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Abstract and Figures

Various phonemes are considered in terms of nonlinear dynamics. Phase portraits of the signals in the embedded space, correlation dimension estimate and the largest Lyapunov exponent are analyzed. It is shown that the speech signals have comparatively small dimension and the positive largest Lyapunov exponent
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arXiv:0812.4172v1 [nlin.CD] 22 Dec 2008
On chaotic nature of speech signals
Yu.V. Andreyev, M.V. Koroteev
Various phonemes are considered in terms of nonlinear dynamics.
Phase portraits of the signals in the embedded space, correlation di-
mension estimate and the largest Lyapunov exponent are analyzed. It
is shown that the speech signals have comparatively small dimension
and the positive largest Lyapunov exponent
1 Introduction
In the last decades a certain raise of interest to the investigations of speech
processes is observed. It is connected both with the practical problems of in-
formation compression, stipulated by the increasing role of communications in
the society, and with the development of new methods for research of complex
In the past the basic progress in the investigations of the speech process,
especially from the viewpoint of applications, was achieved by means of linear
prediction[1, 2]. It is based on the fact that the changes of the vocal organs
occur at the much longer time scales than the specific period of oscillations for
the speech signal. Therefore, at the small time scales the organs of speech may
be treated as a stationary system and be replaced by a linear filter, excited by
the special signal. Even though this approach is based on the linear prediction,
this term must not deceive: it implicitly assumes the nonlinear origin of the
speech process. From the one hand, the prediction of the next point of a
discrete speech signal is accomplished by means of a linear combination of a
number of previous points, but from the other hand, the exciting signal in
this model turns out to be a complicated one with the infinite spectrum, i.e., a
periodic sequence of pulses for the vocals and a noisy signal for the consonants.
Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS, Moscow, Mokhovaya str. 11/7,
e-mail: (Yu.V. Andreyev) -, (M.V. Koroteev) - The
article was published in Izv. VUZov. Applied nonlinear dynamics, 2004, v.12, N6, P. 44-59.
Nevertheless, the question of the origin of source generating both the wideband
periodic signals and noise-type signals is still slightly discussed.
Apart form the linear prediction, the approach connected to the physical
simulations of the speech process was investigated, e.g., for the vocals the non-
linear model[3] was suggested. In this model the vocal cords are represented
by virtue of the oscillating masses and the vocal tract, as a double-sided line of
transmission. The hardness of connection between the oscillating masses rep-
resents the nonlinear element. It is described by piecewise-cubic discontinuous
function and the discontinuity corresponds to the glottal stop. When numeri-
cally estimating, this function is approximated by a piecewise-linear function.
The model is described by the system of differential equations. The solutions
of the system for the various sets of parameters turns out to approximate some
vocal sounds sufficiently well[3].
Together with the theory of chaos and of the methods for dynamic systems
analysis including the methods for inverse problems of nonlinear dynamics,
e.g., reconstruction of attractor from the observations of single variable[4, 5, 6],
methods of reconstruction of equations for nonlinear systems[7] etc., the works
appeared which try to apply these methods for the investigations of speech
signals. Among them it is worth the works[8, 9] to be mentioned, in which
the transition phenomena in the specific sounds such as monkey and baby
cries were investigated. There were discovered in them the double period
bifurcations, tori, chaos transition etc.
The observed phenomena point to the certain similarity of the dynamic
system of speech producing with the behavior of the artificial chaotic systems.
Therefore, it is of some sense to try to reconstruct the unknown, in general,
multidimensional dynamic system using the observed speech signal which can
be represented in the real situation e.g. by the voltage on the microphone
output or to try to estimate its parameters. In [10, 11] such investigations of
the speech signal as the reconstruction of phase portrait, Poincare cross-section
construction, the estimation of the phase space dimension of the appropriate
dynamic system, the largest Lyapunov exponent estimation were done. For the
analysis rather short quite stationary fragments of japanese vocal phoneme ’a’
were used and the part of the research was accomplished applying the phoneme
In our situation the dynamic parameters of the speech signals are investi-
gated with much wider material including some fricative sounds(hissing and
sibilant sounds) along with basic vocal sounds. Note that the non-stationarity
of the speech processes complicates the application of the methods of nonlin-
ear dynamics. Therefore, the first step consists in the investigation of separate
vowels and consonants and then it would be possible to consider the realistic
speech signal. Despite the difficulties connected with the non-stationarity it is
the non-stationary dynamics that contains the main part of information con-
tent of the speech signal. A stationary quasi periodic or noisy signal brings
trifling information compared to the nonstationary speech signal. The infor-
mation content of the speech is stipulated by its non-stationary property being
the consequence of continuous changes of the vocal organs while producing the
separate phonemes the vocal tract is almost fixed.
