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Explicit and Implicit Directional Information Transfer in Collective Motion

© 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Articial Life 13: 551–577
Explicit and Implicit Directional Information Transfer in Collective Motion
E. Ferrante1,2, A. E. Turgut1,2, C. Huepe3, M. Birattari1, M. Dorigo1and T. Wenseleers2
1IRIDIA, CoDE, Universit´
e Libre de Bruxelles, 50 Av. Franklin Roosevelt CP 194/6, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
2Laboratory for Entomology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 59 Naamsestraat - bus 2466, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
3Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA ]
Extended Abstract
We study the cohesive coordinated collective motion of a group of mobile autonomous robots. We use virtual interactions
between robots implemented via proximal control, which allows the robots to reach a stable formation using virtual potential
functions (Turgut et al., 2008; Ferrante et al., 2011). The alignment component can be seen as a mechanism for directional
information transfer (Sumpter et al., 2008). We refer here to information transfer in collective motion as the process through
which robot orientation is transferred to its neighbors over time.
We consider here two information transfer mechanisms for collective motion in a group of mobile robots. The first one
exploits information transfer through direct communication and requires robots equipped with proximity, orientation sensing
and communication devices. We propose communication strategies that allow the robots informed about a desired direction
of motion to influence the rest of the group (Couzin et al., 2005; Ferrante et al., 2011). The second mechanism consists
of information transfer without the alignment component and communication (Ferrante et al., 2012), which can be used on
simpler robots only equipped with proximity sensors. We developed a simple motion control mechanism that allows a group
of robots to perform collective motion in a random direction without needing robots informed about a desired direction or an
explicit alignment behavior: information among the robots is thus transferred indirectly.
Information transfer via communication We consider a case where some robots have a persistent desired direction of
motion (desired direction A) which could, for example, represent the direction to a food source. There is also a second desired
direction (desired direction B), only present during a time window which could, for example, represent the escape direction
from a predator. Desired direction Bis in conflict with A: it points in the opposite direction and has higher priority. The
objective is to move the group in the direction that, at a given time, has the maximum priority, and to keep the group cohesive.
We proposed a self-adaptive communication strategy (SCS), that is an extension of two previously proposed strategies (Fer-
rante et al., 2011). In SCS, the robot sends an angle s0and receives angles sifrom its kneighbors. It computes the average
of the received angles: h=Pk
i=0 ejsi
i=0 ejsik. The angle sent is: s0=6[wg+ (1 w)h]. The parameter w2[0,1] is the degree
of confidence of the robot on the desired direction g. Non-informed robots use w=0(they possess no information about g).
Robots informed about desired direction Buse w=1, which makes them stubborn. Robots informed about desired direction A
increase wwhen they measure high level of consensus in the information received by the neighbors, and decrease it otherwise.
Figure 1a shows the distribution of the accuracy over time, which measures how close the group direction is to desired
direction A. In these experiments, 1% of the robots is always informed about desired direction A. During the time window
where an additional 1% of the robots is informed about desired direction B, the accuracy reaching 0indicates that desired
direction Bis being followed. In the remaining part of the experiment, the group correctly follows desired direction A. This
result has been validated on real robot experiments (Fig. 1b). In addition, we show that SCS results either in a better accuracy
(Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b) or in a better group cohesion (Fig. 1c) than two previously proposed strategies, HCS and ICS. The full
results are reported in Ferrante et al. (2011).
Information transfer without communication We study information transfer with no alignment behavior and no communi-
cation. Our approach is based on a novel Magnitude Dependent Motion Control (MDMC) method, used to compute the forward
and angular speed of the robot. The two speeds depend on the magnitude and angle of f, the vector resulting from proximal
control that encodes the attraction and repulsion strenght from the neighbors. fxand fydenote the projection of fon the axis
parallel (x) and perpendicular (y) to the direction of motion of the robot. In MDMC, the forward speed uis proportional to the
xcomponent: u=K1fx+U, and the angular speed !to the ycomponent: !=K2fy, where Uis a forward biasing speed.
Figure 1 (second row) shows the results of experiments performed with simulated and real robots. MDMC is compared to the
method used in Turgut et al. (2008): Magnitude Independent Motion Control (MIMC). In MIMC, the forward and angular speed
do not depend on the magnitude of the vector fbut just on its angle. Figure 1d shows the distribution of the order metric over
time, which measures the degree of alignment in the group. MDMC achieves ordered motion without the alignment behavior
0 500 1000 1500
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
time (s)
300 robots , 3 informed
0 50 100 150 200
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
time (s)
8 robots , 1 informed
300 robots , 3 informed
Communication strategy
Number of groups
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
1000 robots No Alignment
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
8 robots No Alignment
MIMC 0.01
MDMC 0.01
MIMC 0.05
MDMC 0.05
MIMC 0.1
MDMC 0.1
MIMC 0.15
MDMC 0.15
MIMC 0.2
MDMC 0.2
100 robots No Alignment
Traveled distance (m)
Figure 1: Experiments with simulated and real robots. Time dependent data is sampled every second. Black lines are the
medians of the distribution, whereas grey lines (in (a), (b)) and error bars (in (d), (e)) represent the 25% and the 75% quartiles.
