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Abstract and Figures

Dyslexia is a learning disability that can hinder a person's ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes speak. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children and persists throughout life. The severity of dyslexia can vary from mild to severe. The sooner dyslexia is treated, the more favorable the outcome. This paper proposes a prolog based system for dyslexia diagnosis PSDD. PSDD is not only able to determine the severity degree of this disability but it is also able to propose a treatment plan with different steps that need to be taken by both teachers and parents. Through their feedback, PSDD is able to adapt its knowledge in order to give more enhanced treatment plans.
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PSDD : Prolog-based System for Dyslexia Diagnosis
Dr. Adnan G. Abuarafah
, Dr. Osama khozium
(Corresponding Author is Marked with a *, Presenter Author is Underlined)
Faculty of computer and information systems, Umm Al-Qura University, Makah, SA,
Faculty of computer and information systems, Umm Al-Qura University, Makah, SA,
Dyslexia is a learning disability that can hinder a person's ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes
speak. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children and persists throughout life. The
severity of dyslexia can vary from mild to severe. The sooner dyslexia is treated, the more favorable the
outcome. This paper proposes a prolog based system for dyslexia diagnosis PSDD. PSDD is not only
able to determine the severity degree of this disability but it is also able to propose a treatment plan with
different steps that need to be taken by both teachers and parents. Through their feedback, PSDD is able
to adapt its knowledge in order to give more enhanced treatment plans.
Keywords: Dyslexia; logic programming; diagnosis; user requirements.
1. Introduction
Dyslexia is not a disease. It is a condition in which a person's brain learns in a different way
from that of other people. The condition has nothing to do with a person's intelligence.
Dyslexia is affecting up to 17% of the population [1] [2] [3] [4] [8]. Those learning disorders
are usually related to the use of language and reading. Learning disorders occur in people of all
ages, races, and income levels. Children have this problem often struggle to acquire word
reading and/or spelling skills and knowledge despite appropriate intervention.
Figure 1
that people with dyslexia tend to confuse certain letters and have difficulty spelling.
The British Psychological Society’s Division of Education and Child Psychology drew
together widespread research showing that dyslexia has multiple causes and the appropriate
intervention consists of frequently delivered and highly structured phonic learning, word
reading and spelling skills programs. Their definition of dyslexia is as follows: “Dyslexia is
evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or
with great difficulty. This focuses on literacy learning at ‘word level’ and implies the problem
is severe and persistent, despite appropriate learning opportunities.” [1]
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A Sign of Dyslexia
An independent report, dated June, 2009, from Sir Jim Rose to the Secretary of State for
Children, Schools and Families refers to dyslexia as “Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that
primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.” [2]
Dyslexia can cause frustration and negative feelings about competencies for some children and
in turn this might cause behavior problems. History gives many examples of great people who
have overcome dyslexia to achieve enormous success– Albert Einstein being probably the most
famous. However, Dyslexia is worrying for both parents and educators [1] [7] [9] [10].
Many teachers lack knowledge of the symptoms of dyslexia and also the resources needed to
diagnose the condition. While teachers continue to carry out tremendous work in schools, they
are however, under extreme pressure, which does mean some dyslexic children go unnoticed.
Children therefore suffer because they do not get diagnosed early enough. In addition, current
tools to diagnose dyslexia can be very expensive and many schools are unable to purchase
them due to budget constraints.
The opportunities for developing an intelligent system for teachers and parents are extremely
valuable. An intelligent diagnostic tool can help teachers and parents identify the symptoms
that are commonly displayed in dyslexic children. This expert system could allow primary
school teachers to confirm that a child may need further investigation by the teachers
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themselves, the parents or by the educational child psychologist. Moreover, the system will be
designed to propose a treatment plan to cure or solve the problem and symptoms of dyslexia.
