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Airborne pollen of Carya, Celtis, Cupressus, Fraxinus and Pinus in the metropolitan area of Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Mexico


Abstract and Figures

The concentration of pollen grains in the atmosphere over the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, was analyzed throughout a year from March 2003-February 2004, focused on the genus Carya, Celtis, Cupressus, Fraxinus and Pinus owing to their interest as etiological pollinosis agents in diverse regions of the world. A 7-day Hirst type volumetric spore and pollen trap was located on a building roof of the city at 15 m from ground level for continuous sampling. The total quantity of pollen recorded for the study period was 21,083 grains/m(3), corresponding to 49.75 % of the taxa of interest. February and March were the months with higher pollen amounts in the air with 7,525 and 2,781 grains/m(3), respectively, and amounted to 49 % of total year through pollen. Fraxinus was the genus which contributed to the largest amount of pollen with 28 % of total grains (5,935 grains/m(3)) followed by Cupressus with 13 % (2,742 grains/ m(3)). Celtis, Pinus and Carya contributed with 5.3 % , 2.7 % , and 0.6 % of total pollen, respectively. These results indicate that Fraxinus and Cupressus are present in the area in sufficient quantity to indicate likely involvement in the origin of allergic disorders in the human population.
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Pollen grains are the masculine sex cells of owering
plants which are formed inside stamens and released into
the air once they are mature. Their biological function is to
reach the feminine part of a ower of the same species and
to make possible the fertilization of ovules [6]. The exist-
ence of pollen grains in the atmosphere is a natural phenom-
enon occurring as a result of the sex cycle of anemophilous
plants. The dispersion of such pollen grains is a dynamic
event governed by meteorological phenomena which in u-
ence the mechanisms of emission, transport, permanence,
deposition and capture of the grains [36]. Carya, Celtis, Cu-
pressus, Fraxinus and Pinus are very abundant plants in the
metropolitan area of Monterrey, frequently used as ornate
plants in gardens and public parks, streets, avenues, side-
walks and private gardens [3, 28, 29]. Nevertheless, accord-
ing to diverse studies it has been recognized that the species
of these genus are etiological agents of pollinosis in diverse
places all over the world [14, 19, 22, 23, 26, 31, 35, 37].
Owing to the interest concerning the participation of pol-
len grains in seasonal allergic rhinitis episodes, the pollen
concentration in the air of the metropolitan area of Monter-
rey from the taxa above mentioned was studied in order
to obtain useful data for the prevention and diagnosis of
diseases caused by the inhalation of these pollen grains.
Area of study. The metropolitan area of Monterrey is lo-
cated in the Mid-West part of the Nuevo Leon State, Mex-
ico, in the physiographic provinces of the Coastal Plain
Alejandra Rocha-Estrada, Marco Antonio Alvarado-Vázquez, Teresa Elizabeth Torres-Cepeda,
Rahim Foroughbakhch-Pournavab, Jorge Luis Hernández-Piñero
Departamento de Botánica, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México
Rocha-Estrada A, Alvarado-Vázquez MA, Torres-Cepeda TE, Foroughbakhch-Pour-
navab R, Hernández-Piñero JL: Airborne pollen of Carya, Celtis, Cupressus, Fraxinus
and Pinus in the metropolitan area of Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Ann Agric Envi-
ron Med 2008, 15, 205–209.
Abstract: The concentration of pollen grains in the atmosphere over the metropolitan
area of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, was analyzed throughout a year from March
2003–February 2004, focused on the genus Carya, Celtis, Cupressus, Fraxinus and Pinus
owing to their interest as etiological pollinosis agents in diverse regions of the world.
A 7-day Hirst type volumetric spore and pollen trap was located on a building roof of
the city at 15 m from ground level for continuous sampling. The total quantity of pollen
recorded for the study period was 21,083 grains/m3, corresponding to 49.75% of the taxa
of interest. February and March were the months with higher pollen amounts in the air
with 7,525 and 2,781 grains/m3, respectively, and amounted to 49% of total year through
pollen. Fraxinus was the genus which contributed to the largest amount of pollen with
28% of total grains (5,935 grains/m3) followed by Cupressus with 13% (2,742 grains/
m3). Celtis, Pinus and Carya contributed with 5.3%, 2.7%, and 0.6% of total pollen,
respectively. These results indicate that Fraxinus and Cupressus are present in the area
in suf cient quantity to indicate likely involvement in the origin of allergic disorders in
the human population.
