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Background: The definition of health for people with cancer is not focused solely on the physiology of illness and the length of life remaining, but is also concerned with improving the well-being and the quality of the life (QOL) remaining to be lived. This study aimed to identify the constructs most associated with QOL in people with advanced cancer. Methods: Two hundred three persons with recent diagnoses of different advanced cancers were evaluated with 65 variables representing individual and environmental factors, biological factors, symptoms, function, general health perceptions and overall QOL at diagnosis. Three independent stepwise multiple linear regressions identified the most important contributors to overall QOL. R(2) ranking and effect sizes were estimated and averaged by construct. Results: The most important contributor of overall QOL for people recently diagnosed with advanced cancer was social support. It was followed by general health perceptions, energy, social function, psychological function and physical function. Conclusions: We used effect sizes to summarise multiple multivariate linear regressions for a more manageable and clinically interpretable picture. The findings emphasise the importance of incorporating the assessment and treatment of relevant symptoms, functions and social support in people recently diagnosed with advanced cancer as part of their clinical care.
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Independent contributors to overall quality
of life in people with advanced cancer
A M Rodrı
, N E Mayo
and B Gagnon
Faculty of Medicine, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, McGill University, 3654 Prom Sir William Osler, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3G 1Y5;
Department of Medicine, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;
Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Geriatrics, McGill University Health Center, Royal Victoria Hospital Site, Ross Pavilion R4.29,
687 Pine Avenue W, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1A1 and
Department of Medicine and Oncology, McGill University,
McGill University Health Center, Ross Pavilion R4.29, 687 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1A1
Background: The definition of health for people with cancer is not focused solely on the physiology of illness and the length of life
remaining, but is also concerned with improving the well-being and the quality of the life (QOL) remaining to be lived. This study
aimed to identify the constructs most associated with QOL in people with advanced cancer.
Methods: Two hundred three persons with recent diagnoses of different advanced cancers were evaluated with 65 variables
representing individual and environmental factors, biological factors, symptoms, function, general health perceptions and overall
QOL at diagnosis. Three independent stepwise multiple linear regressions identified the most important contributors to overall
ranking and effect sizes were estimated and averaged by construct.
Results: The most important contributor of overall QOL for people recently diagnosed with advanced cancer was social support. It
was followed by general health perceptions, energy, social function, psychological function and physical function.
Conclusions: We used effect sizes to summarise multiple multivariate linear regressions for a more manageable and clinically
interpretable picture. The findings emphasise the importance of incorporating the assessment and treatment of relevant
symptoms, functions and social support in people recently diagnosed with advanced cancer as part of their clinical care.
Cancer will develop in 45% of men and 40% of women during their
lifetime, and about 1 in 4 will die of the disease (Marrett et al,
2008). The survival rates for most tumours are, however,
continually improving owing to earlier detection, continued
improvement in treatment therapies and better general medical
management (Marrett et al, 2008). Owing to its improved survival,
cancer is now considered a chronic disease (Canadian Academy of
Health Sciences, 2010), and as a result, concerns about the
well-being and the quality of life (QOL) of people with cancer
has become paramount in clinical research (Food and Drug
Administration, 2006). Health-care professionals are also becom-
ing increasingly exposed to the benefits of assessing QOL in
daily clinical practice. But the understanding of the scientific
basis underlying QOL assessment still needs to be established
(Osoba, 2007).
A comprehensive model of health-related QOL (HRQL) was
developed by Wilson and Cleary (1995). This conceptual model
suggests causal links among biological and physiological factors,
symptoms, functional levels, general health perceptions and overall
QOL. Individual and environmental characteristics also influence
each of the components of the model (Wilson and Cleary, 1995).
The Wilson and Cleary Model of HRQL for people with cancer can
be seen in Figure 1.
The Wilson and Cleary model was partly assessed for patients
with gastrointestinal bleeding (Sousa and Williamson, 2003),
Parkinson’s disease (Straits-Troster et al, 2000; Chrischilles et al,
2002), heart disease (Bennett et al, 2001; Heo et al, 2005; Lee et al,
2005a; Mathisen et al, 2007), HIV/AIDS (Wilson and Cleary, 1996,
1997; Sousa et al, 1999; Cosby et al, 2000; Hays et al, 2000; Sousa
and Chen, 2002; Cunningham et al, 2005; Sousa and Kwok, 2006),
*Correspondence: Dr AM Rodrı
´guez; E-mail:
Received 21 November 2012; revised 2 March 2013; accepted 7 March 2013; published online 16 April 2013
&2013 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved 0007 – 0920/13
Keywords: quality of life; regression; effect size
British Journal of Cancer (2013) 108, 1790–1800 | doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.146
1790 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146
renal disease (Molzahn et al, 1996). It was minimally examined in
people with cancer, as only one study examined the model with
survivors with Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Wettergren et al, 2004).
The purpose of this study was therefore to estimate, for people
with a newly diagnosed advanced cancer, the extent to which
biological and physiological factors, symptoms, function and
general health perceptions predict overall QOL, as hypothesised
by the Wilson and Cleary Model of HRQL.
Participants. Adults were recruited if they have had a recent
diagnosis of advanced cancer and had been referred to the McGill
University Health Center or the Jewish General Hospital oncology
clinics, in Montreal, Canada. Advanced cancer was defined as
unresectable stage 3A, 3B or 4 non-small-cell lung cancer; stage 3
or 4 upper gastrointestinal cancer; stage 4 colorectal, hepatobilliary
or head and neck cancers; breast and prostate cancers with visceral
metastases; and all stages of pancreatic cancers. The inclusion
criterion included an estimated life expectancy of 3 months or
more and an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance
Status Score of 0 to 3 to represent varying degrees of disabilities but
sufficient function to complete the assessments (Oken et al, 1982).
Patients were not eligible if they were unable to comply with study
instructors or if they had symptomatic brain metastases.
Procedure. The study was approved by the hospitals’ Institutional
Review Board. The eligibility of patients was verified by a member
of their primary oncology team who also obtained verbal consent
to be approached by study personnel. If patients consented to
participate, an appointment was made for the assessment. At their
first assessment, participants were assessed using patient-reported
outcomes and direct measures representing the domains of the
Wilson and Cleary conceptual model of HRQL. If patients refused
to participate, sociodemographic information such as their age,
their primary tumour origin and their gender were collected, as
were their self-perceived health from 0 to 10. This was done to
estimate whether there was a sampling bias between participants
and non-participants.
Measurement. The measurement strategy included characterising
the sample and selecting relevant items and domains from widely
used health outcomes measures in cancer.
The outcome of interest in this study was the construct of
overall QOL. One subscale and two single items were used to
represent overall QOL: the existential domain of the McGill
Quality Of Life Questionnaire (MQOL-existential), the single-item
scale of the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire (MQOL-SIS) and
the QOL item of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (first
version) (ESAS-QOL).
Fifty-seven explanatory variables and eight potential confounder
variables were included in the analyses. The variables were chosen
to represent the different domains of the Wilson and Cleary model.
The measures used and their psychometric properties are fully
described in the Appendices A and B (Table A1 and A2),
recognising that the individual items and subscales were the
elements used in the analyses.
Biological and physiological indicators were also collected.
These included C-reactive protein serum concentration levels,
recent recalled weight loss at the time of diagnosis, the body mass
index, the skeletal muscle index and the presence of sarcopenia.