This paper proposes a prolog-based system for dyslexia diagnosis (PSDD) which is intended to
work as a tool that is easy to use and is not expensive. As stated above, early detection is the
key to helping a dyslexic child so PSDD targets both parents and teachers who are closely
working to dyslexic children. PSDD will help teachers to know what type and degree of
severity of their dyslexic children. Also, it will help parents to monitor the performance and
progress of dyslexic children as well as his current emotional/ physical states. In addition
PSDD will support both of them with recommendations to cure dyslexics, raise their level and
awareness in dealing with this disorder.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section provides overview of dyslexia as
well as the prolog language for developing expert systems. Section three describes the main
architecture of the proposed system (PSDD). Section four concludes the research.
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Dyslexia
Children with dyslexia have difficulty in learning to read despite traditional instruction, at least
average intelligence, and an adequate opportunity to learn. It is caused by impairment in the
brain's ability to translate images received from the eyes or ears into understandable language.
The child can become frustrated by the difficulty in learning to read, and other problems can
appear that disguise dyslexia. The child may show signs of depression and low self-esteem.
Dyslexia may affect several different functions. Visual dyslexia is characterized by number and
letter reversals and the inability to write symbols in the correct sequence. Auditory dyslexia
involves difficulty with sounds of letters or groups of letters. The sounds are perceived as
jumbled or not heard correctly. Some children with dyslexia may suffer from visual stress.
Visual stress is the experience of unpleasant visual symptoms when reading. Symptoms
include illusions of shape, movement and color in the text, distortion of the print, loss of print
clarity, and general visual irritation.
Figure 2
shows simulation of one symptom of visual stress.
The causes of dyslexia fall into two broad categories [1] [7].
or genetic inheritance,
forms of damage to the brain during or post birth.
or lack of exposure to reading,
reduced motivation and self-esteem in relation to reading and spelling, unvaried methods of
teaching word reading and spelling, for example total use of synthetic phonics approaches will
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disadvantage children who are more successful at being able to recognize whole words but
struggle to split words into sound patterns or build sounds into words. The problem for the
investigator trying to pinpoint a cause is that factors within these two broad categories
interrelate and neurological problems can cause environmental ones and vice versa.
Simulation of one Symptom of Visual Stress
Dyslexia is a difficult disorder to diagnose. If one were to take a group of dyslexic and a group
of non-dyslexic adults, statistically significant differences between these groups in reading,
writing and spelling would almost certainly be found. But if one took an individual adult with
dyslexia, he or she may have literacy skills in the average range (although probably below that
which might be reasonably expected from their intelligence and education), while an individual
adult who does not have dyslexia may have below average literacy skills.
There are many factors the psychologist or other health professional reviews to diagnose the
disability. The testing determines the child's functional reading level and compares it to reading
potential, which is evaluated by an intelligence test. The tests determine whether a child learns
better by hearing information (auditory), looking at information (visual), or doing something
(kinesthetic). They also assess whether a child performs better when allowed to give
information (output), by saying something (oral), or by doing something with their hands
(tactile-kinesthetic). The tests also evaluate how all of these sensory systems (modalities) work
in conjunction with each other.
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2.2. Usage of Prolog in the Development of Expert Systems
Prolog as a logic programming language provides many possibilities to realize a task [12] [13].
It is a general purpose language often associated with artificial intelligence and computational
linguistics. It has a purely logical subset, called "pure Prolog", as well as a number of extra-
logical features. Programs written in PROLOG have behavior similar to rule-based systems
written in LISP. PROLOG, however, did not immediately become a language of choice for AI
programmers. In the early 1980s it was given impetus with the announcement by the Japanese
that they would use a logic programming language for the Fifth Generation Computing
Systems (FGCS) Project. A variety of logic-based programming languages have since arisen,
and the term prolog has become generic.
Iterative algorithms can be implemented by means of recursive predicates. Prolog systems
typically implement a well-known optimization technique called tail call optimization (TCO)
for deterministic predicates exhibiting tail recursion or, more generally, tail calls: A clause's
stack frame is discarded before performing a call in a tail position. Therefore, deterministic
tail-recursive predicates are executed with constant stack space, like loops in other languages.