Address for correspondence: Alejandra Rocha-Estrada, Departamento de Botánica,
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Apartado Postal 38 F, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 66450,
San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México. E-mail:
Key words: airborne, pollen, Carya, Celtis, Cupressus, Fraxinus, Pinus, Monterrey,
Received: 11 September 2007
Accepted: 6 June 2008
Ann Agric Environ Med 2008, 15, 205–209
206 Rocha-Estrada A, Alvarado-Vázquez MA, Torres-Cepeda TE, Foroughbakhch-Pournavab R, Hernández-Piñero JL
of the North Gulf and the Sierra Madre Mountain range,
which includes the municipalities of Apodaca, Escobedo,
Guadalupe, Monterrey, Santa Catarina, San Nicolás de
los Garza, and San Pedro Garza García, which altogether
comprise an approximate area of 1,480 km2, located be-
tween the parallels 25°35´ and 25°50´ North latitude, and
between the meridians 99°59´ and 100°30´ West longitude,
to an altitude of 540 (between 400-800) m.a.s.l. [7].
The climate characteristic according to the classi cation
system of Köeppen modi ed by García [11], correspond to
dry warm and extreme steppe, with irregular rains at the
end of summer [-BS(h’)hw(é)] and an annual average tem-
perature of 22.1°C. Precipitation is scarce, between 300–
500 mm. The prevailing winds in the region come from
the Northeast and Southeast, which are more intense in the
warmer half of the year [21].
Trees, shrubs, herbs and palms are the main components
of the urban ora in the study area, which are cultivated in
the streets, avenues and parks of the city. The main spe-
cies present are Fraxinus spp., Ficus benjamina, Ligustrum
lucidum, Melia azederach, Platanus occidentalis, Quercus
spp., Pinus spp., Cupressus spp., Acacia farnesiana, A. rig-
idula, Phitecellobium dulce, Morus spp., Tamarindus indi-
cus, Punica granatum, Salix spp., Populus spp., Jacaranda
mimosifolia, Nerium oleander, Amaranthus spp., Washing-
tonia spp., Yucca spp., Ricinus communis [3, 29].
The aerobiological sampling was made throughout a
year from March 2003–February 2004. Recommendations
from the Pan-American Aerobiology Association [30] for
sampling of anemophilous pollen were taken into account.
A Hirst type volumetric spore trap (Burkard Manufactur-
ing Co, Rickmansworth, Herts., UK) was located on the
roof of the main building of the Faculty of Biological Sci-
ences of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, about
15 m above ground level and elevated 1 m from the ceiling.
A Melinex tape of 345 mm covered with sticky silicone oil
was prepared and placed in the rotary drum of the equip-
ment. After the apparatus is turned on a constant air ow of
10 l/min penetrates through an ori ce of 2 mm × 14 mm,
and the entering pollen grains stick to the tape, which is
moving at a speed of 2 mm/hr for a complete cycle of 7
days. The sampling tape was changed weekly and carefully
transported to the laboratory for processing and analysis.
The tape was divided in 7 segments, each one of 48 mm
in length, corresponding to each sampling day, and adhered
to standard glass slides covered with gelatin-glycerin and
stained with basic fuchsin. For taxa identi cation the works
of Kremp [18], Erdtman [8, 9], Faegri and Iversen [10],
and Kapp et al. [17] were used. In addition, comparisons
of the obtained pollens samples were made with reference
Table 1. Month and total sum of the daily pollen values, expressed as grains/m3 of air.
Taxa Mar Apr May Jun Jul Agus Sep Oct Nov Dic Jan Feb Total
Carya 26 73 16 2 2 118
Celtis 91 34 59 536 140 116 63 17 1 14 48 1,118
Cupressus 99 30 1 163 59 504 1,627 259 2,742
Fraxinus 224 14 3 4 438 5,253 5,935
Pinus 72 256 172 5 1 1 8 5 7 51 577
Others 2,270 1,300 479 647 670 753 683 1,060 364 227 226 1,913 10,592
Total 2,781 1,706 729 1,192 811 870 746 1,243 432 736 2,311 7,525 21,083
Grains per cubic meter of air
Grains per cubic meter of air
Figure 1. Average daily concentrations of Carya pollen (grains/m3). Figure 2. Average daily concentrations of Celtis pollen (grains/m3).
