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Towards the Preservation of Scientific Workflows
David De Roure
Oxford e-Research Centre
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Khalid Belhajjame
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
Paolo Missier
School of Computing Science
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
José Manuel
Madrid, Spain
Raúl Palma
n Supercomputing and
Networking Center
n, Poland
José Enrique Ruiz
Instituto de Astrofísica de
Granada, Spain
Kristina Hettne & Marco
Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, NL
Graham Klyne
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Carole Goble
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
Some of the shared digital artefacts of digital research are
executable in the sense that they describe an automated pro-
cess which generates results. One example is the compu-
tational scientific workflow which is used to conduct auto-
mated data analysis, predictions and validations. We de-
scribe preservation challenges of scientific workflows, and
suggest a framework to discuss the reproducibility of work-
flow results. We describe curation techniques that can be
used to avoid the ‘workflow decay’ that occurs when steps
of the workflow are vulnerable to external change. Our ap-
proach makes extensive use of provenance information and
also considers aggregate structures called Research Objects
as a means for promoting workflow preservation.
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H.3.5 [Online Information Services]: Data sharing; H.5.3
[Group and Organization Interfaces]: Collaborative com-
Research is being conducted in an increasingly digital and
online environment. Consequently we are seeing the emer-
gence of new digital artefacts. In some respects these objects
can be regarded as data; however some warrant particular
attention, such as when the object includes a description
of some part of the research method that is captured as a
computational process. Processes encapsulate the knowl-
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edge related to the generation, (re)use and general transfor-
mation of data in experimental sciences. For example, an
object might contain raw data, the description of a compu-
tational analysis process and the results of executing that
process, thus offering the capability to reproduce and reuse
the research process. Processes are key to the understand-
ing and evolution of science; consequently as the scientific
community need to curate and preserve data, so we should
preserve and curate associated processes [5]. The problem,
as observed by Donoho et al, is that “current computational
science practice does not generate routinely verifiable knowl-
edge” [3].
In this paper we focus on computational scientific work-
flows which are increasingly becoming part of the scholarly
knowledge cycle [11]. A computational scientific workflow
is a precise, executable description of a scientific procedure
– a multi-step process to coordinate multiple components
and tasks, like a script. Each task represents the execu-
tion of a computational process, such as running a program,
submitting a query to a database, submitting a job to a com-
putational facility, or invoking a service over the Web to use
a remote resource. Data output from one task is consumed
by subsequent tasks according to a predefined graph topol-
ogy that orchestrates the flow of data. The components
(the dataset, service, facility or code) might be local and
hosted along with the workflow, or remote (public reposito-
ries hosted by third parties) [9].
Workflows have become an important tool in many ar-
eas, notably in the Life Sciences where tools like Taverna [7]
are popular. From a researcher’s standpoint, workflows are a
transparent means for encoding an in silico scientific method
that supports reproducible science and the sharing and repli-
cating of best-of-practice and know-how through reuse.
However, the preservation of scientific methods in the form
of computational workflows faces challenges which deal pre-
cisely with their executable aspects and their vulnerability
to the volatility of the resources – data and services – re-
quired for their execution. Changes made by third parties
to the workflow components may lead to a decay of the abil-
ity of the workflow to be executed and consequently hinder
the repeatability and reproducibility of their results.
This paper highlights such challenges and states the promi-
nent role of information quality evaluation and curation in
order to diagnose and react to workflow decay. Although we
draw on our specific experience with workflows, the frame-
work in this paper is designed for a more generalised no-
tion of executable objects which we refer to as Research Ob-
jects [1].
We begin by discussing the difficulties underlying scientific
workflow preservation (in Sec. 2). We go on to highlight the
role that Research Objects, as artefacts that bundle work-
flows together with other resources, can play in ensuring the
preservation of scientific workflows (in Sec. 3). We close the
paper by discussing our ongoing work (in Sec. 4).
To illustrate preservation needs in scientific workflows, we
use an example workflow from the field of astronomy, which
is used to extract a list of companion galaxies. The workflow
is illustrated in Figure 1. It starts by running two activities
in parallel, the first extracts a list of companion galaxies
by querying the public Virtual Observatory (VO) database,
and the second activity extracts a second list of companion
galaxies by invoking a web service. The results of the two
activities are then cross matched to obtain an improved list
of companion galaxies.
