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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Farhaan Altaf specialist registrar trauma and orthopaedics, Alexander Gibson consultant spinal
surgeon, Zaher Dannawi spinal fellow, Hilali Noordeen consultant spinal surgeon
Spinal Surgery Unit, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, London HA7 4LP, UK
Scoliosis is a three dimensional deformity of the spine defined
as a lateral curvature of the spine in the coronal plane of more
than 10°.1It can be categorised into three major
types—congenital, syndromic, and idiopathic. Congenital
scoliosis refers to spinal deformity caused by abnormally formed
vertebrae. Syndromic scoliosis is associated with a disorder of
the neuromuscular, skeletal, or connective tissue systems;
neurofibromatosis; or other important medical condition.
Idiopathic scoliosis has no known cause and can be subdivided
based on the age of onset—infantile idiopathic scoliosis includes
patients aged 0-3 years, juvenile idiopathic scoliosis includes
patients aged 4-10 years, and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
affects people aged >10 years.
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common spinal
deformity seen by primary care physicians, paediatricians, and
spinal surgeons.2This review is focused on AIS and reviews
the diagnosis, management, and controversies surrounding this
condition based on the available literature.
What causes adolescent idiopathic
The diagnosis of AIS is one of exclusion, and is made only
when other causes of scoliosis, such as vertebral malformations,
neuromuscular disorders, and other syndromes have been ruled
out. According to epidemiological studies, 1-3% of children
aged 10-16 years will have some degree of spinal curvature,
although most curves will not require surgical intervention.3 4
Suggested causes of AIS include mechanical, metabolic,
hormonal, neuromuscular, growth, and genetic abnormalities.5 6
These factors are not yet well accepted as a direct cause for this
condition. The current view is that AIS is a multifactorial disease
with genetic predisposing factors.
What is the natural course of adolescent
idiopathic scoliosis?
The natural course of scoliosis was studied in a prospective case
series of 133 patients. The patients were followed for an average
of 40.5 years (range 31-53 years), and 68% of adolescent
idiopathic curvatures were found to progress beyond skeletal
maturity. Thoracic curvatures greater than 50° progressed at an
average of 1° a year, thoracolumbar curves progressed at 0.5°
a year, and lumbar curves progressed at 0.24° a year. Thoracic
curvatures of less than 30° did not progress.7
Previous long term retrospective observational studies of
idiopathic scoliosis presented a poor prognosis (respiratory
failure, cardiovascular risk, and mortality).8This has created a
misinterpretation that all types of idiopathic scoliosis inevitably
lead to disability from back pain and serious cardiopulmonary
compromise. These studies included patients with mixed
diagnoses, which could explain the poor outcomes reported. In
a more recent prospective case-control study describing the 50
year natural course of untreated idiopathic scoliosis, there was
no evidence linking untreated AIS with increased rates of
mortality in general, and cardiopulmonary compromise in
Progressive scoliosis can result in the development of a
worsening deformity and cosmesis.10 The physical deformities
seen include the development of chest wall abnormality, rib
prominences, asymmetry in shoulder height, and truncal shift.
How does adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Patients with AIS most often present with unlevel shoulders,
waist line asymmetry (one hip “sticking out” more than the
other), or a rib prominence. This is usually first identified by
the patient, family member, general practitioner, or a school
Back pain is sometimes the presenting complaint. The
association between scoliosis and back pain has been
demonstrated in a retrospective study of 2442 patients with
idiopathic scoliosis,11 which found that 23% of patients with
AIS had back pain at initial presentation, and another 9%
developed back pain during the study. An underlying
pathological condition was identified in 9% (48/560) of the
patients with back pain, mainly spondylolysis and
spondylolisthesis and only one case of an intraspinal tumour.11
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Summary points
Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine measuring >10° in the coronal plane
Several different types of scoliosis exist, and idiopathic scoliosis occurs in 0.5-3.0% of the paediatric population
Initial evaluation should involve a focused history and physical examination. The Adam’s forward bend test is particularly useful for
Factors predicting curve progression include maturity (age at diagnosis, menarchal status, and the amount of skeletal growth remaining),
curve size, and position of the curve apex
Bracing is used to treat scoliosis in many European countries, but practice is divided in the UK and US, and elsewhere
Surgery is recommended in adolescents with a curve of a Cobb angle more than 45°-50°
Sources and selection criteria
We searched Medline and the Cochrane Library using MeSH terms “adolescent idiopathic scoliosis”, and “scoliosis bracing”. We included
systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, and good quality prospective observational studies mainly from the past 15 years but did
not exclude seminal papers from before this time.
