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Efficiency of biological control of Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in cold areas of the Iberian Peninsula: Implications for defoliation and wood production in Eucalyptus globulus


Abstract and Figures

Sustainable management of forest plantations and cost-effective control strategies depend on previous estimations of the economic level of damage caused by the pests. The eucalyptus weevil, a key pest of Eucalyptus plantations worldwide, is mainly controlled using classical biological control, using the mymarid egg-parasitoid Anaphes nitens (Girault). Nevertheless, in several temperate regions, the parasitoid fails to reduce the weevil populations to economically sustainable levels. This study attempts to (i) relate the efficiency of the parasitoid with climate variables, (ii) relate the level of damage caused by the weevil with the rate of parasitism, (iii) estimate the implications of weevil damage on wood production. Weevil density, damage caused by defoliation on the upper crown and parasitism rates were monitored in 2007, in 34 Eucalyptus globulus stands. Elevation, temperature and precipitation were assessed by using the Worldclim database. Using historic inventory data, wood production was projected to an age of 10 years, prior to the arrival of the weevil, and compared with current data for the same stands.
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Efficiency of biological control of Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
by Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in cold areas of the Iberian Peninsula:
Implications for defoliation and wood production in Eucalyptus globulus
Ana Raquel Reis
, Luis Ferreira
, Margarida Tomé
, Clara Araujo
, Manuela Branco
Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF), Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), Technical University of Lisbon (UTL), Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisbon, Portugal
Altri Florestal, SA, Quinta do Furadouro, 2510-582 Olho Marinho, Portugal
article info
Article history:
Received 28 November 2011
Received in revised form 21 January 2012
Accepted 25 January 2012
Economic impact
Biological control
Climate niche
Wood loss
Eucalyptus weevil
Sustainable management of forest plantations and cost-effective control strategies depend on previous
estimations of the economic level of damage caused by the pests. The eucalyptus weevil, a key pest of
Eucalyptus plantations worldwide, is mainly controlled using classical biological control, using the mym-
arid egg-parasitoid Anaphes nitens (Girault). Nevertheless, in several temperate regions, the parasitoid
fails to reduce the weevil populations to economically sustainable levels. This study attempts to (i) relate
the efficiency of the parasitoid with climate variables, (ii) relate the level of damage caused by the weevil
with the rate of parasitism, (iii) estimate the implications of weevil damage on wood production. Weevil
density, damage caused by defoliation on the upper crown and parasitism rates were monitored in 2007,
in 34 Eucalyptus globulus stands. Elevation, temperature and precipitation were assessed by using the
Worldclim database. Using historic inventory data, wood production was projected to an age of 10 years,
prior to the arrival of the weevil, and compared with current data for the same stands.
Parasitism rate by A. nitens was a key element explaining weevil density and tree defoliation, r
= 0.37
and 0.41 (p< 0.001), respectively. Significant relationships between parasitism rates and maximum tem-
perature of the winter months (MaxTw), r
= 0.55 and elevation r
= 0.59 (p< 0.001) were found. Other
climatic variables, such as temperatures of the warmest months and precipitation, were not significantly
related to parasitism rates. An upper threshold limit for the efficiency of the parasitoid appears for
MaxTw of 10–11 °C. The mean percentage of parasitism was low 10.1% (±4.9) for MaxTw below 10 °C,
increasing to 70.9% (±3.8) above 11.5 °C. A reduction of the efficiency of A. nitens due to differences in
the climatic niches of both the host and the parasitoid is hypothesised. The lower temperature threshold
in particular, is of paramount importance for this host-parasitoid system. In consequence, in colder areas
MaxTw < 10 °C, a defoliation of 74.1% was attained. Wood volume (projected to the age of 10 years) was
estimated to decrease to 51% in the affected areas in 2004–2006, compared to the previous period of
1995–1998. Estimated loss in wood volume increased exponentially reaching 43% and 86%, for 75%
and 100% of tree defoliation, respectively. Therefore, considering the increase in the economic costs
calculated for these regions, due to the high defoliation caused by the weevil, research into alternative
control strategies is urgently needed.
Ó2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Pests and diseases seriously threaten the productivity and sus-
tainability of forest plantations. In particular, alien pests and
pathogens, either affecting native or exotic forest plantations, are
known to cause major economic losses in forestry worldwide
(Pimentel et al., 2002). Yet, information on the efficacy of manage-
ment strategies as well as their economic impact is frequently
insufficient (Kenis and Branco, 2010).
Exotic tree species are extensively used in forest plantations
worldwide, allowing high-yield wood production and monetary
revenue (Sedjo, 1999). In particular, Eucalyptus species are pre-
ferred for plantations in many regions for their fast growth, excel-
lent wood-fibre characteristics and tolerance to a wide range of
environmental conditions (Campinhos, 1999; Bhattacharya et al.,
2003; Stape et al., 2004). In the Iberian Peninsula, Eucalyptus plan-
tations represent an important part of the agricultural landscape.
In Spain, 325000 and 175000 ha of Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., respectively, are planted
(Montoya, 1995), and in Portugal eucalyptus plantations represent
about 24% of forest plantations, occupying 740000 ha, mostly
0378-1127/$ - see front matter Ó2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 213653382; fax: +351 213653388.
E-mail address: (M. Branco).
Forest Ecology and Management 270 (2012) 216–222
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E. globulus (AFN, 2010). Although exotic forest plantations initially
benefit from the release of their co-evolved pests and pathogens, in
the longer term such freedom will cease, as eventually the natural
enemies will also reach the new regions of establishment of their
host plant and compromise plantation health and productivity.
Over the past century, several species of insects associated with
Eucalyptus trees have found their way all over the world, thus
becoming serious pests. For instance in Europe nine alien arthro-
pod pests are currently affecting Eucalyptus plantations (Kenis
and Branco, 2010).
