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Physiologic and Kinematical Effects of Water Run Training on Running Performance

  • Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba

Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to analyze whether trained competitive runners could maintain running kinematics, cardiorespiratory performance (VO 2peak , ventilatory threshold, running economy) and on-land running performance by replacing 30% of conventional training with water run training during 8 weeks. Eighteen runners were divided in two groups: on-land run (OLR Group) and deep water run (DWR Group). The DWR Group replaced 30% of training volume on land with DWR, and the OLR group trained only on land (both groups undertaken workouts 6–7 d.wk −1 for a total of 52 sessions). No significant intra-or intergroup differences were observed for VO 2peak in the DWR Group and OLR Group. Similarly, ventilatory threshold second was unaltered in the DWR Group and OLR Group. Regarding running economy (at 14 km.h −1) also, no intra-or intergroup differences were found in the DWR Group (pre = 43.4 ± 5.0, post = 42.6 ± 3.85 −1 .min −1) and OLR Group (pre = 43.9 ± 2.5, post = 42.6 ± 2.6 −1 .min −1). Kinematic responses were similar within and between groups. Water running may serve as an effective complementary training over a period of 8 weeks up to 30% of land training volume for competitive runners. The lower limb injuries are extremely common in runners. Several epidemio-logical studies estimate that 24–65% of competitive runners present injuries due to overuse, during one year (Hoeberigs, 1992; Van Mechelen, 1992). With this high incidence of lower limb injuries incurred by runners, it seems prudent to pursue training techniques to relieve some running-related trauma but without compromising aerobic conditioning and movement pattern. In particular, a replacement is interesting if it can be made without affecting land running performance. The deep water running (DWR) is a popular mode of rehabilitation for ath-letes, mainly in competitive runners with overuse injuries in lowers limbs. In fact, the DWR have shown to be satisfactory as a rehabilitation program (Assis et al., 2006; Frangolias, Taunton, Rhodes, McConkey, & Moon, 1997; Thein & Brody, 1997). Many mechanisms of DWR benefits can be attributed to the hydrostatic The authors are with Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Physical Education in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Content may be subject to copyright.
International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 2009, 3, 135-150
© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Physiologic and Kinematical Effects
of Water Run Training on Running
Leonardo Alexandre Peyré-Tartaruga, Marcus Peikriszwili
Tartaruga, Marcelo Coertjens, Gabriela Lovis Black,
Alvero Reischak Oliveira, and Luiz Fernando Martins Kruel
The purpose of this study was to analyze whether trained competitive runners could
maintain running kinematics, cardiorespiratory performance (VO2peak, ventilatory
threshold, running economy) and on-land running performance by replacing 30% of
conventional training with water run training during 8 weeks. Eighteen runners were
divided in two groups: on-land run (OLR Group) and deep water run (DWR Group).
The DWR Group replaced 30% of training volume on land with DWR, and the OLR
group trained only on land (both groups undertaken workouts 6–7 d.wk−1 for a total
of 52 sessions). No signicant intra- or intergroup differences were observed for
VO2peak in the DWR Group and OLR Group. Similarly, ventilatory threshold second
was unaltered in the DWR Group and OLR Group. Regarding running economy (at
14 km.h−1) also, no intra- or intergroup differences were found in the DWR Group
(pre = 43.4 ± 5.0, post = 42.6 ± 3.85−1.min−1) and OLR Group (pre = 43.9 ± 2.5,
post = 42.6 ± 2.6−1.min−1). Kinematic responses were similar within and
between groups. Water running may serve as an effective complementary training
over a period of 8 weeks up to 30% of land training volume for competitive runners.
The lower limb injuries are extremely common in runners. Several epidemio-
logical studies estimate that 24–65% of competitive runners present injuries due
to overuse, during one year (Hoeberigs, 1992; Van Mechelen, 1992). With this
high incidence of lower limb injuries incurred by runners, it seems prudent to
pursue training techniques to relieve some running-related trauma but without
compromising aerobic conditioning and movement pattern. In particular, a
replacement is interesting if it can be made without affecting land running
The deep water running (DWR) is a popular mode of rehabilitation for ath-
letes, mainly in competitive runners with overuse injuries in lowers limbs. In fact,
the DWR have shown to be satisfactory as a rehabilitation program (Assis et al.,
2006; Frangolias, Taunton, Rhodes, McConkey, & Moon, 1997; Thein & Brody,
1997). Many mechanisms of DWR benets can be attributed to the hydrostatic
The authors are with Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Physical Education in Porto
Alegre, Brazil.
136 Peyré-Tartaruga et al.
effect of water and their reduced mechanical load, for example, on the spine
(Dowzer, Reilly, & Cable, 1998) and principally in lower limbs. These factors
have proportioned an increase on interest in the effects that a DWR program may
have as an alternative training mode for maintaining the aerobic responses and
performance in healthy athletes (Bushman, Flynn, Andres, Lambert, Taylor, &
Braun, 1997; Eyestone, Fellingham, George, & Fisher, 1993; Wilber, Moffat,
Scott, Lee, & Cucuzzo, 1996). Both the popular (IAAF, 2004) and the scientic
(Reilly, Dowzer, & Cable, 2003) literature propose the DWR for runners recover-
ing from strenuous races and as a training complement.
Although, the effects of chronic DWR training supplement on the mainte-
nance of some cardiorespiratory parameters have been extensively investigated,
particularly among recreational runners (Eyestone et al., 1993; Wilber et al.,
1996), to our knowledge, the DWR effects on running kinematic and second ven-
tilatory threshold (Tvent) has never been measured in competitive runners. Wilber
and collaborators (1996) noted that DWR may improve stride biomechanics,
resulting in a more efcient stride and thus contributing to the maintenance of
running economy; nevertheless, the efcacy of such a strategy in maintaining the
running economy in endurance-trained runners remains to be rmly established.
Probably, the running simulated movement, in an environment 800 times denser
than the air, could favor an increase on muscle strength and, consequently, a
greater stride length, due to greater relative utilization of oxidative bers, which
contributes to maintenance of running economy. There were no experimental evi-
dences of this improvement on running biomechanic aspects. Otherwise, some
authors (Kaneda et al. 2007; Kruel, Peyré-Tartaruga, Larronda, Loss, & Tartaruga,
2002; Nilsson, Tveit, & Thorstensson, 2001) have stated that the movement pat-
tern of DWR is different from that of land-based running, but there is no empirical
data in relation to long-term kinematic effects. Specically, Nilsson et al. (2001)
did not nd signicant electromyographical activation of the lower limb muscles
during stretching phases (no eccentric contraction) on DWR. Taking into consid-
eration this observation and relating this to the effects of fatigue on stretching-
shortening cycle (Komi, 2000) and on running kinematics (Hardin, Van den
Bogert, & Hamill, 2004; Peyré-Tartaruga, Coertjens, Black, Tartaruga, Ribas, &
Kruel, 2003), we would expect differences on running kinematics during fatigue
stages of running after inclusion of DWR in a normal training program for run-
ners. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the
inclusion of DWR as part of an 8-wk training program on running kinematics
during economy test and 500 m race on the track and the parameters of cardio-
respiratory performance (VO2peak, Tvent, running economy) of competitive runners
and compare them with those from on-land training only.