How is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
On presentation of a patient with scoliosis to primary care, a
detailed history, examination, and radiological investigations
should be undertaken before referral to a specialist.
The history should include a detailed birth history,
developmental milestones, family history of spinal deformity,
and assessment of physiological maturity. Difficulties during
labour can be associated with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy,
which can lead to neuromuscular scoliosis. A history of
developmental delay can be indicative of a non-idiopathic cause
for the scoliosis.
Assessment of maturity includes inquiry about the growth spurt
and the menarchal status in girls, as menarche indicates a point
at which the growth starts to decrease over a period of two years
from its onset.12
The patient’s presenting complaint should be elicited, including
back pain, neurological symptoms, and any concerns regarding
cosmesis. The presence of constant pain, night pain, or radicular
pain indicates that further investigations are required to exclude
underlying pathology.13
When examining a patient with suspected scoliosis, adequate
exposure is required to assess the spine appropriately. Boys
should be examined in their underwear or shorts; girls should
be wearing underwear and a bra. Gait and posture should be
evaluated, looking in particular for a short-leg gait due to leg
length discrepancy and listing to one side seen in severe curves.
The patient’s upright posture should be evaluated from the front,
back, and sides. The relative heights of the iliac crests and the
shoulders should be observed for any asymmetry that could be
indicative of curve severity. The pelvis should be level and any
lower limb discrepancy compensated with a lift (a series of
wooden blocks may be placed under the short leg until the hips
are level). If a curvature of the spine is seen, the location and
direction of the curve(s) should be noted. The curve is
designated according to the direction of the curve convexity.
The back should be inspected for the presence of cafe au lait
spots, subcutaneous nodules, and axillary freckles, which are
seen in neurofibromatosis. The presence of hairy patches or skin
dimples over the lower back can be an underlying sign of spinal
dysraphism (a constellation of congenital abnormalities
including defects of the spinal cord and vertebrae).
The balance of the thorax over the pelvis is assessed by dropping
a plumb line from the C7 spinous process, which normally falls
within the gluteal cleft. In cases of coronal imbalance the
distance from the plumb line to the gluteal cleft is measured in
centimetres and the direction of deviation noted.
The Adam’s forward bend test14 is carried out to assess the
degree of rotational deformity associated with the scoliosis. The
patient is asked to bend forward at the waist with the knees
straight and the palms together (fig 1⇓). The examiner looks
down the back for the presence of asymmetry in the rib cage
(rib prominence) or deformities along the back indicative of a
structural scoliosis. A non-structural curve (postural scoliosis)
normally disappears on bending forwards.
A scoliometer is an instrument that is placed on the back and
can be used to provide an objective measure of curve rotation.15
In primary care the use of a scoliometer is not required for the
diagnosis of scoliosis, and suspected cases should be referred
for specialist opinion on diagnosis.
A detailed neurological examination should be performed testing
motor and sensory function and reflexes. Asymmetries in
reflexes can be a sign of an intraspinal disorder.16 The abdominal
reflex refers to the neurological reflex stimulated by stroking
the abdomen around the umbilicus. This usually involves a
contraction of the abdominal muscles, resulting in the umbilicus
moving towards the source of the stimulation. An abnormal
abdominal reflex may be suggestive of an intraspinal disorder
and is often absent on the convex side of the curve.
What imaging is required?
Full length standing posteroanterior and lateral radiographs of
the spine are required in order to assess the degree of deformity.