The Eucalyptus weevil, referred as Gonipterus scutellatus Gyllen-
hal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the literature, is a major pest of
Eucalyptus plantations worldwide, and both the larvae and the
adults feed on Eucalyptus leaves. However, recent taxonomic and
genetic studies revealed that this name refers to a complex of sev-
eral cryptic species, originating from different regions in Australia
(Newete et al., 2011; Mapondera et al., 2012). According to these
studies, the species found in the Iberian Peninsula is not G. scutell-
atus but G. platensis Marelli, which was described from Argentina
although being native from Tasmania. Further, the Gonipterus spe-
cies introduced in Italy in 1975 and in South-eastern France in
1977, is not G. platensis (Mapondera et al., 2012), thus indicating
the occurrence of multiple introductions in Europe of Gonipterus
In South Africa, Gonipterus spp. referred as G. scutellatus (Tooke,
1953), and now identified as a different, but still undescribed spe-
cies (Newete et al., 2011; Mapondera et al., 2012), was at the
beginning, considered a problem to eucalyptus forestry. Biological
control of the weevil started when an egg-parasitic wasp Anaphes
nitens Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) was first introduced in
South Africa in 1926 (Tooke, 1953). From South Africa, after the ini-
tial success of the agent, the parasitoid was introduced into many
other regions over the world, usually with at least partial success
(e.g., Cordero Rivera et al., 1999; Hanks et al., 2000). Nevertheless,
in temperate regions of South Africa, Western Australia and the
Iberian Peninsula, the damage caused by the eucalyptus weevil re-
mains high, despite the presence of the parasitoid (Loch and Floyd,
2001; Valente et al., 2004; Tribe, 2005; Govender and Wingfield,
2005; Echeverri-Molina and Santolamazza-Carbone, 2010). Both
in Portugal and in Galicia, Spain, G. platensis became a major
limiting factor of Eucalyptus wood production, prompting recent
research programs to cope with this insect pest through either
tree resistance (Basurco and Toval, 2004), chemical control
(Santolamazza-Carbone and Fernandez, 2004; Echeverri-Molina
and Santolamazza-Carbone, 2010), or seasonal augmentative
release of A. nitens, as conducted by Altri Florestal enterprise since
Despite the recognized loss of productivity caused by G. platen-
sis, little is known about the impact of defoliation on tree growth in
the Iberian Peninsula. Reliable estimates of tree growth reduction
due to a specific agent, face a major difficulty since they require
the control of other factors influencing tree susceptibility and tol-
erance, such as soil, climate as well as other biotic interactions.
Chemically treated control trees have been used by some research-
ers to estimate defoliation impact on tree growth (e.g., Salleo et al.,
2003; Loch and Matsuki, 2010). However, in Gonipterus a prefer-
ence of the adults to oviposit on leaves of chemically treated plants
in the weeks following treatment and the combined damage done
by both larvae and adults, mask the true defoliation impact when
compared with non-chemically treated plants (Palma and Valente,
2008). The factors responsible for the low efficiency of the parasit-
oid A. nitens in some regions are still poorly understood, although
some studies indicate differences in parasitism rate related to sea-
son, or host density (Cordero Rivera et al., 1999; Loch, 2008). In the
present study we assess the damage caused by G. platensis and its
relationship with the efficiency of the parasitoid, in relation to site
climate variables, in particular monthly temperatures and precipi-
tation. We further use recent historical data, collected previously
to the arrival of the weevil and current inventory data from the
same stands, to estimate the wood loss caused by G. platensis and
determine its possible economic impact.
2. Methods
2.1. Field surveys: site description
During 2007, 34 pure stands representative of the Eucalyptus
young plantations of the northern and central regions of Portugal,
were monitored. These plantations of E. globulus occupy 2300 ha
(Fig. 1) and present the highest levels of attack by G. platensis
observed in Portugal (Valente et al., 2004). Stands were pure
even-aged, varying between two and five years old. Tree mean
height varied between 2 and 5 m across stands. Further, each stand
was genetically highly uniform, since all plants originated from the
same family. Each of the stands selected was systematically sam-
pled based on a 500 1000 m grid (ca. 1 plot per each 50 ha),
therefore depending on total stand area, 1 to 6 plots resulted per
stand. According to this procedure, a total of 64 plots were sampled
across the 34 stands. The plots sampled were neither affected by
pests other than G. platensis, nor by pathogens, in a conspicuous
The elevation of the plots sampled ranged from 290 to 900 m.
Monthly mean, maximum and minimum temperature and precip-
itation were taken from the WORLDCLIM datasets (Hijmans et al.,
2005; This data set was derived from
the average monthly temperatures and precipitation, measured
between 1950 and 2000, by a network of meteorological stations,
from which climate surfaces were estimated by very high resolu-
tion interpolation, at a resolution of about 1 km
. To interpolated
climate surfaces the model considers elevation as a variable
(Hijmans et al., 2005). This is most relevant for the present study,
given that the studied region is mountainous, where elevation has
a major influence on climate. The network of national meteorolog-
ical stations could not provide accurate information, since the
nearest meteorological stations were at dissimilar elevations and
at a mean distance from the sample points of about 50 km. No cli-
mate extrapolation model at national level was available. Based on
Worldclim estimates, minimum, mean and maximum tempera-
tures of the three warmest (MinTs, MeanTs, MaxTs) and of the
three coldest months (MinTw, MeanTw, MaxTw) were calculated.
2.2. Population density and defoliation level
The densities of adults, larvae and the number of egg masses of
G. platensis in each plot were sampled by choosing an initial point
at the centre of the plot, from which three trees, about 125 m apart,
were selected along a row, thus minimizing spatial autocorrelation.
The number of adult weevils per tree was estimated by bending
and shaking trees over a 2 m wide plastic sleeve, and collecting
fallen weevils. This was possible due to the relatively small tree
size and trunk flexibility of the young trees. When a tree was
impossible to bend, a plastic sheet was placed around its base
and it was hit with a pole. Quick and strong strokes were found
to dislodge the weevils, preventing them from gripping thigh, or
flying away. The relative density of the adults was scored according
to the following scale: (0) no weevils; (1) 1–20 weevils; (2) 21–30
weevils; (3) >30 weevils.
In each tree, the number of young branches with newly formed
leaves, preferred by the weevil for oviposition, was counted. On
two branches of the upper crown of the tree with newly formed
leaves, which were taken from opposite quadrants of the trees,
A.R. Reis et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 270 (2012) 216–222 217
the total number of larvae and egg capsules were counted by care-
fully inspecting all the leaves. The total number of larvae and egg
capsules per tree was then estimated by extrapolating of the total
number of branches with newly formed leaves. Population sam-
pling was made in February 2007, at the peak of the weevil egg lay-
ing activity, as observed during previous field surveys.
In June, after the spring damage, defoliation levels were esti-
mated in the plots sampled. In each plot, 10 trees were selected,
the first one located at the centre of the stand and the other nine
by following a line of trees, along which one tree was selected
approximately every 10 m. The percentage of defoliation was esti-
mated in the upper third of the canopy by visual observation and
comparison with calibrated photographs, considering four levels
of damage: (0) no defoliation; (1) 1–30% defoliation; (2) 30–75%
defoliation; (3) >75% defoliation. Only the upper third of the can-
opy, containing new flushing foliage, was considered because it
represents the section of plant where severe defoliation has taken
place during the spring season.
2.3. Parasitism rates
In each plot, 30 egg capsules were collected from five trees,
located about 125 m apart and selected using the same procedure
as for the trees sampled for weevil density. Only fresh egg capsules,
recognised by their texture, taken from newly foliage, and with no
exit holes were collected. Egg capsules were taken to the labora-
tory to estimate parasitism levels, and kept at about 5 °C in a refrig-
erated chamber during transportation to avoid dehydration.
