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Romania has progressed, to a certain extent, in the last ten years, on the road from a planned economy to a market-based economic system. However, reforms are far from being completed. Even worse, after joining the EU, on January 1st, 2007, the transformation of the Romanian economy has almost entirely ceased. This paper examines some causes of stagnation in reforms and presents some ways to resume and conclude this process that will facilitate the integration of Romania into the EU.
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... The Asian territory is of particular importance in this context, as shown by the books and articles of several researchers (Lu, 1993;Mair, 2003;Levine, 1999;Bryce, 1998;Macqueen, 1996). The oldest zoo-technical work, which was found in Asia Minor, was referring to the horse; it reflected on the role played by this animal in the Hittite community (the first to use battle chariots (Bryce, 1998;Macqueen, 1996) in the first half of the second millennium BC). ...
... The Asian territory is of particular importance in this context, as shown by the books and articles of several researchers (Lu, 1993;Mair, 2003;Levine, 1999;Bryce, 1998;Macqueen, 1996). The oldest zoo-technical work, which was found in Asia Minor, was referring to the horse; it reflected on the role played by this animal in the Hittite community (the first to use battle chariots (Bryce, 1998;Macqueen, 1996) in the first half of the second millennium BC). In the testimonies of ancient Greek scholars (Herodotus, Homer, and Xenophon), there are more references to the horse (Mavre, 1988). ...
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The social and economic evolution in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic area, now integrated into Romania's national territory, is indissolubly connected to the special relationship of man and horse. Therefore, by synthesizing the literature, we bring to the scientific circuit this study of the progress and results recorded in a high-interest public sector, i.e. the whole range of activities related to HBCC (Horse breeding, care and capitalization). Currently, certain parameters from this sector and the highlighted trends indicate that the equidae in Romania are not adequately exploited economically, requiring the diminution of their role in the classical activities from rural households and the reorientation towards the recreation and leisure industry. The approach to HBCC in Romania strongly considers, beyond the historical and economic side, the institutional element that targets them. Our justification in this regard is given by the fact that HBCC is an objective of state policies/strategies, involving special legislation, always in line with context changes – i.e. economic, social, political, environmental, etc. The situation is explained by the Romanian state's responsibility to preserve the national genetic patrimony, represented by the great genetic value of horse populations, as well as by the extensive responsibilities in terms of breeding, improving, qualifying and perfecting pure horse breeds within herds. Thus, special attention was paid to the amendment of the Romanian institutional framework regarding HBCC in the transition process to the functional market economy. First, we directed our efforts in order to address historical issues - the horse in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic area (the old and the more recent history, with the errors committed to the horse in Romania). An important part of the study refers to certain HBCC coordinates, with adequate criticism, but also to the trends characterizing the context of Romania's accession to the European Union. The HBCC parameters, which are associated with the reconsideration of the horse's role in the economic and social life, provide significant guarantees for generating multiple favorable effects in Romania, even if the society is increasingly technological/computerized.
The activities of powerful economic vested interests are undermining attempts to continue the reform process. One part of this strong opposition to completing reforms is the old party and managerial elite-ironically, not because they are the main losers, as predicted in 1990, but because they became, in fact, the winners of partial reform. More broadly, the heart of the opposition comprises groups that, having created dominant positions, have exploited their power to persuade governments and parliaments to prevent reforms that would threaten those positions.
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