Airborne pollen in Monterrey, México 207
specimens elaborated for this effect with grains of pollen
collected from the species belonging to the vegetation of the
study area. The total pollen concentration was determined
per day as well as the number of grains from each taxa per
air volume. In each glass slide, 4 longitudinal scans were
made under the optical microscope using a 400× objective
lens. The obtained results of the count per glass slide were
converted to values of density per air volume by multiply-
ing the values by a correction factor of 0.54 to obtain the
total number of grains per cubic meter of air.
A total of 21,083 grains/m3 of air was registered in the pe-
riod from March 2003–February 2004 for the area of study,
of which 10,491 grains/m3 (49.75%) corresponds to pollen
from the taxa Carya, Celtis, Cupressus, Fraxinus and Pi-
nus; while the remaining 10,592 grains/m3 corresponded
to other trees, shrubs and weeds. The months of maximum
pollen concentration were March 2003 (2,781 grains/m3)
and February 2004 (7,525 grains/m3) when 48.88% of the
total pollen was obtained (Tab. 1).
The Carya species reported in the study area correspond
to C. cordiformis (Wangenh.) K. Koch and C. illionensis
(Wangenh.) K. Koch [2]. The pollen concentration of Carya
was 118 grains/m3 of air, representing 0.56% of total pol-
len. Pollen from this taxon was present during the months
of March–May, October and February, reaching maximum
values in the month of April with 73 grains/m3, with a maxi-
mum daily average concentration of 9 grains/m3 registered
on 10 April (Fig. 1). These results are similar to those ob-
tained in Israel where there is a well de ned pollen sea-
son from mid April–May [27]. On the other hand, in North
America pollen from this species is considered as an impor-
tant cause of allergic rhinitis. It has been also reported that
in Israel it constitutes a possible etiological agent for the
development of the asthma in children [24, 27, 33].
The Celtis species most abundant in the metropolitan
area of Monterrey are C. laevigata Willd. and C. pallida
Torr. [2, 29]. The registry of total pollen for Celtis spp. was
1,118 grains/m3 of air (5.30%). These grains were present
throughout the whole period of study except during the
month of December, reaching its maximum monthly con-
centration in June with 536 grains/m3, and a mean maxi-
mum day concentration on 20 June with 45 grains/m3 of
air (Fig. 2). Celtis genus anemophily has been reported in
Italy, United States and Argentine [12, 20, 24, 32, 34].
The registered species for the genus Cupressus in the
study area were C. arizonica Greene (white cedar) and C.
sempervirens L. (column cypress) [2, 29]. The pollen con-
centration of Cupressus spp. was 2,742 grains/m3 of air,
representing 13% of the total pollen. This taxon reached its
maximum monthly concentration in January (1,627 grains/
m3) with a maximum daily average of 267 grains/m3 4 Jan-
uary (Fig. 3). Similar results were registered in Santiago de
Compostela (Spain), where the maximum levels of this pol-
len were recorded from December–April, reaching peaks
between January–March [1], whereas to the southwest of
Sydney (Australia) counts superior to 1,000 grains/m3 of
air were reported, with a maximum daily average of 1,842
grains/m3 during the second week of October [5].
Grains per cubic meter of air
Grains per cubic meter of air
Grains per cubic meter of air
Figure 3. Average daily concentrations of Cupressus pollen (grains/m3).
Figure 5. Average daily concentrations of Pinus pollen (grains/m3).
Figure 4. Average daily concentrations of Fraxinus pollen (grains/m3).
208 Rocha-Estrada A, Alvarado-Vázquez MA, Torres-Cepeda TE, Foroughbakhch-Pournavab R, Hernández-Piñero JL
The species of the genus Fraxinus occurring in the met-
ropolitan area of Monterrey were F. americana L., F. ber-
landieriana A.DC., F. cuspidata Torr., F. greggii A. Gray y
F. uhdei (Wenz.) Lingel [2]. The sum of the concentrations
of pollen from Fraxinus spp. during the period of study
was 5,935 grains/m3 of air (28.15%), with February be-
ing the month with the greatest concentration of 5,253.12
grains/m3, not registering pollen presence in the months
from July–December. The average daily maximum con-
centration was of 343 grains/m3 of air on 19 February (Fig.