In addition, personal factors such as age, sex, the site of the
original tumour, the number of comorbidities, the highest level of
education completed and the country of birth were recorded on the
day of testing. Social environmental characteristics were also
collected, such as the marital status and the number of children.
Statistical methods. Three different subscale/items (MQOL-
existential, MQOL-SIS and ESAS-QOL) represented the outcome
construct, overall QOL. Consequently, three independent analyses
were performed to determine the most important contributors of
overall QOL.
Descriptive statistics were used to characterise the participants
and the distribution of variables. Mean values and standard
deviations for continuous variables, as well as frequencies and
percentages for categorical variables, summarised patients’ char-
acteristics. Age, sex, primary tumour site, years of education,
cultural origin, number of comorbidities, number of children and
marital status were examined for their potential for confounding.
Univariate linear regressions were used to screen the associa-
tions between the 57 potential contributors to each representation
Sex Education Cultural
Number of
Characteristics of the individual
Social support Marital status
Characteristics of the social environment
Social function
General health
quality of life
of children
Body mass
Skeletal muscle
weight loss
Figure 1. The Wilson and Cleary model of health-related quality of life in people with advanced cancer.
Quality of life in advanced cancer BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146 1791
of overall QOL. Variables that were associated with one of the QOL
measures at P-value below or equal the 0.1 level were retained for
the further analyses.
Bivariate correlations between the retained variables and the
outcomes were examined using Pearson, polychoric and polyserial
correlation coefficients. All assumptions of linear regression were
examined, and there were no serious violations.
Three independent forward stepwise multiple linear regressions
were performed to predict overall QOL. The 10 variables
explaining the most variability per outcome were ranked by partial
order. Effect sizes were also estimated for these variables using
t-values (Cohen, 1988; Liang et al, 1990), which is a quantitative
similar to Cohen’s d. In the context of linear regression, the t-value
corresponds to the difference in least-squares estimators divided by
the standard error of the least-squares estimators. In an attempt to
identify constructs with more consistent associations with overall
QOL, the partial R
rankings and effect sizes of the identified
contributing variables were averaged per construct and across all
three outcomes of overall QOL.
Stepwise multiple linear regression is an analytical approach
that has the capacity to select a statistical model ‘when there is a
large number of potential explanatory variables and no underlying
theory on which to base the model selection’ (Pace, 2008). This
automatism of the procedure has been previously described as its
limitation. However, in this study, the Wilson and Cleary
theoretical model of HQOL directed the selection of the variables
included in the analyses. Also, this statistical approach has the
advantage of preventing bias imposed by the investigators upon the
selection of final model.
All statistical analyses were carried out using the Statistical
Analysis Systems version 9.2.
Description of the sample. Three thousand seven hundred fifty
one patients were screened for eligibility. Of the 388 eligible
patients, 203 patients (52.3%) consented to participate and
completed the initial evaluation (Figure 2).
The average age was 63 years (±13) and 59.3% of participants
were men. The most common primary tumour origins were the
pancreas (22.6%), followed by lung (16.7%), and the colorectal
tract (12.3%). Patient characteristics are presented in Table 1.
Sociodemographic information was collected from 157 patients
who refused to participate. The age and gender distribution was
similar in both the participants and the non-participants: the
average age was of 67 years (±11.6) and 56.1% were men.
The most common primary tumours sites in these patients were
the lung (18.5%), followed by the pancreas (14.7%) and head or
neck (14.0%). Participants and non-participants were similar (P-
value ¼0.80) on perceived health rated on a scale of 0 to 10: 6.8
(±2.1) and 6.0 (±2.1), respectively.
The distributions of the three outcomes of overall QOL are
presented in Figure 3. MQOL-Existential, MQOL-SIS and ESAS-
QOL (rescored) all ranged from 0–10, 10 indicating best quality of
life and 0 the worst. Participants rated their QOL similarly with all
measures of overall QOL. The medians were 7.9 for MQOL-
Existential and 7.0 for MQOL-SIS and ESAS-QOL. The inter-
quartile ranges spanned 2 units for MQOL-Existential, 3 for
MQOL-SIS and 4 for ESAS-QOL. Of the three outcomes of overall
QOL, MQOL-Existential had a smaller distribution, not unex-
pected with a multi-item index.
Univariate associations. The screening of the associations
between the 57 potential explanatory variables and each measure
of overall QOL by simple linear regression led to the elimination of
between 7 and 17 variables per outcome variable. Of the retained
Patients assessed for eligibility
Not eligible
Patient approached and informed about the study
Did not complete
Figure 2. Flowchart.
Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of study participants
Characteristic Participants
(n¼203), (%)
Age (years) categories (mean: 63.3, s.d. 12.9)
o35 7 (3.3)
36–50 23 (11.3)
51–64 72 (35.3)
X65 101 (49.8)
% 59.9/40.9
Primary tumour site
Pancreatic 46 (22.6)
Lung 34 (16.7)
Colorectal 25 (12.3)
Upper GI 23 (11.3)
ENT 23 (11.3)
Breast 20 (9.8)
Hepatobilliary 17 (8.3)
Prostate 7 (3.4)
Urological 3 (1.5)
Unconfirmed primary origin 2 (1.0)
Ovarian 1 (0.5)
Retroperitoneal 1 (0.5)
Skin—basal cell 1 (0.5)
Number of comorbidities (mean 2.4, s.d. 1.5)
0 (Cancer only) 74 (36.5)
Abbreviations: GI ¼gastrointestinal; s.d.¼standard deviation
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Quality of life in advanced cancer
1792 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146
variables, 34 had statistically significant associations with all three
outcomes of overall QOL, 7 with two outcomes and only 3 were
associated with only one outcome of overall QOL.
The univariate correlation coefficients were consistent with
expectations. The correlation coefficients between the contributor
variables and the outcomes varied from 0.01 to 0.59.
Stepwise multiple linear regression analyses. Table 2 summarises
the rankings in partial R
, from 1 (the most important) to 10 (the
least important), of the first 10 variables identified by the
three independent stepwise regressions, using the ranking for
MQOL-Existential for the ordering of variables. Also presented are
the effect sizes as measured by the t-test value.
When overall QOL was represented by MQOL-Existential, the
variable with the highest partial R
was general health perception
(GHP) from the RAND-36, followed by the psychological domain
of the MQOL (rank 2) and social support domain (rank 3). When
overall QOL was represented by MQOL-SIS, GHP (from MQOL)
retained the first rank, followed by the psychological domain of
the MQOL (rank 2), and an item of the Faact measuring appetite
(rank 3).
When overall QOL was represented by ESAS-QOL, a subscale
measuring physical function in the MFI held the first rank; an item
measuring fatigue from the ESAS was ranked second, followed by
the social support domain of the MQOL (rank 3).
The last two columns of Table 2 present the averages of the R
rankings and of the effect sizes. Using R
, the most important
constructs contributing to overall QOL was social support and
GHP (both with an average R
ranking of 3.0), followed by
psychological distress, and relatively closely by fatigue. Using effect
sizes, the same general order of the most important contributors
remained. However, the effect sizes identified social function as
much an important contributor. Both R
and effect sizes ranked
physical function and symptoms profile in the same order. The two
methods of average ranking produced statistically similar
hierarchies when compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank
test (P¼0.58).
