
Bevölkerungsrepräsentative Normierung der Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeit

  • University of Leipzig, Germany
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Zusammenfassung. Für die Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung von Jerusalem und Schwarzer steht eine Normierung anhand einer repräsentativen deutschen Bevölkerungsstichprobe bisher aus. Im Jahr 2001 wurde eine bevölke-rungsrepräsentative Erhebung (N = 2019; Alter: 16–95 Jahre) durchgeführt, bei welcher neben der Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung auch andere Fragebögen eingesetzt wurden: Gießener Beschwerdebogen, Systems of Belief Inventory, Portraits Values Questionnaire und Resilience Scale. Die eindimensionale Struktur der Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung wurde bestätigt. Männer und jüngere Personen haben höhere Mittelwerte als Frauen und ältere Personen. Unter Validierungsgesichtspunkten ist die Nähe zur Resilienzskala (r = .68) hervorzuheben. Es werden Normwerte in Form von T-Werten und Prozenträngen mitgeteilt. Schlüsselwörter: Skala zur Allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, Normierung, Standardisierung, bevölkerungsrepräsenta-tive Stichprobe Standardization of the General Self-Efficacy Scale in the German population Abstract. For the General Self-Efficacy Scale developed by Jerusalem and Schwarzer there are no norm values available based on a representative German sample. In 2001, a representative investigation was conducted (N = 2019, age: 16–95 years) which contained the following questionnaires: General Self-Efficacy Scale, Giessen Complaints List, Systems of Belief Inventory , Portraits Values Questionnaire, und Resilience Scale. The one-dimensional structure of the Self-Efficacy Scale was confirmed. Age and gender effects were detected: Males and younger examinees show higher mean values than women and older examinees. The correlation to the Resilience Scale (r = .68) is rather high. Norm values as percentile ranks and T-values are reported.

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... Wenn man sich allerdings die Daten der Skala zur Erfassung der allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung anschaut, fällt auf, dass die Werte der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer mit ASD, die an der vorliegenden Studie teilgenommen haben, deutlich unter dem Durchschnitt der Allgemeinbevölkerung liegen (vgl. Hinz et al., 2006). Die Autorinnen und Autoren einer deutschen Normierungsstudie weisen darauf hin, dass Menschen mit einer hohen allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung meist auch eine geringere Belastung im Alltag und auch weniger Beschwerden auf psychischer und somatischer Ebene haben (Hinz et al., 2006;Schumacher et al., 2005). ...
... Hinz et al., 2006). Die Autorinnen und Autoren einer deutschen Normierungsstudie weisen darauf hin, dass Menschen mit einer hohen allgemeinen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung meist auch eine geringere Belastung im Alltag und auch weniger Beschwerden auf psychischer und somatischer Ebene haben (Hinz et al., 2006;Schumacher et al., 2005). Da Menschen mit ASD in der Regel einen relativ hohen Leidensdruck aufweisen und im Alltag mit vielen Herausforderungen konfrontiert sind (was man auch an den nur moderaten Lebenszufriedenheits-Score Menschen mit ASD zu sein scheinen (Casagrande et al., 2020;Parsons, 2015). ...
... Bedürfnissen auf (Büssing, 2021c;Büssing et al., 2018b Büssing et al., 2017;Büssing et al., 2005a). Somit scheint also Herausforderungen eigenständig bewältigen zu können (Hinz et al., 2006;Jerusalem & Schwarzer, 2014;Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995;Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1999) Leben befasst (Büssing, 2021b;Büssing et al., 2010;Büssing et al., 2018b) Williams White et al., 2007;Wolstencroft et al., 2023). ...
... Für den Faktor Alter zeigt sich eine ähnliche Studienlage. Es existieren Studien die keinen Alterseffekt berichteten (Schmitz und Schwarzer 2002) und Studien die eine kontinuierliche Abnahme der allgemeinen SWE über die untersuchten Altersgruppen hinweg beschreiben (Hinz et al. 2006). ...
... Um diese Werte einordnen zu können wurden, aufgrund fehlender verbindlicher Cut-off-Werte, die Daten der Normstichproben zur Interpretation herangezogen. Für die allgemeine SWE wurden die Werte mit der Normstichprobe von Auszubildenden und Fachkräften verschiedener Berufsfelder (M = 2,94, SD = 0,54, n = 2019; Hinz et al. 2006) verglichen. Im Mittelwertvergleich sind sowohl die Mittelwerte der Fachkräfte der Kinder-und Jugendhilfe (t (2265) = 4,82, p < 0,01) als auch die der Kinderund Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut*innen (t (2075) = 2,38, p < 0,05) signifikant höher ausgefallen. ...
... Wie bei Schmitz und Schwarzer (2002) gibt es auch in dieser Kohorte keine systematischen Kovariationen der allgemeinen aber auch der berufsbezogenen SWE mit dem Geschlecht und Alter der Fachkräfte. Für die Variable Alter konnte im Vergleich zu Hinz et al. (2006), für die Fachkräfte der Kinder-und Jugendhilfe sogar ein gegenläufiger Trend, eine kontinuierliche Zunahme der allgemeinen und berufsbezogenen SWE über das Alter hinweg gezeigt werden. Weitere Studien sollten die Veränderung der SWE über die Lebensspanne, unter Berücksichtigung der relevanten Entwicklungsbedingungen, systematisch untersuchen. ...
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Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie beschreibt und vergleicht im Rahmen einer quantitativen Erhebung die Merkmale und Ausprägungen von Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen. Des Weiteren stellt sie Zusammenhänge zu den Burnout-Symptomen bei Fachkräften der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe und Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie her. Die Erhebung der Daten erfolgte anhand einer Online-Umfrage mit den Skalen zur allgemeinen und berufsbezogenen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung sowie dem Maslach Burnout Inventar. Die Stichprobe setzte sich aus 248 Fachkräften der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe und 58 Fachkräften der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie zusammen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine hohe allgemeine und berufsbezogene Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung der untersuchten Fachkräfte. Gleichzeitig ergaben sich Hinweise für das Vorliegen eines mittelgradigen Burnout-Syndroms. Hierbei waren primär die Dimensionen emotionale Erschöpfung und Depersonalisierung betroffen. Es konnten zudem geringe bis moderate Zusammenhänge zwischen hohen Ausprägungen in den Selbstwirksamkeits-Dimensionen und einer niedrigen Ausprägung in den Burnout-Skalen gezeigt werden. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die allgemeinen und die berufsbezogenen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen signifikante Prädiktoren für die drei Dimensionen des Burnout-Syndroms darstellen. Mit den vorliegenden Ergebnissen bietet die Studie erste Ansatzpunkte, um berufsfeldspezifische Präventions- und Interventionsmaßnahmen zu entwickeln.
... There is some evidence that grit and general self-efficacy are correlated positively with resilience. Studies showed a positive correlation between RS-13 and GSE on a representative German sample (Hinz et al., 2006;Schumacher et al., 2004). Some studies have identified gender differences in general self-efficacy or resilience while using an adolescent sample. ...
... Furthermore, female adolescents have greater general self-efficacy than male (Gnilka & Novakovic, 2017;Jenkins et al., 2002). In contrast, Hinz et al. (2006) shows higher GSE values for male subjects in a representative German sample. No gender difference within grit could be found (Duckworth & Quinn, 2009). ...
... to .91 in these countries (Scholz et al., 2002). German surveys showed an internal consistency between .80 and .91 (Hinz et al., 2006;Schwarzer & Jerusalem 2003). Regarding Criteria validity, numerous correlations have been discovered (Schwarzer & Warner, 2013). ...
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Background: The present study examined the extent to which grit, self-efficacy, and resilience are present in newly immigrated adolescents and how they differ from the norm population. The data was also examined for gender differences and correlations with the variables. Methods: The study examined newly immigrated adolescents (n=55) while using RS-13 (Resilience Scale), GSE (General Self-efficacy Scale) and the Grit-Scale. Furthermore, sociodemographic variables like age, religion and gender were collected. The study variables were self-reported and t-tests, asymptotic Mann-Whitney- U -Test and Bravais-Pearson correlation analysis were performed. Results: The participants showed a lower score regarding grit and general self-efficacy compared to the norm population, but they exhibited a higher resilience-score. Female participants demonstrated a lower resilience-score than male participants. Male participants showed lower general self-efficacy compared to female participants. There were no gender differences with regard to grit. The data revealed a negative correlation between resilience and grit and resilience and general self-efficacy.
... Male students reported lower self-efficacy ratings than their female counterparts before engaging in service learning and the overall decrease in self-efficacy was greater in male than in female students (Stewart and Alrutz 2014). This contradicts findings from studies in which men reported higher general selfefficacy scores than women (Hinz et al. 2006;Reeb et al. 2010;Stewart 2008). However, Weiler et al. (2013) found no link between gender and students' self-efficacy. ...
... Internal consistency in the present study was good with Cronbach's alpha between .83 and .85 at all assessments. To interpret the results, we compared sum scores to German norms (Hinz et al. 2006). ...
... The difference between T1 and T2 can be attributed to feedback; the difference between T2 and T3 can be attributed to engaging in service learning. Significant gender differences regarding self-efficacy ratings are known (Hinz et al. 2006); thus, analyses were conducted for males and females by including gender as a dichotomous dummy variable. All analyses were conducted using R (version 3.3.1). ...
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Engaging in service learning has been linked to multiple positive outcomes in students, such as an increase in self-efficacy. Effects have been found on both general and domain-specific self-efficacy. Research on service learning has indicated that feedback and gender had an impact on the increase in self-efficacy, though findings are mixed. The present study aimed to determine how service learning experiences at a university can be optimally designed to boost college students’ self-efficacy, while examining the effects of feedback and gender on general and teaching self-efficacy. Over 2 years, 267 bachelor’s students in psychology (Mage = 23.08 years, SD = 3.61; 80.5% female) conducted modularized prevention programs in the context of mental health at primary and secondary schools. Students rated their general and teaching self-efficacy before (T1), during (T2), and after (T3) conducting the program. The results indicate a positive effect of engaging in service learning on students’ general (d = 0.30) and teaching (d = 0.68) self-efficacy from T1 to T3 with significant increases only in female students, and after receiving feedback. Engaging in service learning reduced gender-specific differences in self-efficacy. Feedback increased general and teaching self-efficacy. Female students seemed to benefit more than male students.
