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Unlabelled: The purpose of this experiment was to quantify the natural angle between the hand and a handle, and to investigate three design factors: handle rotation, handle tilt and between-handle width on the natural angle as well as resultant wrist radial/ulnar deviation ('RUD') for pushing tasks. Photographs taken of the right upper limb of 31 participants (14 women and 17 men) performing maximal seated push exertions on different handles were analysed. Natural hand/handle angle and RUD were assessed. It was found that all of the three design factors significantly affected natural handle angle and wrist RUD, but participant gender did not. The natural angle between the hand and the cylindrical handle was 65 ± 7°. Wrist deviation was reduced for handles that were rotated 0° (horizontal) and at the narrow width (31 cm). Handles that were tilted forward 15° reduced radial deviation consistently (12-13°) across handle conditions. Practitioner summary: Manual materials handling (MMH) tasks involving pushing have been related to increased risk of musculoskeletal injury. This study shows that handle orientation influences hand and wrist posture during pushing, and suggests that the design of push handles on carts and other MMH aids can be improved by adjusting their orientation to fit the natural interface between the hand and handle.
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The natural angle between the hand and handle and
the effect of handle orientation on wrist radial/ulnar
deviation during maximal push exertions
Justin G. Young a , Jia-Hua Lin b , Chien-Chi Chang b & Raymond W. McGorry b
a Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Kettering University, 1700
University Ave, Flint, MI, 48504, USA
b Center for Physical Ergonomics, Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, 71 Frankland
Rd, Hopkinton, MA, 01748, USA
Version of record first published: 20 Mar 2013.
To cite this article: Justin G. Young , Jia-Hua Lin , Chien-Chi Chang & Raymond W. McGorry (2013): The natural angle
between the hand and handle and the effect of handle orientation on wrist radial/ulnar deviation during maximal push
exertions, Ergonomics, DOI:10.1080/00140139.2013.765602
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The natural angle between the hand and handle and the effect of handle orientation on wrist
radial/ulnar deviation during maximal push exertions
Justin G. Young
*, Jia-Hua Lin
, Chien-Chi Chang
and Raymond W. McGorry
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Kettering University, 1700 University Ave, Flint, MI 48504, USA;
Center for
Physical Ergonomics, Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, 71 Frankland Rd, Hopkinton, MA 01748, USA
(Received 22 August 2011; final version received 21 December 2012)
The purpose of this experiment was to quantify the natural angle between the hand and a handle, and to investigate three
design factors: handle rotation, handle tilt and between-handle width on the natural angle as well as resultant wrist radial/
ulnar deviation (‘RUD’) for pushing tasks. Photographs taken of the right upper limb of 31 participants (14 women and 17
men) performing maximal seated push exertions on different handles were analysed. Natural hand/handle angle and RUD
were assessed. It was found that all of the three design factors significantly affected natural handle angle and wrist RUD, but
participant gender did not. The natural angle between the hand and the cylindrical handle was 65 ^78. Wrist deviation was
reduced for handles that were rotated 08(horizontal) and at the narrow width (31 cm). Handles that were tilted forward 158
reduced radial deviation consistently (12 138) across handle conditions.
Practitioner summary: Manual materials handling (MMH) tasks involving pushing have been related to increased risk of
musculoskeletal injury. This study shows that handle orientation influences hand and wrist posture during pushing, and
suggests that the design of push handles on carts and other MMH aids can be improved by adjusting their orientation to fit the
natural interface between the hand and handle.
Keywords: manual handling; hand tools and interfaces; pushing; posture; equipment design
1. Introduction
Manual materials handling (MMH) tasks involving pushing and pulling exertions have been related to increased risk of
musculoskeletal injury, specifically in the shoulder and lower back (Hoozemans et al. 1998, 2002). Because MMH tasks require
the transmission of large forces to work objects via the hand/handle interface, it is important to assess how handle design
influences usability, posture and physical capacity (Mack, Haslegrave, and Gray 1995; Devereux, Buckle, and Haisman 1998;
Jung, Haight, and Freivalds 2005). Accordingly, many studies have measured pushing exertions for various handle design
factors such as height (Lee et al. 1991; Snook and Ciriello 1991; Kumar 1995; Al-Eisawi et al. 1999; Lee, Hoozemans, and van
¨n 2011), size and shape (Cochran and Riley 1986), stability (Seo and Armstrong 2009), frictional properties (Seo,
Armstrong, and Young 2010) and orientation (Okunribido and Haslegrave 1999, 2003, 2008; Seo, Armstrong, and Young 2010).
While these studies confirm that handle design factors affect body posture and the capacity to create push force, they do not
specifically address hand posture and how changes at the hand/handle interface manifest these effects.
In order to transmit push forces to the work object, a stable coupling between the hand and handle is generally
established by gripping the handle and pushing with the palm. Since the palm is asymmetrical (due to difference in digit
lengths and the presence of the thumb and thenar tissues), the long axis of handles that are grasped in a power grip are not
naturally oriented perpendicularly to the metacarpal bones. Instead, the handle is angled or tilted by the tissues between the
thumb and index finger. The degree to which a grasped cylindrical handle is oriented with respect to the hand is defined here
as the ‘natural hand/handle angle’ of the hand/handle coupling (Figure 1(a)). The natural hand/handle angle should not be
confused with the posture of the wrist (i.e. radial/ulnar deviation (RUD) angles; Figure 1(b)).
The natural angle of a grasped handle has been described or reported by very few sources (Kroemer, Kroemer, and
Kroemer-Elbert 1994; Hsu and Chen 1999) and there is little or no explanation of how the angle was measured or
determined. Nonetheless, researchers have proposed designs of grasped tools such as knives, pliers, screwdrivers and files
that incorporate tilted handles which theoretically adjust for the natural hand/handle angle and allow the wrist to remain in
neutral postures during use (Armstrong et al. 1982; Kroemer, Kroemer, and Kroemer-Elbert 1994; Hsu and Chen, 1999).