We represented the hierarchy of contributors of the overall QOL
in people with advanced cancer as a pyramid analogous to
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1948) (Figure 4). As the
pyramid identified needs, some constructs were modified to convey
a positive meaning (‘fatigue’ was for instance modified to ‘energy’).
Overall QOL
Distribution of overall QOL outcomes
*: Horizontal line represents median, x represents average mean
Figure 3. Distribution of overall QOL outcomes.
Table 2. Relative ranking and effect sizes of items measuring symptoms, function and general health perception for QOL using adjusted R
QOL outcomes
(total R
(total R
(total R
Partial R
Effect size
Partial R
Effect size
Partial R
Effect size
Average effect
Contributor constructs
General health
¼0.32) 4.9 1, 9
8.6, 3.5
3.0 5.5
Psychological distress 2 6.5 2 3.3 7 2.3 3.7 4.0
Social support 3 7.1 3 4.0 3.0 5.6
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Smell 4 4.8 6.7 3.0
Lack of appetite 5 2.8 3, 7, 10
3.9,2.9, 2.0
10 2.5
Taste 9 3.6 6 2.1
Vomiting 42.6
Stomach pain 82.0
Interest in food 92.2
Fatigue 6, 7
3.8, 4.3
4 3.2 2 5.2 4.2 4.2
Social function 8 4.0 8.0 4.0
Pain 6 2.3 5 2.2 5.5 2.3
Physical function 10 4.2 5, 8
3.5, 4.2
¼0.39) 3.1 5.8 3.7
Average R
rank: lower is first; Average effect sizes: higher is first.
By individual item contribution. Also represented is the Partial R
of the 1st ranked item.
Quality of life in advanced cancer BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146 1793
Using multiple stepwise linear regression models, a large number
of potential contributors to overall QOL were reduced to a
manageable and interpretable clinical picture. Similar and some-
times different contributors were identified according to how the
latent construct of overall QOL was represented.
Apart from random error, differences in the importance rankings
by outcome undoubtedly arise from differences in the QOL
outcomes themselves. Two outcomes were single items (MQOL-
SIS and ESAS-QOL) and one was a subscale with a total score
derived from averaging scores on 6 items (MQOL-Existential).
In the MQOL-SIS, the patient is asked to contemplate all aspects
of his or her life (physical, emotional, social, spiritual and financial)
(Cohen et al, 1997) and provide a value between 0 and 10. MQOL-
Existential includes concerns regarding death, freedom, isolation
and the meaning of life, as existential concerns have been
demonstrated to be of great importance to people with a life-
threatening illness and is under-represented in many measures
assessing QOL (O’Connor et al, 1990; Fryback, 1993).
In contrast, ESAS-QOL is 1 of 10 visual analogue scales (VAS)
describing how a person would best describe their health in the last
24 h. The health states include QOL and a variety of physical
symptoms, usually of negative connotation such as fatigue, nausea,
depression or pain (Bruera et al, 1991). It is therefore possible that
although patients are asked to rate their general QOL, the context
in which the item is asked is likely to influence the rating. Our
study found that the contributing variables to the ESAS-QOL
single-item were almost inversely ordered in terms of importance
with respect to MQOL-Existential and MQOL-SIS.
We translated the findings from combining the results from the
different the regression analyses into a ‘pyramid of needs’
mimicking Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1948) to
emphasise that these are key areas of everyday life and function
that people with threatened health need in order to continue to
view life as worth living (World Health Organisation, 2001).
Social support was found to be the most important contributor to
overall QOL meaning that, on average, people with advanced cancer who
that reported being supported by their social surrounding also reported
higher levels of overall QOL. By the term ‘social support’, we refer mainly
to the resources provided by other persons (Cohen and Syme, 1985). It
has also been defined as the cognitive appraisal of being ‘reliably
connected to significant others in a given social environment (Mathisen
et al, 2007). Interestingly, it also fits with another identified contributor to
overall QOL, social function. Social function can be defined as the actions
and tasks required for basic and complex interactions with people in a
contextually and socially appropriate manner (Cao et al,2012).Therefore,
the two concepts are closely related, as a socially functional individual will
likely have a strong social support system in place that could be used as a
coping mechanism and vice-versa.
Social support is becoming recognised as an important
contributor of overall QOL in people with cancer. In a study on
the prevalence and contributors to the unmet needs and their
association with QOL, 296 men with advanced cancer were
evaluated. Social support scores significantly predicted total overall
QOL scores, to the same extent that psychological or physical
symptoms did (Hwang et al, 2004). Recently, several studies have
been recommending measuring social support as part of the
assessment of people with cancer as they are key elements of their
well-being (Gallagher and Vella-Brodrick, 2008; Hahn et al, 2010;
McCabe and Cronin, 2011). The role of social support at end-of-
life is recognised and is one of the key roles played by volunteers in
hospice system (Pesut et al, 2012).
Other important contributors to overall QOL were fatigue,
psychological distress, pain and physical function. This is
consistent with the published literature. Pain, depression and
fatigue are highly prevalent in cancer patients, and they often
coexist. Laird et al (2011) recently identified that pain, depression
and fatigue was an identifiable symptom cluster in a cohort of
advanced cancer patients and is associated with reduced physical
functioning. Similarly, a study on 1630 stage 3 and 4 Danish cancer
patients identified the most prevalent symptoms contributing to a
deterioration of QOL (Johnsen et al, 2009) as being fatigue (57%;
severe 22%) followed by reduced role function, insomnia and pain
(Johnsen et al, 2009). The importance of the prevalence of these
symptoms is such that in 2003, the National Institute of Health
convened a State-of-the-Science Conference on pain, depression
and fatigue symptom management in people with cancer in order
to identify directions for future research (Patrick et al, 2003).
The self-reported overall QOL found in our study was strikingly
similar to other studies with comparable populations. Lowe et al
(2009) evaluated 50 adult advanced cancer patients with estimated
life expectancies of 3 to 12 months from outpatient palliative care
clinic and home care. Patients obtained a mean QOL score of
7.4±1.4 on the MQOL-Existential and 6.1±2.0 on ESAS-QOL
(scale reversed from the original score of 3.9±2.0) (Lowe et al,
2009). Similarly, 38 patients with advanced cancer were evaluated
using MQOL-Existential and obtained a mean score of 7.9±1.2
(Sherman et al, 2006). The same can be observed for reports of the
MQOL-SIS: Jones et al (2010) obtained a mean MQOL-SIS score of
6.1±1.4 when assessing 211 cancer patients admitted to an acute
palliative care unit in a comprehensive cancer center.
This study included only patients with advanced disease, so the
results may not be generalise to patients at the early stages of the
disease. Regression approaches identify only those variables that, in
the presence of all others, make a unique and direct contribution to
the outcome, here overall QOL. A limitation is that variables which
impact indirectly through other variables are not identified;
nevertheless this approach provides a minimum portfolio of
variables, which would be a starting in developing a more complex
model requiring structural equation modelling (SEM). Another
limitation of this approach is that the latent construct of overall
QOL had to be modelled as different variables; SEM would allow
the different representations of overall QOL to contribute
statistically to a latent variable.
We demonstrated a novel way of using multivariate linear
regressions to make sense of a large amount of information to a
more manageable and clinically interpretable picture. However, the
variation in the contributors to QOL has relevant implications for
the clinical management of patients with advanced cancer.
