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Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Anxiety

Frontiers in Psychiatry


The beneficial effects of regular physical activity on health are indisputable in the field of modern medicine. Exercise is often the first step in lifestyle modifications for the prevention and management of chronic diseases. According to a US Department of Health and Human Services report on physical activity, regular exercise significantly reduced causes of mortality by up to 30% for men and women (DHHS, 2002). These health benefits are seen consistently across all age groups and racial/ethnic categories. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently recommends 30 min of moderate- to high-intensity exercise for at least 5 days a week for all healthy individuals (DHHS, 2002). In addition to significantly lowering causes of mortality, regular exercise and physical activity lowers prevalence of chronic disease(s). There is a strong evidence to support that 2–2.5 h of moderate- to high-intensity exercise per week is sufficient to reduce one’s risk for the occurrence of a chronic disease(s). Numerous epidemiological studies have shown that exercise improves one’s self-esteem, and a sense of wellbeing. Individuals who exercise regularly exhibit slower rates of age-related memory and cognitive decline in comparison to those who are more sedentary. Such observations have provided the basis for using exercise to improve memory and cognition in cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s Dementia. Adults who engage in regular physical activity experience fewer depressive and anxiety symptoms, thus supporting the notion that exercise offers a protective effect against the development of mental disorders (van Minnen et al., 2010). Anxiety disorders are common psychiatric conditions with a lifetime prevalence of nearly 29% in the United States (Kessler et al., 2005). These disorders are chronic, debilitating, and impact multiple aspects of one’s life. The economic burden of anxiety disorders in the US was estimated to be $42.3 billion in the 1990s (Greenberg et al., 1999). The prominent anxiety disorders defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) are General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder (PD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Social Anxiety Disorder, and Specific Phobia (APA, 2000). The exact etiology and pathophysiology of these conditions is not fully understood. Comprehending the effects of exercise and physical activity on the mechanisms of anxiety disorders might further our knowledge of these psychiatric disorders. The purpose of this article is to highlight the known and emerging mechanisms that may result in the anxiolytic effects of exercise. April 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 27 | 1
OpiniOn Article
publishe d: 23 A pril 2013
doi: 10.3389 /fpsyt.2013.00027
The beneficial effects of regular physical
activity on health are indisputable in the
field of modern medicine. Exercise is often
the first step in lifestyle modifications for
the prevention and management of chronic
diseases. According to a US Department
of Health and Human Services report on
physical activity, regular exercise signifi-
cantly reduced causes of mortality by up
to 30% for men and women (DHHS, 2002).
These health benefits are seen consistently
across all age groups and racial/ethnic cate-
gories. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention currently recommends 30 min
of moderate- to high-intensity exercise for
at least 5 days a week for all healthy indi-
viduals (DHHS, 2002).
In addition to significantly lower-
ing causes of mortality, regular exercise
and physical activity lowers prevalence of
chronic disease(s). There is a strong evi-
dence to support that 2–2.5 h of moder-
ate- to high-intensity exercise per week is
sufficient to reduce one’s risk for the occur-
rence of a chronic disease(s). Numerous
epidemiological studies have shown that
exercise improves one’s self-esteem, and a
sense of wellbeing. Individuals who exercise
regularly exhibit slower rates of age-related
memory and cognitive decline in compari-
son to those who are more sedentary. Such
observations have provided the basis for
using exercise to improve memory and
cognition in cognitive disorders such as
Alzheimer’s Dementia. Adults who engage
in regular physical activity experience fewer
depressive and anxiety symptoms, thus
supporting the notion that exercise offers a
protective effect against the development of
mental disorders (van Minnen et al., 2010).
Anxiety disorders are common psychi-
atric conditions with a lifetime prevalence
of nearly 29% in the United States (Kessler
et al., 2005). These disorders are chronic,
debilitating, and impact multiple aspects of
one’s life. The economic burden of anxi-
ety disorders in the US was estimated to be
$42.3 billion in the 1990s (Greenberg et al.,
1999). The prominent anxiety disorders
defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)
are General Anxiety Disorder (GAD),
Panic Disorder (PD), Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder (OCD), Social Anxiety Disorder,
and Specific Phobia (APA, 2000). The
exact etiology and pathophysiology of
these conditions is not fully understood.
Comprehending the effects of exercise and
physical activity on the mechanisms of anxi-
ety disorders might further our knowledge
of these psychiatric disorders. The purpose
of this article is to highlight the known and
emerging mechanisms that may result in the
anxiolytic effects of exercise.
PhysIologIcal MechanIsMs
Broadly, regular exercise results in physi-
ological changes and adaptations in the
human body. Studies have shown that regu-
lar aerobic exercise is associated with lower
sympathetic nervous system and hypotha-
lamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactiv-
ity (Crews and Landers, 1987; Åstrand, 2003;
Jackson and Dishman, 2006; Rimmele et al.,
The HPA axis plays a critical role in develop-
ing adaptive responses to physical and psy-
chological stressors (De Kloet et al., 2005).