Figure 1: Extracting companion galaxies.
The content of the VO database is sub ject to update, and
the implementation of the web service responsible for de-
tecting companion galaxies is also subject to modifications.
Thus it is possible, and likely, that the workflow produces
different lists of companion galaxies when run at different
times. It is important therefore to record the provenance of
workflow outputs; i.e. the sources of information and pro-
cesses involved in producing a particular list [12].
Should the VO database become unavailable or alter its
interface so that the workflow can no longer access it, the
workflow will become inoperable. This workflow decay
is a fundamental challenge for the preservation of scientific
workflows. Even though a workflow description remains un-
changed, and may still have value in helping interpret re-
sults, the execution of that workflow may fail or yield differ-
ent results. This is due to dependencies on resources outside
the immediate context of the object which are subject to in-
dependent change. Further use cases can be found in [13]
for bioinformatics and [14] for astronomy.
Gil et al observe that “It must be possible to re-execute
workflows many years later and obtain the same results.
This requirement poses challenges in terms of creating a
stable layer of abstraction over a rapidly evolving infras-
tructure while providing the flexibility needed to address
evolving requirements and applications and to support new
capabilities” [4].
This abstraction approach insulates from some change,
but we will still experience decay when the execution is de-
pendent on resources and services that use independently
controlled resources. For example, service providers such
as the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) rou-
tinely update their service offerings, and must do in response
to developments in the field of life science. Resources become
obsolete or are no longer sustained. Even workflows that
depend on local components are still vulnerable to changes
in operating systems, data management sustainability and
access to computational infrastructure. We note that work-
flows have many of the properties of software, such as the
composition of components with external dependencies, and
hence some aspects of software preservation [10] are applica-
ble. We also observe that the above requirement is actually
quite stringent: it must be possible to reproduce an experi-
ment, it is helpful if rerunning a workflow produces the same
results but this is not the only way.
We need a means to i) evaluate the current status of the
resources upon which the workflow depends and ii) react
to any signs of diagnosed decay in order to ensure work-
flow execution. In the Wf4Ever project1we are address-
ing this twofold goal through the combination of techniques
for computing information quality and, more specifically,
the integrity and authenticity of the associated resources,
and curation techniques. Foreseeing the case where actual
reproducibility cannot be achieved despite such efforts, we
propose partial reproducibility as the means required to
play back workflow execution based on the provenance of
previous executions.
2.1 Reproducibility in scientific workflows
To provide a framework for this discussion we briefly anal-
yse, in abstract terms, the key scenarios that arise when
attempting to reproduce a workflow execution. The short
formalism that follows identifies four cases for consideration
here and can readily be used to discuss other cases.
Let WS,D denote a workflow Wwith dependencies on a
set of services Sand on a data state D. A typical example
would be a bioinformatics workflow that depends on a set S
of EBI services, some of which provide query capabilities into
some of the EBI databases. Here Drepresents the content of
those databases. Let exec(WS,D ,d,t) denote the execution
of Won input dataset dat time t.
As noted earlier, both service specification and implemen-
tation will evolve over time (and some services may be re-
tired), and the state of the databases will change as well.
Let S�and D�denote the new service and data dependen-
cies at some later time t�(possibly months, or years). At this
time, an investigator may be interested in using Wwith the
following goals, and corresponding concrete options:
1. Updated workflow on original data. To update the old
outcomes using the current, updated state of services
and databases (possibly, to compare with the original
outcomes): exec(WS�,D�,d,t
2. Updated workflow on new data. To test the workflow in
its current state on a new dataset: exec(WS�,D �,d
3. Original workflow on new data. To replicate the origi-
nal experiment on a new dataset d�:exec(WS,D ,d
4. Original workflow on original data. To confirm earlier
claims on the original outcomes. This translates into
exec(WS,D ,d,t
�), i.e., the same input dis used on W’s
original configuration;
Different issues arise in each of these four cases. Cases
(1) and (2) highlight workflow decay, primarily due to the
evolution S→S�. This is a difficult problem, which involves
the evaluation of the integrity and authenticity of S and D as
they evolve into S�and D�respectively and some form of on-
going curation of Win order to make it compatible with S�.
