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... Web -e.g., the Ontolingua Server library (Ontolingua Server, 1995); the DARPA Agent Markup Language library (DAML, 2002); the Protégé library (Protégé, 2000) Motivated by this potential and also by the multidisciplinary nature of ecological data, we designed Ecolingua trying to build on existing ontologies, having chosen as the main reference the extensive ontology library of the Ontolingua Server. ...
... Over the past few years ontologies have been abundantly produced, many of them seemingly intended for some form of reuse (Uschold and Gruninger, 1996). Libraries of ontologies and tools to support ontology construction and sharing are available on the World Wide Web, e.g., (Ontolingua Server, 1995;Protégé, 2000;DAML, 2002). ...
... The DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) was initiated in the year 2000 with the goal to develop a language and tool to enable the realisation of the Semantic Web (DAML, 2006). The semantic web is the idea to represent basic fact, information or data (e.g. in document) and connect them together on the web. ...
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Diagnostic assessment is an important part of human learning. Tutors in face-to-face classroom environment evaluate students' prior knowledge before the start of a relatively new learning. In that perspective, this thesis investigates the development of an-agent based Pre-assessment System in the identification of knowledge gaps in students' learning between a student's desired concept and some prerequisites concepts. The aim is to test a student's prior skill before the start of the student's higher and desired concept of learning. This thesis thus presents the use of Prometheus agent based software engineering methodology for the Pre-assessment System requirement specification and design. Knowledge representation using a description logic TBox and ABox for defining a domain of learning. As well as the formal modelling of classification rules using rule-based approach as a reasoning process for accurate categorisation of students' skills and appropriate recommendation of learning materials. On implementation, an agent oriented programming language whose facts and rule structure are prolog-like was employed in the development of agents' actions and behaviour. Evaluation results showed that students have skill gaps in their learning while they desire to study a higher-level concept at a given time.
... In a recent JEOD-KTOD contract, Dynamic Research Corporation extended task lists for EOD-specific METLs of land mine warfare missions. They encoded tasks using the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML, 2002), which is a WWW text markup language that enables the encoding of entities and relations (e.g., tasks and their assigned units). A future version of DAML (i.e., that has mature tools for editing ontologies) could be used to represent the ontologies necessary for DSS tools in mission reachback processes. ...
In August of 1998 the Collaborative Agent Design Research Center (CADRC) of the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly), approached Dr. Phillip Abraham of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) with the proposal for an annual workshop focusing on emerging concepts in decision-support systems for military applications. The proposal was considered timely by the ONR Logistics Program Office for at least two reasons. First, rapid advances in information systems technology over the past decade had produced distributed, collaborative computer-assistance capabilities with profound potential for providing meaningful support to military decision makers. Indeed, some systems based on these new capabilities such as the Integrated Marine Multi-Agent Command and Control System (IMMACCS) and the Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES) had already reached the field testing and final product stages, respectively. Second, over the past two decades the US Navy and Marine Corps have been increasingly challenged by missions demanding the rapid deployment of forces into hostile or devastated territories with minimum or non-existent indigenous support capabilities. Under these conditions Marine Corps forces have to rely mostly, if not entirely, on sea-based support and sustainment operations. Operational strategies such as Operational Maneuver From The Sea (OMFTS) and Sea To Objective Maneuver (STOM) are very much in need of intelligent, real-time and adaptive decision-support tools to assist military commanders and their staff under conditions of rapid change and overwhelming data loads. In the light of these developments the Logistics Program Office of ONR considered it timely to provide an annual forum for the interchange of ideas, needs and concepts that would address the decision-support requirements and opportunities in combined Navy and Marine Corps sea-based warfare and humanitarian relief operations. The first ONR Workshop (Collaborative Decision Making Tools) was held April 20-22, 1999 and focused on advances in technology with particular emphasis on an emerging family of powerful computer-based tools. The workshop concluded that the most able members of this family of tools appear to be computer-based agents that are capable of communicating within a virtual environment of objects and relationships representing the real world of sea-based operations. Keynote speakers included: VAdm Jerry Tuttle (USN Ret.); LtGen Paul Van Riper (USMC Ret.); RAdm Leland Kollmorgen (USN Ret.); and, Dr. Gary Klein (Chairman, Klein Assoc.). The second ONR Workshop (The Human-Computer Partnership in Decision-Support) held May 24, 2000, was structured in two parts: a relatively small number of selected formal presentations (i.e., technical papers) followed each afternoon by four concurrent open forum discussion seminars. Keynote speakers included: Dr. Ronald DeMarco (Assoc. Technical Director, ONR); RAdm Charles Munns (USN); Col Robert Schmidle (USMC); and, Col Ray Cole (USMC Ret., Program Manager ELB ACTD, ONR). The third ONR Workshop (Continuing the Revolution in Military Affairs) was held June 5-7, 2001 and focused on: the changing role of the military in a post Cold War environment; adaptive interoperable decision-support systems utilizing intelligent collaborating software agents; and, the transitional period. Keynote speakers included Mr. Andrew Marshall, Head of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, and RAdm Jay M. Cohen, Chief of Naval Research, Office of Naval Research (ONR). The fourth ONR Workshop (Transformation...) described in these Proceedings was held on September 18-19, 2002 at The Clubs in Quantico on the Quantico Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia.