There are no studies, to the authors’ knowledge, reporting the natural hand/handle angle for exertions other than gripping;
however, many operator handles where push forces are commonly exerted have been angled or tilted to increase the comfort
of the operator (such as the handlebars on bicycles and motorcycles). In addition, studies of pushing exertions show that
q2013 Taylor & Francis
*Corresponding author. Email:
Ergonomics, 2013
Downloaded by [Dr Jia-Hua Lin] at 13:36 17 April 2013
tilting handles affects wrist posture and push capacity (Okunribido and Haslegrave, 2008), and that neutral wrist postures
correspond to greater strength (Al-Eisawi, Kerk, and Congleton 1994; Roman-Liu and Tokarski 2005). Despite this
evidence, tilted handles have been largely absent in MMH aids such as hand trucks, trolleys and pushcarts.
It is our hypothesis that tilting push handles according to the natural hand/handle angle will allow for more neutral wrist
postures. The aims of this experiment are to test this hypothesis by: (1) determining the natural angle between the hand and a
handle; and (2) investigating the effects of handle rotation, tilt and between-handle width on the natural angle as well as the
resultant wrist RUD for bi-manual pushing exertions.
2. Methods
To achieve the aims of this study, wrist and hand posture information collected in a larger study of push strength (Lin,
McGorry, and Chang 2012) were analysed. In that experiment, participants performed seated, bi-manual maximal forward
pushing exertions on two symmetrical handles. The two handles were adjustable so that different handle orientations and
widths could be presented to the participant. Participants were instructed to push on the handles in various orientations
while following the Caldwell strength-testing protocol, which consisted of a one-second strength build-up followed by a
three-second maximum exertion (Caldwell et al. 1974). Verbal encouragement was provided to the participant by the
experimenter during each trial (i.e. ‘ramp up ... hold ... hold ... hold ... relax’). In the middle of the three-second
maximal exertion period, a digital photograph of the participant’s right forearm and hand was acquired. Hand and wrist
posture was determined from these photographs and is presented here.
2.1 Participants
Thirty-one healthy adults without any existing musculoskeletal or other health conditions that prohibited them from
performing regular daily activities participated in this study. Participants (14 females and 17 males) were between 19 and 64
years of age. Their average (SD) age, body mass and height were 38.5 (13.2) years, 69.4 (18.6) kg and 166.0 (5.6) cm,
respectively for the females; and 34.8 (14.5) years, 77.5 (16.0) kg and 175.4 (9.1) cm, respectively for the males.
Participants’ hand length (measured according to Garrett, 1971) varied from 16.0 cm to 21.5 cm, with an average length of
18.8 (1.4) cm. Two participants were left-hand dominant. Prior to the start of the study, participants provided informed
consent which was approved by the research facility’s Institutional Review Board.
2.2 Apparatus and set-up
Participants performed maximal push exertions while seated. Seat height was adjusted and set so that when seated the
participant’s popliteal region of the knee was clear of the seat’s front edge, the lower extremities were unsupported and feet
were clear of the ground. The seat’s backrest was modified, so that support was provided only approximately as high as the
iliac crests. In front of the seated participant, two 4.0-cm diameter aluminium handles, whose surfaces were textured by
sandblasting to minimize hand slipping, were mounted to a rigid, height-adjustable crossbar. The crossbar height was
adjusted and set so that when the participant grasped the handles, the forearms were parallel to the ground and the elbows
were flexed at 1158(Figure 2(a)). Participants began each trial in this initial posture, but were unconstrained during the
maximal push exertions. This assured the relative seat arrangement and starting posture for each participant was consistent
throughout the study.
Figure 1. (a) Natural hand/handle angle isdefined as the angle between the third metacarpal bone in the hand and the long axis of the grasped
cylinder; (b) wrist radial/ulnar deviation is defined as the angle between the long axis of the forearm and the third metacarpal bone in the hand.
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A camera (Sony Handycam
DCR-SR82) was mounted on a rigid fixture that was attached to the base of the right-
handle structure. The camera’s optical axis (line of sight) was orthogonal to the long axis of the handle and the target push
direction (forward) at the centre of the handle. The rigid fixture allowed the same camera view to be taken on the handle at
any handle rotation or position along the crossbar. Two triad markers were affixed to the upper limb, one on the back of the
hand and one on the forearm, which indicated orthogonal directions along and normal to the surface of the forearm and hand
(Figure 2(b)). The x-axis of the forearm marker was oriented along the long axis of the forearm and in the direction of the
centre of the wrist, while the x-axis of the hand marker was oriented along the third metacarpal bone of the hand.
Handle orientation was adjustable in two dimensions to allow different handle rotation (axis aligned with the direction
of push) and tilt (axis perpendicular to the direction of push) configurations. In addition, the width between right and left
handles could be adjusted to present spacing that was either within an average female’s shoulder breadth or outside an
average male’s shoulder breadth. Three handle rotations (08horizontal, 458and 908vertical), two between-handle widths
(narrow 31.0 cm and wide 48.6 cm) and two handle tilts (08and 158) were randomly presented, and their effects on maximal
forward pushing exertions were investigated (Figure 3). There were two repetitions of each treatment, with a minimum two-
minute rest afforded between trials.
2.3 Posture calculation
Wrist and hand posture is calculated by comparing the angular directions of the orthogonal axes of the marker triads (either
the x- or the y-axes) between the forearm and hand markers (see Figure 2). Extension of the wrist rotates the hand marker
triad about the marker triad’s y-axis, inclining the hand marker triad’s x-axis with respect to the RUD plane. When the
forearm is rotated with respect to the fixed camera plane (rotation about forearm x-axis), any wrist extension will be
interpreted as RUD if the marker’s x-axes are used to calculate RUD angle. Therefore, the marker’s y-axes instead are used
to calculate RUD angle and reduce the theoretical two-dimensional projection error.
