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Using Video Podcasts to Enhance Technology-Based Learning in Preservice Teacher Education: A Formative Analysis



The purpose of this study was to examine the use of video podcasts designed to teach software skills in a preservice teacher education program. It was observed that most preservice teachers used video podcasts one or two times per month to learn specific tasks involving specialty software (e.g., web design, subject-specific, multimedia presentations). The majority of preservice teachers agreed that video podcasts were easy to find, clear, simple to follow, and delivered at a good pace. Preservice teachers specifically enjoyed the just-in-time, instant access to video podcasts. Preference for using video podcasts varied according to gender, age, and level of computer experience. Finally, preservice teachers indicated that the video clips were useful in helping them to learn new software tasks.
Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education Sept. 2012, Vol. 1 Iss. 3, PP. 97-104
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Using Video Podcasts to Enhance
Technology-Based Learning in Preservice Teacher
Education: A Formative Analysis
Robin Kay
University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Abstract- The purpose of this study was to examine the use of
video podcasts designed to teach software skills in a preservice
teacher education program. It was observed that most
preservice teachers used video podcasts one or two times per
month to learn specific tasks involving specialty software (e.g.,
web design, subject-specific, multimedia presentations). The
majority of preservice teachers agreed that video podcasts
were easy to find, clear, simple to follow, and delivered at a
good pace. Preservice teachers specifically enjoyed the just-in-
time, instant access to video podcasts. Preference for using
video podcasts varied according to gender, age, and level of
computer experience. Finally, preservice teachers indicated
that the video clips were useful in helping them to learn new
software tasks.
Key words- Teacher Education; Preservice; Video Podcasts;
Attitude; Learning; Technology; Computers
A. Overview
A number of nationally recognized organizations
[1,2,3,4,5] have created comprehensive standards for the use
of technology in teacher preparation programs. Assuming
that thoughtful use of technology in certain contexts can
have a significant and positive impact on students’ learning
[6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13] preservice teacher education programs
are a reasonable place to start with respect to integrating and
disseminating technology into the classroom. However,
previous research suggests that many teacher preparatory
programs have not been particularly successful training new
teachers to use technology effectively (see Kay [14] for a
review of the literature).
According to Koehler & Mishra [15], integration of
technology into an educational setting is a challenging
process. One necessary component is learning the basic
skills required to use education-based software. Without
these skills, it is very difficult to incorporate the pedagogy
needed to use computers effectively in the classroom. The
purpose of the current study was to investigate the use of
video podcasts in teaching software skills to preservice
B. Challenges for Preservice Teacher Programs and
Teaching with Technology:
At least four key challenges exist for effectively
integrating technology into teacher preparation programs
including acquiring basic software skills, rapidly changing
technology content, the emergence of the Net generation,
and practical implementation issues.
1) Acquiring Basic Software Skills:
Kay [14], in a large-scale review of the literature, cited a
wide range of approaches to teaching technology in
preservice education programs including delivering a single
technology course, incorporating technology into all
courses, using multimedia resources, modeling how to use
technology, collaboration among peers, using mentor
teachers and faculty, practicing technology use in the field,
and offering mini-workshops. In most programs, only one to
three of these strategies were employed. At the time, there
was no underlying theoretical framework to guide
technological integration.
In 2008, Koehler & Mishra [15] proposed the
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)
model for educators interested in using technology
successfully. They noted that meaningful implementation of
technology in education is complex and involves the
merging of three key areas of understanding: technology,
subject area, and pedagogy. A solid understanding of how to
use technology (e.g., software skills) is a necessary first step
to create effective technology based learning activities for
the classroom. However, direct research on the acquisition
of the fundamental software skills by preservice teachers is
somewhat limited [14].
2) Constantly Changing Content
A second challenge for preservice teacher education
programs is the pace at which new software is created and
modified [16,17,18,19]. Koehler & Mishra [15] argue that
this state of constant change creates a situation where
teachers become life-long learners who need to constantly
contend with ambiguity and frustration. Collins &
Halverson [20] advocate just-in-time learning as one
approach for adapting to an ever changing technology
knowledge base.
3) The Net Generation:
The third challenge is related to a new type of student
enrolled in preservice teacher education programs. These
students, born between 1977 and 1997 and referred to as the
Net Generation [18], have grown up with technology from a
very early age and consequently have different ways of
learning and viewing the world. For example, the Net
Generation, often rely on web-based resources and insist on
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the freedom to choose when and where they learn [18].
They also expect learning to be customized and match their
need for speed or instant responses to requests for
information or feedback [18] Finally, the Net Generation
has grown up with and thrives on innovationthey are
looking for new tools with which to learn. Given that many
faculty members in teacher education programs come from
an older generation of digital immigrants and that most
school curriculum is based on a turn of the century
industrial model for instruction [20,21,22], there may be
tension with respect the best method for teaching basic
technology skills.
4) Practical Implementation:
The fourth challenge to integrating technology into
preservice teacher education programs involves a number of
practical obstacles including lack of time [23,24], teaching
philosophy of mentors and school administration with
respect to technology [25,26,27], the limited technological
skill of faculty of education members [23, 28,29], and fear
of technological problems [26,30].
