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Component-Oriented Software Reengineering using Transformations


Abstract and Figures

his article presents a strategy of Component-Oriented Software Reengineering using Transformations, to rebuild legacy systems. Components are used to facilitate the reuse and maintenance of the rebuilt system. The strategy is a result of several researches [1,3,4,5,7]. The strategy is divided in 4 steps: Organize Legacy Code, Recover Project, Reproject and Reimplement. In the Organize Legacy Code step, the legacy code is organized, according to the Object-Oriented principles, partitioning in supposed classes, attributes and methods to facilitate the Component-Oriented Reengineering. In the Recover Project step, it is obtained the legacy system descriptions in MDL (Modeling Domain Language) that will be persisted using UML techniques, in the MVCase tool. The project is recovered in the MVCase tool, starting off with MDL descriptions, and the organized code parts, corresponding to the procedures and functions, candidates to methods of a class, are transformed to Java. In the Reproject step, it is done the Component-Oriented reproject of the project recovered in the MVCase tool, to satisfy the new requirements, following the Catalysis method and the Enterprise Java Beans technique (EJB). Finally, in the Reimplement step, the components description in MDL/Catalysis are transformed into Java beans, and integrated to the Java code of the methods, obtaining the system final implementation.
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Oriented Software Reengineering
using Transformations
Valdirene Fontanette
Ângela de Britto Perez
Vinicius Cardoso Garcia
Antonio Francisco do Prado
omputing Department
Federal University of São Carlos
Rod. Washington Luis, Km 235
P.O. Box. 676
- 13565-905
São Carlos
Fax: +55 16 260
Based Software Engineering
Oriented Software Engineering and CASE
Software Engine
ering Tools and Techniques
Oriented Software Reengineering using Transformations
This article presents a strategy of Component-Oriented Software Reengineering using Transformations, to rebuild legacy systems.
Components are used to facilitate the reuse and maintenance of the rebuilt system. The strategy is a result of several researches
The strategy is divided in 4 steps: Organize Legacy Code, Recover Project, Reproject and Reimplement. In the Organize Legacy
Code step, the legacy code is organized, according to the Object-Oriented principles, partitioning in supposed classes, attributes and
methods to facilitate the Component-Oriented Reengineering. In the Recover Project step, it is obtained the legacy system
descriptions in MDL (Modeling Domain Language) that will be persisted using UML techniques, in the MVCase tool. The project is
recovered in the MVCase tool, starting off with MDL descriptions, and the organized code parts, corresponding to the procedures and
functions, candidates to methods of a class, are transformed to Java. In the
step, it is done the Component-
reproject of the project recovered in the MVCase tool, to satisfy the new requirements, following the Catalysis method and the
Enterprise Java Beans technique (EJB). Finally, in the
step, the components description in MDL/Catalysis are
transformed into Java beans, and integrated to the Java code of the methods, obtaining the system final implementation.
Key words: Software Reengineering, Reverse Engineering, Object Orientation, Software Transformation, Components and Reuse.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, there are a great number of companies working with systems implemented in old programming
languages, whose maintenance is arduous and onerous. Software system is an evolutionary piece and requires constant
modifications, or to correct mistakes, to improve performance, to add improvements or even to adapt it for new
hardware and software platforms.
Along the years, these systems incorporate substantial knowledge of its context, including new requirements
and business rules. Several are the factors that induce a system to fall in disuse. Time is one of these factors, because as
it passes, new requirements appear. In most of the cases, th
ese systems, denominated legacy, are of great utility for their
users and a lot of times, their reconstruction, using modern software development techniques, could be the solution to
their reusing without needing to build a new system.
The Software Reengineering researches modern techniques to accomplish the maintenance in a system in a
more automatic and economical way. Jacobson and Lindström [6] define reengineering as the process of creating an
abstract system description, to think on a change in a high
abstraction level and finally reimplement this system.
Usually, the legacy systems don’t have an updated documentation, or even nor they have documentation, and
the person that developed the system is not always the responsible for its maintenance. Factors like these ones turn the
maintenance difficult and of high cost, inducing the developers to leave the system. In these cases, the system
reengineering is based only in its source code.
The process of obtaining the system documentation, creating more abstract descriptions, is obtained through
reverse engineering.
The Software Reengineering is also a form to obtain reuse and the domain application understanding,
recovering the information in the analysis and project stages, organizing them in a coherent an
d reusing way.
Motivated by these ideas, it was researched a combination of techniques and tools that make possible the
recovery of legacy systems, rebuilding them for being executed in new hardware and software platforms. The integrated
environment supports the system maintenance, to reproject it component-oriented, guaranteeing its continuous
evolution and reusing through components reuse.
Main Used Techniques
One of the main techniques of the proposed Reengineering is the software reconstruction using
transformations. Different transformation systems have been used standing out the
[16]. Another important transformation system that has been used in this area is Draco
, according to [1,3,4,5,7].