In the laboratory, each egg capsule was placed in a Petri
dish sealed with parafilm, appropriately identified and stored in
a climate chamber (22 ± 0.5 °C 14hL: 20 ± 0.5 °C 10hD; RH: 55%).
The number of adults of A. nitens which emerged and the number
of weevil larvae which hatched were recorded for each egg capsule,
over 30 days. Egg capsules with no emergences, either larvae or
wasps, were excluded from the analysis. The rate of parasitism
was estimated as the percentage of egg capsules with A. nitens
emergences. The application of this variable is straightforward
and it is highly correlated with the mean number of wasps
emerged per egg mass (r
= 0.916, p< 0.001).
2.4. Wood production loss
Estimates of wood production loss were based on AltriFlorestal
enterprise forest inventory, using data from 31 pure, even-aged E.
globulus stands, distributed over the same region where the forest
plantation used in this study is located. Inventory data comprised
tree height and diameter at breast height (dbh) from all trees with-
in 900 m
plots. For each stand, inventory data referring to two
periods were considered: (1) 1995 to 1998, before the establish-
ment of G. platensis and (2) 2004 to 2006, after the establishment
of G. platensis. Stand age varied from 2 to 10 years.
Defoliation levels were assessed in 2007 by surveying the 31
inventory stands, using the same methods described in section
2.2. This expressed the intensity of damage at site level, as from
our previous field surveys the populations of G. platensis and defo-
liation levels, were kept at similar levels within each site across
years. Of the 31 stands surveyed in 2007, 18 denominated U stands
(undamaged), were not visibly affected by the weevil having a zero
defoliation level, whereas 13 D stands (damaged) experienced
visible defoliation, ranging from medium to severe.
Fig. 1. Site location of 34 Eucalyptus globulus stands monitored in spring (2007) in northern and central Portugal.
218 A.R. Reis et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 270 (2012) 216–222
The inventory data from 1995–1998 and 2004–2006 were pro-
jected onto the rotation age (10 years) using an empirical growth
model, in order to estimate dominant height (mean tree height
of the largest 100 trees per ha) and merchantable volume at har-
vest. This model is operationally used by AltriFlorestal company
and was developed by M. Tomé (unpublished) (Table Appendix
1). Using the same inventory stands, along with the projections
of the estimated merchantable volume at 10 years in the two peri-
ods of time (1995–1998 and 2004–2006), we calculated the loss of
merchantable volume caused by the presence of G. platensis,asa
percentage. This loss of production was then related to the level
of damage observed in the same plots, in 2007 by curve fitting.
2.5. Data analysis
The levels of density of the adult weevils, larvae and egg cap-
sules obtained, as explained in section 2.2., were extrapolated by
multiplying the mean number per branch by the number of
branches with newly foliage to obtain an estimation of density
per tree and then an average of density per tree, at plot level.
Average tree defoliation was expressed as percentage of defoli-
ation of the third upper crown. Parasitism rates were given by the
average percentage of parasitized egg capsules per plot sampled. A
Generalized Linear Model, type III mean squares, was used to ana-
lyze differences between stands, on the following predictor vari-
ables: adult density, larva density and egg capsule density. A
Poisson distribution with log link function was used and the results
were presented in Wald Chi-square (W), degrees of freedom (df)
and p-value. Pearson’s correlations were estimated to assess the
relationship between population density, parasitism rate and site
variables. Lack of fit tests were performed for the linear regression
between these variables and defoliation. Non-parametric Spear-
man correlation (r
) was instead used, when lack of fit of a linear
model was observed. Pairwise t-test were applied to compare
dominant height (dh) and merchantable volume projected to
10-years of age (Vm
), between the two periods: 1995–1998, be-
fore establishment of the weevil, and 2004–2006, after the estab-
lishment of the weevil; tests were applied independently on both
types of stands, currently defoliated (D) and undamaged (U). For
current defoliated stands, the loss of merchantable volume as
dependent variable in function of defoliation was fitted through
curve estimation. Linear, power, logarithmic and exponential func-
tions were tested, the function providing the best fit being selected.
All analyses were performed with SPSS 18.0 software for Windows
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The results were considered statisti-
cally significant at p< 0.05. Data are presented as means ± standard
3. Results
3.1. Weevil density and defoliation damage
Significant differences between stands were found for the mean
number of egg capsules (W= 100.57; df = 28; p< 0.001), weevil lar-
val density (W= 133.68; df = 33; p< 0.001) and weevil adult den-
sity (W= 184.60; df = 33; p< 0.001).
Average defoliation of the upper third of the canopy in the spring
of 2007 was 55.5% ± 3.3, n= 64. The intensity of damage measured
in June increased with the density of adults, larvae and egg capsules
estimated in February (Fig. 2). Additionally, adult density in Febru-
ary gave the best prediction of spring season defoliation levels
= 0.77, F
= 204.25, p< 0.001). The results showed no lack of
fit for the linear regression model for this variable (F
= 0.708,
p= 0.591). A lower correlation between larvae and late season defo-
liation was observed although it was still significant (Fig. 2). A
significant lack of fit for the linear regression of spring defoliation
in function of both larvae (F
= 4.405, p= 0.004) and egg masses
= 6.109, p< 0.001) was observed. Yet, Spearman correlations
with defoliation were significant, r
= 0.694; r
= 0.751 p< 0.001,
for larvae and egg masses, respectively.
Defoliation level increased with elevation (r
= 0.48, F
57.81, p< 0.001) and precipitation (r
= 0.21, F
= 16.49, p
< 0.001). On the other hand, defoliation was negatively correlated
with the average temperature of the three coldest months
(MaxTw) r
= 33, F
= 30.16, p< 0.001, and of the three warmest
months (MaxTs) r
= 0.30, F
= 26.75, p< 0.001. The average defo-
liation was 74.1 ± 7.7% for sites exhibiting MaxTw below 10 °C,
whereas it decreased to 33.5 ± 4.8% for sites where MaxTw sur-
passed 11.5 °C.
3.2. Parasitism rates by nitens
The number of wasps emerging per egg capsule ranged from 0
to 14, with a mean of 2.22 ± 3.21. Parasitism rates varied from 0
to 100%, with a mean of 44.1 ± 3.9%. Significant negative correla-
tions of 0.61, 0.42 and 0.64 (p< 0.001) were found between
the rates of parasitism and the density of adult weevils, egg cap-
sules and defoliation levels, respectively. Also the parasitism rate
correlated negatively with elevation (Table 1). Above 700 m eleva-
tion, the mean percentage of parasitism was 14.7 ± 3.9%, whereas
below 400 m it was 76.6 ± 10.2%.
