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Abstract and Figures

Study of students' knowledge about global warming can help authorities to have better imagination of this critical environmental problem. This research examines high school students' ideas about greenhouse effect and the results may be useful for the respective authorities to improve cultural and educational aspects of next generation. In this cross-sectional study, a 42 question questionnaire with mix of open and closed questions was used to evaluate high school students' view about the mechanism, consequences, causes and cures of global warming. To assess students' knowledge, cognitive score was also calculated. 1035 students were randomly selected from 19 educational districts of Tehran. Sampling method was multi stage. Only 5.1% of the students could explain greenhouse effect correctly and completely. 88.8% and 71.2% respectively believed "if the greenhouse effect gets bigger the Earth will get hotter" and "incidence of more skin cancers is a consequence of global warming". 69.6% and 68.8% respectively thought "the greenhouse effect is made worse by too much carbon dioxide" and "presence of ozone holes is a cause of greenhouse effect". 68.4% believed "not using cars so much is a cure for global warming". While a student's 'cognitive score' could range from -36 to +36, Students' mean cognitive score was equal to +1.64. Mean cognitive score of male students and grade 2 & 3 students was respectively higher than female ones (P<0.01) and grade 1 students (P<0.001) but there was no statistically significant difference between students of different regions (P>0.05). In general, students' knowledge about global warming was not acceptable and there were some misconceptions in the students' mind, such as supposing ozone holes as a cause and more skin cancer as a consequence of global warming. The Findings of this survey indicate that, this important stratum of society have been received no sufficient and efficient education and sensitization on this matter.
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Corresponding Author: Seyed Mohammad Seyedmehdi
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Global Warming: Knowledge and Views of Iranian Students
Taraneh Yazdanparast1, Sousan Salehpour2, Mohammad Reza Masjedi3,
Seyed Mohammad Seyedmehdi1, Eddie Boyes4, Martin Stanisstreet4, and Mirsaeed Attarchi5
1 Air Pollution Health and Occupational Diseases Research Unit, Chronic Respiratory Diseases Research Center, National Research Institute of
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (NRITLD), Masih Daneshvari Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Pediatric Respiratory Diseases Research Center, NRITLD, Masih Daneshvari Hospital,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 Telemedicine Research Center, NRITLD, Masih Daneshvari Hospital,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4Environmental Education Research Unit, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
5Department of Occupational Medicine, Occupational Medicine Research Center, School of Medicine,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Received: 21 Jun. 2012; Received in revised form: 10 Dec. 2012; Accepted: 5 Jan. 2013
Abstract- Study of students’ knowledge about global warming can help authorities to have better
imagination of this critical environmental problem. This research examines high school students' ideas about
greenhouse effect and the results may be useful for the respective authorities to improve cultural and
educational aspects of next generation. In this cross-sectional study, a 42 question questionnaire with mix of
open and closed questions was used to evaluate high school students' view about the mechanism,
consequences, causes and cures of global warming. To assess students’ knowledge, cognitive score was also
calculated. 1035 students were randomly selected from 19 educational districts of Tehran. Sampling method
was multi stage. Only 5.1% of the students could explain greenhouse effect correctly and completely. 88.8%
and 71.2% respectively believed “if the greenhouse effect gets bigger the Earth will get hotter” and
“incidence of more skin cancers is a consequence of global warming”. 69.6% and 68.8% respectively thought
“the greenhouse effect is made worse by too much carbon dioxide” and “presence of ozone holes is a cause of
greenhouse effect”. 68.4% believed “not using cars so much is a cure for global warming”. While a student’s
‘cognitive score’ could range from -36 to +36, Students' mean cognitive score was equal to +1.64. Mean
cognitive score of male students and grade 2 & 3 students was respectively higher than female ones (P<0.01)
and grade 1 students (P<0.001) but there was no statistically significant difference between students of
different regions (P>0.05). In general, students' knowledge about global warming was not acceptable and
there were some misconceptions in the students’ mind, such as supposing ozone holes as a cause and more
skin cancer as a consequence of global warming. The Findings of this survey indicate that, this important
stratum of society have been received no sufficient and efficient education and sensitization on this matter.
© 2013 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
Acta Medica Iranica, 2013; 51(3): 178-184.
Keywords: Global warming; Knowledge; Students
One of the most critical environmental subjects of 21th
century is Global warming (1). More lately, global
warming is not only environmental danger but also
social and economic threat and unfortunately some
adverse consequences of it are becoming visible these
days (2). Greenhouse effect which causes this
phenomenon, happens because of greenhouse
gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, etc)
existing in the atmosphere, trapping sunrays and making
earth’s atmosphere warmer. Whereas some of these
gases are naturally found in the atmosphere,
human activity increases the amount of particular gases
Worries about environmental impacts of energy
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Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2013) 179
consumption in Iran have been increased recently. Iran’s
total emission in 2006 included respectively 413.23,
2.18, 2.5, 0.75, 2.26, 0.59 and 0.32 million tons of
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, NOx, SO2, residual
hydrocarbons, aldehydes and dusts (6). There are some
challenges in this field including peoples’ lack of
enough awareness about global warming.