2.3.1 Wrist RUD
Wrist RUD is defined here as the angle between the third metacarpal bone in the hand (from wrist to middle knuckle) and
the long axis of the forearm. For this study, radial deviation is a negative angle and ulnar deviation is a positive angle. RUD
was calculated by comparing the y-axis of forearm and hand marker triads (Figure 4(a)).
2.3.2 Natural hand/handle angle
Natural handle angle is defined here as the angle between the third metacarpal bone in the hand (from wrist to middle
knuckle) and the long axis of the cylindrical handle. The natural handle angle can be calculated by comparing the direction
of the hand marker triad’s y-axis to the perpendicular of the handle’s long axis (Figure 4(b)).
Figure 2. (a) Participants performed bi-manual, seated push exertions on various handles; (b) a camera, mounted onto the handle base
structure, captured photographs of the right hand during push exertions. In this example, the handle was at 458rotation and 158tilt.
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2.4 Camera-based calculation validation protocol
Since photographs represent a two-dimensional projection of the actual three-dimensional marker triad positions,
‘perspective’ or ‘parallax’ error is introduced by the camera lens when the optical axis is not precisely orthogonal to the
local wrist ‘RUD’ plane (Paul and Douwes 1993; Lau and Armstrong 2011). The camera placement was chosen to minimise
this perspective error; however, participant posture during push exertions was not constrained. This means that if
participants rotated their forearm with respect to the fixed handle axis during push exertions, the wrist RUD plane would
become misaligned with the fixed camera plane and error can be introduced.
For a subset (n¼20) of participants, a validation experiment was performed that compared angles calculated by the
above-described methods with those measured by a MotionStar Wireless electromagnetic motion-tracking system
(Ascension Technology, Inc., Burlington, VT, USA). Electromagnetic motion-tracking system cannot be used around large
metal objects, so the validation experiment was performed prior to the main experiment in a separate room. Two marker
triads and two motion-tracking ‘birds’ were placed on the forearm and back of the hand in similar positions as in the main
experiment. Participants were then asked to keep their forearm stationary while tightly gripping a 4.0-cm diameter acrylic
cylindrical rod. The experimenter then manually altered the rod’s orientation so that the participant’s wrist moved through
the full range of motion (flexion/extension and RUD) while synchronised photographs and joint angles were recorded. Wrist
RUD angles were then calculated from the photographs using the above-described method and compared with those
Figure 3. Push handle conditions: (a) three rotations in the anatomical coronal plane shown from the point of view of the operator; (b)
two widths shown from the point of view of the operator; and (c) two tilt levels, either perpendicular to push or rotated towards the thumb,
shown for just one rotation in an overhead view. Right (R) and left (L) handles are shown. Push direction is into the page for operator
views (a) and (b) and toward the top of the page (as indicated by arrows) for the overhead view (c); (d) shows the actual test handles at 45˚
rotation, 15˚ tilt, and narrow width.
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recorded by the motion-tracking system. The resulting mean error in RUD angle between the two methods was ^38with a
variance of 78. Pearson correlation between measurement methods was 0.97.
2.5 Design and statistical analysis
A3 £2£2 full factorial study design testing push force for handle rotation, tilt and between-handle width was employed.
There were two repetitions of each treatment, yielding 24 photographs per participant. RUD and natural handle angles were
calculated from the 744 photographs. Repeated measures ANOVA analysis was performed for the fixed effects of gender,
handle rotation, handle tilt and between-handle width, as well as their interactions on calculated angles. Participant was
nested within gender and was treated as a random effect. Post hoc multiple comparisons (Bonferroni) were performed for
significant effects. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
v. 17 (Chicago, IL, USA) linear mixed model module. A
p-value of 0.05 was considered significant for all statistical tests.
Figure 4. (a) Radial/ulnar deviation can be calculated as the angle between the forearm (y
) and hand (y
) marker triads using the
marker triad y-axes; (b) the natural hand/handle angle is calculated as the angle between the perpendicular to long axis of the grasped
handle (y
) and the y-axis of the hand marker triad (y
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3. Results
3.1 Natural hand/handle angle
Average (SD) natural angle over all trials was 65(7) degrees. Analysis of variance (Table 1) shows that the main effects of
handle rotation, handle tilt and between-handle width were significant, but gender was not. There were two significant two-
way interactions: the interaction between handle rotation and gender, and the interaction between handle tilt and gender. In
both the cases, observed natural angle was affected less for males by the handle factor than for females.
Post hoc results indicate that natural angle was significantly greater for 908handle rotation (neutral forearm) than for the
08handle rotation ( p,0.001), but natural angle for the 458rotation was not different from either of the other rotations
(p¼0.119 20.172). Mean (SD) natural angle for handle rotations 08,458and 908was 65(6), 65(7) and 66(7) degrees,
respectively. Natural angle was significantly greater for handle angle of 08than for handle tilt of 158(p,0.001). Natural
angle for handle tilt of 08and 158was 66(7) and 64(7) degrees, respectively. Natural angle was significantly greater for wide
handles than for narrow handles ( p,0.001). Natural angle for narrow- and wide-handle spacing was 64(7) and 66(7)
degrees, respectively.
3.2 Wrist deviation
Analysis of variance (Table 1) shows that the main effects of handle rotation, handle tilt and handle width (F¼299.4, p,
0.001) were significant, but gender was not significant. There were three significant two-way interactions. The interaction
between handle rotation and between-handle width was significant: the effect of handle width was smaller in the 908handle
rotation than for other rotations. The interaction between handle rotation and gender was significant: the effect of handle
rotation was greater for males than for females. The interaction between handle tilt and gender was significant: the effect of
handle tilt was slightly greater for males than for females. Mean values for wrist deviation for different handle conditions
are plotted in Figure 5.
Post hoc results indicate that the wrist was significantly more radial deviated for 908handle rotation (neutral forearm)
than for 458handle rotation ( p,0.001), which, in turn, was significantly more radial deviated than 08handle rotation ( p,
0.001). Mean (SD) RUD for handle rotations 08,458and 908was 4(15), 28(13) and 220(13), respectively. The wrist was
significantly more radial deviated for handle tilt angle of 08than for handle tilt angle of 158(p,0.001). Mean (SD) RUD
for handle tilt of 08and 158was 214(16) and 21(16), respectively. The wrist was significantly more radial deviated for
wide handles than for narrow handles ( p,0.001). Mean (SD) RUD for the narrow- and wide-handle widths was 24(17)
and 212(16), respectively.
