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A Novel Dynamics Identification Method for Rigid-Body Manipulators


Abstract and Figures

This work presents a new method of dynamics identification for rigid-body manipulators under the influence of gravity. It is assumed that each link has an actuated joint where the axis of rotation is different from the center of mass, such that the driving torque is influenced by gravitational force. The dynamics model compensation together with the force of gravity are utilized to achieve natural oscillation for each link. The natural oscillation allows the system to be converted into an optimization problem where the frequency of oscillation is minimized. The correct dynamics parameters are already found when the minimum frequency of oscillation is achieved. The proposed method is analyzed and a theorem is presented to support the claims presented in this work, together with implementation results.
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A Novel Dynamics Identification Method for
Rigid-Body Manipulators
Rodrigo S. Jamisola, Jr.and Elmer P. Dadios
Abstract—This work presents a new method of dynamics
identification for rigid-body manipulators under the influence
of gravity. It is assumed that each link has an actuated joint
where the axis of rotation is different from the center of mass,
such that the driving torque is influenced by gravitational force.
The dynamics model compensation together with the force of
gravity are utilized to achieve natural oscillation for each link.
The natural oscillation allows the system to be converted into
an optimization problem where the frequency of oscillation
is minimized. The correct dynamics parameters are already
found when the minimum frequency of oscillation is achieved.
The proposed method is analyzed and a theorem is presented
to support the claims presented in this work, together with
implementation results.
Index Terms—dynamics identification, robot control, natural
Identifying the dynamics parameters of a given manipulator
remains a challenge when implementing full dynamics control,
especially with higher degrees of freedom (DOFs) manipu-
lators and humanoids. More recent identification procedures
of manipulator arm dynamics include the use of torque data
[1], floating-base motion dynamics [2], iterative learning [3],
neural network aided identification [4], set membership un-
certainty [5], and simultaneous identification and control [6].
Identification procedures that are more robot specific include
[7], [8], [9], [10]. Some examples of identification procedures
for humanoid robot dynamics used neural network [11], and
fuzzy-stochastic functor machine [12]. Recent humanoid robot
modeling and control include fuzzy neural network [13],
global dynamics [14], and ground interaction control [15].
A successful dynamics identification [16] and implemen-
tation on a mobile manipulator that is tasked to perform an
aircraft canopy polishing [17] is one of the few successful
implementations in full dynamics manipulator control. To
the best of our knowledge there is no available study that
quantifies how much deviation from the physical parameter
is acceptable for an identified parameter, such that the full
dynamics control can output the best possible performance.
This statement has two issues to address. First when dynamics
identification is performed, it is normally through a physical
system whose dynamics parameters are unknown. Second,
there is no set standard on qualifying a best performance of a
given manipulator or humanoid. Thus the only way to verify
Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering and
Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, De La
Salle University - Manila, 2401 Taft Ave, 1004 Manila, Philippines
{jamisolar,dadiose} This work is supported by the
University Research Council of De La Salle University - Manila.
Fig. 1. Subfigure (a) shows an upright pendulum turning about point Adue
to gravity and an initial displacement from equilibrium position. Subfigure
(b) shows the free body diagram.
the accurateness of the model is through an actual control
performance based on the acceptable limits set by the control
The method presented in this work will utilize the prin-
ciple of natural oscillation together with gravitational force
to identify the full dynamics of a multi-link rigid body.
The experimental procedure will compensate for Coriolis and
centrifugal forces and gravitational term, then an initial push
is given to allow the system to achieve natural oscillation.
The correct mass, center of mass, and inertial parameters
correspond to the least frequency of oscillation given an
initial perturbation from equilibrium. Analysis of the proposed
method and a theorem are presented to support the principles
behind the experimental procedure in this work, together with
the implementation results.
A. An Inverted Pendulum
The sum of the kinetic energy Kand potential energy P
of an upright pendulum, as shown in Fig. 1, consisting of a
slender bar with mass mand length lis [18]
dt 2
2mgl cos
and is constant, where Iis the inertia of the slender bar, gis the
gravitational constant, and
is the angular displacement from
the vertical axis. Taking the time derivativeand assuming small
angular displacements, the above equation can be expressed as
Fig. 2. Subfigure (a) shows an inverted pendulum. Subfigure (b) shows the
free body diagram such that the gravitational compensation is sent to the
system all the time which results into a system that is floating against gravity.