Usually, a transformation system restructures a program A in a program B, applying a set of well-
transformations preserving the semantics of A in B. The Draco machine was built to test, develop and to put in practice
the Draco paradigm. It is a transformation system based on the idea of software reconstruction by domain-
transformations. According to Prado [7], it is possible to do the software reconstruction by the direct “load” of a
language source code to languages of other domains. A domain, according to the Dr
aco paradigm, is composed of three
the domain language: used to describe the domain specifications. It has a parser that is generated automatically
by the Draco component called
starting off with language grammar definitions. The parser has as task to
generate automatically the internal program representation, written in the domain language that is manipulated by
Draco. This description internal representation in a domain, used by Draco, is denominated Draco Syntax Abstract Tree
the pr
or unparser: that accomplishes the DAST formatting, turning it textual again in the domain
language. Based on grammar definitions the Draco’s subsystem called ppgen generates, automatically, the respective
domain prettyprinters; and one or more
that map syntactic structures of a language to other syntactic
structures, that can be in the same domain language, called Intradomain transformers, or in another domain language,
called Interdomain transformers. The transformers are responsi
ble for the software reconstruction process automation.
Figure 1 shows the transformations execution sequence. Initially, starts off with source code A that, is analyzed
by the parser, which is responsible in generating the DAST1.
Applying the Intra or Interdomain transformations, a new DAST2 is obtained. Using the prettyprinter a new
source code B is obtained.
Different control points are used in the transformations. Usually, we have the LHS (Left Hand Side) and the
RHS (Right Hand Side)
that define the
recognition and substitution patterns, respectively.
In order to assist the transformations, the Draco transformation system has a Knowledge Base, which allows
storing facts and rules with legacy code information, which will be consulted later. The Knowledge Base stores facts
related to the supposed classes, attributes, methods and relationships. Another Draco resource is the
, used to
compose command blocks starting off with commands dispersed throughout the code. It facilitates the execution
transformations that need information captured by other transformations.
Another technique that stands out in reengineering studies is the one of reverse engineering called
[8,11], used to obtain the understanding and to revitalize the legacy source code structure according to the
principles of the object
oriented paradigm, aiming to reuse all the legacy code functionality in the system reconstruction
The strategy presented in this article uses only part of the Fusion/RE approach to recover the Current System Analysis
Model (CSAM) with its supposed classes, supposed attributes, supposed procedures and relationships that originally are
not object-oriented, and since then, elaborate the objects model of the System Analysis Model (SAM), correcting
procedure anomalies. Besides Fusion/RE, other reverse engineering techniques are used to obtain the Use Cases of the
legacy code and of its Sequence Diagrams, which represent the execution flows of the normal and alternative courses of
each use scenery
of the legacy code, obtained in several transformation experiences, using Draco, such as Cobol to C++
[17], Clipper to Java [1], Progress to Java [5] and Procedural DataFlex to Visual Object
Oriented DataFlex [3].
The different techniques used in the reve
rse engineering of the legacy code allow recovering models of the first
level of
Catalysis. Catalysis
is a
based development method that covers all the phases of the system life
cycle, from the specification to the implementation.
supports from the problem domain analysis and
specification to the specification and the components inner project that constitutes the elements reused in different
1 –
Draco Domain
applications. The software development process in
is divided in three logic levels: Problem Domain,
Component Specification and Component Inner Project
The proposed strategy uses the Enterprise Java Beans technique EJB [9,12], to implement the components. The
technique allows separating the interface, business rules and the database, creating multi-tier applications. This
technique uses transaction-oriented components that are executed in EJB servers. According to the
technique, the
components that implement and encapsulate the business rules are available in the
des these techniques, it is standing out the use of CASE tools in the project and reproject of systems to be
reconstructed. A CASE tool that has important characteristics to this strategy is the MVCase, result of another research
[2] that besides supportin
g the system specification in the Object
-Oriented language UML, generates code automatically
in an object
oriented programming language, starting off with high
level specifications, using distributed components.
Combining the ideas of the Draco transformat
ion system, the reverse engineering of Fusion/RE method and the
experience in reengineering researches [1, 3, 4, 5, 7], the component development method
, EJB, the MVCase
tool, it was defined a strategy for Component
Oriented Software Reengineerin
g using Transformations, presented next.
Oriented Software Reengineering using Transformations
The strategy of Component-Oriented Software Reengineering using Transformations is accomplished in 4
steps: Organize Legacy Code, Recover Project,
Reproject and Reimplement, according to Figure 2.
3.1. Organize Legacy Code
The legacy code, written in a procedural way, has commands and declarations that can be organized, without
losing its logic and semantics, in order to facilitate its transformation to the object-oriented paradigm, which has the
class as a basic unit. In the first step, Organize Legacy Code, the Software Engineer with the Draco transformation
system support, organizes the legacy code, obtaining a code still in the same language, however organized according to
the Object
Oriented principles.