... Moreover, we need an ability to communicate with other systems, sensors and humans. For this purpose we use DAML [2]. A taste of the DAML representation of the ontology is given in Section 2.1.2. ...
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Modern military operations are environments that produce very large amounts of com-plex information. To achieve success commanders must make decisions both quickly and accurately, and timely information is essential for accuracy. A high-level understanding of the military information for an area of interest is called situation assessment (SA). The process of achieving SA is called situation awareness (SAW). While SAW is a human activity performed by military commanders, computer support can help commanders to cope with the large amount and complexity of information involved in SAW. In this paper we introduce an ontology-based approach to SA and SAW based on the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML). In particular, we show how relevant symbolic information can be conveyed to a SA system and what can be inferred based upon this input.
... Following the paradigm of pervasive computing, pro-active agents are installed on mobile phones or PDAs operating on the web and handle the context-aware discovery of appropriate services and use AI-based planning techniques to dynamically compose the retrieved service to solve complex tasks. Web services provide formal specifications of their well-defined semantics using languages based on description logics like OWL-S [19] or its predecessor DAML-S [7]. Based on these semantically annotated web services users who want to achieve a specific goal could be assisted by intelligent agents that automatically identify and compose the necessary services. ...
... Following the paradigm of pervasive computing, pro-active agents are installed on mobile phones or PDAs operating on the web and handle the context-aware discovery of appropriate services and use AI-based planning techniques to dynamically compose the retrieved service to solve complex tasks. Web services provide formal specifications of their well-defined semantics using languages based on description logics like OWL-S [19] or its predecessor DAML-S [7]. Based on these semantically annotated web services users who want to achieve a specific goal could be assisted by intelligent agents that automatically identify and compose the necessary services. ...
... La especificación solo describe que tipos de objetos son pasados entre servidores y clientes y los componentes opcionales que se manejan en la comunicación. Finalmente OWL-QL requiere que el conocimiento sea plasmado en un lenguaje cuya semántica y teoría lógica este formalmente representada como OWL o DAML [20]. Con base en las investigaciones tratadas realizadas [21,22,23], los criterios a tener en cuenta para la evaluación de los lenguajes de consulta descritos en la sección 1 están orientados a medir su expresividad desde el punto de vista teórico más que por rendimiento. ...
... In addition to OWL, the industrial robots subgroup will also be using OWL-S [12] to represent the processes and actions that the robot will perform. OWL-S is an ontology built on top of OWL by the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) program [5] for describing Semantic Web Services. Many of the constructs that are used to describe services are equally applicable to encoding our SVR. ...
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The IEEE RAS Ontologies for Robotics and Automation Working Group is dedicated to developing a methodology for knowledge representation and reasoning in robotics and automation. As part of this working group, the Industrial Robots sub-group is tasked with studying industrial applications of the ontology. One of the first areas of interest for this subgroup is the area of kit building or kitting. This is a process that brings parts that will be used in assembly operations together in a kit and then moves the kit to the assembly area where the parts are used in the final assembly. This paper examines the knowledge representations that have been developed and implemented for the kitting problem.