and without informed robots, whereas MIMC does requires informed robots or the alignment behavior. These conclusions are
backed up by real robot experiments (Fig. 1e). Moreover, when a proportion of informed robots (0.01,0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2as
indicated in the plot) is introduced, the group is able to travel further along a desired direction of motion using MDMC than
using the earlier MIMC method (Fig. 1f).
Discussion and conclusion We showed that the information needed to achieve collective motion can be transferred either
directly or indirectly. Direct information transfer requires robots with orientation sensing and communication devices. We
developed a communication strategy that can cope with two conflicting desired directions of motion. We also proposed a
novel mechanism for robot motion that exploits indirect information transfer. This allows robots that lack the above mentioned
capabilities to perform cohesive collective motion without communication, showing that implicit information transfer on the
heading direction takes place even without communication. In future work, we will use information-theoretic metrics to measure
information transfer more rigorously.
Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by: the European Union (ERC Advanced Grant “E-SWARM”, contract 246939);
the F.R.S.-FNRS of Belgium’s French Community (Meta-X project); the Vlaanderen Research Foundation Flanders (H2Swarm project), the
US National Science Foundation (Grant No. PHY-0848755).
Couzin, I. D., Krause, J., Franks, N. R., and Levin, S. A. (2005). Effective leadership and decision-making in animal groups on the move.
Nature, 433:513–516.
Ferrante, E., Turgut, A. E., Huepe, C., Stranieri, A., Pinciroli, C., and Dorigo, M. (2012). Self-organized flocking with a mobile robot swarm:
a novel motion control method. IridiaTr2012-003, Universit´
e Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Ferrante, E., Turgut, A. E., Stranieri, A., Pinciroli, C., Birattari, M., and Dorigo, M. (2011). A self-adaptive communication strategy for
flocking in stationary and non-stationary environments. IridiaTr2012-002, Universit´
e Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Sumpter, D. J. T., Buhl, J., Biro, D., and Couzin, I. D. (2008). Information transfer in moving animal groups. Theory in Biosciences,
Turgut, A. E., C¸ elikkanat, H., G¨
okc¸e, F., and S¸ahin, E. (2008). Self-organized flocking in mobile robot swarms. Swarm Intelligence,
Collective Dynamics Extended Abstracts
552 Articial Life 13
... In many cases this leads to the formation of swarms. This model and its variants are also often used in robotics literature [13, 14]. As has been observed recently in the literature, the behavior of the interaction potential can lead to highly complex patterns [20, 32, 34, 35]. ...
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We consider a compromise model in one dimension in which pairs of agents interact through first-order dynamics that involve both attraction and repulsion. In the case of all-to-all coupling of agents, this system has a lowest energy state in which half of the agents agree upon one value and the other half agree upon a different value. The purpose of this paper is to study the behavior of this compromise model when the interaction between the N agents occurs according to an Erdős-Rényi random graph G(N,p)\mathcal{G}(N,p) . We study the effect of changing p on the stability of the compromised state, and derive both rigorous and asymptotic results suggesting that the stability is preserved for probabilities greater than pc=O(logNN)p_{c}=O(\frac{\log N}{N}) . In other words, relatively few interactions are needed to preserve stability of the state. The results rely on basic probability arguments and the theory of eigenvalues of random matrices.
We consider an individual-based model where agents interact over a random network via first-order dynamics that involve both attraction and repulsion. In the case of all-to-all coupling of agents in {Mathematical expression} this system has a lowest energy state in which an equal number of agents occupy the vertices of the {Mathematical expression}-dimensional simplex. The purpose of this paper is to sharpen and extend a line of work initiated in [56], which studies the behavior of this model when the interaction between the {Mathematical expression} agents occurs according to an Erdo{combining double acute accent}s-Rényi random graph {Mathematical expression} instead of all-to-all coupling. In particular, we study the effect of randomness on the stability of these simplicial solutions, and provide rigorous results to demonstrate that stability of these solutions persists for probabilities greater than {Mathematical expression}. In other words, only a relatively small number of interactions are required to maintain stability of the state. The results rely on basic probability arguments together with spectral properties of random graphs.
