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Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / Vol 16 / Supplement 2 S195
Prolactin and cancer: Has the orphan nally found
a home?
Bipin Kumar Sethi, G.V. Chanukya, V. Sri Nagesh
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Road Number 1, Hyderabad - 500 034, Andhra, Pradesh, India
Prolactin has, for long, been associated with galactorrhea and infertility in women while its role in men is largely unknown. Recently,
expression of prolactin in various other tissues like the breast, prostate, decidua, and the brain has been recognized. This has led
to evaluation of paracrine and autocrine actions of prolactin at these tissues and a possible role in development of various cancers.
Increased expression of PRL receptors has also been implicated in carcinogenesis. Breast cancer has the strongest association with
increased prolactin and prolactin receptor levels. Prostate cancer also has reported signicant association, while the role of prolactin
in colorectal, gynecological, laryngeal, and hepatocellular cancers is more tenuous. Prolactin/prolactin receptor pathway has also been
implicated in development of resistance to chemotherapy. Thus, the effects of this pathway in carcinogenesis seem widespread. At the
same time, they also offer an exciting new approach to hormonal manipulation of cancers, especially the treatment-resistant cancers.
Key words: Prolactin, cancer, carcinogenesis
Mini Review
Prolactin (PRL), the peptide hormone secreted by the
anterior pituitary gland, has, for long, remained restricted
to the eld of lactation and infertility. While a few studies
recently have dealt with the use of prolactin in differentiating
true and pseudo- seizures, the multiple effects of this
hormone have largely remained unknown. The connection
between prolactin and cancer has been suspected for many
years, but never conclusively proven. The similarity of
prolactin with growth hormone and its actions through the
growth-promoting JAK/STAT pathway suggest its tumor-
promoting effects. Recent research has underlined the role
of PRL and PRL receptor (PRLR) most importantly in
breast and prostate cancers, but also in a variety of other
cancers. This review article has been designed to present
an overview of the recent understanding regarding role of
PRL in cancer and new modalities of cancer therapy based
on the PRL pathway.
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers in women,
with over one million cases reported worldwide, making up
25% of all cancers in women. In spite of the availability
of advanced treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and
radiotherapy, the disease continues to take its toll, with a
high incidence of treatment failure due to tumor resistance,
both intrinsic and acquired. This has prompted the search
for factors causing it and also the means to counteract
it, and prolactin is one such candidate. The concept of
prolactin as a factor in mammary cancer is not new. It was
initially suggested over three decades ago, based on data
obtained from murine models. For a long time, this animal
data could not be extrapolated to humans due to variety
of reasons: (i) most of these studies involved only a few
subjects, (ii) a concept of local production of prolactin in
breast tissue did not exist, (iii) most of the studies, which
used bromocriptine to reduce serum prolactin levels, did
not lead to successful treatment, and (iv) most of these
Corresponding Author: Bipin Kumar Sethi Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Road Number 1,
Hyderabad - 500 034, Andhra, Pradesh, India. E-mail: bipinkumarsethi@yahoo.co.uk
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Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / Vol 16 / Supplement 2
studies did not reach specic conclusions about the relation
between prolactin and breast cancer. However, the high
incidence of treatment failure and a number of recent
epidemiological studies have again shifted the focus back
on to prolactin. These recent studies have brought to fore,
a few critical concepts regarding the role of prolactin
(PRL) in breast cancer. (i) Even high-normal circulating
levels of PRL increase breast cancer risk. (ii) Locally
produced prolactin acts as an autocrine/paracrine factor in
breast cancer evolution. (iii) A causal relationship between
prolactin receptor expression and breast cancer has also
been recognized.[1]
The exact mechanism by which high-normal circulating
levels of PRL leads to increased breast cancer risk is not
exactly known. PRL may promote breast cancer via the
JAK2/STAT5 signaling pathway and may also increase the
survival of breast cancer cells by stimulating generation
of new cancer cells and decreasing cell death. PRL could
also increase cell motility and promote cancer spread. PRL
has also been implicated in causing resistance to cytotoxic
drugs like cisplatin and drugs like paclitaxel, which act on
cellular microtubules.
Circulating prolactin produced by the pituitary is not
the only prolactin available to tissues. Many organs
like the mammary gland, prostate, brain, deciduas, and
skin also express PRL. This extra-pituitary prolactin
probably is involved in development of breast tissue,
dermatological bio-regulation, and perception of pain.
While extra-pituitary secretion has also been reported in
animal models, it is assumed to be much more common
in humans and is dopamine and POU1F1-independent.
A specic regulator of local PRL production has still not
been identied, even though insulin, progesterone, and
transforming growth factor – β have been proposed as
regulators. In the breast, PRL is produced in both the
stromal and epithelial compartments. Further, while very
little prolactin is produced locally, it is very important for
tumor formation due to local availability.