... It has a predictive influence on the treatment outcome of inpatient psychosomatic therapies (Fliege et al., 2002) and on the effectiveness of coaching (Page & de Haan, 2016). Studies show that it is lower among older age groups and women (Hinz et al., 2006). According to Baron and Morin (2010), self-efficacy expectations can be strengthened through coaching. ...
... The German population-representative norm values of the self-efficacy scale postulate a higher level of expression in men (Hinz et al., 2006). In addition, Bombari et al. (2017) found that the effect of power poses on self-efficacy was higher in men than in women. ...
... Furthermore, interaction with horses is characterised by a stress-and anxiety-reducing effect (Julius et al., 2017), which can also have a positive influence on self-efficacy, as these are increased by a reduction in stress (Bandura, 1994). Gender-specific characteristics of self-efficacy correspond to the standardised mean values of the self-efficacy scale, according to which male persons have a higher self-efficacy than women (Hinz et al., 2006). Mean values of participants in the intervention group are above the normal values postulated by Hinz et al. (2006) at both measurement times. ...
Although both power posing and equine-assisted coaching have received growing attention in recent years and accordingly attract more research, intensive scientific debate is still young. This study investigates the impact of power posing and inner images in terms of imagination on self-efficacy in the setting of horse-assisted coaching using a quasi-experimental test design with repeated measures. Participants (N = 149), aged between 16 and 78 years (M = 29.38, SD = 13.12, 80% female), belonged either to the intervention group (N = 62) or the control group (N = 87). Intervention group subjects received a horse-assisted coaching with power posing exercises. Self-efficacy was measured two times by using the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale and dispositional optimism was assessed using the revised version of the Life Orientation Test. Results show a highly significant increase in self-efficacy and dispositional optimism through a horse-assisted coaching with power posing exercises. The change in the self-efficacy represents a strong effect. Gender and horse experience of the subjects (intervention group) did not significantly influence the change of the selfefficacy between the measuring points. Long-term effects and the different factors of action in equine-assisted coaching, which has hardly been researched so far, as well as gender- and age-specific differences should be examined more closely in follow-up studies. Implications for practitioners statement • The findings of the study support the use of power posing exercises and inner images in horse-assisted coaching practice. • Horse-assisted coaching can demonstrably empower clients using the exercises presented in the study, given that it is carried out by coaches with a professional background. • Horse-assisted coaching has the potential to enable clients to develop their self-efficacy and dispositional optimism.
... After data collection, the 4-point Likert scale for each item in this questionnaire was dichotomized (agree=1, do not agree=0). We used the General Self-Efficacy Scale to determine the self-efficacy of the participants [26,27]. Additionally, the Somatosensory Amplification Scale was used to measure the tendency to catastrophize harmless bodily sensations, such as hunger, insect bites, or the sound of one's own heartbeat [28,29]. ...
... Moreover, the structural validity of this questionnaire has been demonstrated through exploratory factor analysis. The other analyzed constructs were measured using validated and well-established questionnaires [24][25][26][27][28][29]. Our data were analyzed using robust statistical methods that adjusted for confounding and cluster effects, and the results from the multivariable models were confirmed in the unadjusted analyses. ...
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Background As a result of climate change, exposure to high temperatures is becoming more common, even in countries with temperate climates. For patients with chronic diseases, heat poses significant health risks. Empowering patients is a crucial element in protecting the population from the adverse effects of heat. In this context, self-reports of protective behavior are often used to gain a mutual understanding of patients’ issues. However, the extent to which self-reported behavior is associated with health complaints remains unclear. Objective This study aims to describe the association between light to moderate heat and health complaints in everyday life, and to analyze whether self-reported protective behavior and related psychosocial factors are linked to these complaints. Methods We conducted a pilot cohort study using internet climate data merged with an online survey of patients with chronic diseases recruited through general practitioner practices. Patients were eligible if they were 18 years or older and had at least one chronic disease. The heat was modeled using temperature and humidity data. Health complaints were assessed through up to 7 follow-up evaluations on the hottest day of each week during the observation period. Data were analyzed using 3 nested models with mixed effects multivariable linear regression, adjusting for random effects at the climate measuring station and participant levels. Model 1 included heat exposure, sociodemographic data, and chronic diseases. Model 2 added protective behavior and health literacy, while model 3 incorporated self-efficacy and somatosensory amplification (ie, the tendency to catastrophize normal bodily sensations such as insect bites). Results Of the 291 eligible patients, 61 (21.0%) participated in the study, providing 294 observations. On average, participants were 61 (SD 14) years old, and 31 (51%) were men. The most prevalent conditions were cardiovascular diseases (n=23, 38%) and diabetes mellitus (n=20, 33%). The most commonly reported symptoms were tiredness/fatigue (232/294 observations, 78.9%) and shortness of breath (142/294 observations, 48.3%). Compared with temperatures of 27°C or lower, a heat index between over 27°C and 32°C (β=1.02, 95% CI 0.08-1.96, P=.03) and over 32°C (β=1.35, 95% CI 0.35-2.35, P=.008) were associated with a higher symptom burden. Lower health literacy (β=–0.25, 95% CI –0.49 to –0.01, P=.04) and better self-reported protective behavior (β=0.65, 95% CI 0.29-1.00, P<.001) were also linked to increased symptom burden but lost statistical significance in model 3. Instead, lower self-efficacy (β=–0.39, 95% CI –0.54 to –0.23, P<.001) and higher somatosensory amplification (β=0.18, 95% CI 0.07-0.28, P=.001) were associated with a higher symptom burden. Conclusions Compared with colder weather, light and moderate heat were associated with more severe health complaints. Symptom burden was lower in participants with higher self-efficacy and less somatosensory amplification. Self-reported protective behavior was not linked to a lower symptom burden. Instead, we found that patients who tended to catastrophize normal bodily sensations reported both better protective behavior and a higher symptom burden simultaneously. Trial Registration NCT05961163;
... Self-efficacy. General self-efficacy as an optimistic perceived competence to overcome difficult situation and still attributing the success to the own competence was assessed with the scale of general perceived self-efficacy 42 (GSE). The scale consists of 10 items (e.g., "I take a relaxed approach to difficulties because I can always trust my abilities") and is rated on a 4-point scale (1 = not at all true; 4= completely true). ...
... The scale consists of 10 items (e.g., "I take a relaxed approach to difficulties because I can always trust my abilities") and is rated on a 4-point scale (1 = not at all true; 4= completely true). Sufficient external validity can be assumed due to the significant correlation (r = 0.68) with resilience 42 . Table 1. ...
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The effects of athletic burnout on life satisfaction vary greatly between individuals, but few studies have examined influencing factors, such as coping mechanisms, that explain these differences. While athletes’ performance levels seem to influence the development of burnout symptoms, there is a lack of studies examining different performance levels separately. The present study therefore investigated the predictors of athletic burnout in competitive and leisure athletes separately, as well as possible moderators influencing the relationship between burnout and life satisfaction in these groups. A cross-sectional online study with sport-specific and general questionnaires was conducted. Latent (e.g., resilience) and manifest variables (e.g., stress) were included as predictors of athletic burnout in two structural equation models (competitive: robust RMSEA = 0.065, robust CFI = 0.946; leisure: robust RMSEA = 0.067, robust CFI = 0.937) with data from 422 athletes (Mage = 23.65; range = 16–67; 43% female, 57% male). Additionally, moderation analyses with coping mechanisms as moderators between burnout and life satisfaction were conducted. Results show that predictors of athletic burnout differ between performance levels. Furthermore, there is a significant moderation effect (p < 0.01) for positive self-concept in competitive sports. Approaches for future research and the development of target group-specific interventions are discussed.
... Self-efficacy. We used the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE; Hinz et al. [43]; English version: Schwarzer & Jerusalem [44]) to assess participants' general sense of perceived self-efficacy, for instance in relation to coping with everyday life or after experiencing all kinds of stressful life events. The GSE comprises 10 items (e.g., "I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough.") and is answered on a 4-point scale (1 = not at all true, 2 = hardly true, 3 = moderately true, 4 = exactly true). ...
... Cronbach's α in the original study is .92 [43]. ...
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Based on previous studies, the present four experiments (total N = 468) aimed at investigating the effectivity of rumination induction in different experimental settings. We were particularly interested in rumination in the context of individual goal achievement and tested whether an instruction that referred to unresolved goals had a direct observable effect on state rumination. For this purpose, participants were asked to identify, evaluate, and focus on a personally relevant goal that was previously unresolved and still bothered them. In Experiment 1a to 1c, we compared three different modifications of the unresolved condition with shortened instructions with the elaborated unresolved condition and an additional control condition that did not refer to goals. In general, the results were mixed, but basically confirmed the effectiveness of the method used. Finally, in Experiment 2, we compared the two most promising versions of the unresolved condition and, by adding a goal-related control condition, we examined which control condition was best suited to maximize effects related to state rumination in future research. Results of various mixed ANOVAs demonstrated that a shortened version (in terms of shortened audio instructions) of the unresolved condition could be used as well as the original unresolved condition to induce reliable state rumination. The significance of the effects obtained with this method for real-life applications as well as approaches for future research are discussed.
... The scale for general self-efficacy expectancy (SEE) (Hinz et al., 2006) is used to record the expectation and difficulties of being able to cope with obstacles and critical demand situations on the basis of one's own competencies. In German samples, good internal consistency was found Bussmann et al. ...
... For the PC scale, the sum score of the SEE scale was added as an external criterion, as this factor captures coping. According to normative data from a representative German sample, the bottom 24% of the sample have a sum raw score of 26 (Hinz et al., 2006). Based on this limit, a dichotomized variable was created and used as an outside criterion. ...
