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Abstract and Figures

Vegetation cover is a critical attribute of the landscape, affecting infiltration, runoff, water erosion and wind erosion. Ground cover relates to living and non-living materials on the soil surface of the lower strata (<2m). Besides the direct economical value for graziers, varying levels of ground cover have indirect economical and major ecological implications on productivity, land condition and biodiversity. Remote sensing offers one of the few cost effective approaches to monitoring long term ground cover change over large spatial extents. In Queensland's dryland ecosystems, changes in ground cover are generally related to management practices and climate influences. The spatial resolution of Landsat TM and ETM+ (Thematic Mapper and Enhanced TM Plus) imagery provides relevant information to monitor ground cover and to inform natural resource management decision makers. Three ground cover prediction algorithms are evaluated based on 692 field sites: (i) a regression based bare ground prediction, (ii) multiple logistic regression algorithms, and (iii) a spectral unmixing approach. The estimates of (ii) and (iii) include fractions of bare ground, green vegetation and senescent vegetation. The three models estimate bare ground with a root mean square error of 16.9%, 14.6% and 17.4% and a median average error of 10.1, 10.6 and 11.5, respectively. Although the algorithms were trained in pasture field sites across the State of Queensland, the three approaches show correlations with ground cover field observations in an agricultural area of r 2 =0.40, r 2 =0.68 and r 2 =0.56, respectively. The utility of ground cover production models across pastoral and agricultural land uses requires further consideration for accuracy and operational efficiencies. Introduction Dynamic ground cover information is important for soil erosion and nutrient flux estimates into the stream network. These are of particular interest in catchments adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef (Karfs et al. 2009, Queensland Government 2009). Episodic interactions of low ground cover with heavy rainfall, often arising after overgrazing and during periods of droughts or low rainfall, have led to eventual catchment degradation in many Australian
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Michael Schmidt, Robert Denham and Peter Scarth
Department of Environment and Resource Management
Climate Building
80 Meiers Rd
Indooroopilly QLD 4068
Phone: 07 3896 9297 Facsimile 07 3896 9843
Vegetation cover is a critical attribute of the landscape, affecting infiltration,
runoff, water erosion and wind erosion. Ground cover relates to living and non-
living materials on the soil surface of the lower strata (<2m). Besides the direct
economical value for graziers, varying levels of ground cover have indirect
economical and major ecological implications on productivity, land condition and
biodiversity. Remote sensing offers one of the few cost effective approaches to
monitoring long term ground cover change over large spatial extents. In
Queensland’s dryland ecosystems, changes in ground cover are generally
related to management practices and climate influences. The spatial resolution
of Landsat TM and ETM+ (Thematic Mapper and Enhanced TM Plus) imagery
provides relevant information to monitor ground cover and to inform natural
resource management decision makers.
Three ground cover prediction algorithms are evaluated based on 692 field
sites: (i) a regression based bare ground prediction, (ii) multiple logistic
regression algorithms, and (iii) a spectral unmixing approach. The estimates of
(ii) and (iii) include fractions of bare ground, green vegetation and senescent
vegetation. The three models estimate bare ground with a root mean square
error of 16.9%, 14.6% and 17.4% and a median average error of 10.1, 10.6 and
11.5, respectively. Although the algorithms were trained in pasture field sites
across the State of Queensland, the three approaches show correlations with
ground cover field observations in an agricultural area of r2=0.40, r2=0.68 and
r2=0.56, respectively. The utility of ground cover production models across
pastoral and agricultural land uses requires further consideration for accuracy
and operational efficiencies.
Dynamic ground cover information is important for soil erosion and nutrient flux
estimates into the stream network. These are of particular interest in
catchments adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef (Karfs et al. 2009, Queensland
Government 2009). Episodic interactions of low ground cover with heavy
rainfall, often arising after overgrazing and during periods of droughts or low
rainfall, have led to eventual catchment degradation in many Australian
rangelands (Bastin et al. 2009). Ground cover levels may vary due to
anthropogenic management of grazing enterprises and agricultural land
management practices, or natural changes in seasonal rainfall. Many extensive
grazing areas and rangelands in the reef catchments are subject to high climate
variability on seasonal, annual, decadal and longer timescales, making
management for economic and environmental sustainability difficult (Ludwig et
al. 2007).
A recent report (Leys et al. 2009) identified ground cover as a key indicator of
land management practices. At both the national and regional levels, there
remains a lack of comprehensive and consistent ground cover data at a
temporal and spatial scale adequate for monitoring and assessing
environmental targets related to soil erosion and land management.
To date, the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM)
ground cover monitoring program has reported annually on the percentage of
ground cover in Queensland based on Landsat imagery using a model
described in Scarth et al. (2006). Recent research has resulted in an additional
two improved ground cover models. One is based on a linear spectral unmixing
approach (Scarth et al. in prep.) and the other is based on a multinominal
regression (Schmidt, Denham & Scarth in prep). Both models predict three
fractions of surface cover for the ground stratum: bare ground (bare), green
vegetation (GV) and dry (or non-green) vegetation (NGV).
A comparison between these three ground cover models is described here
using historic field observations in rangelands and field data from a pilot study in
an agricultural area.
Remote sensing data
Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery were historically obtained once per annum for
Queensland from ACRES (Australian Centre for Remote Sensing). Additional
imagery was acquired to coincide with field observations. A large archive of
more than 2500 Landsat images is held by DERM (Trevithick & Gillingham
All freely available (largely cloud free) Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+ imagery
from the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) EarthExplorer website
( covering Queensland have recently been
downloaded and added to the DERM image archive. This includes more than
15,000 Landsat images and means that on average about 20 image dates per
year from 1999 to 2010 are available for each scene (see Figure 1). This
includes Landsat ETM+ with scan line corrector “off” imagery
The Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) and ETM+ (Enhanced TM Plus) images (of
both sources) were stored in a raw stage, but the higher level products have
been corrected using methods developed and implemented by the SLATS
project ( All images were pre-processed and
subjected to rigorous radiometric corrections as per standard DERM remote
sensing methods (de Vries et al. 2007) and were standardised for surface
reflectance and atmospheric effects. Standard masks for cloud, cloud shadow
and water were applied to the ACRES imagery, while preliminary cloud, cloud
shadow and water body masking (Muir, Danaher 2008) processes were
implemented for USGS data (Schmidt & Trevithick 2010).