If people’s knowledge of environment generally
improves, they will behave in a manner that avoids
environmental degradation (7). This fact is also true
about global warming phenomenon; since the people’s
behavior in the field of producing greenhouse gasses is a
determinant factor and their action is directly dependent
on the amount of knowledge about this matter, it is so
important to discover what they know in this regard.
There may be some misconceptions about climate
change in persons’ minds; therefore it is necessary to
explore those misconceptions before any educational
planning (8). As students are among the most trainable
stratums of the society, it is essential to discover
their knowledge and perception of greenhouse effect
to prepare the best kind of educational program for
While global warming and ozone layer depletion are
two totally different subjects a recent research which
was carried out in Turkey showed that apparently,
students mix the causes and consequences of global
warming up with those of ozone layer depletion (8). The
considerable point is that there are some relationship
between greenhouse effect and ozone layer depletion;
the greenhouse effect is responsible not only for heating
the lower atmosphere (lower troposphere), but also for
cooling the upper atmosphere (stratosphere). The
cooling poses problems for ozone molecules, which are
most unstable at low temperatures, and then
unprecedented stratospheric cold is driving the extreme
ozone destruction (9,10).
Another study in Sweden had indicated that students
didn’t completely understand what principal social
changes would happen if an effective reduction in CO2
emission occurs, but they were aware of adverse effects
of ozone layer depletion on humans (11). A research on
1460 Spanish secondary students showed that, education
about global warming is likely to make effective
willingness in students to act for reducing greenhouse
gasses (12).
This survey was conducted to assess Tehran high
school students’ ideas about global warming, with the
aim to assist respective authorities in educational
planning and improving cultural aspects of next
Materials and Methods
The present cross-sectional study was carried out by
National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease (NRITLD) in high schools of 19 educational
districts of Tehran from November 2008 to March 2009.
The instrument used in this study was the exact and
reliable Persian translation version of the English
questionnaire which had been prepared by Eddie Boyes
and Martin Stanisstreet (2). The Turkish translation
version has been used by Ahmet Kilinc and colleagues
(8) to evaluate Turkish students’ ideas about global
warming. The process of translation (English to Persian)
and back-translation of the questionnaire was conducted
by two separate individuals fluent in English and Farsi
who were conversant about the subject. The back
translation version was confirmed by designers of the
questionnaire. Cronbach’s alpha (α) was calculated after
the pilot study and was equal to 0.85.
The questionnaire began by explanation about the
project and asking students to record their gender and
grade. The first main section of the questionnaire was an
open question and asked students to explain greenhouse
effect. Responses to this open question were categorized
into 5 groups: No response, incomplete response,
complete response (this group was dedicated to
responses which included at least this main point:
trapping sunrays by greenhouse gases in the earth’
atmosphere), wrong response (excluding misconception
with ozone layer depletion) and wrong response that
shows misconception with ozone layer depletion.
The second part asked students to mention what
percent they have learned about greenhouse effect from
any of the mass media. To evaluate the source which
students had taken their information about the
greenhouse effect from, we accessed average of the
reported percentages to the question: How much about
the greenhouse effect do you think you have learned
from television, internet, school, newspapers and
magazines and radio?
The rest and most important part of the questionnaire
was in three sections containing items about the
consequences, causes and cures of global warming and
each section consisted of six scientifically right ideas
and six scientifically wrong ideas about global warming
(totally 36 items). The available responses to these Items
were “I am sure this is right”, “I think this is right”, “I
don’t know about this”, “I think this is wrong” and “I
am sure this is wrong”. To evaluate students’ knowledge
about global warming and determine a cognitive score
for any student, we used students’ answers to this part of
Knowledge and views of Iranian students
180 Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2013)
the questionnaire. For each scientific statement, a “sure
right” response was given a mark of 1, “think right” 0.5,
“don’t know” 0, “think wrong” -0.5, and “sure wrong” -
1. The scoring was reversed for statements that were
scientifically wrong. The cognitive score was the sum of
the any person’s score for each of the 36 items.
The study population was a random sample of high
school (both public and private schools) students of
Tehran. The type of sampling was multi stage. To
sample from all socioeconomic status levels we divided
Tehran into five regions (north, south, east, west and
center), then we chose two female high schools and two
male high schools of any region randomly (totally 20
schools). Volunteer students of any grade level (9-11) at
each school participated in the study.
Students were assured that their score would be
confidential. The questionnaires were completed by
students themselves and under supervision of their own
teacher and questioner of the project without time
restriction. 1035 persons of 1054 eligible students
participated in the study (response rate: 98.2%). The
data were analyzed using SPSS version 15.
The Ethics committee of the National Research
Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (NRITLD)
approved the study. Additionally, students participated
in the study voluntary and the questionnaires were
Demographic data of the 1035 participants in the study
are presented in table 1. While 34.6% of the students
were in grade 1, 29.3% and 36.1% were studying in
grade 2 and 3 of high school, respectively.
Table 2 shows students’ responses about the
mechanism of greenhouse effect according to the grade.
Totally among 1035 students 610 persons didn’t answer
the question, 202 students made an incomplete response,
53 people gave a correct complete answer, 124 students
gave wrong response but didn’t mix global warming up
with ozone layer depletion and 46 students confused
greenhouse effect with ozone layer depletion. There
were significant differences (P<0.01) in response to this
question among grades.