=0 (2)
with constant frequency of oscillation
2=mgl/2I. This rela-
tionship shows the frequency of oscillation being dependent on
the physical characteristic of the pendulum. Thus a different
pendulum with different physical characteristics will give a
different value of the frequency of oscillation. When no torque
given at point A, the only moment acting on the pendulum is
that due to gravity. When an initial displacement is given, it
will cause the system to respond with angular acceleration and
achieve natural oscillation.
Next we consider an inverted pendulum as shown in Fig. 2.
This time, a torque
Ais given at point Aas shown in the
free-body diagram of Subfigure (b). With the torque sent to
the system that is equal to the moment due to gravity, the
inverted pendulum will now “float” against gravity. When
an initial push is given, the inverted pendulum will achieve
angular acceleration such that the effective torque sent to the
system is
2mgl sin
that is, the effective torque sent at point Ais the sum of
the given initial push that resulted into an acceleration and
the torque sent to balance off gravity. An oscillation occurs
because the total energy is in the process of being converted
from a purely potential energy to a purely kinetic energy, and
vice versa.
B. The Frequency of Oscillation
For a single degree of freedom, the given initial push
created an angular acceleration necessary for it to achieve
natural oscillation. The value of the gravitationalcompensation
torque that is sent to the system will depend on the values of
the dynamics parameters model. In this dynamics parameter
identification, it is the actual force of gravity that is being
utilized to define the critical boundary for the identification
of the correct values of the dynamics parameters. The main
objective is to minimize the frequency of oscillation such that
the dynamics parameters are not overcompensated which re-
sults into higher frequency of oscillation or under compensated
which results into a system falling under gravitational force.
By doing this, the problem becomes an optimization problem
with an objective function
is the frequency of oscillation that is a function of
inertia I, mass m, and center of mass r.
C. Multi-Linked Rigid Body Dynamics
The general case of the multi-linked rigid body dynamics of
a manipulator will be presented. The torque to be sent to each
joint of the robot is computed by taking the kinetic energy K
and potential energy Pand solving the Lagrange equation of
such the joint torque vector is expressed as
The symbol A(q)is the joint-space inertia matrix, c(q,˙
q)is the
Coriolis and centrifugal forces vector, g(q)is the gravitational
terms vector, and ¨
q,qare the joint space acceleration,
velocity, and displacement. The control equation is given as
where u=¨
q, the proportional kpand derivative kvgains are
set to zero, and the desired acceleration ¨
qdvelocity ˙
qd, and
displacement qdare set to zero as well. This makes an open-
loop system and subsequently, the first term of Eqn. 6 equals
to zero. The torque sent to the manipulator joints would be
the Coriolis and centrifugal forces and the gravitational terms.
When the system is given an initial push, the total effective
torque now includes that due to acceleration ¨
In [16], it is shown that the lumped inertia terms foundin the
inertia matrix A(q)are the same terms found in Coriolis and
centrifugal forces vector c(q,˙
q). Once all the lumped inertia
terms are identified in A(q), all the inertia terms are already
found. The biggest challenge in implementing the dynamics
identification in [16] is its need for a simplified symbolic
dynamics parameters in order to identify the lumped dynamics
The method presented in this work will attempt to improve
the dynamics identification in [16] by identifying the individ-
ual dynamics parameters and not the lumped models. However,
a limitation of this method is the dominant parameter is the
gravitational term such that the inertias may be expressed as
estimates of masses and centers of mass in order to identify
them. The future direction of this identification procedure is
to treat the inertias as independent parameters.
In this section we will show a mathematical proof of
the proposed method to support the claims in this work. In
addition, the corresponding algorithm and its block diagram
will be shown.
A. Analysis of the Proposed Method
Given a physical system such that each link is influenced by
gravitational force, the physical parameters can be identified
by letting the system achieve natural oscillation through the
force of gravity. The following theorem will present support
for the dynamics identification method presented in this work.
Theorem 1. A multi-link rigid manipulator with revolute joints
is under computer control and is influenced by gravitational
force. Its minimum frequency of oscillation
is achieved when
the estimated physical parameter values in the mathematical
model are closest to the values in the physical system.