Depending on the instrument used, the focus of the interventions
by the various health professionals would be different. Also, in the
research setting, the choice of the instrument will greatly influence
the ‘measured’ change in QOL secondary to the intervention(s)
under study.
Social support
General health perception
Social function
Psychological health
Physical function
Absence of gastrointestinal symptoms
Absence of pain
Figure 4. The hierarchy of contributors to QOL in people with
advanced cancer.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Quality of life in advanced cancer
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Social support is identified as the most important contributor to
overall QOL in people with a recent diagnosis of advanced cancer.
For health-care practitioners, this translates into assessing or
asking patients recently diagnosed with cancer about their social
networks and support and to arrange access for support when it is
absent. The results also suggest paying particular attention to
assessing and controlling physical function, fatigue, psychological
distress, pain and gastrointestinal symptoms from the time of
diagnosis. This would indicate that a team approach to measure-
ment and care through the involvement of health-care
professionals whose expertise lie in these domains (physical
and occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers,
nutritionists and palliative care physicians) would complement
usual oncology care.
An interdisciplinary team approach, with a particular focus on
physical function and fatigue, was found to be associated with
improvement in overall QOL for patients with head and neck
cancer (Eades et al, 2013). A recent clinical trial on the effect of
early involvement of palliative care physicians and nurses in the
care of patients with advanced lung cancer reported a significant
improvement in overall QOL for the intervention group compared
with patients receiving usual care (Temel et al, 2010). As the
outcome for this study included items measuring physical function
and fatigue, the effect may have been larger if the team had
included health-care professionals with specialized expertise in
those domains.
The involvement of health-care professionals with specific
expertise in the management of cancer-related symptoms,
psychological distress and loss of physical and social functions,
supported by the integrated involvement of volunteers (Pesut et al,
2012), should be considered the new standard of care for patients
with advanced cancer with decreased overall QOL. This is
particularly important as fewer than 10% of oncology patients
have been reported to receive psychosocial therapy (Lee et al,
Modern health-care emphasises patient-centered care defined
by a focus on outcomes that people notice and care about
including, not only survival, but also function, symptoms and
modifiable aspects of QOL (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Insitute, 2013). Thus, the measurement and optimisation of the
contributors to QOL, such as those identified in this study, would
be necessary components of a patient-centered oncology program.
This research was supported by a grant from the Terry Fox
Research Institute. B Gagnon is a recipient of ‘Chercheur-clinicien
Boursier’ award from Fonds de recherche Sante
´bec. We also
thank Dr Neil MacDonald, Dr Lorenzo Ferri, Dr Peter Metrakos,
Dr Linda O’Faria, Dr Catalin Mihalcioiu, Dr Victor Cohen, Dr
Carmela Pepe, Dr David Small, Dr Chaudhury and Dr Prosanto,
for their input or help in recruiting participants. We finally with to
thank the participants and their families who gave their valuable
time to participate in the study.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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This work is published under the standard license to publish agree-
ment. After 12 months the work will become freely available and
the license terms will switch to a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Table A1. Description and Psychometric Properties of the Measures
Measure Description of measure Psychometric
McGill QOL Ques-
tionnaire (MQOL)
The McGill Quality of
Life Questionnaire
(MQOL) was designed
to measure QOL at all
stages of a life-threaten-
ing illness, from diag-
nosis to cure or death
(Cohen et al, 1995,
1996b, 1997, 2001;
Cohen and Mount,
2000). It comprises 16
self-report items that
are rated on a scale of
0 (the worst) to 10 (the
best) and based on a
two-day time frame.
Five domains (physical
symptoms, psychologi-
cal symptoms, existen-
tial well-being, physical
well-being and support)
are computed from the
score or the mean scores
of 1 to 6 items. In
addition, the MQOL
Good levels of reliabil-
ity and validity in peo-
ple with cancer
(Cohen et al, 1995;
1996b, 1997, 2001;
Cohen and Mount,
2000). Construct valid-
ity and internal con-
sistency reliability of
the domains was
demonstrated in other
palliative populations
as well (Cohen et al,
1996a, 1997).
Table A1. ( Continued )
Measure Description of measure Psychometric
includes a single-item
scale (MQOL-SIS), also
scored from 0 to 10, and
constructed to measure
overall QOL.
Edmonton symptom
assessment system
The ESAS is a 10-item
symptom visual analo-
gue scale (VAS) devel-
oped for use in
symptom assessment of
palliative care patients
(Richardson and Jones,
2009). The patients rate
the severity of the fol-
lowing nine symptoms:
pain, fatigue, nausea,
depression, anxiety,
drowsiness, lack of
appetite, itching and
shortness of breath on
a 10-cm line. The sever-
ity for each symptom is
rated from 0 to 10, 0
being an absent symp-
tom and 10 being of the
worst possible severity.
There is an additional
An acceptable level of
validity and reliability
of the measure has
been reported (Chang
et al, 2000; Nekolai-
chuk et al, 2008;
Richardson and Jones,
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Quality of life in advanced cancer
1796 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146
Table A1. ( Continued )
Measure Description of measure Psychometric
VAS assessing quality of
Preference-based can-
cer index (PBCI)
The Preference-based
cancer index is an adap-
tation from the prefer-
ence-based stroke index,
a collection of items
intended to supplement
the EQ-5D index (Pois-
sant et al, 2003). It
includes 10 items with
a three-point Likert-
type response scale
assessing walking,
climbing stairs, physical
activities/sports, recrea-
tional activities, work,
driving, speech, mem-
ory, coping and self-
esteem. A cumulative
score can be obtained
from these preference
weights (Poissant et al,
Content validity and
construct validity of
the measure has been
demonstrated (Pois-
sant et al, 2003).
Functional assessment
of anorexia/cachexia
therapy (FAACT)
The FAACT consists of
27 Likert-type items of
the symptoms asso-
ciated with cancer and
its treatments, scored
from 0 to 4 anchored
with ‘not at all’ to ‘very
much’, with total quality
of life score ranging
from 0 to 108. The
FAACT includes the
FACT-G, with an addi-
tional 12 items of ‘addi-
tional concerns’ that
refer to problems
related to cachexia or
anorexia (Ribaudo et al,
2000). In our assess-
ment, we only included
the 12 items relating to
the cachexia/anorexia
Reliability and validity
of the FACT and the
FAACT measurement
system have been
recognised (Ribaudo
et al, 2000).
RAND short form 36-
item health survey
The RAND-36 is a gen-
eric health-related qual-
ity of life measure that
assesses 8 health con-
cepts: physical and
social function, usual
roles activities, pain,
vitality, mental health,
and perception of health
in general. Each item is
scored on a dichoto-
mous, three or five-
point categorical scale;
subscale scores range
from 0 to 100. Physical
and mental summary
scores can also be con-
structed (Hays et al,
Reliability, validity and
responsiveness have
been largely demon-
strated in patients with
a variety of acute and
chronic conditions
(Hays et al, 1993;
et al, 1998).
EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D) The EQ-5D comprises
two sections, the EQ-
5Dindex and the EQ-
5DVAS. The EQ-5Din-
dex is a 5-item standar-
dized generic measure
It has been widely used
in studies of people
with cancer (Norum,
1996) and it yields
comparable results to
other well-known
Table A1. ( Continued )
Measure Description of measure Psychometric
of HRQL measuring
mobility, self-care, usual
activities, pain/discom-
fort and anxiety/depres-
sion with a three-point
response scale. The EQ-
5DVAS is a 0–100 ther-
mometer scale that
assesses self-perceived
health status.
measures (de Haan
et al, 1993; Goodyear
and Fraumeni, 1996;
Norum, 1996).
Taste and smell indi-
cators (TSI)
The taste and smell
indicators (TSI) consist
of two single-item indi-
cators asking for distur-
bances in smell and in
taste, with a three-point
Likert-type response
scales associated with
the anchors ‘no distur-
bances’, ‘moderate dis-
turbances’ and ‘severe
disturbances or cannot
smell/taste at all’.
It yields comparable
results to other well-
known measures (de
Haan et al, 1993;
Goodyear and Frau-
meni, 1996; Norum,
Word and digit recall
questions (WDR)
To assess visual mem-
ory, we derived the
word recall question
from the delayed word
recall test, a test origin-
ally developed to facil-
itate the early diagnosis
of Alzheimer’s disease
(O’Carroll et al, 1997).
The digit sequence
learning test is a test of
attention, short-term
memory, and associative
learning (Benton et al,
1983). Subjects are
asked to repeat a string
of digits immediately
after hearing them, first
in direct and then in
reverse order. The total
number of correctly
repeated digit string
sequences was tallied.
Multidimensional fati-
gue inventory (MFI)
The Multidimensional
fatigue inventory (MFI)
is a 20-item self-report
measure of fatigue with
five dimensions: general
fatigue, physical fatigue,
mental fatigue, reduced
motivation and reduced
activity, and 4 items per
dimension, each scored
from 1 to 5. The total
score ranges from 4 to
20, a higher score indi-
cating more fatigue.
The measure was eval-
uated with cancer
patients receiving
radiotherapy and was
found to have good
internal consistency,
construct validity and
convergent validity
(Smets et al, 1995;
Schneider, 1998; Meek
et al, 2000; Fillion et al,
Modified ‘community
healthy activities
model program for
seniors physical activ-
ity measure’ (modified
The CHAMPS is a self-
report measure of phy-
sical activity, compris-
ing 40 activities
evaluated according to
the total number of
hours of activity done
in the past week. We
used a modified version
of the CHAMPS result-
ing in the physical
The measure has been
shown to be reliable,
valid and responsive in
the elderly in the com-
munity (Stewart et al,
2001a, 2001b).
Quality of life in advanced cancer BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146 1797
Table A1. ( Continued )
Measure Description of measure Psychometric
activities done in the
past week in total hours.
The numbers of hours
and the type of category
was then transformed
into a respective mean
metabolic equivalent
(MET) intensity level
(Ainsworth et al, 2000).
Six minute walk test
The 6 min walk test
(6MWT) is a submaxi-
mal functional test of
walking endurance (Sol-
way et al, 2001). The
distance walked was
recorded both at the first
2 min and for the full
duration of the test at
6 min. The data included
here are for the test at
2 min to maximise the
data obtained, as some
fragile patients could not
complete the six minutes
of the test.
The 6MWT has been
evaluated in several
different populations
and is a valid and
reliable measure (Sol-
way et al, 2001).
Timed ‘up and go’
The timed up and go is
a quick and practical
test of basic mobility
skills suitable for frail
elderly persons. The
score, is the time, in
seconds, taken to stand
up from a chair, walk
3 m back-and-forth, and
sit down. Higher scores
indicate greater impair-
ment of mobility.
Concurrent validity
(Podsiadlo and
Richardson, 1991;
Venturini et al, 1995)
has been demonstrated
with correlations with
gait speed, walking
speed r¼0.71–0.96),
the Berg balance scale,
and the Barthel index
Walking speed Gait speed is a physical
characteristic derived
from directly measuring
the parameters of dis-
tance and time. It has
been associated with
strength of the affected
lower extremity, cadence
and stride length, bal-
ance, degree of lower
extremity motor recov-
ery, and functional
mobility (Holden et al,
1986). Standardized
instructions are to walk
at a ‘comfortable’ or
‘maximum’ speed along
a walkway typically ran-
ging from 2 to 20 m
(Fransen et al,1997).In
this study, we instructed
patients to walk at a
comfortable pace speed
over a distance of 10 m,
and the time taken to
complete the middle 5 m
distance was recorded.
Gait speed is consid-
ered a valid measure of
walking ability as it
correlates with func-
tional mobility, degree
of independence in
walking, and many dif-
ferent gait parameters
(Holden et al, 1986;
Nakamura et al, 1988;
Fransen et al, 1997).
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Table A2. Classification of Variables and Constructs Measured
scale Units/properties
stand alone item
Quality of life Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
higher is better
tial domain
Quality of life Continuous Mean score of 6
items, scale 0–10,
higher is better
ESAS-QOL item Quality of life Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
lower is better
Original units/
Biological variables
Body mass index Muscle wasting Continuous kg m
Skeletal muscle
index (skeletal
muscle mass/
total mass x
Muscle wasting Continuous %
Sarcopenia Muscle wasting Continuous No; yes
Continuous mg l
Recalled weight
Recent weight
Categorical None; 2–5%;
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Faact o2 Vomiting Categorical—
0–4 scale, higher
is worse
ESAS nausea Nausea Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
lower is better
ESAS appetite Appetite Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
lower is better
Faact c6 Appetite Categorical—
0–4 scale, higher
is better
Faact act6 Interest in food Categorical—
0–4 scale, higher
is worse
Faact act7 Difficulty eating
rich food
ordinal l
0–4 scale, higher
is worse
Faact act10 Getting full
0–4 scale, higher
is worse
Taste and smell
Taste item Taste Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
Smell item Smell Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
Faact act 3 Taste Categorical—
0–4 scale, higher
is worse
ESAS pain General pain Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
lower is better
EQ-5D pain General pain Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
Faact act 11 Stomach pain Categorical—
0–4 scale, higher
is worse
General pain Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
ESAS fatigue Fatigue Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
lower is better
fatigue subscale
Fatigue Continuous 4–20 subscale,
higher is worse
ity subscale
Energy Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
Psychological symptoms
logical domain
being afraid,
depressed, sad
Continuous Mean score of 4
items, 0–10,
higher is better
ESAS depression Depression Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
lower is better
ESAS anxiety Anxiety Continuous 0–10 VAS scale,
lower is better
EQ-5D depres-
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
mental health
subscale (MHI)
Nervousness, being
calm, depres-
sed, ‘blue’, happy
Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
Table A2. Continued
Original units/
Quality of life in advanced cancer BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146 1799
Cognition and concentration
Word recall Memory Continuous 0–5, higher is
Mental reversal Concentration Continuous 0–5, higher is
Delayed recall Memory Continuous 0–5, higher is
Digit series
repeats forward
Continuous 0–16, higher is
Digit series
repeats backwards
Continuous 0–16, higher is
PBCI memory Memory Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
Concentration Continuous 4–20 subscale,
higher is worse
Physical function
EQ-5D mobility Mobility Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
EQ-5D self-care Self-care Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
EQ-5D usual
Usual activities Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
Continuous 4–20 subscale,
higher is worse
sical function
Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
Continuous 4–20 subscale,
higher is worse
Subscale (mean
score of 5 items)
Walking, stairs,
participating in
activities, work,
Continuous 0–2 subscale,
higher is worse
2 MWT distance Functional walk-
ing capacity
Continuous Metres
TUG Basic mobility Continuous Seconds
Comfortable gait
Walking ability Continuous Metres/seconds
Average METS
per week
Average weekly
activity level
Continuous METS
Psychological function
PBCI coping Coping Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
PBCI self-esteem Self-esteem Categorical—
0–2 scale, higher
is worse
Desire to engage
in activities
Continuous 4–20 subscale,
higher is worse
Social function
social subscale
Social function Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
Role function
Role function Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
physical subscale
Role function Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
General health perception
EQ-5D VAS GHP Continuous 0–100 VAS,
higher is better
GHP Continuous 0–100 scale,
higher is better
Physical health
Continuous 0–10 VAS, higher
is better
Potential con-
scale Units/properties
Individual characteristics
Sex Sex Binary 0 ¼female
Age Age Continuous Years
Number of
Comorbidities Considered
1–7, Higher num-
ber indicates more
Individual characteristics (continued)
Cancer type Primary tumour
Eight main
tumour sites
Educational level Proxy to Socio-
Eight levels corres-
ponding to highest
degree obtained
Nationality Cultural
Country of birth
Social support characteristics
Marital status Social support Categorical—
Six marital
Number of
Social support Continuous Number of
Someone they
can trust and
confide in
Social support Binary No; yes
Someone who
would be able to
provide help as
long as they
would need it
Social support Binary No; yes
Social support Continuous Mean score of two
items, 0–10,
higher is better
Abbreviations: ESAS ¼edmonton symptom asses sment system (original version); EQ-5D ¼
EuroQoL-5D; Faact ¼functional assessment of anorexia/cachexia therapy; MFI ¼
multidimensional fatigue inventory; MQOL¼McGill quality of life questionnaire; PBCI ¼
preference-based cancer index; RAND-36 ¼RAND short form 36-item healt h survey (RAND-
36)—version1; VAS ¼visual analogue scales. Some of the items of the Facct and the MFI, as well
so that a higher score indicates better health status. Rescoring for some variables took place
after the examination of the frequencies to accou nt for categories with no or little observations.