Dysregulations in the HPA axis have long
been implicated in the manifestations of
depressive and anxiety symptoms (Landgraf
et al., 1999; Steckler et al., 1999). Acute stress
leads to alterations in adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) and excess levels of
glucocorticoids. Chronic stress, as seen
in PTSD, has been associated with lower
concentrations of peripheral cortisol and
upregulation of the glucocorticoid recep-
tors resulting in increased central feedback
sensitivity. Depending on the experimen-
tal paradigm used for chronic stress, some
studies have shown decreased plasma ACTH
and corticosterone levels while other studies
have shown increased corticosterone secre-
tion (Irwin et al., 1986; Kant et al., 1987). In
preclinical studies, voluntary exercise alters
the releases of corticotrophin-releasing
factor (CRF) from the hypothalamus and
ACTH from the anterior pituitary (Salmon,
2001; Droste et al., 2003). These findings
suggest that exercise induced changes in
the HPA axis modulates stress reactivity
and anxiety in humans.
MonoaMIne systeM
Abnormalities in monoamine function in
the brain have been implicated in the patho-
physiology of anxiety spectrum disorders. In
animal studies, learned helplessness resulting
from chronic electric shock was associated
with a reduced release of serotonin in the
frontal cortex (Miller et al., 1975; Petty et al.,
1992). Learned helplessness is also associated
with a depletion of norepinephrine (Petty
et al., 1993). It is postulated that the reduc-
tions in serotonergic and noradrenergic lev-
els reflects synthesis not being able to keep up
with demand (Charney et al., 2004). Animal
models also provide evidence that regular
aerobic exercise increases serotonergic and
noradrenergic levels in the brain, similar to
the effects of antidepressants (Praag, 1982;
Veale, 1987; Chaouloff, 1989; Meeusen
and De Meirleir, 1995). Researchers have
observed increased extraneuronal uptake
of norepinephrine and increased levels of
norepinephrine in the hippocampus and
frontal cortex of rodents after treadmill
training and wheel running (Dunn et al.,
1996; Dishman, 1997). Increases in serotonin
Effects of exercise and physical activity on anxiety
Elizabeth Anderson 1 and Geetha Shivakumar1,2*
1 VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX, USA
2 Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Edited by:
Eduardo Lusa Cadore, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Reviewed by:
Eduardo Lusa Cadore, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Frontiers in Psychiatry | Affective Disorders and Psychosomatic Research April 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 27 | 2
Anderson and Shivakumar Effects of exercise on anxiety
synthesis, metabolism, and release have
been noted following exercise (Dunn and
Dishman, 1991; Meeusen and De Meirleir,
1995; Wilson and Marsden, 1996; Chaouloff,
1997). Animal models utilizing chronic vol-
untary wheel running have also shown small
increases in serotonergic neural activity in
the dorsal raphe nucleus, an area of brain
that is abundant in serotonergic neurons,
during uncontrollable stress (Greenwood
et al., 2003). Treadmill exercise training also
increases levels of prepro-galanin mRNA,
suggesting that gene expression for galanin
is sensitive to the stress from exercise train-
ing and may have a “neuromodulating role”
in the noradrenergic response in the locus
ceruleus, an area of brain rich in noradren-
ergic neurons (O’Neal et al., 2001).
oPIoId systeM
Another possible mechanism for the anxio-
lytic effects of exercise is via mediation by
the endogenous opioid system. Endogenous
opioids have a role in the regulation of mood
and emotional responses (Bodnar and Klein,
2005). For example, abnormal levels of both
central and peripheral β-endorphins have
been discovered in individuals diagnosed
with depression (Scarone et al., 1990; Darko
et al., 1992). The endorphin hypothesis posits
that the mood elevations and reduced anxiety
following acute exercise is due to the release
and binding of β-endorphins (endogenous
opioids) to their receptor sites in the brain.
Studies demonstrate that exercise increases
endogenous opioid activity in the central and
peripheral nervous system and may induce a
euphoric state and reduce pain (Harber and
Sutton, 1984; Morgan, 1985; North et al.,
1990; Thorén et al., 1990). When opioid
antagonists were administered following
regular exercise, the endorphin produced
analgesic effects were attenuated, but there
were no changes in the mental health benefits
suggesting that the exercise-related surge in
endorphins may not completely account for
mental health benefits in these studies (Carr
et al., 1981; Moore, 1982; Howlett et al., 1984;
Thorén et al., 1990; Yeung, 1996).
neurotroPIc Factors
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),
the most abundant neurotrophin in the
brain has been linked to both anxiety and
depression. Stress-induced depressive and
anxious behaviors are correlated with
decreased BDNF levels especially in the hip-
pocampus (Duman and Monteggia, 2006).
