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Freak Waves: Clues for Prediction in Ship Accidents?


Abstract and Figures

Description of freak waves is not only important for design work but also for operational purposes it would be of benefit if warnings could be given to mariners. Meteo-centers already provide wave forecast based on spectral wave model. Although a spectrum gives some average description of the sea-state, it might contain additional information indicating an increased probability of occurrence of exceptional waves. To this end a database with 650 ship accidents was extracted from Lloyd's Marine Information Service database. Their study may help in identifying the ocean areas more prone to bad weather in general and abnormal waves in particular.
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Freak Waves: Clues for Prediction in Ship Accidents?
Alessandro Toffoli
Burgerlijke Bouwkunde
Leuven, Belgium
Jean Michel Lefevre
Div. Marine et
Toulouse, Cedex, France
Jaak Monbaliu
Burgerlijke Bouwkunde
Leuven, Belgium
Henri Savina
Div. Marine et
Toulouse, Cedex, France
Elzbieta Bitner-
Dept. for Strategic
Høvik, Norway
Description of freak waves is not only important for design work but
also for operational purposes it would be of benefit if warnings could
be given to mariners. Meteo-centers already provide wave forecast
based on spectral wave model. Although a spectrum gives some
average description of the sea-state, it might contain additional
information indicating an increased probability of occurrence of
exceptional waves. To this end a database with 650 ship accidents was
extracted from Lloyd’s Marine Information Service database. Their
study may help in identifying the ocean areas more prone to bad
weather in general and abnormal waves in particular.
KEY WORDS: Freak waves; ship accidents.
Air travel may be the fastest growing transport mode. However ships
are two orders more efficient than air freight (in terms of cost per tonne
mile) and hence continue to carry around 95% of the international
freight (Faulkner, 2002). Owing to the increasing demands from
developing countries, it is also expected that shipping freight may
double in the next years and even more attention needs to be given to
safety at sea. It is therefore necessary that warning can be given to
avoid these cargos to encounter dangerous seas.
Although the forecasts are accurate, abnormal sea phenomena may
appear suddenly. On September 28th 2000 the passenger ship “Oriana”
was hit by a 17-meters wave (Howard, 2000). As reported by the
Captain, the ship was handling the weather very well before an
abnormal wave struck it. The incident ended without losses, but quite
frequently the economic, human and environmental consequences are
Although several can be the causes of ship accidents, approximately
80% of shipping casualties are due to human errors in all phases of the
process, i.e. design, constructions and operation (e.g. Gaarder et al,
1997). Nevertheless, accidents might occur due to unexpected sea
conditions that might cause the unability to keep the ship under proper
control. It is assumed that dangerous unexpected conditions will only
occur if sea conditions are fairly rough. Looking at ship accidents
reported as due to heavy sea conditions might therefore give us some
clues as to why they could happen, which in turn may lead to possible
warnings for mariners.
The objective of this study is to examine information related to the
reported ship accidents that occurred in the last years due to heavy
weather. This information concerns data about the ship themselves, but
also other abut shipping density and sea-state.
The paper first presents a more detailed description of the ship
accidents. The location of the area more prone to these events will be
related to the shipping density. In the second part of the paper, the sea-
state conditions that were obtained from numerical wave model
analyses during the casualties are investigated.
The work is aimed by the need to find some common features or
thresholds that might lead to a clear definition of risk – defined herein
as probability of occurrence – for the encounter of abnormal sea-
phenomena in general and “freak” wave in particular. In other words,
the correlation between ship accidents and sea-state parameters is
investigated to search for common features in the sea conditions during
the selected casualties.
Ships have greatly increased in size in the last five decades and quite
often these cargo consist of hazardous materials, for which a safe
handling and a safe navigation is required to prevent accidents leading
to increase risk to life, property and environment. The memory of
37000-ton oil tanker “Erika” is still alive (December 8th 1999), when
the “Prestige” accident happens. Sailing in monotonous seas the
Erika’s hull cracked and water was being taken on board. The next
morning the Erika broke in two and started to sink. Thousands of tons
of oil leaked from her cargo tanks. The huge blanket of oil drifted
towards the Brittany coastline and one of the biggest environment
disasters had started (Mangold, 2000). However, it is not just the
environment, which causes concern. Because the vast majority of the
Proceedings of The Thirteenth (2003) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 2530, 2003
Copyright © 2003 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
ISBN 1880653-605 (Set); ISSN 10986189 (Set)
world’s trade is carried by sea, it is the total loss of ships, their valued
cargo and lives as well as the collateral damage that is unacceptable.
Presently accidents still occur with severe and often less than severe
weather conditions even though the forecasts are good and accurate.
For this reason, it is also of concern to several meteo-centers to include
the sea-state in marine weather forecast when it exceeds some
threshold. Unfortunately some events occur in sea-states where the
prevision of classical parameters does not reflect its. Also it does not
give information about some specific and potentially dangerous
phenomena such as the increase of the steepness in case of opposite
wave direction to current flow or of cross seas, or abnormal waves.