Materials and Methods
Eighteen middle-distance competitive runners (three subjects ran the 800 m, while
15 competed in 800–3000 m track events), 12 male, and 6 female participated in
this study, which was approved by the Ethics Committee of UFRGS. All subjects
provided written consent for their participation after the experimental procedures
Effects of Water Run Training 137
and the associated risks and benets of participation were explained. Subjects
were 22.2 ± 3.3 yr of age; weighed 59.1 ± 11.2 kg, 171.8 ± 10.4 cm tall; and had
an average running distance per week: 88.7 ± 8.1 km (see Table 1).
Following preliminary screening, subjects were assigned to one of two training
groups matched by VO2peak, either on-land run (OLR) or DWR. The subjects were
studied in January and February following the preceding competitive season. The
subjects were all fully familiar with laboratory exercise testing procedures, having
previously participated in other studies.
Both groups were required to follow the same workout schedule, where the
OLR group performed the training program just on land, while the DWR group
replaced 30% of on-land training volume with in-pool DWR. The choice by 30%
is based in a practical proposal for competitive runners. Subjects participated in
their respective training programs, which consisted of workouts 6–7 days/wk−1 for
a total of 52 sessions supervised by the same instructor. The training time was 8
weeks with 6 sessions per week during the rst four weeks, and 7 sessions per
week during the last four weeks (Table 2). The training adherence was from ini-
tially 23 athletes and, at nal, 18 runners, all of which obtained more than 95%
attendance. All data are from the 18 runners. The Brennan Scale (Wilder & Bren-
nan, 1993), a 5-point perceived exertion scale, was used to set the workout inten-
sity. The scale has verbal descriptors ranging from very light to very hard. Each
level is also equated with OLR intensities as follows: level 1 (very light) corre-
sponds to a light jog or recovery run, level 2 (light) to a long steady run, level 3
(somewhat hard) to a 5–10 km road race pace, level 4 (hard) to a 400–800 m track
speed, and level 5 (very hard) to sprinting (a 100–200 m track speed). Bushman et
al. (1997) and Michaud, Brennan, Wilder, and Sherman (1995) also used this scale
to prescribe intensity for DWR exercise in healthy sedentary individuals and rec-
reational runners, respectively.
Preexperimental Procedures
Both pre- and posttraining measures, each runner completed a maximal oxygen
uptake (VO2peak) test, a running kinematic and economy test, and a 500 m race on
the track, with two days interval between each procedure and an interval of at least
Table 1 Physical and Training Characteristics of Deep Water
Running (DWR) Group or On-Land Running (OLR; mean ± SD)
Body mass (kg) 61.7 ± 11.5 56.6 ± 11.0
Stature (cm) 172.5 ± 12.3 167.8 ± 12.7
Age (years) 22.9 ± 3.4 21.4 ± 3.2
Training years 4.8 ± 2.5 6.4 ± 5.3
Training distance (km.wk1) 85.0 ± 20.6 92.2 ± 16.4
Table 2 Training Workouts
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
First 2 3 600m @
3km @ RPE 1
2 8 200m @
5km @ RPE 2
15 1 min. @
RPE 4 15 min.
@ RPE 1
2 8 200m @
5 km @ RPE 2
40 min. @
running technique
15 150m @
3 km @ RPE
15 1 min. @
RPE 4 15 min.
@ RPE 1
40 min. @
Second 8 500m @
3km @ RPE 1
2 8 200m @
5km @ RPE 2
12 x 2 min. @
RPE 4 15 min.
@ RPE 1
2 8 200m @
5 km @ RPE 2
50 min. @
running technique
15 150 m
@ RPE 5
3 km @ RPE
12 2 min. @
RPE 4 15 min.
@ RPE 1
50 min. @
Third 2 5 400m @
3km @ RPE 1
2 8 200m @
5 km @ RPE
20 30 s @
15 min. @
2 x 8 200m
@ RPE 5
5 km @ RPE 2
60 min. @
running technique
15 150m @
3 km @ RPE
20 30 s @
15 min. @
60 min. @
Table 2 (continued)
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Fourth 2 3 600m @
3 km @ RPE 1
2 8 200 @
5 km @ RPE
15 1 min. @
15 min. @
2 8 200m @
5 km @ RPE 2
40 min. @
running technique
15 150m @
3 km @ RPE
15 1 min. @
15 min. @
40 min. @
Fifth 2 x 4 x 400m @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE
10 2 min. @
15 min. @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE 1
50 min. @
15 150m @
40 min. @ RPE 2
10 2 min. @
15 min. @
50 min. @
Sixth 2 3 500m @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE
12 1 min. @
RPE 4–5
15 min. @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE 1
45 min. @
10 200m @
40 min. @ RPE 2
12 30s @
RPE 4–5
15 min. @
45 min. @
Table 2 (continued)
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Seventh 3 2 600m @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE
15 30s @
15 min. @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE 1
50 min. @
12 200m @
50 min. @ RPE 2
15 30s @
15 min. @
50 min. @
Eighth 2 x 4 x 400m @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE
10 2 min. @
15 min. @
running technique
6 50m @
strength train-
10 120 @
4 km @ RPE 1
40 min. @
10 150m @
40 min. @ RPE 2
10 2 min. @
15 min. @
40 min. @
Note. All workouts also included a 10-min warm-up and 5-min cool-down. RPE, Ratings of perceived exertion. Workouts are written in the following form: number
of distance of repetition (on days of DWR, duration of repetition was used) @ exertion level (1–5 scale).
Effects of Water Run Training 141
two days before beginning the training program. Subjects were instructed to per-
form only a light workout one day before all tests to allow the maximal effort in
The VO2peak test consisted of a 30 s run at 10 km.h−1 and 1% elevation fol-
lowed by an increase of 0.5 km.h−1 every 30 s until physiological or volitional
fatigue. The VO2peak was considered to be the average of the two highest VO2
values in the series of 15 s VO2 values. Tvent was determined by plotting the venti-
latory equivalents (VE.VO2-1, VE.VCO2-1), using a computational algorithm
(Matlab, The Mathworks Inc., Natick, USA) and was dened as an increase in
VE.VO2-1 and VE.VCO2-1 with a coincident reduction on CO2 pressure. Two inde-
pendent evaluators who were provided with the data double-blind analyzed the
Tvent data. Running economy was determined from the relative oxygen cost (ml.
kg−1.min−1) of running at one submaximal workload (6-min workload at 14 km.
h−1, 1% grade). The xed velocity corresponded to 83% pretest VO2peak. The VO2
and the others ventilatory parameters were collected from MGC (Medical Graph-
ics Corporation, St. Paul, USA). The heart rate was monitored continuously via
heart rate telemetry. The kinematic variables were obtained from the running
economy test and 500 m test. The kinematic variables from the running economy
test were stride length (SLeco), relative stride length (stride length divided by
lower limbs length—RSLeco), support time (STeco), nonsupport time (NSTeco),
and stride frequency (SFeco). In the 500 m test, the kinematic variables were rela-
tive stride length (RSL500), stride length (SL500), support time (ST500), nonsup-
port time (NST500), stride frequency (SF500), knee angle at heel-strike
(KAHS500), knee angle at take-off (KATO500), 500m time, and horizontal veloc-
ity (HV500). The choice of these variables is related to (a) large inuence of these
variables on running performance and (b) more sensitive to fatigue effects during
500m test (Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2003) of these variables between fatigue and
nonfatigue stages. The effects of DWR on OLR performance were examined
through a 500 m test performance one individual at a time. Although the runners
were, in general, from longer distance athletes than 500 m, we used this distance
because it was sensitive to kinematic variables and it was possible to analyze the
fatigue effects on running kinematics with only 1 cam (the methods are described
in detail by Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2003; see supplementary material). A Punix
digital video camera with shutter time of 1.1000−1 s and 120 Hz sampling rate
lmed each runner at the 50 m and 450 m marks of the race. These two stages
were selected because of the need to lm the runners through a continuum of run-
ning patterns from nonfatigued to possibly fatigued states while also sampling
when the inuence of race tactics was minimal. The camera, secured on a tripod,
was positioned so that the focal axis was at left side to the plane of motion of the
runners. One complete running cycle (two steps) were recorded for each runner at
each of the two stages lmed. A calibrator of known length (to convert lm mea-
surements to real-life size) was lmed before the race in the line of motion of the
runners. We used a Peak Performance system (Peak Performance Technologies,
Englewood, USA) to follow markers that were specically placed on the subjects.
