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Is the EU Drinking Water Directive Standard for Pesticides in Drinking Water Consistent with the Precautionary Principle?


Abstract and Figures

Regulations based on the precautionary principle should undertake a comprehensive assessment of all available scientific and technical data to identify sources of epistemic uncertainty. In the European Union (EU), environmental regulation is required to fulfil the principles established in Article 174 of the EU Treaty, such that it offers a high level of protection, and is consistent with the precautionary principle. Pesticides in drinking water are currently regulated by the Drinking Water Directive using a maximum allowable concentration of 0.1µg/l. This standard (a surrogate zero) was consistent with the precautionary principle when it was originally set in 1980 and remained consistent when retained in 1998. However, given developments in EU pesticide and water policy, international experience in regulating pesticides, and an increasing knowledge of pesticide toxicity, it can be argued that the level of epistemic uncertainty faced by regulators has substantially decreased. In this paper, we examine the extent to which such developments now challenge the basis of European drinking water standards for pesticides and whether, for substances for which there is good toxicological understanding, a regulatory approach based upon the World Health Organisation (WHO) Guideline Value (GV) methodology would be more consistent with the principles underpinning European environmental policy.
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1Is the EU Drinking Water Directive Standard for Pesticides in
2Drinking Water Consistent with the Precautionary Principle?
3Tom Dolan, Peter Howsam, David J. Parsons,*and Mick J. Whelan
4School of Applied Sciences, Craneld University, Craneld, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL
5ABSTRACT: Regulations based on the precautionary principle should
6undertake a comprehensive assessment of all available scientic and
7technical data to identify sources of epistemic uncertainty. In the European
8Union (EU), environmental regulation is required to fulll the principles
9established in Article 174 of the EU Treaty, such that it oers a high level
10 of protection and is consistent with the precautionary principle. Pesticides
11 in drinking water are currently regulated by the Drinking Water Directive
12 using a maximum allowable concentration of 0.1 μg/L. This standard (a
13 surrogate zero) was consistent with the precautionary principle when it
14 was originally set in 1980 and remained consistent when retained in 1998.
15 However, given developments in EU pesticide and water policy,
16 international experience in regulating pesticides, and an increasing
17 knowledge of pesticide toxicity, it can be argued that the level of epistemic
18 uncertainty faced by regulators has substantially decreased. In this paper, we examine the extent to which such developments now
19 challenge the basis of European drinking water standards for pesticides and whether, for substances for which there is good
20 toxicological understanding, a regulatory approach based upon the World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline Value (GV)
21 methodology would be more consistent with the principles underpinning European environmental policy.
22 Article 174 (formerly Article 130r) of the 1992 Maastricht
23 Treaty
denes a set of principles for the formation of
24 environmental policy in the European Union (EU). Central to
25 Article 174 is the aim to provide a high level of protection for
26 human health and to develop policy based upon available
27 scientic and technical data, the precautionary principle,
28 preventive action at source, and the polluter paysprinciple.
29 The revised Drinking Water Directive (DWD)
30 established in 1998 in line with the principles of Article 175
31 (formerly Article 130s1). Article 1.2 of the DWD states: The
32 objective of this Directive shall be to protect human health
33 from the adverse eects of any contamination of water intended
34 for human consumption by ensuring that it is wholesome and
35 clean.
36 To achieve this objective, the DWD sets maximum allowable
37 concentration (MAC) values for several chemical parameters in
38 drinking water. For pesticides, the MAC is 0.1 μg/L for any
39 individual active substance (a 0.03 μg/L standard applies to
40 four exceptions: aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, and heptachlor
41 epoxide) and 0.5 μg/L for the total pesticide concentration.
42 The MAC of 0.1 μg/L was intended as a surrogate zero because
43 it was indicative of a typical limit of quantication for trace
44 organic compounds when it was rst established (1980).
45 Historically, compliance with these standards in mainly
46 agricultural catchments used for water supply has been
47 primarily achieved through the installation of water treatment
48 infrastructure. However, Article 7 of the Water Framework
49 Directive (WFD)
is driving a prevention-led approach to
50 compliance with drinking water standards, spreading responsi-
51bility for DWD compliance around all stakeholders in a
52catchment and aligning the DWD more closely with the
53polluter pays principle. WFD Article 7 has cast fresh scrutiny on
54the pesticide standard in the DWD, in part because the DWD
55MAC is applied absolutely with no allowance for low frequency
56periodic exceedence.
57This paper examines whether a 0.1 μg/L MAC for every
58active substance is consistent with the principles of Article 174
59and the precautionary principle. To do this, it addresses four
60key questions:
What does the EU understand by the term precautionary
principle, and is this consistent with the reasons to use
the precautionary principle given in the academic
Why was a 0.1 μg/L MAC for pesticide active substances
in drinking water set in 1980 and retained in 1998? Were
these decisions compatible with the precautionary
principle, available scientic and technical data, and
69with EU Treaty Article 174?
Have advances in scientic understanding and the
availability of technical data since 1998 been sucient
to undermine the original justication for the 0.1 μg/L
MAC standard in terms of its consistency with Article
74174 and interpretations of the precautionary principle?
Received: December 4, 2012
Revised: April 5, 2013
Accepted: April 16, 2013
Policy Analysis
© XXXX American Chemical Society |Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
slw00 |ACSJCA |JCA10.0.1465/W Unicode |research.3f (R3.5.i1:3915 |2.0 alpha 39) 2012/12/04 10:21:00 |PROD-JCA1 |rq_1299057 |4/25/2013 11:29:32 |9
75 Are alternative regulatory options for protecting drinking
76 water quality available to the EU, and are these
77 compatible with Article 174?
78 2. Policy Analysis. 2.1. EU Interpretation of the
79 Precautionary Principle and Its Use. What does the EU
80 understand by the term precautionary principle, and is this
81 consistent with the reasons to use the precautionary principle
82 given in the academic literature?
83 There are many denitions for the precautionary principle
84 and a lively debate has arisen concerning its actual meaning
85 and practical application.
Therefore, it is important to
86 dene, for the purposes of this paper, the precautionary
87 principle, the situations in which it is an appropriate risk
88 management tool, and the EU position regarding criteria for
89 regulatory decisions based upon it.
90 In 1992, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Develop-
91 ment
declared 27 principles for sustainable development.
92 Principle 15 denes the precautionary principle as follows:
93 In order to protect the environment, the precautionary
94 approach shall be widely applied by States according to their
95 capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible
96 damage, lack of full scientic certainty shall not be used as a
97 reason for postponing cost-eective measures to prevent
98 environmental degradation.
99 Except for the addition of the term cost eective, this is the
100 same denition as that agreed as part of the Bergen Declaration
101 in 1990.
102 2.1.1. Precautionary Principle in the EU. In 1992, Article
103 174.2 of the Maastricht Treaty, which dened the principles for
104 environmental policy in the EU, made the rst reference to the
105 precautionary principle in European policy:
106 Community policy on the environment shall aim at a high
107 level of protection .... It shall be based on the precautionary
108 principle and on the principles that preventive action should be
109 taken, that environmental damage should as a priority be
110 rectied at source and that the polluter should pay.