These are taken with the patient in a standing position in order
to assess the effect of gravity on the deformity. Patients are
instructed to remove their shoes, and any lower limb discrepancy
is compensated with a shoe lift before the radiograph is taken.
Radiographs are taken with the patient looking straight ahead,
legs apart for stability and with their hands on clavicles. If a
radiograph is normal the patient and family can be reassured
that there is no scoliosis. A referral can still be made if there is
concern about pain, axial tenderness, or neurological
abnormalities. If x ray facilities are not available, the patient
may be referred directly to the specialist without radiographs.
On a full length posteroanterior plain radiograph, the magnitude
of a scoliosis curvature is determined with the Cobb technique
(fig 2⇓). Firstly, it is important to identify the superior and the
inferior end vertebrae—the vertebrae with the greatest tilt at the
proximal and distal ends of the curve. The angle between them
is measured by drawing a line from the top of the superior end
vertebra parallel to the upper endplate, and another line from
the bottom of the inferior end vertebra parallel to the lower
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BMJ 2013;346:f2508 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f2508 (Published 30 April 2013) Page 2 of 7
endplate. Perpendicular lines are then constructed at right angles
to the lines along the endplates. The angle formed by the
intersection of the perpendicular lines defines the Cobb angle
(fig 2⇓).
If surgery is considered, films of lateral bending view (full
length posteroanterior plain radiographs with patient bending
to the right and to the left) are first taken to determine curve
flexibility, which is important in the preoperative evaluation
and surgical planning.
The presence of a left thoracic curve or an abnormal neurological
finding are most predictive of the presence of an underlying
disease and warrant referral for further imaging.11 Magnetic
resonance imaging is useful for the identification of tumours
and other pathological lesions—associated neural axis
abnormalities such as syrinx (a fluid filled cavity within the
spinal cord) and Arnold-Chiari malformations.18
What are the risk factors for curve
For decisions about choosing conservative or surgical treatment,
the child’s maturity and the severity of the curvature are the two
most important factors. It is important to evaluate maturity
because the younger the child the greater is the likelihood of
curve progression, equally the larger the curve magnitude the
greater is the risk of progression.9
Scoliosis with a high risk for rapid progression must be detected
as early as possible. In a retrospective case series of 205 patients
(163 girls and 42 boys) with idiopathic scoliosis at skeletal
maturity, the surgical risk for a curve of 20° at the onset of
puberty was at 16%. This surgical risk increased to 100% for
curves ≥30° at the onset of puberty.19 The table⇓summarises
the risk factors for curve progression.
Scoliosis curve progression increases markedly at the time of
the adolescent growth spurt in idiopathic curves and markedly
slows or ceases at the time of completion of growth.20-22 Spinal
growth is closely associated with increase in height, but the
measurement of height velocity at sequential visits is often
associated with inaccuracies. Other maturity markers are
therefore often used to measure the growth rate. The use of these
maturity markers allows us to determine which curves are at
risk of progression. This information allows the clinician to
differentiate between curves that require careful regular
monitoring and ones that require active treatment.
The total growth spurt has a duration of about 2.5-3.0 years,3
with the mean age for peak height velocity being about 14 years
in boys and 12 years in girls.23
Sexual maturity can be evaluated with the Tanner grading
scale,24 which is based on the extent of development of
secondary sexual characteristics. It is important to ask about
menarche because curve progression is less common after its
Skeletal age is a more accurate marker of maturity. The Risser
sign,25 which refers to the appearance of the iliac apophysis of
the pelvis, can be used to determine skeletal age. There are six
Risser stages, from zero to five, denoting the course of the
apophysis from the anterior to the posterior iliac spine, and then
the fusion with the iliac bone (fig 3⇓).23 The incidence of
progression of untreated AIS has been correlated with Risser
sign and curve magnitude.26 For curves of 20°-29° in a immature
child with a Risser sign of 0 or 1, the incidence of progression
was 68%. For curves <19° in a mature adolescent with a Risser
sign of ≥2, the incidence of progression was 1.6%. For small
curves <19° in an immature child (Risser sign 0 or 1), and larger
curves (20°-29°) in a mature child (Risser sign ≥2), the incidence
of progression was about the same, at 22% and 23%
respectively.26 The disadvantages of the Risser sign are that it
correlates with skeletal age differently in boys and girls and it
typically appears after the peak height velocity.