Retroreective markers were positioned on the following anatomic landmarks:
greater trochanter, the lateral epicondyle of the femur, lateral malleolus fth meta-
tarsophalangeal joint, and the acromion scapulae. Video images were selected and
digitized and x-y coordinates of different joint markers were obtained at 120 elds.
142 Peyré-Tartaruga et al.
The data for marker position were low-pass ltered by using a fourth-order zero-
lag Butterworth lter with a cutoff frequency of 5 Hz. The cutoff frequency was
determined by using residual analysis (Winter, 2005). Marker-position data were
used to calculate linear velocities and accelerations of the segments as well as
joint angles, segment angles, and segment angular accelerations. Each joint angle
was dened by using the marker on that joint and the two adjacent markers.
In addition, on pre- and posttests, subjects were measured for body composi-
tion. Skinfold thicknesses were measured to the 0.5 mm at ve sites (thigh, tri-
ceps, abdomen, suprailiac, subscapula) on the right side of the body by using
standard techniques (Heyward & Wagner 2004) and Lange calipers (Cambridge
Scientic Industries, Cambridge, USA). Body circumference measurements were
taken at the arm (midway between the acromion and the olecranon process),
midthigh (midway between the inguinal crease and the distal border of the patella),
and upper thigh (third-superior between the inguinal crease and the distal border
of the patella). The sum of the ve skinfold thicknesses and of the three body
circumferences are provided in Table 3. All pre- and postexperimental measure-
ments of body composition were made by the same investigator. The DWR train-
ing took place in a swimming pool measuring 25 16 m, and 2 m in depth, in
which the subjects used a oat belt, and the water temperature ranged between
28.5 °C and 29.5 °C.
The data are expressed as means ± SD (SD). Statistical analysis was carried
out using a two-way (group time) analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with
repeated measures in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences General Linear
Models procedure (version 11.0). The variables were divided into kinematic and
physiological variable groups for multivariated analysis. Univariate analysis also
was done. Sex and age were included as covariables/ covariates in all analyses. A
P value of < 0.05 was considered to indicate a signicant difference.
Selected physical and training characteristics of the subjects are shown in Table 1.
Repeated measures GLM-ANOVA identied a nonsignicant interaction between
the training groups (DWR and OLR) and time (pre and post). Both kinematical
(SFeco, STeco, NSTeco, SLeco, RSLeco, SF500, ST500, NST500, SL500,
RSL500, KATO500, KAHS500, 500 m time, and VH500) and physiological
Table 3 Anthropometric Parameters, Following 8 Weeks for Deep
Water Running (DWR) Group or On-Land Running (OLR) Group
(mean ± SD)
Pre Post
SBC (cm) 156.6 ± 11.5 149.7 ± 15.8 156.8 ± 12.1 147.0 ± 13.1
SST (mm) 57.6 ± 18.8 52.0 ± 10.3 57.5 ± 18.4 51.7 ± 10.5
Note. SBC: sum of body circumference; SST: sum of skinfold thickness.
Effects of Water Run Training 143
(VO2peak, Tvent and running economy) variables attained Ps greater than 0.05, indi-
cating that kinematical and physiological behavior responded similarly in the
DWR and OLR groups. There were no signicant intra- or intergroup differences
(p > .05) in VO2peak (Table 4) following 8 weeks of workouts. Preexperimental
treadmill VO2peak was 49.3 ± 8.3 and 54.0 ± 6.2−1.min−1 for the DWR and
OLR groups, respectively. Postexperimental treadmill VO2peak was 49.6 ± 8.7 and
53.4 ± 8.8−1.min−1 for the DWR and OLR groups, respectively. No signi-
cant changes were observed in maximal running velocity, maximal heart rate, and
maximal minute ventilation (VEpeak), within or between groups following 8 weeks
of workouts (Table 4). Similarly, Tvent was unaltered for the DWR group (pre =
44.4 ± 6.9, post = 45.0 ± 8.6−1.min−1) and the OLR group (pre = 48.2 ± 6.0,
post = 46.7 ± 8.0−1.min−1), nor were there any changes in VO2 at 14 km.h−1,
i.e., running economy in the DWR group (pre = 43.4 ± 5.0, post = 42.6 ± 3.8 ml.
kg−1.min−1 at 14 km.h−1), and the OLR group (pre = 43.9 ± 2.5, post = 42.6 ± 2.6−1.min−1 at 14 km.h−1).
Kinematic variables from the running economy test are shown in Figure 1,
and the 500 m test are shown in Table 5. In both kinematic tests (economy running
and 500m test), no signicant differences identied between the DWR and OLR
groups in all kinematic variables. Furthermore, the present data suggest a cross-
over effect from DWR to land based running on kinematic variables: DWR train-
ing for eight weeks did not modied the kinematic prole on land, even in the
fatigue stage (450 m of the 500 m test). This is conrmed by the absence of gen-
eral effects and interactions (p > .05). Furthermore, there were no differences
between the groups in terms of body composition parameters (Table 3); however,
the support time on running at 14 km.h−1 (running economy test) after training
period decreased 35.6 ms for OLR versus 58.9 ms for DWR. Although not statisti-
cally signicant, this modication is 65% greater for DWR. In the same way, the
percent decrement on the horizontal velocity from 50 m (nonfatigued) to 450 m
(fatigued), or fatigue index, presented an increase between pre and post test equal
Table 4 Physiological Responses Following 8 Weeks for Deep
Water Running (DWR) Group or On-Land Running (OLR) Group
(mean ± SD)
Pre Post
VO2peak ( 49.3 ± 8.3 54.0 ± 6.2 49.6 ± 8.7 53.4 ± 8.8
Velocity at VO2peak (m.s~1) 5.1 ± 0.6 5.3 ± 0.5 5.2 ± 0.6 5.4 ± 0.5
HRpeak (beats.min~1) 187.4 ± 12.7 189.1 ± 17.2 186.2 ± 7.3 193.8 ± 15.5
VEpeak (L.min~1) 119.5 ± 38.2 114.6 ± 29.2 130.9 ± 35.1 121.0 ± 35.1
Tvent ( 44.4 ± 6.9 45.0 ± 8.6 48.2 ± 6.0 46.7 ± 8
Velocity at Tvent (m.s~1) 4.3 ± 0.6 4.5 ± 0.6 4.2 ± 0.3 4.5 ± 0.4
Running economy (
43.4 ± 5.0 43.9 ± 2.5 42.6 ± 3.8 42.6 ± 2.6
Note. VO2peak: maximal oxygen uptake; HRpeak: maximal heart rate; VEpeak: maximal ventilation; Tvent:
ventilatory threshold.