Field data
Ground cover field data were collected in across a broad range of land types in
Queensland over more than a decade. A transect point-intercept method was
used in grasslands and improved pastures with the same field methodology.
Sample sites were chosen to be homogeneous and to represent a 100m x
100m area. Descriptions of general site details are performed according to the
method described by Tongway and Hindley (1995).
All field data were collected using a modified discrete point sampling method of
300 individual measurements at each metre along three 100m tapes. For this
study, the site measurements were summarised in percentages of the ground
cover components: bare ground (including rock and cryptogam), green
vegetation and dry vegetation (including litter and dead plant material). In the
midstorey (woody plants <2m) and overstorey (woody plants >2m) stratas,
components of dry/dead leaf, branch and green leaf were recorded also. For a
detailed description of the field methodology see Schmidt, Muir and Scarth
(Draft). For ground cover studies we selected field data which was collected
from sites with low Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) in the overstorey, typically
less than 15%.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the location and spatial distribution of field data
sites, and the USGS data coverage for Queensland according to the World
Reference System II path/row for Landsat imagery
80 89/
80 93/
79 93/
79 92/
79 90/
78 89/
78 95/
78 92/
78 93/
78 96/
77 95/
77 93/
77 91/
77 89/
76 92/
76 90/
76 97/
76 96/
75 96/
75 93/
75 92/
75 91/
74 97/
74 94/
74 93/
74 92/
73 98/
73 94/
73 96/
73 95/
72 97/
72 95/
71 96/
70 97/
70 96/
69 98/
0 250 500125
Field Sites
USGS Scene Boundaries
Figure 1: Location of ground cover field observations in Queensland and USGS data
coverage in path/row; some sites were repeatedly visited.
Three field work campaigns were undertaken at different crop growth stages in
an agricultural area near Goondiwindi (data point in scene 91/80) in 2009 with a
modified sampling strategy of two 100m tapes in a 45-degree angled tape
layout across linearly sown crops, as suggested by Schmidt et al. (2010).
Ground cover predictions of three algorithms were compared independently
against field observations. For each of the field observations the Landsat image
observation with the closest date was used, with a time difference of no more
than 60 days. A brief description of the three methods and previously derived
error statements follows.
(i) Model 1 is based on a linear regression approach as described by Scarth et
al. (2006). The approach estimates the amount of vegetative ground cover as
Ground Cover Index (GCI) as a percentage, or its inverse bare ground as Bare
Ground Index (BGI) using data from 431 field sites in Queensland with a
reported RMSE of 13.8%;
(ii) Model 2 uses a multinominal logistic regression as described in Schmidt,
Denham & Scarth (in prep). Three fractions are predicted as percentages: bare
ground, GV and NGV – which sum up to 100%. 512 field sites in Queensland
were used with a reported RMSE of 14.9 % in this approach;
(iii) Model 3 estimated ground cover fractions via a (linear) spectral mixture
analysis (SMA) as described by Scarth et al. (in prep.). Three fractions of
ground cover are predicted as: bare ground, GV and NGV plus an error term of
the SMA, summing up to 100%. This approach used 577 field sites in
Queensland and additional 83 sites in New South Wales with a reported RMSE
of 11.8%.
For this analysis the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the observed and
predicted values was reported as well as the median average error (MAE) as a
more robust (less sensitive to outliers) description. This was performed on 692
field sites which are now available for grasslands and improved pastures in
Queensland. Data from more than 110 additional site data, which were not part
of any model calibration, were used for validation. All available field data were
used without the removal of outliers or bad data.
A second analysis step was performed in an agricultural area based on 25 field
observations during three field campaigns.
All three ground cover models were developed on the basis of Landsat data
from the ACRES which have a slightly different data calibration compared to the
USGS data. A data inter-comparison between the two data sources for five
different land-use types was performed for Landsat bands 3, 5 and 7 which
were used in Model 1.
Rangeland sites
The first row in Figure 2 shows scatter-plots of field observations and bare
ground predictions of the three ground cover models. The plots show regression
lines as well as the RMSE and MAE per model. Only data from the ACRES
archive were used here for all three model comparisons.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2: Comparison for three different ground cover models with field observations.
Line 1 compares the ground cover estimate of all three models, while in lines 2 and 3
the GV and NGV predictions of Model 2 and 3 are shown. The solid line is a 1:1 line,
the dotted line a regression.
The error statistics as well as the data scattering around the plotted regression
line show that all three models give useful estimates of bare ground with MAE
of 10.1% in Model 1, 10.6% in Model 2 and 11.5% in Model 3. The RMSE of
14.6% is lowest in Model 2, with less data scatter occurring. The regression line
in Model 2 is also very close to the 1:1 of field observations and predicted bare
ground, while the regression lines in Model 1 and Model 3 have a slightly
different slope and bias.
Model I (linear)
Mod el II (multinomia l)
Mo del III (SM A)
Model I
Model II
Mo del III
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Model I
Model II
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Mo del III
Row 2 shows the observations and predictions for GV, both Model 1 and 2 have
similar errors with an RMSE of 12.1% and 12.3% RMSE respectively and 4.3%
and 5% for the MAE. Model 2 seems to have a slightly greater deviation from
the 1:1 line. The predictions for NGV seem to work better in Model 2 than in
Model 3 with an RMSE of 17.3% compared to 20.9 % in Model 3, also the MAE
(11.7%) is lower in Model 2 than in Model 3 (13.5%). The point cloud seems to
represent the data in Model 2 well with a regression very close to the 1:1 line,
whereas there is a different slope and bias for the predictions of Model 3. Figure
3 shows the residuals of Figure 2 summarised in deciles.