We describe three approaches to curation below (Sec. 3.1),
amongst which the first two have been investigated in the
context of the myExperiment workflow repository [2]. For
information quality, we propose provenance as an important
type of evidence that can support the detection of work-
flow decay with respect to external resources S and D (Sec.
2.3). By providing scientists with such provenance-enabled
diagnosis, we aim at feeding curation systems with accurate
information of what is causing workflow decay, how and why.
Cases (3) and (4) are increasingly relevant in e-Science,
as they are paradigmatic of the emerging executable publi-
cations [8] scenario. In an executable paper, some of the
quantitative results (tables, charts) that appear in the pub-
lication are not statically part of the text, but dynamically
linked to the process that produced them. In our case, the
results exec(WS,D ,d,t
�) are published in the paper, but they
are also linked to WS,D as well as the input d. The intent of
this emerging form of “active publication” is precisely to let
readers replicate, entirely or in part, the computational por-
tion of an experiment in order to reproduce its results. For
example, Koop et al. [8] proposed a method that automati-
cally captures provenance information of the experiments in
order to assist authors by integrating and updating experi-
ment results into the paper as they write it.
Supporting this scenario is not simple as it requires the
entire set of original resources Sand D, to be available at
time t�, along with the guarantee that a suitable runtime
environment can be provided for the services, as well as any
other software component in S. Although approaches based
on Virtual Machines (VM) are common in this case [6], the
high volume of state data, along with third party services
that cannot be replicated locally, and the potentially high
cost of execution for computationally expensive workflows,
may make this approach infeasible. For example, modeling
3D data of galaxies [14] involves the manipulation of large
data cubes, the size of which may reach tens of TB. Partial
reproducibility alleviates the problem in practical cases.
2.2 Partial Reproducibility
Consider the astronomy workflow presented in Figure 1.
For (3) and (4), insisting on executing Win its original en-
vironment is not always feasible and may not be needed. An
executable paper may for example provide limited workflow
execution capability to readers, permitting only execution of
lightweight tasks, such as analysis and charting of tabular
data, as opposed to compute-intensive simulations, for ex-
ample. This corresponds to splitting the workflow into two
portions (top/bottom), where only the latter is made avail-
able for readers to experiment with, while they will still have
to rely upon the usual peer-review guarantees regarding the
correctness of the top portion of the workflow.
Executing Wis unnecessary provided that a complete
and reliable provenance trace has been recorded at time
t. By combining provenance traces with partitioned exe-
cutable workflow fragments, provenance can be used to“play
back” the original execution and be queried to inspect all
data dependencies that resulted from that execution: (i)
the provenance is recorded from the execution of segments
that are heavily dependent on Sand D, which are then
omitted, and (ii) a VM approach is used for the remaining
segments, which are executable. Partitioning requires that
the executable segments be found downstream (in terms of
the directed graph that represents the workflow structure)
from the omitted segments. This places a requirement on
workflow design. Minimising the associated cost to repro-
ducibility of a workflow, which involves S,D, and the actual
cost of execution (which may well be a monetary cost, for
example in the case of cloud-based computations) presents
the challenge of finding the optimal partitioning. These are
just two of the challenges arising from taking this pragmatic
2.3 Information quality evaluation
In order to detect workflow decay with respect to the evo-
lution of the tuple (S,D) of services and data needed for
workflow execution, we focus on two main aspects relevant
for information quality: integrity and authenticity. Integrity
refers to the quality or condition of being whole, complete
and unaltered while authenticity aims at the lineage of data.
One of the main sources required to evaluate information
quality is provenance information (in our case about S and
D) which offers the means to verify the evolution of data and
services, to analyse the processes that led to their current
status, and to decide whether they are still consistent with
a given workflow. We build on provenance to compute the
integrity and authenticity of workflows with respect to (S,D),
thus providing scientists with accurate information about
what is causing the workflow decay due to changes in such
resources, how and why.
We can use and extend existing provenance vocabular-
ies like the Open Provenance Model2to record and rea-
son about provenance metadata relevant to the diagnosis
of workflow decay. Additional challenges include providing
scientists with the means to interpret easily the results of
such analysis and to assist them in the early diagnosis of
workflow decay and the selection of the most appropriate
curation techniques.