111 However, despite having been written into primary EU Law,
112 the precautionary principle is itself not dened in the EU
113 Treaty.
A European Commission (EC) communication on
114 the precautionary principle
is the clearest available guidance
115 its use in the EU. This communication recommends a
116 structured approach to the analysis of risk, comprising
117 assessment, management, and communication. It identies
118 the precautionary principle as a risk management tool that is
119 appropriate where the risk assessment has identied scientic
120 uncertainty. When invoking the precautionary principle, the
121 rationale for a decision must be made transparent, the standards
122 set may not be arbitrary, and standards must be in keeping with
t1 123 the ve principles of risk management shown in Table 1.
Therefore, it can be argued that, in the EU, once the decision
has been made to invoke the precautionary principle in support
of achieving a high level of protection, the standards set must
be in keeping with the above principles. The environmental
policy will then be compatible with the principles of both the
129precautionary principle and EU Treaty Article 174.
2.1.2. Application of Precautionary Principle. Academic
literature on the precautionary principle makes it clear that
there should be no conict between the precautionary principle
and the scientic principles of risk assessment, and that its use
in environmental policy formation can be consistent with a
scientic approach.
This is in line with the EC
communication and the Rio Declaration, both of which
recommend recourse to the precautionary principle when
138scientic uncertainty is present. The subject of when recourse
to the precautionary principle should be made is widely covered
140 t2in the literature (Table 2).
Many authors distinguish two or more types of uncertainty.
In the terminology used by Aven,
epistemic uncertainty is
dened as arising from insucient knowledge and aleatory
144uncertainty is caused by natural random variation. Because it is
generally agreed
that the precautionary principle should
be invoked whenever there is epistemic uncertainty, the
decision to invoke it should be preceded by a comprehensive
assessment of available scientic and technical data in order to
identify potential sources of such uncertainty. The level of
regulation set under the precautionary principle must be
sucient to manage the epistemic uncertainty identied. These
concepts are used later in the paper to assess whether current
policy approaches to protecting drinking water quality are
154consistent with the precautionary principle.
2.2. Is the EU MAC for Pesticides Justied? Why was a
0.1 μg/L MAC for pesticide active substances in drinking water
set in 1980 and retained in 1998? Were these decisions
compatible with the precautionary principle, available scientic
159understanding and technical data, and with EU Treaty Article
The DWD sets a MAC of 0.1 μg/L for all individual pesticide
active substances in drinking water at the point of supply
(except for 0.03 μg/L for aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, and
heptachlor epoxide). The origin of this standard predates both
165the current DWD and the decision to embody the precau-
tionary principle in Article 174 (originally Article 130r) of the
Maastricht Treaty. The 0.1 μg/L standard rst appeared in
1980 in Directive 80/778/EEC.
Prior to this, a 0.5 μg/L
standard was set for total pesticides in Directive 75/440/
Both of these standards are believed to have their origin
in the philosophy of the rst and second environmental action
plans running from 1973 to 1977 and 1977 to 1981, i.e., that
pesticides should not be present in drinking water regardless of
174the actual risks posed.
Table 1. Principles of Risk Management for Precautionary Principle Policy Design
Principle Detail
Proportionality Measures should be proportional to the desired level of protection.
Nondiscrimination Measures should not be discriminatory in their application.
Consistency Measures should be consistent with the measures already adopted in similar circumstances or using similar approaches.
Examination of the
benets and costs of
Measures adopted presuppose examination of the benets and costs of action and lack of action. Benet and cost evaluation may involve
economic, ecacy, and the socio-economic impact analysis, as well as evaluation of noneconomic considerations.
Examination of scientic
developments Measures, although provisional, shall be maintained as long as the scientic data remain incomplete, imprecise, or inconclusive and as
long as the risk is considered too high to be imposed on society.
Adapted from European Commission COM/2000/1
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In 1980, at the time the standards for pesticides in drinking
water were adopted, relatively little was known about the
impacts of pesticides on human health.
Pesticides were poorly
regulated in the EU, and there was the perception that the scale
of health impacts could be large. Therefore, when analyzed
against the reasons for recourse to the precautionary principle
181as given by Stirling and Gee,
Klinke and Renn,
and Aven,
182the decision to adopt 0.1 μg/L as a surrogate zero in order to
prevent exposure to pesticides through drinking water can be
In the language of Stirling and Gee,
policy makers were in a
position of ignorancebecause of insucient knowledge
regarding health outcomes from exposure. In other words, the
188health risk from exposure could not be classied as normal
because the certainty of assessment for both extent of damage
and probability of occurrence was low (Table 2), and there was
a perception of high catastrophic potential from exposure and
the need for regulators to make a decision at the limits of
human knowledge. Using the classication from Aven,
uncertainty present was epistemic, warranting recourse to the
precautionary principle. Furthermore, the decision to set a
standard as a surrogate zero could also be justied because, for
many pesticides (but not all), the only exposure level where
ignorance/epistemic uncertainty could be replaced with
199scientic certainty was zero.
In 1998, Directive 80/778/EEC was replaced by the current
Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC). Following much
debate, the decision was taken to retain the 0.1 μg/L standard
for pesticides.
At the stage of this decision, pesticide active
substances were beginning to be much more tightly regulated in
Europe following the introduction of Directive 91/414/EEC,
but the pesticide review initiated by this Directive was not
complete until 2009.
Therefore, in 1998 many pesticides
208remained available for sale despite signicant uncertainty
regarding their potential eects on human health. Furthermore,
the EC had not formally stated its interpretation of the
precautionary principle,
EU chemical policy was still
grappling with insucient knowledge,
and the WFD
not yet exist. It can be argued, therefore, that the judgment in
1998 to extend the 0.1 μg/L standard was also justiable based
215upon a shortage of available scientic and technical data.
However, it is pertinent to point out that, at this stage,
perception in the general public and among politicians was that
the human health risks associated with pesticides were high. As
a consequence of this prevailing negative public opinion about
pesticides, it needs to be acknowledged that the decision in
2211998 is likely to have had a political dimension.
222A key question now is whether there has been a signicant
change in scientic understanding and available technical data
since 1998 that might be sucient to prompt a review of the
DWD standard in terms of its consistency with the principles of
European environmental policy (Article 174 and the precau-
227tionary principle).
2282.3. Advances in Policy and Scientic Understanding
229Since 1998. Have advances in scientic understanding and the
availability of technical data since 1998 been sucient to
undermine the original justication for the 0.1 μg/L MAC
standard in terms of its consistency with Article 174 and
233interpretations of the precautionary principle?
Any case for the DWD pesticide standard to be reviewed
235must demonstrate that increased scientic understanding and
236technical knowledge is now available to address the epistemic
237uncertainty present in 1998. Scientic developments in the
Table 2. Synthesis of Inuential Discussion of Precautionary Principle in Literature
Paper: Stirling and Gee
Synopsis: Based upon risk as a function of likelihood and magnitude, Stirling and Gee distinguish between four states of incertitude: risk,ambiguity,uncertainty, and ignorance. These states are based upon the ability to dene outcomes
and assign probabilities to these outcomes. In these denitions, riskis where outcomes are known and there is some basis to assign probabilities allowing riskto be managed without recourse to the precautionary principle. Where
uncertainty, ambiguity, or ignorance exist they must be acknowledged, and policy based upon the precautionary principle is needed to avoid unexpected outcomes.
Paper: Klinke and Renn
Synopsis: Klinke and Renn
dene three risk types: normal,intermediate, and intolerable, which are based upon knowledge of the extent of damage”“Eand the probability of occurrence”“P.Normalrisk types are those that can be
managed using the conventional tools of risk management. Implementation of the precautionary principle is most strongly recommended to manage either intermediate or intolerable risk where the certainty of assessment for either E or P is
low or where there is believed to be high catastrophic potential or incomplete systematic knowledge, or where the evaluation of risk has identied that regulatory decisions need to be made at the limits of human knowledge.