2 –
Strategy of Component
Oriented Software Reengineering us
ing Transformations
The Software Engineer joins all the available documentation about the legacy code architecture. He elaborates
the CALL/CALLED list [8], which determines the sequence of programs to be submitted to the transformations that
organize the legacy code. This manual activity was followed to improve the knowledge about the system, facilitate the
transformation definition process, identify the sequence to be followed and to facilitate the transformers
Firstly, the legacy code is submitted to a transformer, which contains transformations without the substitution
pattern (RHS), since its function is to store facts and rules with code information in the knowledge base, which will
assist in the s
olution of problems of legacy code organization. Among these transformations, there are the ones to:
Identify supposed classes through the recognition of data file opening and accessing commands. Besides,
every command block, which does not refer a data file, is related to the system interface and later will also give origin
to a supposed class;
Identify supposed attributes, which correspond to data file fields;
Identify supposed methods, of a supposed class, starting off from program units that can be proc
functions or command blocks, maintaining the scope, data dependence the legacy code visibility. A program unit that
refers to only a data file, it is related to this data file. If the program unit does not consult nor modify any data file, it is
lated to the system interface. The supposed methods are classified in constructor (c), when they change the data
structure, and observer (o), when they only consult the data structures. When a supposed method refers to more than a
supposed class it should
be allocated using the following criteria:
- If a supposed method is constructor of a supposed class and observer of another (oc), it will be allocated in
the supposed class that refers as constructor;
- If a supposed method is observer of a supposed class and constructor of several (oc+), it will be allocated in
the supposed first class that refers as constructor; and
- If a supposed method is observer of more than a supposed class and constructor of just one (o+c), it will be
allocated in the first sup
posed class that refers as observer;
All program units candidate to supposed methods of a supposed class are gathered in a single file;
Identify relationships, through variables and commands that manipulate data file data. It is verified if a file
d, identified as key, has its values consulted and attributed to a variable, and later that variable value is stored in
fields of another file or it is used to search in registers of other files.
The Intradomain transformer, which organizes the legacy source code, uses syntactic patterns of the same
language in the recognition
and in the substitution
control points. This transformer uses the Knowledge
Base used by the first transformer, to assist the transformations to segment the legacy code in atomic procedures,
maintaining the scope, data dependence and the legacy code visibility; to correct procedure anomalies using the
Fusion/RE method; allocate the supposed methods, corresponding to the segmented procedures, in a supposed class.
Figure 3 shows a transformation applied by Draco to identify the supposed classes and their supposed
LHS: {{dast clipper.statements
USE [[iden FileName]] INDEX [[iden* Indexes]] (1)
POST-MATCH: {{dast txt.decls (2)
found = ObtainSupposedAttribute(ContAttribute); (4)
[[AttribSize]],[[AttribDec]],[[MemVar]],[[Cont]])"); (5)
3 –
Transformation example to identify the supposed classes and their attributes
transformation, in the LHS (Left Hand Side) control point (1), defines the recognition pattern for
command, which recognizes a data file, in this case, a file with a .dbf extension.
POST-MATCH control
point (2), a “SupposedClass” fact, containing this data file name, is stored in the Knowledge Base through the
commands (3). The
function (4) is used to identify the fields
of this data file and store them in the Knowledge Base, through the “SupposedAttribute” fact (5).
Figure 4 shows an Intradomain transformation example, used in the legacy code organization. In the left side
stands out the recognition patter for the reserved word
, which recognizes a function in the legacy code.
Thus, the legacy code is navigated and every time the reserved word is found, it executes its
point. The Knowledge Base is navigated in order to find a “SupposedMethod” fact containing this function name and a
“SupposedClass” fact corresponding to this supposed method. If it is found, it is created a
ontaining the
class name and the
, containing the substitution pattern RHS (Right Hand Side) for the reserved word
is called. Then, the
content is allocated in the
LHS: {{dast clipper.prog_extra
FUNCTION [[iden FuncName]]
[[body_struct* Commands]]
RETURN [[expr Return]]
POST-MATCH: {{dast txt.decls
RHS:{{dast clipper.prog_extra
FUNCTION [[iden FuncName]]
[[body_struct* Commands]]
RETURN [[expr Return]]
4 –
Transformation example to organize the legacy source code
Concluded this step, we have the organized legacy code following the object
orientation principles.
3.2. Recove
r Project
In the second step, Recover Project, the Software Engineer starts off with the organized source code and again
with the Draco transformation system support, obtains the system MDL description. Using the MVCase tool, the
Software Engineer imports the MDL description to obtain the current system recovered project. It is obtained the class
diagram with the system classes, their respective attributes and methods, and the relationships among the classes.