4). Horak et al. [1980, cited by Peeters, 25] consider that
for this taxon the daily average of 167 grains/m3 of air are
a critical concentration concerning the appearance of al-
lergic symptoms in humans. On the other hand, Weryszko-
Chmielewska and Piotrowska [37] registered main peri-
ods of pollination lasting between 17–28 days (2001 and
2002), and with maximum daily concentrations of 143 and
287 grains/m3 of air in Lublin (Poland), whereas concen-
tration peaks between 23–837 grains/m3 were counted in
Vienna (Austria) [14]. Anemophily of the Fraxinus genus
has been observed in France, Hungary, Argentine, Spain,
Switzerland and Austria [12, 14, 15, 19, 23, 25].
The Pinus species reported in the study area are P. cem-
broides Zucc, P. greggii Engelm., P. halepensis Mill., P.
heldarica Medw and P. pseudotrobus Lindl. [2, 29]. The
total concentration of Pinus spp. pollen during the period
of study was 577 grains/m3 of air, representing approxi-
mately 2.73% of the total of pollen registered. The monthly
maximum concentrations were recorded during April (256
grains/m3) and May (172 grains/m3), with the maximum
daily average concentration reached on 8 May with 28
grains/m3 of air (Fig. 5). This daily average concentration
is relatively low in comparison with the registered values
for Ciudad de la Plata (Argentine), Vigo (Spain) and Bris-
bane (Australia) where daily average concentrations of
2,028, 1,105 and 158 grains/m3 of air have been registered
respectively [13, 16, 23]. On the other hand, Levetin et al.
[20] have reported an annual total concentration for Pinus
pollen of 1,246 grains/m3 of air in Tulsa (United States),
whereas for Bilbao (Spain) a total concentration of 6,118
grains/m3 of air was registered [4], which are values notice-
ably higher to those found in the present study. Although
the allergenic effects of pollen from the Pinus genus have
been documented in diverse studies, high controversy still
remains about the accuracy of this statement [1, 4, 22].
The total amount of pollen registered for the metropolitan
area of Monterrey was 21,083 grains/m3, of which 10,491
grains/m3 (49.75%) correspond to Carya, Celtis, Cupres-
sus, Fraxinus and Pinus. The months of maximum pollen
concentration were March and February when 48.88%
of the total pollen grains were obtained. Pollen from Cu-
pressus and Fraxinus reached the highest total concentra-
tions during the period of study, whereas Carya and Pinus
presented the lowest total concentration. Fraxinus and
Cupressus were the taxa with the highest maximum daily
concentrations with 343 and 267 grains/m3, respectively.
The pollen concentration values registered for Fraxinus
and Cupressus in the metropolitan area of Monterrey dur-
ing the period of study showed a high probability of be-
ing causative agents of allergic disorders in the population,
whereas the three remaining taxa showed concentrations
in amounts with a smaller probability of causing these dis-
orders. However, studies with longer periods of sampling
time are recommended to evaluate the aerobiological be-
haviour of these taxa in order to have more precise and
reliable data.
The authors thank PAICyT-UANL (Project CN917-04) and
PROMEP (PROMEP/103.5/04/1371 and PROMEP/103.5/05/2230)
for their economic support.
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... The analysis of pollen grain concentrations was conducted in these cities based on data from the years 2006-2008. According to previous studies it has been recognized that the species of these genera are etiological agents of pollinosis in diverse places all over the world (Hemmer et al., 2000; Laurent et al., 1998; Peeters, 2000; Rocha-Estrada et al., 2008). The urban landscape and its surroundings consist of ruderal vegetation, forests, semi-natural community of grasses and antropomorphic habitats. ...
... Hofman and Michalik (1998) reported 50 PG/m 3 for ash in Poland. Anemophily of the Fraxinus genus has been observed in France, Hungary, Argentine , Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico and Austria ( Jarai-Komlodi, 1991; Laurent et al., 1998; Hemmer et al., 2000; Peeters, 2000; Nitiu andMallo, 2002; Gattuso et al., 2003; Rocha-Estrada et al., 2008 ). Grendelmeier et al. (1994) have suggested that in France and Switzerland the ash tree is a strongly allergenic species. ...
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The aim of the study was to compare the airborne concentrations of pollen produced by vernal flowering trees taxa (Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Corylus, Fraxinus, Platanus, Populus, Quercus, Taxaceae/Cupressaceae) in the cities of Timisoara (Romania), Szeged (Hungary), Novi Sad (Serbia) and Ljubljana (Slovenia) during the years 2006–2008. Annual variations in the concentration of pollen in the atmosphere were analysed by the volumetric method. In these cities, the period with the greatest diversity of pollen types is spring. These trees are found in mixed forests and are used in urban landscaping and home gardens. Inter-annual differences can be seen in the seasonal behaviour of the pollen in Novi Sad, 2008 being the year in which the highest levels of airborne pollen were reached. During the 3-year period, pollen of the representatives of the family Betulaceae accounted for a significant proportion of total pollen, predominated by Betula pollen and a considerably lower proportion of Alnus, Carpinus and Corylus airpollen. Taxaceae/Cupressaceae pollen appears in the atmospheric pollen spectra of all localities in high concentrations. These pollen grains are the main source of allergens in springtime. Results of the study reveal important differences between the cities.