... The theory considers speech acts as actions (performatives) conveying intention and involve a variety of conditions [8] to successfully complete their execution. KQML (Knowledge Query Manipulation Language), FIPA-ACL (Agent communication language) [10], and DAML (DARPA Agent Markup Language) [11] are agent communication languages based on a specified machine-understandable ontology. ...
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In a coalition context, there are tasks synchronization issues since missions are carried out by different players (agents) distributed over the environment. In [1], a general framework has been proposed to monitor the execution of different sub-plans by a group of agents in a coalition context. The monitoring is performed by using a temporal constraint propagation mechanism in a coordinated plan obtained by the fusion of the different sub-plans. Although, the execution of the different sub-plans is decentralized, the monitoring of the coordinated plan is centralized. In this work, we attempt to identify the main requirements to decentralize the monitoring task to be performed by a multi-agent system in a coalition context.
... Some of these limitations are already being addressed by efforts by the Semantic Web community. Efforts in this area originally focused on developing ontology markup languages, such as DAML [DAML 2000], DAML+OIL [DAML+OIL 2001] and OWL [OWL 2002]. More recent efforts have addressed the lack of semantics in the industry backed Web Services standards. ...
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Current business process flow representation languages such as BPEL4WS do not accommodate abstract specifications of business activities and dynamic binding of web services at run time. Moreover, dynamic selection of individual web services for a process is often not a stand-alone operation. There may be many inter-service dependencies and domain constraints that need to be considered in selecting legal and appropriate services for realizing an abstract flow. In this paper, we present a prototype workflow engine that accepts abstract BPEL4WS flows augmented with semantic annotations in DAML-S and performs runtime discovery, composition, binding and execution of web services. Building on prior work in this area [Mandel and McIlraith 2003], we provide a way of modeling and accommodating domain constraints and inter-service dependencies within a process flow. The result is a system that allows workflow designers to focus on creating appropriate high-level flows, while providing a robust and adaptable runtime.
... All these activities can be assigned to different SPAs. The profiles of both coordinator as well as other task-specific agents can be developed using any semantic web service description language like RDF/RDF-S [13], DAML/DAML-S [14], OWL [10] etc. Some of the semantic web tools like Protégé [15], Jena [16] and Altova SemanticWorks [17] provide the support for developing the profiles in either RDF/RDF-S or OWL. ...
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Multi-agent based semantic web service composition involves the composition of semantic web services considering each of the agent capability to serve a particular service request. This paper presents the two variations of semantic web service composition process based on the timing of negotiation in composition process. The variations are based on the concept that the negotiation between the service requester and the service providers has been performed before the selection of final service provider or after the final service provider has been selected. Further, based upon one of the model, a novel multi-agent based semantic web service composition approach has been presented.
... Following the paradigm of pervasive computing, pro-active agents are installed on mobile phones or PDAs operating on the web and handle the context-aware discovery of appropriate services and use AI-based planning techniques to dynamically compose the retrieved service to solve complex tasks. Web services provide formal specifications of their well-defined semantics using languages based on description logics like OWL-S [19] or its predecessor DAML-S [7]. Based on these semantically annotated web services users who want to achieve a specific goal could be assisted by intelligent agents that automatically identify and compose the necessary services. ...
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The vision of a landscape of heterogeneous web services deployed as encapsulated business software assets in the Internet is currently becoming a reality as part of the Semantic Web. When pro-active agents handle the context-aware discovery, acquisition, composition, and management of application services and data, ensuring the security of customers’ data becomes a principle task. To dynamically compose its offered service, an agent has to process and spread confidential data to other web services demanding the required degree of security. In this paper we propose a methodology based on type-based information flow to control the security of dynamically computed data and their proliferation to other web services.
... But he did not put out any methodology in [4]. Many researchers of semantic web putted some methods to enhance the representation capability of service description language in order to make the software agent can inquiry and make use of web service autonomously, for example DAML-S [5]. Some efforts have been recently started to integrate the software agent and the web service communities. ...