Proof: Case I. Single Degree-of-Freedom. Equating the
torque between the physical system and the mathematical
)= ˜
where the control equation u =¨
Assuming no friction and setting kv=kp=0and ¨
results into u =0such that
Because I is constant and assuming small angular displace-
ment, Eqn. 9 can be treated as an undamped linear second-
order system [21] such that,
By the property of an open-loop computer control [22], g(
cannot be strictly equal to ˜g(
)and thus
can only be
minimized. When
is minimum, it is the case when the value
of ˜g(
)is very close to the value of g(
). Furthermore, when
), the pendulum will fall under gravitational force.
Case II. Multiple Degree-of-Freedom. The torques given at
the joints on both the physical system and the mathematical
model can be expressed as,
)= ˜
The control equation u=¨
because kv=kp=0and ¨
d=0. This results into
)) + (g(
With small angular displacements, the inertia matrix A(
can be considered constant. The natural oscillation may be
achieved at lower speeds such that model error in the Coriolis
and centrifugal forces is less dominant than the model error
in the gravitational forces. Furthermore, when the physical
system is correctly modeled, the system becomes decoupled
such that each link’s motion can be considered independently.
Thus Eqn. 12 may be treated as linear second-order system
[21] where
is minimum, this is the case when the values of the
model are very close to their physical parameter values.
B. The Algorithm
The algorithm for the dynamics identification through nat-
ural oscillation (DINO) is presented in the following.
1) Select initially large values for the inertia ˜
I, mass ˜m, and
center of mass ˜rto initialize the dynamics parameters
of the multi-link rigid body. The values of the inertias
may be expressed as masses and centers of mass.
2) For each of the joint i, send the torque
to the Coriolis and centrifugal forces and the gravita-
tional terms.
3) Give the system an initial perturbation to move it from
rest. The system will start to oscillate at a certain
4) Measure the frequency of oscillation
5) Adjust the values of the dynamics parameters ˜
Im, and
˜rto minimize the frequency of oscillation
6) Repeat the previous step until the minimum frequency
of oscillation
is found such that the corresponding ˜
˜m, and ˜rare the best estimates.
The flowchart of the proposed algorithm is shown in Fig. 3.
The dynamics parameters are initialized at large values to
prepare the system for the experimental procedure. This is to
avoid the system from falling due to insufficient torque sent
at the joints. Because of the initially large joint torque
, the
system will be vertically upright and is at rest when no outside
forces are acting on it, except gravity. Then an outside force,
normally at the end-effector, is applied to perturb the system
from rest that will cause it to start to oscillate. Although the
dominant parameters in the identification procedure are the
gravitational terms, the Coriolis and centrifugalterms still need
to be included in the identification process because the model
helps decouple the system and makes the experimental results
more consistent.
To measure the frequency of oscillation
, normally the
number of periods of oscillation is counted within a predefined
number of update cycles. An incremental step is performed
within the search space of the dynamic parameters to find
the combination of values that correspond to the minimum
The dimension of the search space increases as the number of
dynamics parameters to be identified increases. Incrementally
changing the values of the dynamic parameters and measur-
ing the corresponding frequency of oscillation are repeatedly
performed until the minimum
is found. For higher degrees
of freedom, it is highly possible that the identified parameters
will result in a combination of possible range of values. Each
of the possible combinations can be checked later against the
robot response in the actual manipulator control. Admittedly,
the limitation of this experimental method is due to the fact
that the links, whose parameters are to be identified, have to
Min I, m, r
c(θ,θ) + g(θ)
Outside Force
A(θ)θ+c(θ,θ) + g(θ)
.. .
τI, m, r
Measure ω
Init I, m, r
Fig. 3. The flowchart of the algorithm for the dynamics identification through
natural oscillation.
Fig. 4. The frame assignment for 1-DOF, 2-DOF, and 3-DOF manipulators.
be dependent on gravitational force. Other links that are not
under the influence of gravitational force will be addressed
in future work. However, this work shows that for such links,
the force of gravity can be utilized in the identification process
Simulations are performed to test the proposed algorithm
in identifying the dynamics parameters of one, two, and
three degrees of freedom manipulators. Open dynamics engine
(ODE), an OpenGL program integrated with C code, is used
as the simulation platform. This simulation platform requires
the actual physical model for the system to move in a virtual
world. The dynamics parameters are then provided to create a
model for the simulation. Then the corresponding torques are
sent to the joints using estimated dynamics parameter values.