In summary, learning how to use technology in a
preservice teacher education program is a complicated
process involving constant adjustment to an ever changing
content, a generation of students that appears to learn quite
differently from currently established education standards
and methods, and a number of practical obstacles that
impede true assimilation.
C. The Potential Role of Video Podcasts
Video podcasts refer to audio visual files that are
distributed in a digital format through the Internet using
personal computers or mobile devices [31]. They were
originally popularized with the YouTube website where
over three billon clips are viewed daily [32]. They are
delivered in a variety of formats including lectures [33],
supplementary support materials [34], or skill-based [35].
Skill-based video podcasts are designed to explain,
articulate and assist students in learning specific procedural
tasks and have the potential to address some of the
challenges that preservice teacher education programs face
with respect to teaching technology.
Skill-based video podcasts could be particularly helpful
in teaching software skills and addressing the technological
content component of Koehler & Mishra's [15] TPCK
model. They are also readily available on a wide variety of
web-sites (e.g., Atomic Learning, YouTube, Teacher Tube)
and constantly updated to keep up with rapid change in
software development. In addition, skill-based video
podcasts match the learning demands of the Net Generation:
just-in-time, instant access, learning where and when they
want, and customized to suit individual ability levels.
Finally, skill-based video podcasts address some practical
concerns in teaching technology because they are available
whenever a preservice teacher needs to use them (time
efficient) and break down the learning of new software into
short, easily digestible tasks, thereby reducing the fear and
anxiety of reluctant users.
D. Research Supporting the Use of Video Podcasts as a
Teaching Aid
Since 2006, research on use of lecture-based video
podcasts in higher education has increased considerably [31,
33]. The evidence suggests that video podcasts are
enjoyable to watch [36,37], satisfying [38,39], motivating
[40,41], intellectually stimulating [42], useful, helpful, and
effective with respect to augmenting the learning process
[34,43,44,45]. Students especially like controlling when and
where they learn [37, 41,46], what they need to learn
[33,47], and the pace of learning [47,48,49]. In addition,
study habits appear to have improved with respect to
fostering independence [50], increasing self-reflection [51],
more efficient test preparation [52], and reviewing material
regularly [53,55]. Overall, previous research indicates that
lecture-based video podcasts have a beneficial impact on
student attitudes and behaviour.
However, research on skill-based video podcasts is
limited with only two peer review studies found [35,55].
Loomes et, al. [55] examined the possible benefits of skill-
based video podcasts but did not formally study their effect
on students’ attitudes or learning. Crippen & Earl [35]
observed that students had positive attitudes toward the use
of skill-based video podcasts in an undergraduate chemistry
class. Research on the use of skill-based video podcasts to
teach students how to use software has not been conducted.
E. Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was to examine the use of
video podcasts to teach software skills in a preservice
teacher education environment. Specific attention was
directed toward exploring frequency and purpose of use,
attitudes toward video podcasts, learning preferences, and
how helpful video podcasts were in supporting the learning
of new software. The principle guiding question was Are
video podcasts an effective tool for supporting preservice
teachers in learning new software skills?”.
F. Research Questions
Six specific research questions were addressed regarding
the use of video podcasts to learn new software.
1. How often and why did preservice teachers use
video podcasts?
2. What software did preservice teachers use video
podcasts to learn?
3. What were preservice teachers’ attitudes toward
video podcasts?
4. What were preservice teachers’ preferences with
respect to learning software compared to using video
5. Were there individual differences (gender, age,
computer experience) with respect to teachers’
preferences in learning software?
6. Overall, how helpful were video podcasts in
supporting preservice teachers in learning new
software skills?
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A. Sample
1) Students:
The sample was selected from a small university located
within a large, metropolitan area of over three million
people. Approximately 150 students, all of whom had at
least a Bachelor degree, were enrolled in an eight-month
teacher-education program for future instructors of grades 7
to 12. One hundred and four preservice teachers (64
females, 28 males, 12 missing data) ranging from 22 to 50
years old (M=30.9, SD=8.2), volunteered to participate in
the study. The participation response rate was 69%. Years
of computer related experienced varied from 0 to 2 years
(n=2, 2%), 3 to 5 years (n=15, 16%), 6 to 10 years (n=35,
38%), and more than 10 years (n=40, 44%).
2) Video podcasts:
The video podcasts supported the learning of over 200
software applications and were accessed through the Atomic
Learning website ( Each
software application included 50 to 100 video podcasts, one
to three minutes in length, supporting basic, intermediate
and expert skills. Each preservice teacher had a unique user
name and password to log on to the website.
B. Procedure
The video podcasts were made available to students one
week prior to the start of the program. Preservice teachers
were given a 30-minute session on how to locate and use
video podcasts and had access to these tools 24 hours per
day, seven days a week until the end of the eight-month
program. No formal assessment of technological skills was
conducted based on the use video podcasts, nor was there
any requirement to use these tools.
Preservice teachers were informed of and asked to
volunteer for the study. Participation, which consisted of
filling in a 5 to 10 minute online survey, was voluntary and
anonymous and did not impact a student’s grade. Preservice
teachers were given three chances to fill in a single, online
survey throughout the term (see Appendix A).
