
Polymer Photonics

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The accessibility of ultrashort high-repetition rate lasers has led to the study of many nonlinear optical (NLO) phenomena and their applications in photonics. Organic and polymeric materials have attracted enormous interest as materials from nonlinear optics because of their tailorability and easy processability. In this chapter we deal with the design and structure–property relationships in materials for second- and third-order NLO effects. The phenomena that are explored include Pockel’s effect, optical Kerr effect, and two-photon absorption (TPA). The factors contributing to the design of highly active NLO materials are discussed with examples to demonstrate various approaches.

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... These roughness parameters are defined in Standard ISO 25178 and can be measured by optical analysis such as confocal microscopy. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) is based on standard fluorescence microscopy, which generates high-resolution images of a surface by removing out-of-focus light and offering a shallow depth of field [62,63]. ...
Studying pore networks in rocks is critical for understanding reservoir properties, with mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) being a key laboratory method. MIP involves capillary intrusion of mercury, with intrusion pressure (P) related to capillary diameter (d) by the Washburn equation, incorporating mercury properties like contact angle (θ) and surface tension (γ). While a constant contact angle of 140° is typically assumed for MIP, it can vary based on rock mineralogy and surface roughness. This study aims to analyze how contact angle variations and surface roughness affect MIP analysis of carbonate rocks. Initially, contact angle data was obtained for calcite, dolomite, and quartz with varying roughness levels. Synthetic rocks were then constructed using these minerals. MIP was performed using the typical 140° contact angle and a calculated contact angle from the Cassie model, which considers surface composition fraction. Natural rock MIP analysis followed, with contact angles varying due to mineral composition and roughness. The study found higher contact angles than the standard 140°, affecting pore size distributions up to 30%. Natural rock pore network curves were adjusted based on synthetic rock data analysis. These findings emphasize the need for accurate contact angle selection in MIP for precise pore distribution analysis and contribute to the further study of carbonate rocks.
... At a lower intensity, this relation is linear but nonlinear behaviour arises at a higher intensity. We can say that all optical phenomena are nonlinear but they are able to observe only when the intensity of light is very high [34]. ...
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Humans have seen many technological revolutions that have changed the course of history. We are right now living in a world that is going through one of such dynamic changes. This transformation arises from the principle of Additive manufacturing and its application in the biomedical field. There are many ways to implement it. In this project, we look into one of the cutting-edge technologies known as two photon polymerization. Like the one photon polymerization, which is the core behind the semiconductor revolution, the two photon processes could reshape the medical field. The aim of this work is to construct a biocompatible scaffold using a nanosecond laser and measure the parameters like resolution, linewidth and roughness of the structure created.
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This review is about anthraquinone dyes. One of the advantages of organic NLOphores materials is the variety of chromophores explored for a wide range of potential applications in optoelectronics and biology. The second and third harmonic generations, as well as hyper‐Rayleigh scattering (HRS), the Z‐scan technique, degenerate four‐wave mixing (DFWM), and density functional theory (DFT), are all covered in this review. The most active sites for establishing enhanced NLO properties were found to be positions 2 and 6 of the anthraquinone core. The structural characteristics of dyes are used to divide them into subcategories. In each section, structures with a higher NLO response are highlighted. Researchers will benefit from this review when designing and synthesizing NLOphores. image
Clays and composites have received quite a deal of attention recently mostly due to its advanced properties while being environmentally and economically feasible. Polymer clay composites are made up of synthetic or natural clay combined with a polymer. While each constituent has its own advantages when incorporated together, various properties of interest can be improved by numerous methods such as varying the aspect ratio, mechanical and physical dimensions, and the intercalation properties. In order to establish an optimal relationship between the structure and its properties, proper methods are needed to characterize these morphologies. Up to date, various methods such as optical, electron and magnetic imaging techniques, light scattering, and microscopic imaging in 2D and 3D have been used. Each method is used based on the required sensitivity and output. This chapter focuses on the imaging techniques of characterization of clay polymer composites.
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Porous media can be found in all areas of scientific life, such as medicine, civil engineering, material science, fluid dynamics. Computing has achieved high efficiency and computational capacity – so far. However, three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of microstructure remain significant challenges. Pore-scale simulations can help understand the physical processes and determine macroscopic parameters such as the high-frequency limit of dynamic tortuosity, viscous, and thermal characteristic lengths. Independent of whether the computational problem is two or three-dimensional, the geometry as input parameter must be prepared. For this reason, geometry representation methods play a crucial role in the analysis at the pore-scale, especially in numerical simulations. In this article, an insight into microstructures’ visualization capabilities is provided essentially for CFD simulations.
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Within the self-consistent field approximation, computationally tractable expressions for the isotropic second-order hyperpolarizability have been derived and implemented for the calculation of two-photon absorption cross sections. The novel tensor average formulation presented in this work allows for the evaluation of isotropic damped cubic response functions using only ∼3.3% (one-photon off-resonance regions) and ∼10% (one-photon resonance regions) of the number of auxiliary Fock matrices required when explicitly calculating all the needed individual tensor components. Numerical examples of the two-photon absorption cross section in the one-photon off-resonance and resonance regions are provided for alanine–tryptophan and 2,5-dibromo-1,4-bis(2-(4-diphenylaminophenyl)vinyl)-benzene. Furthermore, a benchmark set of 22 additional small- and medium-sized organic molecules is considered. In all these calculations, a quantitative assessment is made of the reduced and approximate forms of the cubic response function in the one-photon off-resonance regions and results demonstrate a relative error of less than ∼5% when using the reduced expression as compared to the full form of the isotropic cubic response function.