Logic programming provides many possibilities to implement a task. Solutions can be realized
by applying a variety of different design strategies and programming techniques. Using
constrained-based modeling (CBM) the solution space for a given programming task can be
covered. The (CBM) approach has been showing great promise as a diagnostic approach which
focuses on static cognitive states rather than problem solving processes.
The CBM approach is proposed to model general principles of a domain as a set of constraints.
A constraint is represented as an ordered air consisting of a relevance part and a satisfaction
part. Where the relevance part represents circumstances under which the constraint applies, and
the satisfaction part represents a condition that requires to be met for the constraint to be
satisfied. A constraint is used to describe a fact, a principle or a condition which must hold for
every solution. For example
Figure 3
shows a principle that can be formulated as constraint.
An Example of a Constraint 1
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Constraints are not only used to limit facts, principles or conditions of a domain, they can also
be used to specify the requirements of a task or to handle solution variations. Using the
relevance part, constraints can be tailored according to an ideal solution, which represents the
requirements of the given task. Ideal solutions enable to check whether the problem is
answered correctly, looking at the semantics. Additional requirement, which have to be
satisfied in that specific situation, can be specified in the satisfaction part.
Figure 4
shows an
example that specifies the constraints 2 to examine the operator required in the task.
An Example of a Constraint 2
If a constraint is violated, it indicates that the solution does not hold principles of a domain or it
does not meet the requirements of the given task.
Figure 5
summarizes the main PSDD function. PSDD acquires knowledge about dyslexic
children, analyzes the acquired knowledge through its knowledge base and generates the
degree of severity as well as a treatment plan to be used by both parents and educators. After
applying the plan for the recommended period, parents and educators will be able to feedback
PSDD with their remarks about the performance of the dyslexic children in order to get
advanced plans to continue towards curing.
PSDD Schematic Diagram
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3.1. Architecture
The architecture of the proposed system consists of four main components. Figure 6 shows the
main architecture of the proposed system and data flow. PSDD includes mainly two modules:
knowledge base module and report generator module.
Figure 6 The Main
3.2. Knowledge Acquisition
PSDD acquires knowledge from three sources:
Test and state of the dyslexic to define the initial diagnosis;
Report of the case by the educators through PSDD;
Report of the case by the parents through PSDD.
Tests are designed to catch different aspects regarding different disabilities; they contain:
Questions about vision, reading and spelling;
Questions about behavior, health, development and personality spelling;
Questions about disorientation;
Questions about writing and motor skills;
Questions about math and time management;
Progressing Report
Progressing Report
Feed back
Feed back
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Questions about memory and cognition.
Figure 7
shows an example in Arabic language of a state test that will be provided to PSDD.
PSDD Schematic Diagram
3.3. PSDD Inference
The main rule in PSDD is to calculate the result of each aspect as an individual by itself and
evaluate its percentage , every aspects has two counters so if the answer is yes it adds 1 to the x
counter and if maybe then it will add 1 to the s counter. See
Figure 8
Examples of the facts used by PSDD are as follows:
Fact1: “Complains of dizziness, headaches or stomach ache while reading”.
Fact2: “Confused by letters, numbers, words, sequences, or verbal explanations”.
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Some Calculations of the Results using CBM in Prolog
After calculating each aspect alone, the average of all aspects will be given in percentage as
shown in
Figure 8
PSDD gives some explanations and definitions for the aforementioned aspects to facilitate and
explain the meaning for the nonprofessional persons.
Figure 9
explains what it means by
disorientation and the symptom for this disorder.
Disorientation Explanation by PSDD
Recommendations to the educators and parents are provided to facilitate the treatment of the
dyslexics. See Figure 5. These recommendations are changed due to the current evaluation of
the case and the progressing rate.