Table A2. Continued
Original units/
Table A2. Continued
Original units/
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Quality of life in advanced cancer
1800 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.146
... This is a secondary analysis of longitudinal study of anorexia/ cachexia and QOL in people with advanced cancer [22]. The study was approved by the McGill University Faculty of Medicine Institutional Review Board. ...
... The study was approved by the McGill University Faculty of Medicine Institutional Review Board. The methods have been described previously [22,23]. Briefly, people with advanced cancer were recruited before starting oncology therapy. ...
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Background: People with cancer may experience change in what constitutes quality of life (QOL) over time as a result of the cancer progression (true change) or adaptation to the experience, considered as a response shift phenomenon. As individualized measures are ideally suited to explore response shift, this study aimed to estimate the extent to which reconceptualization response shift occurred over time in a cancer population and the impact of this response shift on estimates of change on QOL measures. Methods: Ninety-seven people with advanced cancer completed the study measures including the Patient-Generated Index (PGI) at diagnosis (T0) and 1 year later (T1). The response shift indicator was the change in the number of areas nominated (range - 4 to + 3). Multivariate linear regression was used to estimate the effect of changing areas on change in the PGI score, single indicators of global QOL, and the EQ-5Dindexadjusted for age and sex. Results: Approximately 72% of people in this sample either added or dropped areas over time. People who dropped more than two areas had higher PGI scores at T1 than T0 while people who added areas showed low PGI score. Conclusion: The results are consistent with the PGI framework as areas nominated tend to focus on negative aspects of QOL.
... Recent studies have revealed for instance the impact of comorbidities on HRQOL in elderly patients with multiple myeloma [20] and the negative impact of cancer related fatigue on global HRQOL in cancer patients [21]. For patients with advanced cancer, emotional functioning, pain, appetite loss [22] and social support [23] have been shown to influence HRQOL. However, there are few studies comparing age related differences of HRQOL [24][25][26] and examining HRQOL in older cancer patients specifically. ...
... In addition, attention should be given to other factors like social support, particularly in the case of limited functional capacity. In patients with advanced cancer, Rodriguez et al. found social support to be the most important contributor of overall HRQOL [23]. The availability of social support can play a major role in the upkeep of medical appointments and social relations for patients with disease related impairments. ...
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Cancer treatment for elderly patients is often complicated by poor physical condition, impaired functioning and comorbidities. Patient reported health related quality of life (HRQOL) can contribute to decisions about treatment goals and supportive therapy. Knowledge about factors influencing HRQOL is therefore needed for the development of supportive measures and care pathways. An exploratory secondary data analysis on 518 assessments of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) core questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) and the elderly module (EORTC QLQ-ELD14) was performed to identify factors predictive for global HRQOL. Preliminary simple and multivariable regression analyses were conducted resulting in a final model comprising sociodemographic and disease specific variables and scales of the QLQ-C30 and QLQ-ELD14. Age, sex and disease related variables explained only part of the variance of global HRQOL (adjusted R2 = 0.203). In the final model (adjusted R2 = 0.504) fatigue, social function, burden of illness and joint stiffness showed possible influence on global HRQOL. Fatigue, social function and burden of illness seem to have the largest impact on global HRQOL of elderly cancer patients. Further prospective studies should examine these domains. Actionable symptoms should be given special attention to initiate targeted supportive measures aiming to maximize HRQOL of older cancer patients.
... Third, contrary to our expectations, no statistically significant difference was found in overall experienced QoL between advanced rare and advanced common cancer patients. Previously, Rodriguez et al. found that social functioning is one of the most important contributors to QoL among advanced cancer patients: more important than psychical and psychological functioning or any of the symptoms from the EORTC QLQ-C30 [47]. However, when calculating the summary QoL score, all functioning and symptom scales are weighted equally. ...
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Purpose Patients with a rare cancer face difficulties during their disease trajectory, such as delayed diagnosis and lack of expert care. However, little is known about their perceived quality of care (QoC) and quality of life (QoL) in the advanced disease stage. We aimed to assess the QoC and QoL as experienced by patients with advanced rare cancers compared to patients with advanced common cancers.Methods In this cross-sectional study, baseline data of patients with advanced cancer from the multicentre, longitudinal, observational eQuipe study were analysed. Multivariable linear regression analyses were conducted to assess differences in experienced QoC (continuity of care, continuity of information, and satisfaction with care) and QoL (functioning, symptoms, overall QoL, and social wellbeing) between advanced rare and common cancer patients.ResultsOf the 1087 included patients, 106 (9.8%) had a rare cancer type. In comparison to patients with advanced common cancers, patients with advanced rare cancers experienced significantly lower continuity of care (77.8 vs. 71.1 respectively, p = 0.011) and social functioning (78.8 vs. 72.6 respectively, p = 0.012). No differences were found regarding continuity of information, satisfaction with care, overall QoL, and social wellbeing.Conclusions Patients with advanced rare cancers experience less continuity of care, and the impact of the disease on social and family life seems higher compared to patients with advanced common cancers.Implications for Cancer SurvivorsTo enhance the QoC and QoL of patients with advanced rare cancers, supportive care should mainly focus on improving continuity of care and patients’ social functioning.