Figure 3: Comparison of three different ground cover prediction models and field
observations as box and whisker plots of deciles. In row 1 the ground cover estimates
of all three models are compared, while rows 2 and 3 show the GV and NGV
Decile of prediction
Model I
Bare Mod el II
Bare Mode l III
Model I
GV Mo del II
GV Mo del III
Model I
Mo del II
NGV Mo del III
predictions of Model 2 and 3 are shown (the doted lines are plotted at the 0.1 and 0.25
Figure 3 shows box and whisker plots of the three model predictions. The
residuals of the bare ground predictions in Model 1 and 2 are very evenly
distributed and close to zero, while Model 3 shows some systematic deviation
from zero with increasing standard deviation in the deciles 4 to 7 with the
highest deviations. The range of the residuals appears lowest in Model 2. Some
data outliers are plotted, which might be due to artefacts of cloud and cloud
shadow masking.
The GV estimation seems to show a systematic behaviour of the residuals per
decile in Model 2 and to a lesser extent in Model 3. The residuals per decile for
NGV in both Model 2 and 3 do not appear to have a systematic behaviour, with
a lower range and standard deviation in Model 2.
Agricultural areas
An ACRES and USGS Landsat data comparison for different land cover types
for the Landsat spectral band used for the BGI in model 1 are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Differences in BGI for ACRES and USGS data in Landsat bands 3, 5 and 7
top of the atmosphere reflectance (used in Model 1), as well as the BGI.
Description b3 b5 b7 BGI b3 b5 b7 BGI Difference
openpasture 69 149 86 179 66 145 87 183 4
pasture(gold) 31 117 39 101 28 113 37 101 0
pasture2(adav) 69 148 83 173 67 143 82 175 2
openwoodland 42 104 55 122 39 100 56 123 1
openwoodland2 76 143 56 111 72 137 56 116 5
grass/riverbank 73 142 84 186 74 146 88 189 3
shrubs/riverbed 33 118 52 103 31 114 51 102 1
agriculture 30 56 34 186 29 56 33 179 7
claypan 103 193 108 194 97 187 108 196 2
Open woodland
Open woodland
Riverbed (grassy)
Agricultural field
The differences between the two Landsat data sources used for BGI calculation
in Model 1 were 5% or less in natural environments and had a maximum
difference of 7% in an agricultural site. The differences in BGI were below the
model accuracy (Scarth et al. 2006) and the data was thus deemed adequate
for further model comparison. For this analysis only cloud free USGS data were
Field work data from three campaigns near Goondiwindi (QLD) were collated at
three different growth stages of a wheat field and a fallow field of Sorghum and
a fallow wheat field. The utilised wheat field (Site 2 in Figures 4 to 6) was visited
firstly after ploughing (May 2009), secondly during greening up (August 2009)
and thirdly after harvesting (October 2009).
Figure 4 shows a spatial representation of the utilised fields of the property
‘Monte Christo’ in a true colour Landsat TM 5 image, the three ground cover
models and field photos. Some of the field sites from May 2009 (near photo 4)
where ‘short’ transects (10m) for test purposes and excluded from this analysis
(Schmidt et al. 2010). So that 13 full transect field sites were used in the
following, including two data points from the site near photo point 1 in Figures 4
and 5 from an improved pasture site.
Figure 4: Spatial representation of fieldwork in May 2009 on an agricultural site near
Goondiwindi: a) Landsat true colour composite showing field site and field photo
locations; b) Model 1 - Ground Cover Index (GCI) as described in Scarth et al. (2006);
c) Model 2 - fractional cover descriptions of bare, GV and NGV as described in
Schmidt, Denham & Scarth, (in prep); and d) Model 3 - fractional cover descriptions of
bare, GV and NGV as described in Scarth et al. (in prep.). Landsat TM image
observation date: 2009/04/30.
Figure 4 shows a better differentiation within and across field in Models 2 and 3
than in Model 1. Models 2 and 3 estimate noticeably different greenness
intensities in one of the fields and also in the riparian vegetation. The freshly
ploughed field in photo 2, with 94% observed bareness is predicted as being
62% bare by Model 3, 70% by Model 1 and 76% by Model 2.
Figures 5 and 6 show the same area at a different crop growth stage and time
of year.
Figure 5: Spatial representation of fieldwork in August 2009, on an agricultural site
near Goondiwindi: a) Landsat true colour composite, indicating field site and field photo
locations; b) Model 1 - Ground Cover Index (GCI) as described in Scarth et al. (2006);
c) Model 2 - fractional cover descriptions of bare, GV and NGV as described in
Schmidt, Denham & Scarth (in prep); and d) Model 3 - fractional cover descriptions of
bare, GV and NGV as described in Scarth et al. (in prep.). Landsat TM image
observation date: 2009/08/04.
Some of the fields in Figure 5 show active cropping (near Photo 2), while other
fields (near Photos 3 and 4) remained unutilised with very little change in
ground cover.
Figure 6 shows the same area after harvesting. It is noticeable that the
harvested wheat stubble (near Photo 2) shows a different cover than the older
wheat stubble (near Photo 4). Observations: 65.5% cover (65% NGV plus 0.5%
GV), – Model 1: 60% cover, Model 2: 63% cover (56% NGV plus 7% GV),
Model 3: 72% cover (65% NGV plus 8% GV).
Figure 6: Spatial representation of fieldwork in October 2009 on an agricultural site
near Goondiwindi: a) Landsat true colour composite, indicating field site and field photo
locations; b) Model 1 - Ground Cover Index (GCI) as described in Scarth et al. (2006);
c) Model 2 - fractional cover descriptions of bare, GV and NGV as described in
Schmidt, Denham & Scarth (in prep); and d) Model 2 - fractional cover descriptions of
bare, GV and NGV as described in Scarth et al. (in prep.). Landsat TM image
observation date: 2009/10/23.