Purpose: Psychosocial factors can negatively influence the ability to cope with cancer-specific therapy. To identify high-risk patients and to offer need-based care concerning social issues, valid, reliable and economic instruments are needed. The aim of this study is to develop an instrument assessing psychosocial support needs and to analyze its psychometric properties. Methods: Based on an extensive literature search, items for the scale of the psychosocial risks (PSR) were developed to assess the need for psychosocial support. Overall, N = 343 participants with cancer took part in the study to investigate the psychometric properties of the PSR. The factor structure was examined by using a principal component analysis. Correlations with criteria-related constructs determined the convergent validity. Based on receiver-operating characteristics and the calculation of Youden indices, cut-off scores for the PSR were determined. Results: The principal component analysis suggests a two-factor structure: (1) Psychosocial support need to ensure medical and social care services and (2) Support need for coping with problems. The convergent validity is confirmed by the predicted correlations. Both scales showed excellent internal consistency (Ensure medical and social care services: Omega = 0.94) and (Coping with problems: Omega = 0.90). Conclusion: The newly developed scale can provide helpful information regarding psychosocial support needs to professionals (psychotherapists, psychologists, physicians, and social workers) in the psycho-oncological field. Based on this information, specific and personalized interventions for cancer patients can be offered. The PSR is an appropriate instrument for assessing specific psychosocial needs to support cancer patients.
... In contrast, self-efficacy correlates with healthy nutrition and physical activity (Josfeld et al. 2022). Self-efficacy describes the estimate on one's own competences, to act efficaciously in daily life, to cope with difficulties and barriers, and to overwhelm critical situations using one's own forces (Bandura 1997;Hinz et al. 2006). ...
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Objectives This study aimed to investigate the influence of feelings of guilt among cancer patients on their health behavior, with a specific focus on the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Methods A multicentric cross-sectional study was conducted, involving 162 oncological patients, assessing sociodemographic variables, feelings of guilt, patient activation, self-efficacy, and CAM usage. The Shame-Guilt-Scale was employed to measure guilt, with subscales including punitive guilt, self-criticism (actions), moral perfectionism, and empathy-reparation. To assess patient activation and self-efficacy, we used the German Version of the Patient Activation Measure 13 and the Short Scale for Measuring General Safe-efficacy Beliefs, respectively. To evaluate CAM-usage, we used a standardized instrument from the working group Prevention and Integrative Oncology of the German Cancer Society. Statistical analyses, including regression models, were employed to examine potential associations. Results Female gender was associated with more frequent CAM usage. Regarding holistic and mind-body-methods, younger patients more often used these methods. No significant association was found between feelings of guilt and CAM usage. Patients experienced guilt most strongly related to empathy and reparation for their own actions. Significance of results Our results do not support the hypothesis of a direct link between guilt and CAM usage. Guilt may be an important aspect in psychological support for cancer patients, yet, with respect to counselling on CAM, it does not play an important part to understand patients’ motivations.
... Der Gruppenunterschied ist nicht signifikant (p=0,598). Der Score entspricht fast exakt dem arithmetischen Mittel der Bevölkerungsnorm (Hinz et al. 2006) für Männer zwischen 61 und 95 Jahren (29,8) und liegt über jenem für Frauen der gleichen Altersgruppe (27,6). ...
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This book presents and reflects on the scientific evaluation results of the Innovation Fund project OBERBERG_FAIRsorgt, which generated both quantitative and qualitative data. The qualitative analysis is developed in detail. In addition, there is comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of and reflection on the problems of the network development needed to anchor such a case management project in integrated care at the intersection of medicine and long-term care in the social sphere. The book systematically integrates the project experiences into a critical cultural analysis of the endogenous barriers to transformation in the established system in terms of its sectoralisation, fragmentation and problematic formations.
... Unfortunately, normative data are not available for an Arab population. However, the mean of 28.69 is comparable to the mean of a large German norm sample [63]. This comparability may indicate that this value could also be considered average in our sample, which would be the desired and healthy outcome, thereby not leaving enough room for improvement. ...
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Background Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) is increasingly considered vital for addressing the needs of displaced communities. The mental health of young people in Lebanon, including members of the host community and refugees, has been severely affected by multiple crises. Physical activity (PA) is an effective means for enhancing mental health, but evidence of PA’s impact on mental health among forcibly displaced populations is still emerging and often varies widely across studies. Method In this waitlist-controlled study, we examined the effectiveness of an 8-week psychosocial bouldering group intervention offered by the nonprofit organization ClimbAID on psychological well-being, distress, self-efficacy, and social cohesion in a group of mostly Syrian refugee adolescents residing in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. The intervention consisted of 8 sessions and took place once a week for 2 h in a group of up to 12 adolescents with 2 trained facilitators and up to 2 volunteers, supervised by a climbing instructor and a social worker. Multilevel analyses were performed for all outcomes. Results 233 people were included in the study. The dropout rate was approximately 33%. The IG improved significantly more than the waitlist group in terms of overall mental well-being and psychological distress. Group allocation was a significant predictor of improvements in mental well-being and psychological distress and showed a trend toward predicting self-efficacy. There was no positive impact of the intervention on social cohesion. Conclusions Even in complex humanitarian settings of forced displacement, a psychosocial bouldering intervention reduces psychological distress and increases well-being in a mixed group of host and refugee youth in Bekaa, Lebanon. Trial registration Prospectively registered with ISRCTN 13005983, registered April 1st, 2022.
... The individual test score is calculated by summing up all items. Norm values of the German general population with an internal consistency of α = 0.92 and a sample of cancer patients with α > 0.90 are available [56,57]. ...
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Background Developing cancer in young adulthood is a non-normative life event and associated with adverse physical, social and psychological consequences. High psychological distress is common in AYA cancer patients including anxiety, depression or fear of recurrence. At the same time, it is well known that AYA often report unmet needs for support, particularly in terms of informational exchange and emotional support from peers in order to benefit from shared experiences and enhance self-efficacy. Especially in the AYA group, interactions with other same-aged cancer patients may represent an essential resource in terms of coping with the disease, as family members and friends are often overwhelmed and struggling with helplessness. Currently, there is a lack of professional support services using peer support (e.g. psycho-oncological support, aftercare consultations, social legal counselling) or evaluated peer support interventions in Germany. Our aim is to assess the effectiveness of the Peer2Me intervention for AYAs, in which acute patients (mentees) are accompanied by an AYA survivor (mentor) over a period of three months. Methods A prospective Comprehensive Cohort Design with repeated measures will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of Peer2Me for AYA. A sample of 180 patients in active cancer treatment aged 18 to 39 years will be enrolled and randomized to the intervention or control condition (a single AYA-specific consultation). Following mentor training, mentees and mentors are matched by diagnosis, age, and gender. The primary outcome is self-efficacy; secondary outcomes include measures of anxiety, depression, health literacy, life satisfaction and social support life. Outcomes will be measured at baseline before the intervention (t1), immediately after completion of the three-month intervention (t2) and three months after completion the intervention (t3). For the final analyses, we will use an intention-to-treat approach (ITT) and compare patients in the assigned treatment groups. Discussion Peer2Me might be an important addition to existing professional psychosocial support services for young cancer patients. At the end of the study, a psycho-oncological intervention for young cancer patients undergoing acute treatment should be available, from which both mentors and mentees could benefit. The long-term continuity of Peer2Me should be ensured through collaboration with different partners. Trial Registration The study was retrospectively registered on February 4, 2022 at (NCT05336318).
... Primärer Endpunkt war die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität nach 6 Monaten (T2) gemessen mit dem SF-12-Fragebogen [4]. Für sekundäre Endpunkte Abb. 3 9 "Stepped-care-Ansatz" im Projekt PIKKO [11] wurden der Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9; [5]), die General Anxiety Disorder Scale 7 (GAD-7; [6]), die General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE; [7]), der European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47; [8]) und das Qualiskope-A [9] eingesetzt. ...
... Ähnlich wie für die allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeit (Hinz et al., 2006) zeigten in der vorliegenden Stichprobe männliche Jugendliche höhere Werte in der Selbstwirksamkeit in der ER als weibliche Jugendliche. Dies deckt sich mit den Befunden zum RESE in verschiedenen Schulstichproben (Caprara et al., 2010;Mesurado et al., 2018). ...
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Theoretischer Hintergrund: Die Überzeugung, dass die eigenen Emotionen reguliert werden können, zählt als Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Emotionsregulation und damit für die psychische Gesundheit. Methode: In drei Stichproben (Jugend, Schüler_innen, klinische Stichprobe) wurde bei 509 Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (M = 16.55 Jahren, SD = 2.72, Range = 13 – 23 Jahre, 66.6 % weiblich) eine angepasste Fragebogenversion des Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy (RESE-D; Caprara et al., 2008) zur Erfassung der Selbstwirksamkeit im Umgang mit Emotionen evaluiert. Mittels Multigruppenfaktorenanalyse wurde die Faktorenstruktur des RESE-D, Messinvarianz, Reliabilität und Validität in Bezug zu weiteren Fragebögen überprüft. Ergebnisse: Jugendliche der klinischen Stichprobe zeigten eine signifikant geringere Selbstwirksamkeit in der Emotionsregulation als die Schulstichprobe (differenzielle Validität). Die Reliabilität (interne Konsistenz Cronbachs α zwischen .71 und .82 für die Subskalen) und konvergente Validität des RESE-D konnte mittels signifikanter Korrelationen zu Konstrukten wie Emotionsregulation, allgemeiner Selbstwirksamkeit, Lebensqualität und erhöhter Ängstlichkeit aufgezeigt werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Mit dem RESE-D liegt ein reliabler, valider und mit zehn Items ökonomischer Fragebogen für das Jugendalter vor.
... To round off the project, further research will be undertaken with regards to the immediate surroundings of the athlete. An attempt will be made to verify the influence of a set of social and psychological factors on the expected self efficacy of the athlete, using the German version of the Generel Self Efficacy Scale (GSE / SWE, Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995;Hinz, Schumacher, Albani, Schmid & Brähler, 2006), the MIPS (Multidimensional Instrumentary of Perfectionism in Sports, Stöber, Otto, Pescheck & Stoll, 2004;Madigan, 2006), the CSAI (Martens, Vealey & Burton, 1990; and the TEDQ5 (Talent-Development-Environmental Questionaire, Alfermann, Lobinger, Nesges, Martindale & Andronikos, 2023). The aim is to determine which aspects the athletes deem to be most crucial for their competitive performance, e. g. parents, peers, teammates, coaches or spouses/partners. ...