144 Peyré-Tartaruga et al.
to 3.0% for OLR group, while for DWR was only 0.7% (Figure 2). Others decre-
ments or increments for kinematical variables can be found in supplementary
Statistical power was calculated for all kinematic and physiological variables.
All dependent variables were seen to have powers greater than 0.75. Therefore,
we may state that the experiment provided adequate power to test the null
This study is the rst to investigate competitive runners in terms of their kinematical
adaptations to the inclusion of DWR within a normal training program. The
running kinematics was not changed after the 8 week training program. Our
kinematical results refutes the following idea proposed by Wilber et al. (1996): “It
is possible that hydrostatic resistance encountered during water run exercise
Figure 1 — Kinematical responses from economy running test, following 8 weeks for deep water
running (DWR) group or on-land running (OLR) group (mean ± SD).
Table 5 Kinematical Responses During 500 m Test, Following 8 Weeks for Deep Water Running (DWR) Group
or On-Land Running (OLR) Group (mean ± SD)
Pre Post
SF500 (strides.min−1) at 50m 104.0 ± 7.7 97.9 ± 4.8 105.5 ± 6.8 102.8 ± 4.4
SF500 (strides.min−1) at 450m 94.6 ± 5.2 91.2 ± 3.7 92.5 ± 4.5 92.1 ± 2.9
ST500 (ms) at 50m 121.1 ± 32.6 137.8 ± 36.0 121.1 ± 26.7 120.0 ± 29.6
ST500 (ms) at 450m 154.4 ± 47.5 154.4 ± 40.0 153.3 ± 20.6 151.1 ± 34.1
NST500 (ms) at 50m 580.0 ± 45.5 476.7 ± 37.1 571.1 ± 37.9 464.4 ± 39.7
NST500 (ms) at 450m 635.6 ± 33.2 505.6 ± 47.2 650.0 ± 30.8 496.7 ± 36.4
SL500 (m) at 50m 4.2 ± 0.4 4.1 ± 0.4 4.3 ± 0.4 4.1 ± 0.3
SL500 (m) at 450m 3.7 ± 0.4 3.7 ± 0.3 3.9 ± 0.4 3.8 ± 0.3
RSL500 at 50m (m.m−1)4.7 ± 0.4 4.7 ± 0.5 4.8 ± 0.4 4.7 ± 0.5
RSL500 at 450m (m.m−1)4.1 ± 0.4 4.3 ± 0.4 4.9 ± 0.7 5.0 ± 0.7
KATO500 at 50m (degrees) 148.5 ± 9.9 156.2 ± 7.2 145.9 ± 9.0 151.1 ± 13.0
KATO500 at 450m (degrees) 151.1 ± 8.3 158.5 ± 8.4 150.5 ± 11.1 153.0 ± 9.0
KAHS500 at 50m (degrees) 151.0 ± 5.6 156.0 ± 3.9 155.1 ± 7.0 155.6 ± 4.3
KAHS500 at 450m (degrees) 147.4 ± 7.5 155.7 ± 4.6 153.5 ± 6.7 152.5 ± 3.8
HV500 at 50m (m.s−1)7.3 ± 0.9 6.7 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.9 7.1 ± 0.7
HV500 at 450m (m.s−1)5.8 ± 0.7 5.7 ± 0.6 5.9 ± 0.6 5.8 ± 0.5
500m time (s) 83.6 ± 12.3 80.6 ± 8.0 81.4 ± 12.0 78.6 ± 6.4
Note. SF500: stride frequency; ST500: support time; NST: non-support time; SL500: stride length; RSL500: relative stride length; KATO500: knee angle at take-off;
KAHS500: knee angle at heel-strike; HV500: horizontal velocity; 500m: T500 performance.
146 Peyré-Tartaruga et al.
favorably modied the water runners’ stride mechanics, resulting in a more
efcient stride (e.g., reduced overstriding). In turn, improvements in stride
biomechanics may have contributed to the maintenance of running economy
among water runners. . . ”. A satisfactory answer is still lacking in relation to the
running economy’s improvement mechanisms.
As expected, the physiologic results collectively indicate that DWR and OLR
groups exhibit largely similar responses. The physiological responses to DWR
and OLR training in this study are in accordance with those from previous studies
(Bushman et al., 1997; Eyestone et al., 1993; Morrow, 1995; Wilber et al., 1996).
Bushman and coworkers (1997) reported that trained runners attained the follow-
ing VO2peak: 63.4 and 62.2−1.min−1 before and after 4 weeks of DWR,
respectively. In that study, the runners substituted 100% of training volume on
land; therefore, the maintenance of physiologic prole in the current study, in
which 30% of training volume on land was substituted by aquatic exercise, was
expected. Both studies reported similar running economy and ventilatory thresh-
old before and after the inclusion of DWR in the training. Eyestone et al. (1993)
analyzed trained runners (VO2peak = 57.4 ± 1.7−1.min−1) and stated that
VO2peak on treadmill was not different between the DWR group (100% DWR) and
OLR group; however, both decreased the VO2peak by about 4% during training.
The data from Morrow (1995) indicate the DWR and OLR groups attained similar
changes in VO2peak. The VO2peak increased 5.6% in the DWR group and 7% in the
OLR group. With a similar experimental design, Wilber and coworkers (1996)
found a decrease of about 2% in VO2peak after 21 days of training for both groups,
Figure 2 — Percent decrements of the horizontal velocity from 50 m to 450 m conditions
during the 500 m tests for the DWR and OLR groups.
Effects of Water Run Training 147
with an increase of 3% at the 42nd day; however, these nonsignicant differences
probably reect a normal daily variation of maximal aerobic capacity (Katch,
Sady, & Freedson, 1982). On the other hand, Quinn and colleagues (Quinn,
Sedory, & Fisher, 1994) reported that DWR training (4 days/wk−1 and 30 min/
day−1) after OLR for 10 wks was ineffective in maintaining the VO2peak of seden-
tary female students (VO2peak= 39.9 ± 3.6−1.min−1). To be effective, how-
ever, cross-training should consist of an equivalent training pattern in terms of
load intensity and volume. Quinn and coworkers (1994) also stated that the inten-
sity used during the DWR training was not sufcient to maintain the VO2peak.
The Tvent is considered a strong predictor of middle and long distance running
performance (Farrel, Wilmore, Coyle, Billings, & Costill, 1979; Powers, Dodd,
Deason, Byrd, & McKnight, 1983). In the current study, both experimental groups
obtained high Tvent. In the DWR group the Tvent, expressed in terms of velocity,
was 15.6 and 15.1 km.h−1 in the pre and post period, respectively, while in the
OLR group it was 16.2 and 16.3 km.h−1. The Tvents expressed as a percentage of
VO2peak were in the range of 87–90% VO2peak. These results demonstrate that the
athletes are aerobically well trained.