Paper: Aven 2011
Synopsis: Aven 2011
critiques the position taken by Stirling and Gee with the argument that risk assessment can use both objective and subjective probabilities, and therefore, the term riskas dened by Stirling and Gee is too narrow. Aven
argues that the precautionary principle should only be used when faced with scientic uncertainty dened as epistemic uncertainty and arising from insucient knowledge. He proposes two circumstances where the precautionary principle
should be used in policy design to manage risks arising from epistemic uncertainty (incomplete knowledge). These situations are where it is dicult to specify a set of possible consequences or dicult to establish an accurate prediction model.
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238 toxicology of pesticides occur periodically.
239 signicant uncertainties remain, for example, about mixture
240 toxicity,
which can sometimes be accounted for using
241 conservative safety factors, and about the relevance of
242 metabolites.
In addition, three factors have increased our
243 knowledge of potential pesticide health impacts, chemical
244 properties, and use patterns, and improved the eectiveness of
245 pesticide regulation since 1998. These are (1) developments in
246 EU Policy, (2) increased application of the WHO GV method
247 for regulating threshold chemicals in drinking water, and (3)
248 international experience in regulating pesticides.
249 2.3.1. Developments in EU Policy. Analysis of EU policy
t3 250 (Table 3) demonstrates that several policy barriers are now in
251 place to control exposure to pesticides in drinking water. In all
252 cases, the strength of each barrier has increased since 1998.
253 Thus, taken together, these barriers decrease dependence on a
254 stringent drinking water standard for the protection of human
255 health and increase the knowledge base from which drinking
256 water quality can be regulated. The signicance of each barrier
257 is detailed below.
258 Barrier 1: EU Pesticide Approval Legislation. The rst
259 barrier to control the presence of pesticides in drinking water is
260 the EU pesticide approval legislation. This legislation governs
261 which chemicals can and cannot be marketed for use as
262 pesticides. Initially, in the form of Dir. 79/117/EEC,
263 barrier allowed any chemical to be marketed as a pesticide
264 provided it did not contain mercury or one of eight persistent
265 organochlorine compounds specied in Annex I of the
266 Directive. In 1991, Dir. 91/414/EEC
strengthened this
267 barrier by introducing the need for all active substances to
268 gain prior approval before they could be marketed as pesticides
269 in Europe. Implementation took the form of a 16 year review,
270 during which each active substance was subjected to a
271 comprehensive evaluation of hazards posed to various end
272 points and the likelihood of human and environmental
273 exposure. This evaluation also included assessment of the
274 propensity for land to water movement (Article 5).
The data
275 requirements for the evaluation were specied in Annex II of
276 the Directive. The review was completed in 2009, at which
277 point 26% of active substances had passed the review, 7% were
278 not approved, and 67% had been removed from the market
279 prior to submission for review.
The introduction of Dir. 91/
280 414/EEC gave greater certainty about the chemistry and
281 toxicology of those substances being used as pesticides,
282 removed the most dangerous chemicals from the market,
283 shifted the burden of proof to pesticide producers, and gave a
284 knowledge-base from which pesticides could be regulated into
285 the future. In addition, the review solved for pesticides the
286 problem of dierent regulations for new and existing
287 substances, which persisted in some areas of EU Chemical
288 policy
until REACH (Regulation 1907/2006),
the Euro-
pean Community Regulation on general chemicals and their
290safe use, entered into force on rst June 2007.
As part of the EU thematic strategy for pesticides, new
legislation was introduced in 2009.
Regulation 1107/2009
further increased the stringency of the prior-approval barrier
put in place under Directive 91/414/EEC by introducing
several hazard-based criteria (Annex II),
which have the
intention of removing active substances with properties such as
carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and reproductive toxicity (in-
cluding endocrine disruptors) from the market, regardless of
their potential for human or environmental exposure. All
pesticide active substances scheduled for approval from 2011
onward will need to satisfy the requirements of Regulation
1107/2009, as will all new active substances. Relevant
metabolites, i.e., those judged to have comparable intrinsic
properties to the active substance,
are also evaluated as part of
the pesticide approval process dened in Directive 91/414/
EEC and Regulation 1107/2009 and may prevent approval of
307an active substance.
In addition, Barrier 1b requires that any plant protection
product containing an approved active substance must also gain
approval at member state or zonal level before the product can
311be used (Article 28 of Regulation 1107/2009).
Barrier 2: Water Framework Directive (WFD). Various
elements of the WFD
can potentially have an impact on the
concentration of pesticide active substances inraw(untreated)
water. The WFD can, thus, be considered as Barrier 2, which
can be broken down into those elements acting at receptor
(Barriers 2ac) and those elements acting at source (Barrier
2d). The primary purpose of Barriers 2ac is not the protection
of drinking water from pesticides, although they do, never-
theless, have some impact on the presence of pesticides in
rawwater. Barrier 2a is the requirement for no deterioration
as specied in Articles 1 and 4 of the WFD; it is the starting
point for the WFD objective to protect, enhance, and restore
(Article 4.1a) all surface water bodies and to prevent or limit
the input of pollutants into groundwater(Article 4.2b). Barrier
2b is the requirement, in Article 16, for the identication of
priority substances and priority hazardous substances to enable
assessment of the chemical status of a water body in order to
support the progressive reduction of discharges, emissions, and
losses of priority substances and the cessation or phasing-out of
discharges, emissions, and losses of the priority hazardous
Environmental quality standards (EQS) have
been set for 11 pesticide active substances.
However, only
one of these active substances remains approved for use.
ability to designate priority substances ensures that any active
substance considered a potential problem for water quality is
identied and targeted under the WFD. That 10 of the 11
pesticide active substances identied as priority substances or
339hazardous priority substances have now been removed from the
Table 3. EU Policy as a Multi-Barrier Approach to Pesticide Regulation and Drinking Water Policy
Number Barrier Point of Action Range of Inuence
1a EU Pesticide Approval Legislation: Dir. 79/117/EEC, Dir. 91/414/EEC, and Reg. 1107/2009 source pathway receptor supply
1b Member state plant protection product approval policy source pathway receptor supply
2a WFD No Deterioration Objective(Art. 1 and 4) receptor source pathway
2b WFD EQS for Chemical Status(Art. 16) receptor source pathway
2c WFD EQS for Ecological Statusreceptor source pathway
2d WFD Art. 7 on waters used for the abstraction of drinking water supply pathway receptor source
3a EU Dir. 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides source pathway receptor
4 Drinking Water Legislation: Dir. 75/440/EEC, Dir. 80/778/EEC, Dir. 98/83/EC supply point N/A
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340 market under the independent action of pesticide approval
341 regulation is testament to the strength of Barrier 1 and its
342 ability to prevent the release of highly hazardous substances
343 into the environment. Barrier 2c is linked to the assessment of
344 ecological status and involves the identication at member state
345 level of other substances being discharged in signif icant quantities
346 into the body of water(Annex V).
These specic pollutants
347 are distinct from the priority substances (Article 16), and
348 environmental quality standards (EQS) are set for these by the
349 member state in order to support compliance with WFD
350 ecological status targets.