Furthermore, infusions of BDNF into the
dorsal raphe nucleus have been shown to
have an a antidepressant effect (Altar, 1999).
Evidence also suggests that BDNF may be
a mediator of the anxiety reducing effects
of antidepressant medications (Chen et al.,
2006). Increases in BDNF following physical
activity have also been observed. Following
20 days of voluntary wheel running com-
pared to non-wheel running rats, BDNF
mRNA levels increased in the hippocam-
pus and caudal neocortex (Meeusen and De
Meirleir, 1995; Russo-Neustadt et al., 1999).
These changes in BDNF increases function-
ing in the serotonergic system and may pro-
mote neuronal growth (Altar, 1999).
evIdence For neurogenesIs
New neuronal growth in the adult brain,
particularly in the hippocampus, has been
implicated in the treatment of psychiatric
conditions including depression and anxi-
ety (Eisch, 2002). Detection and evaluation
of hippocampal neurogenesis is an active
area of investigation in recent years (Eisch,
2002). In primate models of chronic stress,
the hippocampus has been shown to be
highly sensitive to the toxic effects of exces-
sive glucocorticoids, thus impairing the
process of neurogenesis (Uno et al., 1989).
Neuroplasticity is further supported by the
stress-related changes found in studies of
hippocampus function. Animal studies have
shown exercise up regulates hippocampal
neurogenesis (Duman et al., 2001). Exercise
is also believed to positively influence sur-
rogate measures of adult hippocampal
neurogenesis such as β-endorphins, vas-
cular endothelial growth factor, BDNF,
and serotonin, all of which are thought be
common pathophysiologic mechanisms for
anxiety disorders.
PsychologIcal MechanIsMs
anxIety sensItIvIty and exPosure
Anxiety sensitivity is a term for the tendency
to misinterpret and catastrophize anxiety-
related sensations based on the belief that
they will result in disastrous physical, psy-
chological, and/or social outcomes (Broman-
Fulks and Storey, 2008; Smits et al., 2008).
McWilliams and Asmundson (2001) found
an inverse relationship between anxiety sen-
sitivity and exercise frequency and suggested
that this relationship was due to avoidance
of the physiological sensations of exercise
that may be interpreted as anxiety and
panic. A number of research studies have
pointed to the effectiveness of short-term
aerobic exercise to reduce anxiety sensitiv-
ity (Broman-Fulks and Storey, 2008; Smits
et al., 2008; Ströhle et al., 2009). Exposing
someone with high anxiety sensitivity to the
physiological symptoms they fear, such as
rapid heartbeat, in the context of physical
exercise increases their tolerance for such
symptoms (McWilliams and Asmundson,
2001). This exposure reveals that the feared
physiological sensations may be uncom-
fortable, but do not pose a serious threat
(Ströhle et al., 2009). Repeated exposures
through regular aerobic exercise may also
facilitate habituation to the feared sensations
(Beck and Shipherd, 1997).
According to social cognitive theory, one’s
sense of self-efficacy regarding their ability
to exert control over potential threats has an
important relationship to anxiety arousal.
Individuals who trust their ability to man-
age potential threats (high self-efficacy) are
not plagued by thoughts of worry and expe-
rience lower levels of anxiety arousal. Based
on the theory of self-efficacy, Bandura pos-
ited that a treatment will be successful if
it is able to rebuild a sense of self-efficacy
by supplying experiences of self-mastery. It
has been debated that exercise can increase
self-efficacy by supplying experiences of
successfully coping with the stress of exer-
cising (Petruzzello et al., 1991). As fitness
improves, the individual receives feedback
of greater endurance, less pain, greater
duration capabilities, etc. As a result, self-
efficacy should increase (Petruzzello et al.,
1991). In fact, one study suggeste d that exer-
cise with an emphasis on increasing self-
efficacy, in this case, martial arts, was more
effective in reducing state anxiety than exer-
cise such as riding a stationary bike (Bodin
and Martinsen, 2004). In a study examining
the relationship between exercise intensity
and self-efficacy effects on anxiety reduc-
tion in a non-clinical population, research-
ers found that the influence of self-efficacy
on decreased anxiety was exhibited in the
moderate intensity exercise group, but not
in the light- and high-intensity exercise
groups (Katula et al., 1999). These two
studies suggest that exercise providing an
optimal level of challenge best utilizes the
power of self-efficacy. April 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 27 | 3
Anderson and Shivakumar Effects of exercise on anxiety
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Distraction or “time out” has been proposed
as another reason why exercise is effective at
reducing anxiety. Based on their study that
found that distraction techniques such as
meditation, and quiet rest were as effective
as a single session of exercise in reducing
state anxiety, Bahrke and Morgan (1978)
suggested that the anxiolytic benefits of
exercise may result from it being a distrac-
tion from stressors and a “time out” from
daily activities. The results of meta-analy-
ses supporting this hypothesis are mixed.