C. Data Sources
1) Use of video podcasts:
Two questions were asked regarding how frequently
preservice teachers used video podcasts and what software
applications they sought help for in a one month period
(Appendix A).
2) Attitudes toward video podcasts:
Ten seven-point, Likert scale items were used to assess
preservice teachers’ attitudes toward video podcasts
focussing on ease of use, quality of explanations, overall
helpfulness, and how video podcasts compared to three
other teaching approaches: playing with the software, face-
to-face instruction, and written directions (Appendix A).
The internal reliability of this scale was 0.89. However,
since this study is a formative analysis, all items were
analysed individually in order to gain detailed insight into
the use of video podcasts.
3) Open-Ended question:
Finally, students were asked an open-ended question
about how useful video podcasts were in helping them to
learn new software. Sixty-nine students offered 109
comments which were assigned to a category and a rating
based on a five-point Likert scale (-2 = very negative, -1 =
negative, 0 = neutral, 1 = positive, 2 = very positive). Since
this was a formative analysis, no apriori assumptions were
made about what to look for regarding categories (see
Appendix B for coding scheme). Two raters independently
assessed all student comments and initially achieved inter-
rater reliability of 77% on the categories and 64% on the
ratings. The two raters then discussed differences in coding
and re-rated the comments independently. The final inter-
rater reliability estimates were 100% for categories and 98%
for numerical ratings.
A. Preservice Teachers’ Use of Video Podcasts
When asked how often they used video podcasts in a
month, most preservice teachers viewed them once (n=47,
46%) or every two weeks (n=29, 28%). Other responses
were two to three times per week (n=4, 4%) or weekly
(n=13, 13%). Ten percent of preservice teachers (n=10)
never used video podcasts.
When asked why they used video podcasts, the most
frequent response was to find out how to do a specific task
(n=59, 57%). Over one third of preservice teachers used
video podcasts to browse and explore new tasks they
might” not know how to learn (n=39, 38%). A small group
of preservice teachers used the video podcasts to
systematically learn a new software package (n=19, 18%).
Finally, about ten percent of the students (n=14) used the
video podcasts to review tasks they had learned elsewhere.
B. Content of Video Podcasts Selected
Regarding learning content, preservice teachers used
video podcasts to learn a variety of speciality software
including Dreamweaver (n=25, 24%) and Flash (n=12,
12%) for web page design, Camtasia for screen recordings
(n=24, 23%), PowerPoint for presentations (n=23, 22%),
Geometers Sketchpad (n=22, 21%) and Fathom (n=21,
20%) for mathematics, Adobe Photoshop for editing
pictures (n=12, 12%), Moviemaker (n=9, 9%) for creating
video clips, and Inspiration for creating mind maps (n=9,
9%). Video podcasts were used infrequently to learn more
common software/tasks such as Windows (n=5, 5%), Adobe
Acrobat (n=4, 4%), searching the web (n=4, 4%), Outlook
for email (n=3, 3%), Internet Explorer (n=2, 2%), Excel
(n=2, 2%), and Word (n=1, 1%).
C. Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Video Podcasts
Preservice teachers’ attitudes toward video podcasts are
summarized in Table 1. The vast majority of students
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agreed that the video podcasts were clear, easy to find, and
delivered at a good pace. Most students felt that there were
enough topics to choose from and that being shown how to
do software tasks using video podcasts was helpful.
Item Mean1 SD Dis2 Agr3
1. The clips I wanted
were easy to find. 5.9 0.9 7% 78%
2. The clips were easy to
follow. 6.0 0.9 6% 83%
3. There are enough
topics for me to learn. 5.6 1.2 4% 75%
4. The pace of the clips
was good. 5.9 1.0 4% 80%
5. The explanations were
clear. 6.0 0.9 2% 82%
6. Being shown how to do
a tasks with a video
was helpful. 5.8 1.3 3% 78%
7. Overall, the clips have
helped me learn how to
do new tasks. 5.5 1.1 4% 62%
1 Seven point Likert Scale (1-Strong Disagree to 7- Strongly Agree)
2 Both Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3 Both Agree and Strongly Agree
D. Preservice Teachers’ Learning Preferences Compared
to Video Podcasts
Preservice teachers had a slight preference for playing
with the software or face-to-face instruction compared to
using video podcasts to learn new skills. On the other hand,
video podcasts were clearly preferred over using written
instructions when learning new software (Table 2).
Based on 17 open-ended comments, preservice teachers
who used the video podcasts sparingly or not at all liked
using a trial and error approach to learning new software.
Sample comments were:
Once I had some of the basics, I learned a lot by trial
and error, as well."
It was useful when looking for specific functions that I
needed clarification on. However, I prefer learning
software by playing around with it rather than listening
to instruction.”
I used a clip to help me with a project, but to be honest
I discovered other tasks the software does by playing
with the program.”
Item Mean1 SD DA2 N4 Agr3
1. I would prefer to
play with the
software rather than
using the clips to
4.5 1.7 13% 54% 33%
2. I prefer face-to-face
instructions rather
than using the clips
to learn.
4.5 1.7 15% 51% 34%
3. I prefer written
instructions rather
than using the clips
to learn.