351 Barrier 2d is WFD Article 7, which refers to waters used for
352 the abstraction of drinking water. It requires the creation of
353 protected areas where water is abstracted, emphasizes the need
354 for no deterioration in rawwater quality, and aspires toward
355 DWD compliance without installation of additional treatment.
356 Therefore, in WFD Article 7, protected areas the management
357 of rawwater quality becomes a priority for river basin
358 managers, water suppliers, and all pesticide users. Although
359 compliance with the DWD is measured at the point of drinking
360 water supply to customers, the intention of WFD Article 7 is to
361 create the incentive for action at the point of application (i.e.,
362 the primary pollution source), action to minimize movement to
363 the water body (the pollution pathway), and action in
364 abstracted water bodies (the pollution receptor)
to reduce
365 pesticide concentrations in rawwater to levels that can be
366 removed by current treatment, thereby ensuring DWD
367 compliant drinking water. Barrier 2d is an aspiration, and it
368 remains to be seen whether WFD Article 7 compliance will be
369 achieved across Europe in 2015 for all pesticide active
370 substances without the need for increased treatment.
371 Barrier 3: EU Directive 2009/128/EC on Sustainable Use of
372 pesticides. The Sustainable Use Directive (09/128/EC)
373 the second element of the EU thematic strategy for pesticides.
374 It is intended to act at source to promote best practice for
375 responsible pesticide use and along pathways to reduce the
376 movement of pesticides to water. Many of the requirements of
377 this Directive are very similar to the good practice and
378 responsible pesticide use recommended in the U.K. by
379 voluntary industry-run schemes such as the Voluntary Initiative
380 and the Metaldehyde Stewardship Group.
The Directive
381 applies to the aquatic environment and drinking water through
382 Article 11.1 and aims to deliver actions that strengthen Barriers
383 1 and 2. However, at the time of writing, the degree to which
384 this Directive is likely to be eective remains uncertain because
385 the December 2011 deadline for transposition into member
386 state law has only recently passed.
387 Barrier 4: Drinking Water Directive. The DWD
could now
388 be seen as a nal barrier acting at the point of supply to prevent
389 the presence of pesticides in drinking water. However, the
390 DWD standard for pesticides has its origins at a time before
391 Barriers 1, 2, and 3 were in place and when insucient scientic
392 knowledge or technical data were available regarding the
393 human health impacts of exposure to pesticides at any level. In
394 addition, little was known about which pesticides were likely to
395 be found in rawwater. For this reason, it regulates based
396 upon the assumption that it is the only barrier and that all
397 exposure to pesticides must be avoided.
398 2.3.2. World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline Value
399 (GV). The WHO has published international standards for
400 drinking water since 1958. In 1984, the WHO published the
401 rst edition of Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, which
402 was subsequently followed by further editions in 1993,
and 2011.
The aim of these Guidelines is to provide
a scientic point of departure for national authorities to develop
drinking water regulations and standards appropriate for the
national situation.
The WHO Guidelines are recognized as
representing the UN position on issues of drinking water
408quality and health by UN-Water.
The most recent editions of the guidelines
guidance on chemical aspects. This dierentiates between
threshold and non-threshold chemicals when determining a
regulatory approach to protect human health. Non-threshold
chemicals are substances that pose a theoretical risk to human
health at any exposure level (e.g., genotoxic carcinogens) and
should be regulated at source. Threshold chemicals are those
where daily exposure below a certain level will have no adverse
health eects and can, thus, be regulated with reference to
guideline values (GVs), which are designed to prevent chronic
health eects over a 70 year lifetime. A method for the
calculation of guideline values was rst proposed and applied in
the second edition (1993); this has been applied to a broader
range of chemicals in subsequent editions (2004 and 2011) of
423the guidelines.
For threshold chemicals, the GV methodology uses no
observed adverse eect level (NOAEL) or lowest observed
adverse eect level (LOAEL) data to calculate a tolerable daily
intake (TDI). The TDI accounts for four sources of residual
uncertainty in the toxicological data via uncertainty factors
(UFs). These arise from interspecies variations (the use data
from animal studies), intraspecies variation (dierence between
individual humans), data quality, and uncertainty regarding the
nature or severity of exposure above the NOAEL/LOAEL.
When calculating a GV from a TDI, it is recognized that
drinking water is not the only source of daily exposure to a
threshold chemical. The GV method is applicable to many
chemicals, including pesticide active substances. Unlike the
DWD MAC, it recognizes that dierent active substances have
dierent toxicities; i.e., at the same level of exposure, not all
439pesticides pose an equal risk to human health.
2.3.3. International Experience Regulating Pesticides. The
WHO reports GVs for 32 pesticide active substances. Forty
other active substances were evaluated, 27 of which were
judged as unlikely to occur in drinkin waterand 13 of which
were judged to occur in drinking water at concentrations well
below those of health concern; therefore, GVs for these are
not given. In Australia, the WHO method has been applied as
part of the National Water Quality Management Strategy
calculate GVs for 154 pesticide active substances, including
several pesticides judged unlikely to be found in drinking water
at levels that may cause health concerns. The current
Australian standards
include information on the derivation
of the GV and include a full and transparent justication of all
the assumptions made, including the selection of UFs and the
454fraction of exposure assumed to occur via drinking water.
In the United States, as part of the Safe Drinking Water Act,
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for
the identication of contaminants for inclusion in national
primary drinking water regulation. To be included in primary
drinking water regulation, a contaminant must rst be included
on a contaminant candidate list (CCL) for further evaluation of
health eects, occurrence, and analytical methods.
prioritized for inclusion in primary regulation, a maximum
contaminant level goal (MCLG) is calculated for the
464contaminant. To date, only 20 pesticide active substances
Environmental Science & Technology Policy Analysis |Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXXE
465 have been subject to MCLG values in national primary drinking
466 water regulation.
467 The MCLG is equivalent to the WHO GV and is calculated
468 using a similar methodology.
469 values are applied to calculate a reference dose (RfD)
470 (equivalent to a TDI.) The RfD is then converted to a
471 MCLG using standard assumptions of adult body mass, daily
472 water consumption, and the level of exposure through potable
473 water. Unlike the WHO GV process, an additional step is taken
474 to derive a legally enforceable standard or maximum
475 contaminant level (MCL). Whereas the MCLG is based purely
476 on public health considerations, the MCL considers both best
477 available treatment technology and cost in order to set a
478 standard that maximizes health risk reduction benets at a cost
479 that is justied by the benets.
It is possible, therefore, for an
480 MCL to be set at a higher concentration than the MCLG.
481 However, like the WHO, for known carcinogens the EPA
482 reverts to the precautionary approach and sets the MCL at zero
483 because any exposure could present a cancer risk.
484 In the EU, all pesticide active substances currently on the
485 market are regulated by the DWD, whereas GVs have been
486 derived for just 32 substances by the WHO and for 154
487 substances in Australia. In the United States, MCLs have been
488 derived for just 20 substances. Furthermore, the MAC is a more
489 stringent standard than the equivalent GVs and MCLs for all
t4 490 substances (Table 4).
491 With only six exceptions, the WHO GVs allow concen-
492 trations at least 20 times the DWD MAC. None of those
493 exceptions (aldrin and dieldrin, chlordane, 1,2-dibromoethane,
494 cynazine, endrin) is currently approved for use in the EU.