A regression plot of all 13 observed field sites for the agricultural area is shown
in Figure 7. The three cover predictions of bare, GV and NGV are plotted
separately for Models 1, 2 and 3.
R2 = 0.2483
R2 = 0.4511
R2 = 0.3916
0 20406080100
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Linear (Model 1)
Linear (Model 2)
Linear (Model 3)
= 0.4848
= 0.5582
0 20406080100
= 0.7942
= 0.6979
0 20406080100
Model 2
Model 3
Linear (Model 2)
Linear (Model 3)
= 0.7942
= 0.6979
0 20406080100
Model 2
Model 3
Linear (Model 2)
Linear (Model 3)
= 0.9605
= 0.9297
Model 2
Model 3
Linear (Mod el 2)
Linear (Mod el 3)
= 0.9605
= 0.9297
Model 2
Model 3
Linear (Mod el 2)
Linear (Mod el 3)
= 0.6817
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Linear (Model 1)
Linear (Model 2)
Linear (Model 3)
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 7: Model comparison for the agricultural field sites near Goondiwindi for three
different ground cover prediction models for the fractions bare (a), NGV (c) and GV (d);
(b) shows the bare fractions of all models without the two sites with entirely green
vegetation coverage.
The bare component shows relatively low R2 values in all three models: 0.24 in
Model 1, 0.45 in Model 2 and 0.39 in Model 3. This might be because the
training sites for all three models were chosen in pastoral environments. In fact,
two field sites were measured during the greening up phase in August 2009
with no NGV components, which is very different from natural or pastoral
environments. The observed cover components were entirely composed of a
lush green wheat crop, growing in a black, ploughed soil. Not only has it been
proven difficult in estimating cover in black soils, but also the greenness is
outside the range of our training data. When these two sites were taken out of
the field observations (Figure 7 b) the R2 values for observed and predicted
data increased to 0.49, 0.68 and 0.56 for Models 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
The plot with the NGV data (Figure 7 c) shows a much better fit with R2 values
of 0.79 and 0.70 for Model 2 and 3, respectively, which both seem to appear
with an offset value in the linear regression.
The R2 values of the GV components in Models 2 and 3 (Figure 7 d) are with
0.96 and 0.93 high although a clustering of low data points limits the
interpretability of this plot.
Discussion and conclusions
In grasslands and improved pastures all three models seem to predict bare
ground (or its inverse ground cover) well, with a MAE of 10.1 in Model 1, 10.6 in
Model 2 and 11.5 in Model 3. The scatter in the data in Model 2 is slightly lower
than in Models 1 and 3. The bare ground predictions in Model 2 are less biased.
Model 2 represents GV slightly better than Model 3 while Model 3 seems to
have lower bias in the predictions. NGV is better represented in Model 2 than in
Model 3 with almost no bias.
The RMS errors in all three models are higher than the reported values in the
model calibration; this can be seen as a result of several factors:
- a large time difference of up to 60 days between field and image
observations was allowed;
- no weighting function for the time difference was applied;
- no outlier removal was applied;
- additional field sites were used as compared to the model calibration;
- some of the additional field data may have (depending on the field
operator) differences in the separation between green and non green
vegetation in the field observations which can lead to false estimated in
these components.
The error estimates presented here should be seen as a (very) conservative
error estimate. Figure 8 shows an improved plot with a maximum time
difference of 15 days between field and image observations (351 data points).
The scatter is much reduced with improved error statistics particularly in Model
3 (14.6%). Further analysis of the Model sensitivities is underway.
Model I (linear)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Model II (multinomial)
Model III (S MA)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 8: Comparison for the bare ground component with field observations with a
maximum of 15 days time difference between field and image observation (see Figure
The residuals per decile of all three models (Figure 3) show slight systematic
errors in some fractions, which could potentially be improved with better model
fits. The errors in the estimates can potentially be reduced by using USGS
imagery in the analysis, as the time difference between image observation and
field observation for a fast changing surface component, such as ground cover,
is important. With the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) opening their
Landsat image archive freely to the public, all archived images (after 2000) are
now available. This coverage of up to 20 images per year creates new
opportunities for Landsat based monitoring approaches and will potentially
reduce the errors in the ground cover model.
The differences between the two Landsat data sources (ACRES and USGS) in
Model 1 were 5% or less in natural environments and in an agricultural site, with
the maximum difference of 7%, found to be acceptable for a ‘fair’ model
comparison, as differences are all below the ground cover model accuracy.
The under-estimation of the bare ground in the freshly ploughed field in the
agricultural example might be due to the fact that the surface is disturbed by the
ploughing, but also dark soils have historically been the most difficult soil
backgrounds for estimating ground cover. The field observations with high
values of greenness in the wheat field also posed some difficulties for all three
model predictions. The cases of absolutely bare and entirely lush green cover
are extreme cases that were historically not captured in the rangelands and
thus are outside of the data range used in the calibration of the data models.
This leads to the conclusion that estimates at these extremes need to be
interpreted carefully and that more data points in agricultural areas might be
needed to account for these situations. However, the three models perform well
in agricultural areas that hold a ground cover similar to rangeland conditions, for
example with covers different from nearly 100% bare or 100% green. The
predictions for GV and NGV appear useful in the agricultural area shown here,
despite a small bias in the predictions.
Thanks to everyone involved in the Goondiwindi fieldwork and to the property
owner Peter Russell who allowed the fieldwork. The authors would like to thank
the reviewers who helped to improve this manuscript.
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... Fractional cover is a measure of ground cover that gives values for the amount of green cover, dry cover, and bare earth in a given area [33]. Dry cover is comprised of dead vegetation, branches and leaf litter, while bare ground is soil and rock [34]. ...