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The habilitation project aims to reaerch the athlete's surrounding factors. Please note that I am still looking for participants (questionnaire):
... The questionnaire consists of 10 items that are answered on a unidimensional 4-point scale ranging from 1 (not true) to 4 (exactly true). Individual test scores can range from 10 to 40, with higher scores indicating higher self-efficacy [68,69]. ...
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Background Due to the growing gap between the demand and supply of therapeutic services for people suffering from depression, with this study, we are investigating the effectiveness and factors of influence of new approaches in group treatments for depression. Two previous studies have already identified bouldering psychotherapy (BPT) as an effective option. It combines psychotherapeutic interventions with action- and body-oriented bouldering exercises. Mental model therapy (MMT) is a new cognitive-behavioral approach for treating depression. It focuses on identifying cognitive distortions, biases in decision making, and false assumptions and aims to correct and replace them with useful mental models. We aim to investigate the effectiveness of the interventions compared with a control group (CG) and to assess the factors of influence in a mixed methods approach. Methods The study is being conducted as a randomized controlled intervention trial. Adult participants with unipolar depression are being randomized into three groups (BPT, MMT, or CG), and the first two groups are undergoing a 10-week treatment phase. CG follows their individual standard treatment as usual. A priori power analysis revealed that about 120 people should be included to capture a moderate effect. The primary outcome of the study is depression rated with the Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) before (t0), directly after (t1), and 12 months after the intervention phase (t2). Data are being collected via questionnaires, computer-assisted video interviews, and physical examinations. The primary hypotheses will be statistically analyzed by mixed model ANOVAs to compare the three groups over time. For secondary outcomes, further multivariate methods (e.g., mixed model ANOVAs and regression analyses) will be conducted. Qualitative data will be evaluated on the basis of the qualitative thematic analysis. Discussion This study is investigating psychological and physical effects of BPT and MMT and its factors of influence on outpatients suffering from depression compared with a CG in a highly naturalistic design. The study could therefore provide insight into the modes of action of group therapy for depression and help to establish new short-term group treatments. Methodological limitations of the study might be the clinical heterogeneity of the sample and confounding effects due to simultaneous individual psychotherapy. Trial registration ISRCTN, ISRCTN12347878. Registered 28 March 2022,
... The main effect was measured six months after baseline using the SF-12 [34], but there were additional measures at three, nine and twelve months. In addition, it was hypothesized that use of the intervention is associated with increased self-efficacy (measured with the GSE [35]), reduced psychological distress such as depression (measured with the PHQ-9 [36]) or generalized anxiety (measured with the GAD-7 [37]), and increased health literacy (measured with the HLS-EU-Q47 [38]). ...
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Purpose Many concepts for accompanying and supporting cancer patients exist and have been studied over time. One of them was PIKKO (a German acronym for “Patient information, communication and competence empowerment in oncology”), which combined a patient navigator, socio-legal and psychological counseling (with psychooncologists), courses dealing with various supportive aspects, and a knowledge database with validated and easy-to-understand disease-related information. The aim was to increase the patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL), self-efficacy as well as health literacy and to reduce psychological complaints such as depression and anxiety. Methods To this purpose, an intervention group was given full access to the modules in addition to treatment as usual, while a control group received only treatment as usual. Over twelve months, each group was surveyed up to five times. Measurements were taken using the SF12, PHQ-9, GAD, GSE, and HLS-EU-Q47. Results No significant differences were found in scores on the mentioned metrics. However, each module was used many times and rated positively by the patients. Further analyses showed a tendency higher score in health literacy with higher intensity of use of the database and higher score in mental HRQoL with higher intensity of use of counseling. Conclusion The study was affected by several limitations. A lack of randomization, difficulties in recruiting the control group, a heterogeneous sample, and the COVID-19 lockdown influenced the results. Nevertheless, the results show that the PIKKO support was appreciated by the patients and the lack of measurable effects was rather due to the mentioned limitations than to the PIKKO intervention. Trial registration This study was retrospectively registered in the German Clinical Trial Register under DRKS00016703 (21.02.2019, retrospectively registered).
... We used the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE; Hinz et al., 2006English version: Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995 to assess participants' general sense of perceived self-efficacy, for instance in relation to coping with everyday life or after experiencing all kinds of stressful life events. The GSE comprises 10 items (e.g., "I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough.") and is answered on a 4-point scale ranging from "1" (not at all true) to "4" (exactly true). ...
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Athletes’ behavior, thoughts, and feelings are influenced by whether athletes achieve their personal goals or not. The present experiment aimed to evaluate the application of a paradigm that uses unresolved goals to elicit state rumination in athletes. For this purpose, 101 athletes (f = 53, m= 48, Mage = 22.40, SDage = 2.80) participated in an experiment and were divided into three different conditions – two experimental and one control condition. Using a 3 × 3 mixed ANOVA, we examined (1) whether we could significantly elicit rumination in athletes with a goal-related procedure (2) whether the context in which goals were formulated (general, sport-specific) mattered, and (3) whether the application of the procedure had an impact on performance as well as on cognitive processes in a subsequent go/no-go task. In addition, we assessed also athletes’ mood as well as their affect to account for emotional processes in addition to cognitive ones. Results showed that regardless of context, cueing unresolved goals resulted in a significant increase in state rumination after the paradigm compared to the control condition and subsequent recovery during the go/no-go task. In addition, only temporal changes in athletes’ mood and affect were evident; group differences were largely absent. Approaches for future research and further application in the sports context are discussed.
... Our results suggest that both patients with advanced PCa and especially their spouses had good to above-average SE. Spouses showed a relatively high general SE, thus trusting their own abilities in difficult situations [25]. The above-average SE might seem surprising, especially in light of the challenges surrounding advanced cancer. ...
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Purpose To date, there is a lack of understanding of the treatment/disease-related health behaviors of patients with advanced prostate cancer (PCa) and their spouses. The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of treatment decision-making (DM) preferences, general self-efficacy (SE) and fear of progression (FoP) among couples coping with advanced PCa. Methods In this explorative study, 96 patients with advanced PCa and their spouses answered the multiple choice version of the Control Preferences Scale (CPS, regarding DM), General Self-Efficacy Short Scale (ASKU, regarding SE), and short form of the Fear of Progression Questionnaire (FoP-Q-SF, regarding FoP). Corresponding questionnaires were employed for patients’ spouses were evaluated, and correlations were subsequently drawn. Results More than half of the patients (61%) and spouses (62%) preferred active DM. Collaborative DM was preferred by 25% of patients and 32% of spouses, and 14% of patients and 5% of spouses preferred passive DM. FoP was significantly higher among spouses than among patients (p < 0.001). The difference in SE was not significant between patients and spouses (p = 0.064). FoP and SE negatively correlated among patients (r = − 0.42; p < 0.001) and among spouses (r = − 0.46; p < 0.001). DM preference did not correlate with SE and FoP. Conclusions High FoP and low general SE are related among both patients with advanced PCa and their spouses. FoP seems to be higher among female spouses than among patients. Couples seem to be largely in agreement when it comes to playing an active role in treatment DM. Trial registration, number DRKS 00013045.
... which is above the mean of the norm sample (M = 2.93, SD = .07) (Hinz et al. 2006). A weak correlation between subjective HL and self-efficacy was observed (r (456) = .13, ...
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Aim Health literacy (HL) is an important factor in health promotion, especially regarding children and adolescents. The present study aims to identify the individual and sociodemographic factors related to secondary school students’ HL. This should make it possible to find specific strategies to improve HL. Subject and methods Data on the sociodemographic background (migrant background, number of books at home and spoken language at home), self-efficacy, online reading behaviour, subjective HL (adapted version of the European Health Literacy [HLS-EU] questionnaire) and the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) of 544 Austrian secondary school students (age 11–16, 46% girls) were collected. Regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses regarding those factors which influence students’ subjective HL and eHL. Results Students subjective HL (M = 3.79, SD = .63) and eHL (M = 3.46, SD = .77) scores were rather high on average. Subjective HL was predicted by age, gender and online reading behaviour. However, only students’ online reading behaviour was highly significant and was found to be the most influential predictor of subjective HL. Age and online reading behaviour were also found to be highly significant predictors regarding eHL. Conclusion Students’ online reading behaviour and age are important factors linked to HL. Educational activities may serve to reduce health inequalities by fostering relevant internet skills, i.e. the skills needed to facilitate effective and critical use of internet information.
... This would be in line with literature about confidence and self-estimation and gender. Men tend to overestimate competency; women tend to underestimate [63,64]. We suggest that this should be considered in further studies. ...
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(1) Background: Practicing physicians have not been in the focus of structured qualifications in basic digital competences so far. However, they are the current gatekeepers to implement digital technologies and need empowerment to proactively take part in the ongoing digital transformation process. The present study investigates if a structured blended-learning training for practicing physicians in Germany enhances both physicians’ knowledge about central aspects of the digital transformation (including awareness of personal possibilities to act) and their attitudes towards a more digitally empowered mindset. (2) Methods: Participants (n = 32) self-assessed their knowledge (19 items, 10-point Likert-scale) and attitudes (6 items, 5-point Likert-scale) towards the digital transformation at the beginning and at the end of the training. MANCOVAs were conducted. (3) Results: Participants reported an increase in every knowledge domain, representing large effects (Hedges’ g 1.06 to 2.82). Attitudes were partly shifted towards a more empowered mindset with decreased insecurity towards technological, legal, and ethical aspects of the digital transformation (Hedges’ g −0.82 to −1.40). However, preparedness for the digital transformation remained low. (4) Conclusions: Generally, the hypotheses were confirmed. The presented on-the-job training had the desired effects on practicing physicians’ knowledge and attitudes. Nevertheless, additional empowerment and support are essential.
... A higher T-score reflects an optimistic self-belief, which implies an internal-stable attribution of success. We refer the scores of our sample to the non-clinical norm sample (n = 2019) from (Hinz et al., 2006). Previous studies confirm high reliability and criterion-related validity (Luszczynska et al., 2005;Scholz et al., 2002). ...