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In flocking, a swarm of robots moves cohesively in a common direction. Traditionally, flocking is realized using two main control rules: proximal control, which controls the cohesion of the swarm using local range-and bearing information about neighboring robots; and alignment control, which allows the robots to align in a common direction and uses more elaborate sensing mechanisms to obtain the orientation of neighboring robots. So far, limited attention has been given to motion control, used to translate the output of these two control rules into robot motion. In this paper, we propose a novel motion control method: magnitude-dependent motion control (MDMC). Through simulations and real robot experiments, we show that, with MDMC, flocking in a random direction is possible without the need for alignment control and for robots having a preferred direction of travel. MDMC has the advantage to be implementable on very simple robots that lack the capability to detect the orientation of their neighbors. In addition, we introduce a small proportion of robots informed about a desired direction of travel. We compare MDMC with a motion control method used in previous robotics literature, which we call magnitude-independent motion control (MIMC), and we show that the swarms can travel longer distances in the desired direction when using MDMC instead of MIMC. Finally, we systematically study flocking under various conditions: with or without alignment control, with or without informed robots, with MDMC or with MIMC.
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We propose a self-adaptive communication strategy for controlling the heading direction of a swarm of mobile robots during flocking. We consider the problem where a small group of informed robots has to guide a large swarm along a desired direction. We consider three versions of this problem: one where the desired direction is fixed; one where the desired direction changes over time; one where a second group of informed robots has information about a second desired direction that conflicts with the first one, but has higher priority. The goal of the swarm is to follow, at all times, the desired direction that has the highest priority and, at the same time, to keep cohesion. The proposed strategy allows the informed robots to guide the swarm when only one desired direction is present. Additionally, a self-adaptation mechanism allows the robots to indirectly sense the second desired direction, and makes the swarm follow it. In experiments with both simulated and real robots, we evaluate how well the swarm tracks the desired direction and how well it maintains cohesion. We show that, using self-adaptive communication, the swarm is able to follow the desired direction with the highest priority at all times without splitting.
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In this paper, we study self-organized flocking in a swarm of mobile robots. We present Kobot, a mobile robot platform developed specifically for swarm robotic studies. We describe its infrared-based short range sensing system, capable of measuring the distance from obstacles and detecting kin robots, and a novel sensing system called the virtual heading system(VHS) which uses a digital compass and a wireless communication module for sensing the relative headings of neighboring robots. We propose a behavior based on heading alignment and proximal control that is capable of generating self-organized flocking in a swarm of Kobots. By self-organized flocking we mean that a swarm of mobile robots, initially connected via proximal sensing, is able to wander in an environment by moving as a coherent group in open space and to avoid obstacles as if it were a “super-organism”. We propose a number of metrics to evaluate the quality of flocking. We use a default set of behavioral parameter values that can generate acceptable flocking in robots, and analyze the sensitivity of the flocking behavior against changes in each of the parameters using the metrics that were proposed. We show that the proposed behavior can generate flocking in a small group of physical robots in a closed arena as well as in a swarm of 1000 simulated robots in open space. We vary the three main characteristics of the VHS, namely: (1)the amount and nature of noise in the measurement of heading, (2)the number of VHS neighbors, and (3)the range of wireless communication. Our experiments show that the range of communication is the main factor that determines the maximum number of robots that can flock together and that the behavior is highly robust against the other two VHS characteristics. We conclude by discussing this result in the light of related theoretical studies in statistical physics.
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For animals that forage or travel in groups, making movement decisions often depends on social interactions among group members. However, in many cases, few individuals have pertinent information, such as knowledge about the location of a food source, or of a migration route. Using a simple model we show how information can be transferred within groups both without signalling and when group members do not know which individuals, if any, have information. We reveal that the larger the group the smaller the proportion of informed individuals needed to guide the group, and that only a very small proportion of informed individuals is required to achieve great accuracy. We also demonstrate how groups can make consensus decisions, even though informed individuals do not know whether they are in a majority or minority, how the quality of their information compares with that of others, or even whether there are any other informed individuals. Our model provides new insights into the mechanisms of effective leadership and decision-making in biological systems.
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Moving animal groups provide some of the most intriguing and difficult to characterise examples of collective behaviour. We review some recent (and not so recent) empirical research on the motion of animal groups, including fish, locusts and homing pigeons. An important concept which unifies our understanding of these groups is that of transfer of directional information. Individuals which change their direction of travel in response to the direction taken by their near neighbours can quickly transfer information about the presence of a predatory threat or food source. We show that such information transfer is optimised when the density of individuals in a group is close to that at which a phase transition occurs between random and ordered motion. Similarly, we show that even relatively small differences in information possessed by group members can lead to strong collective-level decisions for one of two options. By combining the use of self-propelled particle and social force models of collective motion with thinking about the evolution of flocking we aim to better understand how complexity arises within these groups.