... Overall health-related QoL is defined as a multidimensional model integrating biological and psychological aspects [24,25], and patient's perception of their own condition is an important independent contributor to QoL in angina [26], and generally in chronic diseases [27]. These factors must be taken into consideration as they are not always concordant with the perception of the physicians, and therefore can impact on treatment and clinical outcomes. ...
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Objective: to explore 1) the perception of stable angina (SA) - impact on quality of life (QoL) and current condition related to SA; 2) SA burden - symptoms and frequency of anginal episodes; 3) impairment attributable to SA - limitations in daily activities and impact on work; 4) characteristics that might affect the patients' perception." Method: a proprietary questionnaire was administered on-line to SA patients selected using a purpose-built screening program from general population panels collaborating with IQVIA in Italy, Germany, Spain, and the UK. Exploratory analyses were performed: descriptive statistics on the total sample and different stratifications (gender, age class, time since diagnosis) were provided; we used Chi-square tests to compare subgroups. Results: of more than 25,000 subjects who accessed the survey, 268 were eligible and completed the questionnaire: mean age was 61 years and women accounted for 30%. Despite being treated, about 40% of patients reported that SA impacted "completely" or "very much" their QoL, 10% rated their condition as "not good", and 45.1% stated that they felt "Fair". The majority of patients were still symptomatic and many of them perceived that SA had a major impact on their working life. Women, younger patients and those with a more recent diagnosis reported a worse self-assessment of their condition, QoL and symptom burden. Conclusions: the results of our survey provide new insights on how patients with SA perceived their own health status and suggest that any patient with SA deserves a more detailed and accurate evaluation by their physicians.
Objective Physical functioning (PF), emotional functioning (EF), overall quality of life (QOL) and activities of daily living (ADL) such as walking and toilet transfer are the primary outcomes of dignity in patients with terminal cancer. However, few studies have investigated the association of PF, EF and overall QOL with ADL based on end-of-life stages in patients with cancer who are receiving at-home palliative care. Methods This prospective cohort study included 88 patients with terminal cancer receiving home-based rehabilitation as part of their home-based palliative care at the Mariana Home Nursing Station (Nagoya-city, Aichi, Japan). The variables were measured at 4 and 2 weeks before death of patients. PF, EF and overall QOL scores were assessed using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 15 Palliative Care and ADL were assessed using the Functional Independence Measure-motor items. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the association, considering the effect of physical symptoms. Results PF and overall QOL scores at 4 and 2 weeks before death were significantly associated with toilet transfer and walking scores, even after considering the influence of physical symptoms. EF scores were significantly associated with toilet transfer and walking scores 4 weeks before death, but not 2 weeks before death. Conclusions In addition to managing physical symptoms, supporting ADL such as walking and toilet transfer is necessary to maintain PF, EF and overall QOL in patients with terminal cancer receiving home-based palliative care. This may help preserve their dignity, even in deteriorating general condition.
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Purpose Patients with a rare cancer face difficulties during their disease trajectory, such as delayed diagnosis and lack of expert care. However, little is known about their perceived Quality of Care (QoC) and Quality of Life (QoL) in the advanced disease stage. We aimed to assess the QoC and QoL as experienced by patients with advanced rare cancers compared to patients with advanced common cancers. Methods In this cross-sectional study, baseline data of patients with advanced cancer from the multicentre, longitudinal, observational eQuipe study were analysed. Multivariable linear regression analyses were conducted to assess differences in experienced QoC (continuity of care, continuity of information, and satisfaction with care) and QoL (functioning, symptoms, overall QoL, and social wellbeing) between advanced rare and common cancer patients. Results Of the 1,087 included patients, 106 (9.8%) had a rare cancer type. In comparison to patients with advanced common cancers, patients with advanced rare cancers experienced significantly lower continuity of care (77.8 vs. 71.1 respectively, p=0.011) and social functioning (78.8 vs. 72.6 respectively, p=0.012). No differences were found regarding continuity of information, satisfaction with care, overall QoL, and social wellbeing. Conclusions Patients with advanced rare cancers experience less continuity of care and the impact of the disease on social and family life seems higher compared to patients with advanced common cancers. Implications for Cancer Survivors To enhance the QoC and QoL of patients with advanced rare cancers, supportive care should mainly focus on improving continuity of care and patients’ social functioning.
A cross-section correlational study was conducted to evaluate the overall quality of life in young adults (AYAs) diagnosed with cancer, and the impact of health-related and non-health-related factors on their quality of life. Fifty-six AYA cancer survivors were recruited to elicit the impact of biological function (cancer type and comorbidity), symptoms, functional status, general perception of health status, gender, and characteristics of the environment on quality of life. Participants experienced higher than average quality of life. Symptoms, functional status, and general perception of health status were significant predictors of quality of life in this group of AYAs diagnosed with cancer. In delivering quality cancer care, nurses must be able to thoroughly assess symptom status, AYA cancer survivors’ perception of their health status, and functioning in order to implement supportive measures to help improve their quality of life.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) is a specialty of medicine focused on optimizing function and quality of life for individuals with physical impairments, injuries, or disabling illnesses. Given the sometimes acute nature of the loss of function and even loss of independence, there are significant palliative care (PC) needs within patients seen by PM&R. This article, written by a team of PM&R and PC specialists, aims to help the PC team better understand the world of postacute care, expand their toolkit for treating musculoskeletal and neurological symptoms, improve prognostication for patients with brain and spinal cord injuries, and decide when patients may benefit from PM&R consultation and support. There is significant overlap between the populations treated by PM&R and PC. Better integration between these specialties will help patients to maintain independence as well as advance excellent patient-centered care.
Objective To investigate the impact of frailty and dependence on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in elderly women diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Methods Data was gathered from a prospectively collected data biobank, OncoLifeS (Oncological Life Study) at the University Medical Center of Groningen. Women with a diagnosis of EOC, ≥65 years of age, with baseline assessment available from January 2016 to May 2018 were included. HRQOL was determined using the EORTC QLQ-C30 yielding scores on Global Health Status, five functional scales, three symptom scales, and six single items. The summary score was also calculated. Frailty was measured using the Groningen Frailty Indicator (GFI), and dependence using the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL). To evaluate the impact of frailty and dependence on HRQOL, linear regression was performed. Analyses were adjusted for age and tumor stage. Results 84 patients were included. Median age was 71 years (IQR: 68–75), 78% had advanced stage and 81% serous histology. Overall, the median global health status was 67 (IQR: 50–83). HRQOL scales with lowest scores were: role functioning (median: 66.7; IQR: 33–100), fatigue (median: 33.3; IQR: 22–56) and insomnia (median: 33.3; IQR: 0–67). Being frail was associated with worse functioning on all HRQOL scales and higher symptom scores (p = .001). Conversely, being independent was associated with better functioning on all HRQOL scales and lower symptom scores. These associations remained significant after adjusting for age and tumor stage. Conclusion In women ≥65 years, diagnosed with EOC, frailty and dependence are associated to reduced HRQOL. These associations remain significant adjusting for age and stage.