495 In Australia, with only seven exceptions, standards allow
496 concentrations at least 10 times the DWD MAC. The
497 exceptions are carbophenothion, fenamiphos, pronil, para-
498 thion-methyl, pirimiphos-ethyl, profenofos, and terbufos, each
499 of which is allowed at concentrations at least 3 times the DWD
500 MAC. Only two of these exceptions are approved in Europe,
501 and these are expected to be candidates for substitution when
502 reassessed under Regulation 1107/2009.
In the United States,
503 most MCLs are at least 20 times the DWD MAC.
504 In summary, the introduction of prior approval regulation for
505 pesticides and other developments in EU pesticide and water
506 policy since 1998 have collectively increased the stringency of
507 legislation inuencing which active substances can be used and,
508 in principle, how these chemicals are managed. In addition,
509 developments in toxicological understanding have reduced
510 some of the scientic uncertainties that existed previously with
511 respect to the risks associated with exposure to pesticides in
512 drinking water. It follows that the assumption of total epistemic
513 uncertainty regarding the human health impacts arising from
514 any level of exposure to any pesticide active substance can no
longer be justied. If this is the case, then it could be argued
that a surrogate zero for pesticide active substance concen-
trations in drinking water is no longer consistent with the
precautionary principle and EU Treaty Article 174. This is not
in itself necessarily a justication for the revision of the DWD
MAC for pesticides; it simply challenges the claim that this
521value is still based upon the precautionary principle.
The development by the WHO of a method for calculating
guideline values to regulate exposure to threshold chemicals via
drinking water and lessons from international experience of
regulating pesticides in drinking water could form the basis of a
DWD review. However, any such review should be careful to
establish whether alternative regulatory approaches oer a
suciently high level of protection to human health and are
themselves consistent with the precautionary principle and EU
Treaty Article 174. The compatibility of the WHO GV and
EPA MCL approaches with the precautionary principle and EU
532Treaty Article 174 are analyzed in the next section of this paper.
2.4. Regulatory Alternatives to Surrogate Zero. Are
alternative regulatory options for protecting drinking water
quality available to the EU and are these compatible with
536Article 174?
The regulatory approach taken by the WHO and EPA does
not tolerate any level of exposure to non-threshold chemicals.
For threshold chemicals, these approaches assume the existence
of two levels of exposure: one level at which risk can be
managed and one at which epistemic uncertainty regarding
human health outcomes must be acknowledged and regulated.
In this respect, both approaches are in keeping with the
544precautionary principle.
The DWD, on the other hand, assumes epistemic uncertainty
for all pesticide active substances at any level of exposure
greater than zero. It then applies the precautionary principle to
invoke a surrogate zero (0.1 μg/L) to prevent signicant
exposure via drinking water. If the assumption of total
epistemic uncertainty is not valid, then the standard is no
longer justied by the precautionary principle, although it may
552still be justied on other grounds.
Thus, although both the WHO and DWD approaches
recognize the existence of epistemic uncertainty, the WHO
approach is more in keeping with EU Treaty Article 174 and
the precautionary principle. This is because it acknowledges the
existence of available scientic and technical data, recognizes
the heterogeneity of active substances, sets nonarbitrary
standards in a transparent way, and is consistent with the ve
principles of risk management in the EC communication on the
561precautionary principle
(as presented in Table 1).
In the United States, the approach taken by the EPA to
calculate a level of exposure below which no adverse eects will
564occur (the MCLG) uses available scientic and technical data
Table 4. Comparison of Drinking Water Values for Some Common Pesticide Active Substances
Active Substance DWD value (μg/L) WHO GV
(μg/L) USA MCL
(μg/L) Australian value
Metaldehyde 0.1 −− 20
Propyzamide 0.1 −− 70
Clopyralid 0.1 −− 2000
Pendimethalin 0.1 20 400
Chlortoluron 0.1 30 −−
Glyphosate 0.1 700 1000
Atrazine 0.1 2 3 20
Simazine 0.1 2 4 20
Symbol means active substance not included in standards.
Environmental Science & Technology Policy Analysis |Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXXF
565 in the same way as the WHO GV calculation. However, the
566 next step, converting the MCLG to a legally enforceable MCL,
567 has the potential to set an MCL above the MCLG, thereby
568 allowing exposure at a level where epistemic uncertainty is
569 known to exist. It follows that the EPA approach is not fully
570 compatible with the precautionary principle.
571 In the absence of available scientic understanding and
572 technical data, a surrogate zero for pesticides in drinking
573 water can be justied under the precautionary principle and is
574 in keeping with both EU Treaty Article 174 and DWD Article
575 1.2. The decision to use a surrogate zero standard in the 1998
576 DWD can be justied based upon the state of scientic and
577 technical knowledge at the time this Directive was agreed.
578 However, since 1998, there have been advances in available
579 scientic understanding and technical knowledge (Section 2.3)
580 as well as signicant developments in EU pesticide and water
581 policy, which have essentially strengthened protective barriers
582 and reduced overall risks to human health arising from
583 exposure to pesticides. Therefore, whether the change in
584 available scientic understanding and technical data since 1998
585 is sucient to prompt a review of the DWD standard in terms
586 of its consistency with the principles of European environ-
587 mental policy (Article 174 and the precautionary principle)
588 becomes a key question. It can be argued that the WHO GV
589 method for pesticide regulation, like the DWD standard, also
590 oers a high level of protection to prevent adverse eects of
591 pesticides on human health but, unlike the DWD, makes
592 explicit use of available scientic and technical data to set
593 regulatory standards in a way that is consistent with the
594 principles of EU Environment policy as dened in Article 174.
595 Given continuing scientic and legislative developments, it
596 can be argued that a review of drinking water quality standards
597 in the EU is required. A future regulatory approach could better
598 utilize scientically robust toxicological understanding, where
599 this exists, and still be consistent with the precautionary
600 principle. Where relevant (i.e., where a NOAEL or LOAEL can
601 safely be established through toxicological studies), revised
602 regulation could be based on the WHO GV method. In some
603 cases (for highly toxic compounds), this may, in principle,
604 actually reduce the MAC. The 0.1 μg/L MAC would be
605 retained for those active substances for which reliable NOAEL
606 or LOAEL values were not currently available. In addition, all
607 non-threshold active substances would be banned under the
608 independent action of EU pesticide approval Regulation 1107/
609 2009. We suggest that this would be a more accurate reection
610 of Article 174 principles and the precautionary principle than
611 using the same surrogate zero for all active substances.
612 The primary purpose of the observations made in this paper
613 is to open an objective debate about whether the current
614 standard for pesticides in drinking water remains consistent
615 with the principles of European Environmental Policy (Treaty
616 Article 174 and the precautionary principle) that originally gave
617 rise to the standard. To be objective, this debate should focus
618 solely upon how available scientic understanding and technical
619 data can be most eectively used to develop environmental
620 policy that is consistent with both Article 174 and the
621 precautionary principle. Where current policy is inconsistent
622 with these principles and where robust scientic evidence exists
623 to support regulatory change, alternatives may need to be
624 formulated. Of course, a key factor in reopening the debate will
625 be whether or not any apparent relaxation of environmental
626and public health protection (real or not) is acceptable to the
627public and to interest groups. This is beyond the scope of this
628paper but could be critical for any ultimate changes in the
629regulation regardless of the scientic arguments.
631Corresponding Author
632*Phone: 01234 750111; fax: +44(0)1234 752971; e-mail d.
634Author Contributions
635The manuscript was written through contributions of all
636authors. All authors have given approval to the nal version of
637the manuscript.
639The authors declare no competing nancial interest.