4 Discussion
4.1 Natural hand/handle angle
Results show that the natural hand/handle angle when performing push tasks was approximately 658. This result is slightly
lower than the 678reported by Hsu and Chen (1999) for grasping and ‘about 708’ suggested by Kroemer, Kroemer, and
Kroemer-Elbert (1994). The difference may be due to the functional task being performed (maximum voluntary push vs.
voluntary gripping). An applied load on the handle may cause the natural angle to change due to tissue deformation and
functional advantage, so it is reasonable to assume that there will be differences for push, gripping or pulling tasks. In
Table 1. Repeated measures ANOVA for main effects and interactions.
Natural hand/handle angle Wrist deviation
FP F p
Rotation 7.827 0.000 872.286 0.000
Tilt 43.554 0.000 716.895 0.000
Width 62.373 0.000 299.844 0.000
Gender 0.231 0.632 0.458 0.502
Rotation £gender 7.117 0.001 49.085 0.000
Tilt £gender 6.607 0.010 4.734 0.030
Width £gender 0.053 0.819 0.009 0.925
Rotation £width 1.774 0.170 19.166 0.000
Rotation £tilt 0.539 0.584 0.461 0.631
Tilt £width 1.458 0.228 1.600 0.206
Note: p,0.05 is significant.
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addition, previous studies define the natural angle with respect to the forearm, which can alter results if the wrist is deviated.
Defining the natural angle with respect to the third metacarpal bone isolates the natural angle of hand/handle push coupling
from wrist deviations.
Analysis of variance showed significant main effects due to handle rotation, tilt and width but not gender. This suggests
that natural handle angle is independent of hand size and is more generally due to the anatomical shape of the hand, palmar
tissues and bones. Pushing does not require a concurrent grip force (finger flexion) as the handle can be stabilised between
the first and second metacarpal bones (thumb and index finger) and by tissues in the thenar and hypothenar regions.
Therefore, the natural handle angle may be less influenced by the length of the fingers in push tasks than in gripping or
pulling tasks.
Because of the anatomical asymmetry of the hand, the push force that is applied to the handle through the tissues of the
hand may be distributed unevenly. When the handle is orthogonal (perpendicular) to the forearm and push direction, a
higher concentration of force would be expected in the thenar/thumb area (Aldien et al. 2005). The average natural angle
was 28greater for non-tilted handles than for handles tilted forward 158. This change was likely associated with a greater
tissue deformation in the thenar region due to increased pressure on the non-tilted handles. This change may be even greater
for handles of smaller diameter, because the same force would result in a greater localised pressure on a smaller contact area
than for the current handles.
It should be noted that differences in natural handle angle are fairly small between treatments when compared to
possible calculation error introduced by two-dimensional marker triad rotation artefacts (^38). While it is likely that
extreme change in handle rotation, tilt and width will affect natural handle angle, it is uncertain that these effects are
practically significant over the small ranges tested in this study.
4.2 Wrist deviation
4.2.1 Effect of handle rotation and between-handle width
For the initial testing posture described in the methods, rotation of the handles should affect forearm rotation (from pronated
to neutral) but not necessarily wrist posture. However, our results show that rotation significantly affected RUD and that the
wrist became more radial deviated as the handle moved from 08to 908. The change in deviation was consistent over the
handle rotations tested, with a mean change of 2128from rotation 08to 458and 2128from rotation 458to 908. Since
changes in the natural hand/handle angle are small across handle orientations compared to changes in wrist deviation,
changes in RUD are likely not due to hand posture, but rather due to changes in upper-limb posture during push exertions; a
conclusion supported by previous studies (Okunribido and Haslegrave 2003, 2008).
Figure 5. Mean wrist radial/ulnar deviation for different handle rotations, tilts and between-handle widths. Gender is pooled.
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Consistent postural changes in the upper limb should have different effects on wrist posture due to the rotation of the
forearm. For example, a hypothetical postural change where the torso flexes slightly and the shoulder abducts the upper arm
during the push task will cause the forearm to rotate in the transverse body plane and affect the wrist differently depending
on handle orientation. For 08(horizontal) handle rotations, the forearms are generally pronated with the palms facing the
floor, so this postural change should mainly affect wrist RUD and not wrist flexion/extension. For 908(vertical) handle
rotations, the forearms are generally neutral with the palms facing inward to the midline of the body, so this postural change
should mainly affect wrist flexion/extension rather than wrist RUD.
The influence of upper-limb posture is reflected in the significant effect of handle width, which shows that handles at wider
distances caused greater radial deviation of the wrist than narrow-distanced handles. The two levels of handle width chosen in
the experiment were based on the mean of the population biacromial breadth. The narrow-handle width (31.0 cm) was slightly
smaller than the women population’s mean breadth of 36.6 cm, while the wide-handle width (48.6 cm) was slightly larger than
the men’s mean breadth of 41.1 cm (McDowell, Fryar, and Orgen 2009). As described in the previous paragraph, it would
therefore be expected that for the 08handle rotations (horizontal handles), wrists would be ulnar deviated more for the narrow-
handle width than for the wide-handle width. However, the width of the handles should affect RUD less for handle rotations
where the forearm is not pronated or supinated. Results confirm this as the interaction between rotation and width was
significant and the effect of width was reduced for 908(vertical) handle rotations. Average change in RUD between narrow
and wide handles were 2108,2108and 248for 08,458and 908handle rotations, respectively.
The interaction of handle rotation and gender shows that the effect of rotation was greater for males than for females.