... In México, Rocha-Estrada et al. (2008) and Calderón-Ezquerro et al. (2016) concluded that Fraxinus, represented by F. uhdei, had the largest amount of pollen with 28% of the total grains and that it was present in the area in sufficient quantities to be the cause of allergic disorders in the human population, mainly during February. ...
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Narrow-leafed ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) is a common polygamous tree growing on the banks of rivers in the western Mediterranean region. Pollination occurs during winter, and the tree’s pollen is among the most abundant during that season. This work aims to relate the phenology of pollen shedding, source tree distribution, meteorology and airborne pollen occurrence for the species. Aerobiological sampling was conducted in Badajoz (south-western Spain) using a Hirst volumetric sampler over 24 years (1993–2016). Trees were geo-localized in a circle 500 m in diameter surrounding the pollen sampler. During the last two periods, pollination phenology was studied in 10 specimens, five in the surroundings of the pollen station and five 3 km apart, at a frequency of 3–4 days on average. Moreover, a detailed analysis of pollen occurrence was conducted for these two periods. Daily data for the whole period and hourly data over the last 2 years were used, including pollen monitoring and meteorology. A comparison was made between pollen occurrence and source distribution. The main pollen season lasted on average 53 (28–75) days. Average values were less than 10 grains m⁻³, except for two periods of 23–24 grains m⁻³. Daily data and hourly data correlation with meteorology showed different signs in correlation analysis. Hourly analysis showed that the maximum concentration occurred just after noon. Most pollen was recorded at an average temperature of 9 °C. Analysis of pollen sources and pollen occurrence showed a close relationship between predominant wind directions and tree distribution. Peaks of phenology were not coincident with pollen peaks. No trends in pollination were found. Non-homogeneous distribution of pollen sources for Fraxinus angustifolia provided a suitable tool to demonstrate that wind direction plays a relevant role when aerobiological data are interpreted according to source distribution. A limitation in phenology analysis and aerobiological data was noted in the narrow-leafed ash species.
... 6 In North America, the most commonly involved species are from the Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae families. [7][8][9][10] In Japan, pollinosis caused by Japanese cedar pollen is considered the most common disease. 11 In Europe, the most important genera associated with allergic diseases are Cupressus and Juniperus. ...
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Background Sensitization to Pinales (Cupressaceae and Pinaceae) has increased dramatically in recent years. The prevalence of sensitization in different geographic areas is related to exposure to specific pollens. Objectives To investigate the prevalence of allergy to different conifer pollens, describe the characteristics of patients with such allergy, and identify the involved allergens. Methods Patients were recruited at five hospitals near Madrid. Extracts from conifer pollen were prepared and used in skin-prick testing. Wheal sizes were recorded, and serum samples obtained from patients with positive reactions to Cupressus arizonica and/or Pinus pinea. The specific immunoglobulin E value to C. arizonica and Cup a 1 was determined. Individual immunoblots for each patient and with a pool of sera were performed. Allergenic proteins were sequenced by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results Of 499 individuals included in the study, 17 (14%) had positive skin-prick test results to some conifer pollen extracts. Sixty-four patients had positive results to C. arizonica (prevalence 12.8%) and 11 had positive results to P. pinea (2.2%). All the patients had respiratory symptoms (61.4% during the C. arizonica pollination period), and 62.9% had asthma. Approximately 86% of the patients had positive specific immunoglobulin E results to C. arizonica and 92.3% had positive results to Cup a 1. Fourteen different bands were recognized by immunoblot; the most frequent bands were those detected at 43, 18, 16, and 14 kDa. All sequenced proteins corresponded to Cup a 1. Conclusion Allergy to conifer pollen could be considered a relevant cause of respiratory allergy in central Spain. Asthma was more frequent than in other studies. We only identified Cup a 1 as involved in sensitization.