A few studies have also found that breast tumors also
express higher levels of the PRL receptor (PRLR) when
compared to adjacent healthy tissue.[2,3] Even low levels
of prolactin receptor expression are adequate to mediate
actions of PRL in breast cancer cell lines. A family
of prolactin receptor (PRLr) isoforms, numbering six,
mediates the effects of PRL in human tissue. These six
isoforms are variably expressed in normal tissues and
malignant tissues. PRLR-triggered signaling cascades
have also been implicated in benign breast tumors. A
study by Plotnikov et al.[4] found that impaired turnover
of the prolactin receptor in breast cancer cells results in
accelerated proliferation and increased invasive growth.
Conversely, antagonism of the prolactin receptor
resulted in reduction of clonogenic capacity of breast
cancer cells and potentiated the action of cytotoxic anti-
cancer drugs.[5] This has very important implications in
chemotherapy of breast cancer, especially the resistant
types. The local production of prolactin cannot be
controlled by conventional dopamine agonists that act
at the pituitary level. This failure of bromocriptine
(the most commonly used dopamine agonist in cancer
studies) to reduce local PRL levels resulted in the failure
of this drug in cancer studies. This highlights the need
to develop a special category of therapeutic agents
targeted at reducing the action of endogenous PRL by
blocking the PRL receptor. The human PRLR antagonist
G129R-hPRL, which sterically hinders the sequential
dimerization and subsequent activation of the PRLR,
causes apoptosis of both estrogen receptor-positive and
estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer cell lines. In
the study by Howell et al.,[5] the ‘pure’ prolactin receptor
antagonist Δ1–9 signicantly augmented the cytotoxic
effects of doxorubicin and paclitaxel in vitro. This therapy
also inhibited the colony-forming efciency of cell lines
and primary cancers. Autocrine prolactin in breast cancer
cell lines can also be antagonized by prolactin-neutralizing
antibodies.[6] Most of the studies on antibodies have been
in vitro, in which these neutralizing antibodies have been
shown to inhibit MCF-7 and T47Dco cell growth and
to increase cell apoptosis.[7] Thus, these studies suggest
that a judicious combination of cytotoxic agents, PRLR
antagonists/neutralizing antibodies could provide a new
form of therapy for resistant breast cancers. At the
genetic level, construction of a PRLR single nucleotide
polymorphism risk prole for affected patients could
enable personalized treatment strategies.
Interactions between estrogen and prolactin systems
Recent research has indicated significant interaction
between estrogen and prolactin systems. Estrogen
stimulates prolactin secretion and can also up-regulate
human prolactin receptor gene expression and stimulate
growth of tumorigenesis.[8] Prolactin has been shown to
exert some of its effects on mammary tumor cells via the
estrogen receptor. Anti-estrogens like tamoxifen have also
been found to block the prolactin receptors. This could
represent another pathway of cancer therapy, discrete from
the anti-estrogenic effects of these drugs. Interestingly,
hyperprolactinemia results in hypogonadism, suppresses
the ovarian reproductive cycle, and reduces estrogen. Thus,
the interactions between prolactin and estrogen pathways
are complex, and careful studies are needed to formulate
treatment strategies.
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Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / Vol 16 / Supplement 2 S197
pRosTaTe canceR
Prostate cancer is presently the most frequently diagnosed
cancer and represents the second most common cause
of death from cancer in men. PRL has an important
role in the development of prostate gland. In 1955,
Grayhack[9] discovered that when prolactin was inhibited
in rats during embryonic development, only 80% of
the prostate was developed, which shows that prolactin
is important in differentiation and development of
the prostate. There is also signicant evidence of the
existence of prolactin’s paracrine and autocrine actions.
The mainstay of treatment of prostate cancer includes
radical prostatectomy, radiation, and androgen deprivation
therapy. However, just like in breast cancer, resistance
to hormone therapy has also been noted in prostate
cancer. Also, prostate cancer often metastasizes to
the bone, which makes treatment even more difcult.
Epidemiological studies exploring a correlation between
serum PRL levels and prostate cancer incidence or severity
have been equivocal. Both malignant and healthy prostates
produce PRL. The PRL-positive tissues show a good
correlation with activated Stat5 and a high Gleason score.