Figure 5 shows an Interdomain transformation example, which transforms a supposed class into a class and
generate a MDL description for a class and its attributes. The LHS (1) shows the recognition pattern to identify a
program through the
metavariable. In its
control point (2), the knowledge Base is navigated
and the first “SupposedClass” fact (3) is consulted and the supposed class name is recovered. Then, a “Class” fact (4) is
stored in the Knowledge Base.
The Knowledge Base (5) is navigated one more time in order to find a “Class” fact containing the name of the
program to be recognized. A “SupposedAttribute” fact (6) for this class is looked for. This step is done until all the
attributes of the class are found. Information about the supposed attributes such as: name, type, size are recovered and
temporarily stored in a
through the TEMPLATE Tattribute (7). The attributes and the class operation
descriptions, stored in
are moved to another
which contains its class descriptions,
through the
Figure 6 shows the generation of the MDL description of a supposed method. Firstly, the Knowledge Base is
consulted to know if the supposed method is trigged by the menu (1) or related to the system interface (2). The
LHS: {{dast clipper.program
[[TAG tag]] [[ID ProcPrinc]]
[[prog_elements Elements]]
[[TAGFIM Tag]]
POST-MATCH: {{dast txt.decls
sprintf(query, "SupposedMethod(%s, %s, *x)","MenuInterface",ClassName); (1)
if (KBSolve(query)) {
sprintf(query, "SupposedMethod(%s, *y, %d)","SystemInterface",Cont); (2)
if (KBSolve(query)) {
TEMPLATE("TOperation") (3)
RHS: {{dast mdl.operations
(object Operation [[STRI NFunction]]
quid [[STRI NId]])
LHS: {{dast clipper.program
[[TAG tag]] [[ID ProgName]] (1)
[[prog_elements Elememts]]
POST-MATCH: {{dast txt.decls (2)
while (KBSolve(query)) { (3)
KBAssert("Class([[ClassName]], [[ClassNum]])"); (4)
if (KBSolve(query)) { (5)
while (KBSolve(query)) { (6)
TEMPLATE("TAttributes") (7)
TEMPLATE("TClass") (8)
MOVE1(ClassOper, "COper");
MOVE1(ClassAttrib, "CAttr");
TEMPLATE TAttributes
RHS:{{dast mdl.Attribute
(object ClassAttribute[[STRI AttribName]]
quid [[STRI AttribSize]]
type [[STRI AtribType]])
RHS:{{dast mdl.class_Object
(object Class[[STRI NameWithAspas]]
quid [[STRI NumWithAspas]]
operations(list Operations
[[operations* COper]])
[[classAttribute* CAttr]])
6 –
example to generate the MDL description of a supposed method
5 –
Transformation example to generate the MDL description of a class and its attributes
ntains the MDL description in its substitution pattern.
After generating the MDL description, the Software Engineer imports it in the MVCase tool to obtain the
current system recovered project. Besides the class diagram , it is obtained the sequence diagrams, that show the
interactions and the message connections among the system objects, representing their execution flow.
3.3. Reproject
In the third step,
, the Software Engineer, using the MVCase tool, does the Component-
reproject of the recovered current system,. The initial modeling obtained in the previous step, is used as base for the
specification and project of components. The component specification is based on the Java/EJB technology, using
Catalysis as a development method.
a better idea of this step, it is presented below the details of Catalysis, to create the Customer component
3.3.1. Problem Domain
This level, says "what" the system should do to solve the problem. It is identified the object and action types,
them in different visions by business areas.
The Software Engineer models use case diagrams, indicating the actors' relationship with the system, leaving
the details that are not relevant, for the context. Figure 7 shows “Customer” actor interacting with the system through
the “AddCustomer” use case.
3.3.2. Component Specification
In this level, the specifications, from the previous level, are refined, emphasizing the components
identification, behavior and responsibilities. New models, more detailed, are obtained, but still without worrying about
the implementation.
Starting off from the Use Case Diagrams, are built the Sequence Diagrams, which have as objective to show
the operation execution sceneries along the time. In the case of the strategy, the Sequence Diagrams, obtained in the
Recover Project step, are refined, and new diagrams can be built to satisfy the new requirements added to the project.
Figure 8 shows a Sequence Diagram showing Customer interactions with the system objects.
7 -
Use Case Diagram
3.3.3. Compon
ent Inner Project
In this level, it is made the component inner project, giving emphasis to their implementations and physical
distributions. In the case of the strategy, the EJB technology is used to construct components starting off from the
classes obtained in the Recover Project step. To refine the models, the Software Engineer can change the name of the
classes, their attributes and methods turning them more significant.
