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Orthotrichum patens Bruch & Brid., considered to be a rare moss in the Iberian Peninsula, is reported from two localities in Northern Spain (Asturias and Navarra). After revision of the herbarium material corresponding to previous records of this species in the Iberian Peninsula, we conclude that most of them (Asturias, Álava, León and La Rioja provinces) are erroneous. However, two early records (Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Ancares) remain uncertain since the corresponding herbarium material has not been found. We also provide details of two new localities of Orthotrichum patens in Romania and two in Turkey, where the species has been poorly recorded. Finally, we discuss the characters that allow the discrimination of Orthotrichum patens from related species, especially from O. stramineum Hornsch., the moss that has most often been confused with it in Spain.

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... The differentiating characters of O. patens are discussed in detail by Lara et al. (2008). One of its most important defining characters is the structure of the capsule ribs. ...
Orthotrichum patens is reported new to Britain from two sites in the counties of Suffolk and Derbyshire. Previous reports of this species in Britain are thought to be based on O. affine; they date from the nineteenth century at a time when the structure of the stomata was not recognised as significant. Orthotrichum patens is described and illustrated, and its diagnostic characters are discussed. Some comments are included on changes in the epiphytic bryophyte flora in Britain in recent decades.
... can be differentiated by its fully exserted capsules, reddish-orange peristome and its stomata mainly placed in the upper half of the capsule Orthotrichum patens Bruch ex Brid. has straight leaves when dry, with acute, non-differentiated apices, an 8- segment endostome, exostome teeth remaining paired even after getting recurved, capsules brown-orange when young, rarely pale brown (never yellowish) and a vaginula that has generally some long hairs (Lara et al., 2008). The recently described Orthotrichum norrisii F. Lara, Medina & Garilleti (Medina et al., 2008) is easily distinguished from O. scanicum by a peristome of 8 exostome teeth that do not split and an 8-segment endostome, a plane lid and a truly cylindric capsule when moist. ...
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Orthotrichum scanicum Grönvall has been considered a European endemic whose main range corresponded to the central and northern region of the continent, and it is currently included in the 2007 IUCN World Red List as Vulnerable. However, a large number of recent reports and the examination of herbarium specimens have remarkably expanded the limits of its area in the Mediterranean and Caucasian regions. Additionally, the revision of the original collections of Orthotrichum holmenii from Kazakhstan shows that this taxon is conspecific with O. scanicum. An updated description of the species comprising the known range of its morphological variability is provided, and its exclusion from the World Red List is suggested.
A revised and updated checklist of the bryophytes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Southern Spain) is presented, based on a compilation of bibliographic records, a revision of herbarium specimens and extensive field work. The Sierra Nevada, which occupies around 2000 km2, is the southernmost mountain range in continental Europe. It has a wide diversity of habitats due to its range of altitude, a variable landscape, geological substrata and soil, hydrological resources, climate, etc. It is therefore of great botanical interest within the Mediterranean Region. A total of 395 taxa are currently accepted in the area: 2 Anthocerophyta, 69 Marchantiophyta and 324 Bryophyta (excluding infraspecific taxa, there are 2 species of hornworts, 68 species of liverworts and 309 species of mosses). The total number of species represents 21.8% of the European, 24.2% of the Mediterranean and 35.3% of the Iberian bryoflora. In addition, a total of 35 taxa are considered to be doubtfully present in the area, and 34 are excluded from the final list. Among the accepted species, three are included in the category of Critically Endangered in the Spanish Red List of threatened bryophytes, one is Endangered, 19 are Vulnerable, and one is considered Extinct in the studied area. The main threats for bryophytes in the area are analyzed. The original material of Bryum perremotifolium Thér., from the Sierra Nevada, is lectotypified and reidentified as Bryum schleicheri.
An updated key for the identification of the 49 Orthotrichum s.l. taxa (45 species and 4 varieties) present in Europe, North Africa, Macaronesia and Western Asia, including the species in genus Nyholmiella, is provided. Orthotrichum leblebicii, described from Turkey, is synonymized with the Mediterranean O. vittii.
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A new Orthotrichum species, O. norrisii, is described from California. The new taxon is recognized by a unique combination of sporophytic characters: capsule narrowly cylindrical and not contracted below mouth when dry, exothecial bands narrow and formed by 2(–3) cell rows, peristome with eight pairs of exostome teeth and eight endostome segments, stomata cryptopore and located in the lower part of the urn, lid plane and rostrate and vaginula hairy. Widely distributed throughout California, the new taxon has been overlooked and confused with O. tenellum.
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The objective of this work is to provide an updated threatened and endangered status of all bryophytes in the Iberian territory and also to provide a checklist for Portugal, Spain and Andorra. With respect to these species, the recent IUCN criteria are used for evaluation in the respective categories. There are a total of 1101 known Iberian bryophytes (811 mosses and 290 hepatics including 6 hornworts), with 369 of these taxa on the Red List (33.5%). There are 10 Regionally Extinct taxa comprised of 7 mosses and 3 hepatics; 16 Critically Endangered taxa comprised of 11 mosses and 5 hepatics; 40 Endangered taxa comprised of 26 mosses and 14 hepatics; 114 Vulnerable taxa comprised of 83 mosses and 31 hepatics; 26 Near Threatened taxa comprised of 11 mosses and 15 hepatics. Of the Non-Threatened categories, there are 732 Least Concern taxa, which include 21 on the Attention list (18 mosses and 3 hepatics). In addition, 163 taxa are considered to be Data Deficient (DD and DD-va) with DD-n including the new taxa or new references for the Iberian Peninsula.