Within the last decades some large ships have been lost, and in many
cases the cause is believed to be a “freak” wave, which is individual
wave of exceptional wave height or abnormal shape (Rosenthal 2002).
The notation of “freak” waves was introduced to address single waves
that are extremely unlikely as reported by the Rayleigh distribution of
wave height (Dean, 1990). Precisely it is assumed that the wave height
(from crest to trough) exceeds the significant wave height by a factor of
2 (Ochi, 1998).
There are several reasons why these wave phenomena may occur.
Often extreme events can be explained by the presence of ocean
currents (e.g. Agulhas current) or bottom topography that may cause
focusing of wave energy in a small area. On the other hand, it is
believed that in the open ocean – away from non-uniform currents or
bathymetry – these waves can be produced by nonlinear self
modulation of a slowly varying wave train (Janssen, 2002).
The European research program “MaxWave” aims at investigating the
occurrence and properties of rogue waves, demonstrating impact of
rogue waves on current design structures for ship and offshore
structures and developing improved forecast product including
warnings for extreme waves. The present investigation is expected to
contribute mainly to the latter.
Five years (1995 – 1999) of ship accidents due to bad weather,
collected from the Lloyd’s Marine Information Service (LMIS) and
Lloyd’s casualty reports have been studied. The location of ship
damages as well as losses due to severe weather are shown in figure 1.
Although only a few accidents are categorized as being caused by freak
waves (e.g. Gunson et al, 2001), it does not mean that other ship
accidents under severe weather were not due to freak waves. Therefore
all accidents under severe weather were considered when wave and
wind fields were retrieved from the ECMWF-archive.
Figure 1. Worldwide ship accidents (1995-1999) due to severe weather. Source:
Lloyd’s Marine Information Service (LMIS) casualty database.
The study of the ship accidents in heavy weather can help in
identifying the ocean area more prone to bad weather conditions in
general and to abnormal waves in particular. However, due to the
complexity of the sea-state, the analysis done addresses not only the
classical wave parameters (from the wave energy spectrum), but also
the geographical and technical parameters (i.e. ship characteristics).
Ship Accidents Database
The data covers all reported serious casualties due to bad weather
including total losses to all propelled sea-going merchant ships in the
world of about 100 gross tonnage and above. It should be noted that the
category “bad weather” applies to the first event that occurred, and
does not record other consequences that may have occurred in the same
accident. The Lloyd’s database is recognized as the most reliable one
among the existing databases. It was developed in 1979 in response to
the shipping community’s growing need for more detailed information
on reported casualties and demolitions. The database is continuously
updated based on reports received daily from Lloyd’s Agents and
Lloyd’s Register Surveyors, situated in over one hundred and thirty
countries all over the world. All information received from the
surveyors is accuracy checked (Bitner-Gregersen & Eknes, 2001).
Ship Density
Whenever a ship is using a radio transmission outside harbors, the
location (in space and time) is recorded as well as the so-called “call
sign’. The call sign is a name used by ships for radio transmission and
it is better than the ship’s name because a call sign is always the same
while a ship’s name can include spaces, lower cases/upper cases and
can slightly differ depending upon who indicates the ship’s name.
Although ships can change names and also call signs, most of the time
the same call sign is used for a long time by a given ship. Therefore it
can be addressed as a ship’s indicator.
As the call sign is a unique name, it can be used to define the ship
density that represents a geographic index of usage. The ship density is
defined as an index of 100 if 8 call signs can be counted in an area of
500 X 500 km2 per day.
The ship density data set covers the period 2000 – 2001 (ship track data
were made available by JCOMMOPS). The index was calculated as an
average over the month and it refers to a single MAR zone, which is an
area of 10°X10° (Fig.2). The MAR zone defines an area that differs
from the ship density definitions. Therefore a adjustment factor was
Note that the ship density includes all ships and is thus not consistent
with the accident database, which contains ships of 100 gross tonnage
and above. The information we have at this moment does not permit us
to make this consistent.
Sea-State Parameters
In order to construct the sea-state during each of the ship accidents, the
ECMWF data set, see Persson (2002), has been queried. The wave
model that is used to produce ocean wave analysis at ECMWF is the
WAM model, which describes the rate of change of the wave spectrum
due to advection, wind input, dissipation due to white capping and non
linear wave - wave interaction.
Data were collected for a specified space and time window. When the
casualties’ location was known, an area of 3° X 3° was defined. When
the location was not known exactly, the entire MAR zone (in which the
accident took place) was investigated. On the other hand, the time
window covered a total period of three days: the two days before the
event and the day of the casualty.
The data set that was available contained the full 2D wave spectra and
some integrated parameters such as the significant wave height, mean
period, mean direction (all of them for wind sea and swell), the peak
period, etc… from the wave model analysis. The data availability was
at 12 GMT for casualties that occurred before June 28th 1998, while
after this date, the data were available at 0, 6, 12 and 18 GMT.
