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Mapa Geomorfológico de Aragón

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... The Ebro River is the main Mediterranean fluvial system and flows through the Ebro Depression. The incision of the Tertiary sediments by externally draining river systems generated the main present-day geomorphological features of the Ebro Depression (Alberto et al., 1984;Benito et al., 2000;Desir, 2001;Gutiérrez-Elorza et al., 2002;Gutiérrez-Elorza et al., 1982;Gutiérrez-Elorza and Peña, 1994;IGME, 2005;Mensua and Ibañez, 1977;Pellicer and Echeverría, 1984;Peña et al., 2002;Soriano, 1990;van Zuidam, 1976;Yetano, 1978). ...
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Although sustainability is a term frequently used in debates on the future of society and its needs (e.g. Agenda 21), many questions seemed to be open with respect to a sustainable management of the Ebro Basin in the surrounding of Zaragoza. This city of about 700.000 inhabitants is located in the central part of the Ebro Basin. This is a highly dynamic economic axis and densely populated area within the Iberian Peninsula. In this sector, the Tertiary playa-lake deposits of Oligocene to Miocene age are only covered, in some areas, by pediments and terraces of the Ebro River and its tributaries. In the periphery of Zaragoza, the interactions with the geosphere have been largely ignored due to the fast economic and urban development of this city. This resulted among others in the destruction of many infrastructures caused by land subsidence, a loss of valuable agricultural land and valuable natural areas and an increasing aquifer contamination. At present, to ensure that land-use decisions imply a high degree of sustainability, it must be taken care of geo-resources and geo-hazards. Therefore, they were regionalised using Geographical Information Systems. In a first step, all available geoscientific data was collected, analysed and prepared for its introduction into a Geographical Information System in order to be mapped (geology, geomorphology, soils, climate, vegetation, land-use, natural protected areas). Afterwards, geo-hazards (erosion, dolines susceptibility and groundwater vulnerability) and geo-resources (sand and gravel deposits, agricultural capability of soils) were detected, described and modelled with the help of Geographical Information System and 3D techniques. The selection of the land evaluation methodologies for geo-hazards and geo-resources modelling was made considering the availability and quality of information for their development, their suitability to the study area and the final objective of the models. The third step aims to develop a GIS-based risk-assessment and decision methodology for sustainable land and resource use decisions (as the title of the project promoted by the German Research Foundation). Here the maps stored in the GIS were combined with multi-criteria evaluation methodologies in order to develop different land-use suitability maps (sand and gravel extraction sites, irrigated land, industrial and urban use). After assigning priorities to individual land uses in case of competing land use interests, areas that are suitable, minor suitable or unsuitable for a special type of land use can be identified. Special attention within this process was put on the groundwater protection and the dolines susceptibility. Moreover the availability of raw materials as sand and gravel was examined. Here the development of a three-dimensional geological model proved to be especially helpful. The regionalisation of the described geo-potentials, their translation into thematic maps and their prioritising using multi-criteria evaluation methods are thereby an important step to a sustainable development, also in the sense of the Agenda 21.
... Por su parte ha sido necesaria la consulta de cartografías temáticas como el mapa geomorfológico de Aragón (Peña et al., 2002) y los correspondientes geológicos 1:50.000 del Instituto Tecnológico Geominero de España, que han permitido completar datos respecto a la litología de los nidos de referencia; así como bibliografía para el cálculo de los coeficientes de insolación (Gandullo, 1974) y exposición (Mitchell, 1973). ...
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Se analizan 99 variables ambientales que confluyen en los centros de actividad de 56 unidades reproductoras de Quebrantahuesos (Gypaetus barbatus) durante su periodo reproductor, a lo largo de 15 años (1988-2002) y ubicadas en el área de aplicación del Plan de Recuperación de la especie en Aragón (España). Se utilizaron herramientas propias de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica en las fases de obtención de los valores de las variables, analizándose posteriormente mediante técnicas estadísticas multivariable. Los resultados establecen una relación positiva entre el incremento de la pendiente del terreno y de la ganadería ovina y caprina con el éxito reproductor y por el contrario el incremento de las vías de comunicación con el fracaso, así como una relación directa en el 92% de los casos del éxito o fracaso con cambios anuales en los valores de temperatura y precipitación. We analyzed 99 environmental variables present in the core area from 56 reproductive units of the Bearded Vulture. The data range from 1988 to 2002 and is located within the area of the recovery plan for the species in Aragon (Spain). By Geographical Information Systems data was obtained from the variables, then analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques. The results show: positive relationship between the rise of the slope and the number of sheep and goats with the stability and between the increase of means of communication and failure player. Also, more novel, a direct relationship in 92% of cases between success or failure with annual climatic variations in temperature and precipitation.
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RESUMEN: El estudio del paisaje, como reflejo de la interacción durante siglos entre el ser humano y el medio natural, presenta un notable desarrollo en los últimos años. Desde la redacción del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje (Florencia, 2000) numerosas Administraciones, especialmente a nivel autonómico, han ido desarrollando estudios a diversas escalas. El trabajo presenta un estudio preliminar de los tipos de paisaje, la calidad del paisaje y las cuencas visuales de una selección de los principales embalses de la Cuenca del Ebro, de cara a ofrecer una experiencia piloto en la aplicación de políticas del paisaje en entornos de sensible interés hidrológico. Para realizar este trabajo se utilizaron numerosas cartografías de partida para la selección de los embalses, como la cartografía geológica, dominios de paisaje-allí donde existiese cartografía al respecto-, hidrología, embalses, Modelos Digitales de Elevaciones, SIOSE, etc. de cara a poder analizar en detalle el paisaje de las cuencas visuales que rodean los embalses, identificando las zonas de especial valor y los principales impactos. El resultado es una valoración de los embalses en función de su calidad paisajística, así como la generación de numerosa información técnico-divulgativa que puede apoyar la puesta en valor y recuperación de los paisajes de los embalses de la Cuenca del Ebro. Palabras-clave: Paisaje, cuenca del Ebro, embalses, tipos de paisaje, cuenca visual, calidad de paisaje.
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