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Quantum dots (QDs) for photonic applications
Prem Prabhakaran,1,2 Won Jin Kim,3 Kwang-Sup Lee,1,5, * and Paras N. Prasad3,4,5
Department of Advanced Materials, Hannam University, Daejeon 305-811, South Korea
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, Av. de la Physique, University Joseph Fourier,
Saint Martin d'Heres 38402, France
Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics, Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo,
The State University of New York, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA
Both authors contributed equally to this paper.
Abstract: Quantum dots and their chemical adaptation for various photonic
applications are presented in this review. The use of quantum dots as
photoactive components in many applications requires their combination
with other materials playing specific roles for separation and transport of
charge carriers. Achieving good interfaces between electronically matched
component materials is key to improved performance in photodetectors,
photovoltaics, electroluminescence application, etc.
©2012 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (230.5590) Quantum dots; (350.4238) Nanophotonics; (110.3960)
Microlithography; (040.5160) Photodetectors; (040.5150) Photoconductivity; (040.5350)
Photovoltaic; (160.5320) Photorefractive materials.
References and links
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1. Introduction
Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor nanocrystals which show extraordinary optical and
electrical properties due to quantum confined nature of their energy levels. For a given
material, the variation in optical properties of the QD stem from its size. Typically the size
ranges from a few nanometers to tens of nanometers. Such small dimensions are usually
smaller than the de Broglie wavelength of thermal electrons [1]. When QDs are photo excited,
the photogenerated electrons and holes are bound together because of quantum confinement,
and they are called excitons. The confined natures of QDs only enables limited pathways for
de-excitation of the carrier and give rise to slow cooling dynamics [2]. This allows the
extraction of electrical or chemical free energy from QDs, before they can relax to their lowest
electronic state. The rate of exciton multiplication becomes comparable to the rate of cooling;
this means that the slow cooling dynamics in QDs can give rise to an increased probability of
multiple exciton generation. This probability of multiple excitons per excitation has great
implications for photo-driven applications employing QDs [3–5]. Though the physics behind
this phenomenon has been well defined for quite some time, harnessing them for practical
applications on a larger scale has been difficult due to problems in large scale synthesis of
QDs and their subsequent processing to achieve good results. During the last decade, many
solution based methods have been investigated for the synthesis of QDs. The evolution of new
synthetic strategies for monodisperse, size tunable QDs from different materials has given rise
to their wide spread applications in imaging, electroluminescent devices, lasing, photonic
crystal structures etc [6–12]. The use of QDs in various applications also requires turning their
processibility with suitable functionalization strategies. Moreover, the carriers generated by
these materials upon electrical or optical stimulation, need to be separated and carried to a
suitable interface to complete the working of a device. This would require combining QDs
with other materials which would facilitate the delocalization of the excitons and the transport
of the separated electrons and/or holes.
In this review, we describe the synthesis of QDs, their functionalization, processing and
their combination with suitable materials to match the needs of various applications. Many of
our studies aim on improving the interfacial characteristics between QDs or between QDs and
other components in the active layers of different devices. The types of devices studied
involve photodetectors, photovoltaics, photorefractive and organic light emitting diodes
2. Materials
2.1. Synthesis of QDs
The PbSe, PbS, CdSe, CdSe@ZnS core-shell and CdTe QDs used for various applications
described in this review were synthesized by methods well established in literature. These
procedures are briefly summarized below.
(a) PbSe QDs: Lead oxide (PbO, 1.1 g, 5 mmol) and oleic acid (7.1 g, 25 mmol) were
added to trioctylamine (20 ml) under inert conditions and heated for 30 min at 155 °C. A clear
solution of soluble lead oleate was formed at the end of 30 min. The mixture was further
heated up to 180 °C and selenium (1 mol) in trioctylphosphine (10 ml) was added. The
solution was allowed to cool to 150 °C at which nucleation growth of PbSe nanocrystals
commences. The size of the quantum dots would depend on their time of withdrawal from the
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reaction mixture. The excess surfactants on the QDs were removed by repeated washing with
acetone [13,14].
(b) PbS: The synthesis of PbS quantum dots utilized the same principles followed in the
synthesis of PbSe QDs. Lead oxide (0.89g, 4 mmol) and oleic acid (3.56 g, 12.5 mmol) were
added to octadecene (20 ml) under inert argon atmosphere and heated (~155 °C) until PbO
was completely dissolved by the formation of soluble lead oleate. A previously prepared 1 M
solution of hexamethyl disilathiane (HMD) in octadecene was added to the reaction mixture
under inert conditions. The temperature was decreased to 120 °C, followed by further
injection of HMD giving a dark colored solution. The heating mantle was removed and the
reaction vessel was allowed to cool in order to facilitate the growth of quantum dots. The size
of the QDs was dependent on the growth time. The quantum dots were precipitated in polar
solvent, centrifuged and re-dispersed in chloroform. This process was repeated a few times to
remove the excess ligands [15,16].