Figure 9 shows the CustomersEJB component inner project. Starting off from the Sequence Diagram and the
Use Case Diagram, are created the Remote Interface, that has methods responsible for business rules, and the
, that has methods to refer and to maintain the remote object. In the case of the Customers bean, it has the
CustomersEJB class that implements the EJB Interface and makes available the Customers Remote Interface, that
extends the
EJBObject Interface
, and the
CustomersHome Interface
that extends the
EJBHome Interface
. The interfaces
EJBObject, EJBHome, and
are from the javax.ejb [12] package. The "EJB" suffix is added to the name of
the class that creates the bean.
3.4. Reimplement
Finally, in the fourth step of the strategy,
, is made the system final reimplementation in an
language, Java in this case. The Software Engineer uses the MVCase tool as mechanism of code
generation, starting off from class diagrams with their attributes and prototypes of specified methods.
Sequence Diagram
9 –
CustomersEJB Component Inner Project
Figure 10, shows in the MVCase tool, how the Software Eng
ineer, makes the Java code generation, starting off
from the component specifications.
A first experience [1] accomplished following the proposed strategy started off with legacy systems in
[10], whose reengineering had Java as the reimplementation target language and UML as modeling language
for system recovery and reproject.
The presentation of a case study that shows the use of the proposed strategy is proceeded.
4. Case Study
It is about a system for Auto
electric and Mechanical Garage that con
trols the services executed in the vehicles
and the stock of the used pieces. The customer goes to the garage to request a service in his vehicle. A customer can
have several vehicles. The same vehicle can return to the garage several times, elaborating, in each one of them, a
distinct Service Order. This Service Order contains data about the customers, vehicles and the repairs to be done.
When the vehicle is repaired, the Service Order is completed, filling in the used pieces and the executed labor.
A lot of times, the repair can demand pieces no existent in the stock, which are acquired out of the garage and also
appears in the Service Order. The registration of those pieces is important for the garage manager, because those are
candidates to be stocked in the future. The possible vehicle models must be registered by the system, because tables are
used for service charge, such as electric as mechanic, according to the vehicle model.
This system [18] was developed in 1990 and has about 20.000 code lines in C
A presentation of each strategy step is followed for this system reengineering.
4.1 –
Organize Legacy Code
Firstly a CALL/CALLED list of programs was elaborated, to determine a sequence of programs to be
submitted to the Clipper domain transformers in the Draco transformation system.
Public class CustomersEJB implements javax.ejb.EntityBean
private int CusCode;
private string Name;
public Stri
ng ejbCreate(int pCusCode,String pName,
String pAddress,…
throws javax.ejb.CreateException
this.CusCode = pCusCode;
this.Name = pName;
return null;
public strin getName()
{ return this.Name;
public void setName(String Name)
{ this.Name = pName;
Figure 10
Java code generation based on the component specification
Soon afterwards these files were submitted to the Intradomain transformer ClipperToKB, in the Draco
transformation system. The ClipperToKB transformer implements transformations to collect legacy code information
as supposed classes, attributes, relationships, currents system interface and its control flow and store them as facts
in the Knowledge Base. During the application of those transformations, it can be necessary the interaction with the
Software Engineer f
or the identification of the relationship type and their cardinalities.
In the example of Figure 11 it was identified the procedures (CLEAR, WARNING and WINDOW) that don't
refer to any data file. When the transformer identifies procedures like those, it r
elates them to interface procedures in the
Knowledge Base, through the "Procedure" fact and its
SystemInterface" parameter.
It was also identified the data files SERORD and CUSTOMER, that give origin to the corresponding
facts. The first parameter of the "SupposedClass" fact indicates the number of the work area that
Clipper programs use for each opened data file, determined by SELECT command. The third parameter is a sequential
number to aid searches in the Knowledge Base. When the USES command is followed by the INDEX clause, the
fact must be stored in the Knowledge Base to represent the index file related to the identified data file.
After this, the ClipperKBToClipper transformations were applied. The ClipperKBToClipper tra
automates the obtaining of the Object Model, with its attributes and methods. Program units that contain anomalies
should give origin to new supposed methods. The new supposed methods generate facts containing information about
these supposed meth
ods in the knowledge base. The Organize Legacy Code step has a file, with a .PRG extension, as an
output, for each supposed class. The procedures and functions that don't refer to any data file are moved to the file
"Interface.prg", as shows Figure 12, tha
t gives origin to a supposed interface class.
4.2. Recover Project
In this step the Software Engineer also uses the Draco transformation system to generate automatically the
MDL descriptions and the Java code of the methods in each class.
Figure 11
Facts and rules storage in the Knowledge Base
*$ Program Name: CATPROC
@ 24, 0 SAY REPLICATE (" ",77)
vtab = (80 - LEN(warning))/2
@ 24, vtab SAY warning
@ 5, 22 TO 7, 56 DOUBLE
@ 8, 11 TO 22, 67 DOUBLE
*$ P
rogram Name : OSTELA1
The MVCase tool is also used to import the MDL descriptions and to recover the current system object-
oriented project specifications in UML and Java.