In this section, the range of estimated values corresponding
to the minimum frequency of oscillation will be presented for
each of the simulated manipulator. The frame assignment is
shown in Fig 4. For all experiments performed, 5,000 update
cycles are considered. The following symbol simplifications
are used Si...n=sin(n
i)and Ci...n=cos(n
i). In the
simulation experiment, friction is not included and angular
displacements are considered to be small if it is within ±15
A. One Degree of Freedom
The simplest case of 1-DOF is shown to test the sensitivity
of the system to numerical errors. Given a mass m1and link
length L, a mass factor fm1is multiplied to the gravitational
term such that the torque sent to the system becomes
2m1gL S1.(14)
The inertia of the 1-DOF manipulator at the joint is I=1
Then a initial push is given to start the system to achieve
natural oscillation. The results are shown in Table I.
Mass Factor fmNo. of Periods at 5,000 Updates
1.020 8.7
1.010 6.9
1.005 5.8
1.004 5.5
1.003 5.1
1.002 4.8
1.001 4.2
1.000 4.1
0.999 (falls under gravity)
The table shows consistently that as the estimated pa-
rameters start from large values and decrease towards the
correct values, the frequency of oscillation decreases. And
at 0.001 difference of the mass factor, a difference in the
frequency of oscillation is achieved. The minimum frequency
of oscillation is shown to be 4.1 periods per 5,000 update
cycles. A mass factor fm1=0.999 will cause the system to
fall due to gravitational force.
It is noted that when the product of mass m1and length L
results in a multiple of 1.0 (at a tolerance of ±0.001) to the
actual physical model, the resulting frequency of oscillation is
at the minimum. In a sense it is the lumped model of mass
and center of mass that is identified such that any values of
m1and Lwould suffice to model the dynamics parameters as
Mass Factor No. of Periods at 5,000 Updates
fm1,fm2,fm3Link 1, Link 2
1.010 5.4
1.005 4.7
1.004 4.5
1.003 4.5
1.002 4.4
1.001 4.2
1.000 4.0
0.999 3.6
0.998 ( falls under gravity )
long as the product of their values corresponding to the actual
physical model and is correct to within 0.001 accuracy. This
precision defines the range of possible values of mass m1and
length L.
B. Two Degrees of Freedom
The symbolic form of the components of inertia A(
Coriolis and centrifugal forces c(
)and gravitational terms
)of the 2-DOFs manipulator is shown in Eq. 15. Although
the inertia matrix is not used in the identification procedure,
the symbolic form here is shown for completeness. Links one
and two have equal link length L, and m1and m2are their
respective masses.
A11 =1
A12 =A21 =fm1m2L2(1
A22 =fm11
In the symbolic model shown, the mathematical model
of the inertias were simplified such that only the principal
moment of inertia about the joint axis is considered. The
other two principal moments of inertia and all the products of
inertia were assumed zero. However, in the simulation model
this is not true, as the ODE simulation mimics the real-world
physical system these values can only be assigned relatively
small values and not completely zeros.
For each of the lumped inertia parameters, mass factors
fm1,fm2, and fm3are used. That is fm1for m2L2,fm2for
2m1+m2)L, and fm3for m2L. Note that the dynamics model
can be identified individually without the lumped symbolic
model. However, the value of the lumped model only served to
show the limits on the products of the identified dynamics pa-
rameters. In the subsequent experiments that were performed,
because the natural oscillations were achieved at low speeds,
all the links approximately moved in unison.
Table II shows the experimental results for 5,000 updates of
a two degrees of freedom robot with three mass factors fm1,
fm2, and fm3. The frequency of oscillation is recorded for the
different values of the mass factors. The robot falls under the
influence of gravity when the mass factors are 0.002 below the
assigned physical mass factor of 1.0. The minimum frequency
of oscillation applies when all mass factors are 0.001 below
1.0. The frequencies of oscillations for both links decreased
accordingly as estimated values decreased towards the actual
physical values.
The inertia parameters in all cases is a function of masses
and centers of mass. The same values affect the gravitational
forces, which are the dominant parameters in the experiment
because the system does not move at a very high speed.
The Coriolis and centrifugal forces are only dominant when
the speed of each joint is high. Thus for this method of
identification procedure, it is advantageous to express the
inertia parameters in terms of masses and centers of mass in
order to identify the parameters of the entire physical system.