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According to the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model, treatment effectiveness increases when treatment addresses all three associated core principles. While researchers have focused on the risk and need principles, responsivity remains under-investigated. The theoretical foundation of the RNR model and former research indicates low perceived self-efficacy and inadequate adult attachment styles as potential responsivity factors that can impede treatment of the underlying risk factors. This study assesses firstly whether these factors predict treatment attrition, and secondly changes in the assessed risk of sexual reoffending. Participants were N = 146 men sentenced for sexual offences in a German social-therapeutic correctional facility. Younger age, higher number of previous convictions, and higher scores on the interpersonal facet of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised are associated with a higher risk of treatment attrition. Unemployment prior to incarceration was found to be an aggravating factor, whereas substance abuse emerged as a mitigating factor, according reducing the risk of reoffending. Neither pre-treatment self-efficacy nor attachment styles revealed as responsivity factors in this study. Future studies should examine if the consideration of these factors during treatment might impact treatment outcomes.
Zusammenfassung: Zielsetzung: Chemsex bedeutet Substanzkonsum im sexuellen Kontext und ist mit Männern, die Sex mit Männern haben assoziiert. Typische Substanzen sind Methamphetamine, GHB/GBL, Ketamin und Mephedron. Chemsex ist mit psychischer Belastung assoziiert. Internalisierte Homonegativität gilt als Erklärungsansatz. Die Studie überprüft die Hypothese, ob Chemsex-Verhalten mit einem höheren Ausmaß an psychischer Belastung und internalisierter Homonegativität einhergeht und welche Rolle georeferenzierte Dating-Apps bei Chemsex-Konsumenten spielen. Methodik: Die Datenerhebung erfolgte als Onlineumfrage. Es wurden Daten zu Depressivität (PHQ-9), Somatisierung (PHQ-15) und generalisierter Angst (GAD 7) und internalisierter Homonegativität (Reaction to Homosexuality Scale) erhoben. Ergebnisse: N=280 berichteten von Chemsex (CS), N=534 konsumierten andere Substanzen im sexuellen Kontext, N= 170 konsumierten im sexuellen Kontext nicht (NSSK). Es zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede zwischen CS und NSSK bei der Somatisierung. CS wies ein signifikant geringeres Ausmaß internalisierter Homonegativität auf. CS nutzten signifikant häufiger georeferenzierte Dating-Apps. Schlussfolgerung: Internalisierte Homonegativität war unter Chemsex-Konsumenten am geringsten ausgeprägt und scheint Chemsex-Verhalten nicht zu begünstigen. Die psychische Belastung war erhöht. Möglicherweise tragen soziale Normierungsprozesse, verstärkt durch die Verwendung von Dating-Apps, zur Erklärung von Chemsex bei.
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die weltweite Inzidenz von Hautkrebs ist in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich gestiegen. Patienten benötigen daher Informationen über die Diagnose und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Gleichzeitig müssen sie lernen, mit den wahrgenommenen Konsequenzen der Diagnose umzugehen. Im Jahr 2015 hat die Bundesregierung das Recht auf eine ärztliche Zweitmeinung im Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB V, § 27b) gesetzlich verankert. Patienten und Methodik Mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens wurde untersucht, ob Patienten mit der Diagnose Hautkrebs eine ärztliche Zweitmeinung aktiv einholen und mögliche Beeinträchtigungen im Alltag einschätzen. Insgesamt wurden 714 ausgefüllte Fragebögen gesammelt. Ergebnisse Bei der Mehrheit der Personen, die eine Zweitmeinung einholten, wurde ein malignes Melanom diagnostiziert (96,58%). Die meisten Patienten holten eine Zweitmeinung ein, um sich bei ihren Behandlungsentscheidungen sicherer zu fühlen und weitere Informationen zu bekommen. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich ein deutlicher Zusammenhang zwischen dem Einholen einer Zweitmeinung und einem niedrigeren internalen Kontrollzentrum. Dies lässt den Schluss zu, dass die Überzeugung, das eigene Handeln nicht allein durch die eigenen Fähigkeiten bestimmen zu können, bei diesen Personen stärker ausgeprägt ist. Eine stärkere Beeinträchtigung des täglichen Lebens wurde vor allem bei jüngeren Teilnehmern und bei Teilnehmern mit fortgeschrittener Krebserkrankung festgestellt. Schlussfolgerungen Unsere Studie zeigt, dass Zweitmeinungen die Arzt‐Patienten‐Interaktion stärken und zusätzliche Sicherheit vermitteln, insbesondere bei Patienten mit geringer Kontrollüberzeugung. Darüber hinaus konnten wir eine signifikante Reduktion der Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität sowie der internalen und externalen Kontrollüberzeugung in fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadien feststellen. Das zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, zusätzliche Interventionen zu identifizieren, die darauf abzielen, die innere Widerstandskraft und die Kontrollüberzeugung zu stärken und damit die Fähigkeit der Patienten zu verbessern, mit der Diagnose Krebs umzugehen.
Background The global incidence of skin cancer has steadily increased in recent years. Accordingly, patients require information on diagnosis and treatment options while dealing with the perceived impact of the diagnosis. In 2015, the German government enacted legislation under the Social Code (SGB V, § 27b), granting patients the right to obtain a second medical opinion. Patients and Methods Utilizing a standardized questionnaire, our study aims to explore whether patients diagnosed with skin cancer actively pursue a second medical opinion and to evaluate any potential disruptions to their daily lives. We collected a total of 714 completed questionnaires. Results The majority of those seeking a second opinion were diagnosed with malignant melanoma (96, 58%). Primary motivations for seeking a second opinion included seeking reassurance regarding treatment decisions and obtaining further information. Additionally, seeking a second opinion was correlated with a significantly lower internal locus of control, indicating a belief that their actions are not solely determined by their own abilities. Notably, we observed a greater impairment of daily life among younger participants and those with advanced cancer. Conclusions Overall, our study shows that second opinions often strengthened the patient‐physician interaction and provided additional reassurance, especially in patients with a weak perception of control. Moreover, we found that the impairment of quality of life and both internal and external locus of control decrease significantly in advanced tumor stages. Hence, it is imperative to identify additional interventions aimed at bolstering internal resilience and locus of control, thereby enhancing patients' capacity to cope with their cancer diagnosis.
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit entstand an der Leopold-Franzens-Universität im Studiengang Erziehungs-und Bildungswissenschaft mit dem Ziel, die Verbindung zwischen der individuellen Persönlichkeit und dem Impostor-Selbstkonzept zu untersuchen. Personen, die davon betroffen sind, neigen dazu, ihre objektiv erbrachten Leistungen eher dem Glück zuzuschreiben als ihrer eigenen Kompetenz. Dies führt dazu, dass sie fest davonüberzeugt sind, ihre Erfolge nicht verdient zu haben, und ständig befürchten, entlarvt zu werden. Insgesamt konnten N = 421 Proband*innen in die statistische Analyse einbezogen werden, um zu untersuchen, inwieweit die individuelle Persönlichkeit mit der Symptomatik zusammenhängt. Es wurden signifikante Korrelationen sowohl mit den Big-Five-Persönlichkeitsdimensionen als auch mit weiteren Merkmalen festgestellt. Darüber hinaus wurden durch multiple lineare Regression zwei Modelle entwickelt, die belegen, dass die Persönlichkeit einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Impostor-Selbstkonzept hat. Zukünftige Forschung sollte sich auf Aufklärungsarbeit und Interventionen konzentrieren, um sicherzustellen, dass Studierende ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können.
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The COVID-19 pandemic and associated countermeasures had an immensely disruptive impact on people’s lives. Due to the lack of systematic pre-pandemic data, however, it is still unclear how individuals’ psychological health has been affected across this incisive event. In this study, we analyze longitudinal data from two healthy samples (N = 307) to provide quasi-longitudinal insight into the full trajectory of psychological burden before (baseline), during the first peak, and at a relative downturn of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our data indicated a medium rise in psychological strain from baseline to the first peak of the pandemic (d = 0.40). Surprisingly, this was overcompensated by a large decrease of perceived burden until downturn (d = − 0.93), resulting in a positive overall effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health (d = 0.44). Accounting for this paradoxical positive effect, our results reveal that the post-pandemic increase in mental health is driven by individuals that were already facing psychological challenges before the pandemic. These findings suggest that coping with acute challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic can stabilize previously impaired mental health through reframing processes.
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A potential connection between self-efficacy (SWE) and the application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) has not yet been scientifically investigated. In the present study, participants of three facilities of occupational rehabilitation (Berufsbildungswerke) were examined in a cross-sectional and longitudinal design. SWE was determined using the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1999) and the General Self-Efficacy Short Scale (Beierlein, Kovaleva, Kemper & Rammstedt, 2012). 16 of the 91 participants (= intervention group) received a workshop on ICF knowledge and self-efficacy enhancement, from which a positive effect on self-efficacy was expected. Regarding the overall study population, the following hypotheses were assumed: 1) intra-personal changes of SWE between the dates of measurement and 2) a disparity in the SWE of participants in different facilities. However, analysis of variance and mean value comparison did not show statistically significant results for the hypotheses investigated. Reasons for this may be found in the quasi-experimental method, the way the constructs were assessed, and the number of confounding variables. For further investigations, a study design with additional survey times and the control of conflicting variables is recommended.
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The COVID-19 pandemic and associated countermeasures had an immensely disruptive impact on people’s lives. Due to the lack of systematic pre-pandemic data, however, it is still unclear how individuals’ psychosocial health has been affected across this incisive event. In this study, we analyze longitudinal data from two healthy samples ( N = 307) to provide insight into the full trajectory of psychosocial burden before (baseline), during the first peak, and at a relative downturn of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our data indicated a medium rise in psychosocial strain from baseline to the first peak of the pandemic ( d = 0.40). Surprisingly, this was overcompensated by a large decrease of perceived burden until downturn ( d = − 0.93), resulting in a positive overall effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health ( d = 0.44). Accounting for this paradoxical positive effect, our results reveal that the postpandemic increase in mental health is driven by individuals that were already facing psychosocial challenges before the pandemic. These findings suggest that coping with acute challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic can stabilize previously impaired mental health through reframing processes.