(c) CdTe: For the synthesis of monodisperse CdTe quantum dots, cadmium oxide (0.4
mmol), trioctylphosphine oxide (22 g) and tetradecylphosphonic acid (TDPA) ligand (0.8
mmol) were mixed and heated to 300 °C to get a clear solution under inert argon atmosphere.
The solution was cooled to 270 °C and tellurium (0.5 mmol) dissolved in trioctylphosphine
oxide (2 g) was injected. The solution was cooled to 250 °C and maintained at that
temperature to aid the growth of CdTe QDs [17].
(d) CdSe: The procedure followed for the synthesis of CdSe QDs is similar to that of CdTe
(e) CdSe@ZnS core-shell: For the synthesis of CdSe@Zns QDs, cadmium oxide (0.4
mmol), zinc acetate, oleic acid (5.5 mL) and 1-octadecene (20 mL) were heated to 150 °C.
The mixture was degassed under 100 mtorr pressure for 20 min and further heated to 310 °C,
at which the solution turned optically clear due to the formation of cadmium oleate and zinc
oleate. To this, a pre-prepared solution of Se (0.4 mmol) and S (2.3 mmol) was added. The
mixture was allowed to grow at 310 °C for 5 min before removing the heating and subsequent
cooling to room temperature [20,21].
2.2. QDs with stimuli responsive ligands
(a) QDs with t-BOC terminated ligands: The synthesis of tert-butyl-N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-
carbamate (t-BOC) involved a ligand exchange reaction in which the stabilizing ligands of
QDs were replaced by t-BOC. Typically 5 ml (15 mg/ml in chloroform) of QDs (CdSe, PbSe
or CdTe) and t-BOC (3 ml) in a centrifuge tube were vigorously mixed in a vortex mixer for
two hours. The QDs were twice washed in methanol, centrifuged and re-dispersed in
chloroform. This simple treatment is adequate to completely replace the stabilizing ligand
from the QD synthesis with the functional t-BOC groups [19,22,23].
Fig. 1. The synthetic route of methacrylate functionalized photopatternable (CdSe@ZnS) QDs.
(b) QDs with methyl methacrylate (MMA) terminated ligands: The acrylate terminated
green CdSe@ZnS QD was accomplished by a two-step process in Fig. 1. The oleic acid
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1 May 2012 / Vol. 2, No. 5 / OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 581
ligands from the synthesis of CdSe@ZnS QDs were replaced by 11-mercapto-1-undecanol in
the first step. To accomplish this, 5 mg of oleic acid capped and 50 mg of 11-mercapto-1-
undecanol were added to a 1:1 mixture of ethanol and chloroform and sonicated for 3 hours.
QDs capped with 11-mercapto-1-undecanol were precipitated by the addition of 40 ml
chloroform. In the subsequent step, 20 mg of 11-mercapto-1-undecanol capped CdSe@ZnS
was dispersed in DMSO, followed by the addition of 100 µL of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl
methacrylate. The mixture was stirred at 50 °C for 6 hours and the resulting methacrylate
terminated nanocrystals were precipitated with chloroform and centrifuged. The QDs were
repeatedly washed with methanol and chloroform to remove excess ligands [21].
2.3. QD nanocomposites
As mentioned earlier, QDs are highly desirable materials for optically driven applications, due
to their well-defined energy levels. By changing the material that constitutes the QDs, and by
tuning the size of QDs of a particular material, it is possible to access energy from different
regions of the solar spectrum. Utilizing the versatility of QDs in practical photo-driven
devices requires design and material-strategies for exposing QDs to radiation, and extracting
the resulting carriers from them to achieve the desired application. In devices like OLEDs,
where quantum dots are employed to generate color, measures should be taken to address QD
films with voltages and to optimize their emission properties. Most devices contain an active
layer composed of either QDs or composites of QDs with other materials. For optimal
performance tuning, the interface between QDs and other active materials is really important.
(a) PbSe-pentacene-PVK nanocomposite: For applications in photodetection and
photovoltaics, QDs are combined with semiconductors to ensure better charge separation and
conduction dynamics. Pentacene is an organic semiconductor with some of the highest
reported hole mobilities in devices. Though this material is highly desirable, it has limitation
regarding solubility in common organic solvents. Solution processability is a much desired
quality in organic seimconductors, because it aids fabrication of devices without expensive
vacuum deposition processes. Solution processable thermally activated pentacene precursor
was prepared by the Diels-Alder reaction between pentacene and N-sulfinylamide in the
presence of catalytic amounts of methyltrioxorhenium, following a reported method [24]. To
make the pentacene precursor-poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK)-PbSe QD nanocomposite, the
first two components were dissolved in choloroform. Chloroform dispersions of oleic acid-
capped QDs were then added and the composite solution was homogenized by vigorous
stirring and ultrasonication. Films of this composite were heated at 200 °C to generate
pentacene from the pentacene precursor. The formation of pentacene in the composite was
confirmed through TGA and UV measurements of the composites [25].