The synthesis of functional polymers by photopolymerization thrives on the rich tradition of industrial photochemistry. Photo-induced polymerization can be broadly divided based on the initiation mechanism as radical, cationic, and anionic photopolymerization. A wide variety of initiators, photosensitizers, and polymerizable materials have been studied for various applications. This chapter is intended to be a primer to major concepts of photopolymerization. In the beginning of the chapter, physical aspects of light matter interactions are presented followed by photochemical pathways leading to reactions. In the subsequent sections radical polymerization is discussed by introducing different types of initiating systems and polymerizable materials. Within the section on radical polymerization, visible light polymerization and thio-ene photochemistry are also discussed. The section on thiol-ene looks at the fundamentals of thiol-ene reactions, their initiation, reactivity, and advantages over other radical driven polymerizations. Cationic polymerization is covered based on the material science of ionic and nonionic photoacid generators (PAGs). This section also discusses spectral broadening of reactivity in PAGs to visible wavelengths through electron transfer sensitization and free radical promoted cationic polymerization (FRPCP). Unlike radical and cationic polymerization there are little or no reports of commercial application of anionic polymerization. However, due to typical monomers employed in anionic polymerization and the control over the extent of polymerization afforded by this techniques makes it very attractive for functional applications. The section on anionic polymerization summarizes recent developments in this field. Finally in the section about two-photon initiated polymerization, we discuss the scope of nonlinear optical phenomena in photopolymerization.
The synthesis of functional polymers by photopolymerization thrives on the rich tradition of industrial photochemistry. Photo-induced polymerization can be broadly divided based on the initiation mechanism as radical, cationic, and anionic photopolymerization. A wide variety of initiators, photosensitizers, and polymerizable materials have been studied for various applications. This chapter is intended to be a primer to major concepts of photopolymerization. In the beginning of the chapter, physical aspects of light matter interactions are presented followed by photochemical pathways leading to reactions. In the subsequent sections radical polymerization is discussed by introducing different types of initiating systems and polymerizable materials. Within the section on radical polymerization, visible light polymerization and thio-ene photochemistry are also discussed. The section on thiol-ene looks at the fundamentals of thiol-ene reactions, their initiation, reactivity, and advantages over other radical driven polymerizations. Cationic polymerization is covered based on the material science of ionic and nonionic photoacid generators (PAGs). This section also discusses spectral broadening of reactivity in PAGs to visible wavelengths through electron transfer sensitization and free radical promoted cationic polymerization (FRPCP). Unlike radical and cationic polymerization there are little or no reports of commercial application of anionic polymerization. However, due to typical monomers employed in anionic polymerization and the control over the extent of polymerization afforded by this techniques makes it very attractive for functional applications. The section on anionic polymerization summarizes recent developments in this field. Finally in the section about two-photon initiated polymerization, we discuss the scope of nonlinear optical phenomena in photopolymerization.
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This paper reports the synthesis and characterization of a 2,5-bis(phenylacrylonitrile)thiophene based two-photon dye, designed to show enhancement in fluorescence quantum yield in nanoaggregated form. Strong solvatochromism has been observed and explained by the favoritism of locally excited (LE) or internal charge transfer (ICT) state depending on the solvent polarity. Aqueous dispersions of nanoparticles have been prepared and investigated regarding their optical properties which were correlated to the LE and ICT state and the molecular structure of the aggregates.
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This contribution presents an overview of the principal classes of second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) transition metal (organometallic and coordination) complexes and illustrates how organometallic and coordination chemistry can offer a very large variety of NLO structures in relation to the metal nd configuration, oxidation state, spin state, etc. Moreover, metal complexes can satisfy the very different demands of second-order NLO materials such as switchable, tuneable, and multidimensional NLO properties, depending on the subtle interplay of structure–property relationships. Recent advances and perspectives in metal complexes as NLO materials are also presented.
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We present results on nonlinear optical properties of newly-synthesized diazo-dye-substituted methacrylate polymers. These dye-substituted polymers, which have been developed for EO devices, contain a dicyanovinyl-terminated, dimethyl-substituted diazo (3RDCVXY) dye exhibiting a larger hyperpolarizability (beta) than that of nitro-terminated diazo (3RN) or monoazo dye. In order to describe the relationship between a bulk susceptibility (chi) (2) and the (beta) value in the presence of electric poling field, a molecular statistical model is proposed. In the model the intermolecular potential due to the van der Waals forces in transitory aggregates is considered. As the 3RDCVXY dyes, which have the central benzene ring substituted by methyl groups, are prevented to come close to each other, the intermolecular interactions influence more weakly on the 3RDCVXY polymers than the 3RN polymers. As a result, the corona-poled 3RDCVXY polymer exhibits a large (chi) (2) value of 1 X 10-6 esu at 1.06 micrometers , whose thermal stability is excellent even at 80 degree(s)C. The poled 3RDCVXY polymer film exhibits a linear EO coefficient as high as 40 pm/V at 0.633 micrometers . An electro-optical light modulation in the channel 3RDCVXY polymer waveguides with half-wave voltage as low as 5 V is also presented.