To confirm the chaotic origin of speech signal the reconstruction of the dy-
namic system corresponding to the speech signal, the estimations of correlation
dimension, of the largest Lyapunov exponent have been done. The difficulties
appearing while application of methods of nonlinear dynamics to the speech
signals and the problem of the obtained results interpretation are discussed.
2 Reconstruction of the phase space for the
speech signals
When studying time series, the methods such as Lyapunov exponents estimate,
correlation dimension estimate, main component analysis are often applied.
These methods are also used here but the first problem to be solved prior to
application of the methods of nonlinear dynamics is that of the reconstruction
of the set, corresponding to the speech signals on the basis of the time series.
The basic material for the analysis is represented by the analog speech
signal. In order not to loose the crucial information, the reasonable discretiz-
ing frequency value should be specified. One often suppose that the band
of the speech signal is sufficiently narrow and for most of applications it can
be restricted by the value of the order of 4 kHz, e.g. in the telephone com-
munications the signal is restricted by the band 300-3500 Hz, for the many
applications dealing with the speech compression the signal is discretized with
the frequency 8 kHz and according to Kotelnikov theorem the signal is re-
stricted in the band 4 kHz. One of the results of the suggested investigation
consists in the fact that for some sounds having the noisy part in 3-10 kHz it
is not sufficient, though it may be not crucial for the problems of compression
and recognition. In our treatment we discretized vowels with the frequency
11,025 kHz and some consonants with 44,1 kHz.
The vowels ’a’, ’o’, ’i’, ’ae’, ’u’ and the consonants ’sh’, ’s’, ’z’ were mostly
considered. The sounds were taken both from the real speech and had been
recorded separately by males and females. The duration of the recorded sounds
was about some seconds but for the analysis the fragments of duration 0.5-1
s. were used. Besides, the stationary parts for each sound were cut from the
records. The discretized speech signal (time series) was treated as a signal
generated by a nonlinear dynamic system. It is necessary to note that all the
investigation methods are well suitable for stationary ergodic systems but it is
evident that the vocal tract can not be treated as a stationary system and it
is impossible to use the term attractor for this system in the rigorous sense.
Therefore, we consider only sufficiently stationary parts of speech signal.
In addition to the non-stationarity the serious difficulty of application of
nonlinear methods to the speech is stipulated by the time multi scaling, i.e.
in the signal there exist the oscillations with the different frequency scales. It
results that the significant frequencies in the spectrum of the signal seize the
range from the hundreds Hz to some kHz differing from the situation with the
ideal chaotic systems such as, e.g. Rossler system. In most cases for the recon-
struction of the phase space of a dynamic system the method based on Takens
theorem is applied. The essence of the method consists in geometric inter-
pretation of the dynamic system signal in a euclidean space of the prescribed
dimension d. The time series {xk},k= 1,2,...n is resampled with the step τ.
To obtain the point of the embedding space Rd,dsamples are taken in turn
from the resampled time series so that ~xi= (xi, xi+τ,...,xi+(τ1)d)[4, 6, 12, 13].
The points of arithmetic space are mapped one-to-one to Rd. The value τis
usually called lag or time of delay[13, 14]. The estimation of the lag is of great
interest problem in the literature[13, 14] and in two words is formulated as
the choosing of 2-4 points on the quasi period of oscillations. However, as it
was noted above, in the speech signals there exist the oscillations with the
crucially different periods. If the period of the fast oscillations is taken into
account, then in the reconstructed d-dimensional set the slow dynamics would
not be revealed. To allow for this slow motions too large dimension of the
space must be chosen. From the other hand, if the slow oscillations are taken
into consideration, the fast motions may be lost. Apparently, for the speech
signals instead of the uniform resampling (according to Takens) a nonuniform
one should be applied when the vectors of Rdare chosen to contain both the
closest and far elements of the time series involved. Some recommendations
concerning these methods can be found in[15].