3.1 Preservation in Practice
The myExperiment3social website for finding, storing and
sharing workflows has been in operation since 2007 and holds
the largest public collection of scientific workflows [2]. As
such it provides a useful case study in workflow decay and
preservation, supporting two main mechanisms.
First, the continual downloading and uploading of work-
flows provides a community curation mechanism for work-
flows that are reused, and these in turn can act as examples
to inform people updating other workflows. Expert cura-
tors, e.g. scientists, are involved in annotating workflows,
by tagging and providing exemplars.
The second mechanism is assistive curation using semi-
automated processes to perform ‘housekeeping’ on the cor-
pus of workflows. For example, when a service provider an-
nounces that a service is deprecated and will be removed or
replaced on a certain date, the workflows affected by this can
be tagged accordingly and replacement advice propagated to
the appropriate users. Potentially this could progress to au-
tonomic curation where workflows could be executed and
repaired automatically, for example when services change.
The assistive approach keeps the ‘human in the loop’ and
the wf4ever project is pursuing this approach by focusing
on recommendations for curation and repair; for example a
replacement for a service can be confirmed using provenance
3.2 Research Objects
Workflow specifications are insufficient for guaranteeing
the preservation of scientific workflows. The reproducibil-
ity strategies listed in Sec. 2.1 show that, in addition to
workflow specification, we need information about the com-
ponents that implement workflow steps, the data used and
produced as a result of workflow enactment.
In practice myExperiment users sometimes choose to ag-
gregate workflows with associated data (in ‘packs’) and this
provides a powerful means to track Sand D. Building on
packs, to cater for workflow preservation we use the notion of
aResearch Object, which can be viewed as an aggregation of
resources that bundles workflow specification and additional
auxiliary resources. These may include input and output
data which enables workflows to be validated.
The elements that compose a Research Object may differ
from one to another, and this difference may have conse-
quences on the level of reproducibility that can be guaran-
teed. At one end of the spectrum, the Research Object is
represented by a paper. As we progress to the other end
the Research Object is enriched to include elements such as
the workflow implementing the computation, annotations
describing the experiment implemented and the hypothe-
sis investigated, and provenance traces of past executions
of the workflow. Assessing the reproducibility of compu-
tations described using electronic papers can be tedious: a
paper may just sketch the method implemented by the com-
putation in question, without delving into details that are
necessary to check that the results obtained, or claimed, in
the paper can be reproduced. Verifying the reproducibility
of Research Objects at the other end of the spectrum is less
difficult. The provenance trace provides data examples to
re-enact the workflow and a means to verify that the results
of workflow executions are comparable with prior results.
To ensure the preservation of a workflow and the repro-
ducibility of its results, the Research Object needs to be
managed and curated throughout the lifecycle of the asso-
ciated workflow. The provenance of the Research Object
elements (i.e., workflow, data sets and web services) is key
to understanding, comparing and debugging scientific work-
flows and to verifying the validity of a claim made within the
context of a Research Object by revealing the data inputs
used to yield a given workflow result. We need to support
the logging, browsing and querying of the provenance linking
components of Research Objects and the traces of workflow
As research practice evolves we anticipate a growing quan-
tity and diversity of executable objects, in particular compu-
tational scientific workflows. We outlined the challenges un-
derlying the preservation of scientific workflows and sketched
preliminary solutions that can be adopted for that purpose.
We used the concept of Research Object as an abstraction
for the management of executable objects throughout their
life-cycle. We anticipate that this work will give rise to rec-
ommendations and best practices for authors and curators
of scientific workflows to meet preservation requirements.
We are investigating the reproducibility and curation strate-
gies reported in this paper and developing a software archi-
tecture and reference implementation for workflow preserva-
tion. The development of the reference implementation will
rest on existing developments in scientific workflow reposi-
tories, digital libraries and preservation systems. In particu-
lar, we will build on well-established digital libraries, such as
dLibra4, to extend the myExperiment workflow repository
with further preservation capabilities.
Wf4Ever is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme
of the European Commission (Digital Libraries and Digital
Preservation area ICT-2009.4.1 project reference 270192).
myExperiment is funded by UK JISC. The dLibra Digital
Library Framework has been produced by the Pozna´n Su-
percomputing and Networking Center since 1999. We are
grateful to all our collaborators in these projects.
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