Ship D ensit y
High : 1713.77
Low : 0.0 87 Ship Density Index: Jan 2000
Figure 2. Ship Density Index: the distribution is representing the month of
January 2000.
Accident Types
The main causes of ship losses over the last two decades are due to
“operational” causes (60%) and “design and maintenance” causes
(40%), see Faulkner (2002).
In conditions of heavy sea, accidents may occur as a combination
of different events (e.g. took water, capsized and sank). They can be
classified as follow:
- Foundered 36%
- Water ingress 25%
- Severe hull damages 16%
- Capsize of intact ship 8%
- Others 15%
Geographical Distribution
The ship accidents geographical distribution follows the ship density.
In other words, a high number of accidents were recorded in those
areas of high ship transit. More precisely, the casualties occurred in the
North Sea, along the North American coast and both in the East and
South China Sea.
Figure 3 shows the density of the casualties. This density was defined
addressing index 1 for each accident that occurred in an area of 500 X
500 km2.
It is not a surprise that only 6% of the casualties were recorded in the
Southern Hemisphere.
Seasonal Distribution
Due to generally more severe weather in winter compared to the other
parts of the year, extreme phenomena occur as expected more often in
the winter period. The seasonal distribution extracted by the ship
accident database confirms this assumption. Figure 4 shows the time
distribution histogram. It only contains the casualties that occurred in
the Northern Hemisphere. However, the same conclusion may be
derived from the Southern Hemisphere’s casualties.
The winter season (from December to February) is characterized by
35% of the events, and more than 60% of them are placed in the period
between October and March. Nevertheless it is remarkable to mention
that about 16% of the cases are recorded between June and July (early
Ship Acc. Density
High : 8 .78
Low : 0.2 0 Ship Accidents Density (1995-1999)
Figure 3. Geographical distribution: ship accidents per MAR zone – period
Ship Accident - Seasonal Distribution
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 4. Seasonal distribution of ship accidents – period 1995-1999.
Geographical Density of Risk
Nowadays the forecasts are quite accurate and often they also include
warnings concerning the sea-state. It is therefore believed that shipping
routes avoid more dangerous areas. With this in mind, the ship density
index was put forward as a normalizing factor to provide a first
evaluation for the risk of occurrence of ship accidents. More precisely,
the risk density was described by the ratio between the ship accident
density and the ship density. This definition should not be seen as the
ultimate definition for risk since only one parameter – the ship density
– is considered. Figure 5 reports this distribution.
The analysis indicates that the Southern Hemisphere seems to be more
prone to casualties than the Northern one. Nonetheless, the risk density
is remarkable in all-South Asia regions, and part of the Mediterranean
Sea. On the other hand, the North Atlantic appears less severe. The
high number of accidents in the North Atlantic was balanced by
intensive shipping activities.
Risk De ns ity
High : 0.996
Low : 0 .001 Risk to encounter heavy sea
Figure 5. Risk to encounter ship accidents due to heavy sea. The risk concerns
only the casualties and the shipping densities. Its values were normalized by
means of the highest one.
The two parameters most widely used to describe the sea-state are the
significant wave height and the mean wave period (WMO, 1998).
These two classical values are not conclusive to evaluate the risk of
extreme events. However, they might lead to interesting results
together with other possible parameters if combined with real
The list of potentially important parameters is long. The analysis is
limited to the ones give in Table 1.
Table 1: Wave parameters considered in the analysis
Parameter Formula Reference
Significant Wave
Height 0
4mH S=(Ochi 1998)
Spectral Peak
TP=(WMO, 1998)
Spectral Mean
Period 0
=(WMO, 1998)
Average Wave
Steepness 2
=(WMO 1998)
Mean Directional
12 r=
(Bidlot, 2001)
Bandwidth 1
02 =
Higgins, 1983)
In the formulas above of Table 1, mn is the nth-order moment of the
spectrum (WMO, 1998), ω is the angular frequency, g the acceleration
due to gravity (m/s2), and r1 is the first-order centred Fourier
In addition the 10-m wind speed was also considered. It is essential for
defining the surface stress, which is the basic force that leads to ocean
One Set of Parameter per Day
The sea-state parameters were analyzed in correlation with 250 ship
accidents (40% of the available casualties). The values were observed
at 12 GMT the day of the accident. Although the time of the accidents
was not known, it was assumed that this sea-state is representative for
the time of the accident. Therefore rapid changes on the day or before
the day of the accidents cannot be observed. The wave parameters were
evaluated from a full 2D wave spectrum. Table 2 reports exceedance
levels found by the investigation.
Table 2: Accidents exceeding a given threshold – Parameters at 12 GMT.
Parameter Threshold Accidents
Significant Wave Height < 5 m87%
Spectral Peak Period 8 s < Tp < 18 s63%
Spectral Mean Period 4s < TP < 12 s77%
Average Wave Steepness < 0.03 79%
Mean Directional Spread 0.5 < σ < 0.75 60%
Spectral Bandwidth 0.3 < ν < 0.4 80%
10 m Wind Speed < 10 m/s 53%
Figures 6 to 8 show the histogram-plots for the significant wave height,
the average wave steepness and the 10 m wind speed.