As with VO2peak and Tvent, running economy has an important role as a predic-
tor of middle and long distance running performance (Basset & Howley, 2000;
Conley & Krahenbuhl, 1980; Daniels, Yarbrough, & Foster, 1978; Foster, Daniels,
& Yarbrough, 1977; Williams & Cavanagh, 1987). In addition, the 8 weeks of
DWR complementary training did not modify running economy, conrming the
possibility of DWR as a cross-training modality. Several factors inuence the run-
ning economy, such as running style, stride frequency, and length (Cavagna, Fran-
zetti, Heglund, & Willems, 1988; Cavanagh & Williams, 1982; Martin & Morgan,
1992;Williams & Cavanagh, 1987). In the current study, these variables were also
unchanged. Concerns have been raised regarding the dissimilarities between run-
ning styles in the water and on land. Kruel et al. (2002), when comparing the
kinematics between deep water running and on-land running at different intensi-
ties, showed that stride frequency and length are shorter in DWR than in OLR.
Furthermore, at intermediary paces (consistent with long distance racing), the
range of shank and thigh motion in DWR was greater than in OLR. The eccentric
action of lower limb muscles, as well their stretch-shortening cycle during the
support phase in on-land running, are absent in DWR (Nilsson et al., 2001). The
activity of soleus and gastrocnemius during DWR are lower than in OLR (Kaneda,
Wakabayashi, Sato, & Nomura, 2007). Town and Bradley (1991) observed that
the increased O2 pulse (HR/VO2) during DWR suggests that this movement is
inefcient compared with OLR. These factors should hinder the transferability of
DWR training effects to OLR performance. The reasons are the viscosity friction
of the water medium and the non-weight-bearing aspect of DWR. Despite the
cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular, and mechanical differences between the activi-
ties, the general kinematic pattern of OLR was not modied with the inclusion of
DWR as a training supplement. Therefore, it may be stated that such acute differ-
ences between exercise modes seems not to signicantly affect the transferability
of DWR training benets to OLR performance. This argument is also based on pre
and post mechanical responses obtained during the fatigue stage of the 500 m test,
which show that the inclusion of the DWR training did not adversely or positively
affect the running kinematics. To our knowledge, with the exception of the current
148 Peyré-Tartaruga et al.
study, the kinematical effects of the inclusion of DWR on OLR have not been
Furthermore, several epidemiological studies suggest an annual prevalence of
overuse injuries between 24% and 65% among competitive runners (Hoeberigs,
1992; Van Mechelen, 1992). With this high incidence of lower limb injuries
incurred by runners, it seems prudent to pursue training techniques to relieve some
running-related trauma but without compromising aerobic conditioning and
movement pattern. It is an interesting thought that the incidence of these injuries
may be reduced, or that recovery from injuries may be improved, by replacing a
part of the land running by water training. In particular, a replacement is interest-
ing if it can be made without affecting land running performance. It is relevant to
mention that competitive runners run about 2 hours per day while, e.g., elite
cyclists cycle 5–6 hours per day. Theoretically, this could mean that runners can
improve if they can add some kind of training that is different from actual running
so that it does not result in overtraining and injuries. A future study design could
be to add DWR training instead of just replacing a part of the land running. In the
current study, in which 30% of land-based training was substituted by DWR, the
main physiological and kinematical parameters of running remained substantially
The present ndings suggest that the inclusion of DWR for a reasonable per-
centage on normal training has functional implications for the training of com-
petitive runners. Particularly, the maintenance in running kinematics and perfor-
mance, and the previously reported maintenance in running economy, VO2peak and
Tvent (Bushman et al., 1997; Wilber et al., 1996) indicate that even in high intensi-
ties, the DWR training can be used. This indicates that training programs for com-
petitive runners in the preseason period should include the DWR not only for the
aerobic training but also on anaerobic training. Therefore, the present results
extended previous suggestions (Bushman et al., 1997; Wilber et al., 1996) that the
DWR inclusion can to serve not only to maintain the physiological prole, but
also to maintain the running mechanics.
In terms of training, the DWR inclusion theoretically can be a strategy for
increasing the training time diary and increasing the physiological load on the
mechanical overload on lower limbs joints, the principal site of injuries in runners.
This also provides further support to previous popular and scientic literature that
proposed the use of DWR in training programs for competitive runners.
In conclusion, the present results showed that the kinematic variables were
not modied with the inclusion of DWR. Furthermore, there are no signicant
alterations in fatigued running kinematics. Therefore, for competitive runners, the
replacement of 30% of land-based training by DWR over an 8-week period may
be of use. The proposition of the stride mechanic improvement in water runners
when compared with on-land running from literature (Wilber et al., 1996) is par-
tially refuted in the current study. Further research is necessary to test the hypoth-
esis of decreased frequency of injury with DWR inclusion. Possible practical
implications include the following: (a) although there are mechanic differences
between the modes of exercise (deep water and on-land running), the deep water
running helps to maintain or even to improve the on-land running performance
and mechanics in both nonfatigued and fatigued situations on competitive run-
ners; (b) the replacement of land-based training by deep water running (30%) is
Effects of Water Run Training 149
an approach and a possibility to coaches for decreasing the mechanical load in
lower limbs and, consequently, for reducing the risks of overuse on competitive
runners; (c) the deep water running training can be undertaken even in high
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... Incremental Treadmill Running Protocol. After a brief warm-up and 10-min rest (5 min sitting and 5 min standing), participants performed a progressive protocol with an initial velocity of 2.7 m.s -1 , in which speed was increased by 0.27 m.s -1 at 1-min intervals and treadmill incline was fixed at 1% (Peyré- Tartaruga et al., 2009). Load increments were calculated to reach VO 2 max at between 8 and 14 min. ...
... We adopted use of 13 reflective markers, 9 on the left sagittal plane (ear, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, heel, and finger) and 4 in the posterior frontal plane of the left leg (2 points on the heel and ankle, 1 point placed one third from the distal portion of the gastrocnemius muscle, and 1 point where the gastrocnemius muscle originates, as described by Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2009). During the RE test, kinematic variables (stride time, support time, balance time, stride length, relative stride length, stride frequency, internal knee and ankle angles at foot strike and take-off, maximum trunk flexion and maximum knee flexion in the support phase, range of elbow motion during the stride, maximal pronation of the subtalar joint, and vertical oscillation of the center of mass and external mechanical work) were recorded by two digital cameras (sagittal and posterior frontal planes, 120 Hz; Pulnix Progressive Scan, San Diego, CA). ...
... Incremental Treadmill Running Protocol. After a brief warm-up and 10-min rest (5 min sitting and 5 min standing), participants performed a progressive protocol with an initial velocity of 2.7 m.s -1 , in which speed was increased by 0.27 m.s -1 at 1-min intervals and treadmill incline was fixed at 1% (Peyré- Tartaruga et al., 2009). Load increments were calculated to reach VO 2 max at between 8 and 14 min. ...
... We adopted use of 13 reflective markers, 9 on the left sagittal plane (ear, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, heel, and finger) and 4 in the posterior frontal plane of the left leg (2 points on the heel and ankle, 1 point placed one third from the distal portion of the gastrocnemius muscle, and 1 point where the gastrocnemius muscle originates, as described by Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2009). During the RE test, kinematic variables (stride time, support time, balance time, stride length, relative stride length, stride frequency, internal knee and ankle angles at foot strike and take-off, maximum trunk flexion and maximum knee flexion in the support phase, range of elbow motion during the stride, maximal pronation of the subtalar joint, and vertical oscillation of the center of mass and external mechanical work) were recorded by two digital cameras (sagittal and posterior frontal planes, 120 Hz; Pulnix Progressive Scan, San Diego, CA). ...