In response to the question; “how much about the
greenhouse effect do you think you have learned from
any of mass medias?”, The average reported percentage
were television 24.65%, internet 14.88%, school
38.49%, newspapers and magazines 14.76% and radio
Table 3 summarizes students’ ideas about the
consequences, causes and cures of global warming. It
must be emphasized that the percentages have brought
later in the results, belong to students who were sure or
thought that the statement was correct.
Table 1. Descriptive data of students who participated in the study.
Sex 1 2 3 Total
Girls 132 (34.8%) 119 (31.4%) 128 (33.8%) 379 (36.6%)
Boys 227 (34.6%) 184 (28%) 245 (37.4%) 656 (63.4%)
Total 358 (100%) 303 (100%) 374 (100%) 1035 (100%)
Distribution of girls and boys in the three grades has no statistical difference.
Grade 1: first year of high school/ Grade 2: second year of high school/ Grade 3: third year of high school
Table 2. Students’ responses to the question” Do you know about the greenhouse effect? Can you explain it? ”
Responses 1 2 3 Total
No response 60.9% 51.8% 63% 59%
Incomplete response 19% 22.8% 17.4% 19.5%
Complete response 7.5% 5.3% 2.7% 5.1%
Wrong response 10.1% 14.5% 11.8% 12%
Misconception with ozone layer depletion 2.5% 5.6% 5.1% 4.4%
P<0.01. Grade 1: first year of high school, Grade 2: second year of high school, Grade 3: third year of high school
T. Yazdanparast, et al.
Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2013) 181
Table 3. Student’s ideas about consequences, causes and cures of global warming.
Responses Sure right Think right Don’t know Think wrong Sure wrong
Consequences of greenhouse effect:
More skin cancer 42.3% 28.9% 18.6% 5.5% 3.3%
More food poisoning 23.2% 35.5% 30.1% 7.1% 2.6%
Unsafe tap water 20.1% 35.6% 30.7% 8% 3.4%
More poisonings of fish 32% 33.9% 21.1% 6.9% 3.6%
More heart attacks 28.5% 29.4% 28.1% 7.3% 4%
More earthquakes 18.4% 19.6% 40.8% 12.3% 8.1%
Scientifically acceptable ideas
More bugs and pests 24.3% 32.5% 31% 7.4% 3.8%
More flooding 19.8% 16.3% 35% 15.1% 9.9%
More deserts 29.7% 30.3% 26.3% 7.4% 5.2%
Earth will get hotter 66.8% 22% 7.7% 1.9% 1.1%
Polar ice will melt 53.2% 23% 17.1% 3.2% 2.1%
Weather Changes 55.7% 25.8% 12.9% 2.4% 1.3%
Causes of greenhouse effect:
Ozone holes 38.2% 30.6% 21.3% 4.8% 3.3%
Too many rays 32.6% 33.4% 21.6% 7.1% 3.8%
Radioactivity 29.6% 30.4% 27.9% 6.1% 3.5%
Street litter 17% 27% 31.9% 13.5% 7.6%
Acid rain 26.9% 32.3% 24.8% 9.6%
Rubbish in rivers 20.8% 30.3% 31.4% 10% 6.4%
Scientifically acceptable ideas
Ground ozone 19.1% 27.8% 30.6% 12.4% 6.4%
Artificial fertilizers 27.4% 34.5% 28.5% 5.4% 2.3%
Trapped rays 35.2% 29% 22.2% 7% 4.7%
Rotting waste 24.3% 31.5% 28.9% 8.6% 2.8%
CFCs 41.1% 25.5% 22.9% 4.8% 2.4%
Carbon dioxide 34.8% 34.8% 21.6% 4.3% 1.5%
Cures for greenhouse effect:
Fewer nuclear bombs 28.2% 25.7% 30.6% 6.6% 4.8%
Use unleaded petrol 37.3% 30% 21.8% 5.1% 2.3%
Clean beaches 26.7% 29.8% 28% 7.7% 4.1%
Protect rare species 27.1% 23.4% 28.9% 9.7% 7.1%
Healthy foods 26.2% 26.7% 26.4% 11.4% 7.2%
Reduce starvation 18.8% 20.1% 33.7% 13.4% 10.2%
Scientifically acceptable ideas
Save electricity 21..4% 22.6% 36.1% 10% 6%
Use nuclear power 32% 31.7% 26.6% 3.2% 3.1%
Use renewable power 35.3% 22.6% 30% 5.8% 2.5%
Use cars less 44.1% 24.3% 19.6%
5.1% 4.4%
Recycle paper 28.3% 27.3% 29.5% 7.1% 3.6%
Plant more trees 45.8% 22.3% 17% 6.4% 4.3%
In the field of scientifically acceptable consequences
of the greenhouse effect, the most common idea was “if
the greenhouse effect gets bigger the Earth will get
hotter” (88.8%), while 81.5% were sure or thought that
“if the greenhouse effect gets bigger there will be
changes in the world’s weather” and 76.2% believed that
“some of the ice at the Poles will melt as a consequence
of global warming”. After these three most popular ideas
about the consequences of the global warming, “more
deserts” (60%), “more bugs and pests” (56.8%) and
finally “more flooding” (36.1%) were in the next ranks,
Knowledge and views of Iranian students
182 Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2013)
Table 4. Comparison of Cognitive Score between students based on sex, grade and living region.