Selbstwirksamkeit (SW) im Selbstregulierten Lernprozess (SRLP) gilt als wichtiger Faktor, um Studienerfolg an Hochschulen vorauszusagen. Wir verwendeten Interaktives Ambulantes Assessment in Kombination mit Podcasts, um die SW im SRLP zu fördern. Dafür bearbeiteten Studierende (N = 106) drei Mal täglich Abfragen zu ihrem Lernprozess, die ihnen über elektronische Tagebücher präsentiert wurden. Unterschiede zwischen der Kontrollgruppe (KG) ohne Feedback und der Interventionsgruppe (IG) mit täglichem individualisiertem Feedback, basierend auf den Tagebucheinträgen, in Kombination mit Podcasts, wurden mittels Multilevelanalysen geprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die SW im SRLP der IG innerhalb der Interventionsphase, in Relation zu einer Baselinephase und im Vergleich zur KG, gefördert werden konnte. Entsprechend konnte im Prä-Post-Vergleich eine größere Steigerung der SW-Erwartung (vgl. Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1999) bei der IG (im Vergleich zur KG) nachgewiesen werden.
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Background: Bouldering psychotherapy (BPT) for depression has proven effective, but nothing is known about its potential predictors of response. This study should identify predictors of response to BPT, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and an active control (home-based exercise programme; EP) using a literature-based model. Methods: In a multicentre randomised controlled trial, 233 outpatients were assigned to BPT, CBT or EP. Response (reduction of at least 46% on the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale [MADRS]) and remission (≤7 MADRS points) were defined as suggested by the literature. Predictors of response were identified twofold: (1) univariate analyses followed by logistic regression analyses in each group with all predictors yielding a univariate p-value <.20 and (2) a backward regression analysis with all potential predictors. Only variables that emerged as predictors in both types of analyses were interpreted. Results: There was a significantly greater proportion of responders (p = .035) in the BPT than in the EP. The chance of response in the BPT was higher for patients with a higher health-related quality of life. In the EP, response was higher for patients with lower interpersonal sensitivity, suffering from their first episode and living with a partner. Conclusions: Response rates in BPT are similar to or even higher than in other outpatient psychotherapy group therapies. BPT and CBT are suitable for a wide range of patients, but patients with higher functionality could start with psychoeducation and exercise.
Background: Approximately 6,2 million people with limited literacy live in Germany. They are unable to communicate in written language beyond single sentences and thus experience limited social participation in many everyday areas. In addition, they are also excluded from participation in survey-based social science research. Method: In order to enable persons with limited literacy to participate in written surveys, existing questionnaires need to be converted to easy language and their psychometric quality needs to be reexamined. We went through this process for the Self-Efficacy Expectancy (SWE) questionnaire and tested the new scale in easy language (SWE-LS) on a representative sample of the German population aged 14 years and older (N=2,531). Results: The SWE-LS scale showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's-Alpha=0,84) and adequate item difficulty and discriminatory power. We found correlations consistent with expectations for the demographic variables surveyed. Thus, men and persons with higher education and higher income showed significantly higher self-efficacy expectations. The effect was also evident for East Germans versus West Germans, married persons living together versus separated, unmarried, or persons living as singles. Discussion: Compared to the original SWE scale, the SWE-LS scale in easy language has no methodological disadvantages. The additional effort of linguistic adaptation and renewed psychometric testing is thus directly offset by enabling participation in survey-based research by over 12% of the adult population. A systematic translation of particularly frequently used questionnaires or those that do not concern fundamental research but research areas in which demographic variables themselves are part of the research object would be desirable.
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Introduction: Behavioural weight loss (BWL) treatment is the standard evidence-based treatment for severe obesity (SO; body mass index ≥40.0 kg/m2 or ≥35.0 kg/m2 with obesity-related comorbidity), leading to moderate weight loss which often cannot be maintained in the long term. Because weight loss depends on patients' use of weight management skills, it is important to support them in daily life. In an ecological momentary intervention design, this clinical trial aims to adapt, refine and evaluate a personalised cognitive-behavioural smartphone application (app) in BWL treatment to foster patients' weight management skills use in everyday life. It is hypothesised that using the app is feasible and acceptable, improves weight loss and increases skills use and well-being. Methods and analysis: In the pilot phase, the app will be adapted, piloted and optimised for BWL treatment following a participatory patient-oriented approach. In the subsequent single-centre, assessor-blind, exploratory randomised controlled trial, 90 adults with SO will be randomised to BWL treatment over 6 months with versus without adjunctive app. Primary outcome is the amount of weight loss (kg) at post-treatment (6 months), compared with pretreatment, derived from measured body weight. Secondary outcomes encompass feasibility, acceptance, weight management skills use, well-being and anthropometrics assessed at pretreatment, midtreatment (3 months), post-treatment (6 months) and 6-month follow-up (12 months). An intent-to-treat linear model with randomisation arm, pretreatment weight and stratification variables as covariates will serve to compare arms regarding weight at post-treatment. Secondary analyses will include linear mixed models, generalised linear models and regression and mediation analyses. For safety analysis (serious) adverse events will be analysed descriptively. Ethics and dissemination: The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Leipzig (DE-21-00013674) and notified to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. Study results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications. Registration: This study was registered at the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00026018), Trial registration number: DRKS00026018.
Interaction of family risk and child care as well as early child care providers’ characteristics on toddlers’ social-emotional problems: Relevance for promoting resilience in kindergarten
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die starke Inanspruchnahme von Krankenhausnotaufnahmen durch Patient*innen ohne hohe Behandlungsdringlichkeit stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Ein erheblicher Teil der Notaufnahmepopulation könnte auch im ambulanten Bereich versorgt werden. Über die Begleitumstände der Nicht-Inanspruchnahme der ambulanten Versorgung (trotz Indikation) ist wenig bekannt. Die Ausprägung der Gesundheitskompetenz wird oft genannt, um die nicht-dringliche Inanspruchnahme von Notaufnahmen zu erklären. Inwieweit eine ausgeprägte Bindung an die hausärztliche Versorgung moderierend wirken könnte, ist aktuell nicht bekannt. Methode Die Daten für diese Sekundärauswertung einer nicht-dringlichen Notaufnahmepopulation stammen aus der querschnittlichen Erhebung PiNo Nord „Patienten in der Notaufnahme von norddeutschen Kliniken“ (Scherer et al. 2017). In fünf Kliniken in Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein wurden die Gesundheitskompetenz und die Intensität der Hausarztbindung mittels Selbstauskunftsbogen (HLS-EU-Q16, F-HaBi) erfasst. Neben der deskriptiven Datenanalyse erfolgte mittels linearer Regression die Schätzung des Einflusses der Hausarztbindung und weiterer somatischer, psychischer sowie soziodemografischer Merkmale der Population auf die Gesundheitskompetenz. Ergebnisse 548 nicht-dringliche erwachsene Patient*innen (MW Alter 41,5 Jahre, 54,4 % Männer) gingen in die Auswertung ein: 55,5 % verfügten über ausreichende, 31,4 % über problematische und 13,1 % über inadäquate Gesundheitskompetenz. 88,3 % der Population hatten einen Hausarzt oder eine Hausärztin. Eine höhere Intensität der Hausarztbindung, weibliches Geschlecht, eine höhere subjektive Behandlungsdringlichkeit, eine gute Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und gute soziale Unterstützung waren mit höherer Gesundheitskompetenz assoziiert. Keine Zusammenhänge zeigten sich bezüglich Alter, Haushaltseinkommen, Bildung und Migrationshintergrund, aktuellen Schmerzen oder dem Ausprägungsgrad körperlicher Beschwerden. Diskussion Nicht-dringliche Patient*innen der PiNo Nord-Studie, die den HLS-EU-Q16 beantwortet haben, wiesen eine vergleichbare Gesundheitskompetenz auf wie die Gesamtbevölkerung. Gesundheitskompetenz und Hausarztbindung waren positiv assoziiert. Allerdings war die Intensität der Hausarztbindung eher gering ausgeprägt. Der Umstand, dass eher jüngere Befragte Auskunft über ihre Gesundheitskompetenz gegeben haben, sowie die Verfügbarkeit von Fachspezialist*innen im städtischen Bereich könnten diese Befunde erklären. Schlussfolgerung Die Verbesserung der Bindung zu Hausarzt oder Hausärztin könnte die Vermittlung individuell angepasster Informationen zum Verhalten im Gesundheitssystem beinhalten. Dies könnte den Patient*innen die Auswahl einer adäquaten Versorgungsebene erleichtern und somit einen steuernden Effekt auf die Inanspruchnahme der Notaufnahmen durch Menschen mit nicht-dringlichen Behandlungsanlässen haben.
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The „Representative Survey on the Participation of People with Disabilities“ (short: participation survey) is the largest nationwide representative survey on the participation of people with disabilities in Germany. The aim of the study is to gain information about the life situations and participation opportunities of people with impairments or disabilities in various areas of life. In an empirical comparison with people without impairments, the specific circumstances and boundaries of the living environment of people with disabilities become apparent. The participation survey asks people in private households as well as residents in institutions for people with disabilities and institutions for the elderly. The final report presents its empirically oriented concept for measuring impairment and disability under the premise of international comparability. On this basis, the report presents main results of the extensive survey of people with and without disabilities.
(Meta-)Didaktische Posittion n zum dualen Sozialpädagogik-Studium Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung Empirische Befunde zu Studierenden, Kompetenzen, Herausforderungen und Belastungen im Studium
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Research demonstrates that IATs are fakeable. Several indices [either slowing down or speeding up, and increasing errors or reducing errors in congruent and incongruent blocks; Combined Task Slowing (CTS); Ratio 150-10000] have been developed to detect faking. Findings on these are inconclusive but previous studies have used small samples suggesting they were statistically underpowered. Further, the results’ stability, the unique predictivity of indices, the advantage of combining indices, and the dependency of how faking success is computed have still to be examined. Therefore, we reanalyzed a large data set (N = 750) of fakers and non-fakers who completed an extraversion IAT. Results showed faking strategies depend on the direction of faking. It was possible to detect faking of low scores due to slowing down on the congruent block, and somewhat less with CTS – both strategies led to faking success. In contrast, the strategy of increasing errors on the congruent block was observed, but not successful in altering the IAT effect in the desired direction. Fakers of high scores could be detected due to slowing down on the incongruent block, increasing errors on the incongruent block, and with CTS – all three strategies led to faking success. The results proved stable in subsamples and generally across different computations of faking success. Using regression analyses and machine learning, increasing errors had the strongest impact on the classification. Apparently, fakers use various goal-dependent strategies and not all are successful. To detect faking, we recommend combining indices depending on the context (and examining convergence).