(b) PbSe-pentacene-P3HT nanocomposite: PbSe QDs could also be combined with
polymeric semiconductors to boost transport and increase processability. Poly(3-hexyl
thiophene) or P3HT is widely employed in polymer-based solar cells, because of its excellent
hole transport with high mobility in the regioregular state 10−2~10−1 cm2/V·s. P3HT was
blended with PbSe QDs and the soluble pentacene precursor mentioned above, to give
photosensitive hybrid materials. The ambipolar nature of pentacene is exploited in this
composite where it acts as a conduction booster. Pentacene is generated by a post thermal
treatment of the composite films [26].
(c) Nanotube-QD hybrids: To prepare single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) with
surface carboxylation, 80 mg SWNT was stirred in 40 mL of H2SO4/HNO3 (3:1) solution for
24 hours at room temperature (RT). The reaction mixture was centrifuged and washed with
water several times to remove the excess acid. This was followed by the addition of N-(3-
dimethylaminopropyl)-N-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDAC) to SWNTs dispersed in
DMSO to activate the acid group. This is followed by addition of 500 mg of 2-
aminoethanethiol (AET) and stirring for 12 hours at RT. The resulting mixture was washed
with acetone and the precipitate was sonicated in chloroform to get a stable dispersion of thiol
functionalized SWNT (SWNT-SH). PbSe QDs containing oleic acid stabilizing ligands were
washed continuously with ethanol, followed by centrifugation, to remove some of the surface
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1 May 2012 / Vol. 2, No. 5 / OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 582
ligands. These QDs are then complexed with SWNT-SH by stirring in chloroform for 12
hours. Free PbSe was separated by centrifuging with microcentrifuge filters. The scheme for
this reaction is given in Fig. 2(a) [27].
Polypyrrole nanotubes (PPyNT) were functionalized with thiol groups following the same
procedure as above. The nanotubes are synthesized by a template assisted procedure which
yields nanotubes with carboxylic functionalization. The thiol functionalized PPyNTs obtained
after reaction with EDAC and AET in DMSO, are further complexed with PbSe QDs to get
PpyNT-PbSe, Fig. 2(b) [14].
Fig. 2. Scheme for synthesis of (a) SWNT-PbSe and (b) PPyNT-PbSe ((a) was redrawn from
[27] and (b) reprinted with permission from [14]).
3. Applications
Solution processability and patternability of QDs increase their potential for practical
applications. This property is highly favored by the industry because of its low cost.
Functionalization of QDs thermal/photo-active ligands enables a control of the interfacial
properties between the different active layers in thin film photonic devices by action of heat or
3.1. Photonic microstructures containing QDs
(a) QDs with t-BOC functional groups: The t-BOC functional groups in CdSe, CdTe and
PbSe QDs can be thermally or photochemically degraded to form microstructured films. For
photopatterning, 30 mg of nanocrystals and a photoacid generator (5 wt% versus NCs), di-
tert-butylphenyliodonium perfluorobutanesulfonate were dispersed in 1 mL chloroform and
spin casted on a glass plate. The spin casted film is exposed to UV light through a mask (254
nm, 390 µW/cm) for ten minutes followed by heating for 90 s at 100 °C [19]. The t-BOC
group undergoes a cleavage, when subjected to UV irradiation in the presence of a photo acid
generator (PAG) to release isobutene and carbon dioxide. Depending on the need of the
application, either the exposed regions (negative pattern) or the non-exposed regions (positive
pattern) could be developed from the exposed films by appropriate solvent selection. The
photo-exposed regions of the film are rendered hydrophilic due to the degradation of the t-
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1 May 2012 / Vol. 2, No. 5 / OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 583
BOC, the un-exposed regions remain hydrophobic. This solubility change in the QDs is the
basis of their patternablity. The un-exposed regions can be removed to obtain the negative
pattern by washing with hexane, whereas the exposed regions can be selectively removed to
obtain positive pattern by washing with acetone based solvents. The negative patterns
obtained from patterning t-BOC functionalized CdTe, CdSe and PbSe QDs is presented in
Figs. 3(a)-3(c). The physical properties of the QD s were also found to change with the
Fig. 3. Negative photopatterns of (a)-(c) CdTe, CdSe and PbSe QD respectively obtained by
UV photo-exposure through a mask in presence of a photoacid generator, inset of (a) shows 5
µm circles patterened from CdTe QDs (d) shows the structure of the MSM device (e) photo
response of MSM detector with increasing electric field, dark current (black line) corresponds
to the current when there is no illumination, the red broken lines represent the response of the
device containing un-exposed QD films under illumination, the blue dotted line show the
enhancement of photocurrent under illumination when the active QD layer is photocured
(Reprinted with permission from [19]).
chemical degradation of the outer ligands. The photoconductivity of CdTe was studied as
function of its ligands by designing a metal semiconductor metal (MSM) detector Fig. 3(d).