The analysis of the climatic variables showed that the maxi-
mum temperature of the three coldest months was the variable
that could better explained the differences in parasitism rates
observed among plots, whereas correlations with temperatures of
the three warmest months and total precipitation, were not signif-
icant (Table 1). Maximum temperatures of the three coldest
months (MaxTw) between 10 and 11 °C evidenced a threshold lim-
it (Fig. 3). Below 10 °C of MaxTw, parasitism rates were extremely
low and independent of the temperature (F
= 0.221, p= 0.653),
whereas above this threshold parasitism rates increased signifi-
cantly with temperature (F
= 39.257, p< 0.001). For sites with
Defoliation (%)
Mean number of Gonipterus platensis
Egg masses
= 0.56, p <0.001
= 0.48, p <0.001
= 0.76, p <0.001
Fig. 2. Average defoliation (%) of the upper third of the tree canopy of Eucalyptus
globulus, observed in June 2007, in relation to the average number of egg masses,
larvae and adult of G. platensis estimated in February 2007, on 64 plots located in
northern and central Portugal.
Table 1
Pearson correlation, r, between the parasitism rate and the climatic variables:
maximum and minimum temperatures of the three coldest (MaxTw, MinTw) and
warmest (MaxTs, MinTs) months, and total rainfall (Rain) and elevation.
MaxTw MinTw MaxTs MinTs Rain Elevation
r0.741 0.554 0.345 0.171 0.173 0.760
p-value <0.001 <0.001 0.052 0.177 0.172 <0.001
A.R. Reis et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 270 (2012) 216–222 219
MaxTw below 10 °C, the mean parasitism rate was 10.1 ± 4.9%,
ranging from 0 to 45%, whereas at MaxTw above 11.5 °C it was
70.9 ± 3.8%, ranging from 50 to 100% (Fig. 3).
3.3. Wood production loss
A significant decrease in both dominant height (dh) and mer-
chantable volume, projected to 10 years of age, was observed in
the stands currently attacked by the weevil (D) in comparison
with the values obtained for the same stands before establishment
of the weevil (1995–1998). Losses in dh and merchantable volume
in currently attacked plantations were estimated to be on average,
about 29% and 51%, respectively (Table 2). In contrast, wood pro-
ductivity did not decrease in the stands currently not attacked by
the weevil (U); in fact a slight increase in merchantable volume
and dh was observed in recent stands in comparison with historical
ones, although the differences were not significant (Table 2).
When the stands under current attack by the weevil (D) are
considered, an exponential increase of wood loss as a function of
the intensity of defoliation provide the best fit (R
= 0.83;
p< 0.001) (Fig. 4). For 50 and 75% of the defoliation of the upper
third canopy, the predicted loss in merchantable volume was 21
and 42%, respectively. This production loss increased substantially
to 86% when defoliation was 100%, as frequently observed in
stands located above 700 m of elevation in the study area.
4. Discussion
Knowledge of the impacts of forest pests, as well as the efficacy
of pest management strategies is essential for forest managers.
Classical biological control using co-evolved natural enemies is
one of the most promising management tools for the control of
exotic pests. Nevertheless, besides other inherent risks (van
Lenteren et al., 2003), the efficiency of the biological control organ-
ism is not always satisfactory. Over 80% of the organisms released
for the biological control of arthropods do not result effective (Hall
et al., 1980). Understanding the reasons for such failures will
contribute to improve the efficacy of biological control programs.
The parasitoid A. nitens is the main agent used worldwide to con-
trol the eucalyptus weevil (Hanks et al., 2000; Paine et al., 2000;
Sanches, 2000). Nevertheless, in regions of Galicia (Spain) and of
northern and central Portugal, the damage caused by the weevil
is above the level of economic acceptance, despite successive
releases of the parasitoid by public and private forest enterprises
(Cordero Rivera et al., 1999; Valente et al., 2004). Inefficient rates
of parasitism by A. nitens were also recorded in some areas of South
Africa (Tribe, 2005) and southwestern Australia (Loch, 2008). Pos-
sible reasons for the reduced efficacy of the parasitoid have been
suggested, such as microclimatic conditions and fluctuations in the
population dynamics of both the host and parasitoid (Cordero
Rivera et al., 1999; Santolamazza-Carbone and Fernandez, 2004;
Loch, 2008). Since A. nitens is highly host specific, it has been sug-
gested that high parasitism rates may lead to a local extinction of
the host and consequently to the collapse of the A. nitens popula-
tion, originating a release of the weevil from the parasitoid in the
next generation (Cordero Rivera et al., 1999). In the present study,
the mean parasitism rates varied between 0 and 100%. High para-
sitism rates were observed only at sites with low elevation, where
G. platensis was under control. In effect, mean parasitism reached
100% in two sites, located at 430 and 290 m elevation, in which
mean defoliation was low, 6.7 and 20%, respectively. Therefore,
the hypothesis of host-parasitoid population disruption by high
parasitism rates was not observed in this study.
In the present study, the rate of parasitism by A. nitens and con-
sequent efficient control of G. platensis, were found to vary along an
altitudinal range, decreasing steeply with elevation, as previously
observed by Valente et al. (2004). Analysis of the climatic variables
showed that the parasitism rate was most strongly correlated with
temperature of the warmest hours of the day, during the three
coldest months (r= 0.74), whereas no significant relationship with
temperatures during the summer months, or with precipitation
was found. Maximum temperatures of the three coldest months,
between 10 and 11 °C, were found to set the lower threshold for
the efficiency of the parasitoid. The fact that parasitism ranges
from 0 to 45% in regions with maximum winter temperatures be-
low 10 °C, but from 50 to 100% under temperatures equal, or above,
12 °C(Fig. 3) indicates that A. nitens is ineffective at low tempera-
tures, below 10 °C, such as those prevailing during the winter and
early spring months. Precipitation does not seem to be a relevant
variable since it did not correlate significantly with the rate of
parasitism. Other regions where the parasitoid fails to efficiently
control the eucalyptus weevil also experience climates with cold-
temperate winters, confirming that low temperatures might be a
limiting factor for this host-parasitoid system (Cordero Rivera
R2= 0.549, p<0.001
7 8 9 1011121314
Parasitism rate %
Maximum temperature of the three coldest months ºC
Fig. 3. Relationship between parasitism rate and maximum temperature observed
during the three coldest months of the year (December, January and February),
calculated from WorldClim monthly datasets, and from 64 plots located in northern
and central Portugal.
Table 2
Dominant height (dh) and merchantable volume projected to 10-years of age (Vm),
±SE, in two types of stands, currently defoliated (D) and undamaged (U) by G.
platensis, and two periods: 1995–98 before establishment of the beetle; 2004–06,
after establishment, in the northern and central regions of Portugal. For the same
stand category, different letters indicate significant differences, t-test (p< 0.05).