641This work was conducted as part of a UK EPSRC EngD
642studentship, which was supported by Anglian Water Services.
643The views expressed herein solely reect those of the authors
644and not those of the sponsoring organizations.
646DWD Drinking Water Directive
647EC European Commission
648EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
649EQS Environmental Quality Standards
650ESTO European Science and Technology Observatory
651EU European Union
652GV guideline value
653LOAEL lowest observed adverse eect level
654MAC maximum allowable concentration
655MCL maximum contaminant level
656MCLG maximum contaminant level goal
657NOAEL no observed adverse eect level
658RfD reference dose
659TDI tolerable daily intake
660UF uncertainty factor
661UN United Nations
662WFD Water Framework Directive
663WHO World Health Organization 664
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... Yet, it has already been shown that plastic leachates can cause reproductive disruption [50], potentially linked to the world's decreasing fertility rates [51]. Therefore, similarly to pesticide regulations in potable water instated in the EU in 1998 [52], it might be preferable to appoint a low but feasible MP concentration threshold rather than abstaining from action altogether, even if the toxicological profile of MPs is not yet fully developed. For these reasons, it is important that the 1-20 μm fraction of MPs is included in the assessment of plastic contamination in potable water. ...
Full-text available
Microplastic (MP) content in nutrition including potable water is unregulated, although MP concentrations in individual brands of bottled water diverge by several orders of magnitude. The EU Directive 2020/2184 on consumable water quality recently proposed methodological approaches to the detection of MPs in potable water in the size range of 20–5000 μm. However, fine MPs in the 1–20 μm range are far more likely to pass the human intestine into blood and organs. To evaluate the impact of this omission on the total number of detected MPs, we determined MP concentrations down to 1 μm in ten different brands of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottled water and one tap water sample using automated Raman microspectroscopy. We found that MP concentrations ranged from 19 to 1,154 (n/L) [0.001 to 0.250 μg/L], and although all the investigated samples of bottled water were stored in PET containers, PET accounted only for a small percentage of identified MPs in most samples. Importantly, 98 and 94% of MPs measured less than 20 and 10 μm in diameter, respectively, demonstrating the importance of small MP inclusion in potable water analyses and regulation. The current study presents a protocol to identify MPs down to 1 μm in any type of potable water regardless of hardness, and demonstrates the importance of implementing both negative and positive procedural, quality control measures.
... MCPA and clomazone concentrations are found to be always below 0.02 μg/L (Fig. 8). Note that, in general, in the case of groundwater sampled below 1-m depth, according to Directive 2006/118/EC a concentration of 0.1 μg/L should be considered as the end-point, which means that concentrations above this threshold are to be considered high and posing a risk in terms of water quality (Voccia et al. 2024;Dolan et al. 2013). In this study, groundwater is sampled from small piezometers and therefore when sampling more than 1 L of water as in this case, it is difficult to refer it to a specific depth, since a significant portion of piezometer is emptied. ...
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Italy is the leading rice producer in Europe and the second in the Mediterranean basin (after Egypt), with most of the production concentrated in a large paddy area between the Lombardy and Piedmont regions (northern Italy). In this area, irrigation of rice was traditionally carried out by wet seeding and continuous flooding; in the last fifteen years, this technique has been gradually replaced by dry seeding followed by a delayed flooding (DFL) or by an alternation of flooding and dry periods (FTI), which are economically more advantageous. This study presents the results of an extensive monitoring campaign designed and carried out in 2021 in a representative paddy district of the Lomellina area (Pavia, northern Italy) to assess the impact of the actual rice cropping strategies on surface water and groundwater quality, with particular attention to two widely used herbicides (MCPA and clomazone) and to nutrient losses (e.g., N, P, K). Results show that MCPA and clomazone concentrations detected in surface water and groundwater are always below the RAC (Regulatory Acceptable Concentration) values. As to nutrients, they do not show significant trends along the season in surface water and groundwater: this may be due to the fact that nutrient sources are many. Concerning the concentrations, nitrates may pose a problem for the area, especially for groundwater. However, further studies would be needed to understand to which extent rice cropping can be considered the major source of contamination for water resources.
... Recent studies suggest that GLY may affect other aquatic creatures less adversely than fish and amphibians. However, it is yet unclear how exposure to GLY can affect these creatures' ecological systems, underscoring the need for more study in this area 29 .In EU, the drinking water directive has set a maximum allowed concentration (MAC) of 0.1 μg/L for pesticides in drinking water 30 . In the USA, the environmental protection agency (EPA) allows a MAC of 700 µg L -1 for GLY in drinking water 31 . ...
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The occurrence and chemistry of glyphosate in the environment, its impact on living beings, and its detection in the environment system is central themes of this review article. Glyphosate, a herbicide, has become a matter of environmental and public health concern in recent times. While it is effective in weed control, its excessive use has negative effects on ecosystems, biodiversity, and precious soil. The overuse of glyphosate has prompted the search for alternatives, which is a topic of discussion in both the scientific community and civil societies. Numerous chromatographic and immunoassay-based detection techniques, as well as precision-era sensitive detection techniques, have been developed and utilized for monitoring and regulating glyphosate. Glyphosate (GLY), a versatile herbicide with several applications, has become quite popular for controlling weed growth in residential, commercial, and agricultural settings. Its widespread acceptance has been facilitated by its effectiveness and cost. However, the overuse and improper application of GLY have become an urgent concern, raising questions about potential harm to human health and environmental sustainability. Studies have revealed that GLY exhibits toxic properties that can lead to detrimental consequences for human well-being. These include the potential to induce cancer, contribute to birth defects, and disrupt reproductive functions. Moreover, when exposed to non-target organisms, GLY has been found to inflict adverse impacts on various forms of aquatic life, insects, and essential soil microorganisms. Because of its great solubility and low quantities in soil and water, GLY detection is a difficult process. In response to the concerns surrounding GLY, several detection techniques have been devised, encompassing chromatography, immunoassays, and mass spectrometry. These methods play a crucial role in investigating the ramifications associated with glyphosate application in agriculture and the environment. The study also emphasizes the need for continued research to fully understand the long-term effects of GLY exposure on human health and the environment.
... 28 In the EU, the drinking water directive has set a maximum allowed concentration (MAC) of 0.1 mg L −1 for pesticides in drinking water. 29 In the USA, the environmental protection agency (EPA) allows a MAC of 700 mg L −1 for GLY in drinking water. 30 To reduce long-term health effects, regular GLY content assessments and effective water treatment methods are essential. ...
Full-text available
Glyphosate (GLY), a versatile herbicide with several applications, has become quite popular for controlling weed growth in residential, commercial, and agricultural settings. Its widespread acceptance has been facilitated by its effectiveness and low cost. However, overuse and improper application of GLY have become an urgent concern, raising questions about potential harm to human health and environmental sustainability. Studies have revealed that GLY exhibits toxic properties that can lead to detrimental consequences for human well-being. These include the potential to induce cancer, contribute to birth defects, and disrupt reproductive functions. Moreover, when exposed to non-target organisms, GLY has been found to inflict adverse impacts on various forms of aquatic life, insects, and essential soil microorganisms. Because of its great solubility and low quantities in soil and water, GLY detection is a difficult process. In response to the concerns surrounding GLY, several detection techniques have been devised, encompassing chromatography, immunoassays, and mass spectrometry. These methods play a crucial role in investigating the ramifications associated with GLY application in agriculture and the environment. The study also emphasizes the need for continued research to fully understand the long-term effects of GLY exposure on human health and the environment.