3.2 1.7 44% 45% 11%
1 Seven point Likert Scale (1-Strong Disagree to 7- Strongly Agree)
2 Both Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3 Both Agree and Strongly Agree
4 Neutral
E. Individual Differences in Preservice Teachers‘ Learning
A MANOVA was run comparing male and female
preferences to trial and error, face-to-face, and written
instruction approaches for learning software compared to
watching video podcasts. Male preservice teachers preferred
trial and error for learning new software over the use of
video podcasts significantly more than female preservice
teachers (F=4.61, p <.05). There were no significant
differences between males and females with respect to
preference for using face-to-face or written instruction to
learn new software versus watching video podcasts.
Older preservice teachers preferred using a trial and
error approach to learn new software compared to watching
video podcasts significantly more than younger students
(r=0.21, p < .05). No significant age differences were
observed for face-to-face or written methods of instruction
when compared to using video podcasts.
Finally, preservice teachers with more computer
experience preferred a trial and error method of learning
new software compared to watching video podcasts
significantly more than students with less experience
(r=0.26, p < .05). No significant differences were observed
with respect to computer experience and using face-to-face
or written modes of learning compared to watching video
F. Overall Effectiveness of Video Podcasts
Overall, preservice teachers made 73 positive comments
and 36 negative comments about the helpfulness of video
podcasts in learning new software. With respect to positive
comments, five categories were noted including overall
usefulness, learning, just-in-time flexibility, basic skills, and
1) Usefulness:
A number of preservice teachers (n=25) commented that
video podcasts were useful. Typical comments were:
Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education Sept. 2012, Vol. 1 Iss. 3, PP. 97-104
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This tool is useful for learning new software when we
do not cover the topic in class.”
I love them. I think they are very useful.”
This is a very useful program that I plan on using in the
I still had to experiment on my own somewhat, but, all
in all, I found the site very useful.”
2) Learning issues:
Many preservice teachers (n=18) made specific
reference to video podcasts helping them learn. A number of
issues were noted including discovering how to do new and
interesting tasks, learning through visual supports,
controlling the time and pace of learning, lowering anxiety,
and getting help when off campus. Sample comments were:
This type of tutorial is great for giving the ‘That’s cool!
I didn't know it could do that’ knowledge.”
I really liked the clips about the graphing calculator
because they showed me several options that I would
not have discovered on my own.”
I like to learn through visual means.”
I can even go at my own pace and review things at my
own time.”
I’m the type of person who is easily intimidated by
computers, but the [video] clips ease[d] my anxiety!”
Being on campus 3 days a week, going to find tech
help is not an option sometimes. The clips take the
place of a person, and they are just as good - if not
3) Just-in-time resource:
Preservice teachers (n=16) also viewed video podcasts
as a resource they could consult the moment they had a
question about a specific piece of software. Sample
comments were:
I like this tool as a resource. I do not feel it can replace
instruction or support, but rather complement it.”
I looked only at what I needed and then after that I did
not explore the clips any further.”
When an assignment is due which requires use of
specific software, I don’t have to go rifling through my
notes to find handouts on how to use the software. Ican
simply click on the shortcut on my desktop.”
If I need to know how to do a specific task quickly, I
usually go to the clips.”
4) Basic skills:
Some preservice teacher used video podcasts primarily
to acquire the basic skills for using a new software package.
Typical comments included:
The clips give the basics only to get a working
I found the tool as a great introduction to software.”
I thought the clips were a good basis for familiarizing
myself with PowerPoint.”
“This tool was very useful at the beginning of the year
when many types of software were new.”
Regarding negative comments about the helpfulness of
video podcasts, three main themes were observed including
preference for other methods of learning, not having enough
time, and difficulty level.
A number of preservice teachers (n=17), as stated
earlier, preferred to use alternative methods to learning new
software including asking for help (e.g. I found it easier to
ask someone for help.”), working on concrete tasks (e.g., I
learn new software when I finish a concrete task.”), reading
a manual (e.g., But to learn in depth a software I would
recommend book instruction.”) and trial-and-error (e.g., I
learned a lot by trial and error.”).
A small group of preservice teachers (n=8) commented
that they simply did not have the time to use the video clips
because of busy schedules and being overworked (e.g., I
really didn’t have a lot of time to explore due to homework
load.”, [In] a time-pressed world it is not always practical
to sit and randomly learn new software.”, I don’t have
enough time to browse at my leisure, everything is rush,
rush, rush.”).
Several preservice teachers (n=8) perceived the
difficulty level of the video podcasts as being problematic.
Some felt the video podcasts were not advanced enough
(e.g., I didn’t find that the mini clips really illustrated the
more advanced features.” while others thought they were
too easy (e.g., As a fairly experienced user I find I easily
pick up new software without much outside help.
Therefore, I don’t use the clips often (almost never).”). A
few preservice teachers experienced the level of video
podcasts as being too disjointed (e.g. I found going from
beginner to intermediate [clips] a big gap.”).
A. Frequency and Reasons for Using Video Podcasts
While some preservice teachers used the video podcasts
to explore new tasks they might want to know or
systematically learn a complete new software package, most
used video podcasts two to four times per month to find out
how to do a specific task. Coupled with comments
indicating that video podcasts were effective, just-in-time
resources, the results are consistent with the proposed
learning approach of the Net Generation who rely on the
Internet to acquire information on a need-to-know basis,
when they want, where they want [18]. Given the time
constraints of the teacher education environment [23,24],
using video podcasts to learn specific software skills is a
reasonable and convenient approach.