... 6 In North America, the most commonly involved species are from the Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae families. [7][8][9][10] In Japan, pollinosis caused by Japanese cedar pollen is considered the most common disease. 11 In Europe, the most important genera associated with allergic diseases are Cupressus and Juniperus. ...
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Background: Sensitization to Pinales (Cupressaceae and Pinaceae) has increased dramatically in recent years. The prevalence of sensitization in different geographic areas is related to exposure to specific pollens. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of allergy to different conifer pollens, describe the characteristics of patients with such allergy, and identify the involved allergens. Methods: Patients were recruited at five hospitals near Madrid. Extracts from conifer pollen were prepared and used in skin-prick testing. Wheal sizes were recorded, and serum samples obtained from patients with positive reactions to Cupressus arizonica and/or Pinus pinea. The specific immunoglobulin E value to C. arizonica and Cup a 1 was determined. Individual immunoblots for each patient and with a pool of sera were performed. Allergenic proteins were sequenced by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: Of 499 individuals included in the study, 17 (14%) had positive skin-prick test results to some conifer pollen extracts. Sixty-four patients had positive results to C. arizonica (prevalence 12.8%) and 11 had positive results to P. pinea (2.2%). All the patients had respiratory symptoms (61.4% during the C. arizonica pollination period), and 62.9% had asthma. Approximately 86% of the patients had positive specific immunoglobulin E results to C. arizonica and 92.3% had positive results to Cup a 1. Fourteen different bands were recognized by immunoblot; the most frequent bands were those detected at 43, 18, 16, and 14 kDa. All sequenced proteins corresponded to Cup a 1. Conclusion: Allergy to conifer pollen could be considered a relevant cause of respiratory allergy in central Spain. Asthma was more frequent than in other studies. We only identified Cup a 1 as involved in sensitization.
... muestreo.html), the relationship to meteorological parameters has not been examined in depth on Mexico City (Ramírez-Arriaga et al. 1995;Argáez Márquez 1996;Tarragó 1996;Rocha-Estrada et al. 2008;Gonzalez-Diaz et al. 2010). Ramírez-Arriaga et al. (1995) conducted a study in southwest Mexico City identifying a total of 80 pollen types, of which Acacia, AInus, Casuarina, Salix, Eucalyptus, Fraxinus, and Tithonia were the dominant taxa. ...
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Pollen is an important cause of allergic respiratory ailments in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). However, very little is known if ambient air temperature correlates with the early blooming of plants observed in other urban areas around the world. A research study was conducted during the dry season of 2012-2013 at three representative sites of the MCMA with different urban characteristics with the aim to understand the relationships between the profusion and diversity of pollen against temperature and other meteorological variables and degree of urbanization. Pollen samples were collected using a Hirst-type trap sampler in the sites: Merced (highly urbanized), Iztapalapa (medium-high urbanized) and Coyoacan (moderately urbanized). Urbanization levels were determined using a composite index based on population density, proportion of surface covered by construction and asphalt, and urban heat island intensity. A set of representative pollen sampling tapes were assayed under a light microscope at magnification of ×1,000 and converted to grains per cubic meter. The most representative pollen types found in the three sites were, regardless of urbanization levels were: Fraxinus, Cupressaceae/Taxodiaceae, Casuarina, Alnus, Myrtaceae, and Pinus. Total pollen concentration was greatest in the moderately urbanized area, although earlier blooming took place at the highly urbanized zone. Total pollen concentration in the medium-high urbanized site has the lowest because the green areas in this zone of MCMA are few. In a diurnal basis, the most abundant pollen types peaked near midday or in the afternoon evening at the three sites. A Spearman test showed a positive correlation among bihourly pollen concentrations, temperature and relative humidity in all sites, but wind speed just correlated in Iztapalapa and Coyoacan. The results obtained suggest that Urban Heat Island Intensity can disturb flowering periods and pollen concentrations, largely in the highly urbanized areas. A principal components analysis established that the concentrations of each pollen type differed across the urbanization gradients. Additionally, it was found that a large number of allergenic pollens are produced by ornamental trees, some only recently introduced by urban planners.
... This result showed similarity with the other studies prepared in the Mediterranean region, such as: Burdur (27.82%), Mexico (13%), Samobor (12.4%) and Zagreb (8.6%), Sakarya (10.31%), and Edirne (8.75%) [7,8,[13][14][15] . Cupressaceae/Taxaceae pollen grains were seen nearly the whole year. ...