The mean change in RUD was 2158from rotations 08to 458and 215 from rotations 458to 908for males, and 2108from
rotations 08to 458and 298from rotations 458to 908for females. This could be due to differences in anthropometry or
overall strength between males and females, or that females tend to adjust their upper-limb posture to attenuate wrist
posture changes.
4.2.2 Effect of handle tilt
It was expected that tilting the handles by 158should affect wrist postures similarly in all cases by a difference of
approximately 158. Results confirm that handle tilt affected RUD, and because interactions with other handle factors were
not significant, the effect was similar across both rotations (difference of 138,128and 138for 08,458and 908rotations,
respectively) and between-handle widths (difference of 128and 138for narrow and wide handles, respectively). These
differences were slightly smaller than 158and correspond to the changes in the natural angle between handle tilt conditions.
If it is assumed that maximal push strength occurs when forearm is in line with the push force and the wrist is in neutral
posture, a 658natural hand/handle angle would therefore correspond to a 258natural handle tilt. In this study, handles of 08
and 158were tested, so we would expect the wrist to be radial deviated by 258and 108on average for each handle tilt
conditions, respectively. For 908rotated handles (the forearm was neutral and RUD was less susceptible to upper-limb
postural changes), radial deviation was 268and 138for 08and 158tilted handles, confirming the hypotheses. However in
other handle rotations, the RUD would be more influenced by upper-limb posture. These results show that for pushing tasks
while in pronated forearm postures, upper-limb posture likely decreased radial deviation.
4.3 Limitations
While general results for natural hand/handle angle and the effects of handle tilt and orientation on wrist RUD are
convincing, this study is limited by the photographic method used to quantify joint angles. Observation of worker posture in
person or by photographic/video analysis is common practice, and analysis of this method has received much attention
(Paul and Douwes 1993; Juul-Kristensen et al. 2001; Lowe 2004; Lau and Armstrong 2011). During a validation
experiment, the photographic method employed here had a mean error of ^38and a variance of 78.Differences in natural
hand/handle angle across handle conditions (at most 28) were small compared to this error, so it is difficult to make
conclusions regarding specific effects. However, for wrist RUD, differences in mean angles are generally large compared to
the photographic error (e.g. a difference of over 358was observed between tilted, narrow, horizontal handles and the non-
tilted, wide, vertical-oriented handles). Therefore, there may be small inaccuracies in the reported RUD values, but overall
conclusions about the effects of handle parameters should be robust.
Another limitation is that wrist angle is dependent on both the hand/handle interface angle and the position of the
forearm. In the experimental set-up, the seating system was adjusted so that when the participant grasped the handles, the
forearms were parallel to the ground and the elbows were flexed at 1158. While the hands were fixed on the handles as
prescribed by the protocol, the participant was free to alter their torso and upper-limb posture by leaning forward,
abducting/adducting the shoulder or flexing/extending the elbow during the push exertion. As discussed above, these
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postural changes would affect the relative orientation of the handle with respect to the torso, so it is difficult to extrapolate
specifically how handle orientation may affect wrist posture in other body positions (such as standing). Furthermore, only
the right hand and arm was analysed. There may be slight differences in posture between right and left arms due to
differences in strength and hand dominance. Future studies employing a more sophisticated recording system that permits
measurement of detailed body and upper-limb kinematics can improve the understanding of the effects of hand/handle
interface on push posture and capacity.
Finally, the postures observed here were for seated maximum horizontal push exertions observed in a laboratory setting.
While this is not a typical MMH situation, the handles that the subjects pushed on were in orientations found commonly on
equipment and the focus of the analysis was the hand/handle interface and the wrist. The implications therefore should be
relevant to many situations regardless of work pace, acceleration, weight of tools, etc. as long as the task is pushing on a
handle that is grasped in a power-grip posture. Even so, these results should be considered in conjunction with the larger
body of literature about pushing exertions and are not necessarily applicable to other tasks, such as pulling exertions.
5. Conclusions
This research shows that wrist deviation posture during maximal pushing exertions was dependent on handle configuration.
However, the natural angle between the hand and the handle was similar across the different handle configurations tested.
These results suggest that the natural hand/handle angle is caused by anatomical asymmetry of the hand and that
corresponding wrist posture is affected by this natural angle, in conjunction with handle orientation and upper-limb posture.
For ergonomists evaluating push tasks, it is important to consider how the handle interface affects both the capacity to
produce force and the resulting postural demand. These findings are useful for designers who wish to understand naturally
adopted hand and wrist postures and incorporate them into designs for the pushing hand/handle interface. Handles tilted
forward at angles corresponding to the natural hand/handle angle (,258) will tend to reduce radial deviation of the wrist.
Therefore, handles that are typically straight and perpendicular to the push direction (i.e. pushcarts and hospital beds) could
be tilted to account for the natural hand/handle angle and thus promote neutral wrist posture. However, as the wrist is part of
a kinematic chain, operator’s upper-arm posture and torso position must also be considered as well as the task and force
requirements. Appropriate handle tilt angles to promote neutral wrist posture must be adjusted to account for the commonly
adopted elbow position and forearm rotation for that specific piece of equipment. Furthermore, natural hand posture is likely
different for pulling than for pushing tasks, so suitable tilt angle designs for dual task MMH handles (those used for both
pushing and pulling) require further investigation.
The authors would like to thank the American Society of Safety Engineers Foundation (ASSEF) and Liberty Mutual Research Institute for
Safety (LMRIS) for their generous support of this study through the 2010 ASSEF/LMRIS research fellowship programme.
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... Force or torque exertions with both hands are frequently required in many industrial and daily life applications, including the use of hand tools such as T-shaped wrenches and hand wheels. Several previous studies have examined bi-manual torque exertions on hand wheels (Schulze et al. 1997;Parks and Schulze 1998;Wood et al. 1999;Hoff 2000;Attwood et al. 2002;Wieszczyk, Marklin, and S� anchez 2009;Al-Qaisi, Aghazadeh, and Ikuma 2015) or push and pull force exertions on two handles (Lin, McGorry, and Chang 2012;Young et al. 2013;Weston et al. 2018). However, to the authors' knowledge, there is no study evaluating design characteristics and workstation configurations involving the use of T-shaped handles when exerting two-handed torque strength. ...