... Dry cover is comprised of dead vegetation, branches and leaf litter, while bare ground is soil and rock [34]. Fractional cover is produced from remote sensing products using algorithms to predict the proportion of each component of the fractional cover [33]. While the green fraction is highly correlated with NDVI, fractional cover attempts to give more meaningful understanding of the ground cover beyond greenness, and is particularly relevant in areas prone to long periods with low rainfall [35]. ...
... While the green fraction is highly correlated with NDVI, fractional cover attempts to give more meaningful understanding of the ground cover beyond greenness, and is particularly relevant in areas prone to long periods with low rainfall [35]. Extensive fieldwork sampling has been performed to validate the reliability of fractional cover data [33,35,36] to produce a globally consistent product [37]. An example of fractional cover is shown in Figure 3. ...
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Human environments influence human health in both positive and negative ways. Green space is considered an environmental exposure that confers benefits to human health and has attracted a high level of interest from researchers, policy makers, and increasingly clinicians. Green space has been associated with a range of health benefits, such as improvements in physical, mental, and social wellbeing. There are different sources, metrics and indicators of green space used in research, all of which measure different aspects of the environment. It is important that readers of green space research understand the terminology used in this field, and what the green space indicators used in the studies represent in the real world. This paper provides an overview of the major definitions of green space and the indicators used to assess exposure for health practitioners, public health researchers, and health policy experts who may be interested in understanding this field more clearly, either in the provision of public health-promoting services or to undertake research.
... This study utilized several Landsat datasets, accessed for this study through the DEA platform. USGS Landsat Collection 2 Surface Reflectance imagery from Landsat 5,7,8,and 9 [20] was used by DEA to create the fractional cover (FC) products [41,64] for this study's 30-year study period . A Water Observations from Space product, also created by DEA [65], was used to mask the water and cloud pixels. ...
... This study utilized several Landsat datasets, accessed for this study through the DEA platform. USGS Landsat Collection 2 Surface Reflectance imagery from Landsat 5,7,8,and 9 [20] was used by DEA to create the fractional cover (FC) products [41,64] for this study's 30-year study period (1990-2020). A Water Observations from Space product, also created by DEA [65], was used to mask the water and cloud pixels. ...
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The Horn of Africa has sensitive, arid ecosystems, with its vegetation commonly distressed by factors such as climate change, population increase, unstable water resources, and rarely enforced land use management practices. These factors make countries such as Djibouti highly variable locations for the growth of vegetation and agricultural products, and these countries are becoming more vulnerable to food insecurity as the climate warms. The rapid growth of satellite and digital image processing technology over the last five decades has improved our ability to track long-term agricultural and vegetation changes. Data cubes are a newer approach to managing satellite imagery and studying temporal patterns. Here, we use the cloud-based Digital Earth Africa, Open Data Cube to analyze 30 years of Landsat imagery and orthomosaics. We analyze long-term trends in vegetation dynamics by comparing annual fractional cover metrics (photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation, and bare ground) to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Investigating Djibouti-wide and regional vegetation trends, we provide a comparison of trends between districts and highlight a primary agricultural region in the southeast as a detailed example of vegetation change. The results of the Sen’s slope and Mann–Kendall regression analyses of the data cube suggest a significant decline in vegetation (p = 0.00002), equating to a loss of ~0.09 km² of arable land per year (roughly 2.7 km² over the 30-year period). Overall, decreases in photosynthetic vegetation and increases in both non-photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil areas indicate that the region is becoming more arid and that land cover is responding to this trend.
... Pickup and Chewings 1994;O'Neill 1996;Wallace et al. 2006;Jafari et al. 2007). More recently quantified ground cover measurement (as a proportion of land surface) has been a particular focus for remote sensors (Schmidt et al. 2010;Trevithick et al. 2014; Barnetson et al. 2017). There is now multi-decadal ground cover imagery for the entire continent (Clancy et al. 2013;Stewart et al. 2014) available for use in monitoring ground cover levels across the landscape and through a variety of tools and programs. ...
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Remotely sensed ground cover data play an important role in Australian rangelands research development and extension, reflecting broader global trends in the use of remotely sensed data. We tested the relationship between remotely sensed ground cover data and field-based assessments of grazing land condition in the largest quantitative analysis of its type to date. We collated land condition data from 2282 sites evaluated between 2004 and 2018 in the Burdekin and Fitzroy regions of Queensland. Condition was defined using the Grazing Land Management land condition framework that ranks grazing land condition on a four point ordinal scale based on dimensions of vegetation composition, ground cover level and erosion severity. Nine separate ground cover derived indices were then calculated for each site. We found that all indices significantly correlated with grazing land condition on corresponding sites. Highest correlations occurred with indices that benchmarked ground cover at the site against regional ground cover assessed over several years. These findings provide some validation for the general use of ground cover data as an indicator of rangeland health/productivity. We also constructed univariate land condition models with a subset of these indices. Our models predicted land condition significantly better than random assignment though only moderately well; no model correctly predicted land condition class on >40% of sites. While the best models predicted condition correctly at >60% of A and D condition sites, condition at sites in B and C condition sites was poorly predicted. Several factors limit how well ground cover levels predict land condition. The main challenge is modelling a multidimensional value (grazing land condition) with a unidimensional ground cover measurement. We suggest that better land condition models require a range of predictors to address this multidimensionality but cover indices can make a substantial contribution in this context.
... The ground cover model was developed to deliver ground cover estimates in areas with no or low Foliage Projective Cover (FPC), but was applied here to all surface coverage, with the exception of water bodies, for demonstration purposes. The GV and NGV components can be combined to estimate the ground cover with better accuracy than previously achieved (Schmidt et al. 2010a -in these proceedings). ...