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A computer-based version of the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire (VMIQ-2) was tested and compared with the print version. Psychometric characteristics of the print version were replicated with the computer-based version using a between-subject design in Study 1 ( n 1 = 240; n 2 = 254) and using a within-subject design in Study 2 ( N = 285). Confirmatory factor analyses replicated the three-dimensional structure of the VMIQ-2. Model fits, test–retest reliability, interfactor correlations, and correlations with other questionnaires did not differ significantly between the computer-based and print versions. Convergent validity was shown by significant correlations with the Movement Imagery Questionnaire 3. The computer-based version of the VMIQ-2 is considered a valid instrument to measure vividness of action imagery.
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Background Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with a chronic medical condition show an increased risk for developing mental comorbidities compared to their healthy peers. Internet- and mobile-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) might be a low-threshold treatment to support affected AYA. In this randomized controlled pilot trial, the feasibility and potential efficacy of youthCOACHCD, an iCBT targeting symptoms of anxiety and depression in AYA with chronic medical conditions, was evaluated. Methods A total of 30 AYA (Mage 16.13; SD= 2.34; 73% female), aged 12-21 years either suffering from cystic fibrosis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis or type 1 diabetes, were randomly assigned to either a guided version of the iCBT youthCOACHCD (IG, n=15) or to a waitlist control group (CG, n=15), receiving an unguided version of the iCBT six months post-randomization. Participants of the IG and the CG were assessed before (t0), twelve weeks after (t1) and six months after (t2) randomization. Primary outcome was the feasibility of the iCBT. Different parameters of feasibility e.g. acceptance, client satisfaction or potential side effects were evaluated. First indications of the possible efficacy with regard to the primary efficacy outcome, the Patient Health Questionnaire Anxiety and Depression Scale, and further outcome variables were evaluated using linear regression models, adjusting for baseline values. Results Regarding feasibility, intervention completion was 60%; intervention satisfaction (M = 25.42, SD = 5.85) and perceived therapeutic alliance (M = 2.83, SD = 1.25) were moderate and comparable to other iCBTs. No patterns emerged regarding subjective and objective negative side effects due to participation in youthCOACHCD. Estimates of potential efficacy showed between group differences, with a potential medium-term benefit of youthCOACHCD (β = -0.55, 95%CI: -1.17; 0.07), but probably not short-term (β = 0.20, 95%CI: -0.47; 0.88). Conclusions Our results point to the feasibility of youthCOACHCD and the implementation of a future definitive randomized controlled trial addressing its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Due to the small sample size, conclusions are premature, however, further strategies to foster treatment adherence should be considered. Trial registration The trial was registered at the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform via the German Clinical Trials Register (ID: DRKS00016714, 25/03/2019).
Background: Psychosocial stress can have detrimental effects on the mother's health and the development of the child. The aim of the family intervention "Babylotse ambulant" in gynecologic practices is the systematic and early identification of psychosocially distressed families as well as consulting and connecting them to the regional health and social care system. Objectives: The effectiveness of the family intervention in six gynecologic practices was investigated through a pre-post control group design using perceived self-efficacy as outcome. It was assumed that participation in the intervention would result in increased maternal self-efficacy as a measurement of faith in one's own abilities to solve problems. Methods: Self-efficacy of n=202 psychosocially distressed and n=262 non-distressed patients, who were screened in one of the six gynaecologic practices, was assessed using the Self-Efficacy Scale during the first trimester (T0) and one year after birth (T1). Results: Psychosocially distressed mothers, who all received counselling from social workers, showed a significantly higher self-efficacy at T1 compared to T0. After the intervention, no significant differences were found between distressed patients and the control group of non-distressed patients who received no intervention. Discussion: Increased self-efficacy in distressed mothers after giving birth and thus, more faith in their own problem-solving capabilities points to the positive effects of the intervention during pregnancy in an outpatient gynecologic setting. Conclusion: Addressing psychosocial distress and strengthening self-efficacy is relevant in clinical interventions. As interface management, a pilot-based intervention like "Babylotse ambulant" can provide relief in the care of distressed patients during pregnancy and birth.
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Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping behavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expended, and how long it will be sustained in the face of obstacles and aversive experiences. Persistence in activities that are subjectively threatening but in fact relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corresponding reductions in defensive behavior. In the proposed model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from 4 principal sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Factors influencing the cognitive processing of efficacy information arise from enactive, vicarious, exhortative, and emotive sources. The differential power of diverse therapeutic procedures is analyzed in terms of the postulated cognitive mechanism of operation. Findings are reported from microanalyses of enactive, vicarious, and emotive modes of treatment that support the hypothesized relationship between perceived self-efficacy and behavioral changes. (21/2 p ref)
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This paper presents a theory of potentially universal aspects in the content of human values. Ten types of values are distinguished by their motivational goals. The theory also postulates a structure of relations among the value types, based on the conflicts and compatibilities experienced when pursuing them. This structure permits one to relate systems of value priorities, as an integrated whole, to other variables. A new values instrument, based on the theory and suitable for cross-cultural research, is described. Evidence relevant for assessing the theory, from 97 samples in 44 countries, is summarized. Relations of this approach to Rokeach's work on values and to other theories and research on value dimensions are discussed. Application of the approach to social issues is exemplified in the domains of politics and intergroup relations.
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General perceived self-efficacy pertains to optimistic beliefs about being able to cope with a large variety of stressors. It is measured with a ten-item scale that has proven useful in cross-cultural research. Previous findings suggest that the construct is universal and that it applies to the majority of cultures worldwide. The present investigation adds a new facet to it: can perceived self-efficacy be measured as part of an interactive computer session while surfing the Internet? A total of 1,437 computer users responded to a survey on the web, half of them young men and women below the age of 26. These data were compared to 290 Canadian university students, 274 teachers in Germany, and 3,077 high school students in Germany. It turned out that all psychometric characteristics were satisfactory. Some evidence for validity emerged. It is suggested that innovative methods of data collection be considered when developing a psychometric scale.
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Two studies examine the psychometric properties and socio-demographic correlates of the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSE) (Jerusalem and Schwarzer, 1986; Schwarzer, 1993). Further, the relationship between GSE and different types of task-specific self-efficacy (TSSE) was studied. Data from 421 Norwegian daily smokers aged 16–79 and 1576 Norwegian 18-year-olds were applied. The results showed that the factor structure, internal consistency and test-retest reliability of GSE were satisfactory. The construct validity of GSE was also supported. The results indicated the existence of complex relationships between GSE and gender, age and education, respectively. Positive correlations were found between GSE and smoking specific self-efficacy (SSSE) and injury risk related self-efficacy (IRSE), respectively. However, GSE did not predict the intention to try to stop smoking while SSSE did. The relationship between GSE and TSSE was addressed with reference to different types of attribution and the possibility that the value of different efficacy experiences may vary between people and throughout the lifecourse.
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The NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) contains positively and negatively formulated items in each dimension. It is therefore possible to test the impact of the item orientation on reliability. The subject sample of the study comprised 1908 persons. The correlations among items which share the same orientation of the scale are greater than the correlations among items with different orientations. It was not possible to identify negative items using Rasch scaling. The Mixed-Rasch-model yielded two types of subjects which show differences in the use of extreme of judgments but not in the handling of negative items. For each of the five scales scores for acquisition and for response variability were calculated. All correlations among these scores were positive (variability: between 36 and 51 acquisition: between 20 and 41), which indicates the generalizability of these response characteristics.
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Based on social-cognitive theory (Bandura, 1997), this paper examined whether perceived self-efficacy is a universal psychological construct that accounts for variance within various domains of human functioning. Perceived self-efficacy is not only of a task-specific nature, but it can also be identified at a more general level of functioning. General self-efficacy (GSE) is the belief in one’s competence to tackle novel tasks and to cope with adversity in a broad range of stressful or challenging encounters, as opposed to specific self-efficacy, which is constrained to a particular task at hand. The study aimed at exploring the relations between GSE and a variety of other psychological constructs across several countries. Relations between general self-efficacy and personality, well-being, stress appraisals, social relations, and achievements were examined among 8796 participants from Costa Rica, Germany, Poland, Turkey, and the USA. Across countries, the findings provide evidence for associations between perceived general self-efficacy and the selected variables. The highest positive associations were with optimism, self-regulation, and self-esteem, whereas the highest negative associations emerged with depression and anxiety. Academic performance is also associated with self-efficacy as hypothesized. The replication across languages or cultures adds significance to these findings. The relations between self-efficacy and other personality measures remained stable across cultures and samples. Thus, perceived general self-efficacy appears to be a universal construct that yields meaningful relations with other psychological constructs.
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Perceived self-efficacy represents an optimistic sense of personal competence that seems to be a pervasive phenomenon accounting for motivation and accomplishments in human beings. The General Self-Efficacy scale, developed to measure this construct at the broadest level, has been adapted tomany languages. The psychometric properties of this instrument is examined among 19,120 participants from 25 countries. The main research question is whether the measure is configurally equivalent across cultures, that is, whether it corresponds to only one dimension. The findings confirm this assumption and suggest the globality of the underlying construct. They also point to a number of cross-cultural differences that merit further investigation.
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Using data from 88 samples from 40 countries, the authors reevaluate the propositions of a recent values theory and provide criteria for identifying what is culture-specific in value meanings and structure. They confirm the widespread presence of 10 value types, arrayed on a motivational continuum, and organized on virtually universal, orthogonal dimensions: Openness to Change versus Conservation and Self-Transcendence versus Self-Enhancement. Forty-four values demonstrate high cross-cultural consistency of meaning. In the average sample, about 16% of single values diverge from their proto-typical value types, and one pair of motivationally close value types is intermixed. Test-retest and randomly split sample analyses reveal that some two thirds of deviations represent unreliable measurement and one third represent culture-specific characteristics. Ways to identify and interpret the latter are presented.