... A preliminary investigation by the authors revealed that the available T-shaped handles in various fields, industries and tool stores had a diameter of up to 7 cm. In this study, three T-shaped handles with 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm diameters were examined based on a preliminary pilot study and previous studies involving force exertions on two handles (Lin, McGorry, and Chang 2012;Young et al. 2013). To this aim, for each handle with a specified diameter, two rigid cylinders made of polyamide (a kind of hard plastic similar to hard plastic handles) were prepared which could be slid on a metal bar and fixed ( Figure 1). ...
... Another independent variable was between-handle distance, with three levels: equal to 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 shoulder span (SS) (bideltoid breadth) (Lin, McGorry, and Chang 2012;Young et al. 2013). In order to avoid torque variations that could be caused by the handle length available to the hands, the centre of the grip was carefully monitored and controlled during each experimental trial. ...
The use of both hands is often required for force/torque exertions, particularly when using hand tools. This study investigated the effects of handle diameter (3-5 cm), between-handle distance (0.5–1.5 shoulder span (SS), workpiece orientation (horizontal/frontal), working height (shoulder/elbow/knuckle), and exertion direction (clockwise/counter-clockwise) on maximum two-handed torque strength, usability and comfort/discomfort while using T-shaped handles. Participant (n = 20) performed 36 experimental conditions. The handle diameter had no significant main effect on torque strength. The 3 cm diameter handle was associated with better usability and comfort compared to other options. Higher torque values were recorded with between-handle distance of 1.0 and 1.5 SS, in frontal plane, in shoulder and knuckle heights, and in counter-clockwise direction. The between-handle distance of 1.0 SS had better comfort and higher usability than other conditions. Interactions between the between-handle distance and working height, between-handle distance and workpiece orientation, and workpiece orientation and working height were also significant.
... In order to ensure a neutral position of the forearm when handling a hand saw, it is necessary to bend the handle so that the joint suffers minimal stress. For a hand tool with a normal linear handle, the center line of the cross-section of the handle and the forearm should form an angle of 110° so that the joint is in a neutral position during the operation ( Fig. 1) [6]. GD2: Choice of grip type. ...
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In order to design the handle of a hand tool as ergonomically acceptable, it is necessary to know all aspects of the human hand and define ergonomic design guidelines. Defining requirements and technical specifications ensures the quality of ergonomic design. Following the results of current research in tool handle design, the possibility of better interaction between the tool and the user is created. The handle of the hand tool was created based on defined ergonomic guidelines in order to reduce disorders of the musculoskeletal system and increase functionality, comfort and safety. The research was conducted on the example of a hand saw handle.Keywordsergonomic designhand saw handle
... To estimate safe loading levels, researchers have experimentally examined the variation in FPBP strength with different variables, such as exertion height (Chen, Lee, and Hsu 2011;Chow and Dickerson 2016), body posture (Yu, Xu, and Lin 2018), body asymmetry (Lin, McGorry, and Maynard 2013), number of hands used (Weston et al. 2018; Institute of Labour and Occupational Safety and Health [ILOSH], 2018), orientation of the handle on the load (Lin, McGorry, and Chang 2012;Young et al. 2013), and force direction (Weston and Marras 2020). Many of the aforementioned variables are relevant to industry. ...
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This study examined the variation in individuals’ static maximum forward pushing and backward pulling (FPBP) strength for handleless cartons under different task conditions. Thirty young Taiwanese men were recruited as participants and were requested to perform maximum FPBP exertion tests under four exertion heights (50, 80, 110, and 140 cm), two types of hand contact (bare hands and gloves), and two carton widths (40 and 60 cm). The results of this study indicated that the pushing strength for handleless cartons was almost twice the pulling strength for all exertion heights. This finding is different from those of previous relevant studies. The pulling force generated when gloves were worn was 38% higher than that generated under barehanded pulling. Moreover, the pulling force generated with a 40-cm-wide carton was 13% higher than that generated with a 60-cm-wide carton. Pushing strength was affected by only the exertion height. Practitioner summary: We examined the effects of exertion height, carton width, and type of contact on the maximum FPBP strengths. Pulling strength should be considered first for the related task design because it is lower than pushing strength. However, pulling strength can be maximised by wearing gloves to pull a 60-cm-wide carton.
... transmitting forces from the person to the cart by affecting both the capacity to produce force and the resulting postural demand [9]. Following this hypothesis Chow and Dickerson [10] reported differences in shoulder joint pressure comparing 100 cm and 150 cm handle heights with reduced pressure when pushing at 150 cm and increased joint pressure for vertical handle positions. ...
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Background: Transport carts are common supporting tools to move heavy weights at work. Pushing and pulling of carts can induce musculoskeletal disorders if not performed ergonomically. Reasons are dysfunctional body positions due to a given handle position and positions and composition of the transport devices as well as the roller friction and resistance.
... EMGs of the upper and lower limbs were recorded during the STS movement. Several studies have investigated the effects of handle orientation on the pull and push forces (Young, et al., 2009;Seo, et al., 2010;Lin, et al., 2012;Ehrlich, et al., 2013;Young, et al., 2013). They suggested that the maximum pull and push forces occur when the forearm is in line with the forces and the wrist is in the neutral posture. ...
The sit-to-stand (STS) movement is performed throughout the day, and providing handrailsis one methodof making the STS movement easy. However, designers may have determined the installation position of handrails using intuition and trial and error. The aim of this study is to determine the optimum position and orientation of handrails by minimizing the quantified physical load of the STS movement.Twelve university students participated, and eight electromyograms (EMGs), namely, of the brachioradialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis longus, latissimus dorsi, right and left rectus femoris, and right and left tibialis anterior, were recorded. Observations with handrails at various tilt angles and forward distancesfrom the edge of the seat were analyzed for the optimization. The total physical load (TPL) function was formulated as the weighted sum of the EMGs. The weight coefficients were determined by maximizing the correlation coefficient between the measured subjective scores and the TPL function values. The result shows that the handrail installation position significantly affects all of the EMGs except those of the right and left rectus femoris. The weight coefficients of the TPL function are positive for the upper limb muscles, whereas they are zero for the lower limb muscles. The handrail position for multiple users was formulated to minimize the TPL function, and hence the optimum position was determined.