Exercise and cognitively based distraction
techniques were shown to have equal effec-
tiveness at reducing state anxiety, however
exercise was more effective in reducing
trait anxiety (Petruzzello et al., 1991). In
addition, the anxiolytic effects of exercise
have been shown to last for a longer period
of time than those produced by therapies
based on distraction techniques (Raglin and
Morgan, 1985).
There is strong evidence from animal
studies that exercise and regular activity
positively impacts the pathophysiological
processes of anxiety. Numerous studies
and meta-analyses show that exercise is also
associated with reduced anxiety in clinical
settings. Similar to the heterogenic nature
of the anxiety, no single mechanism suffi-
ciently accounts for the anxiolytic nature of
exercise. Physical activity positively impacts
a number of biological, as well as psycholog-
ical, mechanisms. The role of exercise in the
enhancement of neurogenesis in humans
has drawn significant attention in recent
years and its implications for anxiety dis-
orders are an exciting area of investigation.
Future studies are needed to further this
type of work, as well as studies specifically
exploring clinical applications of exercise in
anxiety disorders.
This work was supported by VISN 17 New
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare
that research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 11 April 2013; accepted: 11 April 2013; published
online: 23 April 2013.
Citation: Anderson E and Shivakumar G (2013) Effects of
exercise and physical activity on anxiety. Front. Psychiatry
4:27. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00027
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... Studies have confirmed that regular exercise significantly boosts an individual's ability to cope with stress, notably by lowering the overactivation of the HPA axis. Regular exercise boosts the body's stress response, helping to control the release of stress-related hormones like cortisol, thereby mitigating the negative effects of stress on the body [28,29]. This negative feedback regulation not only boosts the physiological health of cancer patients but also mitigates their anxiety and depression, creating a positive psychophysiological interaction [29]. ...
... MMPs degrade the ECM and basement membrane, facilitating cancer cell migration into surrounding tissues and enhancing the likelihood of distant metastasis. Under stress conditions, MMP activity increases, a process observed in various cancer types [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. Studies confirm that exercise regulates the activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9. ...
... Regular exercise significantly lowers the expression of these enzymes, lowering matrix degradation and cancer cell invasiveness. For example, the overexpression of MMP-9 is often associated with high invasiveness and metastatic potential in tumors, while exercise decreases MMP-9 activity, suppressing cancer cell angiogenesis and distant metastasis [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. In addition, exercise can enhance the prognosis of cancer patients by regulating MMP activity, lowering the risk of cancer recurrence and spread [44]. ...
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Psychological stress is prevalent among cancer patients and has significant effects on both tumor progression and the mental health of patients. Through a biopsychosocial pathway, psychological stress impacts immune function, facilitates inflammatory responses, and hasten tumor growth and metastasis. Consequently, investigating effective ways to mitigate the negative impact of stress on cancer progression holds significant clinical relevance. This review seeks to summarize existing research to delve into the molecular mechanisms by which psychological stress hasten tumor progression and to discuss the potential mechanisms by which exercise, as a non-pharmacological intervention, may mitigate tumor development and enhance the mental health of cancer patients by regulating stress responses. Through a comprehensive analysis of relevant literature, we explore the impact of psychological stress on tumor biology, notably through the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and the promotion of immunosuppression and inflammation. Besides, we review articles on how exercise intervenes in tumor progression by regulating the HPA axis, SNS, strengthening immune function, and suppressing angiogenesis and metastasis. Research confirmed that psychological stress hasten tumor proliferation and metastasis through multiple pathways (e.g., activation of the HPA axis and SNS, pro-inflammatory responses). Exercise may decelerate tumor progression by regulating stress hormone levels, strengthening the immune system function, and lowering the activity of pro-cancer signaling pathways such as VEGF. In addition, exercise boosts the mental health of cancer patients, lowering the incidence of anxiety and depression and enhancing treatment adherence.
... When exercising, the body produces endorphins which modulate pain perception through opioid receptor activation [14][15][16]. ...
... This effect is particularly relevant in dysmenorrhea, where endorphin levels are often dysregulated, contributing to heightened pain sensitivity. By increasing endorphin production, aerobic exercise helps mitigate the severity of menstrual pain while also improving mood and reducing stress, which are important factors in pain perception [14][15][16]. These activities not only support physical fitness but also contribute to improved emotional health, which is often affected in individuals experiencing menstrual pain. ...