B. Content of Video Podcasts Viewed
Preservice teachers used video podcasts to learn
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specialized as opposed to basic software skills. Key content
focussed on web design, subject specific software, and
multimedia tools. It is conceivable more common, everyday
software skills such as Windows, Word, or Internet Explorer
were already acquired or could be learned through everyday
use in the classroom, whereas specialized software required
additional support. The video podcasts in the study provided
help for over 200 different software packages, so preservice
teachers could get personalized assistance on a wide variety
of software tasks, whenever they needed it. Customized
help, while desirable for Net Generation students enrolled in
preservice teacher education programs [18], is also helpful
when it is economically and physically impossible to
provide face-to-face instruction for such a broad range of
software needs.
C. Preservice Teachers Attitudes Toward Video Podcasts
The majority of preservice teachers had positive
attitudes toward the quality and effectiveness of the video
podcasts they used. First, they noted that they were easy to
find, a vital feature in a time pressed environment. Second,
they were satisfied with the range of topics available, an
important consideration given the extensive software skills
that might be needed by a future teacher in training. Third,
preservice teachers were satisfied with the pace of the clips
and the quality of explanations. Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, preservice teachers claimed that the video
podcasts helped them to learn new tasks. These results are
consistent with previous research on student attitudes
toward lecture-based video podcasts in higher education
[34,38,3943,44,45]. However, the findings in this study are
new within the domain of teaching software skills in a
preservice preparatory program.
D. Preservice Teachers Learning Preferences Compared to
Video Podcasts
Not all preservice teachers preferred video podcasts to
help them learn new software. Survey data and student
comments suggested that a number of students preferred to
learn new software with a trial and error approach,
particularly males, older students, and individuals with a
higher level of computer experience. It is understandable
that if someone has a solid background with computer
software, it might be more efficient to play around than
search on a website for step-by-step instructions. On the
other hand, if a preservice teacher is relatively new to
learning software, additional scaffolding with short,
instructional, video podcasts might be more effective.
Based on survey data, but not student comments, some
preservice teachers preferred face-to-face, but not written
instruction over video podcasts. Video podcasts may be
more effective in situations where personal help is
unavailable and a specific skill needs to be learned in order
to proceed with an assigned task or project. It is also
important to remember that many students viewed video
podcasts as a resource to consult for specific questions.
Ultimately, these students may prefer face-to-face assistance
when it is available.
E. Effectiveness of Video Podcasts as a Teaching Tool
Positive comments about the effectiveness of video
podcasts outnumbered negative comments by a factor of
two to one. Both survey data and student comments strongly
suggested that preservice teachers found video podcasts
useful for learning new software tasks. Specific learning
advantages were noted such as reducing anxiety while
learning, just-in-time access, and being able to control the
time and pace of learning. These learning benefits are
consistent with previous research on the use of video
podcasts in higher education [37,41,46,47,48, 49].
Almost half the negative comments were stated
preferences to use other teaching modes to learn. The use of
video podcasts is just one method in a list of learning
predilections including asking for help, working on concrete
tasks, and reading the manual.
A. Summary
The purpose of this study was to examine the use of
video podcasts to teach software skills in a preservice
education program. Based on the frequency of use, reasons
cited for watching video podcasts, and the content of clips
viewed, it appears the principle use of video podcasts was to
access information about how to do specific tasks with
speciality software involving web design, subject-specific
software, and multimedia presentations. This type of use
helps support understanding of technological content, one of
the key areas outlined in Koehler & Mishra's [15] TPCK
model for integrating technology into education.
Furthermore, the customized, just-in-time, instant access to
video podcasts appears to meet the needs of preservice
teachers who, according to Tapscott [18], are part of the Net
Generation. Finally, the use of video podcasts addresses
certain practical obstacles such as limited time, fear of
technology, and limited technological skill. With video
podcasts, preservice teachers were able to access clips
whenever it was convenient, without being observed or
needing the expertise of a faculty member. Overall,
preservice teachers indicated that video podcasts were
useful in helping them learn new software tasks.
B. Educational Implications
The current study is a formative analysis of the use of
video podcasts to supplement the learning of new software
in a preservice teacher education program. It would be
premature to offer substantive recommendations for the use
of video podcasts in this milieu. However, several tentative
observations might be helpful. First, the availability of
video podcasts appears to be useful for preservice teachers
needing to learn speciality software. It is probably
impossible to find the time and schedule to teach all the
technology tools that might be required and preservice
teachers in the current study appeared satisfied to search for
required skills on a need-to-know basis. Second, it might be
best to use video podcasts as a supplementary tool, not a
replacement for teaching computer software in more
conventional methods. A number of students preferred
alternative approaches to learning. Finally, the video
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podcasts in this study seemed most helpful to preservice
teachers needing to learn basic or intermediate skills in
specialized software. More experienced users appeared
content and perhaps more able to employ a trial and error
approach to acquiring new technology skills.