Background The handrail is an effective means of assisting sit-to-stand movements. As some elderly people need force to support their body during sit-to-stand movements because of instability and weakness; however, few handrails are specifically shaped to generate more force and support the body. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a newly designed curved-angled handrail on the reaction force during sit-to-stand movements in the elderly. Methods Twenty-one elderly subjects (age range, 72–84 years) participated in the study. They performed sit-to-stand movements using a conventional vertical handrail and then the curved-angled handrail five times each. For each subject, body coordinate data were acquired and the handrail reaction force was measured using motion analysis and load sensors on the handrail. Findings The reaction forces generated in the anterior–posterior and upward–downward directions during sit-to-stand movements using the curved-angled handrail were significantly greater than those generated using the conventional vertical handrail (p < .001). Interpretation Compared with using the conventional vertical handrail, using the curved-angled handrail enhances the generated force during sit-to-stand movements.
Pushing or pulling an object constitutes the majority of manual materials handling tasks. Anthropometric differences between workers alter pushing and pulling strategies at fixed heights, potentially modifying exposures and causing overexertion. Capability normalized to arm posture rather than work height remains unknown, and the purpose of this research was to quantify maximal pushing and pulling strength and upper extremity joint moments using fixed humeral abduction angles and a flexed arm position. Twenty university-aged females completed maximal pushes and pulls at 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° of humeral abduction with an elbow to 90°. Abduction angle was the largest modifier of both push and pull force generating capability (p < 0.01), with increasing abduction reducing force capability by up to 30%. While push exertions on average exceeded pulls by 17 N (p < 0.01), the difference is much smaller than previous reports. Ergonomists should consider humeral angle of the worker rather than work heights, as individuals working in increased abduction decreases capability and increases potential overexertion injury risk.
Manual material handling (MMH) exposure arises from the work system characteristics leading to strain on musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neurological system. A combined manual material handling task is composed of a combination of tasks involving lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling or carrying. The paper highlights interventions for a MMH work system in a bearing manufacturing plant in India through an experimental study where workers are faced with both biomechanical and physiological strains while undertaking combined MMH tasks. The intervention procedure proposed for combined manual material handling tasks in this study accounts for both biomechanical and physiological strains. The biomechanical measures considered for interventions are ‘Body Part Discomfort Frequency Severity’ and ‘Muscle effort’, and physiological measures considered for interventions are ‘energy expenditure rate’, ‘heart rate’ and ‘rating of perceived exertion’. The design solutions have addressed the whole-body exertions faced by the material handlers. The practical implication of the study is that it has highlighted a few work system characteristic that produces less biomechanical and physiological stresses. Several recommendations for improved work system factors (e.g. load, equipment, and workplace) for combined loading, push–pull and unloading tasks are provided. The recommended interventions are generic and can be used in any MMH work system where human effort is dominant, and level of mechanization is low. The values obtained from this simulation are only first approximation and need to be verified through actual implementation of the interventions.
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The purpose of this review is to name and describe the important factors of musculoskeletal strain originating from pushing and pulling tasks such as cart handling that are commonly found in industrial contexts. Literature database search was performed using the research platform Web of Science. For a study to be included in this review differences in measured or calculated strain had to be investigated with regard to (I) cart weight/load, (II) handle position and design, (III) exerted forces, (IV) handling task (push and pull) or (V) task experience. Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria and proved to be of adequate methodological quality by the standards of the Alberta Heritage Foundation For Medical Research. External load or cart weight proved to be the most influential factor of strain. The ideal handle positions ranged from hip to shoulder height and were dependent on the strain factor that was focused on as well as the handling task. Furthermore, task experience and subsequently handling technique were also a key to reducing strain. Workplace settings that regularly involve pushing and pulling should be checked for potential improvements with regard to lower weight of the loaded handling device, handle design and good practice guidelines to further reduce MSD prevalence.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the assumption in biomechanical models that wrist strength does not limit manual exertion capability. An experiment was designed and run on right-handed males to test isometric elbow flexion strength at two included elbow angles: 90° and 135° and in two forearm positions: supinated and mid between supination and pronation. Isometric wrist flexion strength was also measured at the same elbow angles and at two wrist positions in the flexion/extension plane: neutral and 45° extended. Isometric wrist radial deviation strength was measured at the same two elbow angles and at two wrist positions in the radial/ulnar deviation plane: neutral and 30° ulnarly deviated. An equation was developed to calculate the theoretical minimum wrist strength limits for which wrist strength does not limit maximal moments about the elbow. These calculated limits were compared to the corresponding measured wrist strength moments. In general, wrist strength was found to be non-limiting, but in some specific circumstances, it can be limiting. Among the posture/exertion combinations tested, only wrist flexion strength in the extended wrist posture was found to be limiting. There was some evidence that strong-wrist people show less wrist strength limitations than weak-wrist people in some postures. It was also found that the neutral wrist posture is not associated with the highest wrist strength.
This paper reports the evaluation of a tool designed by the workforce to reduce the physical strain imposed by the manual handling of gas cylinders. The design of this tool had not been subject to ergonomics during its participatory design. The aim of this case study was to assess the potential benefits of using such a manual handling tool for gas cylinder deliveries and to investigate any potential problems associated with the use of the tool. Questionnaires, diaries, video observations, goniometer and force measurements were used in the workplace and the laboratory to assess the tool with respect to usability and any musculoskeletal discomfort on 20 male delivery drivers. The tool showed few benefits for delivering gas cylinders underground and the tool may increase physical strain. It is recommended that participatory groups use expert ergonomic knowledge and methods to redesign the job as a priority measure before designing and implementing tools that attempt to reduce the physical strain of manual handling gas cylinders. Relevance to industryThis case study shows that a participatory approach to designing tools and implementing methods to reduce physical strain should use expert ergonomics at all stages of the participation process.