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Background: Dysmenorrhea affects many women of reproductive age. Physical exercise has been used as an effective intervention for pain reduction and to improve well-being. Physiotherapy, involving movement and exercise, can be effective in relieving menstrual pain and provide additional benefits. The aim is to identify therapeutic physical exercise program and exercise protocols used to reduce pain among these women. Methods: A scoping review was conducted in accordance with Joanna Briggs Institute’s methodology, using the PCC acronym. Articles were sourced from: PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro and ScienceDirect, covering studies published between 1 January 2013 and 30 April 2023, representing the period we considered most appropriate at the time the study was initiated. Qualitative studies, books, book chapters, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and review articles were excluded. Studies were analyzed according to the PRISMA-ScR framework. Results: 3325 studies were identified, but only 9 were included. Considerable variation was observed in the types and parameters of the exercise program across studies, including differences in duration, intensity, number of repetitions and series. Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight that aerobic training, particularly among women in their 20s, emerged as the most frequently utilized form of therapeutic physical exercise for alleviating menstrual pain in the studies reviewed. This suggests that aerobic exercise may hold significant promise as a non-pharmacological intervention for managing dysmenorrhea.
... Research has shown (Craft, Perna, 2004) that physical activities, in addition to improving health, also affect a better mood, reducing muscle tension, releasing endorphins, the so-called hormones of happiness or good feeling. At the same time, a large number of studies confirm the fact that regular physical activity can help reduce stress and anxiety (Anderson & Shivakumar, 2013, Vancampfort, Stubbs, Koianagi, 2017, Kandola & Stubbs, 2020, Singh, Olds, Curtis, et al., 2023. It has also been confirmed (Bayram & Bilgel, 2008) that young people are increasingly susceptible to anxiety disorders, with female students often reporting higher levels of stress and anxiety compared to their male counterparts. ...
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Abstract: To examine the impact of physical activity (FA) on students’ mental health, primarily on the manifestation of anxiety symptoms (DAS), a study was conducted on 116 females, aged, 21,37 ± 5.70 years. All respondents are undergraduate students of the Faculty of Sport and Psychology, TIMS, from Novi Sad, Serbia. For the purposes of this research, two measuring instruments were used, (DASS-21) and (GSLTPAK). The first of them is a shortened version of the scale of Depression, Anxiety and Stress, and the second is a short form of Godin’s free time exercises. Analyzing the obtained results, it was possible to determine a significant negative correlation of light physical activity with the level of anxiety (r = -0.379, p = 0.000), but intense physical activity also showed a statistically significant correlation (r = -0.257, p = 0.024). Unlike them, moderate physical activity did not exhibit a statistically significant correlation (r=-0.122, p=0.121). Using multiple regression analysis, it was determined that light physical activity is a statistically significant predictor of anxiety level (Unstd.Beta=-0623, p=0.000), and in that case the model explains 22.1% (R2adjust=0.221). The obtained results coincide with previous research that confirms the positive effects of physical activity on mental health. In this sense, the application of light physical activity can contribute to reducing anxiety among students. Keywords: physical activity, mental health, anxiety, female students.
... These biochemical changes are associated with feelings of euphoria and general well-being. Additionally, physical activity enhances the secretion of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which play crucial roles in mood regulation and the prevention of depression and anxiety [41]. Physical activity also influences the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, reducing the body's stress response. ...
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High workloads and extended work shift greatly limit the opportunities for medical residents to adopt a healthy lifestyle by practicing regular physical exercise. Using data from the Public Health Residents’ Anonymous Survey in Italy (PHRASI), this research assessed the associations between physical activity levels and sedentary behavior, well-being, and self-rated health among Italian public health residents (PHRs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Employing a cross-sectional design, this study utilized the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the WHO-5 Well-being Index, and the single-item self-rated health to measure physical activity, sedentary behavior, self-rated health, and well-being among PHRs. The study included 379 PHRs. Multiple logistic regressions adjusted for age and sex were applied to explore the associations among the variables of interest. While 74% of PHRs were sufficiently active, 50% reported good well-being. We found a positive association between physical activity (specifically walking and intense activities) and well-being (aOR 1.292, p = 0.032). At the same time, sedentary behavior was negatively associated with self-rated health (aOR 0.948, p = 0.022) and well-being (aOR 0.945, p = 0.005). This study contributes valuable insights into the role of physical activity and sedentary behavior in PHRs’ mental health, calling for targeted public health strategies to support their well-being.
... Even acute aerobic exercise mitigates negative symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a severe form of anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted thoughts and repetitive irrational behaviors (11). While the beneficial effect of physical activity on anxiety seems to be far superior to medications and cognitive behavioral therapy (12), there is no single major mechanism to explain the positive effects of exercise, thus limiting the development of optimal strategies in the application of exercise for the treatment of anxiety (10, 13). ...