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Although web service has been regarded as a basic technology to support the next generation web, there are some deficiencies in this technology. A challenge to web service is how to compose several web services according to the business requirements. A web service composition framework WASC is proposed in the paper. In the WASC, different plans are defined as ECA rule set in the service agent and each plan can include several web service invoking activities. After receiving a request, service agent can determine to invoke which service so that the service independent plan will be turned into a service dependent plan by rewriting ECA rules. At the same time, workflow is used to coordinate the actions of service agents. The structures of WASC and service agent are discussed in the paper.
... Software agents make use of a Web service by accessing to its semantic description, especially in terms of an ontology specified in a well-known language. That is, a software agent needs a computer-interpretable description of the service, for example in DAML-S [8]. ...
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Web services are the newest trend in information technology, being considered the most used alternative for building distributed open systems. Although currently Web services involve a single client-server access, the market is demanding cooperative Web services to provide a global solution. Recently software agents appear as a good option that can cope with the control of Web services composition, obtaining an integral solution. This paper presents an approach to integrate Web services and software agent technologies. The basis of our approach is the use of the component technology for the development of adaptive software agents. Our compositional software agent performs automated software composition based on the flexibility provided by the component orientation, which makes possible to plug Web services into the agent functionality and compose them during the agent interaction.
... • DReggie: is a project [1] that presents a dynamic service discovery infrastructure based on Jini that uses DAML [2] to describe services and a Prolog reasoning engine to perform matching using the semantic content of service descriptions. ...
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Mobile services (m-services) play an important role in daily life and work of modern societies. Current service oriented architectures (SOA) are widely used to offer Web Services on wired networks. However, no significant research has been done in m-services field to provide availability service and dynamical discovery to mobile users. Nowadays, mobile devices are characterized by limited resources such as processing power, memory, display screen and connection bandwidth. In this context, we propose a service oriented architecture that addresses the following issues: (1) dynamical integration of new services by providers at anytime, (2) dynamical discovery of available services and (3) the use of open source software to develop the solution. With this approach, users require no prior knowledge of accessible services nor require updating the application of their mobile devices when new services are incorporated. The paper includes results with service scenarios, showing that Web Services can safely be used as paradigm to support m-services.
Knowledge can be represented in different formats. At present, knowledge representation as ontologies is the mainstream, while much less is heard about frames. In order to understand the state-of-the art of knowledge frames application, the authors overviewed recent research work in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, and ACM Digital Library from 2000 till 2020. The overview touched such aspects as knowledge acquisition techniques, constituent parts of frames, the actual state of technologies used, capabilities of frames integration with other formats, and limitations. The results showed that native limitations of knowledge frames lead to creation of hybrid knowledge bases. However, hybrid systems also have known issues in performance and inconsistency of knowledge due to a conflict between paradigms. Moreover, a large part of technologies mentioned is not supported nowadays. The results can be useful for researchers who investigate whether to use knowledge frames for managing knowledge.
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Knowledge can be used for description, sorting and searching of useful data. Knowledge, on the other hand, may be very narrowly connected with a person, who may leave a company. Such situation can be avoided by using of ontology as a tool of knowledge engineering or in general as a tool for knowledge representation. The paper presents on ontology design to peculiarities of humin substances based on analysis of existing similar type ontologies. It enables to preserve, make accessible and reuse gained experiences, for instance for design of functionally rich, flexible and easy integrable systems and applications. In introduction this work presents an overview of selected formalisms for interception of data structure and processes in humin substances area with respect to using ontologies and their possibilities. The paper is especially a case study of ontology application for evidence and data organization of humin substances, their measurement and experimentations, where use of ontologies is not yet common. It shows a potential of ontologies and illustrates parameters of generally applicable model for such area.
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The current circumstance of the Semantic Web is that there is not much of a Semantic Web due to the lack of annotated web pages. There is such a lack because annotating web pages currently does not provide much practical benefit. In this work an automated approach to semantics extraction and annotation on textual data is proposed. Word sense disambiguation technique is used to identify the concepts, and RDF is used to annotate the semantics. A corresponding approach to retrieve data via ontology is also discussed. Finally a framework to integrate and automate these processes is demonstrated. In this fashion all the existing data on the Web can be processed and brought to the Semantic Web.