To obtain the system object-oriented model, all programs organized in the previous step, are submitted to the
MLJava transformer.
Figure 13 shows the generation sequence of a supposed class, from the legacy code information stored in the
Knowledge Base for the legacy code organization (1), the MDL description (2) that imported in the MVCase tool
recovers the system project as the class diagram (3.1), which contains Java description built-in the semantics of the
class methods (3.2).
(object Class “Customer“
quid “19“
operations(list Operations(object Operation CustomerInit
quid “1“
(object Operation “proc3“
quid “1“
semantics (object Semantic Info PDL
|% v19CusCode = ccus[0];
|% v19CusCode = ‘ ‘;
|% Clipper.get(8,20, String.valueOf(v19CusCode), [99999], this,
|% Menuprin.getReturn =;
|% v19CusCode = Menuprin.getReturn.isGot(8,20) ?
|% v19CusCode = Integer.parseInt(v19CusCode);
|% ccus = v19CusCode;
class attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute “CusCode“
quid “1“
type “int“ )
(object ClassAttribute “Name“
quid “2“
type “String“ )
Knowledge Base – (KB)
Figure 12
Organized legacy code: Interface.prg
Figure 13
Class MDL Description and its
Visual Diagram imported in the MVCase tool
4.3. Reproject
With the project recovered in UML, it becomes easier to understand and reproject it to satisfy the new
It is also possible to edit and to change the methods semantics, "loaded" directly to Java. The Software
Engineer uses the Catalysis method to specify new requirements, refine the models recovered in the previous step,
project the components, and apply the EJB technology to restructure the system in multitiers, making available
components that can be reused in other systems.
Figure 14 shows the AddServiceOrder (1) Use Case and its details specified in the Sequence Diagram (2),
models corresponding to the Problem Domain and Component Specification levels of the Catalysis method,
respectively. The Class Diagram (3), of the Component Inner Project level, shows the components specified with the
EJB technique.
4.4. Reimplement
In the last step of the strategy, the MVCase tool automatically implements the project recovered and specified
in UML to the Object
Oriented language Java. The class diagrams of the reprojected system are reimplemented in Java.
Figure 15 shows a new system interface reimplemented as a J
ava Frame.
The generated code can be executed and the execution results are analyzed by the Software Engineer to verify
if the rebuilt system satisfies the old and new requirements.
Thus, it is obtained a feedback of all the strategy steps, guiding in t
he possible corrections and validation of the
Oriented system.
The legacy system functionality is maintained in the reimplemented system, with the great advantage of
facilitating the maintenance, once the code is organized and encapsulated in classes and objects. Besides, the use of the
EJB technology incorporates to the system a great flexibility and an organized structure in components, which can be
reused directly in new projects or through some adaptations
Figure 14
Use Case, Sequence Diagram and Class Diagram of the Reprojected System
5. Conclusion
This article presented
a strategy to transform Procedure
Oriented source code of legacy system, to Component
Oriented systems, to be executed in modern platforms of hardware and software. When emphasizing the project and the
construction of systems through the components reuse, it is obtained considerable benefits in relation to the software
quality, the software engineer's productivity, the system development cost reduction and easiness in the maintenance.
To support the legacy system reengineering, the strategy integrated different techniques, standing out the Reverse
Engineering, a CASE tool for the import and reproject of the system modeling obtained by the transformations, the
Catalysis method, the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) technology and the Draco transformation system. The strategy can
be applied to legacy systems implemented in different languages as, for instance, Cobol, Procedural Dataflex and
Progress 4GL, because the Draco transformation system offers the capacity to work with a diversity of domains. With
the obtained
results, it was proven the viability of transforming legacy systems in Component
Oriented systems through
the integration of different techniques and approaches with the transformation system. Besides the systems updating, the
strategy also makes possible
the project recovery and its modification to satisfy the new requirements.
1. JESUS, E.S. Engenharia Reversa de Sistemas Legados Usando Transformações. São Carlos/SP, 2000. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade
Federal de São Carlos.
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Figure 15
Oriented Final Reimplementation
... The construction of this kind of environments, which are referred in this paper as Component Based Software Reengineering Environments (CBSRE), involves issues relating to CASE environments in general, such as tools integration, and issues related to CBSR, such as reverse engineering and component-based development techniques Orion-RE is an extension of a Component-Based Software Engineering Environment, called Orion [25], and integrates different works from our research group, including a transformational system, an UML-based modeling tool, a Java-based programming tool, a network tool, a repository and a middleware platform. A process model, called SRT (Software Reengineering using Transformations) [13], guides the Software Engineer through the usage of Orion-RE, consisting of two major activities: reverse engineering and forward engineering. The first activity aims to recover, through software transformations, the system's design, with basis on the source code and the available information. ...