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We report what is believed to be the first use of a photorefractive polymer in erasable–rewritable three-dimensional bit optical data storage under two-photon excitation. We successfully demonstrate writing, erasing, and rewriting of multilayered information in a photorefractive polymer consisting of 2,5-dimethyl-4-( p -nitrophenylazo)anisole, 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone, 9-ethylcarbazole, and poly( N -vinylcarbazole). A three-dimensional bit density of 5 Gbits / cm 3 is achieved by two-photon absorption under pulsed beam illumination at an infrared wavelength of 800 nm in the recording process. Complete erasing of the recording information is achieved by use of ultraviolet illumination.
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The DC electrooptic modulation of 0.633-mum He-Ne laser light has been measured in thin-film waveguides of copolymers containing Disperse Red-1 (DR1) and/or novel dis-azo-dye side chains. The polarized laser light is butt-coupled to the polymer waveguides with propagation length of 4 mm and film thickness of 10-15 mum. The DC linear electrooptic coefficients r33 of the poled DR1- and dis-azo-dye-substituted polymer films are estimated to be 18 pm/V and 27 pm/V at 0.633 mum. Comparison with second-harmonic generation results demonstrates that the DC linear electrooptic effect in the poled azo-dye-substituted polymers is primarily electronic in nature.
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Strong two-photon-absorption (TPA) based nonlinear optical properties of a new chromophore, N , N -diphenyl-7-[2-(4-pyridinyl) ethenyl]-9,9-di- n -decyl-fluoren-2-amine (AF-50) has been experimentally studied. Under excitation with 10-Hz, ∼ 8 - ns , and ∼ 800 - nm laser pulses, the TPA cross section and the TPA-induced frequency-upconverted emission spectra are measured for AF-50 solutions in various solvents. The most attractive feature of this chromophore is its remarkably high value of the molecular TPA cross section ( ∼ 78 × 10 - 20 cm 2 / GW in benzene solution). Based on this feature, superior optical power limiting and stabilization performance has been demonstrated in a 1-cm-long AF-50 solution sample with concentration of d 0 = 0.045 M / L . The nonlinear transmission of the measured sample decreased from ∼ 0.93 to ∼ 0.3 when the input-beam intensity increased from ∼ 10 MW / cm 2 to ∼ 360 MW / cm 2 ; the relative intensity fluctuation of the output laser pulses was reduced to one third of that of the input laser beam.
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We describe the use of two-photon absorption in a photorefractive crystal for recording bit data in multilayered optical memory. A short-pulse near-infrared laser is used for generating the photorefractive effect by two-photon absorption. We succeeded in recording and reading seven layers of data in a LiNbO 3 crystal with a lateral resolution (distance between bits) of 5 µ m and an axial resolution (distance between layers) of 20 µ m .
Polymer optical waveguide devices will play a key role in several rapidly developing areas of broadband communications, such as optical networking, metropolitan/access communications, and computing systems due to their easier processibility and integration over inorganic counterparts. The combined advantages also makes them an ideal integration platform where foreign material systems such as YIG (yttrium iron garnet) and lithium niobate, and semiconductor devices such as lasers, detectors, amplifiers, and logic circuits can be inserted into an etched groove in a planar lightwave circuit to enable full amplifier modules or optical add/drop multiplexers on a single substrate. Moreover, the combination of flexibility and toughness in optical polymers makes it suitable for vertical integration to realize 3D and even all-polymer integrated optics. In this review, a survey of suitable optical polymer systems, their processing techniques, and the integrated optical waveguide components and circuits derived from these materials is summarized. The first part is focused on discussing the characteristics of several important classes of optical polymers, such as their refractive index, optical loss, processibility/mechanical properties, and environmental performance. Then, the emphasis is placed on the discussion of several novel passive and active (electro-optic and thermo-optic) polymer systems and versatile processing techniques commonly used for fabricating component devices, such as photoresist-based patterning, direct lithographic patterning, and soft lithography. At the end, a series of compelling polymer optical waveguide devices including optical interconnects, directional couplers, array waveguide grating (AWG) multi/demultiplexers, switches, tunable filters, variable optical attenuators (VOAs), and amplifiers are reviewed. Several integrated planar lightwave circuits, such as tunable optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs), photonic crystal superprism waveguides, digital optical switches (DOSs) integrated with VOAs, traveling-wave heterojunction phototransistors, and three-dimensionally (3D) integrated optical devices are also highlighted.
Studies on the electronic properties of conjugated polymers and low molecular weight organic solids have been of increasing interest in recent years. This book is organized into two parts dedicated to these two classes of materials. For each part a general introductory review provides background knowledge of the language and of the main points required for understanding the book's contents. The reviews that follow provide a more complete understanding of the underlying physics of the materials through discussion of the interconnected topics. Theoretical concepts, models and methods are overviewed; this is used to support the explanation of the physical and chemical properties of these materials. The presentation of selected aspects of experimental research greatly contributes to the basic understanding of organic electronic materials.
Stiff PEGs: Aqueous solutions of pyrene end-capped poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs) increase their viscosity in the presence of octafluoronaphthalene possibly as a result of aggregation by face-to-face stacking (shown schematically). The exploitation of the arene–perfluoroarene supramolecular synthon in solution is reported.
Using a polymer block doped with a highly efficient two-photon dye, we have achieved a high density data storage with gray-scale control in multiple planes as stacked compact disks at a separation of 10 μm. The absorption and fluorescence of the dye at the written spot shift to a longer wavelength, permitting an easy fluorescence mode readout with a linear excitation using an inexpensive laser source. The storage capacity in this case is estimated to be 1012 bits/cm3.