In our investigations the uniform resamling when embedding the trajectory
in Rdwas used. The application of the very long parts of the trajectories (up
to hundreds thousands points) allows to construct ’dense’ sets in Rdreducing,
in authors‘ view, unpleasant effects of multi scale dynamics of the signals. The
reconstructed points represent the phase trajectory of the dynamic system
under consideration and are depicted as the phase portraits of the appropriate
speech signals. We also use the sonograms for the analysis of the sounds which
are the graphs having the time along Ox and the frequency along Oy. In
addition, the brightness is proportional to the energy of the frequency in the
specific time moment. Thus, the sonogram shows the temporal evolution of
Figure 1: waveform and sonogram for the vowel ”a”
Figure 2: waveform and sonogram for the consonant ”sh”
the signal. In fig. 1 and 2 the wave forms and the sonograms for the vowel ’a’
and consonant ’sh’ are shown.
It is important to note that the vowels reveal the noticeable quasi-periodic
structure while the consonants are of pseodonoise character that can be easily
seen both on the wave forms and on the sonograms. According to the example
of ’a’ sound, the energy of vowels is concentrated in the lower part of the
spectrum and the latter has sufficiently noticeable peaks on the fundamental
frequency and harmonics that can be seen as the light bands on the sonogram
while for ’sh’ the energy is approximately uniformly distributed in the spectrum
and the very spectrum is similar to that of noise, i.e. it does not contain the
visible peaks. The similar properties are also observed for the other consonants
under consideration (’s’, ’f’).
When constructing the phase portraits corresponding to the speech sounds,
the estimate of the dimension of the space containing the set corresponding to
the sound can be done. The Brumhead-King procedure similar to Karhunen-
Loeve transform[12] was applied for this estimate. The essence of the method
consists in constructing a new orthonormal basis in Rdfor that set, which is
optimal in the sense of mean square error of approximation of this set. The
Figure 3: The phase portraits of ’a’ from the real speech. The same speaker
for both graphs.
basis is constructed from the eigen vectors of covariance matrix of set vectors
and the sum of squared projections of the set on the axes of the new basis,
i.e. de facto, the energy corresponding to the specific direction is determined
by the eigen values of the covariance matrix. It follows that if the set can
be embedded in the subspace of Rdthen some eigen values will be equal to
zero or vanish if the initial data were subjected to the impact of noise. In
the numerical experiment the above procedure was accomplished as follows.
A matrix X= ( ~x1, ~x2, . . . ~xN) was constructed from the vectors ~xi. Then
the covariance matrix A=X×XTof the dimension d×dwas found and
its eigen values and eigen vectors were calculated. Then the set is projected
on the basis of eigen vectors[16]. Let us consider the phase portraits for two
sounds ’a’ pronounced by the same speaker in the different fragments of the
speech. The sets are constructed in 3D space but for clearer comparison they
are depicted in the projection on the same plane (fig. 3). In addition, the
figures of the normalized eigen values which determine the dimension of the
space are shown in fig. 4. The last graph shows that the main part of energy
is connected to the first and the second eigen values while the energy level
corresponding to the other eigen values is significantly lower. It is seen that
the fourth eigen value is of the order of 102. Thus, to within 102the phase
space can be treated as 3D one determined by the largest three eigen values.
In general, the phase portraits of sounds pronounced by the same speaker
reveal some similarity that is also valid for the other vowels. Besides, as it is
seen from fig. 3, the phase portraits manifest significant smoothness implying
the presence of only the low frequency components that is valid for the vowels.
The slight difference in the dynamics of the same sound can be explained by
the reduction of ’a’ in the different fragments according to the difference of the
Figure 4: eigen values sorted in decreasing order for the sets in fig. 3
phonemes of the sound ’a’ for the speaker.