... These are always wind-pollinated and hence have a high potential to cause pollen allergy in susceptible individuals. Pollen of several gymnosperm family members like Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae), different species of Pinus (Pinaceae), Taxus (Taxaceae), Cupressus arizonica (Cupressaceae), etc., were found to be allergenic from different parts of the world (Madoka et al. 1999;Maeda et al. 2008;Marcos et al. 2001;Rocha-Estrada et al. 2008;Sahali et al. 2009). ...
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Cycas circinalis L. or queen sago is a common ornamental gymnosperm in tropics and subtropics. The objectives of the study were (a) to observe the seasonal variation of queen sago pollen in the atmosphere of a rural and an industrial area of West Bengal, India, (b) to visualize its allergenic potential on local population, and (c) to identify and isolate the important IgE-binding protein component present in the pollen extract. A two-year aerobiological survey was performed with Burkard personal volumetric sampler, and Cycas pollen was found to be present in air during April–July. Among 172 respiratory allergic patients of study area, 25.58% showed skin reaction to Cycas pollen extract. The allergenicity of the pollen extract was confirmed by in vivo (skin reaction test) and in vitro (IgE-ELISA and dot blotting) analyses and immunoblotting. Two components of 39.6 and 20.7 kDa were found to be the important IgE-binding proteins in pollen extract. The 20.7 kDa component was purified by two-step gel electrophoresis and it was found to retain its IgE reactivity. This component can be used for further work in diagnostic and therapeutic purpose in susceptible individuals. The overall study demonstrated that the pollen grains of Cycas circinalis is one of the important aeroallergen source of West Bengal, India,
There is comparatively little information in the public domain on the diversity in prevalence and triggers/factors associated with allergic rhinitis (AR) or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (AR/C) in countries beyond western-Europe and North America. To review the prevalence and the sensitizing agents/triggers and factors associated with AR/C in several countries in Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, Australia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Turkey. Articles published in English in peer-reviewed journals were assessed and selected for further review, following an extensive literature search using the Medline database. This review demonstrated that prevalence of AR and AR/C in these regions has predominantly been investigated in children; with studies indicating wide inter- and intra-regional variations ranging from 2.9% AR and 3.8% AR/C in 10-18-years-old children from one region in Turkey to 54.1% AR and 39.2% AR/C in 13-14-years-old children in one region in Nigeria. Moreover, the prevalence of AR and AR/C has increased markedly over the last decade particularly in some of the more affluent African countries, China-Taiwan and several Middle East countries, likely as a consequence of improved living standards leading to increased exposure to multiple traditional and non-traditional sensitizing agents and risk factors similar to those noted in western-Europe and North America. Our findings suggest that the greater diversity in prevalence of AR or AR/C in populations in these regions is in contrast to the lower diversity of AR or AR/C in the 'western populations (USA and Europe), which tend to be more uniform. This review provides a comprehensive database of the important allergens and triggers which are likely to influence the prevalence of allergic rhinitis in these diverse regions, where the prevalence of allergic rhinitis is increasing and its adverse impact on the quality of life of affected individuals is increasingly recognised.
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A previous survey on allergens used by Mexican allergists in their skin prick test (SPT) panel showed wide variation. Humidity varies in different zones of Mexico. This might lead to differences in natural exposure and allergic sensitisation throughout the country. We aim to describe the SPT sensitivity patterns in the different climatic zones in Mexico and to show the usefulness of a structured SPT chart-review including multiple clinics in obtaining these allergen sensitisation patterns. A retrospective, structured chart-review of SPT results was undertaken in allergy clinics throughout Mexico. Ratios of SPT positivity were calculated for individual allergens, per climatic zone and nation-wide. Per allergen group the most important allergens were identified. Statistically significant differences between zones and the nation-wide data were tested with Pearson's Chi-squares test. 4169 skin test charts were recollected. The most important allergens causing sensitisation were very similar in different zones, despite climate variation. The allergen with highest ratio of SPT positivity was Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (51%), with trees (Ash-27%, Alder-22%, Oak19%), and Bermuda grass (26%) as second and third. In the hot zones (humid and dry) Aspergillus was statistically significant more frequently than in more temperate zones. Cockroaches thrive in big cities and humid zones and Mesquite and Poplar in dry zones. Weeds are less important. Mexico has its own SPT sensitisation pattern, which is different from America and Europe. A structured chart-review of SPT results is able to show this and might be a tool for allergists in other countries.