Normally PSDD will modify the recommendations each report goes along with the progressing
rate of the case. PSDD has the ability to add new recommendations or modify the old one if
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Recommendations to Educators and Parents by PSDD
3.4. PSDD Output
Two kinds of output are generated by PSDD
Progressing report provided by the PSDD each period of time, this period will be
defined by the educators due to the progressing rate, normally this period around two to
three months;
The progressing report will include some recommendations to the educators and the
parents to guide them through the treatment of the case.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
This paper discusses PSDD which diagnoses dyslexia cases in a simple way. PSDD generates
periodic reports which reflect the progress of the case according to the recommendations
provided to the educators and the parents. These recommendations will help them to support
the dyslexics to overcome this disorder.
As for future work we would like to include a sound recorder to read test questions, and to
modify the fonts so it can be readable by dyslexic people, and try to include oral tests in it,
such as written text and the person enters the answers as the meaning of the text.
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[1] DECP, the British psychological society's division of education and child psychology "Dyslexia
research", DECP, 1996.
[2] Sir Jim Rose, “Identifying and teaching children and young people with dyslexia and literacy
difficulties", June 2009.
[3] Arlenc Waddell, "Identifying dyslexia”, DCSF publications, 2008.
[4] Stanovich KE, “Explaining the differences between the dyslexic and the garden-variety poor
reader: the phonological-core variable-difference model.” Journal of Learning Disabilities 21 (10):
590–604, 1988.
[5] Warnke, Andreas " Reading and spelling disorders: Clinical features and causes " Journal
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[7] McCandliss BD, Noble KG., " The development of reading impairment: a cognitive neuroscience
model ", Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev 9 (3): 196–204,2003.
[8] Czepita D, Lodygowska E, " Role of the organ of vision in the course of developmental dyslexia ",
Klin Oczna 108 (1–3): 110–3,2006.
[9] Birsh, Judith R., " Research and reading disability ", Paul H. Brookes Publishing., 2005.
[10] NLM MeSH Browser., " Learning Disorders: MeSH Result ",
Retrieved 2009-11-06.
[11] Chris Stork, "Unification & Prolog" ,, 2004.
[12] Berna,p,et al. "programming techniques for prolog. Learning to build and comprehended complex
information structures : prolog as a case study", Albex, 1999.
[13] Berna,P., " Prolog programming, a first course ", Albex, 1990.
... The access to hajj account 92% arriving by air, 7% traveling over land and 1% by maritime This makes large number of Pilgrims able to come to Hajj with short time by air travel. D. Health Facilities around the Hajj Sites: [11], [12], [13]. ...
... 3-TO RAISE MEDICAL AWARNESS AMONG HAJJES. [11], [12]. 1-Our tools will help to reduce the time of getting the first aid to the hajjis and to provide them with the first aid information in the case of minor conditions not requiring professional assist. ...
... 1-Our tools will help to reduce the time of getting the first aid to the hajjis and to provide them with the first aid information in the case of minor conditions not requiring professional assist. [1], [2], [11], [12]. ...
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... Subsequently, no further incidents have occurred at Jamaraat. [8], [9], [10], [12], [13]. ...
... Hajj pilgrims must have had the meningococcal vaccine ≤3 years and ≥10 days before arriving in Saudi Arabia. [11], [12] Current Hajj vaccination requirements are available from the following sources: ...
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... D. Health Facilities around the Hajj Sites: [11], [12], [13]. Patients should be made aware of their blood pressure level at each clinic visit and be provided specific written instructions on the treatment program and its goals. ...
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... More than 60% of the ICU admissions came from cardiovascular causes of which myocardial infarction and left ventricular failure occurred with the highest frequencies. [12], [13] This was slightly different from a 2009 prospective study involving over 500 Hajj pilgrims from France (median age 61) attending the 2007 (5 km). While cardiovascular disease-related conditions (e.g., hypocholesterolemia and hypertension) represented significant co-morbidities in the pilgrims prior to Hajj, the reported hospitalization was much lower than in the previous study. ...