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Although anxiety is a common psychological condition, its symptoms are related to a cardiopulmonary strain which can cause palpitation, dyspnea, dizziness, and syncope. Severe anxiety can be disabling and lead to cardiac events such as those seen in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Since torso stiffness is a stress response to unpredictable situations or unexpected outcomes, studying the biomechanics behind it may provide a better understanding of the pathophysiology of anxiety on circulation, especially on venous impedance. Any degree of torso stiffness related to anxiety would limit venous return, which in turn drops cardiac output because the heart can pump only what it receives. Various methods and habits used to relieve stress seem to reduce torso stiffness. Humans are large obligatory bipedal upright primates and thus need to use the torso carefully for smooth upright activities with an accurate prediction. The upright nature of human activity itself seems to contribute to anxiety due to the needed torso stiffness using the very unstable spine. Proper planning of actions with an accurate prediction of outcomes of self and non-self would be critical to achieving motor control and ventilation in bipedal activities. Many conditions linked to prediction errors are likely to cause various degrees of torso stiffness due to incomplete learning and unsatisfactory execution of actions, which will ultimately contribute to anxiety. Modifying environmental factors to improve predictability seems to be an important step in treating anxiety. The benefit of playful aerobic activity and proper breathing on anxiety may be from the modulation of torso stiffness and enhancement of central circulation resulting in prevention of the negative effect on the cardiopulmonary system.
Background: Overweight and obesity are associated with adverse psychological outcomes, compromised body composition, and reduced quality of life (QoL). While exercise training has been proposed as an effective intervention, its impact on these outcomes remains unclear. Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effects of exercise training on psychological outcomes, body composition, and QoL in overweight or obese adults. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed through July 2024, utilizing multiple databases. Random-effects models were used to calculate standardized mean differences (SMDs) or mean differences (MDs), with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: Thirty-one trials involving 2779 participants were included. Exercise training significantly improved mental health (SMD: 0.25, 95% CI: 0.11, 0.39, p = .0003), depression (SMD: −0.52, 95% CI: −0.86, −0.18, p = .003), mood (SMD: 7.55, 95% CI: 10.78, 4.31, p < .00001), waist circumference (MD: −2.77 cm, 95% CI: −4.60, −0.94, p = .003), and lean body mass (MD: 1.16 kg, 95% CI: 0.62, 1.69, p < .0001). Improvements were also observed in various QoL domains, including social functioning ( p = .004), physical functioning ( p < .00001), vitality ( p = .003), general health ( p = .001), and environmental quality ( p < .00001). However, some psychological, body composition, and QoL variables did not show significant effects. Conclusion: Exercise training positively impacts psychological outcomes, body composition, and multiple QoL domains in overweight and obese adults. These findings highlight the importance of exercise in lifestyle interventions. Further research is needed to determine long-term and consistent effects.
Abstract Objective: This systematic review aimed to 1) update the existing evidence on the antidepressant effects of aerobic exercise (AE) in youth. 2) Investigate any potential dose‒response relationships between AE interventions and depressive symptom reduction. 3) Provide evidence-based insights to inform future research and clinical depression treatment. Methods: Employing the PRISMA and PERSiST guidelines, a comprehensive search across nine databases (Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, SportDiscus, CINAHL, Medline, Embase, and CNKI) yielded a total of 782 relevant studies. Following rigorous selection criteria, 26 eligible studies (comprising 22 different samples) were included in the analysis, featuring a combined sample size of 1308 participants. The meta-analysis was conducted via R. Results: AE notably decreased depressive symptoms among youth [g = −0.92; 95% CI (−1.16, −0.69); p < 0.01]. Significant dose‒response relationships were observed across age groups [β = −0.06; 95% CI (−0.12, 0.00), p < 0.05], the intensity [β = −0.03; 95% CI (−0.06, 0.00); p < 0.05], and the duration ^ 2 [β = 0.001, 95% CI (0.001, 0.002), p < 0.05] of the AE intervention. Conclusions: Aerobic exercise interventions can effectively alleviate depressive symptoms in youth. A moderate-intensity AE program, lasting 25–40 min and conducted three times a week for 9–15 weeks, can increase alleviation of depression.
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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) severely disrupts the daily lives of veterans and active duty personnel and may influence their suicidal behaviour. This study provides insight into existing research on PTSD in veterans through a narrative review. Exercise was found to reduce PTSD symptoms in veterans at both psychological and physiological levels, which in turn inhibits their suicidal tendencies. At the psychological level, exercise improved veterans’ Subjective Well-Being and Psychological Well-Being, and at the physiological level, it improved veterans’ brain structure, neuroendocrine system, and immune system. By combing these mechanisms in detail, we hope to provide theoretical support for the implementation of exercise interventions in the treatment of veterans with PTSD. However, it is important to note that the specifics of the exercise program, such as the optimal type, dosage, and duration to alleviate PTSD symptoms, remain unclear and require further research and exploration.