Mean S.D P-value
Girl 1.21 3.32 -
Boy 1.89 4.10 <0.01
1 0.94 3.42 -
2 2.24 4.21 -
3 1.83 3.83 <0.001
North 1.84 4.11 -
South 1.76 4.02 -
Center 1.58 3.71 -
East 1.41 3.13 -
West 1.45 3.88 >0.05
Misconceptions about the consequences of global
warming, in the descending order according to the
prevalence, were “more skin cancer” (71.2%), “more
poisoning of the fish” (65.9%), “more food poisoning”
(58.7%), “more heart attacks” (57.9%), “unsafe tap
water” (55.7%) and “more earthquakes” (38%).
Investigation of the acceptable ideas about the causes
of global warming showed that 69.6% believed “the
greenhouse effect is made worse by too much carbon
dioxide in the air”. Meanwhile, 66.6% accepted
chlorofluorocarbons as a cause of global warming,
64.2% “trapped rays”, 61.9% “gas from artificial
fertilizers”, 55.8% “gas from rotting waste” and 46.9%
“too much ground ozone”.
On the other hand, prevalence of the students’
misconceptions about the causes of the global warming
for “ozone holes”, “too many sun’s rays”, “radioactive
waste”, “acid rain”, “rubbish in rivers”, % and “too
much street litter” were 68.8%, 66%, 60%, 59.2%, 51.1
and 44% respectively.
Assessment of students’ concepts about methods of
improving global warming, indicated that the percentage
of the student’s ideas in this regard were 68.4% for “not
using cars so much”, 68.1% for “planting more trees”,
63.7% for “more nuclear power stations”, 57.9% for
“using renewable power”, 55.6% for “more recycled
paper” and 44% for “not wasting electricity”.
Prevalence of students’ misconceptions about cures
for global warming were for “using unleaded petrol”
67.3%, “clean beaches” 56.5%, “reducing nuclear
bombs” 53.9%, “healthy foods” 52.9%, “protecting rare
species” 50.5% and “reducing starvation” 38.9%.
While a student’s ‘cognitive score’ could range from
-36 to +36, Students' mean cognitive score was equal to
+1.64 (SD=3.85). The levels of cognitive scores
according to gender, grade and region of the students’
school have been brought in table 4. There was
statistically significant difference between cognitive
scores for genders and grades; totally cognitive score of
male students and grade 2 and 3 students was
respectively higher than female ones (P<0.01) and grade
1 students (P<0.001) but there was no statistically
significant difference between students of different
regions (P>0.05).
The findings of this survey totally indicated that students
of Tehran are not well informed about the global
warming phenomenon. According to the findings only
about 5% of the students were able to explain the
greenhouse effect correctly and completely, while more
than half of the students didn’t answer to this question at
all. There were also misconceptions in their minds such
as mixing global warming with ozone layer depletion.
In current project the students mentioned their most
common source of information on the greenhouse effect
as school, television, internet, newspapers & magazines
and radio. Considering this and the fact that students'
knowledge was not acceptable, it seems necessary to
increase our educational planning, especially via school
and television.
The study showed high percentages of the students
believed that if the greenhouse effect gets bigger “the
Earth will get hotter”, “there will be changes in the
world’s weather” and “polar ice will melt”. These
findings together with students’ low level cognitive
scores and the fact that students were not able to
T. Yazdanparast, et al.
Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2013) 183
describe greenhouse effect correctly and completely
indicate that students know some points about global
warming but their knowledge is not deep-seated.
71.2% of the students believed “more skin cancer” is
a consequence of global warming phenomenon, 68.8%
appreciated that “the greenhouse effect is made worse
by holes in the ozone layer” and 4.4% of the students
had described the mechanism of ozone layer depletion
instead of the global warming in response to the open
question of the questionnaire. These beliefs show that
students have confused global warming with the ozone
layer depletion.
Despite of assuming “holes in the ozone layer” as a
cause of greenhouse effect by most of the students, near
the same percentage of the students were aware of the
fact that too much carbon dioxide and
chlorofluorocarbons are causes of global warming.
These data show the students’ superficial awareness
about the causes of the greenhouse effect. While more
than two third of the students knew “not using cars so
much” and “planting more trees” are cures for global
warming, about the same percentage of the students
accepted this wrong idea that “using unleaded petrol is a
way to reduce greenhouse effect”, therefore students’
knowledge about cures for greenhouse effect is not
reliable too.
There are some themes about greenhouse effect in
Iranian students’ high school books, but according to the
results certainly this way is not enough to educate
students. Taber and Taylor have shown that after a
period of eight weeks specific educational program in
this field, students had a better understanding of the
science of the global warming and increase in awareness
was accompanied by increased level of concern and
belief of ability to impact (13). Therefore it seems
necessary that respective authorities plan specific
educational program in this field for the students and it
is better these programs begin in lower ages.