Defoliated stands - D Undamaged stands - U
1995–98 2004–06
% 1995–98 2004–06
dh 21.6
± 0.5 15.4
± 1.4 28.6 19.9
± 0.5 21.4
± 0.6 +7.5
Vm 141.3
± 7.6 69.8
± 10.5 50.6 114. 8
± 9.0 115.3
± 6.8 +0.4
y = 5.428 e0.027x
R² = 0.834
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage decrease in projected
wood volume (%)
Defoliation (%)
Fig. 4. Relationship between the level of damage by G. platensis and the decrease in
the projected merchantable volume (%) at age 10 years in Eucalyptus globulus stands
in northern and central regions of Portugal.
220 A.R. Reis et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 270 (2012) 216–222
et al., 1999; Tribe, 2005). However, this system is also considered
to be ‘‘unnatural’’, as A. nitens originates from South Australia
(Tooke, 1953), a region with a warm to mild climate, whereas G.
platensis is native from Tasmania (Mapondera et al., 2012), a region
with a colder climate. Adaptation of parasitoid and host to different
climatic niches, in particular regarding low-temperature thresh-
olds, may thus explain the failure of A. nitens to achieve high par-
asitism rates in colder areas, or times of the year. In agreement
with this hypothesis, G. platensis in our field observations started
oviposition in mid-January and February, when average maximum
temperatures are below 10 °C, thus precluding A. nitens from
becoming active. The geographical mismatch between G. platensis
and A. nitens therefore seems to arise from different climatic
preferences and temperature thresholds. On the contrary, in other
regions such as South Africa, no geographical/ evolutionary mis-
match between A. nitens and its Gonipterus host exists, since both
are native to South Australia (Rolf Oberprieler, com. pers.).
Average crown defoliation decreased with higher winter tem-
peratures and increased with elevation, to an average of 75% at
elevations above 700 m. This result, as well as the negative rela-
tionship found between parasitism and weevil population density,
are most probably indirect effects of the low efficiency of the par-
asitoid, under colder conditions. In contrast, the positive correla-
tion detected between defoliation and precipitation may be due
to a higher tree primary productivity (higher new-flush biomass
available for the weevil) in the summer.
Determination of the impact of high levels of defoliation on
wood production is crucial but difficult and frequently con-
founded by several factors, depending on the particular insect-
plant system. In the present study we used an empirical growth
model applied to historical and current inventory data, before
and after the establishment of G. platensis in the study area, in
1999. Results predict a high impact of the defoliation caused by
the weevil on the productivity of E. globulus plantations, as pro-
jected to 10 years of age, leading to an average loss of 51% in mer-
chantable volume in the affected stands. Wood volume losses
increased exponentially with tree defoliation (R
= 0.84), 43%
and 86% losses being projected for 75% and 100% defoliation,
respectively. The high wood loss observed may be due, in part,
to the continuous feeding of the weevils during the spring and
autumn, as well as to the continuous growth of the trees, and it
further suggests that fast-growing trees may be at higher risk of
decreased wood production due to severe defoliation. Our results
apparently contradicts previous findings that defoliation by
Gonipterus weevils has a limited impact on growth of E. globulus
(Loch and Matsuki, 2010). In this study however, defoliation esti-
mates of 18–33% were calculated for the growing tip of the trees
affected, whereas mean defoliation of the control group remained
at 5–16%. Nevertheless, even for this moderate defoliation, Loch
and Matsuki (2010) estimated a significant impact of defoliation
on tree growth over a 2.5-year period. Also, Pinkard et al.
(2006) found that as little as a 20% defoliation of three-year-old
E. globulus, resulted in significant reductions of stem growth,
within one year only after defoliation. In our study, defoliation
was far more severe, ranging from 75 to 100% in the most seri-
ously affected areas. A value of 50% defoliation resulted in a
decrease of wood loss production of up to 21%.
Despite such high values, wood loss is probably underesti-
mated. The growth model projected wood volume to a tree age
of 10 years, considering the dominant height and stand basal area
measured at a given age, but the model disregards the effect of
defoliation on the future growth of the trees. However, consecutive
reduction of leaf surface, essential for tree growth, will also impact
negatively during several post-defoliation years (Kulman, 1971).
Secondly, successive defoliation events are likely to occur in the
years following the inventories, accounting for further reduction
in growth.
Field monitoring, to anticipate future plantation damage may
thus be most helpful to decision makers. In the present study we
found that the population of adult weevils at the end of winter
was significantly linearly related to the percentage of defoliation
at the end of spring. Therefore, field monitoring of adult weevils
may constitute a planning tool of pest management decisions, for
this particular insect-plant system.
As observed in other regions, efficient parasitism by A. nitens
results in low damage by the weevils at low elevations with war-
mer climates. However, in Portugal, about 1/3 of the eucalyptus
plantations are located in central and northern regions above
450 m elevation, in which the estimated wood loss is severe. In
light of the high economic cost uncovered by the present work,
we advocate research on control strategies alternative to classical
biological control with A. nitens, for these regions. Given the evi-
dent mismatch between the parasitoid and host, the logical strat-
egy will be to look for natural (‘‘co-evolved’’) parasitoid species,
native from the same geographical region.
We thank AltriFlorestal for supporting this study through a col-
laboration protocol with ISA-UTL and Dr. Rolf Oberprieler (CSIRO
Ecosystem Sciences, Canberra, Australia) for comments on an ear-
lier version of this article. Additional funding support was provided
by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) through project PTDC/
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
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222 A.R. Reis et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 270 (2012) 216–222
... feed on developing eucalypt leaves, buds, and shoots of the upper crown and cause defoliation and stunted growth, which results in significant losses in forest growth and wood production (Loch and Matsuki, 2010;Schröder et al., 2020). Reis et al. (2012) predicted that the defoliation caused by Gonipterus could reach 50 %, resulting in up to 21 % wood production loss. ...
... Classical biological control of Gonipterus spp. using Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) has been one of the most impressive examples of biological control in Europe (Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018), Africa (Tribe, 2005) and the Americas (Hanks et al., 2000;Medeiros de Souza et al., 2016). This could be the end of the story, but parasitism rates do not frequently reach financially sustainable levels (Pereira et al., 2023); and are affected by climate and population dynamics fluctuations of the host and the parasitoid (Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018). ...
... using Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) has been one of the most impressive examples of biological control in Europe (Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018), Africa (Tribe, 2005) and the Americas (Hanks et al., 2000;Medeiros de Souza et al., 2016). This could be the end of the story, but parasitism rates do not frequently reach financially sustainable levels (Pereira et al., 2023); and are affected by climate and population dynamics fluctuations of the host and the parasitoid (Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018). Furthermore, it has been suggested that the G. scutellatus species complex could differentially respond to parasitism (Mapondera et al., 2012). ...