Skeletal age can also be assessed by evaluating the development
of the left hand and wrist on a radiograph: the bones are
compared with those of a standard atlas compiled by Greulich
and Pyle.27 Sanders found that the scoring of the metacarpals
and phalanges more closely related to scoliosis progression than
other maturity indicators, including Tanner stage and Risser
sign.23 Dimeglio et al described elbow maturation as being more
precise than hand maturation.28
How is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Observation for AIS is the most common approach used for
patients with mild deformity (such as a Cobb angle measurement
<25°). Depending on the degree of skeletal maturity, patients
are assessed every four to six months at a specialist clinic to
watch for curve progression. The interval of follow-up will be
determined on an individual basis, based on the age of the
patient, degree of curve, and skeletal maturity. Posteroanterior
radiographs only are taken during each follow-up visit in order
to minimise the exposure to radiation.
Bracing in AIS is controversial, with treatment effectiveness
remaining questionable based on available evidence, with most
published studies being of low methodological quality. The
rationale for the use of braces has been that external forces can
guide the growth of the spine. Brace treatment is not necessarily
benign in terms of the psychosocial and body image concerns
it causes for many patients and their families. Bracing is used
for the treatment of scoliosis in many centres in continental
Europe, but practice is divided in the UK and US, and elsewhere.
Advocates of bracing quote level 2 evidence based information
from prospective controlled studies29-31 as well as other studies
with level 3 and 4 information32-34 in support of bracing efficacy.
In a meta-analysis a total of 1910 patients had non-operative
treatment for idiopathic scoliosis, with 129 patients managed
with observation only.34 The analysis concluded that bracing
was effective in altering the natural course of scoliosis. In 1995,
a prospective, multicentre, non-randomised, non-blinded study
also showed the effectiveness of bracing in girls with curves of
Other studies have shown less positive results. A prospective
case series of 102 immature patients with idiopathic scoliosis
reported that bracing provided curve correction in only 15% of
patients, while 42% later became surgical candidates.35
The primary goal of bracing for scoliosis is to halt curve
progression. The most widely accepted practice for brace
treatment suggests that patients with curves of 25°-45° and in
the most rapidly growing stage (Risser stage 0 or 1) should be
offered a brace on initial evaluation. Curve progression is
defined as an increase in the magnitude of the deformity by
more than 5° at consecutive follow-up appointments of between
four and six months.
Various factors can hinder successful brace treatment. Poor
adherence is common. A meta-analysis reported that a protocol
of 23 hours/day was more successful than protocols of 16
hours/day or night time use.34 A multidisciplinary team approach
involving the patient’s general practitioner, surgeon, orthotist,
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physiotherapist, and parents is needed to improve adherence.
Families must be counselled that there is a risk that bracing may
not be successful, but that the chances of success are improved
with discipline and adherence to wearing the brace for the
recommended time. Patients who have passed the peak height
velocity, are within a year of skeletal maturity, or are a year or
more after menarche are unlikely to benefit from use of a brace.
When should surgery be considered?
About 10% of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis will progress
to a level requiring consideration of surgery.36 Surgery is
generally indicated to treat a significant clinical deformity or
to correct a scoliotic deformity that is likely to progress. Surgery
is recommended in adolescents with a curve that has a Cobb
angle greater than 45°-50°. This recommendation is derived
from studies that have shown that curves >50° tend to progress
slowly after maturity.11 The decision to proceed with surgical
correction therefore needs to take into consideration the clinical
assessment, comorbid conditions, the wishes of the patient, and
the effects the scoliosis has on the patient’s quality of life. It is
not clear that surgery is an effective treatment for back pain
associated with scoliosis.