An active layer of t-BOC protected QD solutions were drop-casted on the device. The
resulting dark current of the device was measured followed by photocurrent measurements
before and after UV exposure. It was found that for any given device, the dark current remains
very low, but the devices with the UV exposed QDs showed photoconductivity values at least
an order of magnitude greater than those that were not exposed, Fig. 3(e). Thus the QDs
functionalized with amine terminated ligands, obtained after UV exposure, are better suited
for optoelectronic devices because of their better charge transport properties.
(b) QDs with methacrylate functionalization: Green colored core-shell CdSe@ZnS QDs
with methacrylate functional groups can be easily patterned on to different substrates by spin
coating and UV exposure. These materials follow a photo-induced radical polymerization of
the methacrylate groups as well as the thermal crosslinking of the inner siloxane moieties. The
hybrid nature of the groups in the ligands makes them compatible to both organic and
inorganic substrates. The methacrylate groups make the material compatible for plastic
substrates, whereas the siloxane groups adapt them for inorganic substrates. To make 2-D
patterns of the material, a solution containing 148 mg/ml of photopatternable QDs (PPQDs) in
methanol was spin coated (the spin-coating step was characterized by 500 rpm for 5 s, 2000
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rpm for 20 s, 500 rpm for 5 s) on a cleaned ITO substrate. The film was baked at 90 °C for 1.5
min, followed by exposure through a photomask using broad spectrum UV source 300-400
nm with a power of 33.2 mw/cm2 at 360 nm. A negative pattern of the photo-crosslinked QDs
could be obtained on developing the films in ethanol. Using the same method, this material
could be patterened on a flexible PET substrate in Figs. 4(a)-4(b).
The fluorescence properties of the PPQDs were found to increase two orders of magnitude
on irradiation. Transmission electron microscopy of the photocured films revealed a
densification of the PPQD films on irradiation. Similar trends were seen in the case of
electroluminescence properties, which were investigated by fabricating an organic light
emitting diode (OLED) with the green PPQD active layer. The device constituted a five
layered geometry. In the device, the conducting polymer PEDOT forms the hole injection
layer and tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum(III) (Alq3) forms the electron transport layer
(ETL). The device performance is summarized in Figs. 4(c)-4(d). The OLED device, with the
photocured QD layer, showed maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 0.62% at 588
cd/m2, whereas the uncured device shows an EQE of 0.53% at 703 cd/m2.
These QDs could be easily incorporated in to a photopatternable resin and used to
fabricate three-dimensional polymeric structures embedded with green QDs. Such structure
could find use in applications such as photonic crystals and optical filters [10,11]. A scanning
electron microscope image of a QD embedded polymeric microstructure, along with a
confocal microscope image of the QD embedded microstructure are presented in Figs. 4(e)-
4(f) [21].
3.2. Photodetectors, photoconductors and photovoltaics
This section describes recent results on simple methods to produce QD-based photonic
devices by means of bottom-up processes. Specific focus is directed towards approaches to
produce optoelectronic and electronic devices using various semiconducting nanocrystals/
polymer composites. Details on technological aspects concerning QD-based devices together
with practical examples will be discussed in this section.
Semiconductor nanocrystals (QDs) have attracted much attention since the NCs possess
unique, often size-dependent properties associated with magnetic, photonic, chemical, and
electrical behavior, which are different from the properties in their respective bulk materials,
enabling various applications in optoelectronics. For applications in optoelectronic devices
discussed here, the electronic properties of their constituents need to be compatible to each
other. This particularly applies to the positions of the conduction and valence band energy
levels, which determine their redox potentials. In the case of NCs, their principal
optoelectrical properties can be tuned over a wide range by changing not only their size, but
also by varying the shape, due to the quantum confinement [1].
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Fig. 4. (a) and (b) show the patterning of PPQDs on ITO glass and flexible PET substrate
respectively, the patterns are excited at 365 nm, the prominent fluorescence of the PET film in
this region of the spectrum causes the green fluorescent QD patterns to appear blue. (c) The EL
efficiency of an electroluminescent device fabricated with photopatternable QDs stabilized by
methacrylate terminated ligands: there is an increase in EL intensity of the device when the QD
layer is photocured during device fabrication, the inset shows the structure of the fabricated
device. (d) the normalized emission intensity of the device whose QDs layer is photocured and
that with QD layer containing no photocuring. There is a clear distinction between the green
emissions of the QD and that of ETL material tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum(III) (Alq3)
as shown in inset 1, the second inset shows the picture of a working device. (e) shows the
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a polymeric pattern embedded with PPQDs (f)
the confocal microscopy image PPQD embedded polymeric structures (Reprinted with
permission from [21]).