Students in grade 2 and 3 were more knowledgeable
about greenhouse effect than those in grade one, that
seems to be because of some themes about global
warming in the chemistry book of first grade of high
A similar project with the same questionnaire had
been carried out in two secondary schools of Turkey
before (8). The sequence of prevalence of ideas in any
field (consequences, causes and cures) was not exactly
the same but it was almost similar to our study
conducted in Iran. For example more skin cancer as a
consequence and also ozone holes as a cause of global
warming were the most common misconceptions in both
countries. But totally Turkish students were more
informed about the greenhouse effect. In response to the
open question about the mechanism of the greenhouse
effect 28% of Turkish students gave a scientifically
acceptable answer but only about 5% of Iranian students
did the same.
A more recent study that has been performed by
Kilinc et al. in Turkey indicated that the idea of
“planting more trees will reduce global warming” was
the most popular idea (14) which this situation was
similar to their previous study (8). On the other hand,
the most common suggestion for reducing global
warming in this research was “not using cars so much”
and followed by “planting more trees”. It seems
considering less usage of cars as a priority by Iranian
students is due to special character of Tehran which
contains a lot of automobiles more than its actual
Kerr and Walz have shown that 17% of the students
believed global warming has caused by the ozone holes,
40% assumed global warming has caused ozone layer
depletion and only 33% understood the correct
relationship between greenhouse effect and ozone layer
destruction (15). These misconceptions are comparable
with Iranian misunderstandings about the global
Mistaking global warming for ozone layer depletion
is not specific for students. Both students and the
general population have lots of misunderstandings about
these two subjects (16): A study in 1994 showed that
even highly educated people tend to mix stratospheric
ozone depletion up with the greenhouse effect. Increased
skin cancer was also considered as an effect of climate
change (17).
Apart from misconceptions, according to cognitive
score, Iranian students didn’t have acceptable
knowledge about global warming and need to receive
more practical education, since global warming is one of
the most important issues of environmental difficulties
these days.
Students of different regions of Tehran didn’t show
significant difference in cognitive scores. We can say
then, as conclusion socioeconomic aspects didn’t affect
students’ knowledge level about global warming.
In current project awareness of male students about
greenhouse effect was higher than female students
(cognitive score 1.89 vs. 1.21), a research on 768
students in India showed that there were no significant
difference between responses of male and female
students to the questions about usefulness of actions to
reduce global warming (18). Male students’ higher
Knowledge and views of Iranian students
184 Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2013)
knowledge in Iran is an appropriate subject for further
assessment in the future.
The questionnaire of current research was the exact
and reliable translation of the one had been prepared by
Liverpool University scientists and used in a study in
Turkey study (8). However it is necessary that future
studies will carry out with more developed
questionnaires according to specific situation and culture
of Iran. Also, it is recommended that such studied be
performed in other age groups and people with different
levels of education.
This research is the first study in Iran about such an
important and effective subject. Considering type of
sampling that students were included into the study from
any region of Tehran, it is possible to generalize the
results of the study to all students of such a big city like
Tehran. In conclusion, considering importance of the
global warming phenomenon and dependence of human
life to this subject and findings of this research which
showed students’ knowledge in this field is not
sufficient, it seems necessary that respective authorities
plan specific educational programs in this field for the
The authors would like to thank NRITLD for supporting
this project and Tehran Education Organization for the
cooperation in collecting data.
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... There are misconceptions that link CC and seismic activity (Chang & Pascua, 2016;Espejel & Flores, 2015;Yazdanparast et al., 2013). Also it is related to different types of pollution, associations with air pollution are dominant in this case as the erroneous connection between acid rain and CC (Boyes et al., 1993;Punter et al., 2011;Yazdanparast et al., 2013). ...
... There are misconceptions that link CC and seismic activity (Chang & Pascua, 2016;Espejel & Flores, 2015;Yazdanparast et al., 2013). Also it is related to different types of pollution, associations with air pollution are dominant in this case as the erroneous connection between acid rain and CC (Boyes et al., 1993;Punter et al., 2011;Yazdanparast et al., 2013). But there is also a tendency to link CC to other types of pollution, such as marine and inland water pollution (Boyes et al., 2008), solid waste landfills, or dumping of radioactive waste (Boyes et al., 1993;Chang & Pascua 2016;Oztas et al., 2014). ...
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Interest in climate change education has grown increasingly in educational research over the last two decades, during which there have been numerous studies and reviews. This paper synthesizes knowledge focusing on secondary school students and climate change education. A meta-synthesis was conducted over 76 papers, identified by a systematic literature review approach, involving students from 26 nationalities. The multiple methodologies used and the variety of sociocultural student profiles made it challenging to generalize the findings. This meta-synthesis allows us to establish the background for this population concerning the following areas: general knowledge, levels of awareness and responsibility ratings related to the phenomenon, concern and perception of risk, pro-environmental attitudes, and perceived self-efficacy. Generally, secondary school students demonstrate similar knowledge about the issue and share common misconceptions. The dimension of perceptions and attitudes is more diverse.