... However, several researches found in literature [9] [10] [38] attempt to identify requirements related to Component-Based Development and Reengineering Environments. Thus, basing ourselves in literature and in our experience [13] [16] [30] [33] [34], we identified six requirements for CBSRE: -Language and technology independence: A CBSRE can't be fixed in a limited set of languages and/or technologies, since its applicability would be compromised. Legacy systems are written in many different languages, and there are countless new technologies that a reengineering work may focus in. ...
Conference Paper
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Software reuse is the process of implementing or updating software systems using existing software assets, resulting in a software quality increase, productivity and reducing time to market. One way to achieve reuse is through software reengineering. This papers presents Orion-RE, a Component-Based Software Reengineering Environment that uses software reengineering and component-based development techniques to rebuilt legacy systems, reusing their available documentation and knowledge embedded in the code. Orion-RE integrates several tools: a software transformation system, modeling/development tools, a software artifacts repository, and a middleware platform. A software process model drives the environment usage through the reverse engineering, to recover the system design, and forward engineering, where the system is rebuilt using modern technologies, such as design patterns, frameworks, CBD principles and middleware.
... Thus, we conclude that a lack of tools focused on requirements recovery, instead of pure architecture recovery, still exists. Furthermore, in agreement with flaws of reengineering and reverse engineering area presented in Section 2, and based on industrial experience of the authors and the institutions involved in this work[Fontanette et al., 2002, Alvaro et al., 2003, Almeida et al., 2004, Garcia et al., 2004, Almeida et al., 2007, Brito et al., 2007a, we identified lacks in recovery of entire systems (interface, design and database) and to trace the requirements from user interface to database access, the difficulty of managing huge data amount, and the high dependency on the expert's knowledge. Thus, in order to fulfill these lacks, next Section presents the LIFT – Legacy InFormation retrievalTool.Based on the survey that identified the main approaches in reengineering and reverse engineering areas, with their strong and weak points, presented in Section 2, as well as the study of reverse engineering tools presented in Section 3, we defined, designed, and implemented a tool for reverse engineering, focused on extracting the requirements of legacy systems, in general performed by engineers with low knowledge about the systems which many times have little or no documentation. ...
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Nowadays software systems are essential to the environment of most organizations, and their maintenance is a key point to support business dynamics. Thus, reverse engineering legacy systems for knowledge reuse has become a major concern in software industry. This article, based on a survey about reverse engineering tools, discusses a set of functional and non- functional requirements for an effective tool for reverse engineering, and observes that current tools only partly support these requirements. In addition, we define new requirements, based on our group’s experience and industry feedback, and present the architecture and implementation of LIFT: a Legacy InFormation retrieval Tool, developed based on these demands. Furthermore, we discuss the compliance of LIFT with the defined requirements. Finally, we applied the LIFT in a reverse engineering project of a 210KLOC NATURAL/ADABAS system of a financial institution and analyzed its effectiveness and scalability, comparing data with previous similar projects performed by the same institution.
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The vast majority of present legacy information systems were implemented using the traditional paradigm. The traditional paradigm consists of modeling techniques used by system analysts such as System Flow Charts and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) to capture, during the analysis phase, the activities within a system. However, with recent developments, particularly trends towards e-Commerce applications, platform independence, reusability of pre-built components, capacity for reconfiguration and higher reliability, many organizations are realizing they will need to re-engineer their systems into new component based systems that meet these trends given the limitations of legacy systems to adapt to these new technical requirements. There is a high degree of interest and concern in establishing whether or not a full migration to a more portable and scalable component-based architecture will be able to represent the legacy business requirements in the underlying requirements model of the re-engineered information systems. As a result, this study poses the question: Is the resulting component-based requirements model ontological equivalent to the legacy requirements model when shifting paradigms in the re-engineering process? After a literature review, the research study is justified given the differences in requirements modeling between component-based and traditional paradigms, which give an indication that the resulting component model might not represent the same business requirements represented in the legacy system requirements model. The study evaluated the requirements models generated by the component-based and traditional approaches when shifting paradigms in the re-engineering process in order to verify that the re-engineered component-based requirements model was capable of representing the same business requirements of the legacy system. Design science and an ontological evaluation using the Bunge-Wand-Weber (BWW) model were the central research methodologies for this study. A legacy system was selected as part of the case study and re-engineered by using the component-based paradigm with the help of UML diagrams. The requirements model of the legacy system was recovered using reverse engineering and compared to the component-based requirements model using normalized reference models generated with the help of BWW transformation maps. These maps revealed that the re-engineered requirements models were capable of representing the same business requirements of the legacy system. A set of rules was suggested when reengineering legacy into component-based information systems to ensure the same representation of legacy system’s requirements in the re-engineered requirements model. Finally, this research included directions of future research that put emphasis on the development of automated software tools for systems re-engineering that could implement the rules suggested in this study and the ontological methodology approach used.