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Avaliar a associação de comportamentos de movimento de 24 horas com ansiedade em universitários durante a pandemia. Os resultados transversais baseiam-se em 87 estudantes (idade média = 26,6±6,5 anos, 72,7% do sexo feminino). Foi preenchido um questionário online sobre dados sociodemográficos, ansiedade (Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado-Traço), qualidade do sono (PSQI) e comportamento sedentário (CS). Utilizou-se, durante sete dias, dois acelerômetros da marca ActiGraph modelo wGT3X-BT para medir sono, atividade física (AF) e CS, respectivamente. O teste U de Mann-Whitney e o teste de Kruskal Wallis foram utilizados para comparar os escores de ansiedade entre os clusters que cumpriram ou não as recomendações (cumpre nenhuma; cumpre uma; cumpre duas ou mais). A razão de prevalência (RP) de ansiedade segundo atendimento às recomendações para comportamentos de movimento nas 24 horas foi estimada por meio de análise de regressão de Poisson com respectivo intervalo de confiança de 95%. Os achados apresentaram 60,9% ansiedade moderada a alta e os universitários que cumpriram 1 ou 2 recomendações das diretrizes apresentaram menores escores de ansiedade em comparação aos que não cumpriram nenhuma, considerando os clusters de atendimento (p<0,05) por meio dos questionários. Não houve associação de níveis de ansiedade moderado a alto com (AF) RP=1,34 (0,66; 2,70; p=0,414); Observou-se RP de CS=1,21 (0,13; 10,92; p=0,866) e RP de sono=1,11 (0,51; 2,41; p=0,794). Concluiu-se que não houve associação entre o cumprimento de comportamentos de movimento de 24 horas durante a pandemia da COVID-19 e a ansiedade entre os universitários.
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Background Adolescent sleep disorders have emerged as a significant global public health issue. This study aims to investigate the relationship between physical activity and sleep disorders in adolescents, and to further analyze the chain mediating effects of anxiety and mobile phone dependence, with the goal of providing empirical evidence for related clinical research. Methods This cross-sectional study collected data through an offline questionnaire survey conducted in 2024. The survey assessed physical activity, sleep disorders, anxiety, and mobile phone dependence. Descriptive statistics and correlation analyses were utilized to construct a chain mediation model. Results A total of 495 valid samples were obtained, with 227 girls (45.9%) and 268 boys (54.1%). The average age of the participants was 13.37 years (SD = 1.05). The results indicated significant negative correlations between physical activity and adolescent anxiety, mobile phone dependence, and sleep disorders. Anxiety and mobile phone dependence fully mediated the relationship between physical activity and sleep disorders. Conclusion This study provides further insight into the underlying mechanisms linking physical activity and sleep disorders in adolescents. Physical activity not only has a direct negative effect on sleep disorders but also indirectly predicts sleep disorders through its impact on anxiety and mobile phone dependence. It is recommended that families and schools encourage increased physical activity among adolescents, as it can reduce anxiety and mobile phone dependence, thereby alleviating sleep disorders.
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This resource provides information from numerous levels of analysis including molecular biology and genetics, cellular physiology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, epidemiology, and behavior. In doing so it translates information from the basic laboratory to the clinical laboratory and finally to clinical treatment. The result is an excellent and cutting-edge resource for psychiatric residents, psychiatric researchers and doctoral students in neurochemistry and the neurosciences.
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Conducted 3 studies to examine qualitative differences in the anxiolytic effects of short-term exercise and quiet rest (distraction therapy). In Study 1, 15 physically active normotensive males participated in exercise and distraction conditions on separate days. State anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and blood pressure were assessed at the outset and several times over the 3 hrs following cessation of treatment. Findings show that both conditions were associated with quantitatively similar reductions in state anxiety and blood pressure and that the exercise condition was associated with reductions in blood pressure that were significant for 2–3 hrs following cessation of treatment. In Study 2, 15 normotensive males took a shower, which was associated with a significant reduction in state anxiety and a nonsignificant reduction in blood pressure. 15 pharmacologically controlled hypertensive males who were involved in an aerobic exercise program participated in Study 3; a shower period was included after the distraction session. Results show that exercise and distraction were associated with significant reductions in systolic blood pressure and state anxiety; the distraction treatment was associated with a significant increase in blood pressure following the shower. Findings are discussed in terms of the distraction hypothesis of M. S. Bahrke and the present 2nd author (see record 1980-20521-001). (48 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Physical activity is associated with an antidepressant effect in clinical depression. Self-efficacy is one mechanism proposed to explain this effect. In this study we compared the changes in mood following exercise sessions with high and stable self-efficacy (stationary bike exercise) to exercise sessions with initially low but increasing self-efficacy (martial arts). The experimental design incorporated repeated measures and counter-balancing. Twelve clinically depressed participants completed 45-min exercise sessions consisting of stationary bike use and martial arts. A waiting control condition of 30 minutes was conducted before each exercise session. During martial arts, statistically significant increases in positive affect, reductions in negative affect and state anxiety, and increased self-efficacy were observed. During the stationary bike exercise no statistically significant changes were found. The results indicate that an increase in self-efficacy may be important for mood benefits to occur.