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Tras una visita a la localidad clásica de Orthotrichum handiense se ha podido constatar la situación y estado actual de este musgo. Se aportan nuevos datos ecológicos y se estima el volumen poblacional, que indica la buena salud de la única población conocida de este musgo. Prospecciones infructuosas en islas próximas y en las montañas de la fachada atlántica africana refuerzan la hipótesis de que se trata de un endemismo local, por lo que la vulnerabilidad de la especie resulta elevada. La recolección de nuevas muestras ha permitido estudiar su variabilidad, que refleja escasos nuevos datos morfológicos sobre la descripción original. Finalmente, se da a conocer una forma gemífera y con filidios caducos de Frullania azorica, que convive con el musgo epífito que nos ocupa. An exploratory visit was made to the classical locality of Orthotrichum handiense in order to evaluate the present state of this moss. New data on its ecology and population state are reported, which reveal a good health of the unique population known to date. Neighbouring Canary islands and Moroccan Atlantic mountains have been prospected without finding any record of this moss, which emphasizes the hypothesis on its character as a local endemics, and thus, its high vulnerability. The recollection of new samples has allowed to assess the morphological variability of this moss, which confirms its character stability, since very few morphological data could be added to those of the original description. Finally, a new form of Frullania azorica that has deciduous leaves is reported as well. It has been found growing together with Orthotrichum handiense.
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This paper reports on the state of knowledge of bryophytes in south-eastern European countries and the level of protection of bryophytes there. The study also suggests actions to be taken in order to reach an acceptable level of bryophyte conservation in this region. The difficulties and peculiarities involved in protection of bryophytes in south-eastern Europe are also discussed, in general and by country. The aim of this study is to encourage bryological investigations in SE Europe and to revive interest in bryophytes and bryophyte protection in this region.
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Based on collections made by the authors in mainland Greece, including the Peloponnese and the island of Evvia, several Orthotrichum records of interest are documented. Orthotrichum acuminatum, O. philibertii, O. tortidontium, O . hispanicum, O. macrocephalum and O. shawii are reported for the first time from Greece, the last three also being new to the eastern Mediterranean. O. rivulare, O. scanicum, and O. alpestre, hitherto doubtfully recorded, are confirmed for Greece and new localities are given for O. stramineum, for which there are few previous records.
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The bryophyte Red List of Serbia and Montenegro comprises 254 species (212 mosses and 42 liverworts). Serbia and Montenegro have 39.50% of threatened bryoflora. One moss species is considered as extinct (Encalypta serbica Katic). In the threatened categories there are 20 critically endangered (CR), 35 endangered (EN) and 100 vulnerable (VU) bryophyte species. Seventy-two species are considered to be of low risk, and 36 are too data deficient to place them in any category, but potentially with further investigation will enter one of the threat categories in the Red List.
Seven genera of Funariaceae and two genera of Gigaspermaceae, representing eighteen species in all, are listed for the bryoflora of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. A key for the species is provided, as well as illustrations and comments on the distinctive diagnostic characters, ecology and distribution in the studied area.
En la sesión de clausura de la Reunión de Botánica Criptogámica, que tuvo lugar en Tenerife en marzo de 1970, los miembros compo-nentes del grupo de intercambio de Briófitos propusieron que las sucesivas reuniones de Briología consistieran en el estudio exhaustivo, €n colaboración, de una zona determinada de España, poco conocida e interesante, para que estas reuniones signifiquen una aportación a la briología española. Aceptada esta idea se propuso el estudio de la sierra del Cabo de Gata. Su origen volcánico, la acusada aridez del clima y la vegetación relacionada con la del Norte de África, ofrecían un interés muy particular. Por otra parte, la zona era poco conocida. CASARES (1915) citó algunas especies de la provincia de Almería, P. y V. ALLORGE (1946), en 1935, hicieron el primer reconocimiento briológico de la sierra. Pasa-ron por el Cabo de Gata y recorrieron el barranco del Cigarrón. En esta ocasión encontraron Ricáa gougetiana var. erinacea. En 1957, V. ALLORGE, M. LOSA y C. CASAS (1958), invitados por el profesor Dr. S. RIVAS GODAY permanecieron unos días en Aguadulce, cerca de Almería. Desde allí reconocieron diversas localidades de Almería, entre éstas, la parte de Salinas hacia el Faro y un barranco cerca del Faro, encontrando en aquella ocasión Gigospennum mouretii, un endemismo africano cuya cita del Cabo de Gata es la única conocida en Europa. (*) Resultado de una campaña briológica en la sierra del Cabo de Gata, dirigida por la Prof. Dra. C. Casas de Puig (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).
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