Thus, these tunable optical and electrical properties make it possible to apply QDs into
various optoelectronic devices, such as light-emitting diodes [28,29], photodetectors
[25,30,31], field-effect transistors [32], photovoltaic cells [33–37], and photorefractives [38].
In addition, QD-based devices have a number of advantages including an easy fabrication
process (all solution process), lightweight, low costs, and flexible substrate capability.
Therefore, semiconductor nanocrystals can hardly be equaled by other systems in terms of
design flexibility.
To date, there have been significant improvements in the development of semiconductor
NCs to meet increasing demand for potentially low cost and high performance optoelectronic
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devices [39]. We have recently demonstrated IR sensitization using QD-based photodetectors
and improvement of the efficiency of nanocrystal/polymer composite devices by the
incorporation of mobility enhancing pentacene [25]. Figure 5(a) shows the photocurrent
density of a PVK/PbSe device fabricated on top of an ITO coated glass substrate. The infrared
active thin film photodetector device was fabricated from a nanocomposite of poly(N-
vinylcarbazole) (PVK), monodispersed PbSe QDs, and soluble precursor of the organic
semiconductor pentacene by using solution processing. The measured photocurrent densities
as a function of the applied bias for devices with the increasing amount of pentacene are
shown in Fig. 5(a). The asymmetry of the I-V curves is due to the difference in the work
function of two electrodes which are ITO (~4.8 eV) and aluminum (~4 eV).The photocurrent
increases significantly by means of an increase in pentacene/PVK ratio in the composite
device. The devices with equal amounts of PVK and pentacene (containing ~25 wt % of PbSe
QDs) show the best performance. The enhancement in photocurrent is more than eight times
in the given conditions (PVK:pentacen:PbSe QD = 37.5:37.5:25 by wt.%).
We extend the above mentioned mobility booster strategy to solar cell application to
demonstrate an improvement in the photovoltaic performance in the IR region [40]. Figure
5(b) shows the current density–voltage characteristics of a poly(3-hexylthiophene)
(P3HT):PbSe: pentacene device fabricated on the top of an ITO coated glass substrate. The
photovoltaic response studies show that the photovoltaic performance is significantly
increased by this mobility boosting strategy.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. (a) Photocurrent density as a function of pentacene concentration at the operating
wavelength of 1340 nm. The brackets indicate the ratio of PVK to pentacene. (b) Current
density–voltage curves display the performance of the photovoltaic device with pentacene
(triangles) and without pentacene (circles) under AM 1.5G Solar Simulator (60 mW/cm
). Inset
I-V curves indicate near infrared photocurrent response of the same devices, when the devices
illuminated with IR part of the solar spectrum by placing a 750 nm long pass filter (Reprinted
with permission from [25,40]).
In a PbSe:P3HT:pentacene (54:23:23 wt%) device, especially, both the short circuit
current density (Isc) and the open circuit voltage (Voc) increased by two times, suggesting that
the π-stacked ordered geometry of pentacene provides highly conducting domains in the
device. In other words, the improved performance of the device is attributed to pentacene that
can boost the mobility of the charge carriers in the composite device. The ability to harness
the IR part of the solar spectrum is illustrated in the inset of Fig. 5(b). We have placed a long
pass filter with cut off at 750 nm to harness only the IR portion of light so that the
photosensitization is caused only by the PbSe QDs. The resulting current-voltage curves (Fig.
5 inset) clearly indicated that the IR response of the device is boosted by adding a pentacene.