Full-text available
The Eucalyptus snout beetles, which belong to the Gonipterus scutellatus species complex, cause heavy damage to Eucalyptus spp. worldwide. The species was reported in Antioquia, Colombia for the first time in 2016, threatening more than 115,000 ha of planted Eucalyptus spp. Elsewhere, its damage has been controlled using Anaphes spp. as classical biological control, but Anaphes spp. are not available in Colombia, where there are no documented control methods for this species to date. We identified the Gonipterus species using molecular methods and isolated entomopathogenic fungi from naturally infected beetles collected from the current distribution area in Colombia. We characterised the fungal isolates, selecting the best to develop a biological control agent. We considered insecticidal activity, UV-B radiation tolerance, yield, germination, and enzyme activity of conidia in making our selection. We confirmed the presence of G. platensis in Colombia, with adults naturally infected by Beauveria spp. and Metarhizium spp. From the isolated native fungi, M. brunneum (CA-3), M. robertsii (RI-1), B. bassiana (CA-1) and (CA-2), B. pseudobassiana (SP-1) were identified. We found remarkable differences in response to different variables between the selected isolates and SP-1 and CA-3 were the most virulent. The SP-1 isolate stood out from the rest for being the most tolerant to UV-B radiation, alkaline media, and low temperatures, germinating faster and producing elevated levels of lipases, chitinases, and proteases. The identified promising native fungus isolate, naturally occurring on field individuals, could be used to develop a biopesticide for controlling G. platensis in Eucalyptus spp. plantations in Colombia.
... Gonipterus platensis Marelli (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), along with two other species of Gonipterus, were accidentally introduced from Australia into other parts of the world and became severe eucalypt pests (Tooke, 1995;Mapondera et al., 2012;Hurley et al., 2016). Continuous feeding, both in the larval and adult stages, leads to partial or total defoliation, reducing the photosynthetic capacity of plants, loss of apical dominance, stunted growth, and wood losses (Tooke, 1995;Loch, 2006;Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018). In Portugal, G. platensis was detected in 1995 and quickly became a key pest of E. globulus (Valente et al., 2018). ...
... In Portugal, G. platensis was detected in 1995 and quickly became a key pest of E. globulus (Valente et al., 2018). Among the available methods for the control of G. platensis, classical biological control with the egg parasitoid Anaphes nitens (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is the most widely used and costeffective (Tooke, 1995;Cordero-Rivera et al., 1999;Hanks et al., 2000;Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018). Despite good results in many countries, A. nitens has not always achieved complete success, particularly in regions with temperate climate in South America, Southwestern Europe, South Africa, and Western Australia (Cordero-Rivera et al., 1999;Loch and Floyd, 2001;Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018). ...
... Among the available methods for the control of G. platensis, classical biological control with the egg parasitoid Anaphes nitens (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is the most widely used and costeffective (Tooke, 1995;Cordero-Rivera et al., 1999;Hanks et al., 2000;Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018). Despite good results in many countries, A. nitens has not always achieved complete success, particularly in regions with temperate climate in South America, Southwestern Europe, South Africa, and Western Australia (Cordero-Rivera et al., 1999;Loch and Floyd, 2001;Reis et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2018). Two other Anaphes species are known to parasitize Gonipterus spp., namely Anaphes tasmaniae Huber and Prinsloo and Anaphes inexpectatus Huber and Prinsloo (Huber and Prinsloo, 1990). ...
The Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus platensis, is one of the main pests of eucalypts outside its native range. Among the available control methods for this pest, classical biological control with Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) has been the most widely used, but it is not always effective. To identify other natural enemies that might provide further pest control, a field survey was conducted in Tasmania, Australia, in which Anagonia spp. were found to parasitize 7 % of Gonipterus spp. larvae. One species was subsequently identified as the solitary parasitoid Anagonia lasiophthalma, based on direct comparisons with research collection material in Australia. To assess the potential of this species as a biological control agent, A. lasiophthalma was reared on G. platensis larvae under quarantine conditions, and its biology and reproductive strategy were studied in the laboratory. Global mating success was 58 %, with 66 of the 114 A. lasiophthalma females analyzed mating within an established 10-day period. Most females mated within 48 h after emergence and started to parasitize about a week later. Dissections of mated females showed that this species is ovolarviparous, incubating its eggs in an ovisac, before inserting them “ready-to-hatch” directly into the host using a piercing structure derived from the modification of a sternite in the female terminalia. Over the course of their lifetime, females on average produced 35 offspring and post-mortem dissections revealed an additional 32 eggs in the ovisac. Longevity of females and males was similar, ranging between 55 and 84 days, but females maintained without host larvae lived longer than females exposed to host larvae. These results provide relevant information to improve laboratory rearing protocols and suggest that A. lasiophthalma may be effective against the snout beetle in its invaded range.
... Damage includes crown defoliation, stag-horned or witches' broom appearance, epicormic and stunted growth, reduced tree vigor, and loss of apical dominance (CABI, 2021;Lanfranco & Dungey, 2001), all of which make the trees more susceptible to attack by other organisms (Fiorentino & de Medina, 1991). Indeed, Eucalyptus snout beetle infestations were projected to produce between 20% and 85% losses in wood production over a 10-year growth period (Reis et al., 2012). These impacts have raised repeated concern and motivated the study and development of different management tactics, including chemical control (Lanfranco & Dungey, 2001;Mally, 1924), silvicultural control (Tooke, 1955) González et al., 2010;Hanks et al., 2000;Reis et al., 2012). ...
... Indeed, Eucalyptus snout beetle infestations were projected to produce between 20% and 85% losses in wood production over a 10-year growth period (Reis et al., 2012). These impacts have raised repeated concern and motivated the study and development of different management tactics, including chemical control (Lanfranco & Dungey, 2001;Mally, 1924), silvicultural control (Tooke, 1955) González et al., 2010;Hanks et al., 2000;Reis et al., 2012). The egg parasitoid, Anaphes nitens, has been the most widely used bio controller of Eucalyptus snout beetles, with mostly good but sometimes incomplete success (Garcia et al., 2019;Hanks et al., 2000;Loch, 2008;Mapondera et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2017). ...
... The egg parasitoid, Anaphes nitens, has been the most widely used bio controller of Eucalyptus snout beetles, with mostly good but sometimes incomplete success (Garcia et al., 2019;Hanks et al., 2000;Loch, 2008;Mapondera et al., 2012;Valente et al., 2017). Failure to successfully control beetle populations has been attributed, in part, to a climatic effect and to temporal asynchrony between host and parasitoid (Cordero Rivera et al., 1999;Reis et al., 2012), but also to the target species not being a preferred host for the parasitoid (Mapondera et al., 2012). Interestingly, A. nitens has been recently reported in Ecuador (Salazar-Basurto et al., 2023), but given the above-mentioned caveats, further studies about the ecology, life history, and host preference of the beetles and their parasitoids would certainly contribute to effective biological control strategies. ...