The aims of surgery may be to arrest curve progression by
achieving a solid fusion, to correct the deformity, and to improve
cosmetic appearance. If the decision is taken to operate, the
usual approach in AIS is posterior (fig ⇓). In this approach a
longitudinal posterior midline incision is used. Pedicle screws
are inserted into the spine and two metal rods are measured and
contoured. Curve correction is achieved as the two metal rods
are attached and tightened on to the pedicle screws. An anterior
fusion is used in AIS either as the sole approach in
thoracolumbar or lumbar curves or in conjunction with posterior
fusion in special cases.
Surgical treatment of AIS has a low rate of non-union and other
complications. The incidence of neurological complications for
spinal deformity surgery has been estimated by the Scoliosis
Research Society at <1%.10 A more recent prospective clinical
case series of 1301 patients reported a neurological complication
rate of 0.69%.37 A long term case-control study of scoliosis
curves fused to the lumbar spine evaluated pain and functional
status of AIS patients with a minimum of 10 years’ follow-up
(average 19 years).38 These patients were compared with a
control population matched for work, age, and recreational
activities. The two groups did not differ with respect to
functional status or pain.
After surgery it is important to check for abnormal neurology
and for bowel and bladder symptoms. Back pain after surgery
is not uncommon, especially if it is mechanical in nature. In the
presence of continuous or night pain, infection or non-union
should be considered, and referral to a specialist is advised.
Postoperative follow-up often involves clinical and radiological
reviews at six weeks, three months, six months, and one year.
These intervals and will vary between institutions, but follow-up
until completion of growth is common.
Contributors: All authors contributed to the design and writing of the
Competing interests: We have read and understood the BMJ Group
policy on declaration of interests and have no relevant interests to
Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer
1 Terminology Committee of the Scoliosis Research Society. A glossary of terms. Spine
2 Lonstein JE. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Lancet 1994;344:8934.
3 Kesling KL, Reinker KA. Scoliosis in twins: a meta-analysis of the literature and report of
six cases. Spine 1997;22:2009-14, discussion 2015.
4 Parent S, Newton PO, Wenger DR. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: etiology, anatomy,
natural history, and bracing. Instructional Course Lectures 2005;54:529-36.
5 Wang S, Qiu Y, Zhu Z, Ma Z, Xia C, Zhu F. Histomorphological study of the spinal growth
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Orthop Surg 2007;2:19.
6Do T, Fras C, Burke S, Widmann RF, Rawlins B, Boachie-Adjei O. Clinical value of routine
preoperative magnetic resonance imaging in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A prospective
study of three hundred and twenty-seven patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2001;83-A:577-9.
7 Weinstein SL, Ponseti IV. Curve progression in idiopathic scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg
Am 1983;65:447-55.
8 Pehrsson K, Larsson S, Oden A, Nachemson A. Long-term follow-up of patients with
untreated scoliosis. A study of mortality, causes of death, and symptoms. Spine
9 Weinstein SL, Dolan LA, Spratt KF, Peterson KK, Spoonamore MJ, Ponseti IV. Health
and function of patients with untreated idiopathic scoliosis. A 50-year natural history study.
JAMA 2003;289:559-67.
10 Scoliosis Research Society. Report of Morbidity Committee 1993 . SRS, 1993.
11 Ramirez N, Johnston CE, Browne RH. The prevalence of back pain in children who have
idiopathic scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1997;79:364-8.
12 Lonstein JE, Carlson JM. The prediction of curve progression in untreated idiopathic
scoliosis during growth. J Bone Joint Surg 1984;66:1061-107.
13 Feldman DS, Straight JJ, Badra MI, Mohaideen A, Madan SS. Evaluation of an algorithmic
approach to pediatric back pain. J Pediatr Orthop 2006;26:353-7.
14 Fairbank MJ. Historical perspective: William Adams, the forward bending test, and the
spine of Gideon Algernon. Spine 2004;29:1953-5.
15 Lee CF, Fong DY, Cheung KM, Cheng JC, Ng BK, Lam TP, et al. Referral criteria for
school scoliosis screening. Assessment and recommendations based on a large
longitudinally followed cohort. Spine 2010;35:E1492-8.