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Most current models in health psychology assume that stress adversely affects physical health. We re-examined this assumption by reviewing extensive data from the literature and from six samples of our own, in which we collected measures of personality, health and fitness, stress, and current emotional functioning. Results indicate that self-report health measures reflect a pervasive mood disposition of negative affectivity (NA); self-report stress scales also contain a substantial NA component. However, although NA is correlated with health compliant scales, it is not strongly or consistently related to actual, long-term health status, and thus will act as a general nuisance factor in health research. Because self-report measures of stress and health both contain a significant NA component, correlations between such measures likely overestimate the true association between stress and health. Results demonstrate the importance of including different types of health measures in health psychology research.
Bevölkerungsrepräsentative Umfragen sind in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf mehrstufige Auswahlverfahren bei der Stichprobenziehung angewiesen, weil — anders als z. B. in Schweden — kein zentrales Register existiert, in dem alle Einwohner verzeichnet sind (vgl. Hanefeld 1987: 145ff). Bei diesen mehrstufigen Verfahren wird in der ersten Ziehungsstufe eine Flächenstichprobe gebildet. Zur Auswahl der Flächen benötigt man eine Datengrundlage, aus der die Gesamtzahl der Flächen und — wenn die Bevölkerungszahl in den einzelnen Flächen variiert — die Bevölkerungszahl pro Fläche hervorgeht. In der Bundesrepublik wird bei der Ziehung von Zufallsstichproben für persönlich-mündliche Bevölkerungsumfragen zumeist das Stichprobendesign des Arbeitskreises Deutscher Marktforschungsinstitute („ADM-Stichprobensystem“) eingesetzt, das auf Daten der Wahlbezirksstatistik des Statistischen Bundesamtes basiert. Bei diesem Verfahren wird in der ersten Stufe eine Stichprobe von Wahlbezirken gezogen. In der zweiten und dritten Auswahlstufe ermitteln die Interviewer in den ausgewählten Wahlbezirken nach einem Zufall s verfahren die zu befragenden Haushalte und Zielpersonen. Eine Alternative zu diesem System, die in der Praxis allerdings nur selten gewählt wird, stellt eine zweistufige Auswahl dar, bei der zunächst eine Stichprobe von Gemeinden gezogen wird und anschließend Personenadressen aus den Einwohnermelderegistern ausgewählt werden.
1.1. Bandura presents the concept of efficacy expectations ambiguously; at times they are discussed as if they include action-outcome expectations, at other times they are contrasted as distinct from these.2.2. It is helpful to keep action-outcome expectations and efficacy expectations conceptually distinct. Failure to do so does not allow consideration of the possibility that psychological treatments for phobias operate by modifying action-outcome expectations, without altering efficacy expectations.3.3. There is no firm experimental evidence to support Bandura's contention that “psychological procedures, whatever their form, serve as means of creating and strengthening expectations of personal efficacy”, or to decide between alternative expectation accounts of the action of psychological treatments.
In verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen wurde unabhangig voneinander auf ein empirisches Phanomen hingewiesen, das der Intuition so sehr widerspricht, dass es „paradox” genannt wurde. Es handelt sich um das „Zufriedenheitsparadox” in der medizinischen Lebensqualitatsforschung bzw. das „Wohlbefindensparadox” in der Sozialwissenschaft. Gemeint ist in beiden Fallen, dass sich objektiv negative Lebensumstande nur in relativ geringem Ausmas auf die subjektive Lebensqualitat niederschlagen. Es werden aus beiden Fachgebieten Beispiele entsprechender Befunde geschildert. Anschliesend wird versucht, einer Erklarung naher zu kommen. Dabei werden sowohl methodische Uberlegungen angestellt, als auch personlichkeits-, kognitions- und sozialpsychologische. Schlieslich werden Konsequenzen fur Forschung und Klinik gezogen. In quality-of-life research an empirical phenomenon has been observed independently in medicine and in the social sciences which is so contrary to what intuition tells us that it has been called paradoxical. In medicine it is called the „satisfaction paradox” and in the social sciences the „well-being paradox”. What is meant in both cases is that objectively negative factors in one’s life have relatively little effect on subjective quality of life. In the present paper examples are given of relevant research findings from both fields. An attempt is then made to explain the phenomenon, with the topic being examined not only from a methodological but also from a personality, cognition and social psychology perspective. Finally, the implications for research and clinical work are discussed.
Describes the psychometric properties of a German-language scale for assessing generalized self-efficacy (GSE), a stable personality characteristic that reflects an individual's belief that he or she can cope with difficult demands. The 10-item scale has been used to assess perceptions of GSE in a wide range of empirical studies, including research on stress, psychosocial adaptation, and health beliefs. Results support the validity and reliability of the scale, revealing that GSE correlates positively with optimism, self-esteem, internal control and achievement motivation and negatively with anxiety, depression, and neuroticism. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The present volume, organized in five sections, covers a broad range of studies that deal with self-efficacy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Thesis (doctoral)--Giessen, 1978.
The present article presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of per- sonal efficacy determine whether coping behavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expended, and how long it will be sustained in the face of ob- stacles and aversive experiences. Persistence in activities that are subjectively threatening but in fact relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corresponding reductions in defensive behavior. In the proposed model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from four principal sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. The more de- pendable the experiential sources, the greater are the changes in perceived self- efficacy. A number of factors are identified as influencing the cognitive processing of efficacy information arising from enactive, vicarious, exhortative, and emotive sources. The differential power of diverse therapeutic procedures is analyzed in terms of the postulated cognitive mechanism of operation. Findings are reported from microanalyses of enactive, vicarious, and emotive modes of treatment that support the hypothesized relationship between perceived self-efficacy and be- havioral changes. Possible directions for further research are discussed.
This study describes the development and initial psychometric evaluation of the 25-item Resilience Scale (RS) in a sample of 810 community-dwelling older adults. Principal components factor analysis of the RS was conducted followed by oblimin rotation indicating that the factor structure represented two factors (Personal Competence and Acceptance of Self and Life). Positive correlations with adaptational outcomes (physical health, morale, and life satisfaction) and a negative correlation with depression supported concurrent validity of the RS. The results of this study support the internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity of the RS as an instrument to measure resilience.
This paper reports on the initial efforts to validate a brief self-report inventory, the Systems of Belief Inventory(SBI-15R), for use in quality of life (QOL) and psychosocial research studying adjustment to illness. The SBI-15R was designed to measure religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, and the social support derived from a community sharing those beliefs. The authors proposed this scale to address the need for greater exploration of spiritual and religious beliefs in QOL, stress and coping research. Phase I: Item generation. The research team identified four domains comprised of 35 items that make up spiritual and religious beliefs and practices. The instrument was piloted in a structured interview format on 12 hospitalized patients with varying sites of cancer. Phase II: Formation of SBI-54. After these initial efforts, the research team increased the number of items to 54 and adopted a self-report format. To assess patients reactions to the questionnaire, the new version was piloted on 50 outpatients with malignant melanoma. Phase III: Initial validation. To begin establishing validation, 301 healthy individuals with no history of cancer or serious illness in the prior year were asked to complete the SBI-54 and several other instruments. A principal components analysis with varimax rotation of the SBI-54 identified two factors, in contrast to the four which were hypothesized, one measuring spiritual beliefs and practices, the other measuring social support related to the respondent's religious community. Phase IV: Item reduction of the SBI-54. A shortened version of the SBI-54 with 15 items, five from the items identifying factor I and ten from those identifying factor II, was developed to lessen patient burden. The new SBI-15 correlated highly with the SBI-54, and demonstrated convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity. Revision of SBI-15. The investigators rephrased one statement in order to broaden the applicability of the SBI-15 to patients other than those with a diagnosis of cancer, and to healthy individuals. DISCUSSION. The SBI-15R met tests of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity in both physically healthy and physically ill individuals. The SBI-15R may have value in measuring religious and spiritual beliefs as a potentially mediating variable in coping with life-threatening illness, and in the measurement of QOL.
The present study describes the German version of the "Systems of Belief Inventory (SBI-15R)" developed by Holland et al. The questionnaire was used in a representative sample of 954 eastern and 1031 western Germans. The SBI met tests of internal consistency and demonstrated discriminant validity. But the two factors of the original version could not clearly be replicated. For the relevance of religious beliefs we found that women score higher than men, older score higher than younger, persons with lower education score higher than persons with higher education, western Germans score higher than eastern Germans. Connections between the SBI-15R-D and self-evaluation as being religious and importance of faith during childhood give hints to the instrument's validity. The SBI-15R-D can serve as a valid and economic tool to explore the role of religious and spiritual beliefs.
The adaptive self: Personal continuity and international self-development
  • A Luszczynska
  • R Schwarzer
Luszczynska, A. & Schwarzer, R. (2005). The role of self-efficacy in health self-regulation. In W. Greve, K. Rothermund & D. Wentura (Eds.), The adaptive self: Personal continuity and international self-development (pp. 137-152). Göttingen: Hogrefe and Huber.
Persönliche Ressourcen, Vulnerabilität und Stresserleben
  • M Jerusalem
Jerusalem, M. (1990). Persönliche Ressourcen, Vulnerabilität und Stresserleben. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Der Gießener Beschwerdebogen (GBB). Handbuch (2. Aufl
  • E Brähler
  • J Scheer
Brähler, E. & Scheer, J. (1995). Der Gießener Beschwerdebogen (GBB). Handbuch (2. Aufl.). Bern: Huber.
Skalen zur Befindlichkeit und Persönlichkeit (S. 15-28)
  • M Jerusalem
  • R Schwarzer
Jerusalem, M. & Schwarzer, R. (1986). Selbstwirksamkeit. In R. Schwarzer (Hrsg.), Skalen zur Befindlichkeit und Persönlichkeit (S. 15-28). Berlin: Institut für Psychologie, Freie Universität Berlin.
The role of self-efficacy in health self-regulation
  • A Luszczynska
  • R Schwarzer