C. Three Degrees of Freedom
The symbolic full dynamics model of a 3-DOFs is shown
in Eqn 16. The link masses are m1,m2, and m3for links 1
to 3 and have equal link lengths of L. Five mass factors from
fm1to fm5are used for the identified five lumped parameters.
It is assumed that the principal inertias of each link about the
joint is dominant, such that the other principal inertias and the
products of inertia are assumed zero. The inertias are expressed
as masses and centers of mass. The values of fm1to fm5are
varied to determined the response of the system in finding the
minimum period of oscillation.
A11 =1
A12 =A21 =1
A13 =A31 =fm21
A23 =A32 =fm21
A22 =1
A33 =fm21
2m3L2(( ˙q1+˙q2)2S3+˙q2
2m3LgS123 (16)
Table III shows the experimental response of the 3-DOF ma-
nipulator. In the experiment, the natural oscillation is achieved
Mass Factor No. of Periods at 5,000 Updates
fm1,fm2,fm3,fm4,fm5Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
1.010 4.5
1.005 4.0
1.004 3.9
1.003 3.9
1.002 3.7
1.001 3.2
1.000 3.1
0.999 3.0
0.998 (falls under gravity)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Natural Oscillations at 5,000 Computational Cycles
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized Steps
Fig. 5. The number of periods for each of the joints for the three degrees
of freedom robot, recorded within 5,000 update cycles. The x-axis showed
the normalized number of cycles. This is the case where fm1=fm2=fm3=
fm4=fm5=1.002 where the number of periods for all links is 3.7.
at slow speed and the entire system moves in unison. This is
helpful but not necessary, in achieving well-defined natural
oscillations. The inertias were also expressed in terms of
masses and centers of mass, and the dominant parameters are
gravitational and not the Coriolis and centrifugal forces. With
the slow speed, the system becomes a typical second-order
system such that the period of oscillation is highly dictated
by gravitational parameters. The 3-DOF response is shown in
Fig. 5.
As in the previous results, there is a distinctive decrease
of the period of oscillation as the mass factors decrease
towards the correct value. At mass factors of 0.998 the system
fell under gravity. The minimum frequency of oscillation is
achieved at a mass factor value of 0.999. The system can
be considered as having a tolerance limit of ±0.001. Such
tolerance value is also demonstrated in mass factor values of
1.004 and 1.003 where the corresponding periods remain the
same. For practical purposes, it can be stated that the tolerance
value is at ±0.002. In most cases, it is hard to quantify the
acceptable tolerance values of an identified parameter because,
to the best of our knowledge, there is no such quantification
study. The correctness of the identified value is only checked
through the accuracy of the robot response. But even with
the quantification of the accuracy of robot response, there
is no set standard on how much is the tolerance limit to be
considered “best performance” given set parameters as speed,
task requirement, and load. Thus the success of most dynamics
identification method normally is based on response of the
manipulator where the identification is being implemented.
And this is dependent on what type of task the manipulator
is required to perform, and is generally not applicable to all
This work showed a new method of identifying the dy-
namics parameters of multi-link rigid bodies that move under
gravitational influence. A mathematical proof is presented to
support the validity of the proposed algorithm. The idea is to
compensate for the Coriolis and centrifugal forces and grav-
itational terms, and apply an outside force for the system to
achieve natural oscillation. Once this is done, the experimental
identification proceeds by minimizing the frequency of oscilla-
tion just before the system falls under the influence of gravity.
The correct values of the dynamics parameters correspond
to the system with the minimum frequency of oscillation.
Results sensitivity and range of the identified experimental
values were shown for one, two, and three degrees of freedom
The future direction of this work is to implement the method
on a physical robot manipulator, where the friction parameters
influence the results. In addition, links that are not directly
under gravitational influence will be considered in future
study. The ultimate goal of this experimental procedure is to
implement it on a humanoid robot moving in a full-dynamics
whole-body control [23].
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It is known that the performance of a robot can be improved with the incorporation of robot dynamics into its controller. However, derivation and implementation of a complete robot dyanmic model is not widely used in practice mainly because of the difficulty in modelling dynamic behavior and the lack of information about the parameters that describe such behavior, especially link inertias. Furthermore, most industrial robots do not allow modification of their control algorithms, with only a few allowing the Proprotional and Derivative (PD) gains of their controllers to be altered, that further hampers robot full dynamics control implementation. In this paper, we present a method to identify the lumped intertial parameters together with an estimate of viscous friction, and the derivation and implementation of a full dynamics model of an industrial robot. We provide details of the method, discuss implementation issues and show experimental results on the 7-DOF Mitsubishi PA-10 robot.