An encounter with a steep wave condition can be disastrous, even for a
large ship. An example is given by the FPSO “Schiehallion”. The ship
(80000 tons) was located 60°21’ N and 4°4’ E when it sustained heavy
weather damage above the waterline around 22 GMT on November 9th
1998. The reported damage was not caused by a wave of extreme
height, but by a wave of exceptional steepness. Wave model hindcast
results showed steepness values of about 0.04 (Gunson et al, 2001).
Note that average wave steepness extracted from the Pierson-
Moskowitz spectral formulation (Pierson-Moskowitz, 1964) is
characterized by a constant value SP equal to 0.0295.
The propagation characteristics of an ocean wave field can be obtained
from the circular standard deviation of the directional distribution
function, and it is usually referred to as the directional spread (σ). The
parameter is a function of the first-order centred Fourier coefficient of
the directional distribution (r1), and it takes values between 0 and 2,
where the value of 0 corresponds to unidirectional spectrum and the
value of 2 to uniform spectrum (Bidlot, 2001).
The spectral width (bandwidth) parameter can be used as a measure of
the irregularity of the sea-state (WMO, 1998). Irregular wave patterns
may be observed if ν 1, while ν<<1 is indication of regular waves
(narrow spectrum).
It is hard to define a real threshold above which one can assume
warnings for shipping, as nowadays ships are designed to sail in
extreme seas. Nevertheless, the present study shows that a high number
of casualties occurred in a low sea-state condition. Note again that the
sea-state parameters calculated refer to the 12 GMT the day of the
0246810 12 14 16
Significant Wave Height
Hs [m]
Normalized Number of Ships
Figure 6. Significant wave height histogram. Data referred at 12 GMT. The
normalization of the y-axes lead to an area under the histogram equal to 1.
00.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Average Wave Steep ness
Normalized Number of Ships
Figure 7. Average wave steepness histogram. Data referred at 12 GMT. The
normalization of the y-axes lead to an area under the histogram equal to 1.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
10-m Win d Speed
U10 [m/s]
Normalized Number of Ships
Figure 8. 10-m wind speed histogram. Data referred at 12 GMT. The
normalization of the y-axes lead to an area under the histogram equal 1.
Four Sets of Parameters per Day
About 40 accidents of the 250 analyzed cases (16%) occurred in the
period after June 28th 1998. For them, the data were recorded every six
hours, and hence “rapid” changes in the parameters can be observed.
The analysis of these 40 accidents covered two days before and the day
of a casualty. In this period a sharp increase of the significant wave
height, average wave steepness, and wind speed was observed in the
last 24 hours (e.g. Fig. 9 shows the significant wave height for an event
that occurred off Nova Scotia). None the less, the sea-state appeared
again to be rather low. However, an average wave steepness equal to
0.03 was overcome in 46% of the cases, which represents more than
double the quantity observed at 12 GMT.More detailed research has to
be done to sea whether next to having values for certain parameters of
the sea-state also an indication of the gradient (in time and in space) is
On the other side, a flat line was usually observed for the mean
directional spread and the bandwidth parameter. However, for several
cases a sharp peak was observed for the bandwidth parameter.
Time [h]
Hs [m]
Significant Wave Height - 1998/09/28 - Nova Scotia
Figure 9. Evolution in time of the significant wave height. It reports the
parameter in the retrieval grid points (mesh of 1°X1°). The casualties can be
located between the four middle plots.
Time [h]
Average Wave Steepness - 1998/09/28 - Nova Scotia
Figure 10: Evolution in time of the average wave steepness. It reports the
parameter in the retrieval grid points (mesh of 1°X1°). The casualties can be
located between the four middle plots.
Time [h]
U10 [m/s]
10-m Wind Speed - 1998/09/28 - Nova Scotia
Figure 11: Evolution in time of the 10-m wind speed. It reports the parameter in
the retrieval grid points (mesh of 1°X1°). The casualties can be located between
the four middle plots.
Wind Sea and Swell Separation
The wave parameters discussed before do not take into account the
directions of wind sea and swell. Under this consideration, the mean
direction for wind sea and swell were observed on the day of the
accidents (wind sea and swell separation had been performed by
ECMWF’s WAM model). The Cartesian plane was divided in four
sectors: “following sea” between 315° and 45°, “cross-sea” between
45° and 135°, and between 225° and 315°. Also the “opposite sea”
between 135° and 225° was detected. This distinction gives the
following results:
- Following Sea: 53% of the cases;
- Cross Sea: 38% of the cases;
- Opposite Sea: 9% of the cases.
The definition above covers quite a large directional range. It was
intended to categorize each entry of the entire data set.
If the directional range for a particular category changed from 90 to 45
degrees (e.g. cross-sea between 67.5 and 112.5 degrees and between
247.5 and 292.5 degrees), the number of cross-sea cases also decreases
to half. In other words only 19% of the cases then satisfy the condition
of cross-sea. However, the analysis for the entire three-days data set
shows that very often the condition of cross-sea changes to the
condition of opposite sea when approaching the day of the events.