The file is a non-powered hand tool extensively used in the manufacturing industry. However, the conventional flat file with a straight handle frequently causes excessive ulnar deviation of the user's wrist. Therefore, repetitive and long-time use of the file likely inflicts the user with cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) at the upper extremities, in particular carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In this work, we present a novel bent-handled flat file, designed from an ergonomic perspective as an improvement over the conventional file with a straight handle. This novel re-designed product was tested to verify its effectiveness. Five criteria were tested: the subject's working posture (right arm), task efficiency (filings), task precision (flatness), the degree of right-arm fatigue (the decrease of grip force), and the subject's subjective preference ratings. According to our results, the bent-handled flat file is superior to the straight-handled flat file because the former can sustain the operator's forearm and hand in a neutral position, reduce the degree of right-arm fatigue, and adhere to the subject's preferences. The other two criteria, task efficiency and task precision, show no significant difference. The ergonomically friendly files (with the handles bent from 50 degrees to 70 degrees) ensure optimal use. The bent-handled file has the same function in filings and flatness as the straight-handled file. In particular, the 60 degrees file is excellent. The bent-handled flat file not only reduces cumulative trauma, but fulfills the requirements of the operatives.
The objective of this study was to measure the three-dimensional hand forces people exert to initiate a cart push or pull for two cart loads: 73 and 181 kg, and three handle heights: knuckle, elbow, and shoulder heights. The cart used was equipped with 15.24 cm (6 in) diameter wheels. The floor was covered with carpet tiles. The laboratory-measured hand force exertions were compared to the minimum forces needed to push/pull the cart under the same conditions and to the psychophysical initial push/pull force limits. For pushing and pulling, the measured anterior-posterior hand forces were 2- 2.4 times the minimum required forces. For the heavier cart load, lower forces were applied as handle height increased. Pull forces were 7% higher than push forces. The smallest vertical forces were measured at elbow height. Strength capability and gender did not have an effect on the applied forces. The mean strength percentile for the male sample was 64%, while the mean strength percentile for the female sample was 13% as determined from the Adjusted Torso Lift Strength Test and population strength data for this test. The comparison with the psychophysical limits indicated that the tasks were well within the maximum acceptable initial forces for males, but not for females.
The objective of this study was to measure the three-dimensional hand forces people exert to initiate a cart push or pull for two cart loads: 73 and 181 kg, and three handle heights: knuckle, elbow, and shoulder heights. The cart used was equipped with 15.24 cm (6 in) diameter wheels. The floor was covered with carpet tiles. The laboratory-measured hand force exertions were compared to the minimum forces needed to push/pull the cart under the same conditions and to the psychophysical initial push/pull force limits. For pushing and pulling, the measured anterior-posterior hand forces were 2–2.4 times the minimum required forces. For the heavier cart load, lower forces were applied as handle height increased. Pull forces were 7% higher than push forces. The smallest vertical forces were measured at elbow height. Strength capability and gender did not have an effect on the applied forces. The mean strength percentile for the male sample was 64%, while the mean strength percentile for the female sample was 13% as determined from the Adjusted Torso Lift Strength Test and population strength data for this test. The comparison with the psychophysical limits indicated that the tasks were well within the maximum acceptable initial forces for males, but not for females.
Manual transport aids (trucks and trolleys) are in widespread use throughout most industries, but their use does not always result in the anticipated reduction of workload or musculoskeletal stress. A survey of users has shown that many of the aids currently used are poorly designed or inappropriate for the tasks performed. The information gained during the survey has been analysed to identify the most important design features and to provide guidance for their selection and evaluation, in order to ensure that aids are suitable for the tasks for which they are used and that they are effective and safe. It is clear that the first stage in establishing design criteria and guidelines should be developing an understanding of the task requirements and environmental conditions under which materials have to be transported in industry.
The aim of the study was to analyse values of the maximal forces of pushing, lifting, handgrip and torques of pronation and supination as well as to develop predictive equations expressing maximal force in relation to upper limb posture for four upper limb activities (pushing, lifting, pronation and supination).Twelve right-hand dominant men participated in the experimental study. All of them were healthy and had no history of hand dysfunction. They exerted maximal forces of the above-mentioned five different upper limb activities in 24 upper limb postures. Each upper limb posture was defined by seven angles. The analysis showed an influence of each of the seven angles on the exerted force.On the basis of the measurements obtained in the experimental study, predictive equations of the maximal force of pushing and lifting as well as torques of pronation and supination, in relation to the seven angles defining upper limb posture, were established. They make it possible to calculate maximal forces or torques in relation to upper limb posture and the type of upper limb activity. They can help designers in designing a workplace and therapists in measuring and comparing patients’ capabilities.Relevance to industryValues of maximum force obtained by calculations on the basis of predictive equations can contribute to normative data of maximum forces. The values of maximum forces of different types and for different upper limb postures are very crucial for the design as well as the assessment of work stands.
As a simple solution to alleviate problems associated with manual material handling, manual vehicles, such as carts, trucks, wheelbarrows, etc., are often provided to operators. This review was initiated by concern for the effects of design, task, environment, and operator factors on the usability of manual vehicles. The previous studies are summarized and then ergonomic recommendations are made for each factor. Most studies have been performed on four-wheeled carts and focused on wheel design, handle height, load weight, moving direction, motion phase, and floor type. Biomechanics, psychophysics, and work physiology have been used to help understand usability. For future research, the systematic classification of manual vehicles is necessary to make specific ergonomic recommendations for special-purpose manual vehicles.Relevance to industryWorkers use manual vehicles to reduce physical stresses during manual material handling without the awareness of their factor effects on usability. This review paper would be useful for a manufacturer and ergonomist to design and select general manual vehicles.