... Considering the importance of people's awareness in the fight against global warming and climate change, scientific studies to be conducted on people's awareness have an important role in drawing the way of struggle (Randall, 2009;Westerhoff & Robinson, 2013). Studies have been conducted to determine people's awareness (Dunlap & Mertig, 1995;Kennedy & Lindsay, 2015;Inglehart, 1995;Chhokar et al., 2011;Yazdanparast et al., 2013;McCright, 2010;O'Connor et al., 1999). In Türkiye, studies have been carried out to determine the level of knowledge and perceptions within the scope of global warming and climate change. ...
... However, in some studies, no difference was found regarding the gender variable (Chhokar et al., 2013;Aydın, 2014;Yılmaz & Güleç, 2021). On the other hand, in similar studies on global warming and climate change, it has been determined that men's awareness is higher than women's or that women's climate change perception levels are not sufficient (Besnili Memiş, 2019;Chhokar et al., 2011;Yazdanparast et al., 2013). ...
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Aim of study: The friendship between humankind and nature ended with the mechanization process initiated by the Industrial Revolution. Today, we are faced with the problems of global warming and climate change due to human factors such as fossil fuel consumption and the destruction of vegetation. These two problems promise us a warmer world, melting glaciers, burning forests, and thousands of dead people in the future. Research indicates that people’s awareness is the most important factor in combating the disastrous consequences of global warming and climate change. Based on this fact, this study aims to examine individuals’ perceptions of global warming and climate change in terms of various variables. Material and methods: The research was conducted with 2022 participants in line with the screening model. A perception scale on global warming and climate change was used as a data collection tool. The obtained data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U, and Kruskal Wallis Tests. Main results: As a result of the research, it has been determined that female participants have a positive attitude towards global warming and climate change compared to male participants, and as the age level of individuals increases, their perceptions of global warming and climate change increase. Research highlights: Awareness of people is the most important factor in the fight against the consequences of global warming and climate change. As a result of the data collected from 2022 participants, it was determined that female participants' perceptions of global warming and climate change were more positive than male participants
... The results from this study show to be similar to the ones from a previous study conducted in China with health professionals (28), in which TV also appeared as main source. The importance of mass media is also highlighted in a survey conducted in Bangladesh (29), while the key role of school as a source of information appears in a study made with Iranian students, in which school was the main source, with 38, 5% of answers (30). However we cannot deny the role of social media in this field. ...
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Aim: The aim of this study was to assess knowledge on Climate Change (CC) and related consequences among students and professionals of healthcare setting. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 364 people was conducted. The survey was performed at Sapienza University (Rome) using questionnaire previously developed and validated by the same research group. Results: Findings indicate awareness about CC and its effects and correct identification of practices that could help to mitigate its repercussions. The majority of the participants believed that CC had an impact on the health of humans (96.7%), animals (99.5%) and on the environment (99.7%). Results from the multivariate analysis regarding overall knowledge, show an increased odd in professionals (OR=2.08; 95%CI=1.02-4.26), individuals from the North (OR=3.34; 95%CI=1.37-8.15) and from the Center (OR=2.07; 95%CI=1.17-3.66). Regarding factors able to modify Earth's climate, correct answer had higher odds of being chosen by professionals (OR=2.83; 95%CI=1.41–5.70), and from individuals from South/Islands than by the ones from the Center (OR=0.65; 95%CI=0.40-1.06). The main sources of information resulted to be TV and school/university. Conclusions: These new evidences could guide policymakers on increasing the awareness of the population about this fundamental subject. Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
... Conversely, CC misconceptions related to the greenhouse effect, the ozone layer and acid rain were anticipated. Chang and Pascua (2016), Liarakou, Athanasiadis, and Gavrilakis (2011) and Shepardson et al. (2011) had already found misunderstandings concerning the greenhouse effect process; whereas others had previously shown findings in which participants consider the greenhouse effect is equal to global warming (Andersson and Wallin 2000;Boylan 2008) or to the ozone layer (Acikalin 2013;Kilinc, Stanisstreet, and Boyes 2008;Yazdanparast et al. 2013). These are essential concepts to understand and assimilate the high complexity of climate change, but their relationship with CC remains misunderstood. ...
... The result of this research is supported by previous research using Diagnostic tests found that 51.7% of Indonesian students have a misconception about global warming, the greenhouse effect, and ozone layer depletion, whereas 37.7% of students believe they comprehend the concept and 11% have a mistake. Similar results were also found in other countries, such as Iran (Yazdanparast et al., 2013), and Malaysia (Karpudewan et al., 2015). Misconceptions arise due to knowledge obtained by students from erroneous source (Arslan et al., 2012). ...
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Students' environmental knowledge and sustainability awareness are important competencies to prepare them to face global environmental challenges. The study aimed to evaluate the gender difference and correlation between students’ environmental knowledge, sustainability awareness, and sustainability practice frequency after Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Biology lesson. This study uses a quantitative research design with a one-group pretest posttest design using cognitive tests and a self-administered survey. The participants were year X students in one of the schools in Indonesia, during 2022/2023 academic year, including 114 students (M=54, F=60). The result found that although Indonesian high school students generally have high overall environmental knowledge students have low knowledge of global warming. Students have a high sustainability awareness and a high average frequency of practicing sustainability. Secondly, this research found that gender differences exist where female has significantly higher environmental knowledge than male students. Female students also have higher consciousness in all specific domains of sustainability, and they have statistically higher sustainability behavior than males. Environmental knowledge has a statistically moderately positive correlation with the frequency of sustainability practices. Environmental knowledge has a weak correlation with sustainability awareness. The frequency of sustainability practices has low correlation with sustainability awareness.