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Ground cover is a critical attribute of the landscape affecting infiltration and can functionally be related to surface runoff, nutrient fluxes and soil erosion. Ground cover relates to living and non-living materials on the soil surface. Besides the direct economic value for graziers, varying levels of ground cover have indirect economic and major ecological implications on productivity, land condition and biodiversity. Remote sensing offers one of the few ways to monitor long term ground cover change over large spatial extents. This work is supporting the recently initiated Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan to limit negative environmental impacts to the Great Barrier Reef. Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper+ imagery have recently become freely available and thus make possible time series applications on medium-high spatial resolution data at a temporal resolution greater than annual. This contribution outlines the operational product development of a seasonal ground cover product based on different temporal compositing methods. Introduction Queensland's rangelands are subject to high climate variability on seasonal, annual, decadal and longer timescales, making management for economic and environmental sustainability difficult. Ground cover levels may vary due to anthropogenic management of grazing enterprises and agricultural land management practices, or natural seasonal changes in rainfall. Dynamic ground cover information is important for reliably estimating soil erosion and nutrient flux into the stream network and the adjacent Great Barrier Reef (GBR). With the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) opening their Landsat image archive freely to the public, all archived images from 1999 onwards are now available with next to no budget constraints. This coverage of up to 20 images per year creates new opportunities for Landsat based time series analysis and environmental monitoring approaches.
Introduction Environmental exposures can contribute both benefits and risks to human health. Maternal exposure to green space has been associated with improvements in birthweight, among other birth outcomes. Newer measures of green space have been developed, which allows for an exploration of the effect of different ground covers (green, dry and bare earth), as well as measures of biodiversity. This study explores the association of these novel green space measures with birthweight in a large birth cohort in Queensland, Australia. Methods Birthweight was acquired from the routine health records. Records were allocated green space values for fractional cover, biodiversity and foliage projective cover. Directed acyclic graphs were developed to guide variable selection. Mixed-effects linear regression and generalised linear mixed-effects models were developed, with random intercepts for maternal residential locality and year of birth. Results are presented as standardised beta coefficients or odds ratios, with 95% confidence intervals. Results An IQR increase of green cover (29.6 g, 95% CI 13.8–45.5) and foliage projective cover (26.0 g, 95% CI 10.8–41.3) are associated with birthweight in urban areas. An IQR increase in dry cover −34.4 g, 95% CI -60.4 to −8.4) and bare earth (−17.7 g, 95% CI -32.8 to −2.6) are associated with lower birthweight. Mothers living in rural areas had similar results, with an IQR increase in green cover (17.8 g, 95% CI 2.9–32.7) associated with higher birthweight, and bare earth (−27.7 g, 95% CI -45.7 to −9.7) was associated with lower birthweight. The biodiversity measure used in this study was not associated with any birthweight outcomes. Conclusion This study finds that the types of ground cover within the maternal residential locality are associated with small, but significant, changes in estimated birthweight, and these effects are not limited to urban areas.
Technical Report
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Ground cover plays an important role in Australia's environmental, agricultural and economic sustainability. It is effective in reducing the loss of sediments through wind and water erosion and supports a diverse range of biodiversity. The Queensland Remote Sensing Centre (RSC) in the Queensland Government has an established ground cover monitoring program. The Queensland Ground Cover Monitoring Program (QGCMP) uses satellite imagery and field data to research and develop state-wide, regional and local ground cover mapping and monitoring products. The products support government legislation, conservation efforts and land management initiatives. The QGCMP is based on the extensive archives and processing streams for Landsat and other imagery. The Program developed the Ground Cover Index (GCI) which uses ~25 years of Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery and field data to quantify ground cover levels. The resultant index was applied across Queensland with an RMSE of 12.9%. Subsequent additions and improvements to the QGCMP have included: establishment of a supporting field monitoring program including research of new field-based technologies; development of new unmixing algorithms for fractional vegetation cover; research and development of systems and methods for time-series analysis for more regular monitoring; and, cross-calibrations between sensors for deriving and modelling biomass and other ground cover metrics. This paper outlines some of the research undertaken and products developed for the QGCMP and discusses the application of the products in key state and federal government policies and initiatives.
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Vegetation responses and ecosystem function are spatially variable and influenced by climate variability. The Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM) was used to combine MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) and Landsat TM/ETM+ (Thematic Mapper/ Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus) imagery for an 8 year dataset (2000-2007) at 30m spatial resolution with 8 day intervals. This dataset allows for a functional analysis of ecosystem responses, suitable for heterogeneous landscapes. Derived vegetation index information in form of the NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) was used to investigate the relationship between vegetation responses and gridded rainfall data for regional ecosystems. A hierarchical decomposition of the time series has been carried out in which relationships among the time-series were individually assessed for deterministic time-series components (trend component and seasonality) as well as for the stochastic seasonal anomalies. While no common long-term trends in NDVI and rainfall data in the time period considered exist, there is however, a strong concurrence in the seasonally of NDVI and rainfall data. This component accounts for the majority of variability in the time-series. On the level of seasonal anomalies, these relationships are more subtle. The statistical analysis required, among others, the removal of temporal autocorrelation for an unbiased assessment of significance. Significant lagged correlations between rainfall and NDVI were found in complex Queensland savannah vegetation communities. For grasslands and open woodlands, significant relationships with lag times between 8 and 16 days were found. For denser, evergreen vegetation communities greater lag times of up to 2.5 months were found. The derived distributed lag models may be used for short-term NDVI and biomass predictions on the spatial resolution scale of Landsat (30m).