C. Caveats and Future Research
In this study, care was taken to select a relatively large
sample of preservice teachers, use both quantitative and
qualitative data, and examine the use of a wide range of
technology-based video podcasts over a month-long period.
However, the methodology could be improved in several
ways. First, data could be collected from a larger, more
diverse sample. Second, the validity of the attitude survey
could be further developed to ensure the quality of data
collected. Third, the use of video podcasts could be tracked
from the website repository in order to determine more
precisely how many clips were used, when they were used,
and for how long. Fourth, qualitative data in the form of
interviews or small focus groups might provide more
detailed information about the benefits of using video
podcasts in a preservice teacher education program. Fifth, a
broader range of video podcasts could be examined
focussing on other components of the TPCK model [15]
such as demonstrating how technology is used effectively
with specific subject matter content or pedagogical
strategies used with software in the classroom. Finally, it
would be worth investigating whether this type of video
podcast would be effective in other disciplines such health
or social sciences.
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Robin H. Kay is an Associate Professor in the
Faculty of Education at the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology. He completed his Ph.D. in
Cognitive Science (Educational Psychology) at the
University of Toronto, where he also earned his
M.A. in Computer Applications in Education. Dr.
Kay has published over 120 articles, chapters and
conference papers in the area of computers in
education, is a reviewer for five prominent computer education journals,
and has taught computers, mathematics, and technology for over 20 years
at the high school, college and university level. Current projects include
research on laptop use in teacher education, learning objects, classroom
response systems, e-learning, video podcasts, gender differences in
computer related behaviour, emotions and the use of computers, and factors
that influence how students learn with technology.
... Preferences for podcast type and its value have been discussed on prior studies. A study was done by [11] to facilitate access to vodcast for pre-service teachers. Vodcasts have been designed to explain software skills for pre-service teachers. ...
... Moreover, qualitative studies tell more about students' learning style. For example, some students express that they prefer video podcast as they are visual learners [11], while a different study [25] show some students prefer e-book as he or she likes written things and like to see what people write. Consequently, our first research question is: ...
... Australian mobile learners with high and low emotionalstability scores. The 12 contexts have been ordered as (1) vehicle with family, (2) busy and alone, (3) quiet and alone, (4) vehicle with a classmate, (5) walking alone, (6) busy with a classmate, (7) walking with a classmate, (8) walking with family, (9) walking with friend, (10) vehicle with friend,(11): busy with family, (12) busy with friend Int. j. inf. ...
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The revolution in mobile devices and wireless networks has transferred E-learning to mobile learning (M-learning). Delivering learning materials (podcasting) to mobile learners is a challenging task due to the variability of mobile learner contexts. This paper presents a novel method of considering mobile learners’ preferences of podcast types in different contexts, utilizing learning preferences and personality. The survey has been collected from 345 students from Australia and Saudi Arabia. Unlike previous studies, this paper deals with all podcast types. Two dimensions have been included in context namely: physical space and social space. This has been followed by determining big five personality traits and learning preferences to determine how to personalize mobile learners’ podcast usage preferences.
... This knowledge possibly helps pre-service teachers employ technology-enhanced illustrations and analogies that learners can relate to (Lubke, 2013;Chai et al., 2013;Guzey & Roehrig, 2009). Understanding how to use technology (TK), i.e. using software programs, is seen as an essential first step in creating effective lessons (Kay, 2012). ...
... Indeed, according to (Kay, 2012), student(s) have immediate access to information and a variety of resources to create a rich environment for learning tasks; hence, F003 could easily incorporate active learning tasks at home, leading to more meaningful learning experiences. ...
Conference Paper
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Pre-service teachers’ e-skills are important for instruction in the 21st century digital classrooms. One hundred final year pre-service teachers participated in a digital story telling project. Ten student facilitators were appointed and trained to assist throughout the digital story telling video production project. The facilitators used Microsoft Photo Story 3 to demonstrate how to put together a digital story into a video-recorded story. The pre-service teachers worked individually to produce their own digital story which they showcased on “Show day”. A qualitative methodology was used to interpret pre-service teachers’ technology skills acquisition for the project. Fifteen participants were randomly picked for a focus group discussion. The pre-service teachers said the video making process easy, as they were assisted by peers and family. The study urges teacher training institutions to innovate digital literacy skills to prepare pre-service teachers for the 21st-century learners.
...  Expanding the broadcasting range (essential to reach the students' audience and consider their interests through diversity);  Improving the methods of creating media libraries (which each student can form for himself independently, according to the tasks to be solved);  The ability to create your own products (which can be exchanged and, thereby, significantly increase the media fund used in blended learning and the development of professional communicative competence), etc. [19,26,27,28,29,30]. All these advantages can be effectively implemented in the blended learning format to ensure classroom and independent activity of students, as shown in the works of A. Al-Kaisi, A. Arkhangelskaya, and O. Rudenko-Morgun [23], T. Krasnova and T. V. Sidorenko [14], A. G. Picciano [18], and others. ...