... The impact of climate change on public health has gained significant attention, highlighting the urgent need for effective education strategies to address this complex challenge. Studies that have attempted to evaluate the knowledge on climate change, including aspects correlated to health, have found that, generally, the knowledge among school-aged children is low, where they have misconceptions regarding ozone and global warming and what their respective health effects are [65]. Similarly, adolescents' knowledge was assessed specifically on climate change and health, and the results revealed that participants had a low and inconsistent understanding of the linkage between climate change and health [66]. ...
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The creation of standardized, impactful, evidence-based curricula and resources addressing climate change and health issues in schools is seen as vital in combating the impending risks of climate change on human health. A scoping review of the literature was conducted to identify peer-reviewed studies related to climate change and health education in schools and to examine their content focus and evaluation. The search covered five electronic databases and considered English peer-reviewed publications from 2000 to May 2022. Nine studies met the inclusion criteria, representing various countries and employing different study designs. Climate change and health adaptation content dominated the included studies with varying foci, including heatwaves, disaster preparation, flood education, vector-borne diseases, and general climate change and health adaptation. Other studies utilized climate change and health topics to develop skills, employ the use of information and communication technologies within curricula, and highlight the interconnectedness between the environment and health. Although heterogenous in their methodology, the intervention studies and evaluations included (five out of nine) found that interventions impacted knowledge, awareness or perception. Two studies also highlighted the intergenerational learning potential of the interventions. While there is a growing body of research in the field, more research is necessary to measure their effectiveness and thereby develop suitable educational strategies.
... A considerable amount of investigations have been conducted on the willingness of people, significantly on students' perception, ideas, effects of climate change and global warming (Bozdoğan, 2009;Haşıloğlu et al., 2011;Liarakou et al., 2011;Yazdanparast et al., 2013). Indeed, people are advised to understand the impacts of climate change on people and learn the ways of coping with them, particularly they must strive to understand the causes and solutions of global warming (UNEP, 2003). ...
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As the temperature of the globe is increasing day by day, all existing creatures are in great danger including animals, plants, and human beings. Most people are in a panic about global warming, particularly students who are always more concerned than any other in the world. In addition, there are global combats against the rise of global warming but still, there has been a lack of awareness and action in mitigating the crises of global warming. Therefore, this systematic literature strives to explore students’ status regarding global warming. In order to support the goal of this study, the researchers utilized (n=25) journal articles from various reliable resources. After critically analyzing the papers, we have found students’ related insights about the (a) definitions, (b) awareness, (c) beliefs, (d) knowledge, (f) willingness, and (g) action against the global warming which are discussed in details in the body of this study. Finally, educational related institutions are suggested to put into practice the awareness and mitigate the rise of global warming among students.
... However, studies on factual knowledge suggest that despite feeling informed and being concerned, many young people seem to have an unclear understanding about CC, including misconceptions on its causes and consequences and possibilities of mitigation (Lee et al. 2020). Studies from Turkey (Kılınç et al. 2008), Greece (Liarakou et al. 2011), Australia (Perera and Hewege 2013), and Iran (Yazdanparast et al. 2013) suggest that young people might tend to wrongly take damages in the ozone layer or environmental pollution for causes of CC. A recent review shows that misconceptions about CC are still present, however, the propensity to conflate CC with damages in the ozone layer seems to have reduced over time (Lee et al. 2020). ...
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This paper presents the supplementary material and summary of the article titled “Climate Change Education and Secondary School Students: A Meta-Synthesis (1993-2017),” which has been accepted for publication in the journal Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS). Within it, we provide a characterization of the studies identified through a systematic review approach, followed by a summary of the main results.
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Studies have shown that both students and the general public possess many misconceptions about the processes involved in the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion. This study, conducted in a mock summit class on global climate change, explored the level of understanding and the nature of students' misconceptions about climate. Several times throughout the class, students responded to a set of questions about the greenhouse effect. Through analysis of their responses, we were able to track changes in students' mental models, evaluate the degree to which they were able to overcome misconceptions, and assess the permanence of the newly achieved understanding. Based on these results, we comment on the potential role of these students in public decision making related to global climate change, and discuss ways in which misconceptions could impede sound judgment on issues related to climate policy. Based on previous experiences with both teaching and assessing student learning about global climate change, we propose key principles that we consider minimum knowledge for an undergraduate student in Earth Science. We suggest that Earth science educators should focus on identification of key principles in all areas of the discipline and use those as the basis for curriculum development.
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As part of a large-scale intervention, this study examined conceptions of the greenhouse effect and global warming among elementary students from diverse languages and cultures in the U.S. To make science relevant and meaningful for diverse student groups, the intervention emphasized the integration of (a) scientific understanding and inquiry, (b) English language and literacy, and (c) students' home language and culture. The study involved 5th grade students from five elementary schools of varying demographic makeup in a large urban school district. The intervention's effectiveness was measured by student responses on a writing prompt addressing this topic in the beginning and at the completion of instruction over the school year. The results indicate that students overall demonstrated more scientific conceptual understandings after instruction. Furthermore, all demographic subgroups in terms of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, English proficiency, and home language demonstrated statistically significant improvements after instruction, with the exceptions of African-American and Haitian students showing little or no gain.
