat had the smallest. Isotopic niches overlapped 26–77%, with the least overlap between adult males and females, indicating niche partitioning by sex. Body size and location also contributed to the diversity of resource use. Isotopic mixing models indicated that all turtles consumed low proportions of a variety of prey items, but there were differences among groups. Turtles inhabiting creek habitat consumed higher proportions of chironomid larvae, whereas those in marsh habitat consumed higher proportions of crayfish and amphipods. Our findings indicate that urban turtles take advantage of a wide range of prey, and that aquatic systems with high productivity and diversity are well suited for maintaining turtle populations.
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Although there is a large body of theory on spatial competitive coexistence, very little of it involves comparative analyses of alternative mechanisms. We thus have limited knowledge of the conditions under which multiple spatial mechanisms can operate or of emergent properties arising from interactions between mechanisms. Here we present a mathematical framework that allows for comparative analysis of spatial coexistence mechanisms. The basis for comparison is mechanisms operating in spatially homogeneous competitive environments (e.g., life‐history trade‐offs) versus mechanisms operating in spatially heterogeneous competitive environments (e.g., source‐sink dynamics). Our comparative approach leads to several new insights about spatial coexistence. First, we show that spatial variation in the expression of a life‐history trade‐off leads to a unique regional pattern that cannot be predicted by considering trade‐offs or source‐sink dynamics alone. This result represents an instance where spatial heterogeneity constrains rather than promotes coexistence, and it illustrates the kind of counterintuitive emergent properties that arise due to interactions between different classes of mechanisms. Second, we clarify the role of dispersal mortality in spatial coexistence. Previous studies have shown that coexistence can be constrained or facilitated by dispersal mortality. Our broader analysis distinguishes situations where dispersal mortality is not necessary for coexistence from those where such mortality is essential for coexistence because it preserves spatial variation in the strength of competition. These results form the basis for two important future directions: evolution of life‐history traits in spatially heterogeneous environments and elucidation of the cause and effect relationship(s) between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
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For diverse communities of omnivorous insects such as ants, the extent of direct consumption of plantderived resources vs. predation is largely unknown. However, determination of the extent of “herbivory” among ants may be crucial to understand the hyperdominance of ants in tropical tree crowns, where prey organisms tend to occur scarcely and unpredictably. We therefore examined N and C stable isotope ratios (d15N and d13C) in 50 ant species and associated insects and plants from a tropical rainforest in North Queensland, Australia. Variation between ant species was pronounced (range of species means: 7.1‰ in d15N and 6.8‰ in d13C). Isotope signatures of the entire ant community overlapped with those of several herbivorous as well as predacious arthropods. Variability in d15N between ants was not correlated with plant d15N from which they were collected. Ant species spread out in a continuum between largely herbivorous and purely predacious taxa, with a high degree of omnivory. Ant species’ d15N were consistent with the trophic level predicted by natural feeding observations, but not their d13C. Low d15N levels were recorded for ant species that commonly forage for nectar on understorey or canopy plants, intermediate levels for species with large colonies that were highly abundant on nectar and honeydew sources and were predacious, and the highest levels for predominantly predatory groundforaging species. Colonies of the dominant weaver-ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) had significantly lower d15N in mature forests (where preferred honeydew and nectar sources are abundant) than in open secondary vegetation. N concentration of ant dry mass showed only very limited variability across species and no correlation with trophic levels. This study demonstrates that stable isotopes provide a powerful tool for quantitative analyses of trophic niche partitioning and plasticity in complex and diverse tropical omnivore communities.
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Individual egg size and clutch mass in 12 specis of turtles increased with body size among species, but the ratio of clutch wet mass/body wet mass decreased with body size. Within some species, clutch size, clutch mass, and individual egg mass increased with body size of females. No direct evidence was found for the egg size to clutch size tradeoff predicted in optimal egg size theories.-from Authors
Although most investigations of clonal plants have focused on negative aspects of interactions with neighbors, some studies have shown positive effects of clonal plants on other species, especially clonal plants with a compact, or phalanx, growth habit. For example, several plant species have been observed to grow directly upon tussocks of the freshwater rush Juncus effusus L., and the phenology of those species appeared to correlate with seasonal dynamics of the Juncus canopy. The present experimental study was conducted to enable distinction among four aspects of the Juncus tussock microhabitat: 1) collapse of the Juncus canopy, typical of summer conditions, 2) springtime pre-collapse erect architecture of the Juncus canopy, 3) availability of a living tussock platform in the absence of a canopy, and 4) simple physical provision of an elevated, organic surface for colonization in the form of artificial rooting platforms. Several species responded to particular features of the Juncus effusus canopy; three of those species, Boehmeria cylindrica, Leersia oryzoides, and Lonicera japonica, were identified as facilitated species in previous research on facilitation by Juncus. Particular features of the Juncus tussocks that appeared to correlate with increased cover of colonizing species were Juncus canopy height, tussock basal diameter, and relative water depth atop the tussock. Thus, results of this experimental study support conclusions from prior work on facilitation by Juncus effusus and other tussock-forming species regarding the importance of tussock physical structure in providing sites for plant colonization in freshwater wetlands.
We determined the effects of dietary protein and on growth rates, food consumption rates, digestion rates, and digestive efficiencies of juvenile slider turtles (Trachemys scripta). Results from this study provide a clearer understanding of how these environmental factors interact in influencing body sizes and growth rates of individuals in wild slider turtle populations. Changes in plastron length, carapace length, and body mass were significantly greater for T. scripta eating 25% and 40% crude protein diets than for those eating 10% crude protein. Those consuming 10% crude protein showed significant decreases in body mass and plastron length over a 13-wk period. Individuals at of 15°, 22°, 28°, or 34° C had food ingestion rates (kJ wk⁻¹) that increased markedly with an increase in . Increasing dietary crude protein concentration increased turtle ingestion rates and influenced the positive effect of . Increasing dietary crude protein concentration alone did not significantly affect turtle consumption rates but did significantly influence the positive effect of . Digestive efficiencies were very high (because of the pelleted diet). Those turtles that ate at 15° C had a digestive efciency of 99.5%, as compared with 98.3% at 22° C, 94.8% at 28° C, and 95.8% at 34° C. Dietary protein concentration did not influence the digestive efficiencies of T. scripta. These data suggest that dietary protein is an important nutritional component to the growth of juvenile slider turtles and that elevated thermal conditions, combined with a high dietary protein availability, may explain the very high growth rates of slider turtles in some wild populations.