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This review discusses recent cognitive neuroscience investigations into the biological bases of developmental dyslexia, a common disorder impacting approximately 5 to 17 percent of the population. Our aim is to summarize central findings from several lines of evidence that converge on pivotal aspects of the brain bases of developmental dyslexia. We highlight ways in which the approaches and methodologies of developmental cognitive neuroscience that are addressed in this special issue-including neuroimaging, human genetics, refinement of cognitive and biological phenotypes, neural plasticity and computational model-can be employed in uncovering the biological bases of this disorder. Taking a developmental perspective on the biological bases of dyslexia, we propose a simple cascading model for the developmental progression of this disorder, in which individual differences in brain areas associated with phonological processing might influence the specialization of visual areas involved in the rapid processing of written words. We also discuss recent efforts to understand the impact of successful reading interventions in terms of changes within cortical circuits associated with reading ability.
A coherent conception of dyslexia has been difficult to arrive at because research findings have continually created logical paradoxes for the psychometric definition of reading disability. This paper develops the phonological-core variable-difference model. This model of the cognitive characteristics of dyslexic children is one of the few that does not create psychometric paradoxes of the type that have plagued the learning disabilities field. The model provides a way to conceptualize the differences between dyslexic and garden-variety poor readers. The model highlights the importance of viewing the concept of dyslexia as the outcome of the application of an arbitrary criterion in a continuous distribution, thus avoiding the connotations of discreteness that have continually undermined our understanding of reading disability.
Developmental dyslexia (specific reading and specific spelling disorder) is thought to stem from specific features in cognitive processing strongly related to biological maturation of the central nervous system which interact with non-biological learning conditions. The specific learning disorder should not be accounted for by mental age, gross neurological deficits, emotional disturbances or inadequate schooling. As a clinical guideline, the child's level in reading and spelling must be significantly below that expected for the population of children of the same mental age. The persistence rate is high and dyslexia is often associated with psychiatric problems. The etiology is not known. From the biological point of view, dyslexia is supposed to have a neurological basis. Neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and neuropsychological correlates have been studied by means of autopsy, brain imaging, neurophysiological and neuropsychological methods. There is good evidence that dyslexia is determined by heritable cognitive components of reading and spelling processing. Experimental research focuses on characteristics of brain structure and cognitive skills related to the central nervous systems of auditory-phonological and visual information processing.
To present and describe the role of the organ of vision in the course of developmental dyslexia. A comprehensive review of contemporary literature about the etiopathogenesis and the clinical symptoms of dyslexia was conducted. Developmental dyslexia in other words is the specific difficulty of a person with reading and writing caused by a deficit in the development of perceptive and motoric functions as well as the coordination of these functions. The etiopathogenesis of dyslexia is not definitely determined. Currently developmental dyslexia is thought to be determined by environmental and genetic factors. In accessible literature it is noted that a total of 5-17.5% of all people is effected by dyslexia. It is widely regarded that 63% of all sufferers of dyslexia develop the auditory type of dyslexia with an additional 9% having the visual type of dyslexia, while the rest develop a mixed type. The basis of visual dyslexia lies in the disorder of visual perception linked to the disorders of visual and motoric coordination as well as visual and spatial integration. People with developmental dyslexia tend to evolve numerous changes in the magnocellular pathway, eyeball movements, accommodation as well as binocular vision.
Research and reading disability
  • Judith R Birsh
Birsh, Judith R., " Research and reading disability ", Paul H. Brookes Publishing., 2005.
Identifying dyslexia
  • Arlenc Waddell
Arlenc Waddell, "Identifying dyslexia", DCSF publications, 2008.
Unification & Prolog
  • Chris Stork
Chris Stork, "Unification & Prolog",, 2004.
Learning Disorders: MeSH Result
  • Nlm Mesh Browser
NLM MeSH Browser., " Learning Disorders: MeSH Result ", 68004410?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Mesh.Mesh_ResultsPanel.Mesh_RVFull. Retrieved 2009-11-06.
Prolog programming, a first course
  • P Berna
Berna,P., " Prolog programming, a first course ", Albex, 1990.
programming techniques for prolog. Learning to build and comprehended complex information structures : prolog as a case study
  • P Berna
Berna,p,et al. "programming techniques for prolog. Learning to build and comprehended complex information structures : prolog as a case study", Albex, 1999.