Prostatic uids from patients with cancer also have higher
PRL levels than controls, which also lend support to the
existence of prostate-derived PRL. Most of the effects of
prolactin on prostate cancer cells are similar to those on
breast cancer cells. In vitro, prolactin induces proliferation
and antagonizes apoptosis in prostate organ culture and in
some tumor cell lines. In humans, receptors for prolactin
are expressed in the prostate, and this expression is
particularly elevated in prostate cancer and carcinoma in
situ. While hypogonadism caused by hyperprolactinemia
could have a role in reduction of prostate cancer, as
reported in a study,[10] the bulk of evidence seems to
suggest that up-regulation of PRLR and local production
of PRL in prostate could be important in increased risk
of prostate cancer and treatment resistance.
coloRecTal canceR
Colorectal cancer is the third highest cause of cancer
mortality worldwide. CEA is the most common marker
utilized for the detection and follow-up of colorectal
cancer. However, a study by Soroush et al.[11] compared
serum PRL and CEA level of 47 patients and found that
serum PRL and CEA levels were increased in patients
with colorectal cancer, but the greater portion of the
patients had an increased level of PRL compared with
elevated level of CEA. They also found no correlation
between the plasma PRL concentration and the stage of
the tumor. They concluded that in view of the high cost
of CEA, prolactin could be used as a tumor marker for
colorectal cancer. Similar results have been found in a study
by Bhatavdekar.[12] However, evidence about the role of
prolactin in colorectal cancer has been mixed, and its role
in colorectal cancer remains contentious.
hepaTocellulaR caRcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for more than
6 lakh new cases per year worldwide. Despite several
treatment modalities, the long-term survival rate remains
unsatisfactory, principally due to high rates of recurrence
and metastasis even after treatment. Increased circulating
prolactin levels, high p-JAK2 expression, and generation
of liver cancer cells through PRLR/JAK2 signaling have all
been proposed as mechanisms that could contribute to the
development of HCC. A study by Yeh et al.[13] demonstrated
signicantly higher serum levels of prolactin in people with
HCC, and this signicant relationship existed irrespective
of gender, age, or BMI. These ndings have signicant
implications in the detection and therapy of HCC, if
proven. Hence, larger studies, which can prove the role
of PRL in activation of JAK2 and exclude the role of
other cytokines and growth factors in the JAK2 activation
pathway, need to be designed immediately.
gynecological canceRs
Elevated levels of serum PRL in ovarian and endometrial
cancers have been reported, indicating a potential role for
PRL in gynecological cancers. PRL possibly promotes
tumorigenesis by activating Ras oncogene, and thus
could lead to cells with mutations in tumor suppressor
genes turning malignant. A study by Levina et al.[14] found
dramatically increased expression of PRL receptor in
ovarian and endometrial tumors as well as in endometrial
hyperplasia, signifying the importance of PRL signaling in
malignant and premalignant conditions. PRL mRNA was
expressed in ovarian and endometrial tumors, indicating
the presence of an autocrine loop. Serum PRL levels were
also signicantly elevated in women with a strong family
history of ovarian cancer, and this PRL rise could not be
attributed to stress.
malignanT laRyngeal TumoRs
Laryngeal cancer (LC) is responsible for approximately
159,000 new cases and 90,000 mortalities every year. The
mechanisms underlying the proliferation of this form of
cancer are not yet fully understood. A recent study by
González-Lucano et al.[15] found increased expression of
different isoforms of PRLR in LC in comparison with
recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. This suggested a
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Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / Vol 16 / Supplement 2
possible role of PRL/PRLR in the development of LC.
They concluded that PRLR might be useful as a target for
further investigations in laryngeal tissues.
all cause moRTaliTy
In view of the widespread expression of PRL in various
tissues and the emerging role of prolactin in causing
multiple cancers, a study was devised by Berinder et al.[10]
to assess the overall relative risk of cancer and risk of
some specic a priori specied cancer forms in a cohort
of 969 women and men with hyperprolactinemia. Their
results were different from the majority of prolactin and
cancer studies, and they reported a higher incidence of
upper gastrointestinal cancer in both males and females
and hematopoietic cancer in females. Risk of breast cancer
was not increased in women, and there was a reduced risk
of prostate cancer in men. An increased overall cancer risk
was found in hyperprolactinemia patients.
The last word on the role of PRL in causing cancer and
on its receptor conferring resistance to chemotherapeutic
agents is yet to be written. The more the number of cancers
added to the list, the more is the story getting curiouser and
curiouser. Clearly, an association has been demonstrated,
but whether that is a cause and effect relationship is yet
to be established. The modest PRL elevations could
be of local origin. Higher levels that are obtained in
prolactinomas usually cause hypogonadism, something that
chemotherapies for breast and prostate cancer treatment
aim at, and hence this high serum PRL certainly cannot be
blamed for causing these cancers.
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Cite this article as: Sethi BK, Chanukya GV, Nagesh VS. Prolactin and cancer:
Has the orphan nally found a home?. Indian J Endocr Metab 2012;16:S195-8.
Source of Support: Nil, Conict of Interest: None declared.
Sethi, et al.: Prolactin cancer
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