The analogous consideration was done for the other vowels. We may say
that the phase portraits of vowels have the similar peculiarities for the same
speaker. In addition, the structure of of the phase portraits confirms almost
’periodic’ behavior of vowels, complicated by the non-stationarity. The phase
portraits of vowels display the smoothness and periodicity. The estimates
of dimension for the subspace of the phase space obtained by means of the
spectrum of covariance matrix show that the dimensions of the sets under
consideration is not large and equals usually 3-4. It is noted that for all
vowels there is the region of increased power in the spectrum at the level 9-13
kHz and eliminating this region slightly influence on the quality of the speech.
According to the example of the vowel ’a’ in the spectra of the other vowels the
fundamental and formant frequencies are distinctly observed. Considering the
separately pronounced vowels it was also noted that they are more stationary
and have more smooth phase portraits compared to the sounds in the real
3 Dual properties of the sound ’z’
The investigation of the voiced fricative consonant ’z’ exposed some features
bringing it closer both with the vowels, and with noisy hissing sounds. The
phase portrait of ’z’ (female voice) is shown in fig. 5a. Since this sound is not
vowel it might expect to observe the significant difference of its phase portrait
structure from that of vowels. However, the phase portrait has many similar
features with them. In particular, the toroidal structure is quite noticeable in
it. In addition, the high frequency irregularity is observed indicating the high
frequency noisy component in the signal. The latter is distinctly observed
Figure 5: The phase portrait for the main components of the sound ’z’. Female
and mail voices.
Figure 6: spectra corresponding to the phase portraits in fig. 5
in the spectrum of the signal (fig. 6). The spectral density is 30 dB lower
compared to main low frequency component. However, this component of the
signal seizes the band about 2000 Hz and the narrowband low frequency regular
component only 10 Hz. Therefore, their integral powers differ approximately
ten times. It allows to observe the noise component of the signal in the phase
portraits. The structure analysis of the phase portrait and the spectrum of ’z’,
pronounced by female, shows that the frequency 11 kHz is apparently insuffi-
cient for its digitizing. Consequently, the male signal of ’z’ was digitized with
the frequency 44,1 kHz. The typical phase portrait of this signal is depicted
in fig. 5b. The sharp bends of this sound imply that even the frequency 44,1
kHz is insufficient for obtaining of the smooth data. The spectral structure
of the male ’z’ differs from that for female sound (fig. 6), i.e., the spectrum
contains many harmonics of the main frequency. As the spectrum of female
voice the male one contains the noise component in the region from 3 to 12
kHz. Nevertheless, the line spectral components spread up to ’noise’ region of
the spectrum. Thus the sound ’z’ has dual structure, it unifies from the one
Figure 7: The sound ’z’. Male voice. Above: infiltered by the low-pass filter 2
kHz, below: the original signal
hand, the properties of vowels being revealed in toroidal structure of the phase
portraits and in the spectrum consisting of the distinct main frequency and
harmonics and from the other hand that of noiselike signals resulting in the
noisy high frequency component both in the spectrum and on the phase por-
traits. To prove the last statement let us extract the low frequency and high
frequency components from the signal. Applying the low-pass filter with the
band 0-2000 Hz we obtain the signal depicted in fig. 7(above). The spectrum
of the signal is shown in fig. 6b (the curve below). Even visually the signal
is similar to that of vowels. Indeed, such a signal is heard as a voiced sound
similar to ’u’ or ’eu’”1. The phase portraits of low frequency component of ’z’
shows that the signal involved has the distinct toroidal structure of quite low
dimension. The projection of the portrait on the coordinates 4-5-6 (fig. 8) is
represented as a noisy remainder of the main and has much less amplitude.
The low dimension of the obtained set is confirmed by the calculations of the
eigen values spectrum of the covariance matrix resulting in the estimate d= 3.
To explain the origin of the high frequency noisy region in the spectrum of the
signal involved, the latter was infiltrated by means of a pass filter 3-10 kHz.
The results of infiltration are shown in fig. 9.
By ear the infiltrated signal is perceived as hissing one, similar to ’s’. Ac-
cording to the analysis of the eigen values spectrum the dimension of the noisy
component of the signal ’z’ is also restricted by the value d= 5 6 being
confirmed by the projections of the phase portrait(fig. 10). These phenomena
confirm the dynamic origin of this component. Thus, the sound ’z’ unifies the
features of the vowel and the consonant and both components are apparently
of low dimension. However, it is not clear how this sound with dual properties
1This sound is absent in English
Figure 8: Projections of the phase portrait in the basis of eigen vectors of
infiltered sound ’z’ on the coordinates 1-2-3(left) and 4-5-6(right)
Figure 9: Characteristics of noisy part of ’z’: Left graph: above - wave form
of the original signal, below - infiltrated signal in the band 3-10 kHz. Right
graph: the spectrum of the original (red) and infiltrated (green) signal.