The article deals with the development of professional communicative competence of cadets of the EMERCOM of Russia. The authors approximate a solution to the problem posed by using blended learning podcasting. The article substantiates the need to activate independent work. The educational advantages of using podcasts as a training system are revealed, together with indicators that ensure the effectiveness of the developed podcast-based specialized scenarios in process of training EMERCOM universities cadets in the culture of business communication. The authors focus on the technological part of the implementation of educational podcast systems and substantiate the methodological aspects of podcasts handling support. The article also provides an example of a podcast scenario. The effectiveness of podcast scenarios use is confirmed by analyzing research results. The forms of work with podcasts described in the article may be useful for specialists who deal with teaching the speech culture of the students of non-humanitarian specialties.
... It is also important regarding this issue that we should look at the repertoire of teachers in terms of the variety of the instructional technology methods they utilize (Wozney et al. 2006). Kay (2012) mentions about four challeng-es for pre-service teacher programs and teaching with technology in his research. He simply explains that, (1) using technical software, (2) ever changing technology, (3) the difference between the pre-service teachers who are the Net Generation and their faculty, and (4) problems arising in practical use, are the main difficulties encountered in pre-service teaching programs and embedding technology into the classroom setting. ...
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This study aims to specify the correlation between pre-service teachers' attitudes towards technology and achievement in material design. The participants of the study consisted of 127 pre-service teachers from different disciplines. To determine the attitudes of pre-service teachers, data was collected using the "Technology Attitude Scale". The achievement scores of pre-service teachers in material design were obtained using the material evaluation form developed by the researchers based on the principles of designing material. While evaluating the data, analyses of Pearson correlation and t-test were conducted, the results revealed a positive correlation between pre-service teachers' attitudes towards technology and achievement in material design. Also, significant differences were found according to pre-service teachers' disciplines. These findings and implications for educational researchers were also further discussed.
... However, researchers often fail to discriminate between other learning factors in the classroom and rush to attribute learning outcomes to the use of the tool itself. A second documented use of podcasts it the creation of and interaction with media in production activities to allow students to co-construct knowledge in otherwise traditional environments (Holbrook & Dupont, 2010;Hill & Nelson, 2011;Kay, 2012). ...
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Content management and delivery systems are becoming central to the support and expansion of distance education at universities. A case study was conducted at a Midwestern university to examine the use of iTunes-U as a potential venue for supporting teacher education. Implications for research and next steps are discussed. Growing Demand A new generation of students are showing up to universities with a new set of expectations from their instructors and institutions that suggests traditional university technology instructional environments need to evolve (Pew, 2005; Tapscott, 1999). Technology tool development has a great potential to change traditional classroom environments in higher education in light of the growing need for distance education as we are confronted with new reality of "What makes college courses relevant to a future work related field?" Pink (2005) in his commentary on the new thinking of students put it this way. Faculty should be asking themselves, "Am I offering something that satisfies the nonmaterial transcendent desires of [students in] an abundant age?" Though a decade ago universities may have been tempted to scoff at the notion of distance education for professional certification or graduate degrees, the growing trend for student enrollment, course offerings, and number of institutions turning to online options is providing a formidable opponent for retaining enrollment in today's institution. Because more students are showing up to universities through distance education venues the volume and demands imposed upon online learning environments is intensifying it may be time to reassess the student and institutional needs to support distance education. Distance education student populations are growing and in response, so are the providers elbowing their way into the game. The reasons are clear. There is an increased need for students or "head count" in courses as Federal and State budgeters struggle to make their bottom lines more efficient. In the light of increasing head count, the costs of expanding faculty lines, providing buildings and classrooms, and adding new infrastructure seems expensive options for the short term gains that online programs offer for increasing enrollment and subsequent tuition revenue. Adding to the mix competition between institutions like in teacher credentialing, budget cuts, and the culture of people commuting and wanting land better job while enrolling in school. Mobile lifestyles make distance education seem more necessary and tool development appears to be making it easier. At least that is what the new marketing wave for adult education has said, which has added its own flavor to pushing college education, inflated credentials, good buys, and one stop shopping. All those things are happening to make people turn to an option for distance education.
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The rise of online courses in higher education has necessitated the development of effective assessment strategies to ensure quality learning outcomes. This chapter explores the importance of effective assessment strategies in online courses and provides insights into designing such strategies. It highlights the importance of assessment strategies in online courses, emphasizing their role in evaluating student learning and providing feedback. Various types of assessment strategies are discussed, including their advantages, and disadvantages and the challenges also are examined. The chapter provides guidelines for designing effective assessment strategies in online courses to address the highlighted challenges. By incorporating these guidelines, educators and instructional designers can create assessment strategies that cater to the unique features and challenges of the online learning environment, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of online courses in higher education.