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The vast majority of present legacy information systems were implemented using the traditional paradigm. The traditional paradigm consists of modeling techniques used by system analysts such as System Flow Charts and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) to capture, during the analysis phase, the activities within a system. However, with recent developments, particularly trends towards e-Commerce applications, platform independence, reusability of pre-built components, capacity for reconfiguration and higher reliability, many organizations are realizing they will need to re-engineer their systems into new component based systems that meet these trends given the limitations of legacy systems to adapt to these new technical requirements. There is a high degree of interest and concern in establishing whether or not a full migration to a more portable and scalable component-based architecture will be able to represent the legacy business requirements in the underlying requirements model of the re-engineered information systems.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents an approach to retrieve the knowledge embedded in object-oriented legacy system. This approach aids in the migration from object-oriented code, written in Java, to a combination of objects and aspects, using AspectJ. The approach uses aspect mining in order to identify possible crosscutting concerns from the object-oriented source code and extracts them through refactorings into new aspect-oriented code. Next, the aspect-oriented design is retrieved through software transformations and may be imported in a CASE tool, becoming available in higher abstraction levels. The retrieved information constitutes important knowledge that may be reused in future projects or in reengineering.
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Many organisations have become aware of the limitations of their legacy systems to adapt to new technical requirements. Trends towards e-commerce applications, platform independence, reusability of pre-built components, capacity for reconfiguration and higher reliability have contributed to the need to update current systems. Consequently, legacy systems, typically designed and developed using traditional methods, need to be re-engineered into new component-based systems. The objective of the study is to develop a method to compare traditional and component-based models of systems. Design science is the approach used to build and evaluate the method. The method incorporates and integrates existing methodologies for information systems re-engineering and conceptual model evaluation. A case study illustrating the comparison method revealed that a re-engineered component-based conceptual model was capable of representing and enriching all the traditional conceptual model constructs. However, there was a conflict with the use of data flows as these can represent both events and also couplings between processes, data stores, and external agents. Thus, the project derived an additional set of rules to use when generating a component-based model to improve the re-engineering step.
Conference Paper
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Draco-PUC is a partial implementation of the Draco Paradigm for software development. The Draco paradigm states that it is possible to develop software based on the reuse of high level abstractions which are described as special purpose languages. These languages are called Domain languages. Draco-PUC is a meta program generator that makes it possible the construction and usage of domain languages. In this paper, we review the basic aspects of the Draco paradigm and point out our experience in building and using Draco-PUC. We stress the problems faced with the supporting technologies and provide some reusability data for the User Interface Domain
Improving the quality of Legacy Code by Reverse Engineering
  • R D Penteado
  • R Braga
  • P Masiero
PENTEADO, R.D., BRAGA, R., MASIERO, P.C. Improving the quality of Legacy Code by Reverse Engineering. 4th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis - SCI’98/ISAS98. In Proceedings, pp.364-370. Orlando, USA. July, 1998.
Reengenharia Orientada a Objetos de Código Legado Progress 4GL. XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software - SBES'2000, pg
  • E R A Novais
  • A Prado
NOVAIS, E.R.A., PRADO, A.F. Reengenharia Orientada a Objetos de Código Legado Progress 4GL. XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software - SBES'2000, pg. 289-304. João Pessoa-PB, Brasil. 04 - 06 de Outubro, 2000.
Porting COBOL Programs Using a Transformacional Approach
  • J C S Leite
  • M Prado
LEITE, J.C.S, SANT'ANNA, M., PRADO, A.F.; Porting COBOL Programs Using a Transformacional Approach. Journal of Software Maintenance: Reseach and Practice, vol 9, 3-31 , Out 1996 John Wiley&Sons Ltd Figure 15 – Component-Oriented Final Reimplementation
Transformation of Procedural Dataflex to Object Oriented VisualDataflex Applying The Reuse of a Framework
  • Nogueira
  • R Adail
  • Antonio F Prado
NOGUEIRA, Adail R.; PRADO, Antonio. F. Transformation of Procedural Dataflex to Object Oriented VisualDataflex Applying The Reuse of a Framework, Snpd'01 International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Inteligence, Networking & Parallel/Distributed Compiting, - Nagoya/Japan, In proceedings. October. 2001.
Sessão de Ferramentas do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software -SBES'
  • Mvcase Ferramenta
  • Case Orientada
  • Objetos Prado
  • A F Lucrédio
MVCASE: Ferramenta CASE Orientada a Objetos Prado, A. F., Lucrédio, D. Sessão de Ferramentas do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software -SBES'2000. Pág 363 -365. CDU 681.31:519.683.2. João Pessoa-PB, Brasil. 4 -6 de Outubro, 2000.
Estratégia de Engenharia de Software Orientada a Domínios
  • A Prado
PRADO, A.F. Estratégia de Engenharia de Software Orientada a Domínios. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 1992. Tese de Doutorado. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. 333p.