A series of compounds with systematically varied molecular structures which exhibit very large effective two-photon cross sections has been synthesized and characterized in solution using a nonlinear transmission technique. The general structure of these compounds can be categorized into two basic structural families: acceptor/donor/donor/acceptor and donor/bridge/acceptor. This study attempts to determine certain molecular structure/effective two-photon absorption relationships by careful characterization and as a function of systematically varied changes in the organic structure of the dye molecules. Such information can be useful in the design of more efficient two-photon dyes for imaging and power-limiting applications. The results of the study indicate that with the incorporation of certain combinations of structural elements, dyes can be synthesized which have greatly increased effective cross sections as high as 152.5 × 10-48 cm4 s/photon molecule in benzene solution at 800 nm using 8 ns pulses. This value is orders of magnitude higher than commercially available organic dyes measured at the same wavelength. Although the process is thought to involve a combination of two-photon absorption and excited state absorption phenomena, the information gathered from these new families of dyes has provided an important first step in producing improved materials for use in many different two-photon technology application.
A new series of linear, asymmetrical diphenylaminofluorene-based chromophores (AFX) with various strong π-electron acceptors were synthesized and evaluated for two-photon absorptivity. These chromophores were studied to determine a suitable replacement for 2-(4-vinyl)pyridine, the π acceptor for our previously reported AFX series, which contains a photochemically and thermo-oxidatively unstable olefinic unit. In addition to the benzoyl group (AF-370), these π-electron acceptors include 2-benzothiazolyl (AF-240), 2-benzoxazolyl (AF-390), 2-(N-phenyl)benzimidazolyl (AF-386), and 2-(3,4-diphenyl)imidazolyl (AF-385) moieties (five-membered heterocycles) and the 2-quinoxalinyl (AF-260) group (six-membered heterocycle). From nanosecond nonlinear transmission measurements, these new chromophores have effective two-photon cross sections (σ2‘) at 800 nm, spanning from 3.87 × 10-48 cm4 s/(photon molecule) for AF-385 to 97.46 × 10-48 cm4 s/(photon molecule) for AF-240. Two of them, 2-benzothiazolyl-end-capped AF-240 and benzoyl-containing AF-370 [σ2‘ = 84.32 × 10-48 cm4 s/(photon molecule)] stand out as having relatively good, albeit lower, values of two-photon cross sections, as compared to that of previously reported N,N-diphenyl-7-[2-(4-pyridinyl)ethenyl]-9,9-didecyl-fluorene-2-amine, AF-50 [σ2‘ = 115.6 × 10-48 cm4 s/(photon molecule)]. However, we observed that AF-240 was more photochemically robust than AF-50 when their THF solutions were subjected to repetitive and prolonged exposure to nanosecond laser radiation. Finally, on the basis of our nanosecond TPA cross-section data (σ2‘/MW values), the general trend for π-electron accepting ability, i.e., ability to accept charge transferred from diphenylamine appears to be as follows: 2-(4-vinyl)pyridine > 2-benzothiazolyl > benzoyl > 2-(N-phenylbenzimidazolyl > 2-quinoxalinyl > 2-benzoxazolyl > 2-(4,5-diphenyl)imidazoyl.
Electro-optic (EO) modulators encode electrical signals onto fiber optic transmissions. High drive voltages limit gain and noise levels. Typical polymeric and lithium niobate modulators operate with halfwave voltages of 5 volts. Sterically modified organic chromophores have been used to reduce the attenuation of electric field poling–induced electro-optic activity caused by strong intermolecular electrostatic interactions. Such modified chromophores, incorporated into polymer hosts, were used to fabricate EO modulators with halfwave voltages of 0.8 volts (at a telecommunications wavelength of 1318 nanometers) and to achieve a halfwave voltage-interaction length product of 2.2 volt-centimeters. Optical push-pull poling and driving were also used to reduce halfwave voltage. This study, together with recent demonstrations of exceptional bandwidths (more than 110 gigahertz) and ease of integration (with very large scale integration semiconductor circuitry and ultra-low-loss passive optical circuitry) demonstrates the potential of polymeric materials for next generation telecommunications, information processing, and radio frequency distribution.
Three novel two-photon absorbing (TPA) chromophores with 1,3,5-triazine as the π-electron deficient core, dialkylfluorene as aromatic bridges, and diphenylamino groups as the electron-donating end-groups were prepared. Designated as AF-450 (2,4,6-tris[7-(diphenylamino)-9,9-didecylfluoren-2-yl]-1,3,5-triazine), AF-455 (2,4,6-tris[9,9-bis(3,7-dimethyloctyl)-7-(diphenylamino)-fluoren-2yl]-1,3, 5-triazine), and AF-457 (2,4,6-tris [(7-(diphenylamino)-9,9-diprop-2-enylfluoren-2-yl]-1,3,5-triazine), their overall molecular structure and local symmetry (D3h) are similar to those of previously reported three-armed AF-350 (N,N,N-tris[4-{7-(2-benzothiazolyl)-9,9-diethylfluoren-2-yl}phenyl]amine) and AF-380 (N,N,N,-tris[7-(2-benzothiazolyl)-9,9-diethylfiuoren-2-yl]amine). Among the family of AFX chromophores previously reported by us, AF-450 possesses one of the largest effective TPA cross-sections (σ2′ = 39 500 × 10-50 cm4-sec/photon-molecule, or 39 500 GM) as determined by nonlinear transmission method in the nanosecond regime at 800 nm. In contrast, AF-455, a mixture of stereoisomers with the same chemical formula as AF-450, is a glassy material that becomes fluid (molasses-like) upon heating at 70-80 °C and has noticeably smaller effective σ 2′ value (33 300 GM). AF-457 (σ2′ = 27 800 GM) with six allyl side groups was prepared as a precursor toward the synthesis of a TPA liquid. The intrinsic TPA cross-sections of these chromophores were also determined as a function of excitation wavelengths via a femtosecond white-light continuum generation and direct degenerate-TPA measurement technique. At the TPA peaks ∼779 nm, their σ 2′ values are 216, 214, and 199 GM (±15%) for AF-450, AF-455, and AF-457, in that order. They are in the same trend as the nanosecond values, albeit two orders of magnitude lower.