A doença de Parkinson (DP) apresenta prejuízo no equilíbrio e piora de sintomas motores, os quais podem aumentar o risco de quedas. O exercício físico tem se mostrado uma estratégia eficaz para combater os sintomas e o avanço da DP. A caminhada parece ser uma das estratégias mais utilizadas dentro da reabilitação na DP. Além disso, a caminhada realizada em esteira parece ser segura e eficaz para o tratamento da DP. No entanto, para nosso conhecimento, não foi realizada uma revisão abrangente da literatura que aborde os efeitos do treinamento físico de caminhada em esteira sobre o equilíbrio e sintomas motores de indivíduos com DP. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os efeitos do treinamento físico de caminhada em esteira sobre o equilíbrio, medido por meio da escala de equilíbrio de Berg (EEB) e sintomas motores, medido por meio da escala UPDRS-III ou UPDRS-M (Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale – III ou motor scale) em indivíduos com DP. Foi realizada uma busca na literatura nas bases de dados PubMed e SciELO utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: “Parkinson disease”, “Walking” e “Exercise”. Um total de 11 artigos foram incluídos para leitura na íntegra. Ao fim do processo de leitura, foram incluídos oito artigos para extração dos dados. Foi observado que existem diferentes modelos de treinamento físico de caminhada em esteira, sendo que o mais utilizado é com a suspensão do peso corporal, aparecendo em cinco artigos. Além disso, um estudo investigou os efeitos da caminhada nórdica em esteira, e outros dois investigaram os efeitos da caminhada convencional em esteira com modelo de prescrição baseado na velocidade autosselecionada. Todos estudos demonstraram efeito positivo do treinamento físico de caminhada, demonstrando melhora no equilíbrio funcional e sintomas motores de indivíduos com DP quando comparados a um grupo controle.
... Incremental Treadmill Running Protocol. After a brief warm-up and 10-min rest (5 min sitting and 5 min standing), participants performed a progressive protocol with an initial velocity of 2.7 m.s -1 , in which speed was increased by 0.27 m.s -1 at 1-min intervals and treadmill incline was fixed at 1% (Peyré- Tartaruga et al., 2009). Load increments were calculated to reach VO 2 max at between 8 and 14 min. ...
... We adopted use of 13 reflective markers, 9 on the left sagittal plane (ear, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, heel, and finger) and 4 in the posterior frontal plane of the left leg (2 points on the heel and ankle, 1 point placed one third from the distal portion of the gastrocnemius muscle, and 1 point where the gastrocnemius muscle originates, as described by Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2009). During the RE test, kinematic variables (stride time, support time, balance time, stride length, relative stride length, stride frequency, internal knee and ankle angles at foot strike and take-off, maximum trunk flexion and maximum knee flexion in the support phase, range of elbow motion during the stride, maximal pronation of the subtalar joint, and vertical oscillation of the center of mass and external mechanical work) were recorded by two digital cameras (sagittal and posterior frontal planes, 120 Hz; Pulnix Progressive Scan, San Diego, CA). ...
In this study, we analyzed the relationship between running economy (RE) and biomechanical parameters in a group running at the same relative intensity and same absolute velocity. Sixteen homogeneous male long-distance runners performed a test to determine RE at 4.4 m.s⁻¹, corresponding to 11.1% below velocity at the ventilatory threshold. We found significant correlations between RE and biomechanical variables (vertical oscillation of the center of mass, stride frequency, stride length, balance time, relative stride length, range of elbow motion, internal knee, ankle angles at foot strike, and electromyographic activity of the semitendinosus and rectus femoris muscles). In conclusion, changes in running technique can influence RE and lead to improved running performance. © 2012 by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
... Aquatic training has become an essential training method in recent years for improving specific physiological characteristics (Miller M. et al., 2007;Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2009). Because water offers more resistance than land does, performing plyometric exercises in it can help improve force output more than doing them on land (Colado et al., 2010). ...
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Background: Plyometric training (PT) are performed in different hard surfaces like dry land, hard court or grassy turf which is at the same time susceptible to muscle and joint injury of the lower limbs. To avoid this risk Aqua-based training gradually has become popular to the trainers. Therefore, in the present study the PT were conducted in an aquatic medium. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Aquatic plyometric training on speed and explosive leg strength ability of the young Indian athletes. Method: This study was quasi-experimental in nature. Twenty-four (N = 24) athletes aged between 14-16 years were selected. They were equally grouped into two: i) Aquatic Plyometric Training Group (APTG, N=12), and ii) Control Group (CG, N=12). Both the groups were involved in regular physical activity as usual in their academy which was not under the control of the researchers, however, in addition to that APTG underwent an aqua-based Plyometric training for fourteen weeks. The dependent variables were speed and explosive leg strength. Baseline (pre) and post intervention mean values for APTG and CG were analyzed through ANCOVA. The F-values were tested at p0.05 level of significance. Results: The APTG improved significantly with respect to the CG in speed (F = 70.890; p 0.00001) and explosive leg strength (F = 32.553; p 0.00001). Conclusion: Aquatic Plyometric Training was found as an effective training means for the development of speed and explosive leg strength of the athletes belongs to the age group of 14-16 years.
... Essas modalidades vêm sendo amplamente indicadas devido aos diversos benefícios que promovem a seus praticantes. Dentre eles melhorias no condicionamento músculo-esquelético (TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;CARDOSO et al., 2004;KRUEL et al., 2005;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;TOKMAKIDIS et al., 2008;COLADO et al., 2009;AMBROSINI et al., 2010), cardiorrespiratório (AVELLINI et al., 1983;TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;PECHTER et al., 2003;ALVES et al., 2004;FILKELSTEIN et al., 2006;PANTOJA et al., 2006;ALBERTON et al., 2007;TIGGEMANN et al., 2007;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;PINTO et al., 2008;TOKMAKIDIS et al., 2008;ALBERTON et al., 2009;KRUEL et al., 2009;PEYRÉ-TARTARUGA et al., 2009), no sistema cardiovascular (TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;PECHTER et al., 2003;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;BGEGINSKI et al., 2009;COLADO et al., 2009), no sistema hormonal , na composição corporal (TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;COLADO et al., 2009), na flexibilidade (TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;ALVES et al., 2004) e no equilíbrio (DEVEREUX et al., 2005) . ...
... Additional reports also revealed that the fatal unintentional drowning rate overall for Native Americans including aboriginal Alaskans was 2.2 times that of Euro-Americans with similar dramatic disparities among age groups (children ages 5-14 had a drowning rate 2.6 times higher than that of Euro-Americans; CDC, 2009). Consistent with literature on physical activity patterns (Bgeginski, Finkelstein, Alberton, Tartaruga, & Kruel, 2009;Kruel, Peyer-Tartaruga, Alberton, Muller, & Petkowizc, 2009;Peyre-Tartaruga, Tartaruga, Coertjens, Black, Oliveira & Kruel, 2009), aquatics and minority populations (Applebee, 1991;Avramidis et al., 2009a;Banks & Banks, 1989;Beale et al., 2002;Eisenhart & Cutts-Dougherty, 1991;Irwin, Irwin, Ryan, & Drayer, 2009;Jackson, 1991;Moran, 2009;Pendelton, 1975;Waller & Norwood, 2009;Wieser, 1995), physical environment (e.g., access to swimming pools), and a combination of social-cultural issues (e.g., valuing swimming skills and choosing water-related activities when making recreational choices) may be the primary factors contributing to the heritage and ethnic differences in drowning rates due to the lack of exposure to APA. (Avramidis et al., 2007(Avramidis et al., , 2009a(Avramidis et al., , 2009b(Avramidis et al., , 2009cMartin & Witman, 2010;Moran, 2009). ...