Figure 10: The phase portrait of infiltrated signal(3-10 kHz) in the basis of
eigen vectors, left: coordinates 1-2-3, right: coordinates 4-5-6
is formed. The authors assume that the signal in fig. 6 can be generated
by means of an excitation of a nonlinear high frequency resonator by a com-
paratively low frequency harmonic signal but the hypothesis requires to be
4 Estimation of the largest Lyapunov expo-
It is well known that D-dimensional nonlinear system is characterized by the
set of DLyapunov exponents. If the system is in chaotic mode then at least the
largest Lyapunov exponent is positive. It follows that two trajectories leaving
a small neighborhood diverge exponentially. In the simple systems typically
the largest Lyapunov exponent is positive, the others are negative. In our
experiments we estimated the largest Lyapunov exponent for various sounds.
This estimate is not complicated if the equations of the system are given.
In this case for the points on the trajectory of the system the local coefficients
of stretching are estimated which then average resulting in the estimate of the
largest Lyapunov exponent. To obtain the local coefficient of stretching in the
time moment tkin the neighborhood of the current point xk, a close point x
is taken and the trajectory on the interval ∆tgoing from xkis calculated. The
local Lyapunov coefficient is estimated as follows
xk+1 x
where x
k+1 and xk+1 - points of appropriate trajectories in the time tk+ ∆t.
Then, the vector x
k+1 xk+1 is normalized the length to be small and the
procedure is repeated.
If the governing equations are unknown but only the observable trajec-
tory of the system is given, then the estimate of the trajectory close to the
observable is impossible. In this case the local linear predictors are applied
for estimating the trajectories, adjacent to the observable[17]. If the latter is
sufficiently long then it supposed to run many times in the same region of the
phase space and in the neighborhood of any point there would be many other
points. First, the vectors in the neighborhood of the current point have to be
found. Then the linear transform is constructed mapping the neighborhood of
the current point to that of the consequent point on the trajectory. Using the
matrix of the obtained linear transform, the stretching coefficients of deviation
vectors on the time interval of transition from the current point to the next
Figure 11: The wave form of ’a’ sound and its phase portrait. Blue line - the
original trajectory, the red line - locally linear predictor
one are evaluated. The logarithm of this coefficient represents the local Lya-
punov exponent in the current point. In the neighborhood of the next point
the procedure is repeated. The Lyapunov exponent of the dynamic system is
then evaluated by means of averaging the local exponents on a long interval of
the trajectory[18, 19]. It is evident that the precision of the estimate depends
on linearity of the transform of the neighborhood to the following one, i.e. is
determined by the sufficiently large number of the points in the neighborhood
of every point on the trajectory, which is, in turn, depends on the length of
the trajectory.
Let us give the estimates of the largest Lyapunov exponent for a vowel.
Below we represent the results for the other sounds as well but a more detailed
description we give for the vowel ’a’. In fig. 11 the fragment and the recon-
structed phase portrait for the sound ’a’ are shown. In the figure of the signal
two time scales are easily viewed, ’large period’ T150 samples, corresponding
to the fundamental frequency 200 Hz (discretizing frequency 11025 Hz) and
the ’period’ of small oscillations T2= 13 (850 Hz). The phase portrait of the
signal in the embedding space is shown in the right figure. The portrait is
depicted by two originally very close trajectories (the initial deviation 0,024).
Having diverged, these two trajectories represent a complex toroidal portrait of
the signal. The largest Lyapunov exponent estimating by means of the above
method gives λ6001seconds.
The largest Lyapunov exponent for the sounds
sound λF=11 kHz, N of samples
e(f) 5050(8,4) 10000
a(m) 2830(4,7) -
u(f) 4750(7,9) 20000
u(m) 732(1,2) -
ae(f) 3210(5,3) 10000
ae(m) 3800(6,3) 10000
o(f) 2750(4,5) 10000
o(m) 2160(3,6) 10000
s(f) 6360(10,6) 10000
sh(f) 6140(10,2) 20000
sh(m) 2830(4,7) 20000
To compare Lyapunov exponents of the real signals to model systems such as,
e.g., Lorenz system, they have to be transformed to the same time scale. In
the Lorenz system the period of small oscillations equals 0.7 but in our case
13/11026 i.e., the scales differ approximately 600 times. On the scale of
Lorenz system for the sound ’a’ we obtain λ1, i.e., the Lyapunov exponents
for both systems are comparable. For the vowels ’u’ and ’e’ the similar values
were found on the scale of Lorenz system. However, it is essential to notice the
following fact. The positive value of the largest Lyapunov exponent implies
the chaotic behavior inherent in the speech dynamics. In the table the results
of evaluations for the largest Lyapunov exponent are represented for various
vowels and consonants. It should be noted that the signals are different from
the stationarity viewpoint. We give the absolute values of the exponent and for
comparison give the values reestimated according to the time scale of Lorenz
system. It is noted the significant increase of the Laypunov exponent for the
consonants. In addition, as it was mentioned above, the values of the exponent
depend on the length of the trajectory fragment because for the longer intervals
the non-stationarity effects turn out to be crucial.
5 Estimation of correlation dimension
of speech signals
One of the main method for estimating the dimension of the set obtained in
the embedding space for the speech signal is that of correlation dimension
estimate. The problem is quite similar to that when the dimension of the
chaotic attractor is evaluated. To estimate the correlation dimension, first,
Figure 12: Correlation dimensions of ’a’ and ’u’ vowels. Male voice. Embed-
ding dimensions=4-18.
the correlation integral is calculated[6, 14]
C(ǫ, N) = 1
θ(ǫ− |~xi~xj|),
where ~xi, ~xjare the points of ddimensional embedded space and θ- Heaviside
function. Then the correlation dimension is determined from
ν= lim
log C(ǫ, N)
log ǫ,
where Nthe number of the points in the embedded space[20]. The correlation
dimension also gives the estimate of the set for the speech signals in the phase
space[13, 20]. We show the results of the correlation dimension estimations for
various vowels and consonants pronounced by various speakers and for small
fragments of the speech. In the fig. 12 and 13 the wave forms and correlation
dimension graphs are displayed for the various dimensions of the embedded
space. The estimate of correlation dimension gives a significant result only if
the growth of the embedded space dimension results in some saturation, i.e.,
when the curves corresponding to the different dimensions of the space begin
to approach each other. This effect is seen in the fig. 12 and the saturation
region gives the estimate of the dimension 2,5-3 in both cases. The noisylike
sound ’sh’ results in another effect. For it the significant interval of saturation
was not obtained implying the increase of the dimension of the set in this
case. Nevertheless, it should be noticed that this fact conforms with the phase
portraits for that sound which revealed that the energy is distributed on the
eigen values more uniformly than in the case of vowels.
Figure 13: Correlation dimensions of ’sh’. Female voice. Embedding
dimensions=4-18. Right graph shows the smoothed curves.
6 Conclusion
In this work the results of applications of nonlinear dynamics methods for
the speech analysis have been represented. We show the data for various
vowels and consonants both recorded for this research and taken from the real
speech. Because of the huge amount of data and results we illustrate them
mainly with the data obtained for the vowel ’a’ and for some consonants. In
the similar way we analyzed the vowels ’e’, ’ae’, ’o’. We deliberately postponed
the analysis of diphthongs because of their more complicated structure. All
vowels taken from the real speech have quasi-periodic structure in contrast to
the consonants which are in part of noisy properties and in part have to be
considered as complicated transition processes. In general, we would like to
notice the following. While studying the speech signals we deal with a complex
non-stationary system generating the speech signal and the chaotic behavior in
the system. The main purpose of this work consisted in detection of nonlinear
dynamic nature of the system of vocal tract. This problem, in our opinion,
can not be solved in one publication being extremely vast one. We restricted
ourselves only with analysis of some sounds, yet from this sounds one should
transmit to their combinations and then, to the real speech. It was shown
that when embedding according to the method by Takens in a space of larger
dimension, the vowels can be defined in it as sets located in a subspace of
smaller dimension. For all the sounds the dimension of the space equals about
3-4. The represented results of the sound analysis confirm the dominance of
nonlinear effects in speech signal forming.