New and very stable polymers with good optical third-order nonlinearities have been prepared by condensation between a copolymer of maleic anhydride and octadecene and appropriate Disperse Red and Disperse Orange type chromophores. The nonlinear response of low concentration solutions of the polymers has been determined using a new numerical Z-scan technique. The polymers have been found highly stable, and their nonlinear response is very reproducible, both under intense illumination and upon several repeated experiments over months. Especially the polymer where the Disperse Orange 3 chromophore is incorporated in the main chain through imide linkages displays both the highest refractive nonlinearity and almost no two-photon absorption. Its surprisingly higher nonlinear response with respect to the parent Disperse Orange 3 is demonstrated and discussed.
WE have designed and built a prototype of a scanning microscope for thick objects of low reflectivity and low optical contrast. As light source, we used a 5 mW He-Ne continuous wave laser (Spectra-Physics Model 120). An improved prototype is under construction; in a year or two we expect to have a microscope suitable for advancing studies of brain cells in living animals1-4.
Conference Paper
The absorption and emission spectroscopy and nonlinear optical absorption of a series of a,o-dithienyl polyenes were studied in chloroform and n-octane solutions. Dithienyl polyenes containing butyl substituents were also studied. Steady state fluorescence, time resolved emission, fluorescence lifetime and quantum yield measurements were made. The fluorescence quantum yields were significantly lower than those of the corresponding a,w-diphenyl polyenes. Among the dithienyl polyenes, 3,3'-substituted polyenes exhibited stronger fluorescence than those of the 2,2'-substituted. Nonlinear optical absorption experiments showed evidence of two photon absorption. In some polyenes, two photon absorption was followed by excited state absorption.
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We have developed compact millimeter thick optical fiber arrays with nonlinear optical liquid guiding cores. These image transmitting fiber arrays are capable of passive optical limiting action against frequency agile short (picosecond- nanosecond) laser pulses in the visible spectrum. We present the results of further studies of their limiting performance. We also discuss how a recently discovered extraordinarily large nonlinear optical response of methyl-red doped nematic liquid crystal film may be employed for limiting action on longer pulse or cw lasers with nanowatt threshold power.
The design, synthesis, characterization, and understanding of new molecular and macromolecular assemblies with large macroscopic optical nonlinearities represents an active field of research at the interface of modern chemistry, physics, and materials science. Challenges in this area of photonic materials typify an important theme in contemporary chemistry: to create new types of functional materials by the rational construction of supramolecular assemblies exhibiting preordained collective phenomena by virtue of "engineered" molecule-molecule interactions and spatial relationships. This review surveys several approaches to, and the microstructural and optical properties of, second-order nonlinear optical materials built from noncentrosymmetric assemblies of chromophores having large molecular hyperpolarizabilities. Such types of materials can efficiently double the frequency of incident light, exhibit other second-order nonlinear optical effects, and contribute to the knowledge base needed for new photonic device technologies. Systems described include chromophore macromolecule guest host matrices, chromophore-functionalized glassy macromolecules, thermally crosslinked chromophore-macromolecule matrices, and intrinsically acentric self-assembled chromophoric superlattices.
A series of new star-shaped donor-π-acceptor (D-π-A) molecules containing the 2,4,6-tri(thiophen-2-yl)-1,3,5-triazine unit were synthesized and characterized. The 1,3,5-triazine group, as a strong electron-accepting center, is connected to three electron-donating end groups through π-conjugated bridges. As a result of the coexistence of the electron acceptor and donor, these compounds show reversible or quasireversible redox behavior. Through changing the peripheral end group the optical properties can be modified. All compounds exhibit two-photon absorption activity in the range of 720–880 nm and show large two-photon absorption cross sections that are closely related to the intramolecular charge transfer and π-conjugated length of the molecule.(© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)
A scheme based on Diels-Alder 'click reaction' to functionalize maleimide-containing nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophores onto polymers that possess pendant anthryl-containing diene moieties was described. The 'click-reaction enables to create different architectures of macromolecules by changing the attaching modes of the chromophore onto polymers. Three different macromolecular architectures were created by covalently attaching the center site of the chromophore bridge to a polymer backbone or a dendritic moiety. The results show that these polymers exhibit high dielectric strength, excellent optical quality, good processability, and reliable poling behavior.
The one-dimensional electronic delocalization that results from the solid-state polymerization of diacetylenes produces a dramatic enhancement of the optical nonlinearities of these compounds. The third-order susceptibilities of the polymerized crystals reach very high values comparable to those of inorganic semiconductors.