16 Zadeh HG, Sakka SA, Powell MP, Mehta MH. Absent superficial abdominal reflexes in
children with scoliosis. An early indicator of syringomyelia. J Bone Joint Surg Br
17 Kim H, Kim HS, Moon ES, Yoon CS, Chung TS, Song HT, et al. Scoliosis imaging: what
radiologists should know. Radiographics 2010;30:1823-42.
18 Barnes PD, Brody JD, Jaramillo D, Akbar JU, Emams JB. Atypical idiopathic scoliosis:
MR imaging evaluation. Radiology 1993;186:247-53.
19 Charles YP, Dimeglio A. Progression risk of idiopathic juvenile scoliosis during pubertal
growth. Spine 2006;31:1933-42
20 Duval-Beaupere G. Maturation indices in the surveillance of scoliosis [in French]. Rev
Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot 1970;56:59-76.
21 Duval-Beaupere G. Pathogenic relationship between scoliosis and growth. In: Zorab PA,
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22 Duval-Beaupere G. Maturation parameters in scoliosis. Rev Chir Orthop 1970;56:59.
23 Sanders JO. Maturity indicators in spinal deformity. J Bone Joint Surg 2007;89-A(suppl
24 Buckler JM. A longitudinal study of adolescent growth . Springer, 1990.
25 Risser JC. The iliac apophysis: an invaluable sign in the management of scoliosis. Clin
Orthop 1958;11:111-20.
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27 Greulich WW, Pyle SI. Radiographic atlas of skeletal development of the hand and wrist
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28 Dimeglio A, Canavese F, Charles P. Growth and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: when
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36 Lonstein JE, Carlson JM. The prediction of curve progression in untreated idiopathic
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38 Bartie BA, Lonstein JE, Winter RB. Long-term follow-up of idiopathic scoliosis patients
fused to the lower lumbar spine. Orthop Trans 1993;17:176.
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Additional educational resources
Resources for healthcare professionals
Scoliosis Research Society website.
AAOS American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: etiology, anatomy, natural history, and bracing.
Instructional Course Lectures 2005;54:529-36.
Resources for patients
Scoliosis Association United Kingdom (SAUK).—Provides patient information on the condition and treatments
Scoliosis Research Society.—Patient and family section provides information on the condition, treatments,
and outcome
Tips for non-specialists
Postural scoliosis can be differentiated from structural scoliosis with the Adam’s forward bend test: the curvature will disappear on
forward bending in postural scoliosis
If scoliosis is seen in a premenarchal female there is a higher risk of curve progression, and early referral to a specialist is advised
Patients undergoing brace treatment for scoliosis must be encouraged to adhere with brace treatment. Patients must be informed that
the brace can be removed for washing and swimming
Table 1| Risk factors for curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
CommentRisk factor
The younger the age at diagnosis, the greater potential for curve progression at the onset of adolescent growth spurtAge
Progression is more common in girlsSex
Progression is least common after menarcheMenarche
More skeletally immature the greater risk of curve progressionRemaining skeletal growth
Double curves are more likely to progress than single curvesCurve pattern
The risk of progression increases with curve magnitudeCurve magnitude
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Fig 1 The Adam’s forward bend test performed by (left) a patient without scoliosis, and (right) a patient with scoliosis showing
a rib prominence
Fig 2 Cobb technique for determining size of a scoliosis curvature. On a posteroanterior view of the spine, tangents
(dashed-dotted lines) are drawn along the superior endplate of the superior end vertebra and the inferior endplate of the
inferior end vertebra. The angle formed (angle a) by the intersection of these two lines is the Cobb angle. This is more
conveniently measured as the angle (b) formed by the intersection of two lines drawn perpendicular to the tangents. Adapted
from Kim et al17
Fig 3 Illustration of the six Risser stages of skeletal age, from 0 to 5, denoting the course of the apophysis from the anterior
to the posterior iliac spine, and then the fusion with the iliac bone
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Fig 4 Preoperative (left) and postoperative (right) radiographs of an adolescent boy with idiopathic scoliosis, showing
correction of the scoliosis by posterior instrumented fusion of the spine
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