
[Ursula Schmidt-Tintemann--pioneer of plastic surgery in Germany].

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On occasion of the 50th anniversary of the department of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technische Universität in 2008 Ursula Schmidt-Tintemann is honoured by this historical article. As one of the first departments of plastic surgery in Germany the department became under her guidance a role model for other departments. Furthermore, Ursula Schmidt-Tintemann contributed to the characterization and establishment of the surgical specialty plastic surgery in Germany by numerous activities. Her special interest were ethical aspects of plastic surgery and aesthetic surgery. As the founder of the department Ursula Schmidt-Tintemann is to be regarded as one of the giants in plastic surgery of post war Germany.

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... Ihre zentrale Bedeutung innerhalb der Chirurgie ist heute unum stritten und aus dem klinischen sowie wissenschaftlichen Alltag nicht mehr weg zu denken. Angefangen in den 50er Jahren mit der Gründung der ersten Abteilung für Plastische Chirurgie un ter der Leitung von Frau Ursula SchmidtTintemann am Klini kum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München ist die Plastische Chirurgie inzwischen an zahlreichen Universitätskli nika etabliert [1]. Parallel zur Zunahme der Kliniken für Plasti sche Chirurgie ist auch eine entsprechend exponentiell steigen de Zunahme an Fachärzten für Plastische und Ästhetische Chir urgie zu verzeichnen [1]. ...
... Angefangen in den 50er Jahren mit der Gründung der ersten Abteilung für Plastische Chirurgie un ter der Leitung von Frau Ursula SchmidtTintemann am Klini kum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München ist die Plastische Chirurgie inzwischen an zahlreichen Universitätskli nika etabliert [1]. Parallel zur Zunahme der Kliniken für Plasti sche Chirurgie ist auch eine entsprechend exponentiell steigen de Zunahme an Fachärzten für Plastische und Ästhetische Chir urgie zu verzeichnen [1]. Trotz der ständig zunehmenden Be deutung der Plastischen Chirurgie innerhalb der Patientenver sorgung, trotz des beträchtlichen wissenschaftlichen Outputs und eines geschärften und klar definierten Aufgabenprofils sind an deutschen Universitätsklinika eigenständige Kliniken bzw. ...
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Despite its recognition as an independent specialty, at German university hospitals the field of plastic surgery is still underrepresented in terms of independent departments with a dedicated research focus. The aim of this study was to analyse the publication performance within the German academic plastic surgery environment and to compare independent departments and dependent, subordinate organisational structures regarding their publication performance. Organisational structures and number of attending doctors in German university hospitals were examined via a website analysis. A pubmed analysis was applied to assess the publication performance (number of publications, cumulative impact factor, impact factor/publication, number of publications/MD, number of publications/unit) between 2009 and 2013. In a journal analysis the distribution of the cumulative impact factor and number of publications in different journals as well as the development of the impact factor in the top journals were analysed. Out of all 35 university hospitals there exist 12 independent departments for plastic surgery and 8 subordinate organisational structures. In 15 university hospitals there were no designated plastic surgery units. The number of attending doctors differed considerably between independent departments (3.6 attending doctors/unit) and subordinate organisational structures (1.1 attending doctors/unit). The majority of publications (89.0%) and of the cumulative impact factor (91.2%) as well as most of the publications/MD (54 publications/year) and publications/unit (61 publications/year) were created within the independent departments. Only in departments top publications with an impact factor > 5 were published. In general a negative trend regarding the number of publications (- 13.4%) and cumulative impact factor (- 28.9%) was observed. 58.4% of all publications were distributed over the top 10 journals. Within the latter the majority of articles were published in English journals (60% of publications, 79.9% of the cumulative impact factor). The average impact factor of the top 10 journals increased by 13.5% from 2009 to 2013. In contrast to subordinate and dependent organisational structures, independent departments of plastic surgery are the key performers within German academic plastic surgery which, however, suffers from a general declining publication performance. Hence, the type of organisational structure has a crucial influence on the research performance. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.
... Places for specialty training are limited, further propelling competition. Optimization and adaptation of plastic surgical training curricula has been ongo ing for a considerable time, since plastic, reconstructive, and aes thetic surgery emerged as an independent specialty in Europe in the 1940s [4][5][6][7]. Previously, the ExCo of ESPRAS shared solutions on relevant matters common to national societies under the umbrella of ES PRAS in different survey-based studies [8][9][10][11]. Following this ex ample, this study aimed at establishing the status quo of continu ing education in plastic surgery in Europe. ...
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Background Specialty training in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery is a prerequisite for safe and effective provision of care. The aim of this study was to assess and portray similarities and differences in the continuing education and specialization in plastic surgery in Europe. Material and Methods A detailed questionnaire was designed and distributed utilizing an online survey administration software. Questions addressed core items regarding continuing education and specialization in plastic surgery in Europe. Participants were addressed directly via the European Leadership Forum (ELF) of the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS). All participants had detailed knowledge of the organization and management of plastic surgical training in their respective country. Results The survey was completed by 29 participants from 23 European countries. During specialization, plastic surgeons in Europe are trained in advanced tissue transfer and repair and aesthetic principles in all parts of the human body and within several subspecialties. Moreover, rotations in intensive as well as emergency care are compulsory in most European countries. Board certification is only provided for surgeons who have had multiple years of training regulated by a national board, who provide evidence of individually performed operative procedures in several anatomical regions and subspecialties, and who pass a final oral and/or written examination. Conclusion Board certified plastic surgeons meet the highest degree of qualification, are trained in all parts of the body and in the management of complications. The standard of continuing education and qualification of European plastic surgeons is high, providing an excellent level of plastic surgical care throughout Europe.
Plastic surgery has passed through a very positive evolution in the last decades on the solid fundament of constantly developing academic plastic surgery. Aim of this paper is an objective evaluation of the current status of academic plastic surgery regarding research topics, currently available ressources and scientific outcome based on a questionnaire. The return rate of the questionnaire in academic departments was 92%. Main topics in research besides wound healing were topics from regenerative medicine such as tissue engineering, biomaterials, genetherapy and angiogenesis with the main focus on skin and fat tissues. In the past five years a total of 25 million Euros of third party research grants were raised. Research relied mainly on interdisciplinary research facilities. Regarding the scientific outcome more than 200 scientific papers were published in basic science research journals having an impactfactor higher than two. These results clearly demonstrate that plastic surgery is scientifically highly productive in academic surroundings where independent departments are established. Considering that independent units of plastic surgery exist in a relatively small number of all 36 university hospitals in germany, it has to be claimed for further independent departments so to provide adequate research facilities for further evolution of academic plastic surgery.
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