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Previous studies have demonstrated a 'gap' between overall environmental knowledge and general pro-environmental behaviour. Here, we explore the relationships between school students' intention to take specific pro-environmental actions (their Degree of Willingness to Act) and their belief in the usefulness of those particular actions in combating global warming (their Believed Usefulness of Action). For each action there is a Natural Willingness to Act - an intention to undertake the action even if it is not believed to be particularly effective - and a Natural Reluctance to Act - a disinclination to undertake that action even if it is believed to be highly effective. For those actions with a low Natural Willingness to Act combined with a low Natural Reluctance to Act, there is a strong relationship between belief in the usefulness of the action and an intention to act. Here, environmental education is likely to be effective in terms of modifying behaviour.
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Large, well-documented wildfires have recently generated worldwide attention, and raised concerns about the impacts of humans and climate change on wildfire regimes. However, comparatively little is known about the patterns and driving forces of global fire activity before the twentieth century. Here we compile sedimentary charcoal records spanning six continents to document trends in both natural and anthropogenic biomass burning for the past two millennia. We find that global biomass burning declined from AD 1 to 1750, before rising sharply between 1750 and 1870. Global burning then declined abruptly after 1870. The early decline in biomass burning occurred in concert with a global cooling trend and despite a rise in the human population. We suggest the subsequent rise was linked to increasing human influences, such as population growth and land-use changes. Our compilation suggests that the final decline occurred despite increasing air temperatures and population. We attribute this reduction in the amount of biomass burned over the past 150 years to the global expansion of intensive grazing, agriculture and fire management.
This study is an attempt to contribute to the growing body of knowledge about students' conceptions and views concerning environmental and natural resource issues. Answers have been sought to the following questions: "How do Swedish students in grade 9 (15-16 years old) and grade 12 (18-19 years old) explain the greenhouse effect?", "How do they think reduction of CO2 emission would affect society?" and "How do they explain that the depletion of the ozone layer is a problem?" The method chosen to answer these questions was to give students written tasks of the open-ended type. Five models of the greenhouse effect appear among the answers, all more or less incomplete, but nevertheless with potential for development. The students' responses also indicate that they do not fully understand what fundamental societal changes would occur as a result of a drastic reduction in CO2 emission. On the other hand, they are rather well informed about how injurious depletion of the ozone layer is to humans. The findings are discussed, including implications for teaching. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 1096-1111, 2000.
There is increasing evidence that the response of climate to increasing greenhouse gases may be modified by accompanying increases in sulfate aerosols. In this study, the patterns of response in the surface climatology of a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model forced by increases in carbon dioxide alone is compared with those obtained by increasing carbon dioxide and aerosol forcing. The simulations are run from early industrial times using the estimated historical forcing and continued to the end of the twenty-first century assuming a nonintervention emissions scenario for greenhouse gases and aerosols. The comparison is made for the period 2030-2050 when the aerosol forcing is a maximum. In winter, the cooling due to aerosols merely tends to reduce the response to carbon dioxide, whereas in summer, it weakens the monsoon circulations and reverses some of the changes in the hydrological cycle on increasing carbon dioxide. This response is in some respects similar to that found in simulations with changed orbital parameters, as between today and the middle Holocene. The hydrological response in the palaeosimulations is supported by palaeoclimatic reconstructions. The results of changes in aerosol concentrations of the magnitude projected in the scenarios would have a major effect on regional climate, especially over Europe and Southeast Asia.
This year's Antarctic ozone hole is almost as severe as any seen before, and it stretches over an area larger than North America, a new record. Unprecedented stratospheric cold is driving the extreme ozone destruction, say researchers, adding that some of the high-altitude chill may be a counterintuitive effect of the accumulating greenhouse gases that seem to be warming the lower atmosphere.
The chemical reactions responsible for stratospheric ozone depletion are extremely sensitive to temperature. Greenhouse gases warm the Earth's surface but cool the stratosphere radiatively and therefore affect ozone depletion. Here we investigate the interplay between projected future emissions of greenhouse gases and levels of ozone-depleting halogen species using a global climate model that incorporates simplified ozone-depletion chemistry. Temperature and wind changes induced by the increasing greenhouse-gas concentrations alter planetary-wave propagation in our model, reducing the frequency of sudden stratospheric warmings in the Northern Hemisphere. This results in a more stable Arctic polar vortex, with significantly colder temperatures in the lower stratosphere and concomitantly increased ozone depletion. Increased concentrations of greenhouse gases might therefore be at least partly responsible for the very large Arctic ozone losses observed in recent winters. Arctic losses reach a maximum in the decade 2010 to 2019 in our model, roughly a decade after the maximum in stratospheric chlorine abundance. The mean losses are about the same as those over the Antarctic during the early 1990s, with geographically localized losses of up to two- thirds of the Arctic ozone column in the worst years. The severity and the duration of the Antarctic ozone hole are also predicted to increase because of greenhouse-gas-induced stratospheric cooling over the coming decades.