Allergic manifestations due to ash pollen were mentioned in the earliest pollen calendars for Paris established some 30 years ago, and are being met increasingly in this city. The pollen is released fairly early, usually in March, over a short period of time, and is responsible for acute allergic manifestations that often include asthma. Cross-reactions with olive tree pollen are common, probably because the ash tree (and the privet) belong to the Oleaceae family. We performed tests for ash pollen allergy in 140 patients with rhinitis or asthma in late winter or early spring. Thirty-six patients had a positive skin test, 11 a positive RAST, and 19 (of 41) a positive nasal provocation test at concentrations in the 1/1600-1/200 range. In 23 patients, evaluations done during the ash pollen seasons of the following years established a link between the clinical manifestations and the release of ash pollen. Although standardized ash pollen extracts are not yet available, the skin test and specific nasal provocation test had a better predictive value than the RAST, whose sensitivity was low (0.44). However, olive tree pollen can be used instead of ash tree pollen for the RAST Ash tree pollen should be added to the list of potential causes of allergic manifestations occurring early in the pollen season in residents of Paris. The development of standardized ash tree extracts would allow to improve the diagnosis and the use of specific immunotherapy.
In order to be able to forecast the beginning of the ash pollen season, several meteorological factors have been considered. During these research activities it appeared that the ash pollen release is closely linked to frost periods happening during the months of February and March. For 24 years over a period of 29 consecutive years, a daily concentration of 30 ash pollen grains/m^3/day has been reached when the cumulated mean daily temperatures starting on the last day when the absolute minimum temperature is lower or equal to -2 °C amounts on average to 214 °C – admitting a variation of plus or minus 42 °C. As for the five remaining years, rain is three times responsible for the delay of the pollen release.
The first results of an aerobiological study, with the help of a Burkard spore trap in Hungary, are reported. A pollen calendar of 1989 is presented. Out of the total identified sporomorphs, the most relevant 16 types of pollen and 10 of fungal spores are reported. We have pointed out, that in Budapest Ambrosia and Artemisia pollen and some fungal spores arc particularly responsible for the long lasting allergies to pollen and spores in the autumn. The pollen frequencies and the symptom scores of patients of the Pediatrics (Semmelweis Medical School, Budapest) showed a good correlation. Weekly reports arc published in a newspaper and in television.
The relevance of allergy skin prick testing in the diagnosis and treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and pollen asthma can usefully be interpreted in relation to the timing and duration of seasonal symptoms and the presence of pollen and mould spores in the air. This calendar has been constructed from three years continuous observations of pollen and Alternaria mould spore counts between January 1993 and December 1995, using a Burkard 7‐day volumetric spore trap. Of the total airborne pollen, tree pollen comprises 65%, weeds and herbs 11% and grasses 18%. Unidentified pollen, “other”; group, accounts for 6% of the total airborne pollen. The most numerous of the tree pollen is that of the introduced trees cypress (Cupressus spp.) and privet (Ligustrum spp.). Grass pollen is seen in small numbers throughout the winter but shows a rapid increase in spring to peak in mid to late November. Weeds pollinate from early spring through to summer. Alternaria mould, which is a risk factor for childhood asthma, occurs mainly in late spring and summer but is present in small numbers intermittently throughout winter.
Relationships between weather parameters and airborne pollen loads of Pinus in Brisbane, Australia have been investigated over the five-year period, June 1994–May 1999. Pinus pollen accounts for 4.5% of the annual airborne pollen load in Brisbane where the Pinus season is confined to the winter months, July–early September. During the sampling period loads of 11–>100 grains m3 were recorded on 24 days and 1–10 grains m3 on 204 days. The onset and peak dates were consistent across each season, whereas the end dates varied. The onset of the Pinuspollen season coincided with the coolest average monthly temperatures (< 22°C), lowest rainfall (< 7mm), and four weeks after daily minimum temperatures fell to 5–9°C in late autumn. Correlations obtained between daily airborne Pinus pollen counts and temperature/rainfall parameters show that densities of airborne Pinus pollen are negatively correlated with maximum temperature (p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001) and rainfall (p < 0.05) during the main pollination period. The mean duration of each pollen season was 52 days; longer seasons were shown to be directly related to lower average seasonal maximum temperatures (r2 = 0.85, p = 0.025). These results signify that maximum and minimum temperatures are the major parameters that influence the onset and duration of the Pinus pollen season in the environs of Brisbane. Respiratory allergy is an important health issue in Brisbane, Australia, but it remains unknown whether or not airborne Pinus pollen is a contributing factor.