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Objective To understand the gender-specific factors that uniquely contribute to successful ageing in a US population of men and women, 57–85 years of age. This was achieved through the examination of the correlates of subjective well-being defined by health-related quality of life (HRQoL), across several biological and psychosocial determinants of health. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting The National Social Life, Health and Ageing Project (NSHAP), 2010–2011 a representative sample of the US population. Participants 3377 adults aged 57–85 (1538 men, 1839 women) from the NSHAP. Main outcome measures The biopsychosocial factors of biological/physiological function, symptom status, functional status, general health perceptions and HRQoL happiness. Method HRQoL was measured using the NSHAP wave 2 multistage, stratified area probability sample of US households (n=3377). Variable selection was guided by the Wilson and Cleary model (WCM) that classifies health outcomes at five main levels and characteristics. Results Our findings indicate differences in biopsychosocial factors comprised in the WCM and their relative importance and unique impact on HRQoL by gender. Women reported significantly lower HRQoL than men (t=3.5, df=3366). The most significant contributors to HRQoL in women were mental health (B=0.31; 0.22, 0.39), loneliness (B=−0.26; −0.35, –0.17), urinary incontinence (B=−0.22; −0.40, –0.05) and support from spouse/partner (B=0.27; 0.10, 0.43) and family B=0.12; 0.03, 0.20). Men indicated mental health (B=0.21; 0.14, 0.29), physical health (B=0.17; 0.10, 0.23), functional difficulties (B=0.38; 0.10, 0.65), loneliness (B=−0.20; −0.26, –0.12), depression (B=−0.36; −0.58, –0.15) and support from friends (B=0.06; 0.10, 0.11) as significant contributors. Those with greater social support had better HRQoL (F=4.22, df=4). Lack of companionship and reliance on spouse/partner were significant HRQoL contributors in both groups. Conclusion Our findings offer insight into ageing, gender and subjective well-being. The results provide an opportunity to identify biopsychosocial factors to inform interventions to support successful ageing.
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HEALTH-related quality of life (HRQL) is increasingly used as an outcome in clinical trials, effectiveness research, and research on quality of care. Factors that have facilitated this increased usage include the accumulating evidence that measures of HRQL are valid and "reliable,"1 the publication of several large clinical trials showing that these outcome measures are responsive to important clinical changes,2-5 and the successful development and testing of shorter instruments that are easier to understand and administer.6-13 Because these measures describe or characterize what the patient has experienced as the result of medical care, they are useful and important supplements to traditional physiological or biological measures of health status. Given this improved ability to assess patients' health status, how can physicians and health care systems intervene to improve HRQL? Implicit in the use of measures of HRQL in clinical trials and in effectiveness research is the concept that clinical
Background: Despite advances in early detection and effective treatment, cancer remains one of the most feared diseases. Among the most common side effects of cancer and treatments for cancer are pain, depression, and fatigue. Although research is producing increasingly hopeful insights into the causes and cures for cancer, efforts to manage the side effects of the disease and its treatments have not kept pace. The challenge that faces us is how to increase awareness of the importance of recognizing and actively addressing cancer-related distress. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) convened a State-of-the-Science Conference on Symptom Management in Cancer: Pain, Depression, and Fatigue to examine the current state of knowledge regarding the management of pain, depression, and fatigue in individuals with cancer and to identify directions for future research. Specifically, the conference examined how to identify individuals who are at risk for cancer-related pain, depression, and/or fatigue; what treatments work best to address these symptoms when they occur; and what is the best way to deliver interventions across the continuum of care. State-of-the-Science Process: A non-advocate, non-Federal, 14-member panel of experts representing the fields of oncology, radiology, psychology, nursing, public health, social work, and epidemiology prepared the statement. In addition, 24 experts in medical oncology, geriatrics, pharmacology, psychology, and neurology presented data to the panel and to the conference audience during the first 1.5 days of the conference. The panel then prepared its statement, addressing the five predetermined questions and drawing on submitted literature, the speakers’ presentations, and discussions held at the conference. The statement was presented to the conference audience, followed by a press conference to allow the panel to respond to questions from the media. After its release at the conference, the draft statement was made available on the Internet. The panel’s final statement is available at Conclusions: The panel concluded that the available evidence supports a variety of interventions for treating cancer patients’ pain, depression, and fatigue. Clinicians should routinely use brief assessment tools to ask patients about pain, depression, and fatigue and to initiate evidence-based treatments. Assessment should include discussion about common symptoms experienced by cancer patients, and these discussions should continue over the duration of the illness. Impediments to effective symptom management in cancer patients can arise from different sources and interactions among providers, patients and their families, and the health care system. Numerous factors could interfere with adequate symptom management. Among these factors are incomplete effectiveness of some treatments, a lack of sufficient knowledge regarding effective treatment strategies, patient reluctance to report symptoms to caregivers, a belief that such symptoms are simply a part of the cancer experience that must be tolerated, and inadequate coverage and reimbursement for some treatments. Additional research is needed on the definition, occurrence, the treatment of pain, depression, and fatigue, alone and in combination, in adequately funded prospective studies. The panel also concluded that the state of the science in cancer symptom management should be reassessed periodically.
We describe a simple method for the assessment of symptoms twice a day in patients admitted to a palliative care unit. Eight visual analog scales (VAS) 0–100 mm are completed either by the patient alone, by the patient with nurse's assistance, or by the nurses or relatives at 10:00 and 18:00 hours, in order to indicate the levels of pain, activity, nausea, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, appetite, and sensation of well-being. The information is then transferred to a graph that contains the assessments of up to 21 days on each page. The sum of the scores for all symptoms is defined as the symptom distress score. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) was carried out for 101 consecutive patients for the length of their admission to our unit. Of these, 84% were able to make their own assessment sometime during their admission. However, before death 83% of assessments were completed by a nurse or relative. Mean symptom distress score was 410±95 during day 1 of the admission, versus 362±83 during day 5 (p<0.01). Mean symptom distress scores throughout the hospitalization were 359±105, 374±93, 359±91 and 406±81 when the ESAS was completed by the patient alone, patient with nurse's assistance (p=N.S.), nurse alone (p=N.S.), or relative (p<0.01) respectively. We conclude that this is a simple and useful method for the regular assessment of symptom distress in the palliative care setting.
In health economy, the measure of quality of life (QoL) is essential in cost-utility analysis. The most common utility measure is the quality- adjusted-life year (QALY) combining the benefits of survival and QoL during the survival period. Health authorities have to take priority decisions. These should not be founded on differences between choices caused by method chosen. A study on 98 cancer patients (42 Hodgkin's disease, 56 colorectal cancer) was performed to clarify the consistency of three QoL-instruments [EuroQol questionnaire, simple QoL-scale, global QoL-measure (EORTC QLQ- C30)]. The three instruments were significantly correlated (p<0.001). Cost- utility analysis employing one of the three instruments are comparable.
Conference Paper
ICF is the WHO framework for measuring health and disability at both individual and population levels. The overall aim of the ICF is to provide a standardised framework for the description of human functioning and disability as an important component of health. This framework was developed to encourage medical professionals and health statisticians to pay more attention to disability in client data and published statistics. Moreover, the title is indicative of a substantial change in the way one confronts oneself with the problem of presenting a unified language to describe the state of a person. Collecting statistics on disability has proved problematic, mainly due to the confusion surrounding the definition and parameters of disability. This lack of clarity has served to confuse both the enumerators and those interpreting the data. Data collected in different countries are virtually incomparable from survey to survey, as different definitions and categories of disability are used with different cut-off points.