Increased blood levels of endorphins after exercise have been cited to explain everything from runners' high to reduced pain perception, but little is known about these recently isolated substances or their functions.
Errors in Byline, Author Affiliations, and Acknowledgment. In the Original Article titled “Lifetime Prevalence and Age-of-Onset Distributions of DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” published in the June issue of the ARCHIVES (2005;62:593-602), an author’s name was inadvertently omitted from the byline and author affiliations footnote on page 592, and another author’s affiliation was listed incorrectly. The byline should have appeared as follows: “Ronald C. Kessler, PhD; Patricia Berglund, MBA; Olga Demler, MA, MS; Robert Jin, MA; Kathleen R. Merikangas, PhD; Ellen E. Walters, MS.” The author affiliations footnote should have appeared as follows: “Author Affiliations: Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass (Dr Kessler; Mss Demler and Walters; and Mr Jin); Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Ms Berglund); and Section on Developmental Genetic Epidemiology, National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, Md (Dr Merikangas).” On page 601, the first sentence of the acknowledgment should have appeared as follows: “The authors appreciate the helpful comments of William Eaton, PhD, and Michael Von Korff, ScD.” Online versions of this article on the Archives of General Psychiatry Web site were corrected on June 10, 2005.
The purpose of this investigation was to compare the influence of acute physical activity and meditation (noncultic)on state anxiety. Seventy-five adult male volunteers served as Ss with 25 Ss randomly assigned to either an exercise, meditation, or control group. Physical activity was performed at 70% of self-imposed maximal exercise heart rate for 20 minutes by Ss in the exercise group; Ss assigned to the meditation group practiced Benson's Relaxation Response for 20 minutes; and Ss in the control group simply rested quietly in a Lazyboy chair for 20 minutes. State anxiety was measured with the Spielberger Scale, and it was assessed (1)prior to, (2)immediately following, and (3)10 minutes following each treatment. Oxygen consumption, heart rate, skin temperature, and blood pressure were also measured as confirmatory variables under selected conditions. The data were analyzed by means of a two-way repeated measures ANOVA, and this analysis revealed that a significant reduction in anxiety occurred for each treatment. This held for both those Ss falling within the normal range for state anxiety and those Ss regarded as high-anxious. It was also noted that none of the physiological variables differed significantly following the control and meditation treatments. The present evidence suggests that acute physical activity, noncultic meditation, and a quiet rest session are equally effective in reducing state anxiety.
To investigate when and why therapists opt for or rule out imaginal exposure (IE) for patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 255 trauma experts were randomized to two conditions in which they were presented with four cases in which the patients' comorbidity and treatment preferences were manipulated. The results confirmed IE to be an underutilized approach, with the majority of professionals being undertrained in the technique. As predicted, the patient factors influenced the expert's choice of therapy: in case of a comorbid depression, IE was significantly less preferred than medication. Also, IE was significantly more likely to be offered when patients expressed a preference for trauma-focused treatment. The therapist factors were also found to be importantly related to treatment preferences, with high credibility in the technique being positively related to the therapists' preference for IE. Perceived barriers to IE, such as a fear of symptom exacerbation and dropout, were negatively related to the perceived suitability of the treatment when patients had suffered multiple traumas in childhood. The results are discussed in the light of clinical implications and the need of exposure training for trauma professionals.
Regular physical activity is anxiolytic in both healthy subjects and patients with panic disorder. In contrast, acute exercise may induce acute panic attacks or increase subjective anxiety in patients with panic disorder more than in other people. The effects of quiet rest or an aerobic treadmill exercise (30 min at an intensity of 70% of the maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max) on cholecystokinin tetrapeptide (CCK-4) induced panic attacks were studied in a crossover design in 12 patients with panic disorder and 12 matched healthy subjects. The effects of CCK-4 (25 microg in patients and 50 microg in control subjects) were measured with the Acute Panic Inventory (API) score, comparing panic attack frequencies, total score, and subscores for anxiety and somatic symptoms. CCK-4-induced panic attacks were less frequent after prior exercise: they occurred in 15 (62.5%) subjects after rest (9 patients and 6 control subjects), but only 5 (20.8%) subjects after exercise (4 patients and 1 control subject). In both conditions, CCK-4 administration induced a significant increase in the total API score and the anxiety and somatic symptoms subsores. However, compared to prior rest, exercise resulted in a significantly reduced CCK-4-induced increase of the total API score and the anxiety subscore. In patients with panic disorder exercise increased the total API score and the somatic symptoms subscale but not the anxiety subscore. Patients with panic disorder showed increased somatic but not anxiety symptoms after an acute bout of exercise. Severity of CCK-4-induced panic and anxiety, on the other hand was reduced by exercise. These findings suggest that in addition to exercise training an acute bout of exercise may be used to reduce anxiety and panic attack frequency and intensity in panic disorder patients.