Two new poly(arylene ether sulfone)s, P1 and P2, with pendant nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophores (60 and 84%, respectively) have been easily prepared by post-esterification reaction of poly(arylene ether sulfone) P under mild conditions. P1 and P2 are readily soluble in common organic solvents at room temperature and thermally stable up to 200 °C in both air and argon. The glass transition temperatures (Tg's) of P1 and P2 are 174 and 189 °C, respectively. The resonant nonlinear optical coefficient (d33) values were estimated to be 29.2 and 16.5 pm/V for P1 and P2, respectively, by in situ second harmonic generation (SHG) measurements at 1064 nm fundamental wavelength. By using the approximation two-level model, the nonresonant NLO coefficient (d33(∞)) values of P1 and P2 were estimated to be 6.6 and 4.8 pm/V, respectively.
It is shown experimentally that the complete replacement of benzene rings with thiophene rings in a donor–acceptor substituted stilbene significantly enhances its second-order nonlinear optical hyperpolarizability (β); results obtained with a series of thiophene-substituted donor–acceptor compounds with different conjugation lengths reveal a power law dependence of βµ on the molecular conjugation length.
Natural photosynthetic systems collect sunlight using a vast array of light-harvesting chromophores that channel the absorbed energy to a single reaction center. Recently, it has been realized that dendritic macromolecules can exhibit similar properties, though on a more modest scale. The preparation of dendritic structures and assemblies composed of numerous light-collecting chromophores that transfer their energy to a single energy ‘sink’ at the core has been achieved in a number of diverse and creative ways. These novel structures are being used as model systems in light-emitting diodes, signal amplifiers, fluorescent sensors, frequency converters, and other photonic devices.
The non-linear optical polarization of an isolated atom or molecule is treated, giving careful consideration to secular and resonant terms in the perturbation expansion. The Method of Averages introduced by Bogoliubov and Mitropolsky is used. The case where resonance-induced excited state populations are negligible, which is relevant to a wide range of non-linear optical experiments, is examined in detail for polarizations through third order in the perturbing fields. This yields concise expressions which are valid for any combination of applied field frequencies, including static fields.
The electronic and vibronic contributions to the two-photon absorption of a series molecules with multi-branched structures have been studied using ab initio response theory. The results indicate that the electronic coupling between different branches alone cannot explain the experimental finding of a strong enhancement of the two-photon absorption cross section over the single branch structure, whereas it is predicted that vibronic contributions can play an important role in this respect. It is shown that for multi-branched molecules the use of circularly polarized light can increase the two-photon absorption cross section by a factor of 1.5 over linearly polarized light excitation.
Electro-optic (EO) modulators are typically made from inorganic materials such as LiNbO3, but replacing them with organic EO materials, that is, ones with optical properties that change in response to an electric field, could be a promising alternative because they offer large bandwidth, ease of processing and relatively low cost. Here we incorporate a doped, crosslinked organic EO polymer into hybrid polymer/sol-gel waveguide modulator devices with exceptional performance. The half-wave voltages of the resulting Mach-Zehnder (MZ) and phase modulators at 1550 nm are 1 V and 2.5 V, respectively. The unique properties of the sol-gel cladding materials used in the hybrid structure result in a 100% device poling efficiency, leading to respective in-device EO coefficients of 138 pm V-1 and 170 pm V-1 in the MZ and phase modulators. These results are the first to show in-device EO coefficients that are five to six times larger than those of the benchmark inorganic material.
The photoinduced refractive index changes in polymeric and liquid crystalline materials containing photoisomerizable azo-dyes form a group of materials that could be exploited in optical switching. Depending on the type of linkage between the dye and the matrix and its physicochemical properties various magnitudes of refractive index changes An and response times ¿ are observed. Here, we describe few polymeric systems showing high photoinduced birefringence up to 0.1 and DNA-CTMA biopolymer doped with disperse red (DR1) or disperse orange (DO3) azo-dyes showing responses as fast as 1 ms. By incorporation of metallic nanoparticles (15 nm gold) into the liquid crystalline matrix doped with DO3 we observed an enhancement of molecular reorientation due to plasmonic coupling with an electromagnetic torque. The preliminary results of optical Kerr effect measurements in the mentioned above systems are presented and briefly analyzed.
Bisthienylethenes (BTE) are one of the most promising families of photochromic compounds used in molecular switches because of their fatigue resistance and thermally irreversible properties. Moreover, such molecular switches hold tremendous potential applications in molecular electronic and photonic devices such as optical data storage media, optical limiters, logic gates, molecular wires and sensors. Herein we highlight some recent developments of photochromic bisthienylethene derivatives with large two-photon absorption (TPA) or excellent two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) which can be potentially used in three-dimensional (3D) optical data storage media, two-photon switches and photon electronic devices. What's more, we examine some promising approaches on bisthienylethene derivatives such as supramolecular self-assembled structures, coordination with metal and ligands, capping on nanoparticles or assemblies on metal surfaces, which would tune the photochromic properties of photochromic switches for further applications.
The degenerate two- and three-photon absorption properties of a multi-branched chromophore were investigated in the femtosecond regime utilizing white-light continuum and nonlinear transmission techniques. The experimental results show that the studied multi-branched structure exhibits relatively strong and broad two- and three-photon absorption bands in the near infra-red (IR) region. It is demonstrated that a highly conjugated molecular structure based on a symmetrically substituted skeleton would possess promoted molecular nonlinear absorptivities within the studied spectral region. Both two- and three-photon absorption-based optical power-limiting properties in the femtosecond time domain of this model compound were also characterized. The results indicate that a multi-chromophoric structure with expanded π-conjugation could be an effective multi-photon absorber and might be used as a single-component material system for quick-responsive and broadband optical-suppressing related applications, especially when under ultrashort laser pulses.