The peculiarities of sounds pronouncing intrinsic to the speaker can be
detected, considering the reconstructed sets in the phase space of the dynamic
system, as a specific structure inherent in the sets. Thus, it was noted that the
peculiarities of the speech producing for a person can be treated geometrically.
This fact might open the way for collecting the banks of speech signals being
treated from that viewpoint and can be applied in various technologies. The
calculation of the largest Lyapunov exponent, accomplished for all the sounds
involved and its positive value implies the chaotic behavior in the system of
vocal tract being also the crucial argument for the chaotic nature of the speech.
The calculations of the correlation dimension for vowels give the estimate
of the embedded space of various sounds. For all vowels this estimate is about
3-4 while for the consonants it occurred to be difficult to obtain the distinct
value of this characteristic.
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A new method is proposed for measurements of an index of acoustic voice quality using the Kulbaka–Leybler information metric. The primary benefit of this method consists in its high-level dynamic properties, as calculated by eliminating the problem of a small number of observational samples. A theoretical study of the method’s efficiency was conducted, and its conclusions were confirmed experimentally. It has been established that, in order to provide a sufficiently precise assessment of the voice quality of the speaker, a speech signal of duration 2–3 minutes is required.
Conference Paper
The automatic segmentation of the vocal signal precedes the features extraction stages, respectively the emotion recognition/classification. The extraction of the prosodic parameters as fundamental frequency (F0) and formants (F1-F4) cepstral coefficients LPCC and MFCC are made only on the vowel areas. The analysis tools from the SROL corpus are using a hybrid hierarchical system with four segmentation methods based on the autocorrelation function, AMDF method, the cepstral analysis and HPS method. Since the performance of this instrument has not been yet satisfactory, we analyzed other segmentation possibilities in order to obtain the best possible accuracy in segmentation. The predictive neural network used in this paper is in fact a simple perceptron which can approximate with high accuracy the quasi-periodic signals such as the vowels. The consonants have noisy properties and are complicated transition processes. The prediction error for the consonants comparing with the vowels is higher when it is used a sample neural network architecture.
Conference Paper
Speech and music prosody deals with the presence of rhythm. This work is the analysis of the presence of the chaotic nature in the duration patterns of speech segments. A chaotic system is one whose characteristics are apparently random with some amount of predictability. This study is carried out both quantitatively and qualitatively. The qualitative analysis is carried out using recurrence plots and phase space plots, whereas quantitative analysis is carried out using statistical measurements such as Hurst Exponent and Recurrence period density entropy (RPDE). Results obtained in the chaotic analysis are useful in electronic music synthesis and speech synthesis in order to improve the naturality of speech generated.
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In this paper, two issues are addressed: (1) the applicability of the delay-coordinate embedding method to transient chaotic time series analysis, and (2) the Hilbert transform methodology for chaotic signal processing. A common practice in chaotic time series analysis has been to reconstruct the phase space by utilizing the delay-coordinate embedding technique, and then to compute dynamical invariant quantities of interest such as unstable periodic orbits, the fractal dimension of the underlying chaotic set, and its Lyapunov spectrum. As a large body of literature exists on applying the technique to time series from chaotic attractors, a relatively unexplored issue is its applicability to dynamical systems that exhibit transient chaos. Our focus will be on the analysis of transient chaotic time series. We will argue and provide numerical support that the current delay-coordinate embedding techniques for extracting unstable periodic orbits, for estimating the fractal dimension, and for computing the Lyapunov exponents can be readily adapted to transient chaotic time series. A technique that is gaining an increasing attention is the Hilbert transform method for signal processing in nonlinear systems. The general goal of the Hilbert method is to assess the spectrum of the instantaneous frequency associated with the underlying dynamical process. To obtain physically meaningful results, it is necessary for the signal to possess a proper rotational structure in the complex plane of the analytic signal constructed by the original signal and its Hilbert transform. We will describe a recent decomposition procedure for this task and apply the technique to chaotic signals. We will also provide an example to demonstrate that the methodology can be useful for addressing some fundamental problems in chaotic dynamics.