Although the device shows improved performance, the resulting power conversion efficiency
is fairly low. One major reason for the lower efficiency is that the as-prepared PbSe QDs are
surrounded by long alkyl chain ligands such as oleic acid (OA). These long alkyl chain
ligands are known to act as an electrically insulating layer (1–2 nm) that interrupts efficient
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charge transfer [32–34,41]. Thus, replacing them with shorter ligands would be beneficial for
electrical applications. To overcome this issue, several chemical treatment techniques have
been developed to improve the electronic properties of QDs [32,34,41]. For example,
Alivisatos and associates demonstrated a significant enhancement of the photovoltaic
performance using CdSe nanorods/P3HT by means of pyridine treatment of CdSe nanorods
As an alternative to this approach, we have investigated an in situ ligand exchange method
to replace the original ligand on PbS in the fabricated composite films [16]. To demonstrate in
situ ligand exchange of the device, the PbS:P3HT film was immersed into acetic acid solution
(0.01 M in acetonitrile) and incubated for 30 min, and then the film was washed by excess
acetonitrile and was dried at 150 °C for 10 min. We demonstrated a considerable
improvement of the photovoltaic performance by the in situ acetic acid treatment of the
composite device to end up with acetic acid capped PbS nanocrystals. Resulting I-V curves are
displayed in Fig. 6(a). Specifically, the acetic acid treated devices show an increased
performance in the short circuit current (Isc) (approximately two-orders of magnitude)
compared to that of the untreated device; as a result, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) is
increased by more than 100 times. This result clearly demonstrated that replacing long alkyl
chain ligands with shorter ligands by in situ chemical treatment plays a key role in improving
the photovoltaic performance. In addition, transient decay of photoluminescence study
indicated that in situ chemical treatment provide better charge transfer by improving the
interfacial contact between P3HT and PbS QDs which results in a decrease in
photoluminescence of P3HT.
Fig. 6. (a) Current-Voltage curve displays improved photovoltaic response of the photovoltaic
devices consisting of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PbS (10:90 wt %)/Al due to post chemical
treatment and (b) time-resolved photoluminescence showing improved charge transfer
(Reprinted with permission from [16]).
In addition to the post-chemical treatment approach, we have developed a method to
fabricate QD-based photovoltaic cells with improved optoelectronic properties using quantum
nanocrystals possessing thermally cleavable t-BOC ligands which can be eliminated by gentle
heat treatment [23]. This thermal deprotection concept can lead to a change in the structure
and, in consequence, to a change in the physical properties of the ligand which fully protects
and covers the NCs. We have demonstrated a relative improvement in composite photovoltaic
cells (P3HT:CdSe NCs) by simple heat treatment of the device at 200 °C in order to eliminate
the thermally cleavable t-BOC ligands from the CdSe nanocrystals. In a P3HT:CdSe (10: 90
wt%) device, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) was enhanced by almost two orders of
magnitude as a consequence of enhancement in the short circuit-current density (Jsc) which is
about 61 times (Fig. 7(a)). Several conditions were tested by varying the P3HT:CdSe ratio in
order to optimize the device performance, and a ratio of 10:90 by wt% revealed the best result.
Subsequently, the heat treatment temperature was varied systematically to obtain the best
performance and 240 °C was found to produce the optimum result (Fig. 7(b)). On the other
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1 May 2012 / Vol. 2, No. 5 / OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 588
Fig. 7. (a) Current density-voltage curves display enhanced photovoltaic response by heat
treatment of the photovoltaic devices consisting of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:CdSe-t-BOC
(10:90 wt %)/Al. The inset shows the schematic diagram of the thermal deprotection process.
(b) Summary of device performance in the same device structures as a function of different
heating temperatures for t-BOC deprotection (Reprinted with permission from [23]).
hand, we observed gradual changes in Voc when the devices annealed at high temperature.
This is probably due to the phase transition of P3HT because the melting point of P3HT was
previously reported to be in the range of 230–240 °C [42]. This result clearly shows that the
simple and straightforward ligand deprotection strategy can dramatically enhance the
photovoltaic performance as a result of better charge transport between the closer packed
nanocrystals. Since the thermal deprotection could endow totally different solubility of
nanocrystals, the modified NCs can be used in multilayered device fabrication for further
photovoltaic device applications.
QDs have been shown to generate multiple excitons from a single high energy photon (> 3
times of bandgap of the nanocrystal). There have been numerous reports of carrier
multiplication from the QDs such as PbSe, PbS, InAs, and Si by using transient absorption
spectroscopy [43,44]. We have recently demonstrated that multiple carrier extraction is
possible from a photoconductor fabricated using PbSe QDs, as shown in Fig. 8(a) [45]. In that
work a thin film of PbSe nanocrystals is deposited on top of an ITO contact on a glass
substrate. The PbSe nanocrystal layer is treated with hydrazine to improve the interparticle
charge transfer (resulting in drastic increases in film conductivity) [32]. Subsequently,
aluminum electrodes are deposited onto the PbSe film to produce a photoconductor. As shown
in Fig. 8(b), we observed a multiplication of 200% at a photon energy of 4.5 times the
bandgap energy of the PbSe QDs. Most importantly for this research, theoretical calculations
show that QDs can increase the power conversion efficiency (PCE) by more than 32% when
compared to the conventional materials [46,47].
Kim, et al. (E
= 0.7 eV PbSe)
Ellingson, et al. (E
= 0.71 eV)
Shaller, et al. (E
= 0.9 eV)
Normalized Extracted Electrons/Photon
Normalized Generated Excitons/Photon
Fig. 8. (a) Representative absorption spectra of synthesized PbSe nanocrystals. (b) Device
structure of a photoconductor and SEM image of the PbSe thin films. (c) Normalized extracted
electrons/photon for the photoconductor reported recently by our group, plotted with the
normalized generated excitons/photon reported by the Nozik and Klimov groups (Reprinted
with permission from [45]).