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Introduction: Podcasting has recently emerged as an important information technology tool for health professionals. Podcasts can be viewed online or downloaded to a user computer or a handheld multimedia device like a portable MP3 player, smart phone and tablet device. The principal advantage of the podcast is that the presentation of information need not be linked with any particular time or location. Since students are familiar with newer technology tools and may be using it on a regular basis, video podcast could serve as a convenient tool for students to help remember both conceptual and factual information. Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the attitude of first year dental students towards video podcast supplementation and to assess the efficacy of video podcast as a teaching aid in comparison to text book reading. Materials and methods: First year dental students were recruited for this study. A didactic lecture class was conducted for the students (n=100). The students were then randomly divided into two groups. Students present in group A (n=46) underwent a video podcast session followed by a multiple choice question test. This was followed by student feedback to assess the usefulness of video podcast. Students belonging to group B (n=54) had a study session for 20 minutes followed by the MCQ test. Students then underwent the video podcast session followed by feedback to assess the utility of video podcast. Mann-Whitney U test was applied to compare the difference in the median MCQ score between the two groups. Results: The findings revealed a significant gain in the median MCQ score in the intervention group (group A) when compared to control group (Group B). In the feedback form, 89% of students agreed that the video podcast might be useful as it would enable them to view slides and hear the lectures repeatedly. Conclusion: Students who underwent the video podcast session performed significantly better in the MCQ test compared to students who underwent text book reading alone. This demonstrates an advantage of video podcasts over text book reading. Majority of students accepted the benefits of video podcast supplementation.
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A library of video podcasts has been constructed for geographers and those of cognate disciplines, providing detailed information and operational demonstrations for a range of fi eld apparatus relating to matters such as soil properties, water quality and fi eld surveying. Evaluation, conducted through the use of refl ective diaries and focus groups, identifi ed that all students consulted thought the podcast reference library was a positive pedagogic development They also thought the process was capable of building confi dence in many and of particular appeal to students with a more visual approach to learning.
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This research study employs a second-order meta-analysis procedure to summarize 40 years of research activity addressing the question, does computer technology use affect student achievement in formal face-to-face classrooms as compared to classrooms that do not use technology? A study-level meta-analytic validation was also conducted for purposes of comparison. An extensive literature search and a systematic review process resulted in the inclusion of 25 meta-analyses with minimal overlap in primary literature, encompassing 1,055 primary studies. The random effects mean effect size of 0.35 was significantly different from zero. The distribution was heterogeneous under the fixed effects model. To validate the second-order meta-analysis, 574 individual independent effect sizes were extracted from 13 out of the 25 meta-analyses. The mean effect size was 0.33 under the random effects model, and the distribution was heterogeneous. Insights about the state of the field, implications for technology use, and prospects for future research are discussed.
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The use of podcasts is challenging traditional communication methods in higher education, with the potential for creating engaging and flexible resources for learning and development. Likewise, podcasts are helping to facilitate a stronger student identity and community within learning environments, replacing traditional student newsletter and website approaches. In this work, an innovative podcasting approach is presented in which there is a strong student-centred and student-led premise to foster and advance engineering education-related uses. Podcasts are intended to cover a range of relevant engineering topics, such as sharing student views on global, institutional and scientific developments and disseminating information on unique educational opportunities. Details on the design, setup and implementation of the initiative are presented (e.g. resource requirements, management and organisation structures, maintenance of balanced educational outcomes). An evaluation of the experiences of the team members is also presented, showing favourable outcomes in skills development, community identity and broader educational awareness.
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Theory suggests that studying worked examples and engaging in self-explanation will improve learning and problem solving. A growing body of evidence supports the use of web-based assessments for improving undergraduate performance in traditional large enrollment courses. This article describes a study designed to investigate these techniques in a practical web-based setting. This study tracked introductory college chemistry students' use of a course quizzing system that provided both worked examples and strategy suggestions embedded within the quiz items. Student perceptions of the effectiveness of the enhancements were measured and correlated to use and performance. The findings indicate students made use of both the worked examples and self-explanation prompts, felt they were helpful, and the interventions improved performance.
Delivery of lectures using web technology is now an accessible and relatively straightforward option for University os Stirling (University) teaching staff. In this study, conducted with a 2nd year Environmental Science module, a series of 8 lectures were delivered via screencasts and podcasts. Feedback from the students via a questionnaire was extremely positive, with flexibility and the ability to repeat lectures cited as the main advantages. However, caution must be exercised in that this is not a mechanism for replacing face-to-face teaching, but is used to provide additional material or to free-up time for more discussion sessions or practical-based teaching.
This study sought to understand how a group of preservice teachers, before and after participating in an innovative technology component of a teacher preparation program, envisioned the use of technology within their future classroom. Secondly, this study sought to understand preservice teachers’ ability to identify content-based technology uses for their anticipated teaching position, after completion of student teaching. The results showed that preservice teachers developed, to a limited extent, a “thinking with technology” perspective. Issues that pertained to the limited development of this perspective in the majority of the participants included: (a) the role of cooperating teachers, (b) the availability of technology integration models, (c) the participants’ abilities to generate technology-supported lessons, (d) instructional approaches to technology integration, and (e) their inclination to teach technology-supported lessons without a thorough understanding of the technology.
Although most universities are training preservice teachers to use technology, information on how student teachers incorporate technology into their teaching practices is sparse. This article describes the types of training and support preservice teachers received as part of a technology infusion initiative and then describes the experiences of four technically competent student teachers during their field placements to determine barriers, the kinds of support they gave and received, and their impact on students, cooperating teachers, and school sites in general. Several factors affected the quality of the student teachers' experiences. Most notable were: the availability of computers and Internet access in schools; the attitude and computer competency levels of cooperating teachers; and the attitude of school principals toward the use of technology in schools. This study provides insight into the circumstances and experiences necessary to produce technically competent teachers, the importance of meaningful field placements, and the conditions under which interns practice and hone their teaching skills.