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Change is a constant in Australia’s rangelands. Appropriate management,of this change,requires a sound knowledge of drivers (e.g. climate variability, livestock grazing), their impacts on natural resources (state and trend), socio-economic outcomes, and how these feed back through learning and adaptive management to affect drivers and their impacts.Informationisrequiredatscalesfromenterprisetonational,withregionalandbroaderlevelinformationservingto influence rangelands governance through institutional arrangements, policy and funding programs. The Australian Collaborative Rangelands Information System (ACRIS) collates and analyses datafrom,national sources andfrom,its State and Territory jurisdictional partners to track and understand,change,at regional to national scales. ACRIS has recently reportedchangesbetween1992and 2005inseveralbiophysicalandsocio-economic themesatbioregionalresolution. This paperdescribestheprocessesusedtocollateandanalysetheoftendisparatedata,tosynthesiseinformationacrossdatatypes and to integrate emergent higher order information across drivers, impacts and outcomes to provide more complete understanding ofchange. Data gaps and inconsistencies were a major challenge, and we illustrate how some of these issues were addressed,by using indicators to report changes,in biodiversity. ACRIS now,needs to foster increased coordinated monitoring activity and develop its reporting capacity to become,the valued information system for Australia’s rangelands. We propose,that future improvements,will be best structured within a hierarchically nested framework,that provides consistent overarching,data at national scale relevant to the variety of rangeland values (e.g. change,in ground,cover) but focusesonregionally-relevantecosystemservices,andtheirappropriatemeasures,attheregionalscale.Akeychallengeisto implementconsistentandsystematicmethodsformonitoringbiodiversitywithinthishierarchicalframework,givenlimited institutionalresources.Finally,ACRISneedstodevelopadynamicweb-baseddeliverysystemtoenablemorefrequentand flexible reporting of interpreted change,than is possible through periodic published reports. Additional keywords: biodiversity, institutions, landscape function, livestock, rangeland monitoring, seasonal quality,
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1. Introduction 1.1. Ground cover and erosion Ground cover is the proportion of the underlying soil material that is covered by the vegetative ground layer or superficial rock material. The vegetative ground layer consists of living or dead plant material and includes live grasses and forbs, leaves and branches and cryptogams such as mosses and lichens. Ground cover changes in response to climate, vegetation dynamics and land management. The quantity of ground cover affects water infiltration, runoff and erosion. It is also linked to the key land condition indicators of pasture production and biodiversity. Estimates of ground cover and changes to the quantities and spatial arrangement of ground cover over time provide land managers, policy-makers and scientists with valuable information. This helps inform decisions in relation to soil erosion, soil carbon, water quality, pasture production, land condition, climate change, fire and regional management targets. For the purposes of this report, we refer to ground cover as the vegetative ground cover component, which is detectable through the use of satellite imagery. A recent report by Leys et al. (2009) identified ground cover as a key indicator of land management practices. Importantly, ground cover can be used to infer and monitor wind and water erosion risk. The report noted that many catchment action plans of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) bodies are using ground cover as a surrogate for erosion risk. However, at both the national and regional levels, there remains a lack of comprehensive, consistent ground cover data at a temporal and spatial scale adequate for monitoring and assessing environmental targets related to soil erosion and land management. 1.2. Remote sensing of ground cover Ground cover estimates, derived from remotely sensed imagery are important land condition indicators and become increasingly useful when a time-series of ground cover information is available. A number of techniques have been developed for estimating ground cover quantities and crop residues using remotely sensed imagery. For example, Daughtry (2001) and Daughtry et al. (2005, 2006) used the spectral libraries of crop residues and crop types, combined with multispectral (Landsat TM) and hyperspectral imagery (AVIRIS, Hyperion) to compare spectral residue and soil indices, including the cellulose absorption index (CAI), to assess crop residue levels and types in the United States. In Australia, a comprehensive review of techniques was undertaken by Leys et al. (2009) (refer to appendix 3 in their report). In their report, and following an expert workshop, they summarised four ground cover estimation techniques that may be most suitable for erosion modelling. These techniques included: i. Annual estimates of woody fractional cover using the Queensland statewide landcover and trees study (SLATS) method based on Landsat TM data (Danaher et al., 1998). ii. Monthly bare ground index (BGI) methods for Landsat (Scarth et al., 2006) and MODIS (Milne et al., 2007). iii. Monthly fractional cover using the CSIRO MODIS non-woody fractional cover method (Guerschman et al., 2009). iv. Monthly fractional cover using the CSIRO AVHRR data archive (Donohue et al., 2008). There are, in fact, five products listed above as ii. contains both Landsat and MODIS scale cover products. Each of these products derives slightly different estimates of cover due to what they measure and the temporal and spatial scale at which they operate. The original estimates of woody fractional cover (Danaher et al., 1998) undertaken by the Queensland Remote Sensing Centre (QRSC) are presently generated as annual estimates of woody Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) following the methods described by Danaher et al. (2004). The BGI methods of Scarth et al. (2006) are presently annual estimates of ground cover as derived from a Ground Cover Index (GCI) using Landsat imagery. The GCI is calibrated using ground-based measurements of ground cover fractions, primarily from rangeland systems. The BGI methods of Milne et al. (2007) use the MODIS 16-day and 8-day composites at 1km and 500m resolution respectively, and were calibrated using the Landsat GCI product. The products developed by Guerschman et al. (2009) use field-derived spectral libraries of fractional ground cover in Australian tropical savannas. The spectral libraries in this method were compiled using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral imagery to explore the spectral response space to develop fractional cover endmembers. These were used along with the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the CAI (Cellulose Absorption Index) in a linear mixture approach. The approach was then applied to daily MODIS imagery at 500m resolution (coincident with the Hyperion imagery) and then to six years of the MODIS 16-day composite imagery at 1km resolution to resolve quantitative estimates of photosynthetic vegetation (PV), non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) and bare soil for ~2 million km2 of the Australian tropical savanna zone. More recently, this approach has been applied to the MODIS 8-day composite at 500m resolution for the entire Australian continent. The monthly fractional cover estimates produced by Donohue et al. (2008) are a product of a relative reflectance calibration technique that assumes that the position of the vegetation cover triangle is invariant in reflectance space. This technique has been applied nationally to AVHRR data at approximately 1km resolution. Of the ground cover and crop residue measurement techniques described above, none of the methods developed have been designed or calibrated for the range of intensive agricultural systems (i.e. cropping and improved pasture) in Australia. Some studies have been undertaken using remote sensing time-series techniques to monitor Australian crop types and seasonal patterns in cropping rotations (e.g. Potgeiter et al., 2007; Pringle et al., 2008). However, these studies do not provide estimates of ground cover and crop residue levels at different stages of the cropping cycle and have used imagery (e.g. MODIS) that is at a resolution too coarse to accurately monitor many cropping systems in Australia.