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To date, the reported power conversion efficiencies of hybrid solar cells using nanocrystal
QDs are relatively low. Since the QDs show multiple exciton generation (MEG), however,
there is still great opportunity in using QDs as a light absorber for photovoltaic devices. We
have demonstrated hybrid inorganic/organic tandem cell structure that consist of a PbSe
photoconductor layer and a polymer (P3HT:PCBM) bulk hetero-junction solar cell as shown
in Fig. 9(a) [26]. The lower polymer cell supplies an electric field to extract carriers from the
PbSe photoconductor when the device is illuminated. By using light bias spectral response
measurements, the extracted carriers were measured as a function of wavelength and enhanced
extraction due to carrier multiplication which was demonstrated in the UV. This device
structure has several advantages: i) all solution-based processing; ii) UV protection of the
polymer cell by the PbSe layer; and iii) the multifunctional PbSe nanocrystal layer also
provides MEG in the UV. Figure 9(b) shows the resulting differences in device lifetime under
intense UV illumination. The normalized short circuit current is plotted as a function of time
under continuous illumination from AM 1.5G radiation. After 13 hours, a mercury UV lamp
was added to the system to further accentuate the degradation due to the UV illumination. The
tandem cell with the upper protective layer has a noticeably longer device lifetime [48].
Top Cell Bottom Cell
All Polymer
Normalized J
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) Hybrid tandem solar cell consisting of a PbSe nanocrystal thin film and an organic
(P3HT:PCBM) solar cell. Band energy alignment is shown on the top. (b) Comparison of a
polymer solar cell to the hybrid tandem solar cell under intense UV illumination. Optimization
of the PbSe layer will result in higher efficiencies and longer lifetimes (Reprinted with
permission from [26,48]).
Semiconducting nanotubes such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and polymeric nanotubes are
promising candidates for developing next-generation photovoltaics. There have been
significant improvements in the development of nanotube-based photovoltaic devices to
enhance the device performance. We have also demonstrated IR sensitization using quantum
dots/polymer nanocomposite and improvement of the efficiency of the nanocomposite devices
by the incorporation of QD-tethered carbon nanotubes as a conduction booster [14,27].
Quantum dots (PbSe) were tethered to nanotubes with a view or improving the charge
separation dynamics in the devices. The high electrical conductivity of single walled CNTs
(SWNT) are used to achieve efficient extraction of carriers from PbSe QDs, the conduction
boosting polymer PVK mixed in to the composites aids further conductivity in the
nanocomposites. The photocurrent densities (at an excitation wavelength 1340 nm) from the
studied photodetector devices containing different nanocomposites as active layers are shown
in Fig. 10(a).
The structure of the photodetector device is shown in the inset of Fig. 10(a). It is seen that
the photocurrent density increases with the applied bias for the (PbSe-SWNT)-PVK
nanocomposites with increasing amounts of PbSe-SWNT. This trend was found to peak for
nanocomposites containing 20 wt% CNT-QD. Pure PVK has a negligible absorption at
wavelengths longer than 370 nm, and no photoresponse was obtained on 1340 nm excitation
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with only PVK. The efficiency of light harvesting, charge separation and conduction in (20
wt% PbSe-SWNT)-PVK nanocomposites compared to a nanocomposite containing 20 wt%
PbSe-PVK could be seen in Fig. 10(a). The external quantum efficiency of the (20 wt% PbSe-
SWNT)-PVK c.a. 2.6% which was a 100% enhancement on the value showed by devices
containing 20 wt% PbSe-PVK (c.a. 1.2%).
Fig. 10. (a) The I–V characteristics of PbSe-QD/PVK as well as SWNT–PbSe/PVK devices in
the dark and under illumination, illustrating the enhancement of photocurrent in the IR region
with increasing percentage content of SWNT–PbSe. Inset: structure of the IR photodetector
device employed in this study, (b) I–V characteristics of PPyNT-PbSe (Reprinted with
permission from [14,27]).
In a similar way to QD-coupled carbon nanotube, an alternative method for the fabrication
of QDs-conjugated polypyrrole nanotubes (PPyNTs) was developed and the ability to use
them in photovoltaic was demonstrated [14]. The PbSe NCs to be used as a p-type
semiconductor were tethered onto polypyrrole nanotubes by covalent bonding and
successfully fabricated in photovoltaic device geometry. We experimentally demonstrated the
photovoltaic effect of the P3HT:PbSe-PPyNTs structure, with the open-circuit voltage (Voc) of
around 0.45 V and the short-circuit current (Isc) of 2.4 A/cm2. Note that this is a preliminary
result and we are currently optimizing the device. Figure 10(b) shows the current density–
voltage characteristics of a P3HT:PbSe-PPynTs device fabricated on the top of an ITO coated
glass substrate.