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Different methods and methodologies have been developed for building ontologies. However, neither of these methods consider to build an ontology with characteristics of an electronic document management system (EDMS) nor define the basic classes to begin the ontology. In this paper we propose a method, called “OntoDocMan”, to build an ontology-based EDMS which captures the knowledge associated with a company’s processes related to a quality standard. We leverage the use of ontology tools, such as Protégé, to obtain the functionality of an EDMS. Our method complements and details the On-To-Knowledge methodology during its ontology development phase. The essential point of our method is to make it easy to develop an EDMS for quality standards by means of an ontology-based system. The OntoDocMan method is illustrated by a case study for developing an ontology based on the ISO/TS 16949, which is a Technical Specification (TS) and we show that the Ontology system is friendly and easy to use as any EDMS. Different from common EDMS, our ontology-based EDMS is developed without any programming. In addition, we have discovered that this kind of ontology-based EDMS is an excellent tool for helping auditors to search and validate information, besides new employees can learn about the company’s processes.
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In this presentation, we describe our experiences with building and using large ontologies, with application to locating NASA Earth science data. We use OWL to represent the mutual relationships of scientific concepts and their ancillary space, time, and environmental descriptors.
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Ontologies are entering widespread use in many areas such as knowledge and content management, electronic commerce and the Semantic Web. In this paper we show how the use of ontologies has helped us overcome some important problems in the development of pervasive computing environments. We have integrated ontologies and Semantic Web technology into our pervasive computing infrastructure. Our investigations have shown that Semantic Web technology can be integrated into our CORBA-based infrastructure to augment several important services. This work suggests a number of requirements for future research in the development of ontologies, reasoners, languages and interfaces.
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Hoje em dia a presenca na Webe quase mandat´ oria para todos os inter- venientes na sociedade da informac ¸˜ ao. Assim, n˜
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This paper investigates an approach to establishing communication by explicitly maintaining self-awareness and communication of knowledge about the operation of the communication nodes. The self-awareness and communication of knowledge is based on the maintenance of an explicit, declarative knowledge base or ontology of communication. Hence, we refer to the concept as Ontology Based Radio (OBR). The proposed approach is based on the model-driven architecture implemented by means of ontologies, DAML-based annotations and Java's reflection capabilities. Each software module can be queried about its structure and contents using a DAML based query. It can then reply to the queries by analyzing its own structure using Java's reflection and the system's inference capability. In this paper we will show an example of such a functionality in which two nodes exchange information and then reason about the multipath structure. The net result is that after analyzing the multipath structure nodes can improve the efficiency of communication.
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This article have the objective a create ontology for "common modules in a Learning Management Systems", the steps for the build Ontology were: Determine the domain and scope of the ontology, Consider reusing existing ontology, Enumerate important terms in the ontology, Define the classes and the class hierarch, Define the properties of classes—slot and Define the facets of the slot, finally be explained how the ontology is composed.
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Traditional schedulers in the grid environment do not support semantic description of grid resources and jobs. They do exact matching between resource requesters and providers. These mechanisms are too restrictive because there is no prior agreement on how a resource or a service or a job will be represented. In this paper, we propose an extensible scheduler that uses the semantic description of entities related to scheduling. More precisely, the scheduler uses the semantic description of resources and jobs by means of ontology. Furthermore, it exploits a semantic matching scheme to perform scheduling. Experimental results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scheduler.
How do we measure ontology based search tools? How can we know if they perform better than the traditional methods for finding information on the Internet? We believe that one of the best way to answer this is to carry out a case study including a carefully designed field experiment where the tools are tested. In this paper we discuss the design considerations and set-up of filed experiments with Semantic Web tools, and we also give some result from our own field studies that was carried out within the EU IST-1999-10132 On-To-Knowledge project.
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Large-scale component-based software systems are becoming increasingly important. Build-ing such a system requires more than just specifications for the overall system and its compo-nents. It is necessary to have a formal specification of how the components are composed to form the overall system. Furthermore, it is also necessary to have an explicit specification of the environment within which the system will be used. Finally, some mechanism must be available to make verification a tractable problem. To address all of these concerns, we suggest that component composition can be based on ontologies. An ontology is a shared understanding that allows individuals in a community to communicate. The increasing popularity of ontology-based computing has resulted in a rapid increase in the number of tools available for creating and for using ontologies. We suggest that leveraging these tools can improve the coverage and effective-ness of component composition compared with existing techniques. We also discuss a specific application domain that can be used as a testbed for the use of ontology-based techniques to achieve dynamic reconfiguration performed at run-time without direct human interaction.