Full-text available
Eucalyptus snout beetles are a complex of at least eight cryptic species (Curculionidae: Gonipterus scutellatus complex), native to mainland Australia and Tasmania, that defoli-ate Eucalyptus trees and are considered important pests. Since the 19th century, three species of the complex have been introduced to other continents. Here, we document the presence of Eucalyptus snout beetles in Ecuador. We used DNA data for species identification and unambiguously demonstrated that the Ecuadorian specimens belong to the species Gonipterus platensis, which has low genetic diversity compared with other species in the complex. We analyzed G. platensis' potential distribution in South America with ecological niche models and found several areas of high to intermediate climatic suitability, even in countries where the pest has not been registered, like Peru and Bolivia. Accurate identification of species in the G. scutellatus complex and understanding of their potential distribution are essential tools for improved management and prevention tactics. K E Y W O R D S ecological niche model, forest pest, Gonipterus platensis, invasive species
... The distribution of the insect is also expanding, as G. platensis was recently introduced in Ecuador ( Crespo-Pérez et al., 2023) and detected in new regions in Brazil (Ribeiro et al., 2023). Infestations of G. platensis can result in considerable productivity loss, such as a 42.8% reduction in the Mean Annual Increment (MAI) in Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus dunnii hybrids, reported in Brazil (Souza et al., 2016), and wood loss of more than 85% in Eucalytptus globulus Labill, reported in Portugal (Reis et al., 2012). Damage is mainly caused by the larval phase of these insects. ...
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Background Gonipterus platensis Marelli, 1926 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is one of the main defoliating beetles in Eucalyptus plantations. Biological control with egg parasitoids is one of the main control strategies for this pest and a constant supply of fresh host eggs is required to rear the parasitoids. Polyandry can influence Gonipterus oviposition by increasing female fecundity and fertility; however, the high density of individuals in laboratory colonies can lead to male harassment, resulting in lower reproduction rate. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of monoandry and polyandry on the reproduction of G. platensis and the effects of male harassment on laboratory rearing conditions. Methods Reproductive parameters were compared between three treatments: monoandry, where the female was allowed to mate daily with the same male; no choice polyandry, where the female was allowed to mate daily with a different male; and polyandry with choice, where the female was allowed to mate daily, but with a choice between five different males. Another experiment varying the density of males was conducted to evaluate the effect of male harassment. Results Polyandry with choice resulted in the longest period of oviposition, highest fecundity and highest number of eggs per egg capsules when compared to monoandrous females. No negative effect related to male harassment in the laboratory, such as decreased fertility, fecundity, or number of eggs per egg capsule, was detected. Conclusion Polyandry contributes to mass rearing as it increases fecundity and oviposition period on females and there is no evidence of male harassment on G. platensis .
... by A. nitens worldwide. Climate has been recognized as a key factor in this biocontrol system early on (Reis et al., 2012;Tooke, 1955), and is expected to become increasingly important with ongoing global warming. Furthermore, the Eucalyptus species compositions of South African plantations have been changing over the past decades (Morris, 2022), which could affect this biocontrol system through tri-trophic interactions. ...
Introductions of natural enemies in classical biocontrol programs potentially cause genetic bottlenecks which can be detrimental for biocontrol. This can be mitigated by introducing multiple populations of a natural enemy, but thorough pre-release testing is needed to ensure compatibility. In this study compatibility between an established population of Anaphes nitens in South Africa and a newly imported A. nitens population from Australia was tested. Anaphes nitens is an egg parasitoid of Gonipterus sp. n. 2, an important pest in Eucalyptus plantations. South African and Australian A. nitens lineages were compared to two admixed lineages, which were reared from the F0 to the F2 generation. No differences were found in the proportion of replicates producing offspring overall, or female offspring specifically, indicating there was no sexual isolation between the populations. The typical symptoms of cytoplasmic incompatibility in haplodiploids, namely male biased sex ratios, were not observed. The lack of significant differences in fecundity and development time between the lineages suggested that there was no hybrid vigour or outbreeding depression. We conclude that a field release of the imported A. nitens population poses a low risk of disrupting the existing biocontrol program due to reproductive barriers or outbreeding depression. Whether there is a benefit of adding the newly imported Australian A. nitens population to the existing biocontrol system in South Africa needs to be studied further, for example by performing a field release combined with post-release assessments for determining establishment and spread.
... Although temperature is a strong determinant of the formation of G. scutellatus, drought is also an important factor. For example, Reis et al. (2012) established that the weevil is less viable under extreme drought conditions. Loch (2006) also found that weevil egg numbers are reduced in severe drought conditions when oviposition sites on new flushing foliage are scarce. ...
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Eucalyptus plantations are an important contributor to the South African economy and are geographically concentrated in the productive Zululand region. However, this area is becoming increasingly vulnerable to various forest disturbances such as insect attacks and drought. Information of the location, extent and duration of insect infestation is therefore crucial for sustainable timber production and forest management planning, and remote sensing approaches have been successful in the retrieval and analysis of such information along with field surveys. Sappi Forests frequently conduct field surveys to establish the nature of disturbances to improve the performance of trees, as these may be difficult to distinguish from other disturbances such as droughts. Great effort has been made to remotely detect the impact of G. scutellatus using single-date high-resolution commercial satellites, whose application is restricted by high costs. Here, we compare the performance of spectral indices for detecting the impact of G. scutellatus infestation in KwaMbonambi plantations using publicly available Landsat data and also apply anomaly detection framework to further test their performance for detecting the impact of insect damage on trees and other disturbances that occurred on the same compartment over time. Our results showed high performance of short-wave infrared (SWIR) band for detecting the impact of insect damage, followed by the normalized difference infrared index (NDII) and normalized difference vegetation index NDVI, when anomaly detection was applied. Without anomaly detection, the spectral indicators showed changes even to drought impact in 2015, which did not when anomaly detection was used. We believe that indices containing the SWIR would perform better for detecting anomalous changes, and further research is required to explore this. Anomaly detection only showed the impact of insect damage and clearcutting as anomalous changes. Overall, we demonstrated the benefit of identifying vegetation anomalies caused by the impact of insect damage and other disturbances using freely available Landsat time-series data, particularly in data-poor regions that have restricted computational resources.
... However, the efficacy of A. nitens to suppress the population of Gonipterus spp. has not been consistent over the years (Reis et al., 2012;Schröder et al., 2020). For example, Loch (2008) reported that A. nitens was not as effective in cold highland areas in southwestern Australia and South Africa. ...