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Ground cover is a critical attribute of the landscape affecting infiltration and can functionally be related to surface runoff, nutrient fluxes and soil erosion. Ground cover relates to living and non-living materials on the soil surface. Besides the direct economic value for graziers, varying levels of ground cover have indirect economic and major ecological implications on productivity, land condition and biodiversity. Remote sensing offers one of the few ways to monitor long term ground cover change over large spatial extents. This work is supporting the recently initiated Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan to limit negative environmental impacts to the Great Barrier Reef. Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper+ imagery have recently become freely available and thus make possible time series applications on medium-high spatial resolution data at a temporal resolution greater than annual. This contribution outlines the operational product development of a seasonal ground cover product based on different temporal compositing methods. Introduction Queensland's rangelands are subject to high climate variability on seasonal, annual, decadal and longer timescales, making management for economic and environmental sustainability difficult. Ground cover levels may vary due to anthropogenic management of grazing enterprises and agricultural land management practices, or natural seasonal changes in rainfall. Dynamic ground cover information is important for reliably estimating soil erosion and nutrient flux into the stream network and the adjacent Great Barrier Reef (GBR). With the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) opening their Landsat image archive freely to the public, all archived images from 1999 onwards are now available with next to no budget constraints. This coverage of up to 20 images per year creates new opportunities for Landsat based time series analysis and environmental monitoring approaches.
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Assessment of the health of landscapes, by monitoring their condition over space and time, is needed to better understand the processes for sustaining or, in many cases, repairing them. Remote sensing is a tool that can efficiently identify and assess areas of landscape damage at different scales and help land managers solve specific problems. Remote sensing may appear to be a panacea for all monitoring situations but sometimes the information it provides is not enough by itself. In this paper we give examples of both scenarios—when remote sensing alone is adequate and when it is not. When remotely sensed data alone is not sufficient, monitoring problems can be solved by incorporating additional finer scale data. We use a five-step procedure based on scaling to help land managers answer the question: when is remote sensing data alone not sufficient to underpin the information needs required to achieve a specific management goal?
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Land condition monitoring information is required for the strategic management of grazing land and for a better understanding of ecosystem processes. Yet, for policy makers and those land managers whose properties are situated within north-eastern Australia's vast Great Barrier Reef catchments, there has been a general lack of geospatial land condition monitoring information. This paper provides an overview of integrated land monitoring activity in rangeland areas of two major Reef catchments in Queensland: the Burdekin and Fitzroy regions. The project aims were to assemble land condition monitoring datasets that would assist grazing land management and support decision-makers investing public funds; and deliver these data to natural resource management(NRM) community groups, which had been given increased responsibility for delivering local environmental outcomes. We describe the rationale and processes used to produce new land condition monitoring datasets derived from remotely sensed Landsat thematic mapper (TM) and high resolution SPOT 5 satellite imagery and from rapid land condition ground assessment. Specific products include subcatchment groundcover change maps, regional mapping of indicative very poor land condition, and stratified land condition site summaries. Their application, integration, and limitations are discussed. The major innovation is a better understanding of NRM issues with respect to land condition across vast regional areas, and the effective transfer of decision-making capacity to the local level. Likewise, with an increased ability to address policy questions from an evidence-based position, combined with increased cooperation between community, industry and all levels of government, a new era has emerged for decision-makers in rangeland management.
The Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) use both Landsat-7 ETM+ and Landsat-5 TM imagery to monitor short-term woody vegetation changes throughout Queensland, Australia. In order to analyse more subtle long-term vegetation change, time-based trends resulting from artefacts introduced by the sensor system must be removed. In this study, a reflectance-based vicarious calibration approach using high-reflectance, pseudo-invariant targets in western Queensland was developed. This calibration procedure was used to test the existing calibration models for ETM+ and TM, and develop a consistent operational calibration procedure which provides calibration information for the MSS sensors. Ground based data, sensor spectral response functions and atmospheric variables were used as input to MODTRAN radiative transfer code to estimate top-of-atmosphere radiance. The estimated gains for Landsat-7 ETM+ (1999–2003), -5 TM (1987–2004), -5 MSS (1984–1993) and -2 MSS (1979–1982) are presented. Results confirm the stability and accuracy of the ETM+ calibration, and the suitability of this data as a radiometric standard for cross-calibration with TM. Vicarious data support the use of the existing TM calibration model for the red and two shortwave-infrared bands. However, alternative models for blue, green and near-infrared bands are presented. The models proposed differ most noticeably at dates prior to 1995, with differences in estimated gains of up to 9.7%, 10.8% and 6.9% for the blue, green and near-infrared bands respectively. Vicarious gains for Landsat-2 MSS and Landsat-5 MSS are presented and are compared with those applied by the on-board calibration system. Updated calibration coefficients to scale MSS data to the SLATS vicarious measurements are given. The removal of time based calibration trends in the SLATS data archive will enable the measurement of vegetation changes over the 26 year period covered by Landsat -2, -5 and -7.
Mapping water body extent in Queensland through time series analysis of Landsat imagery
  • J S Muir
  • T Danaher
Muir, J.S. & Danaher, T. 2008, "Mapping water body extent in Queensland through time series analysis of Landsat imagery", Proceedings of the 14th ARSPC conference, Darwin. ARSPC.
Reef Water Quality Protection Plan 2009 for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and Adjacent Catchments, Australian Government
  • Queensland Government
Queensland Government 2009, Reef Water Quality Protection Plan 2009 for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and Adjacent Catchments, Australian Government; Queensland Government.