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This paper proposes an overview of the emerging technologies in Web Services composition, describing their problems, solutions and requirements. Also, it presents a study showing how planning techniques can be used in web services composition and how the industry and academia are dealing with this issue. The main goal of this paper is to discuss how one particular type of planning, called reactive planning, could compose web services and how it seems to deal with today's problems concerning composition with planning.
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The design of advanced driver assistance systems always aims at enabling the driver to master today’s traffic in a more safe and comfortable way. In order to judge the risks in a situation and initiate precautionary actions, future systems have to possess the capability to predict the behavior of surrounding traffic participants. This paper outlines an approach to predictive situation analysis for driver assistance systems and discusses one key issue in more detail - namely the predictive action recognition. In this context, a situation representation formalism will be introduced that exploits time as a compact physical measure. Furthermore, it will be shown how probabilistic networks can be used for reasoning about driver (action) intentions and how such networks can help to cope with uncertainty resulting from inaccuracy in models and sensor data. First results are shown in simulation for highway overtake scenarios. In the situations presented the prediction for an upcoming lane change can be made by the assessment of the time gaps to the nearest neighbors of that specific vehicle.
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Although web service has been regarded as a basic technology to support the next generation web, there are some deficiencies in this technology. A challenge to web service is how to compose several web services according to the business requirements. A web service composition framework WASC is proposed in the paper. In the WASC, different plans are defined as ECA rule set in the service agent and each plan can include several web service invoking activities. After receiving a request, service agent can determine to invoke which service so that the service independent plan will be turned into a service dependent plan by rewriting ECA rules. At the same time, workflow is used to coordinate the actions of service agents. The structures of WASC and service agent are discussed in the paper.
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The performance of retrieving an image in terms of text-type of queries depends heavily on the quality of the annotated descriptive metadata that describes the content of the images. However, the effective annotation of an image can often be a laborious task that requires consistent domain knowledge. Annotators may annotate features in the images that could not contribute much to retrieval of the images. For effective annotation, an annotation guide agent (AGA) is proposed to aid annotators. Basically AGA monitors the annotator’s behaviors and based on the common sense induced from previous annotation instances as well as the domain ontology suggests critical property that will yield the most valuable information for image retrieval. We showed by experiments that the critical property and common sense heuristics used by AGA to aid the annotation of images could significantly lead to the improvement of the recall and precision of image retrieval.
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This paper describes an approach to semantic document retrieval geared towards cooperative document management. In our conceptual modeling approach, a semantic modeling language is used to construct a domain model of the subject domain referred to by the document collection. This domain model is actively used for the tasks of document classification and search. Moreover, linguistic techniques are used to facilitate both the construction of the model and its use. This paper presents our prototype model-based classification and search tool and how it is applied on a document collection from a Norwegian company.
Due to the constant growth of the Web, the development of new techniques for improving the comprehensibility of the Web assumes a prominent role, in both research and commercial domains. Although emergent trends customize web content, it is a gruelling task to capture web structures, effective semantics and unambiguous results. Sometimes the user’s inquiry is so excessively precise that no match occurs; often, returned information is too general to satisfy the user’s expectation; finally, the same information can describe different web contexts, returning disappointing results. The exigency for global semantic coherence moves toward the Semantic Web which provides the hunted tools to obtain machine-readable data, transforming user-skilled information into semantic-oriented knowledge. This work designs a system for gathering semantic-based information, using a user-driven classification, given a collection of RDF documents; this approach proposes a structural rather than content-based perspective, in order to reveal the semantics behind the data information. Furthermore, the system provides specific facilities, supplying customized categorization of collected information, in order to reflect personal cognition and viewpoints.