Ailanthus altissima is an Asian tree species that has become invasive on all continents except Antarctica. In Europe, it frequently invades native floodplain forest habitats. Three methods of control are known presently, namely mechanical, chemical, and biological. As each method has its advantages and disadvantages, we compared chemical control using glyphosate with biological control using the Verticillium nonalfalfae isolate Vert56 in the protected area of the Danube floodplain forests belonging to the municipality of Bratislava, Slovakia. Furthermore, we modelled the potential distribution of A. altissima in Bratislava and searched for factors that influenced its distribution. Our results showed that although chemical control is more effective in inducing mortality of inoculated individuals, biological control additionally allows the elimination of individuals growing in the vicinity of inoculated individuals. Results also suggest that, in the situation where the Verticillium wilt becomes chronic, microclimatic conditions may play a significant role in biological control, as individuals growing in dry, sunny sites showed a higher percentage of mortality compared to individuals growing in moist, shaded forest sites. According to the species distribution model, A. altissima is equally likely to exist in urban areas and floodplain forests, as evidenced by the same probability of species occurrence. A. altissima is spreading into Bratislava´s floodplain forests, primarily around roads and railway tracks, but it also benefits from increased light conditions on forest regeneration sites caused by deforestation.
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Agriculture and forestry cover more than 75% of Europe, and invertebrate pests are a costly challenge for these two economic sectors. Landscape management is increasingly promoted as a solution to enhance biological pest control, but little is known on its effects on adjacent crop fields and woodlands. This study aims to explore the effect of the proportion of woodlands and permanent grasslands as well as crop diversity on biological pest control simultaneously in cereals fields and woodland patches, in south-western France. We used different types of sentinel prey as well as bird and carabid community metrics to assess biological pest control potential in these two ecosystems. We first show that land cover variables influence biological pest control both in cereal fields and woodland patches, but have antagonistic effects in the two ecosystems. Although results vary according to the biological control indicator considered, we show that increasing landscape heterogeneity represents a valuable solution to manage trade-offs and promote higher average predation rates across forests and cereal fields. Our study therefore calls for more integrative studies to identify landscape management strategies that enable nature-based solutions across ecosystems.
This study examines the performance and potential of intensively managed plantation forests as a source of industrial wood, and their environmental implications. The perspective of the study is global. Although it includes the United States and parts of Europe, much of the focus is on what are called the 'emerging' plantation regions - countries largely in the semitropical areas of the southern hemisphere - which have not historically been important wood producers, but are growing in importance as a result of the productivity of their planted forests. The first section of this paper documents the growing importance of plantations as a source of industrial wood since the late 1970s. The study finds that plantations from nontraditional (new) regions have been growing rapidly in size and economic importance, and, thus, have been playing an increasing role as a source of the world industrial wood. Furthermore, experience seems to suggest that plantations are playing an environmentally beneficial role in (1) reducing pressure on greater areas of natural forests and (2) generating positive environmental effects as they replace degraded marginal agricultural lands. The second section of the paper examines the likely role of plantation forests in the future, and includes an assessment of financial, political and environmental considerations. This section pays particular attention to the concerns frequently expressed by environmentalists regarding plantations. Many of the objections directed at forest plantations on environmental grounds appear to ignore the substantial beneficial role of plantations on the environment. Plantations, which are financially very attractive in many locations, offer the potential of meeting large portions of the world industrial wood needs even while reducing substantially the disturbances on large areas of natural forests. This is possible because the very high productivity of plantation forests requires less area to produce industrial wood.
Abstract Trends in, and potential causes of, insect pest problems of the Tasmanian blue gum, Eucalyptus globulus globulus, in south-western Australia are reviewed. Historical evidence suggests that insect pest problems of E. g. globulus in south-western Australia have greatly increased in the last 10 years, which corresponds to a time of rapid expansion of the blue gum industry in the region. Current major establishment pests include the African black beetle, Heteronychus arator, spring beetles, Liparetrus spp. and Heteronyx spp., and the wingless grasshopper, Phaulacridium vittatum. Current major pests of established trees are the Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, and chrysomelid beetles, Chrysophtharta spp. and Cadmus excrementarius. The occurrence of these insects on an introduced eucalypt is not unexpected because insect-rich native eucalypt forests dominate the landscape where E. g. globulus plantations are grown. Insect damage may also be exacerbated because E. g. globulus is grown as a monoculture.
The Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus Gyllenhal, is the most serious pest of established Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southwestern Australia where it may have been introduced from its endemic origin in southeastern Australia. This species has been introduced to many countries but has been brought under successful biological control by the introduction of the egg parasitoid, Anaphes nitens Girault, from southeastern Australia. I investigated whether the elevated pest status of G. scutellatus in southwestern Australia is a result of inadequate biological control by quantifying parasitism rates of the pest. Parasitism rates of G. scutellatus egg masses by A. nitens were very low between late winter and mid spring when most oviposition occurs, and a high percentage of parasitised egg masses at these times were incompletely parasitised. Parasitism rates from late spring onwards approached 100%, but fewer egg masses were laid at these times. Low parasitism rates up to mid spring are likely to be due to low numbers of A. nitens at these times because hosts are not available for half the year. In southwestern Australia G. scutellatus has one principal oviposition period in early spring and a second lesser oviposition period in early summer. This short reproductive period appears to be caused by a scarcity of suitable new flushing foliage after spring that is essential for G. scutellatus reproduction. A. nitens did not emerge from eggs of the closely related weevil Oxyops despite eggs of this species being available at a time when G. scutellatus hosts were largely unavailable. Taxonomic difficulties with Gonipterus and possibly Anaphes may also explain the breakdown of biological control in southwestern Australia, and taxonomic revision of these insect groups must be a future research priority.
Plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in southwestern Australia are defoliated by Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, and a complex of chrysomelid and scarab beetles, yet there is no information on the impact of beetle defoliation to tree growth in southwestern Australia. To address this shortcoming, we used insect exclusion trials, to compare growth of insecticide treated (and thus relatively undamaged) trees with untreated (and thus defoliated) trees to determine whether defoliation by G. scutellatus and other beetles reduced the growth and harvest volume of E. globulus trees. Our results showed some evidence of beetle defoliation reducing growth of E. globulus. Mean defoliation levels of the growing tip of untreated trees ranged from 18% to 33% across the duration of the study and were significantly greater than mean defoliation levels of 5–16% on insecticide treated trees. Seasonal peaks in defoliation of 30–80% to the growing tip of untreated trees were recorded between late spring and early autumn. The greatest impact of defoliation on tree growth was evident during the 2.5 year period of insect exclusion, when higher relative growth rates were recorded for insecticide treated trees, which were significantly different from relative growth rates of untreated trees at two of the four plantations. However, our results showed only a limited impact of beetle defoliation on the total volume at harvest. Initially small trees tended to suffer more severe defoliation than initially large trees. Effects of insect exclusion treatment on harvest volume were modified by the initial tree size and the relationship between the initial tree size and levels of defoliation.