... Therefore, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends adults to perform at least 150 minutes of PA divided into 3 days per week (12). Among the various modalities of PA, those performed in the aquatic environment (AE) are widely recommended because they can be applied as a rehabilitation or training tool in different populations, such as elderly (7), pregnant women (16), athletes (29), obese (15), or even individuals with osteoarticular problems (10). ...
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The purpose of the study was to verify the relationship between oxygen uptake (V̇O₂), heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and cadence (CAD) in an aquatic incremental maximum test performed during a water-based stationary running exercise. The study also verified the best adjustments for these relationships (linear or polynomial). Thirteen young college women (mean ± SD: 23.15 ± 1.72 years, 21.43 ± 2.09 body mass index) participated in the study. They performed an aquatic incremental maximum test during a water-based stationary running exercise. The experimental protocol started at an initial CAD of 80 b·min, and it was followed by increases of 10 b·min every minute until exhaustion. V̇O₂, HR, and RPE were measured along the test. Linear and polynomial regression analysis were performed to determine the relationship among the percentage of peak V̇O₂ (%V̇O₂peak), percentage of maximal HR (%HRmax), RPE, and CAD to determine the best adjustment for each analysis (α = 0.05). The polynomial regression showed the best adjustments for all analysis. Data revealed a significant relationship (p < 0.001) between %V̇O₂peak and %HRmax (r = 0.858), %HRmax and RPE (r = 0.823), and %V̇O₂peak and RPE (r = 0.871). Regarding the relationship between these above-mentioned variables and CAD, all of them were significant (p < 0.001), with r = 0.848 for CAD and %HRmax, r = 0.877 for CAD and %V̇O₂peak and r = 0.878 for CAD and RPE. It was concluded that all analyzed variables are associated and their relationships are in a polynomial quadratic form. Based on the findings, instructors may use the positive relationships between %V̇O₂peak, %HRmax, and RPE to efficiently prescribe water-based training sessions
... Ainda, numerosos estudos têm investigado as respostas do perfil lipídico (PL) ao exercício aeróbico, tanto de forma aguda (CROUSE et al., 1995;CROUSE et al., 1997;FERGUSON et al., 1998;GRANDJEAN et al., 2000;BERMINHGHAM et al., 2004;WEISE et al., 2005) como de forma crônica (BROWNEL et al., 1982;BLUMENTHAL et al., 1991;COUILLARD et al., 2001;KATZMARZYC et al., 2001;TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;BANZ et al., 2003;PECHTER et al., 2003;DONOVAN et al., 2005;DUNCAN et al., 2005;HALVERSTADT et al., 2007;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;COGHILL & COOPER, 2008;HEWITT et al., 2008 CARDOSO et al., 2004;KRUEL et al., 2005;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;TOKMAKIDIS et al., 2008;COLADO et al., 2009;AMBROSINI et al., 2010), cardiorrespiratório (AVELLINI et al., 1983;TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;PECHTER et al., 2003;ALVES et al., 2004;FILKELSTEIN et al., 2006;PANTOJA et al., 2006;ALBERTON et al., 2007;TIGGEMANN et al., 2007;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;PINTO et al., 2008;TOKMAKIDIS et al., 2008;ALBERTON et al., 2009;KRUEL et al., 2009;PEYRÉ-TARTARUGA et al., 2009), no sistema cardiovascular (TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;PECHTER et al., 2003;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;BGEGINSKI et al., 2009;COLADO et al., 2009) (BERMINGHAM et al., 2004;SCHMID et al., 2007;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007). E esses benefícios podem ser decorrentes de exercícios realizados tanto em ambiente terrestre (BLESSING et al., 1987;COUTINHO & CUNHA, 1989;HONKOLA et al., 1997;THOMPSON et al., 1997;FERGUSON et al., 1998;HALLE et al., 1999;HALLE et al., 1999a;JOSEPH et al., 1999;PRABHAKARAM et al., 1999;BEMBEN & BEMBEN, 2000;FAHLMAN et al., 2002;SILVA & LIMA, 2002;CUFF et al., 2003;DUNCAN et al., 2003;HALVERSTADT et al., 2007;SILLANPÄÄ et al., 2008) quanto em ambiente aquático (TAKESHIMA et al., 2002;PECHTER et al., 2003;BERMINGHAM et al., 2004;SCHMID et al., 2007;VOLAKLIS et al., 2007;COLADO et al., 2009) ...
... Water exercise training is recommended for body weight reduction as it promotes high energy expenditure and has cardiovascular benefits and lower risk of joint injuries (Gappmaier et al., 2006;Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2009). PEH after exercise on land is well documented, but evidence of PEH after exercise in water is still scarce. ...
One exercise training session such as walking, running and resistance can lead to a decrease in blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive individuals, but few studies have investigated the effects of exercise training in an aquatic environment for overweight and obese hypertensive individuals. We aimed to assess the acute effects of a water aerobics session on blood pressure (BP) changes in pharmacologically treated overweight and obese hypertensive women. A randomized crossover study was carried out with 18 hypertensive women, 10 of them were overweight (54.4±7.9 years; BMI: 27.8±1.7 kg/m2) and eight obese (56.4±6.6 years; BMI: 33.0±2.0 kg/m2). The water aerobics exercise session consisted of a 45-minute training at the intensity of 70-75% of maximum heart rate adjusted for the aquatic environment. The control group did not enter the pool and did not perform any exercise. We measured systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) before, immediately after and every 10 minutes up to 30 minutes after the aerobic exercise or control session. Overall (n=18), DBP did not change after the water aerobic exercise and control session, and SBP decreased at 10 and 20 minutes post-exercise compared to the control session. Among overweight women, SBP decreased at 10 and 20 minutes post-exercise. In contrast, among obese women, SBP decreased only at 10 minutes post-exercise. SBP variation was –2.68 mm Hg in overweight and –1.24 mm Hg in obese women. In conclusion, the water aerobics session leads to a reduction in SBP, but not in DBP, during 10 and 20 minutes post-exercise recovery. Thus, it may be safely prescribed to overweight and obese women.
... We adopted use of 13 reflective markers, 9 on the left sagittal plane (ear, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, heel, and finger) and 4 in the posterior frontal plane of the left leg (2 points on the heel and ankle, 1 point placed one third from the distal portion of the gastrocnemius muscle, and 1 point where the gastrocnemius muscle originates, as described by Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2009). During the RE test, kinematic variables (stride time, support time, balance time, stride length, relative stride length, stride frequency, internal knee and ankle angles at foot strike and take-off, maximum trunk flexion and maximum knee flexion in the support phase, range of elbow motion during the stride, maximal pronation of the subtalar joint, and vertical oscillation of the center of mass and external mechanical work) were recorded by two digital cameras (sagittal and posterior frontal planes, 120 Hz; Pulnix Progressive Scan, San Diego, CA). ...