Since conditions of cross-sea and opposite sea are believed to be
dangerous for ships, it is remarkable that only about 50% of the cases
were reported in such conditions.
One clear example of cross-sea is shown in Figure 12. The swell that
was coming from South South-West crossed the wind sea coming from
West with an angle of approximately 90°.
We noted that about 60% of the cases of cross-sea are located in those
areas where a high risk to encounter ship accidents were detected (see
Fig. 5).
High : - 1
Low : -9956
Wind Sea & Swell
²0.01 - 0.70
²0.71 - 1.40
1.41 - 1.96
Wind Sea
²0.01 - 0.70
²0.71 - 1.40
²1.41 - 1.96
Figure 12. Wind Sea and Swell mean direction – Cross Sea condition. The
length of the arrows is made proportional to the significant wave height.
Ships that founder represent a great disaster both from an economical
and a human point of view. Moreover the environmental collateral
damages may be enormous. Therefore it would be of great benefit if
warning might be given to mariners.
Data on ship density as well as wave and wind field data (retrieved
from the ECMWF-archive) were used in the analysis of ship accidents
due to heavy weather. About 250 accidents were consequently looked
The combination of the shipping density and the density of ship
accidents allows to define those locations in which there is an increased
risk (probability of occurrence) worth. Nevertheless, the density cannot
be assumed as the only parameter for consideration and hence the sea-
state conditions were added. Surprisingly, the investigation showed that
in most of the cases the casualties occurred in rather low sea-state
(according to wave model analysis). This can be caused by the fact that
data are referred to a fixed time (12 GMT). The present analysis has
several limitations and therefore the results should be used with care.
Further investigations are necessary in order to reach a firm conclusion.
A cross-check of model data with altimeter data (Topex-Poseidon
campaign) will for example be done.
The study indicates that the classical spectral parameters (HS and TP)
are not sufficient to point at possibly extreme wave phenomena.
However processes that form huge waves such as interaction between
waves and currents (e.g. Agulhas Current) are usually not adequately
represented in operational forecast products.
Cross, opposing or following seas may play a role, but the current
results do not allow to draw firm conclusions.
There are indications that rapidly changing conditions can create
dangerous situations. An adequate time resolution of wave parameters
is therefore needed to understand the importance of gradient
information in developing warning criteria for operational purposes.
Important to remark in that respect is that all ships react differently to a
certain sea-state and that an interpretation of wave forecast will be
needed for type of ship and possibly for each individual ship.
This work was carried out in the framework of the European project
MAXWAVE (project no. evk: 3-2000-00544). The authors would like
to thank the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography
and Marine Meteorology In Situ Observing Platform Support Center
(JCOMMOPS) for the ship tracks data.
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Faulkner, D (2002). “Shipping Safety”, Quarterly of the Royal Academy
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Element in Marine Risk Management”. Advanced in Safety and
Reliability, C. Guedas Coares, (Ed.), Pergamon, pp 857-898.
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Conditions from Wave Model Hindcasts and from Synthetic Aperture
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Howard, E (2000). “Wrecked Tanker ‘Structural Weak’”, BBC,
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... Each EF and CP may change continuously during any navigation period. When the CP related to all EFs is no less than that determined based on historical SCA data, the SCA probability related to the navigation environment may be regarded as the warning value (Toffoli, 2003). ...
... and the CP is very low. This suggests that the CP is independent of any change in the ship density except for that while SDS is close to 0.6 (the corresponding ship density: [15][16][17][18][19][20]. If the number of SCAs corresponding to the ship density (< 5 or > 30) rises, a higher ship density leads to an increase in the CP (Figure 7). ...
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The ship collision accident (SCA) risk for any ship approaching any other change from the causation probability (CP) to the geometric probability (GP) in regime. Because ship operators may not be aware of the environmental factors (EFs) related potential risks in high CP during the initial stage of the GP analysis process, it is likely that higher-grade SCA measures will not be taken. However, if any EF-related CP is told to ship operators, they can take more effective and intentional measures in time; moreover, if the CP corresponding to navigation-related EFs is no less than the risk early warning critical value (REWCV) calculated based on historical SCA data, SCAs will be in a high-risk level. A new method was put forward here based on a quantitative analysis of EFs and previous SCA statistics to provide early warning of any SCA risk; and then a REWCV can be obtained based on quantified EFs by applying such method which is relatively simple but high operational and practical. A case study of Three Gorges Reservoir in China indicates that the range of EF values for which the probability of a SCA grows rapidly is consistent with environmental limits defined by Chinese maritime standards. Moreover, the modified critical value of the EF-related CP shall be further refined to act as the REWCV for CAs. In addition, the relationship (REWCV vs. the number of previous SCAs) was clarified.
... The ship accident data due to bad weather from the Lloyd's marine information services shows that the north Indian Ocean (comprises of Arabian Sea(AS) and Bay of Bengal (BOB)) is a ship accident prone area (Toffoli et al., 2003). The ship data base developed by using satellite data shows that the ship density in the north Indian Ocean is on the higher side (Jean, 2015). ...
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Unexpected occurrences of freak waves endanger safe navigation and operational activities in the ocean. To reduce the potential marine accidents, many oceanographers have investigated the probability and mechanism of freak wave occurrences and discussed some relevant environmental factors leading to freak wave generations. However, study on the occurrence of freak waves in the Indian Ocean is very limited. In this study, the existence of freak waves is shown in the north Indian Ocean using observed moored buoy data. Fifty five freak wave events are reported by analyzing available buoy data from the year 2009–2017. All of the events occurred in a combined sea state of swell and wind sea. This study further provides a detailed analysis of the met-ocean conditions, which took place during some selected incidents of the freak wave in the north Indian Ocean. The commonly observed factors during the freak wave events in the north Indian Ocean are cross sea condition, increase in wind speed, rapid development in the sea state and steepness is greater than 0.01. Our analysis supports the fact that swell and wind sea make a coupled system during freak wave events.
... Many ship accidents, from damage to disappearances, have been reported that were likely related to rogue waves [5]; although most of these were not described as such, but rather it was inferred from accounts. The recognition of the hazards that are associated with extreme waves has increased in recent years, mainly due to incidents of waves striking passenger ships and platforms (e.g., the Draupner in 1995, the Queen Elisabeth II in 1995, the Caledonia Star and Bremen in 2000, the Explorer, Voyager and Norwegian Dawn in 2005, the Louis Majesty in 2010 and the MS Marco Polo in 2014), some of which resulted in fatalities [6][7][8]. The Draupner wave in 1995 was the first rogue wave to be recorded by sensors at a gas platform in the North Sea. ...
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Rogue waves are a recognized but not fully comprehended hazard of major concern to the maritime industry. There is not one agreed-upon unified model that explains the formation of such waves and little is known about their frequency of occurrence. This study used in situ data from a wave buoy located at the entrance of Tampa Bay, Florida, to assess conditions that could lead to the development of these potentially destructive waves. Tampa Bay is a major commercial and transportation hub on the east coast of the United States. Wave buoy data from 2015 to 2019 were analyzed in this study. While more than 7000 individual waves that significantly exceeded median values were recorded, only 32 exceeded 4 m, thereby imposing risks to local navigation. The largest rogue wave that was recorded was 8.46 m high. Parameters in the time and frequency domains were calculated, local wind and surface current data were correlated, satellite synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) and vessel traffic data were analyzed, and the local bathymetry was considered. Based on our results, the narrow directional wave spreading that was found on the selected rogue waves was recognized as an important indicator of extreme waves. The parameters: surface elevation kurtosis, Benjamin-Feir Index (BFI), wave steepness, broadness, and narrowness factors, wind speed and direction, can be considered together, as a part of a local extreme-wave warning package. The selected individual rogue waves could not be identified using SAR imagery. Regional disturbances from ship wakes were analyzed but yielded no connections to the local formation of rogue waves.
... The Cook Inlet, has a tidal range of 8-9 m, forcing currents about 1-2ms −1 during full tidal flow, and currents are generated by wind and baroclinic forcing (Singhal et al., 2013). Wave height and steepness could increase due to a strong opposing current (Kharif and Pelinovsky, 2003;Onorato et al., 2011;Toffoli et al., 2003) by altering the dispersion relation and spatially focus wave energy, forming rogue waves (Heller et al., 2008;Lavrenov , 1998;Peregrine, 1976). ...
Rogue waves are ocean surface waves larger than the surrounding sea that can pose a danger to ships and offshore structures. Fatal accidents are not just as a result of the wave size but the unexpected nature of the event. Despite rogue wave prediction being sought for decades, all current prediction methods are not operationally viable as they require complex measurement of the wave field and computationally intensive calculation, which is infeasible in most applications. Consequently there is a need for fast predictors. Here we collate, quality control, and analyse the largest dataset of single-point field measurements from surface following wave buoys to search for predictors of rogue wave occurrence. We find that analysis of the sea state parameters in bulk yields no clear predictors, except spectral bandwidth parameters which display different probability distributions in rogue seas to normal seas, but these parameters are rarely provided in wave forecasts. When location is accounted for, trends can be identified in the occurrence of rogue waves as a function of the average sea state characteristics at that location. We find that frequency of occurrence of rogue waves and their generating mechanism is not spatially uniform, and each location is likely to have its own unique sensitivities which increase in the coastal seas. Further, we investigate the temporal variability rogue waves along the US western seaboard, to investigate regional trends in significant wave height and individual rogue waves. We find high spatial variability in trends in significant wave height and rogue waves across the region. Rogue wave occurrence displays a mostly decreasing trend, but the relative height – or severity – of the waves is increasing. We also identify seasonal intensification in rogue waves with increased rogue wave occurrence, of higher severity, in the winter than in the summer. Finally we investigate the feasibility of rogue wave prediction using existing technologies by applying our learnings to machine learning algorithms to build a predictive model based on the short-term sea state statistics that are forecast by wave models. We find that the rarity and complexity of the phenomenon leads to an imbalanced and overlapping dataset and consequently poor classification ability by machine learning models. The performance is deemed too low to be of practical use to the mariner at this time.
... Akten (2004) identified that natural conditions such as current, tide, severe wind, reduced visibility, stormy seas can affect the safe operation of a ship thus leading to a marine accident. Toffoli et al. (2003) argues that even with good and accurate forecasts that marine accidents still happen from unrelenting harsh weather conditions or even from less severe circumstances. He stated that this has prompted various metro-centres to incoperate the sea state in marine weather forecast when it surpasses a certain threshold. ...
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ABSTRACT The continuous growth of the maritime sector in Nigeria, indicate an increase in shipping activities and tonnage. The prosperity of the sector helps in boosting the National economy. But then the occurrences of marine accidents and its implications tend to pull back this progression every now and then. The results of the marine accidents that occur on the inland and coastal waters of Nigeria affects the economy in such a way that it broods economic loss and impacts the finances of the shipping companies involved, who tend to pay out a lot of money subsequent to these marine accidents. This paper aims at discussing the impacts these accidents have on the economy by way of damages to natural resources through pollution; then loss of lives and creation of wrecks litters. Secondly, it accesses the cost of marine accidents and the extent of monetary pay out by companies involved in the accidents. This assessment will be done through the secondary data as well as primary data gotten from shipping companies by way of responses to the questionnaire used. However, these frequent marine accidents resulting to economic losses tend to point that there is a gap in the implementation and execution of the safety regulations, since Nigeria is signatory to many safety regulations and conventions.
This study involved an examination of 3200 maritime accident investigation reports to identify factors contributing to maritime accidents and their consequences. The information extracted from these reports was categorized and integrated into a database comprising details from 997 reports. This database served as the foundation for developing a model aimed at assessing accident risk by analyzing the causes and consequences of maritime accidents. The primary objective of this research was to identify risks stemming from errors and failures in maritime operations and to devise a strategy for evaluating these risks. The risk assessment model proposed in this study underwent statistical analysis using data extracted from the maritime accident investigation reports incorporated into the database. Various sources of accidents, including violations of collision regulations (COLREG), Bridge Resource Management (BRM) failures, propulsion errors, adverse sea states, and instances of misbehavior, were identified and analyzed. We anticipate that the results derived from our risk assessment model will offer valuable insights for formulating strategies aimed at mitigating the underlying causes of maritime accidents. This study endeavors to contribute to the enhancement of maritime safety by providing a systematic approach to identify and address potential risks in maritime operations.
Freak wave occurs unexpectedly in the ocean with an extreme wave crest and focused wave energy, resulting in many marine accidents. The interaction between a container ship and freak waves in beam sea is studied in this paper to better understand the influence of freak waves on ships. A three-dimensional in-house solver is developed and validated for the freak wave generation and the wave-ship interaction. Characteristics of the interaction process, motion responses of the ship and the green water loadings induced by the freak waves are obtained and analyzed. Comparisons are carried out to reveal the influences of the freak wave crest and sequence on the roll, heave and impact pressures. Relations between motion responses of the ship and the green water event are discussed. Influences of ship speeds on the wave-ship interaction are addressed.
Maritime transport is defined as “any movement of goods and/or passengers using seagoing vessels on voyages which are undertaken wholly or partly at sea”. The freight/cargo component of the system carries out the above-mentioned goods/freight/cargo shipments as one of the most important worldwide. The main components of the maritime transport system are its global and regional shipping network, established at global and regional geographical scale, respectively. The global maritime network comprises the sea lanes/roads or shipping lanes spreading on oceans and seas as links connecting the nodes-sea ports usually located at different continents. The regional sea network consists of the sea lanes closer to the coast of countries facing the sea and/or ocean and connecting the ports of a single or of the neighbouring countries. In both networks, the ships of different categories in terms of the available capacity, operating speed, and energy/fuel consumption carry out transport services delivering different freight/cargo shipments. In most cases, transport services are carried as scheduled/planned. This Chapter describes the main characteristics of the maritime shipping networks, external and internal disruptive events impacting their planned/regular performances, modelling reliability, resilience, robustness, and vulnerability of the maritime transport services based on the selected indicators of performances, and application of these models to the case of the disrupted network, i.e., its component—the maritime Canal/Strait—blocked by the stranded large container ship, and the corresponding transport services.KeywordsMaritime transport systemShipping networksPerformancesDisruptive eventsReliabilityResilienceRobustnessVulnerabilityIndicators of performancesModellingCanal/StraitStranded container ship
The analysis of ocean surface waves is essential to ensure safe navigation. Since 2010, different on-board observation data from bulk carriers, including those navigating high-risk shipping regions in the southern hemisphere with strong ocean currents, have been collected for 6 years. High-resolution numerical simulations of ocean waves for four rough sea cases, considering the effect of wave-current interaction on ship navigation, have been performed using the WAVEWATCH III model. The simulations considered the ocean surface wind force from the widely used reanalysis database of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction Final and European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts Interim Reanalysis. To provide practical suggestions for safe navigation by avoiding possible high-risk ocean regions and construct a more effective and efficient optimum ship routing system, the model results were validated based on on-board observations, followed by discussions on the responses of ship motion and navigation to sea states at different levels. Finally, early warning criteria, including various operational ocean parameters for ballast and loaded ships sailing in rough seas were identified.
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На основании опубликованных данных представлен обзор современного состояния исследований волн-убийц. Он включает описание и географию явления, физико-статистические характеристики аномальных волн, результаты спутниковых наблюдений. Дано описание основных теоретических исследований таких волн, некоторые результаты исследования их силового воздействия на суда.
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Nonlinear four wave interactions and Freak Waves Peter A.E.M. Janssen E.C.M.W.F., Shinfield Park, Reading, U.K. ( Four-wave interactions are shown to play an important role in the evolution of the spectrum of surface gravity waves. This follows from direct simulations of an ensemble of ocean waves using the Zakharov equation. The theory of homogeneous four-wave interactions, extended to include effects of nonresonant transfer, compares favourably with the ensemble-averaged results of the Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, there is good agreement regarding spectral shape. Also, the kurtosis of the surface elevation probability distribution is well-determined by theory even for waves with a narrow spectrum and large steepness. These extreme conditions are favourable for the occurence of freak waves.
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The need to identify the likelihood of the occurrence of rogue waves is addressed here. As part of the MAXWAVE project, a shipping casualty database is created, and wave model hindcasts are run for selected casualties. SAR images of the sea-surface are analysed to provide other criteria for rogue wave development. Diagnostics are developed from the model output, and from the SAR images, that will provide regional risk maps of extreme wave conditions. AUTHOR'S BIOGRAPHY Jim Gunson is a research scientist at the Met Office in wave modelling. He is project scientist for the Met Office contribution to the Maxwave project, and is responsible for wave model hindcasts and monitoring of observations. Previous experience includes research in ocean data assimilation for circulation models. Susanne Lehner is a research scientist with DLR and head of the Radar Oceanography group. She is working on the development of algorithms to determine marine parameters relating to wind fields, sea state and sea ice, from SAR images. Elzbieta Bitner-Gregersen is a principal research engineer at DNV. Her work has centred primarily on probabilistic modelling of waves. She also has experience with wave load/response analysis and structural reliability analysis. DNV and DLR are some of the partners in the Maxwave project.
A possible explanation is proposed for the occurrence of freak waves, which are defined as waves with larger heights than expected based on the Rayleigh distribution. The suggested cause is due to nonlinearities of superposition of waves which are not accounted for in the Rayleigh distribution. When two waves combine, if their fundamental components add linearly, it can be shown that the combined wave height increases by more than the sum of the fundamental components. The argument does not address the correctness of linear addition of the fundamental components nor does it include energy closure. An example is presented illustrating the concept.
A theoretical probability density is derived for the joint distribution of wave periods and amplitudes which has the following properties: (1) the distribution is asymmetric, in accordance with observation; (2) it depends only on three lowest moments m_0, m_1, m_2 of the spectral density function. It is therefore independent of the fourth moment m_4, which previously was used to define the spectral width (Cavanie et al. 1976). In the present model the width is defined by the lower-order parameter ν = (m_0 m_2/m^2_1-1)^1/2. The distribution agrees quite well with wave data taken in the North Atlantic (Chakrabarti & Cooley 1977) and with other data from the Sea of Japan (Goda 1978). Among the features predicted is that the total distribution of wave heights is slightly non-Rayleigh, and that the interquartile range of the conditional wave period distribution tends to zero as the wave amplitude diminishes. The analytic expressions are simpler than those derived previously, and may be useful in handling real statistical data.
The data for the spectra of fully developed seas obtained for wind speeds from 20 to 40 knots as measured by anemometers on two weather ships are used to test the similarity hypothesis and the idea that, when plotted in a certain dimensionless way, the power spectra for all fully developed seas should be of the same shape as proposed by Kitaigorodskii (1961). Over the important range of frequencies that define the total variance of the spectrum within a few percent, the transformed plots yield a non-dimensional spectral form that is nearly the same over this entire range of wind speeds within the present accuracies of the data. However, since slight variations of the wind speed have large effects on the location of this non-dimensional spectral form, inaccuracies in the determination of the wind speed at sea allow for some latitude in the final choice of the form of the spectrum. Also since the winds used to obtain the non-dimensional form were measured at a height greater than ten meters, the problem of relating the spectral form to a standard anemometer height arises. The variability introduced by this factor needs to be considered. The results, when errors in the wind speed, the sampling variability of the data, and the anemometer heights are considered, suggest a spectral form that is a compromise between the various proposed spectra and that has features similar to many of them.