... The 90th percentile concentrations of several pesticides presented in Fig. 3 are relatively high when compared to the EU's legal limit of 0.1 μg/l for individual pesticides in drinking water (European Commission, 1998), and even the limit of 0.5 μg/l for total pesticide concentration set out by the original drinking water quality directive 75/440/EEC (European Commission, 1975) which is still in place today. However, these limits were derived using the lowest limit of detection at the time, rather than actual pesticide toxicology, and are perceived by some to represent the EU's desire to have no level of pesticides in drinking water (Dolan et al., 2013). Additionally, Fig. 3 relates only to simulations when runoff occurs i.e. approximately 10 % of days annually, as stated above. ...
... A more thorough understanding of the impacts of pesticides in drinking water on human health and the ecosystem will be possible due to the work being carried out with effective pesticide pollution monitoring in real-time [71]. Many inquiries were made for people to comprehend and properly establish the health hazards based on scientific evidence [72]. In research for appropriate pesticide use and cutting-edge pest control techniques, the analytical confirmation of low amounts of pesticides is crucial [27]. ...
Full-text available
This study highlights the impact of formal agricultural practices and their adverse effect on the deterioration of underground water quality, with special emphasis on toxic elements, including pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plasticizer accumulation and heavy-metal contamination. A comprehensive study was conducted at various recently developed societies of Sadiqabad that were formerly used for agricultural purposes. Ten various societies were selected, and three samples from each society were collected from different regions of these areas. Data regarding the physicochemical properties, metal contamination and accumulation of pesticide residues were determined using standard protocols. The results revealed that almost all the physicochemical properties of water samples selected from these sites were close to the WHO’s recommended limits. The range for physicochemical properties was pH (6.4–7.7), electrical conductivity (168–766 µ S cm−1), turbidity (6–17 NTU), total hardness (218–1030 mg L−1), chloride contents (130–870 mg L−1) and phosphate contents (2.55–5.11 mg L−1). Among heavy metals, lead and arsenic concentrations in all sampling sites were found to be above the recommended limits. The decreasing pattern in terms of water-quality deterioration with respect to physicochemical properties was FFT > USM > CRH > UCS > CHS > MAH > FFC > CGA > GIH > AGS. Overall, 95 different kinds of toxic elements, including pesticides, herbicides, plasticizer, etc., were detected in the groundwater samples. The toxic compounds in the groundwater were categorized into pesticides, herbicides, plasticizer, plant growth regulators, fungicides, acaricides and insecticides. Most of these parameters showed peak values at the Fatima Fertilizer Company area and Chief Residencia Housing Society. Pesticide contamination showed that water-filtration plants have a big positive impact on the drinking quality of water. Proper monitoring of the pesticides must be performed, as the majority of the pesticides showed low priority. The monitoring method of the pesticides needs to be updated so that the occurrence of recently authorized pesticides is demonstrated.
... For example, in the USA, the EPA established a maximum allowed value of 0.7 µg mL −1 [27], while most of the European countries imposed more restrictive values, with a value below 0.0005 µg mL −1 , and even a trend towards banning GLY use. Nevertheless, most of the concentrations found in the environment are above established limits [19,28]. [18,19]. ...
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Herbicides with glyphosate (GLY) as an active ingredient (a.i.) are increasingly used, and GLY is currently the most used herbicide in the world. Consequently, its residues have often been found in aquatic ecosystems. Investigating how this substance affects aquatic species is a priority in ecotoxicology research, especially in fish, as they can absorb and concentrate toxins. In this sense, a critical review was performed, synthesizing data from the peer-reviewed bibliography, reporting on the toxicity of exposure to pure GLY and glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs), using zebrafish as an animal model. The concentrations of this herbicide that induced toxic effects are highly variable, with some exceeding the limits determined by regulatory agencies. Globally, relevant toxic effects have been reported in zebrafish, namely, teratogenic effects incompatible with life, which translates directly into an increase in reported zebrafish mortality. Neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, changes in energy metabolism and oxidative stress, and immune and hormonal system dysfunction with an impact on fish reproduction were also described. In conclusion, both GLY and GBHs may induce damage to zebrafish, compromising their survival, reproduction, and maintenance. These results may be valid and applied to other fish species and aquatic ecosystems.
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Diffuse pesticide pollution is a problem for the environment, but it also presents a challenge for water companies managing treatment infrastructure to produce potable water. The legal framework for this context has three main components: that dealing with pesticides and pesticide use, that dealing with environmental water quality and that dealing with drinking water quality. The study set out to identify, interpret and assess the impact of the legal framework related to this challenge. The study found that the current policy and legislation do not provide a coordinated legal framework and some changes are warranted. For example the Water Framework Directive (WFD) sets environmental quality standards for some, but not all, pesticides. Article 7 provides special protection of water bodies used as sources for drinking water supply, but it is not clear whether the UK will achieve full compliance by 2015. This is a problem for water companies planning investment, because the WFD and Drinking Water Directive remain legally distinct. Further uncertainty arises from the application of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 and the extent that restricted availability of pesticides will drive changes in agricultural practice and pesticide use.
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The ‘precautionary principle’, as formulated in the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environ ment and Development, calls for regulatory action in the face of serious environmental risks even in the absence of full scientific certainty. This paper traces negotiation of the principle at the Rio Conference, and its history in Europe from 1969 Swedish legislation to the latest directives of the European Union. As illustrated by recent court cases from Germany and France, in particular (on nuclear power plants, electro magnetic fields, and genetically modified organisms), judicial interpretation of the principle has tended to be restrictive. Future law making in this field is likely to focus on public access to environmental risk information, and on the development of new ‘right to know’ instru ments such as mandatory product labelling and transnational pollutant release inven tories, an area where Europe can still learn from North American experience.
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In situations of serious uncertain risk, precautionary assessment, decision‐making and control may be inevitable. In this paper, the long and wide‐ranging debate about the precautionary principle (PP) is surveyed in comparison to parallel developments of classical risk analysis. The ‘new risks’ provoking precaution typically are complex, often extensive in space and time, socially diverse, supposedly unlikely but highly uncertain, and potentially catastrophic. Classical risk analysis falls short of grasping such ill‐defined problems validly enough for effective policy support. Similarly, the ‘prudent’ PP is criticised for its vagueness, multiple meanings and lack of practical elaboration. Despite their differences, however, risk‐analytic and precautionary‐principled approaches seem to be converging. On the way towards a decision‐theoretic exposition (see follow‐up paper), an integrative circumscription of the PP is proposed, which comprises 10 key issues for further elaboration. Logically, the ‘pessimistic’ PP is contrasted with its ‘optimistic’ counterpart, the venture principle (VP), which may be equally rational and/or inevitable in particular uncertain decision situations.