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Motion planning is an essential task for humanoid robots. However, it is still very challenging to obtain good motion performance in humanoid motion planning, because of its high DOFs (degree of freedoms), variable mechanical structure and nonlinearity. In humanoid motion planning, the motion performance can be given only after one whole cycle motion is completed. This is a demanding condition for motion planning on either real robots or simulation platform. In this paper, a DFNN (dynamic neural fuzzy network) is adopted to model humanoid robots for motion planning. The inputs of DFNN are parameters which determine motion of humanoid robots. The output is evaluation of humanoid motion performance. The DFNN after training can give evaluation of motion performance immediately once the parameters are determined. The DFNN models not only the dynamics of robots, also the motion planning method. Therefore, the DFNN stores two kind of knowledge: the mapping be-tween parameters and humanoid motion, the mapping between humanoid motion and motion performance.
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The identification of the dynamic parameters of robot is based on the use of the inverse dynamic model which is linear with respect to the parameters. This model is sampled while the robot is tracking trajectories which excite the system dynamics in order to get an over determined linear system. The linear least squares solution of this system calculates the estimated parameters. The efficiency of this method has been proved through the experimental identification of many prototype and industrial robots. However, this method needs joint torque and position measurements and the estimation of the joint velocities and accelerations through the pass band filtering of the joint position at high sample rate. The new method bypasses the need to measure or estimate joint position, velocity and acceleration by using both Direct and Inverse Dynamic Identification Models (DIDIM). It needs only torque data at a low sample rate. It is based on a closed loop simulation which integrates the direct dynamic model. The optimal parameters minimize the 2 norm of the error between the actual torque and the simulated torque assuming the same control law and the same tracking trajectory. This non linear least squares problem is dramatically simplified using the inverse model to calculate the derivatives of the cost function.
Vyd. 1. Na obálce nad názvem: Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenských technologií Na obálce označení: S-2703/2 50 výt.
From the Publisher:This comprehensive treatment of the analysis and design of continuous-time control systems provides a gradual development of control theory—and shows how to solve all computational problems with MATLAB. It avoids highly mathematical arguments, and features an abundance of examples and worked problems throughout the book. Chapter topics include the Laplace transform; mathematical modeling of mechanical systems, electrical systems, fluid systems, and thermal systems; transient and steady-state-response analyses, root-locus analysis and control systems design by the root-locus method; frequency-response analysis and control systems design by the frequency-response; two-degrees-of-freedom control; state space analysis of control systems and design of control systems in state space.
A framework for the analysis and control of manipulator systems with respect to the dynamic behavior of their end-effectors is developed. First, issues related to the description of end-effector tasks that involve constrained motion and active force control are discussed. The fundamentals of the operational space formulation are then presented, and the unified approach for motion and force control is developed. The extension of this formulation to redundant manipulator systems is also presented, constructing the end-effector equations of motion and describing their behavior with respect to joint forces. These results are used in the development of a new and systematic approach for dealing with the problems arising at kinematic singularities. At a singular configuration, the manipulator is treated as a mechanism that is redundant with respect to the motion of the end-effector in the subspace of operational space orthogonal to the singular direction.
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The present study describes experiments on a ball handling behavior learning that is realized by a small humanoid robot with a dynamic neural network model, the recurrent neural network with parametric bias (RNNPB). The present experiments show that after the robot learned different types of behaviors through direct human teaching, the robot was able to switch between two types of behaviors based on the ball motion dynamics. We analyzed the parametric bias (PB) space to show that each of the multiple dynamic structures acquired in the RNNPB corresponds with taught multiple behavior patterns and that the behaviors can be switched by adjusting the PB values.
Conference Paper
In order for stable control of humanoid robots, ground contact forces should be properly controlled for compensating the dynamic disturbances caused by unactuated body movement. The stability in the sense of the zero-moment point (ZMP), guaranteeing secure contacts during control, is a necessary condition for stable motion control. Therefore, we propose a method to control the ground interaction at the ZMP, or ZMP interaction in short, by modifying the system reference acceleration. We also show that simultaneous control of the ZMP interaction and the body movements is not allowed in general. Simulation result is provided to corroborate the theoretical result.