3.3. Photorefractive devices
Photorefractive materials have applications in reversible memories and volume phase
holograms [49,50]. Polymer QD nanocomposites have been tried out as photorefractive
materials before [38]. Although QDs have excellent optical properties such composites have
limited applicability due to their poor conductivity. The poor electrical property of QD
composite films is partly due to a limited contact between QDs arising from the long alkyl
ligands used for stabilizing the nanoparticles during synthesis. The ligand exchange strategies
during device fabrication were found to show positive effect on the eventual device
performances. We fabricated a photorefractive device constituting three charge transport
polymers poly (N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK), N-ethylcarbazole (ECZ), and 4-(N,N-diethylamino)-
b-nitrostyrene (DEANST), together with t-BOC protected PbS QDs [22]. The solution
processability of the QDs aids the formation of good films and the thermal cleavable nature of
t-BOC groups are utilized to create an in situ degradation of the ligands on the QDs leading to
an improvement in properties. Heat treatment at 200 °C leads to the degradation of the t-BOC
groups to form shorter amine terminated ligands. Photorefractivity was studied using a two-
beam coupling (TBC) experiment shown in Fig. 11(a).
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Fig. 11. (a) Two beam coupling (TBC) experiments for studying the photorefractive effect of t-
BOC functionalized PbS QD polymer nanocomposites (b) shows the variation of two beam
coupling gain coefficient Γ with increasing electric field. Diamond markers represent the data
for oleic acid stabilized PbS QDs, circular markers show that of t-BOC functionalized QDs
treated at 100 °C, and the triangular markers represent the values obtained for t-BOC
functionalized QDs treated at 200 °C. There is marked improvement in the gain coefficient
with the thermal degradation of the QDs at 200 °C. (Reprinted with permission from [22].)
The measurement of TBC inside a photorefractive sample, verifying an effective energy
transfer between the two beams inside the photorefractive sample, is give in Fig. 11(b). The
extent of energy transfer is defined by the TBC gain coefficient, Γ. From the Fig. 11(b), Γ of
the composite sample with the t-BOC deprotected PbS QD annealed at 200 °C, is much higher
than that of the sample with the t-BOC PbS annealed at 100 °C, and the sample with the OA
PbS. This should be due to the higher charge transport efficiency, similar to the trend showed
in Fig. 3(e). A TBC measurement conducted on a polymer only sample as a control
experiment, showed negligible energy exchange under 1310 nm excitation, verifying that the
PbS QDs were responsible for photoinduced charge generation in the composite device at
1310 nm. For practical applications Γ should exceed the measured optical loss α. The device
containing QDs thermally cured at 200 °C has a net gain coefficient of Γ-α = 85.2 cm−1. This
is one of the best values reported for net gain at the operation wavelength 1310 nm for PR
composite devices.
4. Conclusions
The results from different studies summarized in the article would serve to demonstrate that
QD based photonic devices can be improved by enhancing the charge separation and carrier
dynamics in these devices. This is optimally achieved by ensuring good electronic match
between the interacting components and turning the interactions between various components
constituting the devices. The influence of nanotubes, small molecule organic semiconductors,
as well as polymers in improvement of charge separation and carrier dynamics has been
investigated. The effect of surface functionalization of QDs on the performance of devices
was also explored. Generally, shorter ligands led to better interfacial characteristics and
transport. The improved performance is also due to a better contact between the QDs
functionalized by shorter ligands in the case of applications like photorefractivity, where
conductivity of QDs is important. This is also true for photodetectors fabricated from QDs
functionalized with photocleavable ligands. Photopolymerization and the resultant
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1 May 2012 / Vol. 2, No. 5 / OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 592
densification led to increased fluorescence and electroluminescent properties in the case of
photocrosslinkable QDs. The principles evolved and materials synthesized during the study of
various applications present a tool box for the design of new devices, these studies also frames
the problems to be addressed to obtain devices with excellent performance.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DMR0702372), the
Mid-career Researcher Program (No. 2010-0000499), and the Active Polymer Center for
Patterned Integration (ERC R 11-2007-050-01002-0) of the National Research Foundation of
Korea. One of us, K.-S. Lee, would like to thank the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and
Development (AOARD), Air Force Office of Scientific Research, USA, for their support.
Both authors Prem Prabhakaran and Won Jin Kim contributed equally to this work.
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Received 21 Feb 2012; revised 4 Apr 2012; accepted 5 Apr 2012; published 10 Apr 2012
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1 May 2012 / Vol. 2, No. 5 / OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 593
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