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Ubiquitous technology raises the challenges inherent to the users mobility. A user may hold on his mobile device his usual documents, and may be able to handle them without the existence of editing softwares. In this article, we aim to reach two goals: (i) handling documents without necessarily using specific softwares and (ii) automatically and spontaneously generating those documents. For that purpose, we rely on service-oriented programming paradigms, especially services deployment and composition capabilities. We propose a platform, called Resurrection, where we consider documents as services incorporating their own handling functions and able to be deployed and executed over a pervasive environment. Our system starts an automatic and spontaneous services documents generation in case of environment proximity. This generation proceeds to documents contents aggregation. We implement our platform using OSGi and UPnP frameworks
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The dynamic composition of systems of networked appliances, or virtual devices, in MANETs, enables users to generate, on-the-fly, complex strong specific systems. Current work in the development of service composition architectures in MANETs has yet to address QoS metrics for enhanced composition from a virtual device perspective. In this paper, we present an extension to a prominent dynamic broker-based distributed service composition protocol, embedding in a distributed manner, a QoS model providing compositions that form the best possible virtual device at the time of need. Simulation results show that our protocol extension provides a high increase in QoS at a low cost in terms of increased amounts of messages and composition time.
The fundamental problem the Grid research and development community is seeking to solve is how to coordinate distributed resources amongst a dynamic set of individuals and organizations in order to solve a common collaborative goal. The problem of service discovery in a Grid environment arises through the heterogeneity, distribution and sharing of the resources in different virtual organizations. This paper proposes a service discovery framework which is based on semantics. It gives an example of the Grid Job Submission Service written in DAML-S in order to show how service ontologies are implemented. This semantic approach allows a more flexible and dynamic matching mechanism based on semantic descriptions stored in ontologies.
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One of the main challenges already faced by communication networks is the efficient management of increasing complexity. The recently proposed concept of cognitive network appears as a candidate that can address this issue. In this paper, we survey the existing research work on cognitive networks, as well as related and enabling techniques and technologies. We start with identifying the most recent research trends in communication networks and classifying them according to the approach taken towards the traditional layered architecture. In the analysis we focus on two related trends: cross-layer design and cognitive networks. We classify the cognitive networks related work in that mainly concerned with knowledge representation and that predominantly dealing with the cognition loop. We discuss the existing definitions of cognitive networks and, with respect to those, position our understanding of the concept. Next, we provide a summary of artificial intelligence techniques that are potentially suitable for the development of cognitive networks, and map them to the corresponding states of the cognition loop. We summarize and compare seven architectural proposals that comply with the requirements for a cognitive network. We discuss their relative merits and identify some future research challenges before we conclude with an overview of standardization efforts.
Rapidity of decision making process is an important factor for different areas of human life (business, healthcare, industry, military applications, etc.). Since responsible persons make decisions using available knowledge a delivery of necessary and timely information for knowledge management systems is important. Knowledge logistics is a new direction of knowledge management addressing this issue. It provides a set of activities for knowledge search, acquisition and integration from distributed sources located in information grid environment. The paper proposes a developed Knowledge Source Network approach (KSNet-approach) to knowledge logistics and its multi-agent architecture, and describes a research prototype of the system “KSNet” based on this approach.
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The growth of user needs for accessing information resources, the technological advance in this field, and the limitations of graphical and form-based interfaces, motivate the proposal of new solutions and the revision of several others in order to solve one of the main problems in computer applications: human-machine interface. Natural language processing has experienced a new impulse in recent years, and it is proposed as the best solution for the aforementioned problem. The first results of a project for developing a natural language interface to databases are presented, which is an extension of a larger project aimed at developing user interfaces for facilitating access to databases via Internet. In this project the use of ontologies is proposed as a means for making the interface portable to different databases, contributing in this manner to facilitate the configuration task for this type of interfaces, which is one of the main factors that have limited their application. In this paper the conceptual architecture of a natural language interface to databases on the Internet is described as well as the development attained.