Two-photon absorption properties of a series of symmetrically substituted stilbenes and asymmetrically substituted stilbene-type derivatives with the same conjugated length have been investigated. The effective two-photon absorption cross sections, δTPA, as large as 62.0 × 10−48 cm4 s photon−1 for D-π-D molecules and 48.5 × 10−48 cm4 s photon−1 for D-π-A counterparts have been observed. The effect of these two types of chromophores on the peak position of the linear absorption, one-photon fluorescence as well as two-photon absorptivity is reported. Dipole moment change between the ground and the first excited states (Δµge), and the transition dipole moment between the first and second excited states (Mee′) have also been calculated. It was found that the asymmetrically substituted derivatives possess relatively large Δµge, whereas the symmetrical counterparts show an increase in Mee′. Although a large two-photon absorption resonance is due to the simultaneously high values of Mee′ and Δµge, correlated to intramolecular charge transfer, the former function is larger. These results obtained have demonstrated that the magnitude and the peak position of two-photon absorption depend not only on the amount but also on the direction of the intramolecular charge transfer.
The synthesis of a new soluble conjugated porphyrin polymer 4 is reported. The MALDI TOF mass spectrum shows the presence of oligomers with up to 13 repeat units and GPC gives a Mn of 53 kDa. The electronic absorption spectra of this polymer exhibit an intense Q band at 800 nm in solution and 853 nm in the solid state, demonstrating a high degree of conjugation. Electroabsorption spectroscopy shows that thin films of 4 have lower resonant third order NLO susceptibility than our previous conjugated porphyrin polymer 2, whereas closed z-scan measurements indicate that the off-resonance real susceptibility, at 1064 nm, is exceptionally large for both polymers (χ(3)R = −2 × 10−16 m2 V−2). Open z-scan measurements were also made at 1064 nm, demonstrating that the two polymers exhibit similar nonlinear absorption at this wavelength (β = 1 cm GW−1 at 0.2 mM concentration).
During the past five years there has been considerable progress in the design of organic materials for optical power limiting. Among the more promising of the new material approaches are new reverse saturable absorbers (RSA) which derive their limiting capability on the photogeneration of highly absorbing charge states. Equally intriguing are the new approaches to designing chromophores with large two-photon cross-sections which give access to highly absorbing transient excited states. It now seems possible to combine these two new optical limiting paradigms in single structures which may therefore be considered as bimechanistic optical power limiters.
A new series of aromatic azobenzol compounds containing vinyl have been designed as monomers. The azobenzene-containing side-chain polymers containing azo NLO chromophore in each side chain have been synthesized via free radical polymerization. FT-IR, elemental analysis and 1H NMR were performed to characterize the azo monomers. The molecular weight of the polymers and their distribution were determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The third-order NLO coefficient of azo monomers and their polymers were measured by degenerated four wave mixing (DFWM) technique. As a result, the enhancement of the molecular conjugation and the increase of the NLO chromophore concentration in the molecular chain contribute much to heightening the third-order NLO effect. The electronic effect of substituent on the azobenzol group and the push–pull electronic structure contributes much to enhancing the NLO property.
We will report the synthesis and linear and nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of novel fluorine-containing second-order NLO polymers with high glass transition temperature (Tg). Using pentafluorobenzonitrile as a starting material, a monomer with electron-donating group for NLO active site was synthesized. This monomer was polymerized with four types of bisphenol analogues. Three types of electron-withdrawing groups for NLO activity were introduced into the polymers by post-functionalization. These NLO polymers show high Tgs, e.g., a polymer containing fluorene structure has Tg of 209 °C. An NLO polymer with fluorene structure and DR1 at 100 mol% content does not show polarized light dependence of the refractive indices and has very low optical propagation loss of 0.42 dB/cm at 1.3 μm. The polymer has χ(2)33 value of about 57 pm/V at 1.3 μm fundamental wavelength and the nonlinearity was maintained at 100 °C for more than 160 h.
3D bit optical data storage has the ability to reach Tbytes on a recording medium no larger than a compact disc using two-photon excitation and multi-layer recording. The introduction of a poly-vinyl carbazole (PVK) based photorefractive polymer as the recording material allows the system to rewrite the recorded information via the photorefractive effect.[1,2] In this paper, we demonstrate the use of continuous wave illumination for three-dimensional (3D) bit optical data storage under two-photon excitation in a new poly(methylmethacrylate)-based (PMMA) photorefractive polymer. This achievement makes it possible to develop a cheap, compact, sub Tbyte rewritable optical data storage system to further extend the capabilities of compact disc and digital versatile disc technology.
Novel styryl derivatives with triphenylamine as donor and 1,3,5-triazine as acceptor were synthesized and their one- and two-photon properties were investigated. These molecules show large two-photon absorption (TPA) cross sections and strong two-photon fluorescence. TPA cross section is as large as 1.64 × 10-20 cm4/GW for the tri-branched molecule.
The title host compounds form chiral inclusion complex crystals with various kinds of achiral guest compounds in which the achiral host molecules are arranged in a chiral form through halogen–halogen interactions between host molecules.