A new measure of strange attractors is introduced which offers a practical algorithm to determine their character from the time series of a single observable. The relation of this new measure to fractal dimension and information-theoretic entropy is discussed.
A model of voiced-sound generation is derived in which the detailed acoustic behavior of the human vocal cords and the vocal tract is computed. The vocal cords are approximated by a self-oscillating source composed of two stiffness-coupled masses. The vocal tract is represented as a bilateral transmission line. One-dimensional Bernoulli flow through the vocal cords and plane-wave propagation in the tract are used to establish acoustic factors dominant in the generation of voiced speech. A difference-equation description of the continuous system is derived, and the cord-tract system is programmed for interactive study on a DDP-516 computer. Sampled waveforms are calculated for: acoustic volume velocity through the cord opening (glottis); glottal area; and mouth-output sound pressure. Functional relations between fundamental voice frequency, subglottal (lung) pressure, cord tension, glottal area, and duty ratio of cord vibration are also determined. Results show that the two-mass model duplicates principal features of cord behavior in the human. The variation of fundamental frequency with subglottal pressure is found to be 2 to 3 Hz/cm H2O, and is essentially independent of vowel configuration in the programmed tract. Acoustic interaction between tract eigenfrequencies and glottal volume flow is strong. Phase difference in motion of the cord edges is in the range of 0 to 60 degrees, and control of cord tension leads to behavior analogous to chest/falsetto conditions in the human. Phonation-neutral, or rest area of cord opening, is shown to be a critical factor in establishing self-oscillation. Finally, the complete synthesis system suggests an efficient, physiological description of the speech signal, namely, in terms of subglottal pressure, cord tension, rest area of cord opening, and vocal-tract shape.
In his paper [Lect. Notes Math. 898, 366-381 (1981; Zbl 0513.58032)] on strange attractors and turbulence, F. Takens proves a theorem giving conditions under which a discrete-time dynamical system can be reconstructed from scalar-valued partial measurements of internal states. We discuss Takens’ theorem in terms suitable for a general audience, and give an alternative and more detailed proof of this important result, making use of two basic facts. The first is the Whitney embedding theorem, which we use as an alternative to Takens’ original argument away from periodic points of small periods. Near the periodic points we adapt a proof that typical scalar-output linear time-invariant control systems are completely observable.
Standard approaches to time-delay embedding will often fail to provide an embedding that is useful for many common applications. This happens in particular when there are multiple timescales in the dynamics. We present a modified procedure, non-uniform embedding, which overcomes such problems in many cases. For more complex nonlinear dynamics we introduce variable embedding, where, in a suitable sense, the embedding changes with the state of the system. We show how to implement these procedures by combining embedding and modeling into a single procedure with a single optimization goal.
We provide several pieces of evidence for possible chaotic dynamics in the irregular behavior of normal speech signals of the Japanese vowel /a/. First, principal component analysis demonstrates that a simple geometric structure underlying the complex speech signal is well reconstructed in a three-dimensional delay-coordinate space. Observations of the reconstructed speech trajectory at multiple cross sections also display speech dynamics with stretching, folding and compressing. Second, Lyapunov spectrum analysis indicates sensitive dependence on initial conditions with a positive Lyapunov exponent for the speech signals of several different speakers. Third, nonlinear modeling analysis with an artificial neural network shows that the nonlinear dynamics of the vowel sound is well reproduced by a deterministic dynamical model.
Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Basic Topics: 1. Introduction: why nonlinear methods?; 2. Linear tools and general considerations; 3. Phase space methods; 4. Determinism and predictability; 5. Instability: Lyapunov exponents; 6. Self-similarity: dimensions; 7. Using nonlinear methods when determinism is weak; 8. Selected nonlinear phenomena; Part II. Advanced Topics: 9. Advanced embedding methods; 10. Chaotic data and noise; 11. More about invariant quantities; 12. Modelling and forecasting; 13. Non-stationary signals; 14. Coupling and synchronisation of nonlinear systems; 15. Chaos control; Appendix A: using the TISEAN programs; Appendix B: description of the experimental data sets; References; Index.