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Rational decision theory could be more fully exploited for the prudent management of uncertain‐risk situations. After an integrative circumscription of the precautionary principle (PP), 10 key issues are discussed covering assessment, decision and control. In view of this, a variety of decision‐theoretic considerations are explored. ‘Sufficient evidence’ for precautionary action is treated as a diagnostic decision in the framework of signal detection theory. Thus, an assessment about ‘danger’ versus ‘no danger’ should depend on prior probability, evidence strength and the relative seriousness of false‐positive versus false‐negative outcomes. From an illustrated survey of simple and more complex decision rules, it appears that ‘precaution’ may be variously expressed via, for example, maximin utility, minimax regret, maximin expected utility and maximising expected utility‐minus‐regret. Logically, serious uncertain risk (against modest benefits) may provoke a precautionary approach – under the PP. In contrast, however, an uncertain ‘great opportunity’ (against modest costs) may elicit a venturous approach – following the venture principle (VP). Thus, the PP amounts to a basic attitude rather than a normative principle, whose practical application hinges on straightforward albeit uncertain decision variables. Decision postponement, temporal discounting and risk–risk tradeoffs are summarily reviewed. General conclusions are drawn and some suggestions for policy‐making and further research are proposed.
The paper covers an integral risk concept consisting of a criteria-based risk evaluation, a novel proposal for risk classification and corresponding risk management strategies aimed at an analytic-deliberative approach in risk regulation. For this purpose, technical and scientific as well as social scientific concepts were integrated into a single conceptual framework. Eight criteria were selected for evaluating risks: probability of occurrence, extent of damage, incertitude, ubiquity, persistency, reversibility, delay effect and potential of mobilization. With respect to these criteria, six risk classes were formed in which risks may exceed thresholds determined by deliberative action. Effective and practicable management strategies were deduced for each risk class. The characterization and classification of risks provide a knowledge base for designing risk policies and class-specific management strategies. Three major management categories were identified: risk-based, precautionary and discursive strategies. In deliberative processes actors need to agree on norms and procedures to manage risks. If the results reflect the agreement of previous discourse procedures, political decisions become more legitimate. Because the risk evaluation, risk classification and management strategies are based on the concept of analytic-deliberative processes, the essential requirements for an effective and democratic risk policy are met.
The safety of 2,4-D to farm and forestry workers, commercial applicators and the general public has been of continuing concern because certain epidemiological studies of groups potentially exposed to 2,4-D have suggested a relationship between 2,4-D use and increased risk of soft tissue sarcoma, Hodgkin's disease or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This review on 2,4-D is unique in that the approach taken was to integrate data from worker exposure studies, whole animals, metabolic and other relevant laboratory studies with the epidemiological findings to assess the extent to which there is scientific support for the hypothesis that 2,4-D exposure is associated with any increased risk of human cancer. The case-control epidemiological studies that have been the source of the cancer risk hypothesis are inconclusive. Problems in assessing exposure based on patients' memories make these studies difficult to interpret. Cohort studies of exposed workers do not generally support the specific hypothesis that 2,4-D causes cancer. Taken together, the epidemiological studies provide, at best, only weak evidence of an association between 2,4-D and the risk of cancer. Importantly, the cancer hypothesis is not supported by other data. A critical evaluation of the exposure data indicates that exposure to 2,4-D in user groups is intermittent and much lower than the doses tested chronically in long-term animal studies that have not shown evidence of tumor induction. Moreover, the structure of 2,4-D does not suggest it would be a carcinogen. 2,4-D is a simple organic acid, that is largely excreted unchanged, and there is no evidence that it is metabolized to critically reactive metabolites or accumulates in tissues. This evidence is supported by a large body of negative studies on genotoxicity, which taken together with the metabolic studies, clearly indicates that 2,4-D is highly unlikely to be a genotoxic carcinogen. Furthermore, 2,4-D has no known hormonal activity and does not induce proliferative changes in any tissue or organ, indicating that it does not possess any of the characteristics of non-genotoxic animal carcinogens. Thus the available mechanistic studies provide no plausible basis for a hypothesis of carcinogenicity. In this review, data relating to potential neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity also were evaluated. There is no evidence that 2,4-D adversely affects the immune system and neurotoxic and reproductive effects only have been associated with high toxic doses that would not be encountered by 2,4-D users. Historical exposures to 2,4-D by user groups, particularly farmers, forestry workers and commercial applicators, would be higher than those sustained under present rigorous standards for application which involve the use of protective clothing and other measures to reduce exposure. Proposed label changes indicate that in the future exposures will be even further reduced. Viewed in this context, the available data indicate that the potential public health impact of 2,4-D, including the risk of human cancer, was negligible in the past and would be expected to be even smaller in the present and future.
We defend the precautionary principle against five common charges, namely that it is ill-defined, absolutist, and a value judgement, increases risk-taking, and marginalizes science. We argue, first, that the precautionary principle is, in principle, no more vague or ill-defined than other decision principles and like them it can be made precise through elaboration and practice. Second, the precautionary principle need not be absolutist in the way that has been claimed. A way to avoid this is through combining the precautionary principle with a specification of the degree of scientific evidence required to trigger precaution, and/or with some version of the de minimis rule. Third, the precautionary principle does not lead to increased risk-taking, unless the framing is too narrow, and then the same problem applies to other decision rules as well. Fourth, the precautionary principle is indeed value-based, but only to the same extent as other decision rules. Fifth and last, the precautionary principle is not unscientific other than in the weak sense of not being exclusively based on science. In that sense all decision rules are unscientific.
Given that the precautionary principle has never been defined in the EC Treaty, the EC jurisdictions have been playing a key role in determining the status as well as the scope of that principle. Although scholars have hitherto been paying heed to the case law on food safety, the literature has become a little thinner when one considers environmental case law. This article attempts to set the scene to explain how the precautionary principle can be invoked in different judiciary procedures at the EU level.
Few policies for risk management have created more controversy than the precautionary principle. A main problem is the extreme number of different definitions and interpretations. Almost all definitions of the precautionary principle identify "scientific uncertainties" as the trigger or criterion for its invocation; however, the meaning of this concept is not clear. For applying the precautionary principle it is not sufficient that the threats or hazards are uncertain. A stronger requirement is needed. This article provides an in-depth analysis of this issue. We question how the scientific uncertainties are linked to the interpretation of the probability concept, expected values, the results from probabilistic risk assessments, the common distinction between aleatory uncertainties and epistemic uncertainties, and the problem of establishing an accurate prediction model (cause-effect relationship). A new classification structure is suggested to define what scientific uncertainties mean.
"This paper introduces the field of mixture toxicity and the challenges in regulating pesticide mixtures. Even though pesticides are unique chemical stressors designed to have biological activity that can affect a number of nontarget species, they are intentionally placed into the environment in large quantities. Currently, methods and terminology for evaluating mixture toxicity are poorly established. The most common approach used is the assumption of additive concentration, with the concentrations adjusted for potency to a reference toxicant. Using this approach, the joint action of pesticides that have similar chemical structures and modes of toxic action can be predicted. However, this approach and other modeling techniques often provide little insight into the observed toxicity produced by mixtures of pesticides from different classes. Particularly difficult to model are mixtures that involve a secondary toxicant that changes the toxicokinetics of a primary toxicant. This may result in increased activation or a change in the persistence of the primary toxicant within the organism and may be responsible for a several-fold increase or decrease in toxicity. At present, the ecological effects caused by mixtures of pesticides are given little consideration in the regulatory process. However, mixtures are being considered in relation to human health in the pesticide registration process, setting a precedent that could be followed for ecological protection. Additionally, pesticide mixtures may be regulated through toxicity testing of surface water under the Clean Water Act. The limits of our basic knowledge of how mixtures interact are compromising both these avenues for regulating mixtures. We face many challenges to adequately protecting the environment from mixture toxicity; these challenges include understanding the interactions of toxicants within an organism, identifying the mixtures that most commonly occur and cause adverse effects, and developing a regulatory structure capable of minimizing environmental impacts."