A high mu beta isophorone-derived phenyltetraene chromophore (denoted CLD-5) was synthesized. The chromophore was modified with a hexyl group at the middle of the pi -conjugate bridge to improve solubility and processability and was dihydroxy-functionalized for covalent incorporation into various cross-linked PU polymer systems. Its electrical poling and relaxation behavior in PU polymer thin films were studied. First, the chromophore was incorporated into conventional TDI/TEA polyurethane, and an electrooptic (EO) coefficient of 57.6 pm/V at 1.06 mum was obtained, which is 28% higher than that obtained from nonhexylated chromophore (CLD-2) in the same polyurethane system. Two new polyurethane systems, poly[(phenyl isocyanate)-co-formaldehyde] (PPIF)/triethanolamine (TEA) and PPIF/bisphenyl-1,1'-dimethanol (BPDM), mere designed to study the influence of cross-link density and monomer rigidity on electrical field poling of chromophore dipoles and relaxation behavior of poling-induced chromophore alignment. CLD-5/PPIF/TEA polymer has the highest cross-link density (3.07 mmol/g) among all the polyurethanes studied here. It gains 38 degreesC in thermal stability but loses 50% of EO activity as compared with the CLD-5/TDI/TEA polyurethane material, which has a cross-link density of 1.91 mmol/g. A higher EO coefficient (41 pm/V), lower optical loss of 2.56 dB/cm at 1.3 mum, and the highest dynamic stability (133 degreesC) were obtained for the CLD-5/PPIF/BPDM polyurethane EO material, which has the lowest cross-link density (1.27 mmol/g) and the most rigid monomers. The results indicate that excessive cross-linking deteriorates electric poling of long chromophores in a cross-linked polymer thin film. Therefore, crosslinking by itself is not necessarily a good approach to achieving high thermal stability of electrical field-induced chromophore alignment in polyurethane systems.
The corona poling process of electro-optic polymers has been investigated for rodlike aromatic polyimides doped with nonlinear optical chromophores. The dynamics of the chromophores in poling during and after imidization was observed by measuring second harmonic generation (SHG) from the polymer. In the course of poling during imidization, the SHG, observed before imidization, decreases to zero, reappears, and increases as the temperature increases. When poling was after imidization, the SHG intensity increased monotonically with increasing temperature. The disappearance of SHG in the poling during imidization is probably due to the known structural change in the polymer chains during imidization and the subsequent reorientation of the chromophores caused by formation of sheets of polyimides. The characteristics of the samples poled during and after imidization are nearly the same in both the extent of the nonlinear susceptibility and their thermal stability.
Recent progress in developing highly efficient nonlinear optical dendrimers and polymers for high-performance electro-optic (EO) devices has been reviewed. Our efforts are focused on using nanoscale architectural control to tailor the size, shape, conformation, and functionality of NLO chromophores and macromolecules and Studying their effects on poling efficiency. The structures of these materials vary from a 3-D-shaped dendritic chromophore, multifunctional dendrimers with the center core connected to NLO chromophores and crosslinkable functional groups at the periphery, to side-chain-dendronized NLO polymers. All the poling results from these systems have shown dramatically enhanced EO properties (a factor of 2-3) compared to conventional NLO polymers.
Fully conjugated π-expanded macrocyclic oligothiophenes with 60π–180π electron systems have been synthesized using modified McMurry coupling reaction as a key step. X-ray analyses of 60π and 72π systems revealed unique molecular and packing structures, reflecting planar cyclic structures with large inner cavities. All giant macrocycles exhibit multi-step reversible redox behavior with fairly low first oxidation potentials, reflecting their cyclic conjugation. Doping of macrocycles with iodine forms semiconductors owing to their π-donor properties and π–π stacking ability. Interestingly, 90π and 120π systems self-aggregate in the solid state to form red nanofibers. The structures of fibrous aggregates have been established by SEM and AFM analyses. Furthermore, two-photon properties of 72π, 108π, 144π, and 180π systems show that the increasing π-conjugation leads to an increase in the two-photon absorption cross-section with magnitudes as high as 100,000GM in the visible spectral region.
Using the single beam z-scan technique with 30 ps pulses at 532 nm (close to the linear absorption region) the values of real and imaginary part of third-order optical nonlinear susceptibility χ(3) in solutions of thiophene oligomers have been determined for different numbers of repeat units (n=2–6). The values of the real part of χ(3) were found to be negative, the contribution of each repeat unit to this value increases with increasing chain length. In solutions of dioxane (10−3 mol/ℓ) we measured n2 values in the order of 10−13 esu, whereas two-photon absorption coefficients of about 0.1 cm/GW were found.
We report the two-photon fluorescence excitation spectrum of poly(p-phenylenevinylene) over the energy range 1.1–2.0 eV. The onset for two-photon fluorescence excitation is at 1.3 eV with a strong peak near 1.475 eV. The peak locates the energy of the lowest even parity excited singlet at 2.95 eV, some 0.5 eV above the lowest dipole-allowed singlet transition (the fundamental ππ* absorption). This energetic ordering of excited states is in agreement with the predictions of theory and is consistent with the strong one-photon fluorescence seen for this polymer.
Mean field theory is used to calculate the temperature-composition phase diagram and component order parameters of binary nematic mixtures. Experimental values for the mixture order parameter of a binary nematic mixture close to the nematic/isotropic transition have been obtained from refractive index measurements. The experimental results qualitatively confirm the predictions of the theory.