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Authoring dynamic web pages is an inherently difficult task. We present DESK, an interactive authoring tool that allows the customization of dynamic page generation procedures with no a-priori tool-specific skill requirements from authors. Our approach consists of combining Programming By Example (PBE) techniques with an ontology-based representation of knowledge displayed in web pages. DESK acts as a client-side complement of a dynamic web page generation system, PEGASUS, which generates HTML pages from a formally structured domain model and an abstract presentation model. Authorized users can modify the internal presentation model by editing the generated HTML pages with DESK in a WYSIWYG environment. DESK keeps track of all users actions and exploits the explicitly represented domain semantics to enhance the power of PBE techniques
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Governments from all over the world are currently developing solutions and initiatives for the provision of solutions in the field of eGovernment. This leads to a heterogeneity problem that makes it necessary to provide interoperability mechanisms. This paper proposes an overall approach to overcome the current drawbacks of electronic communication among different PAs. In addition, new services are included to improve the eventual performance of this kind of systems. Web semantic technologies are used and some domain-specific profiles are proposed.
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In B2B e-commerce, XML provides means to exchange data between applica- tions. It does not guarantee interoperability. On the syntactic level, this requires an agree- ment on an e-business vocabulary. Even more important, on the semantic level, business partners must share a common view unambiguously constraining the generic document types. In this paper, we present a framework that brings together work in the area of ontologies and work in the area of XML-based data interchange, namely ebXML. The framework uses an ontology based on ebXML corecomponents expressed in RDF to allow for bridging between different e-business vocabularies. Since a bridging mecha- nism is required, but not specified within ebXML, our approach complements ebXML. The integration of the ontology-based approach into ebXML is realized in four major steps. In this paper we exactly identify the requirements and the architecture of each step. This provides exact guidelines for future research towards implementing these steps.
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Ensuring that ontologies are consistent is an important part of ontology development and testing. This is especially important when autonomoussoftwareagentsaretouseontologiesintheirreasoning.Rea- soning with inconsistent ontologies may lead to erroneous conclusions. In this paper we introduce the ConsVISor tool for consistency checking of ontologies. This tool is a consistency checker for formal ontologies, including both traditional data modeling languages and the more recent ontology languages. ConsVISor checks consistency by verifying axioms. ConsVISor is part of the UBOT toolkit that uses a variety of techniques such as theorem proving and logic programming. Some examples of the use of these tools are given.
Conference Paper
Information retrieval is one of the most challenging areas in which the ontology technology is effectively used. Among them, image retrieval using the image metadata and ontology is the one that can substitute the keyword-based image retrieval. In the paper, the retrieval of visual media such as the art image and photo picture is handled. It is assumed that there are more than one service providers of the visual media, and also there is one central service broker that mediates the user’s query. Given the user’s query the first step that must be done in the service broker is to get the list of candidate service providers that fit the query. This is done by defining various ontologies such as the service ontology and matching the query against the ontology and providers. A novel matching method based on the ASN.1 is proposed in the paper. The experiment shows that the method is more effective than the existing tree-based or interval-based methods.
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Building a domain model consumes a major portion of the time and effort required for building an Intelligent Tutoring System. Past attempts at reducing the knowledge acquisition bottleneck by automating the knowledge acquisition process have focused on procedural tasks. We present CAS (Constraint Acquisition System), an authoring system for automatically acquiring the domain model for non-procedural as well as procedural constraint-based tutoring systems. CAS follows a four-phase approach: building a domain ontology, acquiring syntax constraint directly from it, generating semantic constraints by learning from examples and validating the gener-ated constraints. This paper describes the knowledge acquisition process and reports on results of a preliminary evaluation. The results have been encouraging and further evaluations are planned.
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The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) is an upper level ontology that has been proposed as a starter document for The Standard Upper Ontology Working Group, an IEEE-sanctioned working group of collaborators from the fields of engineering, philosophy, and information science. The SUMO provides definitions for general-purpose terms and acts as a foundation for more specific domain ontologies. In this paper we outline the strategy used to create the current version of the SUMO, discuss some of the challenges that we faced in constructing the ontology, and describe in detail its most general concepts and the relations between them.
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One of the public administration big challenges is the need to integrate services in order to offer a wide variety of new services, more suitable and better designed, that can be electronically accessed in a uniform way. Recently, the Web Service technology appeared with the promise to compose services through the Internet in a simple way. Despite the Web Services advantages, minimal technology independence is desirable at the design of such compositions in order to guarantee and preserve all the efforts invested in the development of services. In this article a Service Composition Management Framework is proposed, that focuses in a technology-independent description. The referred framework is part of a more complete platform, developed for the electronic delivery of Government services.
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