The aim of this thesis was to use allometric models to analyze the relationship that running economy(ECO) and mechanical efficiency (Ef) have on the performance of middle- and long-distance runners.Based on the results of three original studies, we concluded that allometric scaling can improve therelationship between ECO and performance in recreational middle- and long-distance runners, mainlydue to morphofunctional aspects. Similarly, the mechanical works, especially the external mechanicalwork, may be considered to be predictive of running performance and a specific allometric exponentcan improve these predictions. The results also showed that Ef is an important predictor of theperformance of long-distance runners. However, when the specific allometric exponents were applied,there was no improvement in the prediction of this performance. The results also showed that it isimportant to consider the contribution of anaerobic energy expenditure when calculating Ef, becauseotherwise the results may be overestimated, as already reported in other studies. In general, when theobjective is to predict the performance of middle- or long-distance runners through metabolic ormechanical powers, it is useful to adopt a specific allometric exponent of the group investigated.However, when this prediction is performed considering the Ef, particularly in high-performance longdistancerunners, the allometric application is not necessary.
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This study was undertaken to determine the response of V˙\dot V O2 max and of running performance (805 and 3218 m) to the onset of training in untrained individuals and to an increase in the volume and intensity of training in well trained individuals. In series A, V˙\dot V O2 max and performances of 12 previously untrained individuals were determined before and after 4 and 8 weeks of training. In series B, performances, V˙\dot V O2 max and V˙\dot V O2 submax of 15 previously well trained runners were determined before and after 4 and 8 weeks of controlled training. In series A, V˙\dot V O2 max increased during the first 4 weeks of training but failed to increase further even in the presence of an increased training load (80 total km for the first 4 weeks, 130 total km for the second 4 weeks). Running performances improved throughout the training period. In series B, neither V˙\dot V O2 max nor V˙\dot V O2 submax changed but running performance improved throughout the experimental period. The results indicated that not all of the improvement in running performance subsequent to training is attributable to changes in V˙\dot V O2 max. Further the results indicate that changes in running economy are not a likely explanation for performance improvement among previously well trained runners. It is suggested that physiological adaptations not integrated in the test of V˙\dot V O2 max, or improvement in pacing contribute to training induced improvements in running performance.
The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships among ventilatory threshold T(vent), running economy and distance running performance in a group (N=9) of trained experienced male runners with comparable maximum oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2max). Maximal oxygen uptake and submaximal steady state oxygen uptake were measured using open circuit spirometry during treadmill exercise. Ventilatory threshold was determined during graded treadmill exercise using non-invasive techniques, while distance running performance was assessed by the best finish time in two 10-kilometer (km) road races. The subjects averaged 33.8 minutes on the 10km runs, 68.6 ml · kg -1 · min -1for [Vdot]O2max, and 48.1 ml · kg -1 · min -1for steady state [Vdot]O2running at 243 meters · min -1. The T(vent) (first deviation from linearity of [Vdot]E, [Vdot]CO 2) occurred at an oxygen consumption of 41.9 ml · kg -1 · min -1. The relationship between running economy and performance was r = .51 (p>0.15) and the relationship between T(vent) and performance was r = .94 (p < 0.001). Applying stepwise multiple linear regression, the multiple R did not increase significantly with the addition of variables to the T(vent); however, the combination of [Vdot]O2max, running economy and T(vent) was determined to account for the greatest amount of total variance (89%). These data suggest that among trained and experienced runners with similar [Vdot]O2max, T(vent) can account for a large portion of the variance in performance during a 10km race.
Figure A.1 Walking Trial—Marker Locations and Mass and Frame Rate Information Table A.1 Raw Coordinate Data (cm) Table A.2(a) Filtered Marker Kinematics—Rib Cage and Greater Trochanter (Hip) Table A.2(b) Filtered Marker Kinematics—Femoral Lateral Epicondyle (Knee) and Head of Fibula Table A.2(c) Filtered Marker Kinematics—Lateral Malleolus (Ankle) and Heel Table A.2(d) Filtered Marker Kinematics—Fifth Metatarsal and Toe Table A.3(a) Linear and Angular Kinematics—Foot Table A.3(b) Linear and Angular Kinematics—Leg Table A.3(c) Linear and Angular Kinematics—Thigh Table A.3(d) Linear and Angular Kinematics—½ HAT Table A.4 Relative Joint Angular Kinematics—Ankle, Knee, and Hip Table A.5(a) Reaction Forces and Moments of Force—Ankle and Knee Table A.5(b) Reaction Forces and Moments of Force—Hip Table A.6 Segment Potential, Kinetic, and Total Energies—Foot, Leg, Thigh, and ½ HAT Table A.7 Power Generation/Absorption and Transfer—Ankle, Knee, and Hip
The primary purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of deep-water run training on treadmill exercise (TM) and deep-water running (DWR) maximal oxygen consumptions ([latin capital V with dot above]O2). Ten (8 F, 2 M) healthy sedentary subjects participated in randomly assigned TM and DWR [latin capital V with dot above]O2max tests both pre- and posttraining. Treadmill [latin capital V with dot above]O2max was assessed using either the Bruce protocol or a modification of it. Each deep-water running [latin capital V with dot above]O2max test began at a warm-up cadence of 48 cycles [middle dot] min-1, a cycle consisting of two steps. Thereafter intensity was increased by increasing leg cadence (66, 72, 76, etc.) every 3 min. Participants also underwent an 8-wk progressive, aerobic, interval deep-water running program. The sessions were conducted 3 days a week at 63 to 82% heart rate max for 16 to 36 min. Deep-water running produced gains in [latin capital V with dot above]O2max of 10.6 for TM and 20.1% for DWR. Posttraining [latin capital V with dot above]O2max values for TM and DWR were significantly greater than pretraining values. Thus deep-water run training improved the cardiorespiratory fitness of sedentary adults, produced greater gains in deep-water running [latin capital V with dot above]O2max than in treadmill exercise [latin capital V with dot above]O2max, and resulted in a training carryover effect to treadmill exercise. (C) 1995 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Typescript. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Toledo. "A dissertation [submitted] as partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-63).
The classic book on human movement in biomechanics, newly updated. Widely used and referenced, David Winter's Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement is a classic examination of techniques used to measure and analyze all body movements as mechanical systems, including such everyday movements as walking. It fills the gap in human movement science area where modern science and technology are integrated with anatomy, muscle physiology, and electromyography to assess and understand human movement. In light of the explosive growth of the field, this new edition updates and enhances the text with: Expanded coverage of 3D kinematics and kinetics. New materials on biomechanical movement synergies and signal processing, including auto and cross correlation, frequency analysis, analog and digital filtering, and ensemble averaging techniques. Presentation of a wide spectrum of measurement and analysis techniques. Updates to all existing chapters. Basic physical and physiological principles in capsule form for quick reference. An essential resource for researchers and student in kinesiology, bioengineering (rehabilitation engineering), physical education, ergonomics, and physical and occupational therapy, this text will also provide valuable to professionals in orthopedics, muscle physiology, and rehabilitation medicine. In response to many requests, the extensive numerical tables contained in Appendix A: "Kinematic, Kinetic, and Energy Data" can also be found at the following Web site: